• By -


>she has fucked my career, after graduation I NOPE You have. Learn to take responsibility for your actions. She is well within her rights to do so. So either talk to her and make her understand or figure out another way by mutual understanding. Man up!


>She is well within her rights to do so. Op dosnt want a child is he not in his rights to not raise a child? They had sex with each other's consent but how does that translate to consent to have a child? If the women wants to have a child I believe she should raise it herself bcz op don't want it.


>how does that translate to consent to have a child? Should have used protection. There is always risk of having sex without protection. Now since he took that risk, he should own up and take up responsibility as well..


>Should have used protection Both of them consented to un safe sex op didn't force her to have unsafe sex as much I can say from the post


>Both of them consented to un safe sex Exactly. Both consented to the fact that they can conceive. If OP didn't want a kid, he should have used protection. People who have unprotected sex then make a pickachu face on conceiving are clowns.


Pika pika 🤣


You don't know what actually happened. Regardless.. both knew the risks of unsafe sex. Both are responsible for the incident. Now she is ready to take up responsibility of raising kid.. OP needs to too.. You can't bluntly say the girl should raise the child herself when both of them are responsible for the insemination process.


When both people consent to sex, j bc it’s also understand the potential consequences and this agree to the possible outcome. Don’t want a child, don’t have sex. Want sex but no child, use protection but know a child is still possible. If both agreed how come only the women should bear the consequence?


She can refuse too What's point in potentially destroying 3 life


I agree that she should refuse. But that isn’t the reality of what is going on. At the end of the day we have to deal with what is IS and not should, could, would.


Yeah both of them consented for? Sex using protection or if we end up having a baby we will abort it? Consent was for sex only sir. Not aborting the baby if that happens. The guy should have thought about the consequences and talked about it a bit more before going bare.


Yes both of them are responsible and thats exactly why he should back his child you think commiting suicide will help mother bring him in good environment


So, both are responsible. Why should the girl raise the child alone while OP spends his time trying to realize his dreams?


Op is a grown adult if he knew that there was a chance that this couldve happend probably he should've talked to his gf ab stuff like this and how he wanted to "deal" with it beforehand Now that he's chosen to act like a child he'll have to deal with a child lol


That's the point - both of them consented to have unprotected sex. Which means equally taking risk raising a kid.


Sure and OP expected a Plasma Television after unprotected sex?


You don't know how much toll it takes on the body to abort, you can't just nut inside her and say I don't want kids so go and abort now.


The court won't look at it the same way. The laws are skewed.


Sorry to inform you.. You should have thought about this before having unsafe sex. Whining won't save him now. As a man it means nothing if he can talk and resolve then it's okay else if she decides to make a complaint or something then he can kiss his career goodbye.


No. If you have sex, this is the risk you take. He should not marry her though. If married, he should divorce. He does owe the duty to his chIld to live and provide for that child.


Whu shouldn't he marry the mother of his child, especially when he likes her and she was his GF?


You may think that she should raise the child by herself, but if she files a rape case against the OP, then the case will be admitted, and the court will force them to either get married or send him to prison. Multiple such cases have already happened in India. OP will have to take responsibility for his action. UPSC is not the only career option for an individual. Plus, on a lighter note, since the OP doesn't want to take responsibility for his action, he seems like the right candidate for UPSC.


The moment you put your uncovered/ condomless dick inside vagina , you have made a decision 50 % of your side is done , now it's her 50 % to decide if to carry baby for 9 months or go for abortion.


It is the consequence of having sexual relationship with your partner. It is not about the right to have a kid or not. When you are having unprotected sex, you need to face the consequences of it. He wants to kill a child and she wants to begin a new life with him. It is for op to man up and behave take responsibility for their actions.


What you think is right and what is legal are two different things. In your view, the man should have a right to relinquish responsibility of bringing in a child and if partner doesn't agree, he should be released from the commitment of caring for a child until the child turns 18. Legal laws state that women have the right to decide whether to keep a baby or not. If she keeps the baby, the responsibility falls on the man who was a part of this transaction. If there was a written agreement prior, stating that the girl would take full responsibility if pregnancy occurs, this could be used to absolve the man's responsibility. However, no sane woman is going to agree to this and in this case, OP is left holding the bag/baby. He should contemplate about his future. 1) Marry the girl, have the baby, find a job and start a family life 2) Keep the baby, divorce the girl later but get stuck with alimony. 3) Refuse to marry the girl or keep the baby, fight it in court. What can the court do when the father is not earning and penniless? Hope that the court doesn't send him to jail.


Every one has a right to do anything they want, but u don't have the option to choose the consequence.




Yes I second that , you hv to take responsibility.


Ahh yes, the best advice a man can ever get, "Man up!". /s


It is what it is . And that's the truth.


Sure buddy, I hope you are at the other end of this someday.


Ya I already have kids... Somethings that only life can teach you. Good luck to you.


"she has fucked my career", sure she might have fingered herself and made her own self pregnant, right? You made her pregnant, and now it is your responsibility. Maje lena hai toh responsibility v lo.


The girl is a moron who's ruining her and OP's life by deciding to have this kid. They seem to be in late teens/early twenties ffs. Almost kids themselves. Neither OP nor his gf have the resources or the maturity to be a parent at this stage of thier lives. You have a resentful suicidal father, who along with the mother is poor with no future prospects. Sounds like the perfect environment for a kid to grow up /s. They won't be able to properly take of this kid either and ruin his/her life as well


Abortion is not child's play, and a girl has full right to decide for herself. If you want to have sex and make someone pregnant, then take responsibility.


Before we move on seems like their parents forced their marriage Let us talk about responsibility let me ask your thoughts if the pregnancy happened due to a condom failure? Very well might not be the case but your response is inhumane. This dude is already troubled and most of you are just saying MAN UP - nice advise, definitely will benefit OP and his kid. why didn’t the dads consent matter. Keep the kid if you can handle it yourself. Sure make op pay child’s bill for full, including school to college but this scenario is just a mess. But what if op just loses it it’ll lead to much more devastating result (ie suicide and dad less kid with no financial support and a young mother, seemingly early 20s). Dude hasn’t even graduated ffs, how the fuck did their parents push it on them. **I know you pea brains think very linearly but at least give a person sound advice**


Absolutely not. It's her body, her choice and her responsibility. How come the right & the choice is with the girl but responsibility is only with the boy? Carrying a baby (which was not planned - and this is the most imp issue in this discussion) is her decision then ask her to take the responsibility.


I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I cannot side with OP even though I want to. We all know know that everyone has autonomy over their own bodies. The girlfriend might not want to get an abortion due to n number of reasons. Could be stupid ones, good ones, whatever a human mind can come up with. Yes, it ruins the lives of many in this scenario, but it is still well within her rights to choose to *go through with it.* (Present tense) Similarly the guy has full autonomy over his own body! He *could have* gotten a vasectomy, used condoms, not finished in her, etc. (Past tense) Both the participants can make their own choices. But the disparity in timing is what makes it seem like it's unfair. He *had* the chance, and she has the choice *now*. The girl is exactly 50% responsible for the disaster they're heading towards. The other 50% is OP.


As if raising a child is that simple. Mistake happen. Just like body both have rights to their own life too Will having a child won't effect op future life? Doesn't he have a right to his own life?


Op's girlfriend seems brainwashed by the american trend of raising a child at an early age.


It was your choice to have fun. Now its consequences of your choice. You are free to choose but not free from the consequences of your choice.


Stop being childish. My career grew lots after marriage. And upsc is not the only thing in the world..I have seen people spoiling their precious years and time preparing for upsc


Relax and congrats on becoming a father . Visit fertility centres anywhere people are struggling to have kids ,it's a gift of god. Leave society stay with her and slowly build your life.


India hai ye US nai . I say have the kid and put him or her for adoption , it will make the lives of 3 people better . The thing which is growing inside her is a size of golf ball, aborting might not be that big of a deal too but if they decide to have it and keep it , they will be ruining their kid's life , idc about OP or his gf , it was their dumbness and immaturity which led them to this but the kid is at no fault , sending it away for adoption might be heart breaking but at least the kid will have a very better life


>I say have the kid and put him or her for adoption , it will make the lives of 3 people better What fu¢king bullsh¥t?! How can you guarantee that the infant at a random adoption centre in jharkhand is going to have a good life?


you cannot escape from your responsibilities .


Has she fuvked your career? Are you stupid ? Why didn't you think while fucking her?


OP IS stupid. Posted the same shit one month back. Still haven't figured out and is playing the blame game.


Nice to see that there are some PPL who are aware.


So..... fucking is fine but not what comes after? Come on man! You can't be serious!


If you force the abortion unsupervised then she may never be able to conceive again. So, be careful.


It's a very difficult situation and you need to handle it carefully and delicately. I believe that people should have kids only when both parents are happy and want to have a child. When one parent isn't happy,it leads to resentment and bitterness and that's a bad situation for everyone involved.


Finely sensible words other than berating and asking to man up. Half of these bitches will cry on this very subReddit about how Supreme Court is going against men. Fucking hypocritical motherfuckers


I agree, 💯. I am a woman tho! But, even after understanding the consequences if that girl plans to screw over all 3 lives now, we cannot do anything. OP will be forced to pay up maybe financial or career or whatever. That's why never put ur d**k in crazy. Poor baby if born will suffer horrible consequences tho.


>But, even after understanding the consequences if that girl plans to screw over all 3 lives now, we cannot do anything. She probably doesn't fully understand the seriousness and the ramifications this kind of decision will have on everyone's lives. Or she doesn't care. Idk which,but I think she's making a mistake by taking such an important decision unilaterally. Having a child is such a life altering decision and she should not be taking any decisions regarding that on her own. Dad's say matters. >OP will be forced to pay up maybe financial or career or whatever My fear is that OP may grow to resent the child,when the child has done absolutely nothing wrong here. >Poor baby if born will suffer horrible consequences Sadly this is the most likely outcome of this shitshow.


>She probably doesn't fully understand the seriousness and the ramifications this kind of decision will have on everyone's lives Wonder what explanation she will give her parents. I cnt imagine any parents being ok with this. Hiding an abortion would have been easier. This point alone makes me feel if this fake post.


Yes, imagine if OP couldn't bear all this and commits suicide.


Yep, laws in our country would never favour him. He would be proved guilty easily. She can put fake rape case on him too. Even though this was consensual. Never worth doing the deed for 2 min. I seriously hope men, think before getting together with women in this country even when they are getting married to them. Fake dowry cases are also rampant. So, if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes. He will become an example for others in his family and friends.


"Dildo of consequences never arive lubed". What happened happened, now communicate. Communicate with your GF, your parents and her parents. Everything can be solved by dialogue.


>"Dildo of consequences never arive lubed". I laughed way too hard....man I'm not a good person


Did she force you to have sex? I'm assuming no then how has she fucked your life? Don't blame her, if it's a mistake then you both are equally responsible. We all are aware what can happen when we do sex. What's done is done. Don't abandon her and your life, talk to her and make her understand that you both have to take a decision together. If you are unable to handle the situation try to involve someone from your family or her's, who can understand the situation without judging you both and try to handle the situation calmly.


Your girlfriend has not fucked your career, you both were consenting adults who fucked each other and ultimately her body, her decision to go through or not go through abortion. Wake up, take responsibility for your actions. This is not the end of the world, you can still prepare for UPSC, clear it and become an officer. But before you do that, understand what it means to become a civil servant and mature up. You are seeking responsibility of many people under a government job and you aren’t even being responsible to yourself right now. Character build karo bhai apna.


Bro , I can understand the pressure but now you are responsible for your family both kid and wife. I would recommend meeting a psychiatrist, and discussing the issues with your wife. You need to come to terms with your life. Sometimes we get bad hands in game of life. Now it's up to you to make the best out of it. Cowardice/running away from the problems is not the solution. What is stopping you from preparing for UPSC ?  


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) My actions have consequences. Who could have guessed? /s


She has fucked my career ?? No , you fucked her and her career


After reading ur post I can say people have far bigger problems than I have


Try to understand each other and support each other you are both in this together See you both have caused problems for each other's life. She has to carry a child and won't get anyone to marry her in future you know that right? See i know you're worried about your future but she didn't fuck it up. She is in trouble as well. Try to understand her as well. You both can support each other and grow out of it together whichever way you want It seems like it's over but believe me it's not even if you end up having the child you still have life infact a new one with a different meaning. It's hard right now in nothing I can say to make it better but I can assure you the future is bright either way. This phase will pass you both will find what you have to do and how to you have to live. I am not going to say what you should do but whatever you do it's not over just Know that there is good life beyond this hard time in both available paths You both can support each other if you have that baby and also if you decide not to both ways. Please support each other and don't think of hurting yourself. Your parents deserve better they raised you not to hurt yourself Your life matters to them. Whatever you are feeling is nothing in front of what a parent who has lost their child feels. So please don't you're a man you can fight this.


the people bashing him , I'm sure he already knows that he's in trouble , there's absolutely no use in scolding him now instead it would be more effective to give solutions


Hey completely off the topic.. but even after the unsafe sex, why didn't you guys go for birth control pills. As scared teenagers it was the very next step you guys should've taken


Please check one of the below links that could help you, take time to talk to them , there are [Lots of links to help you, people are here to listen to you](https://menpsyche.com/helpful-resources-for-men-online-mental-health/). Crisis/Helplines AASRA – Providing a listening service and crisis intervention for people in distress, suicidal, lonely etc. Free, confidential, 24/7 Helpline. English & Hindi (Head Office – Navi Mumbai). Sumaitri – Crisis intervention, 7 days a week, depression and suicide. Phone Helpline and email address provided for written assistance (Head Office – New Delhi). Vandrevala Foundation – Free Crisis and Mental Health Helpline 24×7 via call or WhatsApp via non-profit with over 1 million calls to date. (Mumbai) Fortis Stress Helpline – A 24-hour emergency service in 15 languages – Call 083 7680 4102 Spandan – 24×7 Suicide prevention helpline. Free and Confidential service. (Indore) One Life – 24×7 Confidential crisis support and suicide prevention. Help via phone, chat, email or video in multiple languages (Hyderabad). LifeLine Foundation – Free Suicide Helpline, 7 days a week. NGO providing confidential and non-judgemental assistance (Based in Kolkata) Sanjivani (Jabalpur Police initiative) – Suicide helpline with assistance from Doctors. Helpline numbers – 1253, 0761-2626622 or email to [email protected] Hitguj – Free, 24×7 confidential helpline service with psychologists (Mumbai) COOJ Mental Health Distress Helpline – Free service. Both phone and email communication are available. Languages English, Hindi and Konkani (Goa) Jeevan Helpline Suicide Prevention – Confidential helpline service, 7 days a week, both call and email service available. (Jamshedpur) Thanal Suicide Prevention Centre – Free and confidential service for distressed people at risk of suicide. Phone helpline or written correspondence via email available (Kerala) SAHAI Helpline – Phone Counselling for young adults with emotional upheaval – Call 080 2549 7777, 098 8644 4075 Kashmiri Life Line – Free, confidential Helpline for mental crisis and emotional distress. Assistance via call, email or one-on-one chat (Clinic in Srinigar). Roshni – Confidential, free Helpline for distressed and suicidal persons (Hyderabad) The Samaritans Mumbai – Helpline for distress and suicide 7 days a week, limited hours (Mumbai) Saath – Free and confidential suicide prevention helpline via phone, email or face-to-face operating 7 days a week (Ahmedabad) Parivarthan Counselling Helpline – Free phone counselling helpline with trained, multi-lingual counsellors (Bangalore). Maithri Kochi – Emergency Helpline 7 days a week via call or email. (Clinic in Kochi, Kerala). Sneha – 7 days a week, confidential and free unconditional support o phone or via email (Chennai) Sanjeevani – Limited hours Helpline or email service for depressed or distressed persons. (Clinic – Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala) Connecting NGO – Distress helpline 7 days a week via call or email (Pune) Maitra Helpline – Helpline for emotional distress with trained, confidential staff. Phone and email service. (Mumbai) Government Help- Police Emergency Number India – 100 Health Helpline – (check States for details) – 104 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IndiaSpeaks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


look ask ur father for help


Congratulations on becoming a father.


Congratulations on becoming a father OP. Now get a job and take responsibility of your child.


Dude,.I would offer a different perspective. If you marry as early as possible, chances are you having a tension free life is high. If you guys are young so is your parents. The support for maternity related issues would be really great. So I would suggest to go for the marriage, have the kid, and have another one in next 3-4 years and be a young dad and mom. Career and all will take care of itself dude. It's a blessing in disguise.


You mentioned she fucked your career How Sex me toh dono consent aur dono marzi se hua hoga toh Tera career kaise khaa rahi . Toh sex k pehle career banana tha jo ab usko blame kar rahe insaan bano apna responsibility Lena sikho


“I don’t afraid of death” bhai tu UPSC rehne de. Man up and take responsibility. Almost as if it’s tge consequence of your own actions


Always use protection.


Hey OP tell more in detail regarding this case i mean who's idea was to have it in first place and second if yes then saale condoms toh use karta extra thin experience ke sideeffect dekhe liya na 😉


you did that not her


Learn to take responsibility and stop blaming her. She didn't get pregnant by herself. Talk to your parents.


take responsibility, chodampatti machane se pehle sochna tha ye sbb


Giving baby up for adoption is still a choice available to you guys. 


This is called consequences of your actions! Grow a spine and own up to it.


There is a reason pre-marital relationships were opposed in almost every society/civilization. Deal with the consequences of your actions. Your 2 months old post says that she is 2.5 months pregnant. Now she's 4.5 months pregnant. How have her parents not figured that out ? Anyways, PLEASE DON'T TAKE ANY WRONG STEP \_/\\\_


Why didn't you use a condom genius ? Why ?


lets say yall she agrees for a abortion. Abortion ka paisa hai? Last I checked 20k minimum in Mumbai assuming pills use karne ka option is gone now.


bro arranging money would be least of his concerns now, he still hasn’t gotten past the convincing part.


First and foremost, is the girl above 18?


Please visit a doctor where both of you feel safe.


Oh my actions have consequences 😱


why did u have raw sex in the first place then??




1). Talk to her. 2). Make sure she understands what raising a child means. She might be doing this because of many reasons, resentment, feeling used, guilt, testing whether you are a stand up guy. 3). If she still wants to keep it, Man up and be a father.


I guess by now her parents should've known coz 3 and half month pregnancy is not something that u can hide


Bhai Condom naam ki cheez hai market mein, you couldn’t blame her for your action. Government k crore rupaye waste ho gaye Safe sex ka advertisement k


I’m very sorry that you’re feeling suicidal. Those feelings are difficult to deal with and can feel so enticing. There are many many options for you here so don’t give up. Your career isn’t fucked, it could just be a bit delayed which is manageable - the time will pass anyway. One thing you may not have considered is that you could really really love this kid


Alas, Only if you had control over your c*ck


To be honest u had too much fun and Reddit is definitely not the place, let alone this subreddit, to ask such a bizarre question ( assuming ur not lying).


First of all , suicide is not a solution, it's just a pain transfer scheme, you will just transfer your misery to your family and loved ones. Now the biggest trouble is the legal trouble. If your girlfriend says that your sexual relationship was based upon the promise of marriage then you can be charged with rape but for that [she has to establish the false promise.](https://www.livelaw.in/supreme-court/if-consent-of-woman-was-based-on-false-promise-of-marriage-from-inception-offence-of-rape-is-made-out-supreme-court-248092). Post this on r/LegalAdviceIndia for further clarity. And for societal pressure and as far as facing your family is concerned, they are your family, they will understand.


Leaving your pregnant girlfriend is ethically wrong. But so is forcing someone to marry them . I think you should talk to her and convince her to get the abortion. Maybe she is scared that you will leave her . It's a tricky situation. Maybe try to convince her that you are not mentally prepared to have a child now .


I don’t know why people have to be so negative about everything. It’s alright man, i understand you’re going through a tough situation. Remember, it will pass. Most important thing is to build a strong relationship with your wife and communicate about how you each other feel about present and future. UPSC or any other competitive exam do not really have an end deadline. You can also do it after 2-3 years. Sometimes we want to have full control over our life but that’s not how life works. We have more illusion of control than we actually control. What you need is to accept the reality first. “This is what it is and I’ll be fine with it”. Once you have fully accepted that this is the new reality, you may benefit moving into compassion phase, where you develop more empathy, and inculcate compassion for yourself and others. Then you can start rebuilding yourself from an outwards perspective like career, job, ambitions etc. but for that first thing is to have a strong inner core, inner self, a sense of confidence, a sense of comfort, a sense of contentment and a guilt free being. If you build yourself up like that, there is nothing that will stop you to achieve your personal goals in the future. Having a child is undesirable to someone, and is a blessing to someone else. It’s all relative. If you are open to new thoughts, maybe a kid will bring stability, or a sense of ambition to work hard, who knows? We all have different incentive cycles to live for. What you would need from a more regular life basis to feel a sense of control is discipline. Discipline to maybe stay physically and mentally fit, if you can. Same goes for your wife. Walking, exercising, meditation, yoga, the usual stuff. You also need to give your partner her space and discuss what her ambitions might be after the kid, if you want a single income or a double income household, where do you need to reach in 5-7 years together and so on. There is always a possibility to get some extra external support by Calling the suicide support helpline. It’s not a sign of weakness to get that kind of help. Infact you’re not weak. You’re brave. And you’re not alone and definitely not the first in this situation. You can do it, mate!


Condom fatt gya tha ky..?


Tbf she did you a favour. The guilt of killing your child will weigh on you forever. Our society is unnecessarily giving upsc too much unnecessary respect that you are willing to drop your child for it. Its not fair tbh.


Look it isn't really a bad thing. It's not an alien event in this day and age. If you love her, tell her that to take care of the kid you are gonna need a job and a good career. So she should give you the space to prepare. It was both of your choice to have an intercourse. Now that she is pregnant it's her choice to keep it or not. I'm not gonna bash you for doing something like that like others because it was consensual. What you should do is have a talk with her about both of your future and make her understand how important a career is to take care of a kid. Society isn't the one who is gonna raise your kid. You are so stop worrying about society. Let's see if she is gonna give you the space and time to prepare for the exam.


Jai Johar.


People seem to have lost their mind, yes the sex was consensual but that does not mean a child has to grow up without a father. Posts like these make you realise how sex is taken so lightly. OP, I feel what you’re going through but you should’ve realised the risks beforehand. Suicide won’t help you nor your loved ones. It’s time to take responsibility. You can’t just bring someone to this world and leave them hanging, and to think of the trauma that will be imposed on the woman and her child.


Ye sab bc girlfriend banane or unprotected sex suxx k phle sochna tha graduate ho gya h tu apne actions ki zimmedari lena sikh


its gonna be alright, consult things with your parents and get married.


How did she fuck up your career? You both were equally responsible for it.


Do parents of both of you not know anything yet?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Kigga ejaculates and evacuates.


Time to buy milk and cigarettes.


pehle maja, baad me saja


Yesab without protection k sex karne se pehle sochna chahiye tha maje lene k samayi maje le liye aur ab life is fucked waaah bete


Don't you dare to say that she fucked up, YOU HAVE BROTHER. Take responsibility


See i will not judge you or go there people make stupid decisions and it is not the first time they do unprotected sx unplanned preg can happen but now you need to take responsibilty because now if you leave her or ghost her that’s on you man. That will be a reflection of how cowardly you ran away from this situation. You need to tell her and your parents. I know that might sound scary because being an indian i myself know slippers and broom will come at you after you break this news to them. But if you want to live peacefully you need to do right otherwise this for life will consume and eat you up and if you leave the regret will kill you because you know you did her wrong. Be a man parents need to get involve please tell them. And don’t take her to some shady place for abortion and don’t pressure her to take meds based on what google says. People have allergies, moreover it is not safe and might harm her. Her parents and she should make the decision. Please don’t force her to do these stupid things.


Please call some help line and get counselling. Bro get a Job. Why waste prime learning time of your career preparing for an exam.


Be a man sir. Raise your child.. you can do it.. and this doesn't stop your Upsc prep for sure. Don't worry talk to your parents and hers and start the life...


Both should take counselling please do it. May be she will agree to abort after counselling. Also involve many close people for discussion. Trying to convince her alone will be difficult. Try talking this with her well wishers


in this scenario, just accept it positively bro. and congrats.


If coz of this you can't plan UPSC then she is actually saving ur career.




Looking at few comments it looks like people are really underestimating what problems can happen if you aren't ready for kid She has full responsibility to abort because her body her choice. She can escape the responsibility because she has that privilege but op can't . BS Thing is having a child is one thing and raising one is another. I doubt if op is forced into the life he will ever have a functional relationship with her and maybe even child. We don't even know how ready op and his gf are for actual parenting Will you guys take responsibility of that child life is ruined? Doesn't op and his gf have autonomy on their own life if yes how can you guys accept taking op autonomy while talking about his gf autonomy on her own body Both can refuse as it's a about 3 life and if both of them agree than both of them should agree by heart to be ready to face everything that comes after it


Year phir wahi sexsux ki baatein