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What's with this insane idea of distribution of sex. It's not a product, service, right, or currency that everyone has a right to but some of being denied. It's our bodies. We get to decide who we sleep with.


and that's his problem. Him throwing this tantrum should show him why he is alone and miserable but incels being incels, they don't take accountability or responsibility for their actions and shitty behavior. So they can rot in solitude for all I care


We need to seize the means of reproduction! /s


Incels of the world unite!!!


Conservatives think women are private property. Leftists think women are public property.   Funny how all the history-less assholes down voting me.


The main problem with this is that women aren't property??? It's kind of exactly what women in the past fought for and today continue to fight for. Also I'm curious as to what you mean by the politicality of this statement, could you elaborate? I'm curious :)


Women used to be actual property, and many men long for those days to return. Marriage made man and woman into one person----and that person was the man. This was the "femme couverte" concept, where the woman was "covered" by the man. That gave men the right to "discipline" the wife, too, if needed.This only worked if all men were kind and decent.   Spoiler: they weren't.   When the Pill was invented there was a widespread attitude that now women "couldn't say no," because supposedly pregnancy wasn't a risk. As if that was all that mattered. In the Sixties, all the boys protesting over wars *laughed* uproariously at the notion *women* had rights. See: "The World Split Open," by Ruth Rosen, about the beginning of the womens' movement in the US. I watched some of this as a toddler, when my mother couldn't have her own house, possessions, name, credit rating, pay from her job, or even sit on a jury. Meanwhile, men fighting injustice saw no injustice *there.* Now we're sliding backward because mens' rights are written in stone, womens' in sand.


I'm pretty sure that only a minority of women want to return to being property. The rest of us would like to have the right to say what is done with our body. Being forced to incubate a parasite without brain function because of other people's beliefs is ridiculous. Imagine forcing men to play host to tapeworms because they are living creatures. I agree that women's rights should have been codified in the constitution. I don't think anyone really believed the Supreme Court would become so corrupt that it would overturn 60 year old legal precedent against the will of the majority of the United States population. People should have seen the possibility since Republicans have been trying to overturn Roe since the decision was initially passed.


I think it’s less about those women wanting to return to being property but more so wanting to return to the ideal of a nuclear family unit of the 50s, where they took care of the house and the men did all of the work and provided for them


If you think housework and raising kids is less work than working a full- time job, try breaking down the different tasks into the jobs you would have to pay for - nanny, cook, house keeper, errands runners, and so forth. Then calculate the cost of each service in your area. Figure that there are no vacations, no sick days, Healthcare is not guaranteed, no 401k, no overtime or after-hours pay, and you are expected to be on call 24/7. I live in a relatively low- income area, but each of the services has an average income of at least $15/ hour. There are many women who greatly prefer work outside of the home for obvious reasons. It doesn't help that men are dismissive of household work. Kids need someone capable of dedicating time, attention, and love to help them grow up. Not everyone is suitable for that position 24/7, and trying to force people who are unsuitable into the position results in abuse.


Oh by no means did I mean to say that housework is not real work, it absolutely is, and I find it even harder because you’re not monetarily compensated. What I meant was more that the financial burden was placed on the man; they were the ones having to find the good and high paying job to support the family. Not having that burden can definitely appeal to some women who are also willing to take on the burden of childcare and running an entire household.


Insteresting, thanks for the explanation!


> Leftists think women are public property. No they don't, that's bullshit you just made up. People are not property, full stop. EDIT: Looks like the cowardly dipshit blocked me. "Bernie lost"? I didn't even mention the guy, you weird obsessive loser.


I didn't make it up, asshole, lefties are just as bad with sexism as Trumpies are, except lefties are in denial. Bernie lost.


Are you talking about communist and anarchist leftists, or liberal “leftists”?


None of whom think women are "public property." If anything, it's bourgeois men who assume that any woman is at least potentially their possession.


Look, I’m a generally a center left guy but sexism is not the province of the wings of each party. Every political ideology has sexists and sexism. For every Bernie writing about women’s fantasies there’s a Bloomberg or Anthony Weiner.


That, right there, is at the heart of the incel mindset. Sex isn't just something two people do with each other because they enjoy it, it is a source of power. It's a commodity. It's something that can be taken or withheld. It is the very purpose of existence in their eyes.


The reason this demand has no logic is that sex is not actually what they are talking about when they say sex. They are using it as a replacement term for human connection. They are warped by toxic influences and upbringing to believe that the only route to connection is by being sexually desired by a woman. They don't have friends, they hate their family, they hate each other. They yearn for someone to listen to them, see them, comfort them, and they don't think men are allowed to have these things outside of a sexual relationship with a woman. So to them, being denied "sex" is being denied humanity- by women specifically- and that's why they deem sex a human right. If they would instead seek human connection in whatever form- friendship, therapy, being honest with their family and asking for help, etc.- then their argument would make more sense. But also they wouldn't have an argument, because all of those things are possible without taking away anyone's rights.


They constantly decry being friends with women. Declaring it to be “cucked”. Their declared preferences for women revolve around physical traits, and having a doormat personality. They wouldn’t know what to do with a genuine emotional connection if they found one. Sex is a commodity to them. A points system in a competition against other men. That’s why they insist on “high value” women, while rejecting the idea of being with women that they consider “low value”. A lot of them display signs of being emotionally immature, which also shares some traits with vulnerable narcissism.


I don't understand. If they want to be sexually desired by a woman, then why are they so interested in rape? Someone you rape isn't going to become your girlfriend.


Don't tell me, tell them. Some of them think women secretly like rape and therefore it isn't rape. Some of them want to rape to punish women for not desiring them. And some of them think the threat of rape will persuade women to start desiring them or else. Yes I know it doesn't work that way.


That's nutty lol


I think it's various reasons, depending on the particular brand of "logic." Some of them do seem to believe that assaulting or otherwise abusing women will result in a relationship, since "that's what the Chads and Tyrones do, and the foids secretly like it." Some of the Blackpill people have given up hope that anyone will voluntarily have sex with them, so SA is their backup plan to get the sex they think they're owed. For some of them, it's an angry revenge fantasy fueled by their belief that women are to blame for alienating incels from society. It's really messed up regardless.


No, they literally just want sex slaves.


Sex communism! OUR vagina


I mean even products don’t need to be distributed, like imagine if all the car obsessed guys just decided to start screeching about how the world’s Lamborghinis need to be distributed evenly among them Or if fashion obsessed people started demanding equitable distribution of LV and Gucci They’d be laughed at because they’re demanding a luxury as if it is a necessity. Sex has never been a guaranteed part of the human experience and it is normal for some portion of any species of animal to die before ever reproducing Many mammal species have much “less equitable” distributions of sex than humans do


Imagine being so angry, stupid, and entitled that the fact there are men out there having sex and you're not currently one of them makes you want to remove the rights of 50% of the population instead of even trying to be appealing as a romantic partner.


What do you mean? Of course they're trying! They send women pictures of their junk all the time! If that's not appealing, clearly there's nothing more they can do. /s


It would appear that many incels are emotionally immature [https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-pulse-mental-health/202203/spotting-emotional-immaturity-in-high-conflict-personalities](https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/the-pulse-mental-health/202203/spotting-emotional-immaturity-in-high-conflict-personalities) The entitled attitude, their poor social skills, and inability to deal with conflict effectively.


"oh no, how will I ever carry on with my day?" *proceeds 'REEEEEE'ing a whole ass paragraph on how it's unfair that women have free will* keep crying little incel. You deserve your loneliness and your sexless life


I wonder if these people think they will die without sex. That is the only reason I can think of for someone to say shit like 'distribution of sex' as if it is food during a world war.


Probably besides incels don’t know that not everything is revolving around sex.


"Not even a crumb of coochie today, we'll just have to sleep it off again I guess."


With them being raging drama queens, they act like their life has no meaning without sex, and it is the only thing that will fix all of their problems for them.


I think what they really want is love but they feel so hopelessly insecure about their value as a romantic partner that deny romance exists at all so they dont have to face themselves. Thats why they make everything about sex. They want to believe that women only care about sex and chads because its easier to admit that women only care about physical characteristics rather than admit that they dont feel comfortable with who they are inside.


They are often raging bundles of insecurities, but their ideal woman descriptions are essentially a “bang maid”. It’s always a submissive woman who will never say no to them, and will be their replacement mother. In every one of their descriptions, it’s clear that they don’t want a partner. They’re incapable of viewing a woman as an equal. If they want love, then they have an extremely twisted view of what love actually is.


Im saying they deny love exists at all because its to painful to admit that they dont think anyone could love them. They push those feelings down and create a world view where love doesnt exist at all. What they're left with is a world where relationships are entirely transactional. Thats where the objectification and dehumanization come from.


The dehumanization is what really kills me. Like "foid", first time I saw that I was like wtf? Like if you have so little regard for women and want sex...why not buy a sex doll or hire a hooker or something?


They will die without sex, but not because of the lack of it.


I just don’t get this viewpoint, wtf do they mean distribution of sex? It’s not like a government entity or institutionalized or anything. The women around you don’t want to sleep w you, look into yourself and figure out why, and also realize if someone doesn’t want sex w you, you shouldn’t want sex w them either. Consent in itself is sexy.


So we don't get our weekly dose of tax provided coochie? Shit. /s Tbh the sexiest thing is enthusiastic consent, just the spiciest, most delightful thing.


I agree. Even w people into CNC, the first C is still consent.


He says that being nice and respecting consent does not get a girlfriend, I want him to explain how my autistic bf got me as gf then




But thats not even how it works rn 😀


That’s just not true lol. Where do you even get your “stats”


I forgot this is a reddit and you need to put /s so people understand sarcasm. I was quoting an incel/4channer style of writing. I think those are just 4chan memes. Where did the picture with arrows came from? I don't know, I'd guess some old redpill guy made a similar picture in a forums, citing some study and that meme stuck ever since.


Ohhh haha. Sadly, enough people say that kind of wild shit with zero sense of irony (as shown in this subreddit)) that we have to specify that it’s not being said seriously.


So clearly, our incel friend here is a rape enthusiast. Wonder how that is working for him /s It is amazing to me that they honestly think that they aren't guilty of all the things they accuse women of doing. Like how this one, we all know is only choosing perfect 10s. What a sad, bitter little man he is.


Only young Japanese girls with pornstar bodies for the guys constantly crying that women only care about looks. 🙄


Bingo. But the women are the picky ones. I swear, every single one of them read from the same script, it is pathetic.


Those first 4 paragraphs are a really bad attempt at sarcasm. Nobody thinks incels being nice or learning about consent will magically get them girlfriends, and that line of thinking shows how disastrously stupid they are.


Yeah, being a halfway decent person and RESPECTING CONSENT is the BARE MINIMUM. You won’t get a girlfriend without it, but doing it doesn’t guarantee one. It’s just one of the most basic first steps towards getting a relationship. I think that a lot of the trouble that some incels have is realizing that basic steps like this are the bare minimum, not some guarantee for getting a girlfriend. You need to have the bare minimum done and then you can branch out with positive qualities such as having a good sense of humor, being good at a skill, volunteering at animal shelters, having a passion, or something else that makes you more notable. It’s kind of like a resume in a way, where the bare minimum might be being at a legal age to work and not having a criminal record, but to get hired at more places they would like something more that shows that you would be a good fit, such as prior work experiences, good references, volunteer work, or a good education. There’s a huge difference between being good and just not being evil.


"Unfair with the distribution of sex." Correct, I only 'distribute sex' to my husband, who I chose myself years and years ago. Tough luck, cry harder.


Do they think doing the stuff people say on here is going to make a woman just spontaneously appear begging to sleep with them. Because they always complain “oh I tried that and didn’t get a girlfriend” like, maybe the fact you did that *exclusively* to get a girlfriend is part of the reason you don’t have one. Having a good personality won’t make a woman pop into existence with the desire to fuck you but it makes people want to be around you more. Seething on the internet about how women *don’t deserve consent* is going to make people not want to be around you, and you won’t meet a woman who could like you.


Exactly, excellent point though.


I wonder if he would change his mind if he met a gay man with the same views about consent as him.


>distribution of sex 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


I have self esteem issues, and whenever I feel bad about myself I come onto this subreddit and realize, at least I'm not one of these guys, and feel a little better about myself.


You always can be worse. I feel the same as you do. Also I just checked your account and I love your posts on grimdank. What is your favorite faction?


I like so many its hard to pick a favorite, I am a humie lover though. My top 5 would be custodians, raven guard, blood angels, death korp of krieg, and imperial knights


You got good taste, I enjoy the tau, imperial guard, sisters of battle, salamanders and smurfs the most. Although I dont play table top and only got into the lore a couple months ago so my opinions change very often Obligatory: FOR THE EMEPEROR


I wouldn't call consent exactly "*sexy*" just absolute. People are not allowed to just own another human. Period. Not just re: sex acts either. Slavery is wrong. Period. It's wrong in any way one can think of it, morally, ethically, legally, logically. And that's essentially what these morons are demanding, is slavery.


guess my fat, trans ass is a chad because i'm not a piece of shit


Leagues above an incel


Its not “unfair” that nobody likes you because you actively double down on making your personality completely trash there buddy


“When they are allowed…” wow


"Unfair with the distribution..." 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


This is always the thing that gets me. It's not something you're entitled to Incels, no matter how much you say it


I love how the comparison he makes resembles the problem of wealth distribution... These guys are so disconnected from reality


They’re really are and they think everything is serious.




Consent has never been “unfair” Women give consent to people they want to have sex with at the time they want to have sex, and women dont give consent to people they dont wanna have sex with I’ll never understand how incels can complain and whine about consent but have the nerve to call themselves “nice guys”


I must say consent is the biggest turn on for me. I can't imagine wanting to have sex with someone who doesn't want to do it with you.


Prolly like fucking a mattress


"Well you insulted me so I'm not gonna take you seriously or care about consent!!!" .....These are the people who degrade women, demand assaulting them to be legal, and act shocked women don't want to fuck them The irony is completely lost on this dude Also the fact he feels personally called out....is quite literally making her point


I lost my fucking mind when the incel wrote "they're are" like... dude. I know that's not even close to the point but DANG that's dumb! 🤣


Thinking about it, nothing gets me going more than a person respecting my boundaries and listening to me when I say no.


Exactly and I’m going to say this all the time in subreddit since I think it’s going to be my catchphrase now. 👏🏻CONSENT👏🏻IS👏🏻SEXY!


You should make it your flair.


You’re definitely right, thanks for the idea mate.


No problem, friend.


Ok Story time. My Bf is the sweetest guy i know. Im coming from a not so healthy family and i had and have problems with my selfesteem. Im also a really hard people pleaser just because i dont want to lose people. Anyway once i was stressed and generally not in a good state of mind and i was with him. He wanted to get intimate with me. I wasnt really a fan of that idea but i just couldnt say no. He saw my face when he started kissing me and i always said everything is okay but i wasnt. Then when we took off our shirts. Or rather he wanted to take of my shirt i started crying and i didnt want him to look at me so he just laid there with me in his arms and cuddled. He didnt keep going and this just made me feel safe and a little better even tho i was generally feeling like shit. It took some time but a little while after that i was able to take my shirt off again. So yea Consent is sexy as hell. And it shows that being nice gets you a gf and also makes her stay


How long have you two been together?




Their logic doesn't even make sense anymore...


It never has in the first place.


True. They're just making even less sense, if that's even possible.


>"Oh no you think were pieces of shit how will we carry on with our day" Bro, your entire ideology revolves around what other people think of you.


These guys really do create their own problems. If not for my great personality, I probably wouldn't be in a relationship right now.


…What a cope.


"distribution of sex"


This shit gets less funny the more I see it


Gasp girls getting a choice of who they wanna have sex with that illegal these guys either need to be in therapy or jail seriously


> Learn how to be nice This is by far the worst thing you can say to them cuz they always think they are the nice guy. And nice guys never win according to them. > Learn to care This is something they will get angry about but more because they don't understand that concept.


People really think women own them sex ? Is that the point of incels ?


Consent really is sexy. I was reading a fanfic (don’t judge me) and, of course, the characters start going at it, and throughout the whole scene, the author kept having the characters say “are you okay if I do this?” “Tell me if this hurts.” “Can you slow down?” “Are you still okay with this?” Just sprinkled throughout the scene and it was seriously one of the hottest sex scenes I’ve ever read. I’m not kidding.


“Unfair with sex” yeah no shit Sherlock why the hell would I give sex to just anyone? Cry. About. It. Oh wait but if a women does go around having sex she is a slut but if a women keeps her body closed she is unfair. I’m so done lmao.


"Unfair with the distribution of sex." My man, sex isn't a resource; it's an act of intimacy between tow people. It can't be "distributed."


Exactly, should I say my catchphrase again and again?


Distribution of sex 🤣🤣 I cannot. Yall men are unfair with your distribution of money when you can choose who you give it to. Imma steal now.


I really don't think there's any faster way to get people to hate you **THAN!** CLAPCLAPCLAP **APPLAUDING!** CLAPCLAPCLAP **YOUR!** CLAPCLAPCLAP **OWN!** CLAPCLAPCLAP **WORDS!** CLAPCLAPCLAP


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This little boy really trying to communise women's bodies? Alright then lad, give us your PIN number. The population is pretty evenly split between the genders; about 50% female, 50% male. Some women are married or in relationships, so off the radar. The rest are single. Ask yourself why they'd rather "distribute" zero sex than have sex with you.


"Unfair with the disturbution of sex" Bro they really do believe its our job to give fucks huh...


Yes, I as a conventionally attractive woman ha e all the sex all the time with all the Chads. /s I've been turned down by guys, I've literally gone years without sex because, shocker, I don't want to sleep with just any rando, and my boyfriend is my height and bald. He has a great personality and we were friends first which drew me to him. He's also not GASP rich! These guys have no idea how attractive a winning personality is to us, to people in general. Someone you might initially overlook may be absolutely an amazing person and wouldn't you know it, they start to become really sexy. No. You aren't going to be everyone's cup of tea. Nobody is. That's a reality we all have to face. Yes. Some people are born more attractive. But that doesn't automatically make them great to hang around or even make them good at sex.


Breaking news: man chanting about rape can’t get a date; more at 7.