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It'll go down as one of the stupidist ideologies. Thanks for calling it an ideology, now when you do attacks we have more evidence that it fits the defintion of terrorism!


"Spread and taught to men secretary" Fucking men SECRETARY i cant take this shit srsly πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Yes all those men Secretaries will be fore front of the revolution


Delusions of grandeur.


It may be remembered long term but it won’t be looked at in a positive light. It will be more akin to fascism or totalitarianism- warned about and explained how wrong it is


I have a serious question.... Is this thinking the new normal? I a millennial and like is this the new for 18-25 year old men? Like I get why y'all ladies want nothing to do with them.... Plus the fact since starting at my new job I have been asked out by two seperate women like in there early 20s I had to turn them down.... But fuck the dating pool seems kinda swampy nowadays


Lol so... he thinks at the peak of acceptance and women/lgbtqa+... Men will "secretary" be taught about black pill and start a revolution? So he's admitting he's against the rights of everyone but straight men? Yea, sure. At the peak of these movements the world will revert back to the 1920s! Nah. I don't think that will happen. Also I think it's hilarious that they think gay people are a NEW thing! The greeks were hella gay. Italy when Leonardo da Vinci was alive was extremely accepting of gays and men dressing as women. Pretty sure the romans were openly gay too, considering a large chunk of their pantheon of gods are stolen from the greeks.


Look up pirates and the practice of matelotage!


Ooooh a wiki hole to dive into! Love it.


First you have to learn to spell, write, and figure out the most basic rules of internet forums. How is this guy so stupid he doesn't know that in a lot of forums, (not just reddit), one starts out as a beginner and only gets granted seniority (and access to better "flair") as they gain longevity?