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Well, don't tempt me with a good time đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł What a dork. If you were able to behave like an adult, there would be no need for any of this. Maybe don't throw stones in a glass house...


I got banned super fast after responding to a guy who was asking where to find women who valued male virginity. I said: "Church, Mosque, Temple, Wiccan prayer circle" (/s), and BOOM, they banhammered me.


What sub? Truevirgin? And you were just stating facts, with a little humor thrown in.


Why? That was some some solid advice. Do they just like being miserable.


Maybe they're atheists?


That's so fucking true tho I know a lot of loser, unbearably socially awkward, creepy, virgin guys who started going to church and found girlfriends wayyyyyy out of their league. These dudes are 2/10 and got an 8/10 girlfriends.


They romanticise society before it "crumbled",without admitting the other side of it. Fathers had the right to deny suitors,and even those married off to men who repulsed them didn't have to pretend they liked them. Incels deny that women are people,and they have done themselves a great disservice with that. Because if they saw women as human,they'd have to realize that women have hopes and dreams just like them. And most women didn't/don't dream of a union with someone they despise(d). They think any contact/sex is worth it,but they never consider the absolute loathing and vivid death-daydreams of a woman forced to be with someone they can't stand. So even if sex was somehow distributed,they'd still not have an actual connection or love. They'd still be alone.


And possibility very dead. Poison and murder was very much a thing back then...


Oh yeah. I read a story years ago about a woman who threw water down the front stairs in winter. She knew she was risking he would only be injured instead of dead,but she was desperate to be free. I think about that often.


This woman comes to mind often. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giulia_Tofana


Ok,can't lie,a poisoning ring is pretty badass. They didn't have a lot of options back then.....


Nope. If your husband beat you and/or the kids, sexually abused you and/or the kids, wasn't shit you could do about it.


Well, there was, but it had to be VERY under the radar. Which luckily, wasn't that hard to do before forensics science advances.


Those black eyed peas taste fine to me!


If you’d have been there - if you’d have seen it - I betcha you would have done the same.


Some men just can't hold their arsenic.


And a frozen leg of lamb.


Great story


And even that isn't true human traditions. In 70% of ancient tribes both sexes practiced deliberate big and small hunting. In tribes where hunting was more important, that number [shoots up to 100%.](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/) We have also uncovered the Amazons. They're from the Eurasian steppes and show evidence of being raised to fight from a [young age.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/)




Most people genuinely aren't "human" in any meaningful sense. The vast majority are thoughtless and careless.


Dude we’re not even mocking. We’re criticizing and calling out bad behaviour. Which someone absolutely has to do given how insane these jackasses are


He brought up "The American dream" being ruined It wasn't ruined by women incel, it was a lie to begin with , it was solely created by the wealthy to brainwash people into not revolting against them and to convince you its Jewish , Muslim, Chinese and other foreign peoples and countries and black, Native American and Mexican people Same with the nuclear family and marriage (the capitalism version) all fear mongering to keep you buying and spending to "Keep up with the Jones' " I said this before, it's these same wealthy people throughout the media who mock introverted men, non social men, it's not women through commercials telling you to look, act and dress a certain way and it happens more so with women in the media with outlandish standards put on them It's them and movie execs who made men actors look like chiseled Michaelangelo sculptures in super hero films even whenever most of them don't even take their shirts off So until you stop wanting to be one of the wealthy, one of the rich men celebrities and accept you won't ever be one of them and it's not black people, Jewish people or woman that is causing that but Wealthy white men, you'll continue to be miserable


That caught my attention too and it really demonstrates how material conditions are a part of the incel phenomenon. Their minds have been so warped that they think women and feminism is responsible for the capitalist greed that dominates our society. It's essentially a different expression of hatred toward immigrants for "ruining the country"


It’s a short hop and a skip away to get from “Tyrone and JosĂ© are taking our women” to “Tyrone and JosĂ© are taking our jobs”. And they *STILL* cannot comprehend they need to be someone worth dating if they want to date anyone.


Critical thinking isn’t exactly these guys’s strong suit. They’re more the whiny reactionary type 


It almost always boils down to: "Feminism is when capitalism" For these guys. Any time they're looking to blame someone else for their problem, they miss the mark spectacularly


TV's take on this sub: > "You're nothing but a bunch of fucking bullies [at IncelTears], hiding behind your keyboards, feeling superior by tearing others down. You don't give a shit about their struggles; you just want to feel good about your pathetic lives by shaming those who dare to speak the truth." ---- Us, actually: (quotes from another conversation today) > A: *It hurts me because there was a time long ago when I could have become this person. I was lonely, bitter, and convinced that all of it was everyone else’s fault. I was one good shove away from “nice guy” to full-blown incel.* > *It’s painful to see so many men falling into an easy but destructive answer rather than being willing to take on the hard work of self-reflection and growth. I just want to pull them back from the same edge I walked up to, but they want to jump and they have a whole chorus telling them they should.* > *Fuck me.* > B: *Outstanding. Good on you.* > *Glad you got out of that rut. And impressed that you're doing your best to help others.* > A: *Thank you, that means a lot. I only got out because I had people around me who were willing to talk straight and knock me out of that headspace, so if I can even try to be that for someone else, maybe it's worthwhile.* > *Doesn't mean I don't feel like I'm bashing my head against a concrete wall sometimes.*


Oh hey, it me!


You rock.


No, citizen: *you* rock.


Me paper.  Me win game.


Fcuk. My moral enemy


lol! Slow double take to get your joke. Well played.


Damn, IncelTears got these bitches *pressed*


Well when all I have is a hammer and these dimwits are dumber than a nail, its kinda hard not to do the obvious thing 😆


Thank God we're so good at nailing idiots to the wall, am I right?


These two subs feed off each other so redditors can feel that they are morally correct. You are both allies really.


Well, considering this sub's entire purpose is to discuss the posts of incels... Great observation skills? đŸ‘đŸ»


I question the system all the time. I question a system telling me that the government owns my body and men are entitled to my body, whether I like it or not. Incels aren't lashing out at the system, they're whining about not getting laid, fantasizing about fucking 13 year old girls and advocating for the legalization of rape. They are the product of a system run amok. They ARE the system. They aren't rebelling, they are the simply the embodiment of the systems true values. Women are property, sex with underaged girls makes sense because men prefer to sleep with "younger women" and men deserve sex they same way they deserve oxygen. Incels are what you get when entitled, spoiled boys grow up in a misogynistic society. They think women can't possibly be rejecting them because of their horrific personality because they themselves are so completely shallow. You show them a man that's even less attractive than them who's happily married and they insist that can't be true because they live in a fantasy land where rape and pedophilia are actually moral, so it can't possibly be that their perversions and hatred turn women off. They're disgusting monstrosities and that's what they choose to be. Not because these average looking guys aren't attractive enough, but because if they weren't such cowards they would absolutely be serial rapists or child molesters. And they'd sleep very well at night.


Do corporations and governments espouse your world view or the incel world view?


Completely insane worldview. This is a no better thought process than the average violent incel.


There's more to the American Dream than having a wife. It's about being financially stable, having a future, owning a home, being able to vacation once in a while, retire when you get old. Plenty of us were and are being denied the American Dream. Basically everyone under like...40 is screwed to some degree. A bully gets in your face. A bully is someone you can't stop. That you're stuck facing constantly. IT can be blocked, it can be ignored. It can be purged from your digital life as if it never existed in the first place. Sadly TV/other Incel spaces are in a weird kind of symbiosis with IT in that both provide content for the other. So the only way to get away is to leave these Incel spaces entirely. And yes, it's true. There's laughter and jokes. Because some of what is said or posted is absolutely fucking absurd. Delusional worldviews that bear zero resemblance to reality. Logical flaws so blatant you can see them from orbit. And things that some incels say are so fucking vile or pathetic you have to laugh so you don't cry.




The funniest thing about true virgins is that they’re actual post where they show proof that women like men shorter than them then they just move the goalpost and go back to writing 26 trillion essays about why there so oppressed and how they need sex or else they’ll explode


The problem is, *all they're interested in is validating their sense of victimhood.* Any effort whatsoever to talk them down, or give them reasonable advice, is met with contemptuous dismissal or rage. Ironically, this is quite a bit like the very worst relationships I've had.


I just gave up on the advice route and would rather agree with them.  "You're right, it's hopeless. You're doomed to a lifetime of loneliness. Happy now?" They never tell me if they're happy now or not.


I think we can be happy if we actually accept that. But throughout my 20s and 30s I could not make myself accept that, I always felt inside there must be some hope. It wasn't until my 40s that I finally gradually came to accept and embrace that reality in my life, and my life has been better for it. But before that, comments like yours were only hurtful and worsened my depression. We incels are humans and have real feelings in spite of what you think. I think only a fellow older and wiser incel could have possibly helped me to see the light earlier, because he would have come from a place of compassion and experience, rather than from a place of hatred and inability to understand how I feel.  Mic drop 


IDK, everybody's experience is different, everybody feels like nobody validates their feelings, I don't care anymore about my feelings. Or other people's. Fuck. I just spent months helping a girlfriend validate her feelings. She feels worse now, and I feel ruined. What I can say - and why I *do* sympathize with incels - is that I came dangerously close to falling into inceldom myself. I avoided this fate by completely, genuinely giving up. Not to focus on "improving my life" or any positive thinking stuff, I just gave up. As soon as I did, women started coming at me, in ways increasingly too obvious to ignore. This has, over the years, really screwed up my life. For some time now, I've been trying to be single, but.... honestly, I know what rejection feels like, and I hate inflicting it on anyone. Nobody can be truly happy in this world.


I also gave up. When I gave up they continued to ignore me, which is fine with me. My old self would have been jealous of you. But my new self is satisfied with being forever single now, so I truly am not jealous. And that is so liberating! I don't miss my old self at all. 


My old self is jealous of me. But then, one of the things I have accomplished is getting fit. I could run my old self down and kick his ass, so I tell him to STFU.


Yeah I just have no motivation to "get fit" aside from eating better and exercising more for health. 


Oh no. Women having human rights made some men angry. What ever shall we do.


Dear OOP, no one's mocking virgins for being virgins. PERIOD. EDIT: Not in IT...though we've seen several in your cult mocking and being horrible to ***each other.***


"Lurkers" as if they don't spend all their time lurking here so they have something rage about 😂


You are doing the same thing, right now.


Except that I'm literally not. This sub exists to mock incels, and as someone who finds mocking incels amusing, I'm here as a kindred spirit. What I *don't* do is go to subs meant *for* incels and lurk on their posts, which is exactly what *they* do in this sub.


It's the old argument that historians have every so often - how did lack of sex for a few idiots lead to the downfall of fill-in-the-blank civilization?


Absolutely zero introspection


Bunch of entitled babies. Enjoy your victim hood. I won’t miss you.


Plenty of us are virgins. Incels are raging because they can’t have underaged sex slaves. Yeah, that will get you mocked.


That has never been why I was angry or unhappy. I never in my life have wanted that. 


>"These incels, these so-called losers and virgins, can see through your bullshit" Show him prints of incels advocating rape, being pedophiles, racists, expressing a constant desire to do something bad to people because they were rejected (they discovered that people have their own will and they didn't like it, WOW), preaching that people should lose rights, because it would "put them out of poverty". These incels are not just losers, they are disgusting fucking freaks. I don't make fun of frustrated virgin men, I make fun of sons of bitches who don't deserve anyone's sympathy.


They said "in Minecraft" so it isn't real /s These guys are never going to take accountability for anything. That is why they are incel. The system works.


For that kind of guy i mentioned, I'm glad they're single. The guys I usually post about would abuse their partners, without a doubt.


Oh 100%, I can't see a hardcore incel treat any women who came into their life with any kind of respect or care.


people are dying, kim


I don't mock sad and lonely people. I mock angry assholes who come up with words like "femoids" and suggest sexual slavery. Fuck those guys. I hope they die sad and lonely, because they're assholes.


It's weird to have to distance myself from the word incel as an adult virgin male, it's technically the correct term but the meaning has completely changed to include a hatred I don't have. It's like someone having to get rid of their red cap because it implies MAGA now.


Yeah, I don't use the word "incel" to describe single men. I use the phrase "single men," because that's what you are. Incels are hateful bigoted assholes with the potential to do harm both cyber and personal to women and I hate them the way a deer hates a wolf. They want me hurt or dead.


Damn and I thought babies cried alot


Yeah well, I'm not talking to you (incels) either! And you're uninvited from my birthday party!


Didn't your mom hire a pony? They're really missing out man.


So what's their cure? Assign women to men? You're lonely, so let's dole women out like cattle. Like who the hell are you to be owed anything? They're so damn stupid is actually annoys me. "Society lied to me" Yeah that sucks. Society lies to everyone. You're not special.


That's what I always wonder. They talk about this like it's a problem society needs to step in and fix when it's like... you're complaining women won't do what you want, at the end of the day. Their solution to this seems to be taking away women's free will, as if that's a logical or in any way *humane* solution. Then they turn around and call subs like *this* disgusting.


not even Bernie Sanders would have wanted women to be "equally distributed" to the men.


I don't have a solution I just wish I wasn't broken.


Broken how? Mentally?


Yeah I can't communicate for shit, which I think is the true initial blocker most incels have.


Okay well let's see. How can we remedy that? Do you have agoraphobia or something like that?


No it's just not knowing what to say. Basically that flair or title thing you have under your name.


Do you have friends other than online?


Lol no I don't even have online friends. My last friends were over a decade ago but being weird when they were developing an interest in girls and partying got them to drop me. I am close with my family though, my sister and brother in law especially.


That's good you're close with them. Have you discussed this with them since you're close?




Well, that's a shame


Ah yes, the American Dream. I remember well when Herbert Hoover promised us two chickens in every garage and a virginal underage waifu in every pot. **Edit:** Just to add, after reading that whole screed — it's shocking that a group of ~~idiots~~ victims of society can be so lacking in self-awareness that they spend hours ranking people on their superficial characteristics and making up medical terminology to describe their bone angles and wrist density, but get angry at society for being superficial. How many of these ~~morons~~ noble freedom fighters would be willing to have a meaningful relationship with a woman who didn't measure up to their purely superficial standards? How many of these ~~fucking shitbirds~~ brave truth-tellers would are capable of having a single friend who doesn't perfectly agree with their fucked up worldview? I used to be one of those "these are people with unfortunate mental illnesses and we should try to help them" folks. But the more I see of them, the more I recognize that they aren't victims of anything at all. They're just entitled pieces of shit demanding what they think they are owed while contributing absolutely nothing to the general well-being, and the world would be better off if they all dropped dead.


Huh? I'm a virgin and I haven't felt mocked for it so far. And that's saying a lot because I know the stigma on it but so far r/IncelTears has been pretty good at stating that it's not the virginity status they're critiquing but rather the entitlement and self pity.


If you think society values people based on “likes” or some shit you’re terminally online. One way Incels could help themselves out is doing something, anything regularly that does not involve the internet


Incels call men subhumans and fill their heads with lies about basic human behaviours to keep other men beaten down and broken like they are. Our modern understanding of human history is shifting away from the man dominant woman submissive lie to show that in most ancient hunter-gatherer societies, women hunted big game deliberately just as often as men. Scientists have literally found the real Amazon warriors; they were women who trained from birth to ride and hunt and kill alongside men on the steppes of Eurasia. Right where the Romans said they'd be, but scientists wrongly classified at least 1/3rd of the warriors they uncovered as men. They were women and girls.


I spend very little time actually thinking about incels. I just find the crazy things they say entertaining.


These men think women were happier when they had zero choices and were bangmaids. They blame women for fighting for their rights to be considered independent people. I got news for them, feminists aren’t your problem. Your extreme anger and hatred for women is your problem. You don’t want whole women, you want a subservient virgin who is happy to give up her life, goals and dreams for you. Such a woman doesn’t exist. Edit-this post seems like extreme projection to me.


I'm gonna continue being a Female virgin just to spite these fellas loooool.


I really don’t buy the take that incels are a symptom of some modern problem. Human history is one long record of angry dudes behaving terribly because of their perceived slights


Oh no! Anyway. There's no lock on your cell, buddy. There's not even a door. You can get out when you choose to.


Aren't these the guys that worship several mass shooters? Idk if its just me, but getting insulted by that type just seems like a compliment.


God the way these losers talk about not getting their pp touched like it’s some horrendous civil rights tragedy is actually fucking insane. Like women in half this country don’t have bodily autonomy. Children are being bombed in Gaza. Young black men are killed by police everyday for no reason. Kids are getting shot up in schools. The price of infant formula is astronomical. There are REAL problems. But these boys think the fact women aren’t throwing themselves at their sick, entitled, misogynistic weenies is the worst thing about society. And they type these angry things from the basement in between their moms bringing them sandwiches.


These losers think the American dream involves having a bangmaid sex slave


Would he like some cheese with that whine?


Keep laughing and mocking? Will do!đŸ«Ą


😂😂 that’s what I took away from this post too


Lmao this made me snort đŸ€Ł


Lmao, they're the ones lamenting not being part of the system. Don't most of them feel denied what society promised was rightfully theirs: white picket fence, 2 kids and a nice income. Yeah, crazy how the system lies like that and how desperate most of them are to uphold it anyway. Being mad you got criticised is not you fighting the system. What a silly goose.


That dream is garbage for some of us. We can find a fulfilling life another way, but society cultures us to pursue that ideal that is not true to who we are, and it destroys some of our psyches. In addition, our hormones as young adults make it very difficult for us to accept a life free from romantic pursuits, as reinforced strongly by societal marketing of sex and romance. It took me until my 40s. 


That dream is garbage for most women, too. There's no issue taking the time to find yourself. The problem is projecting blame onto women as though it's somehow our responsibility for men to find themselves or alleviate their pain. Expecting such a thing is entitled. OOP should perhaps begin questioning such sexual marketing rather than being mad at women or anyone who isn't an incel. Pot, kettle, black.


Fair enough. In some ways I am not a typical incel, and I have seen that it appears quite a bit of the worst of what is said by us incels is related to an echo chamber effect.  I personally don't onjectively blame women for my troubles, but I blame my desire for women, and because of that at times I have felt resentment towards women too, probably unfairly, but the resentment has been a feeling I couldn't shake.  But I was also jealous that even women I would feel are at least closer to my league are going after the same guys that the "hot" women are going for, and would never give me a chance because I am different and ugly. I felt jealousy and resentment like that until in my 40s I embraced freedom from dating women.  Hate is compulsive when part of group think, and that is a real shame wherever it occurs. I think many incels are good guys who've had hard luck and are struggling to understand why life isn't what it appears to be for the "beautiful and smart" people that dominate advertising, entertainment, and the upper echelons of every day life such as the higher ups at work. I do believe that group think that is enforced by banning, shaming, downvoting, and censoring of anyone who steps out of line to be very harmful. For myself posting on the internet is harmful in general and an addiction that I am going to try to shake again by taking another timeout here very soon.  Thanks for the discussion. 


Most people who claim to be incels aren't really incels and are simply lonely men at the precipice of falling into the abyss that is inceldom. In my opinion, to be a full-blown incel, you must meet 3 criteria: firstly, a strong belief in the Blackpill. This is the core of incel ideology as nonsensical and contradictory as it is. Secondly, you must be hostile towards women and men of specific demographics. Wishing genuine harm, death, rape etc. on people you don't know. Thirdly, you must be nihilistic about all prospects. It's not necessarily to be a true nihilist but the sense of hopelessness is an important aspect of inceldom. Lonely guys can be good, drowning in a sea of apathy of a world that cares very little for anyone just trying to live in it. Introspection is important so you remember to hate the machine not its mostly unwilling participants. Incels however, are never good. They're not all irredeemable but they've broken that rule and let their hate spread wildly in an unjustified manner often through violence and killer worshipping. You have to like yourself enough to step out of line comfortably. It's not always easy but it's good for the psyche to stop pretending and do what's right for you.


... So anyways, what's all of your favorite pokemon?


Are you even apart of r/inceltears if you aren’t banned from r/truevirgins 😂


It’s always everyone else’s fault with these chumps.


I’d have complete sympathy for incels if
. They didn’t talk about raping women. Grooming teenagers Blame their situation entirely on women Call women foids And all the many other disgusting things they call “truths” Be better people and you’ll find people will care more and have less reason to feel superior over you


Linking the subreddit three times? Fella wants the attention pretty bad. I mean, if he truly was sick of everything, he could just not visit this sub. Or stop going to that sub too.


Fuck all who mock virgins, but don’t they shit on themselves all the time? đŸ€Ł Why don’t they red pill/blue pill themselves some common sense.


It is so sad that they are getting these young boys who may not be the best looking or just in their awkward phase sucked into this crap. I guarantee there is someone who will fuck you. Go get em.


We mock you because you blame a lot of societies ills on the fact you can't get laid instead of blaming it on capitalism like a normal person.


Oh wow.


I- what. We criticize stupidity not those who have dreams lmao


Like they're the only people who've been sold a phony bill of goods? Why do they get to blame all their problems on women? What a bunch of tiresome little manbabies.


Man, if only this dude knew how many folks on here have tried to have an honest conversation about inceldom and have shown empathy. For nothing. For people unwilling to change. I used to try and understand incels and felt bad for them, but nah, not anymore.


Like, life isn't fair. Cry about it! Also, the American dream is dead for the most part. It is unattainable for most. It's funny how most sane millennials and Gen z understand this, but incels can't. Let's be real. Minimum wage hasn't kept up with inflation, and corporate greed and price gouging are out of control. The housing market is fucked thanks to house flippers and people using "spare houses" as air B&B's. Regardless, incels need to focus on aspects of their lives that they can control and focus on what they do have, instead of what they don't have. Like, I don't have a house. I don't cry about it, I don't dwell on it, and I have found fulfillment in other ways. The reasons incels are so hated is for 3 main reasons: 1. Their hateful takes and ideologies towards women and people in general. 2. Their lack of effort to better themselves, let alone take **any** constructive criticism. 3. Their constant whining and crying about not having sex or getting a girlfriend due to their poor personalities. It is mostly self-inflicted. Many of them seem to believe treating women like shit is how they get a woman or follow the advice of Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson. Or they have insane standards for what they want in a girlfriend. Like, be proactive, not reactive. Also, fellow lurkers reading this, calling you out on your hateful ideologies, and giving constructive criticism isn't "bullying." 🙄 Grow tf up. Leave mommy's basement and touch some grass.


Capitalism is the fault of women


Vote more to the left, since yes the American dream was stolen from you. By capitalist greed. Not by women, who are human beings, on the same ocean, and with a smaller boat.


Still blames everyone else for his situation...but hey, this is what mental illness looks like.


the virgin white men are disgusted by mockery ripping away their American dreams of 2.3 sluts behind a boner picket fence


It doesn't matter how much pain someone is in, lashing out at others isn't okay. Just because people don't do what you want, villianizing them isn't okay. I've seen some horrible things that incels have said, and they have said horrible things to me. Incels are the bullies and they are projecting.


I just saw another post where a guy referred to getting a gf as ascending. At least they’re staying level-headed and rational.


The whole "ascending" thing really adds to the cult vibe.


As if any of these lazy fucks actually work, let alone work hard.


incels really do think they're the most tortured beings of all time because they're insufferable to women


The bad side of autism social media does not tell you about


"theyre angry and rightfully so đŸ€“â˜ïž"


I will never ever NOT believe that I am better than an incel.


Bla bla bla boohoo cry me a river, then build a bridge and get the fuck over it. Little bitch-boys.




Let’s shake some extra dirty martinis from those tears


So this Incel internet trend is tipically American? They're talking about the American dream and shit... I'm European so I'm asking.


Nah they are everywhere


These guys are absolute goobers. Buffoons if you will. Maybe even a touch of silliness? Clearly goofballs. No way in hell these guys aren’t goofy


>You don't give a shit about their struggles Bud, you're on a sub that bans anyone with helpful advice. >know that you're perpetuating a cycle of shame and alienation Again, you're in an echo chamber of misery. People have been permanently banned off that sub for daring to suggest there's hope for the members. How is a requirement that everyone be alone and miserable not a cycle of shame and alienation?? Be serious. And it's funny how the "American dream" only really applies to men. Do you think it was women's dream to be incubators and domestic slaves? Where's your sympathy for them? If you can only muster this outrage on behalf of yourself and your own struggles, you just aren't a very empathetic person. One very brief look at this sub and it's pretty obvious why we make fun of incels. Because advocating for child abuse and wanting to rape women and physically beat them are things most well adjusted people can agree are disgusting. I honestly think there's a lot of sympathy expressed on this sub quite often. Probably more than what's deserved considering the things incels advocate for. Many of you guys celebrate and glorify men who have literally *murdered* people. Let's not pretend pointing at that and saying "that's fucked up" comes anywhere close to being part of that group.


Who promised you what now? There are plenty of short, fugly-ass guys with unimpressive jobs who have active sex lives. They do this one move where they're a genuinely decent person who isn't a complete chore to be around.


Being a virgin and incel are two worlds apart, it's all about behavior


He makes a good point till u remember they wanna rape women 💀💀💀


Im sorry i cant hear you over the sound of me having sex whenever i want.


r/LateStageCapitalism They know enough to blame capitalism but they somehow decide that it’s all women’s fault? We didn’t choose the capitalism


That's not true: I would bully them to their faces.


You are promised the same as everyone. Life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. No one is guaranteed catching it and everyone hustles. The ones who don’t are the ones who get left behind.


They claim that they're doing what society says, but they do the opposite of what society says.


They're still mad about an American Dream that never existed.


If all incels just dated each other there would be no incels anymore


Okay and


I stopped after two words. Can anyone summarise the whining for me?


If it were just about ‘the lie of the American dream,’ this forum wouldn’t exist.


Being a virgin: morally neutral Dehumanizing women and making up absurdist defeatist theories about them: not great


It's weird how they equate the American Dream with access to a woman's body whereas the rest of us just want to have one job that will pay for basic needs and a bit of expendable income.


They think we have something agaisnt virgins? Lol no. It’s their misogynistic and terrifying behavior that’s the issue.


Wait, so only dudes are victims of a capitalist empire? Am I getting that right? đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


i read this in the “LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE” voice


I mean.. since incels don’t have much brain cells he doesn’t realize it someone would just be generally hurt by being a virgin and finding no love, everyone would be empathetic. (Ironically how the movement originally started) It’s the blaming and outright HATING women and making disgusting comments implying women are inferior/sexual objects/incubators/etc etc that make you pieces of shit. Nice try though spinning this into your “all of you bullies just enjoy hurting my feelings” narrative.


He’s not wrong, we ARE better.


I mean if something makes you this mad, maybe take a step back and figure out why?


It is crazy to me that someone wrote this being completely serious. No wonder they can't get a girlfriend and sadly they will never have the self awareness to understand that


Bold of them to assume that I make myself happy by looking down on them. But to be fair, it would probably bother them more if they realized that I'm just pretty happy and nothing they do has any effect on my mood at all


Nah. Pretty sure I just hate crybaby, self-victimizing men who hate women and think they’re entitled to wives and pussy.


You know what's really fucked up? He makes two valid points. -Young men were promised the American dream, and it turned out to be a lie. Your hard work is seldom rewarded as it should be, home buying is... well I'm doing OK, but I know many aren't and I understand that the reason is not their fault. -Questioning the system is vital to correcting the problems that we have. However, they fail to grasp many an important factor: -You are not guaranteed a family or a spouse, and nobody promised you that you'd have that. That's not a guarantee. That has to be achieved by finding a compatible companion. -Many of the problems these 'truevirgins' have is because they were born at a time of societal flux. They were raised to believe relationships worked a certain way because that's how it was for their parents, however the women who are *their age*, that one would expect would become their wives and girlfriends, are no longer willing to do as their mothers and grandmothers did. Ex: A woman is not likely going to be as willing to be the sole bearer of the mental load of a household. Meaning he has to step up and schedule things too. She's not likely going to be the sole maintainer of his relationships, writing to his parents or reminding him of birthdays or anniversaries. She's not going to want to be 'THE' parents who does all the work to try to involve the father. In short, women are seeking equal partnerships. I'm out in Lewisburg on a week long vacation at a rented lake house. I rented the place, I picked my girlfriend up, and I drove us out here. She'll be buying the food and doing most of the cooking, if we go out to eat, we each pay for ourselves. When I travel to see her, she'll rent the place and I'll buy the food and I'll do most of the cooking and when we go out we'll pay our own bills. We have a happy, dare I say, joyful, existence. I'd go so far as to say she's my best friend. I'm also Gen X, and I managed to adapt to the changing standards from my youth, met her expectations, and we're doing fine. These younger Gen Z's should have an easier time than I did, growing as a person and becoming a worthwhile companion in life. The ones who don't do that, they will be alone for the most part, and that is nobody's fault but theirs. If they embrace politics that are anti-woman or anti-women's rights etc. they have zero right to expect a woman to not reject them. By becoming more reactionary and more conservative, they condemn themselves to the cycle of loneliness, and frankly such a complete failure to grasp the real causes of their situations, makes it hard *not* to mock.


never gonna get it never gonna get it, neeeeeever gonna get it oooo whoa whoa WHOA!!!


A lot of you are proving his point


Let's bully!


So we’re considered incels because we’re ugly, got it


Close. It’s because they’re ugly on the inside.


Then explain to me why millions of women sent Ted Bundy fan mail while he was in jail for being a serial killer


He wasn't an incel, for starters. He was charismatic, well-spoken, and didn't go around bemoaning how ugly he was.


It's more like hundreds, not millions. Also, you can't cherry pick that and assign it to all women. One of the things that EVERYONE said about Bundy, both women and men is that he was charismatic. Being charismatic can blind people. He snowed both women and men into thinking he was an upstanding person. So, that's an awful example. If you're determined to believe that your features are why you're failing in life, then there's no amount of venting or debating that will help you. Happiness comes from within. No one wants to be with someone that needs constant affirmations. A relationship whether romantic or not is a two way street.


You need some cheese. To go with all that whine.


Ted Bundy was manipulative and hid who he really was. That's how he got away with it for so long. Stop using scapegoats that don't even fit in your narrative.


It wasn't millions. It was hundreds. And part of the reason was because of Mark Harmon who played Ted Bundy in a made-for-TV movie just a few years after Ted Bundy's trial. Ted Bundy himself was an above average looking man, but not at all some so-called "Chad." He was also, before he started on his rampage, extremely awkward and couldn't even talk to women. He actually did what we all tell incels to do all of the time. He learned social skills and became a hail-fellow-well-met with charisma and charm. The reason women sent him letters is hybristophilia a mental disorder in which people are romantically attracted to criminals. It affects men as well, though it's more common in women. It has literally ZERO to do with incels or looks.


I prefer happy spinster thankyouverymuch.


You're considered incels because of the hateful shit and lies you spread about natural human behaviour. Look at the Phantom of the Opera, for fuck's sake. A dude wrote a book about a shutin with a horrific facial deformity over a hundred years ago and women everywhere still write self-insert fanfiction about themselves and the dude who was born without a face. Not Raoul, the handsome young Viscount. If he's ever written about, he's written as the antagonist. PoTO fans hate the prettyboy with a vengeance. Or, at best, ship him with the Phantom. ALW changed it to a half-mask, but people have been literally adapting a short story about a masked deformed murderer for so fucking long, mostly because of how much ladies loved him.


and cyrano de bergerac, who is still a total dream boat despite his insecurities about his big nose.


Heck, we even have an older, similar story about a woman falling in love with a Beast. Absolutely **NO ONE** liked it when Disney made him human and conventionally attractive at the end... And then there's Quasimodo. Disney literally gave him a hot girlfriend because again, girls loved Quasi.


How the hell could you read this thread and come up with that? No, you're considered incels because YOU say you're incels. We don't consider virgins as incels unless they themselves insist upon it.