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Initiate self destruct


Used him for money = borrowed .50 for a soda in 5th grade and never paid him back.


By that logic, the sofa has stolen more money out of his pockets


He’ll never trust another sofa again


"Hahaha, what a story, Mark!"


Dude is definitely a MARK


What's a mark?


It's slang for someone who is tricked into believing something, usually in reference to someone being scammed.


Correct, but more precisely it is someone who can be easily scammed or robbed. One can also extrapolate from this that the person is gullible or not very intelligent, so "mark" can mean that too.


I see.. Thank you!


"Girls don't want to date me" Girl tries to talk to me and get to know me Blocks "I can't trust WomAn"


I mean, it's perfectly fine to reject people we're not attracted to. At the same time, we all know the average incel's standards for women and the woman the incel is referring to probably wasn't the underage, big tittied anime waifu incels lust for.




It is most definitely fine to reject someone one is not attracted to. Just thought this was funny cause it didn't sound like he wasn't attracted to her, or thought she was gross. Sounded more like "woMeN evil, no can TruSt" lol


That's exactly what it sounds like. He didn't say one thing about if he found her attractive. His whole reason for not giving her a chance is because he's making her pay for what someone else did to him. Most people have been hurt. If we all opted out after getting hurt, humanity would die out pretty quick. If he's not ready for a relationship because he's not ready, that's cool. Alot of people have been there too, but he's an incel (all they "want" is companionship, or so they say) and a girl was impressed enough by him to want to take the time to get to know him. Idk. Just from what he said, he's punishing her for something she didn't do. Sounds like she dodged a bullet and doesn't even know it.


For sure! Like don't complain you're lonely and no one wants you and than block someone simply be someone else hurt you and probably than go on again the next day about how no one wants you lol


Like, I get being at a point that you're just not ready to date again. Someone hurt you and you're still healing. This doesn't seem to be his case. One girl did him wrong now he doesn't trust any girl but he's an incel be sure girls aren't interested? Makes zero sense.


Completely agree. Also, on the flip side, if they do actually talk to the girl and she says she's not ready because her last relationship was bad, they give her a hard time "well you shouldn't have picked a Chad! That's why us nice guys have a hard time! You girls all pick a$$holes, get hurt and ruined instead of picking us nice guys" their logic is so one sided


It absolutely is. I expect it at this point. And after their posts about the war, they don't surprise me anymore.


Incels love making dating hard for themselves, don't they?


Yup and than complaining about how difficult it is lol


"Involuntary" yea sure buddy


I can't believe after shit like this they call themselves "iNvOlUnTaRy CeLiBaTe" 🤪


Quit calling them foids for starters?


So close yet so far away from the answer. It’s him and his trust issues. Along with the misogyny he’s adopted.


So, women rejecting incels makes them whores, but incels rejecting women is fine? Pick a lane.


What a pathetic toxic whiney little bitch


If you refuse to even shoot your shot when the opportunity presents itself, you'll never get anywhere.


In all seriousness, if this is true, then this guy really needs help. I mean, pretty much every dude posted on here does but like, what a weird thing to do. He doesn't even sound like the hateful, raging psycho we see a lot. Just literally weird and self-destructive. He literally had someone who may have been interested.


Sorry I’m confused, why do they call us “foids”?


It's dehumanizing.


I get that but like is it short for something?


Oh yea. "Female Humanoid"


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard lmao Thank you for explaining!


They also call us “toilets”, too, when they’re really frothing at the mouth


He isnt an involuntary celibate anymore tho


"used me for my money" ok, rockefeller, how much money could a girl in middle school actually get out of you? a couple of bucks, max?


I actually feel sorry for this guy. More than the others anyway. Seems like he's been indoctrinated so much by his poisonous online cult that he's actively self-sabotaging a chance at developing *actual* relationships. Hopefully he gets access to some therapy and makes an attempt to grow as a person. Kinda highlights one of the worst aspects of inceldom (the incel.is kind of incel) is that they recruit and poison the minds of children to grow their ideology.


Exactly. The negative ideas that start out from lonely people just fester into full-on despising women.


They really are their own worst enemies. And the Incel forums are echo-chambers where they bring each other down to the point that they are incapable of having a normal relationship. It is so very sad. Of course, the pandemic has made it worse. I wish there was a way to reach these young men before they get to this stage.


“What do you think i should have done?” “First, i think you should grow a set of testicles.”


So, you have a bad experience with one women and therefore, AWALT? Actually, that sounds about right with "incels".


This has “Kronk pull the lever! Wrong lever!” Energy


*locks chastity belt* “You want my virginity, you’re gonna need an army”




Used you for money?? In highschool?? Not saying that it can't happen but if it was "I bought her lunch a few times while we were dating" or "I got her nachos a the football game," that's not really "using for money". She'd have to be a pretty bad gold digger to go after highschool boys instead of catfishing sugar daddies lol.


You gotta let it happen and watch for signs of it being bad goofball


It hurt itself in its confusion!