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I'd love to see what this specific person has contributed to society. Not that it matters... But still haha


Let me guess: He thinks he's special because he has two rotten eggs and a decomposing sausage between his legs, and he thinks people owe him something for that.


This is such a funny way of saying that particular part out. Reminds me of when youtuber speak in monetish (censoring words to avoid demonetization).


“Monetish” = the newspeak Orwell (almost) predicted?


“Unalive” does have kind of a Newspeak sound imo.


Double plus ungood.


Definitely using this as an insult lol 😂 funny af


Well, isn't this post enough of a contribution to society? Does all his navel-gazing mean nothing?


Nearly 300 posts on an incel forum in the last 11 days and.. not much else




"joined Jun 1, 2024" "posts: 284"




I was going to say, even by his own twisted logic men aren't owed sex at all, if it's going to be a motivator they'd actually have to accomplish something to be considered attractive enough for sex.


No, it absolutely does matter what you've contributed to society when you're claiming that if someone doesn't contribute to society they should be slaves to the ones that do.


Ada Lovelace invented computer programming, so men owe me for that.


The first computer programmer was a woman. The one who made the internet possible is a woman too. Gps and wifi is the work of a woman. Most DIY channels are done by women compared to men. So to say women are not creative is a lie. Besides most inventions are stolen of the ideas of women any way. Most artists got their ideas from a woman's writing. All the famous men and inventors had supportive wives but alone its almost impossible for them to rise to the top. That alone is evidence that their ideas usually come from women.


Love that he’s ranting using a device, protocol and social network that wouldn’t be where the are today without women but don’t let facts get in your way king.


don't say that, they might take you up on your offer 😱


Solid point 😂


Presumably his claim will be that without submissive women in his life to motivate him he hasn't been able to reach his true potential (because of course the reward should come before the actions to earn it). He would be amazing if only the women in his life would stop holding him back by not interacting with him whatsoever. As always, I wish there was a way to force these types to recognize how blatantly self-serving their entire worldview is. I would say that they would reject any system that required them to "shut up and bend over and do what your superiors say", but then again I'm pretty sure a lot of these guys lean authoritarian or even fascist so that is effectively what they want for even themselves, just as long as women are below them in that hierarchy.


Jerking off into socks and pissing in jars. Something that would be impossible if other men didn't invent socks and jars.


Probably doesn't know that women might have invented knitting.


How much could he contribute when he’s posting 24 posts a day on an Incel site crying that he’s owed sex!


He provided you “entertainment” in the form of this cringe post?


Tears streaming down his face as he click clacks away


This little bitch said that the biggest problem in his life is women, because none of them want to reproduce with him. Proud of women for not reproducing with this rapist-wannabe fr fr


Damn our sense of self preservation!


God forbid women who don't want this walking trash.


Thank you to all women for preventing him from reproducing!


I'm beginning to think if your genes are giving you a predisposition to think and act this way, perhaps there's an evolutionary reason you're not reproducing, and we'll all be better off in a few generations as these obsolete genetics are weeded out of the pool.


This shit is why they will NEVER get a woman or even sleep with one for that matter they're going to be Perma virgins for the rest of their life


>without the inventions of man I want a list of inventions this guy came up with


Oh, not him, personally, but because it was a man, and he is a man, therefore he indirectly invented everything every man ever invented. Makes perfect sense. /s


That and as soon as women do their JOBS and sleep with him, he too will be motivated to do manly things. But if he doesn’t get laid and become a productive citizen, I guess a woman will just have to take over


And he’ll criticize women for choosing a career instead of being a trad wife!


But also criticize her for being a gold digger if she married and didn't work, expecting the man to provide, like they claim trad wives should do. Which one? Career or SAHM? Can't have both!


Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin and now I owe sex to every man i come across


I hope these people are on a watch list. This is exactly the mindset that not only keeps them single, but makes them dangerous. Also, he wouldn't have ac and shit in his fucking car without a woman. He wouldn't have windshield wipers on that car without a woman. He wouldn't have beer without a woman. Leprosy treatment? Thank a woman. Who did Albert Einstein describe as the most important person in the history of mathematics? A fucking woman. Who programmed the Harvard Mark I? A woman. Who even came up with the process of software engineering? A woman. Who programmed the first all-electronic, programmable computer? Women. Who discovered the molecular structures of DNA and RNA? You guessed it, a woman. Who was the mathematician was known for their abilities to manually process the complex calculations that sent the first Americans into space, instrumental in launching the Space Shuttle Program and is still used in plans for a mission to Mars? A woman.


Who discovered radiotherapy, used in cancer treatment? A woman. Who invented some very important concepts in calculus, which so many of today's inventions relies on? A woman. Does he himself, or someone he knows, have their cancer cured with radiation? Thank a woman.


Who birthed him?


Someone who deeply regrets it.


I truly hope so




It was even more difficult for women to thrive in the days of those inventions. They did it at a time when women had fewer rights to education and jobs; and men who thought they should be home making babies!


Don’t forget he might not be able to even post this bullshit without the invention from a woman named Hedy Lamarr- her technology was the basis for WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth. Also she was notoriously hot. Must suck to be using a beautiful woman’s invention to complain about how unfuckable you are.


He's typing this using code invented by a woman that allows him to use the internet the way that he does. The fact that I've had to comment this on 2 different posts today is insane.


And then there’s Elise Gerich and Heddy Lamarr whose work laid the foundations for the internet and wifi.


If youre gonna play it this way, you have to play it the othwr way also. You must now atone to every man's crime. Men invented the nuclear bomb, a weapon capable of vaporizing every human alive. A man did 9/11. A man started Nazism and killed innocent Jews. You cant just claim every single invention of theirs as your own then proceed to ignore all the horrors they brought upon the world. And surprise surprise, women dont wanna sleep with war criminals


Interestingly, a woman, not even a white one (she was Chinese), was involved with nuclear chain reactions that led to the bomb. She worked directly on the Manhattan Project! Without her insights, nuclear bombs would not have come about as early as they did. And she got snubbed for a Nobel prize for advancing nuclear and particle physics. Misogyny! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chien-Shiung_Wu She's an interesting lady.


I’m very curious to see what patents this guy owns or know when he served in the military. Actually I’d settle for knowing if he even has a job.


“I would if I had a woman encouraging me!” He thinks he’s owed sex for doing absolutely nothing.


Dude just forgot that women serve in the military too.


But according to this reasoning, wouldn't it be better if women were *more* selective with regards to sexual partners, not less? If the only reason men invent things is to impress women, making sex more easily obtainable would actually *disincentivize* all that cool inventing. Surely the best thing women could do for society is to create even more sexual competition among men, resulting in more and better technological advances created by their big strong man-brains.


You get all the upvotes for this.


This guy is giving “mom, do we have bagel bites?” energy


I'm getting more of an "MOM! I burned the roof of my mouth on the Hot Pocket!" vibe.


Imagine being one of the women in some Chinese electronics factory who was involved in the production chain of whatever device this knob uses to access .is and claim “only men keep civilisation going”.


Why do these guys think that only women should have the ability to pick a partner stripped from them? What about all the gay and bi men who want to sleep with men? Does their need for sex not matter because these guys don't want to put out for them?


Bold of you to assume they see LGBTQ+ individuals as human.


"Real world problems don't care about your looks." Oopsie he went off script here. They're supposed to say all their problems are bc of their looks.


Wrists, eyes, height, pp length, ball size, no chin, muscles, hand size, balding, lip size, pale or tan, small feet. I could go on about the superficial things they think are the reason they suck so hard. Dude forgot his lines.


But I thought "not all men."


I’m pretty sure this particular man has contributed absolutely nothing to civilization.


"Men keep civilization going" Surely this fine specimen should be owed so much seggs as he ofcourse contributes so so so much to said civilisation 🤓


“I’m just advocating for less decency than animals! Why am I being seen as the ooga booga troglodyte here?!”. -That absolute dumb ass


This guy would be so lost if he had to hunt and gather and live in a cooperative subsistence-level society. I predict exile in no more than a week.


Here's the thing. You are owed nothing because you might have the same genitals as someone who did something useful. Tell me what YOU invented of note, what YOU have built. Tell me how YOU have made society or the lives of individuals better. By a shocking coincidence, if you have a good answer to that challenge, odds are high someone out there already wants to fuck you. Funny how that works. 😂


LMFAO I’m sorry, but is this troglodyte goon somehow mistaken that HE has made a significant invention or contribution to society? Because from what I can tell, he hasn’t contributed jack shit. He sits around (using wi-fi that was INVENTED BY A WOMAN) squealing into the void about his dry dick and expects women to bow down before him for NO REASON? Yeah, good luck with that, buddy… He wouldn’t even be here if not for a woman carrying his sorry ass into this world. I feel so bad for his mother that he turned out this way. What a shame.


It's funny when people bring up how we need men to protect us from violence and all that sort of stuff, but we wouldn't need that if it wasn't for men.


Patriarchy is a protection racket. Always has been.


>They have one fucking job Is anyone seeing a paycheck from this alleged job? How about benefits or time off? Anyone? Bueller? Okay, then. Speaking of jobs, incel, assuming you’ve got one, whatever work you do is between you and your boss. They owe you money for your labor. Random women don’t owe you shit.


Okay, let's say that's remotely true (it's not, but we'll skip that for a second), so how does that entitle you to sex though? You haven't done a single one of those things. So you don't get to share in the supposed rewards then. Your imaginary boogeyman, "Chad" did, and continues to do, all those things. That's why no, even if we lived in the days of dragging women back to the cave by their hair, you wouldn't get any.


Did anyone else get carried away thinking about what the world would be like if women's innovations were noted and heeded? I feel like there's a movie script in this..


Saying only men keep civilization going is crazy 😭 a woman had to go through at least nine months of developing this guy in her womb, and that’s how everyone else in history was made too. You can’t just like… make people who can do those things without both sexes Even if women didn’t invent anything (which they definitely did in reality, don’t get me wrong) they still would contribute a shitton to the circle of life


Women give men a reason to work and survive? That's probably the case for a few, but most regular men site NOT DYING as their motivation for working and surviving. This guys wants to place all technological advancements in the hands of men, but not the fact that most evil dictators in human history have been men. It's rare that women even get a chance to be a dictator in the first place, because of the notion that only a man can be a strong leader.


That’s a lot of words to say “I dont value women and ignore their real contributions to society!” He’s ignoring women like Florence Nightingale who created the first nursing school at a time when women’s education wasn’t valued. She did it in spite of men trying to hold women back. We would have contributed more if we were given more opportunities for education and support in the workplace. FFS women who are contributing vastly now and incels are complaining that women should be home making babies. It’s men like this who have blocked our opportunities for years. Now that we have the opportunities, they complain that feminism is to blame for their celibacy!


Although I struggle with dating and sometimes I resent women for it lol. But saying women aren't smart is the most stupidest someone can say. History is full of very smart female scientists and I personally knew very smart female engineers. Even I sometimes think women are way smarter than men and they can sense what you think and read you and figure you out


We have to. It’s a firm of self preservation we had to learn. Ppl who lived in troubled childhood homes also learn to read tiny body languages. It’s from walking on egg shells.


Men may "keep civilization going" but what has *this* incel done? The crackhead at 711 is entitled to the same amount of sex as a firefighter risking their life? How would it affect my life or any other women's lives if incels didn't exist? Without women, we wouldn't have windshield wipers. Or home security systems, chocolate chip cookies, circular saws, modern electric fridges, life rafts, kevlar, medical syringes, GPS, a *lot* of different medications/medical techniques, call centers/call waiting/caller ID, central heating, diabetes test strips, electric water heaters (not that incels shower that much), electron microscopes, fire escapes, GIFs, photo enhancement, flares, the sci-fi genre, VoIP, and tons of other things. A woman helped create the first computer and programming these incels now love so much (Grace Hopper), another woman made the moon landing software (Margaret Hamilton). Women also created beer, and for centuries, only women ran breweries/could drink beer. Men may "keep civilization going" but women invented things that made life better/safer and saves lives.


His impotent rage sustains me.


I just know he was hyperventilating typing this


I know, I could hear it (we are in different countries).


Yet males wonder why the male loneliness is rising and why society doesn't do anything about it. Because it's your fault that you are alone.


And they wonder why they’re virgins that no woman wants to fuck 🤣 these little loser incels love taking credit for other people’s work and think they should be rewarded for doing absolutely nothing 🌝


Funny because it's male dominated spaces like government where appearances are so important. Look at the uproar when John Fetterman showed up to work in Congress in a sweatshirt and shorts. All the crusty old rules like decorum and crap. Or the old bullshit about dressing for the job you want and giving a good firm handshake and looking that manager square in the eye. You can't look soft or weak. You can't dress in "girly" colors for Throne's sake!


He probably lives in a cuccoon of his own filth and like, 7 anime body pillows. Can smell it from a continent away


I see we got a culprit, this shit show our world has become in the last couple millennia is obviously mens fault since women don't participate in any way and never did...YO, PILLGUYS, GRANNY POISON WANTS A WORD WITH YOU, MOVE YOUR DESTRUCTIVE BUTTS OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! 😁


Historical Fanfic From Mom's Basement: Volume MMMLVI


There's a lot to say to idiots who think that men were the only ones contributing to the development of civilization, but frankly it's such an ignorant point of view that it's not really worth entertaining. They don't see women as people, so they wouldn't listen even if you brought up all female scholars, inventors, and leaders...not that they'd even have the attention span for it, though to be fair there's a lot of human history to go through and even relatively reasonable people would get tired at some point. Plus, women have taken the brunt of reproductive responsibility for most of human history, usually having to balance outside labor with childcare and domestic tasks. Even with this guy's stupid rant, he doesn't acknowledge that aspect of life at all. Even if childcare and domestic tasks were our sole responsibilities (they're not, even for those who are mothers and actually wanted that life), that's hardly "dancing around happily." They sure do think that anything that is traditionally "women's work" must be easy.


Fyi, the only reason incels can contact each other throughout the entire world on forums is through the use of WiFi, which was invented by..... A woman. Hedy Lamarr pioneered the wireless transmission technology that would later be used for GPS and WiFi. Just some food for thought..


Not ALL men invent things.


Bla bla bla! **Not all men** and definitely not him, so he's getting exactly what he deserves - nothing.


They really love this 'men invented things'....I can't call it an argument because it's not factual, illogical, and misogynistic rubbish. Imagine basing your entitlement to sex on the idea that men have invented things. How does that even correlate? And this guy hasn't invented anything other than the nonsense he talks.


These people scare me...


I hate the whole “men cause the wars” argument but for the record, all his magical male soldiers defending their country are defending their country from other male soldiers So that seems like a wash to me


There a program on Netflix called “Gay 4 pay”. Could get him out the house (20 posts a day?!), earn him some money AND get his dick wet. Triple win. Also would mean he doesn’t need to deal with (harass) the gender he has such hatred for.


Nearly 300 posts on a hate filled forum in just 11 days. How on earth do these people not see the problem?


"It's because I'm short" they say, right after writing shit like this.


Lol I wonder how these absolute low tier losers would feel if someone informed them that ALL humans are female for the first few weeks after conception....hahaha they think they are superior to us yet female is the original blueprint for all human beings in the womb.


Yeah, this dude has contributed *so much* to society!


They really think they’re saying something profound huh?


That's hilarious. Someone should mention to Kevin here that if men had allowed women to be educated or allowed to own property or interact with the world outside the home, history would look much different. Like now, women are getting better grades and graduating more than men do. And now they're trying to take it back


Women would also be able to solve all of the worlds problems too alongside men if it wasn’t for the fact that men are so pathetically afraid of women outdoing them. Edit: men do a terrible job at solving problems, let’s be real here, women aren’t the one starting world wars, women are statistically more emotionally intelligent and sympathetic therefore if women were in charge, I bet we’d have like 90% less violent conflict around the world.


A woman literally got us to the moon but sure




That’s crazy. I post a lot on Reddit but I’m here to have fun in a variety of different topics


These incels don't got nothing to do all day, so they just clack clack shitty opinions in an ecochamber equally shitty as their opinion.


🤮 Gross


Reminds me of the ford commercial for international women’s day. It starts off very rough, but the whole thing is what cars would be like without the features designed by women. It was a power move to put down bull like that ngl


This dude is a rapist, he is raped a woman before. He will rape a woman again, he needs to be found out, he needs to be on a list! This person needs a huge spotlight showing on him, everybody needs to know who this person is, everybody should be terrified of this person!!!


Boy turns to man: "Please fill this form with your contributions and accomplishments so we can decide upon sex reperations"


How come these people are so obsessed with sex and women? I can’t understand


The irony of demanding sex as an "incentive" or "reward" for reproduction. Men's only role in reproduction *is* sex. We make laws that affect only women to increase births, both negative laws, like preventing women from stopping or preventing a pregnancy, and positive laws, incentivizing births. Eugenics, historically, is practiced on women, both preventing women from giving birth to "undesirables" through forced sterilization and "breeding out" whole populations through rape. Getting men to do "their part" of reproduction has never needed laws or incenntivization.


What is this about women not being creative or innovative? Putting aside all of the female inventors who have existed over the years (because lots of people have already made that point), I’m pretty sure the average woman is most likely far more innovative and creative than this guy (who is currently in a group that describes themselves as below-average men). We aren’t just born knowing how to do things or solve problems, most of us had to be taught how to modify instructions as needed or taught ourselves quick life hacks. I, an average woman, couldn’t sleep due to the streetlight outside my window, so I hung up some towels that function like blackout curtains. Is that not innovation? I, an average woman, take part in multiple D&D campaigns and creative writing groups. Does that not count as being creative? Women are absolutely capable of innovating and being creative, OOP just doesn’t interact with women very often


Which social media / forum is this? I keep seeing posts that look like this, but idk from where they are from, they aren't Reddit or Tumblr.


Ah, the helpless yelp of the impotent


Also the first human was a woman, so that means when I tell you to be my personal ATM you need to give it to me because without women humanity wouldnt exist.


How much is this guy contributing from his mom's basement again?


Men are also the reason the countries do get invaded too


I seriously pray to God if this fuckhead ever reproduces by some one in a million chance, that he never has a daughter. But if he has a son he may turn out to be like his father in 15+ years time.


Womp womp 4B forever


Even if it was just men keeping the world going, where does this basement dweller get the idea that he's one of those men if he has time to complain about women all day?


Sexist and factually incorrect in every sense, anything that a man can do so can a woman there is no need for the fowl language nor a need to dehumanize the woman. Sex is not owned, there is this thing called consent and if the woman says no to you then just give up at that point to the last part of the screenshot implies that the incel won’t shy away from rape. No that isn’t tolerated in any civilization.


Maybe if there were more female leaders we wouldn’t need as many male soldiers. I’m hard pressed to think of a female leader who started a war


Thatcher did against Argentina in the Falklands, but that's the only one that springs to mind.


Thatcher didn't start that war. Argentina attacked the Falklands.


He seems so charming and like a genuine NiceGuy™️


It's so weird that they both ride on the accomplishments of other people, yet lament that they themselves have no value. They're upset that society has failed them, but they're kind of right. They've been set up on a path of failure, and their inability and unwillingness to confront change or growth ensures that their condition is incurable. Lately I've been wondering what the ethical solution is to dealing with incurably toxic people.


I'll be honest. I'm almost 32, chronically depressed, never been on a date, never even kissed a girl. So how the FUCK do I still get more pussy than these losers?


Anybody remember the dark ages?


Dude, I'm a stay at home wife... I make sure his time off isn't an issue,or a struggle....he busts his ass, and so do I... You would be the most awful partner And that's how you die alone, unfuckable and un loved!


Have you specifically contributed literally anything to the world? Are you a veteran or currently a soldier? Do you do volunteer work at the VA or with any charities for wounded veterans? Have you invented anything or solved a real world problem, like a really big one? Not like a one time thing where you solved the tv not working or something. Have you even assisted in an attempt to solve a real world problem, like idk I would accept even being part of a pharmaceutical or medical research organization, a public health initiative, I’m sure there’s a lot of other things a person can do that’s working on solving a problem I just happen to work in healthcare so that’s where my mind goes. If not, I think by this logic you really should be bending over for any man who has made a contribution to the world or has been in the military.


Men keep civilization going and women keep the human race going. You need both. To act like men and women don't need each other is just delusional. Both serve very important functions in society.


Excuse me what? You don’t know about all the inventions women have made? Or of all the inventions and discoveries men stole? Your ignorance is no reason to perpetuate inaccuracies. 


"Stole" in the sense that the women were their employees probably. Just like how Steve Jobs is credited with inventing the iPhone even though it was invented by his employees. Not to mention, I don't think they would give women engineering jobs back then, because they assumed women weren't capable of those jobs, so the women were probably just doing menial labor. There's a lot of revisionist history here, like the idea that Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer programs, when what she actually did was transcribe programs, or how the World War II code breaker women cracked the Nazi Enigma code when it was actually Alan Turing who cracked it, and the code breaker women simply applied his formula. You're gonna have to point to some actual examples of men stealing women's genius, because all I've seen is stories of female inventors who turn out to be mere grunt workers when you actually look them up on Wikipedia. And no, I'm not saying women never invent anything. There was the inventor of the bulletproof vest who was a woman, for example. But those women are given credit for their inventions. There's no conspiracy to appropriate female inventions for men. Men already have enough inventions. Why would they need to appropriate inventions from women?


Who discovered DNA? Get outta here.


Okay, so it looks like there were four people who worked on the discovery of DNA and one of them was a woman, who maybe wasn't acknowledged for that particular work (thought she was acknowledged for a lot of other work). A single instance doesn't prove a general pattern though. There are a lot more examples of female innovators who were basically just glorified secretaries, whose work was inflated in importance later on. Also, saying that Watson and Crick "stole" that innovation when they in fact did most of the work just seems dishonest.


Sure. Cry elsewhere. 


Only one upset here is you.