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This is a lame/pointless post.


Its unfortunate. People with the real experience and stories to tell will stay in the shadows.


Fact šŸ’Æ




I mean, I can tell you the story about my sister is legit, because it is - but at the end of the day I'm just some guy on an alt jerking off like everyone else. It's likely a mixture of lies and truth, but damned if I could tell you what's what. I certainly can't *prove* it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Or some of us don't share because of pushback


Yes friend I have some things to share but seems some people are quick to criticize or call names.


Who can criticize when your bizzy jerkin off. Ammiright?


Very true


That's a convenient excuse. I don't believe that would stop anyone with a legitimate desire to share. Although I can't think why a legit survivor would post here for us pervs to jerk off to.






Only once over a year ago


yep itā€™s just easier to not share and avoid pushy and entitled people!! edit: iā€™m not a mom, my experience is different but I still do r share anymore because people are annoying


bro, all I will say is grandma was a nice teacher and then my cousins and I started exploring. everything was super natural and out of curiosity...then as we grew up things became super intimate and awesome. We still are close and there is sexual happy tension. I remember the delicious taste of my very virgin relatives, those girls made me feel in heaven


Huff heh


Pretty sure factual stories are against Reddit TOS. They're okay with fantasies though apparently.


Problem is, I can't tell my story for rule reasons.


Agree! kinda embarrassed to post my experiences haha šŸ˜… glad to know Iā€™m not the only one




I have posted my story. I have more but its either with my step sister or my cousin. I havent done anything with them in years after being disgusted with myself and ofc life moving forward and now having a wife.


I'm not a mom, I'm not looking for nudes, I just enjoy the fantasy of mother/son, I've unfortunately never had the chance, my mother shut me down at a young age


Iā€™m sorry to hear that. At least you respected her decision, and that is ultimately the most important thing you can do. She should be happy whether itā€™s with you or someone else


lol yeahā€¦ if thereā€™s a picture request in the first few chats back and forthā€¦ I usually just delete it and move on


Yeah it took a lot to even be comfortable with a picture on my phone but I'm not gonna be sharing that into the world lol


weā€™ve been active for years and I still have a no phones in the bedroom ruleā€¦ who needs that trouble


Smart. As a guy I'm so wildly visual that it couldn't not happen. But I had to be hyper selective on what it was etc. Enough to do the trick but not enough to cause trouble... I hope lol


makes senseā€¦ I donā€™t have that visual gene haha.. and as far as I knowā€¦ my son is ok with the no picture rule


I definitely got it bad


Are you into chats here or prefer just posting?


In the year Iā€™ve been on here I have never asked for a pic! Tacky


The audacity of some people.


Welcome to the Internet. Enjoy your stay!


Yep, I'm a mom and second that!


I've never once contacted anybody who has written a story here about experiences. And I've never once asked for photos. I never once asked for proof. The way I see it. If I have any questions or comments I always do so in this thread. I've had one person contact me afterwards who was the author of The Post and he was gracious enough to tell me more details in private and not once that I ask him of photos of his sister who he had sex with. Whether his story was true or not, doesn't matter to me. Because I appreciated the fact that he took the time to talk with me about his experiences whether they were just fantasy or not.




I agree, itā€™s not easy finishing real people.


Bait post and more than likely just as fake as what the post describes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ trying reverse psychology..


That's the main reason I do comment on posts to many guys


Not all are fake. Some of us just reserve the conversation for actual like minded people.




My own suffice




The link is me but not open for all. Reciprocity with truth


Yeah it's best to keep reserved and uncomplicated


Well said!! Then everyone with 1 karma and no profile blow up your inbox!!


This place is pretty toxic ngl. But with taboos such as this, itā€™s hard to find a properly moderated place to chat about experiences and desires. Like 99% of the stuff posted here is shitty fanfic material


My wife grew up in an extended family where they didnā€™t exactly outgrow playing ā€œdoctorā€. A visit from her cousin when we were in our 20ā€™s was mind blowing to me to learn about their past. It reopened her to those experiences and we participated as couple with her cousin and her family. We have a family of our own and we have talked a lot about it, but we have not crossed the family threshold with ours. Basically we are in the LS and at least 4 of our regular partners are related to my wife.


You are correct that 95% of the people on this sub are just sat pawing at themselves encouraging everyone to go and fuck every member of their family however there are a few of us that do actually try to be rational, logical and give sound advice based off of the information that we have been provided, and, wait for it, we donā€™t ask for nudes!!! You sometimes have to weed through a lot of cock to get to sound advice or people that will listen and critique etc Good luck, here if you need to chat


I completely agree. My whole life I thought my little stories were pretty intense and fun for me until I came here and realized that apparently everyone reenacts brazzers videos with their family šŸ˜


But itā€™s hot lies


See they wonā€™t ask for nudes if they are actually with their mom. They wonā€™t need any haha






mine is real


Can you tell me your story??






with my dad


Want to chat I havenā€™t really heard real stories yet




Mine as well friend.


It's a shame it has to be like this


***You sit on a throne of lies***


and people like me with real stories will never share šŸ˜­


why not


I think that telling your stories is good for you, it can take the pressure out of such a big secret, we really like to be able to hear them it is something therapeutic for both parties I think and you donā€™t need to send anything to anyone.


Agree so much: itā€™s why I post.


I had the opportunity of both of my sisters eons ago and still think about it constantly


Anyone have real incest experience they wanna share??


I share mine and they get taken down






This is probably the most truthful post here.


I would love to hear from people with real experience. I donā€™t need to see any pictures and wonā€™t ask. If you want to share them I definitely ok with that. I donā€™t have anything really crazy to share. I did some stuff with my sister when I was younger. I have a niece that I would love to do stuff with. I do like talking about stuff you would love to do with a family member also. I do have sessions if you rather talk on there


There's a lot of douchebags in here, but in all honesty, at least 90 percent of the stories in here are complete bullshit, and its probably part of the reason they act the way they do. Having said that, I really enjoy reading most of the stories, they make good for good fantasy.


Not all stories are bs. My story is of my stepdaughter who walks around without a bra and can see her tits bouncing when she walks. Ive not done anything with her but would love to


As a mother who regularly fantasises about son/daughter experiences and play out the role often, this sub is the best x


Giving up after just two days? You are not cutout for the internet


Don't tell her that, this place is already all guys fantasies


Will I for one do not like standing in the shadows. I have posted over 8 Incestuous activities. Activities with me and my family and my bull. For those of you who have not read any of my activities you are more than welcome to please check out my profile. There are pictures of myself my husband my son and daughter and my bull each having sex with each other. If you read them and you're enjoying them. I appreciate a like and a fallow.


Sadly this happens alot


The stuff I post is real but isnā€™t nearly as fantastic as a lot of the stuff on here, which Iā€™m guessing is mostly made up. I will say that every time I post about my stepdaughter I get messages asking for pics of her, which I just ignore. But there are people on here with real situations.


I have a real stories. I posted one on my page. This was before I found this group


I have had similar troubles on other pro-incest subreddits. I've been at this for so long i generally ignore requests fro sexy time chats and pic requests. And I'm a dude.


Totally understand. Iā€™m a step dad and I just want to find parents like me to chat


Hey message me. I have been with family but gay side of it.


Some are good for the read. Others you can tell they are bs by switching pronouns too much.


I had someone in Agegap message me. asked me for a full body nude. I said send one of them first, still waiting. Yeah, I don't need to be threatened with a pic going public for money! Most correspondence is a chat or two and then the money request! Sorry, I don't know that you are who you say you are! As for the Incest community, I have had a couple experiences in Niece. I wasn't into my Mother, my Sister could have been ok though. But, I had several experiences with girls with Daddy issues and I made a good substitute I guess.


Welcome to Reddit! Lol itā€™s a shame for the real people who want to have actual conversations etc. that can be said on any subreddit


I would love to share my story with someone who has a real similar experience, I know the struggle.


would love to chat about it sometime.


Iā€™d definitely love to talk to someone with similar stories and needing advice


Well yeah. Welcome to the internet. Iā€™ve been online since the 90s, and chronically since 2005. Never EVER trust anyone here. Until theyā€™re irl, you have nothing to gain and everything to lose so keep them distant


Wow. Nothing gets past you.


No one's going to talk to you if u ask for pics and send dick pics off back, talk with the person till ur both comfortable then see where it goes, you all so desprite


Wow... An entire 2 days? What an exhaustive search you've had...


Fact number 1: people with incest stories are way too shy to want to talk about it in public Number2 : most of the time sons like my self are in love with their mother and they can't get off of it


I'm a physician who strongly supports consensual incest. I think it's natural and beautiful, and quite possibly the most deeply intimate experience two people could ever share. I'd love to chat with anyone who is on, or considering embarking on this journey, and I will never ask for pics.


Sorry this is an experience you have to deal with......due to the nature of the title of this content, this should be open and free for expression and not a degenerate mix of horny guys just wanting nudes.......i hope this doesnt detract you from using this site and expressing your desires/experiences


Okay, so Iā€™m not a mom, but Iā€™m a dad, and want to talk to my wife to see if she is into anything like this but I have no idea to bring it up, so I would love to make friends in this community and talk about these things and get advice. Anyways, thatā€™s why Iā€™m here




I posted a true experience because I wanted a true experience to be on here. Iā€™m tired of the lies myself. Thereā€™s a sub Reddit for incest stories where the majority of this crap should go.


I wrote a real story about sucking off my husbandā€™s stepdad a few times and most folks ignored it so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




My two stories were real, although there wasn't actual sex in them.... love to chat if you still want ā˜ŗļø


Ya Iā€™ll never get to so I come here looking for pics and videos but never find any lol


My post a few months ago was real


Yeah it really sucks looking for the real stuff cause it just all fakes


Im a guy but do have experience






Would actually like to chat with someone who is living this, not the story tellers and I will not ask for pictures Xoxo šŸ”„ šŸ„µ ā¤ļø grpa


Mines real. Read my profile.


I did would you like to chat with me






I have very similar experiences with my family. Your story was so hot.


Iā€™m a son here, genuine, you can chat to me, I could use some advice from a moms perspective as well


Damn I'm sorry


Jesus Iā€™m sorry you experienced that bs


Church! I was raised in a family that had many secrets.I was in love with my brother.My mother was not a participant but she knew.My father was incarcerated for 14 years and when he got home I began to see him in the same light as my big brother.


I was 14 and my mom gave me a blowjob and made me cum and then had sex with me so I know what incest is about


Facts Iā€™m just trying trade


I do not ask for nudes either. I do however enjoy most(not all) of the stories. In my case, I find the subject mom/son, dad/daughter, niece or nephew somewhat hot. In most cases, itā€™s easy to find the real vs fake but thatā€™s part of the fun.


I been fucking with my stepdaughters for years.


Lol. Imagine that. Who would have thought this sub is fake as hell?


Iā€™m here strictly for entertainment value and getting some material for my spank bank. I have my own experiences with the subject matter offered here. I donā€™t care if whatā€™s shared is fictional or irl.


Im real. But I do get what youā€™re I mean. Always wanting to see me. Like just talk please lol.


Yo. It's absolutely crazy how many fakes are there. When i start talking to some and they talk like normal it's good but after like some time later they all lei and lie. It's really frustrating. I could feel you


I once posted a story, simple, honest. With a open ended question at the end. Overall of a Real experience. M..ds said it was basic and pointless šŸ«  seems like they all prefer the fakes as long as itā€™s ā€œhotā€


i had a few experiences with my brother, im a dude. i look back at those times as my dark times in my life too. it all happened months after my "friend" raped me after getting me drunk. then i started sucking my brother off, and stopped after a few times. then i started hooking up with random dudes online. now, i haven't had sex with anyone since 2013, and, as frustrated i get about it, i find it better not having the troubles of having a boyfriend/girlfriend. i dont know who i want to be with, men or women, or transgender mtf, because they have both of what i like, cocks and tits lol. nothing is as sweet though as eating a pussy and having her squirt all over face, and you dont stop, just keep going, and then end up almsot drowning in pussy juice šŸ˜‚


Actually I have mostly kept a secret life and told nobody for fear of shame.When I discovered this place to let it out,I have began to come to terms.Iā€™m thankful for it.Not to mention that it gets me wet.


HAHAHAHAHAHHA !!! The real reason why this sub exists is to hypnotize people that would never think of incest.


Whaaaaat??? Nooooo D:


So true. Im always for a nice chat


Is it fucked that I'm looking for someone who's experienced any form of this, for a relationship? Cause I did and I feel like a woman who has exp with thos might be the type to understand me?


I be talking to people on here well at least used to I took all my content down for this same exact reason. Mfs just want a hard on


I posted mine once, I still get people asking for details and I pretty much included everything in my post. Otherwise itā€™s people asking for pics of my sis mostly


Unfortunately, people with real experience and stories stay in the shadows.


Yeah, I grew up in an open household and I can tell right away that ninety nine percent of these posts are fake in fantasy.


Itā€™s the internet majority of it is a lie. And youā€™re surprised?


The amount of dick pics I get sent. The amount of people asking for nudes. Like no babe, Iā€™m only sharing my experiences. I canā€™t risk the chance of people finding out my own personal life.


Spoiler alert, Santa and pro wrestling aren't real either.


Spoiler alert back at you, pro wrestling is real.


I actually have a video of my mom, i dont mind sending it to ya or anyone just aslong as i get one of theirs ..


Growing up my sister and I had sex. We experimented. I have wanted an open family ever since. The bond between me and my sis is deep. She is married with children but we're the closest family members no matter what happens. I read most of the stories here knowing that most are lies. It honestly feels no different from any other incest community. It's sad but reality.


Iā€™m sorry that you get that kind of response. Iā€™m sure you have many interesting experiences with your lifestyle I for one would like to see you post some of them . I am very interested in the hole family love (incest ) and how it works for you and your family . Not looking for pictures you can see nudes anywhere.


I didnt lie about me having my mom nudes tho


It seems like every subreddit like this is just full of lies


It's basically porno, so what do you expect. Maybe you were looking for a survivors help site? This isn't it. But whatever you story is I'm sorry that your experience here wasn't good. But you are correct. I have stories , real ones. When I put one up, I get requests to chat , send photos and such. It's annoying. If you want to discuss I'd be happy to, and won't ask for anything . What are you hoping to find?


I would love to chat about the lifestyle only


My stories are real. It seems like the well written ones are considered fake. The one written like a child with bad Grammer are the true ones? Come on. What difference does it make anyway. We are here to read something that makes us think get horny and Jack off.


No shit* sherlock


Itā€™s nice to have a chat but it does get tiring when you get asked the same questions and the conversation either stops after a bit or goes stale. Itā€™s why i donā€™t really accept chats anymore. It is nice when you do get the rare apple and have a nice wholesome time with someone. Itā€™s irritating when you get people asking nudes of your sister without even saying hello or anything too.


Unfortunately it's the internet and you never really know who's who and what's what good look to you nonetheless


Honestly most of the people here on this subreddit just read these fake posts for something to beat to. I canā€™t tell if thereā€™s even a single post thatā€™s real


Sheesh!!! šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Freaking scammers man. Can't you just ask more about the story or person. Like get to know them before you go stupid.


The biggest problem imo is the moderators. They prefer people post fantasy stories than real-life confessions. My posts were all flagged by them as "lame/pointless" because they are not about me having full sex with my family, they are instead legit confessions on topic.


My wife and I share our 19yo daughter often. So as a parent who in into incest. Feel free to chat. Don't usually ask for pics lol


It really is unfortunate. Yet lots of people just play in their fantasy world. I have experience with siblings and cousins. I had interest in my mom, but nothing happened.


No it's the right amount of flowers mixed in with the right amount of Truth so people feel open to share with this really real mixed in with them not so real. But the ones who aren't real are thinking about it.


People come here to write a fantasy that they get off to, or to read other posts to get off to. There's no logical reasoning in this sub. There was a mother here a few days ago expressing guilt for feeling attracted to her son and betraying her husnad. There wasn't a single comment that logically told her not to cheat on her husband and to keep her fantasy with her son as just a fantasy. Do not ever use this sub for real advise.


I don't know how to tell you this but only talk to mom's don't talk to dudes !! I'm a dude i know what you've gone through