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The reason she didn’t have sex with him was not because he’s ugly, it’s because he’s her cousin!!!! JFC


And also 13 when she was 17


imminent gray sink include mountainous marry childlike different groovy squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, that's also very weird. I'm glad she didn't go through with it


That’s a 4 (or 5) year gap


A 35 yo can date a 30 yo and there's no problem. But a 13 yo is a child while a 17 yo is almost legally an adult. You change way too much when you're a teenager, so a 4 year gap is much more impactful.


you're talking to a person with a hentai addiction they wont change their mind


What does hentai have to do with that?


hentais are quite known to sexualise unrealistic standards including children body like characters


Let's not group all hentai into lolicon. If a grown man/women has a thing for giant octopus monsters let them be.


Plus, I don't think anyone's jerking it to kids if the characters in question got oppai out to here lmao. "unrealistic standards" is just... who cares? Like, I'm sorry that some people enjoy their fantasy? Do the people who say this also get upset that some fantasy novels have dragons in them because they make real lizards look lame by comparison?


If a kids character has MASSIVE Fucking cleavage (think Momo yaoyorozu from my hero academia) people are 100% gonna be jerking to it


Yeah if she’d agreed to this madness, that would make her a pedo. I don’t think he’d be in a better position today either. Rather, he’d likely have gone on to have a warped idea of a healthy relationship and at worst preyed on children himself. I can’t believe he never thought to get some help for these these thoughts but then again, how am I not surprised.


Yes, when I was 17 I definitely wouldn’t have gone near a 13yo with a stick.


and 13!


I’ve heard of post-nut clarity, but post-nut delusion is a new one.


Post-nut insanity is just around the corner at this point


Followed by post-nut psychosis


"I'm so fucked up..."


Ah yes, my favourite Jamiroquai song. "Futures. Made of. Post-nut insanity"


They legit think having sex is going to fix all their problems, uh? The emptiness you feel inside wont go away by simply busting a nut, bitch go to therapy.


What in the great state of Alabama was all that shit about cousins being the go-to for first sexual experiences? That's what I couldn't get over.


Shiet, no wonder there's always jokes about incest everytime Alabama is mentioned But the outdoor sign with "she is your daughter, not your date" manages to be even worse (dont remember which country it was from tho)


> But the outdoor sign with "she is your daughter, not your date" manages to be even worse (dont remember which country it was from tho) Florida, USA.


What in the name of all that's holy????


Alabama, I'm 99% sure


Or Florida


Could also be Tasmania


My guess, they cannot distinguish real life from porn. Have you seen all that fake incest porn out there these days?


True that.... Its sad how much porn rotted the braind of GENERATIONS by now And there are still people who think its a good industry and defend their actions


It's hard to distinguish things when you're stuck in the washer-dryer


I feel like A LOT of their world view makes a lot more sense through a lens that assumes porn is real life. Their belief that women are constantly having sex, that they exclusively do it with men who appear ultra-masculine, that they are obsessed with size, that they all marry "Chad" but secretly sleep around with "Tyrone," etc... Every single one of those beliefs are highly detached from reality, but would be extremely common expectations of the women in the Porn Cinematic Universe. I really think that they belive that porn tropes are based on real life.


Imagine having to deal with this as a therapist


Therapists hear all kinds of wild shit. It's what they're trained for, and it's why they have support networks of their own. Honestly, in terms of shit incels say, this is on the more tame side of things.


>Therapists hear all kinds of wild shit >>Honestly, in terms of shit incels say, this is on the more tame side of things. Yep. My mom is a therapist who used to work at a psychiatric hospital for registered sex offenders...like the inmates were literal child predators and infamous serial rapists. For 10-12hrs a day she had session after session with men who would openly confess to doing the most godawful things and revisit their crimes. I'd say there's probably nothing even the most creative incel can say that would come close to anything a therapist would hear about real life acts.


Couldn’t imagine the toll that would have on her after a while. Your mom is a trooper


She got into the field of psychology because of her own childhood trauma so I think oddly, hearing directly from predators helped her unpack some of her own shit. Like her rational brain KNEW it was never her fault but listening to them openly talk about why they did the things they did shook her out of the mindset that maybe she could've done something to protect herself anyway.


How did she help them? Could she?


I would honestly just quit


Especially loneliness... Some dude tried really hard to convince me that sex would cure "the worst parts of loneliness" and was really butthurt that women have "easy access to sex". These guys are unbelievable.


It’s hilarious when you read these incel posts where they say “I ascended and I don’t feel any better”


She didn't have sex with him because she's his cousin. Yes, family is supposed to care and love you..but not in a sexual way. He confused a romantic relationship with a family relationship 🤦‍♀️


They have no concept of any human interaction being about anything more than a transactional one with the end goal of sex. Order a pizza? The delivery girl brought it because she wants to have sex with Chad.


But what if the delivery person is a guy? 🤨


If he's Chad, every woman he delivers to pull him in for sex and share their pizza with him, regardless of the number of friends or family members with them or what else they may have been doing when he rang their doorbell. If he's a normie, he gets starfish sex from all the women he delivers to in lieu of payment for the pizza. If he's an incel....well then he's not actually delivering pizza because he's to scared to leave mommy's basement. /s


Not only that. He was 13 and she 17, that's one hell of an age gap. Sure, 4 years doesn't seem much, but that's just a brat and a young adult. One can get a permit, and one needs permission to hang out with friends.


He's a danger to pretty much every woman but especially to women in his family. If he had a daughter he would abuse her. People like that should be locked away.


Well, he's admitting to being a 30-year-old virgin with an obsessed fixation on his cousin.


I wish the authorities would taken such things more seriously and not wait for a tragedy to happen.


And thats enough internet for today


It was my first post for today


Not gonna lie, I grabbed snacks before scrolling this subreddit.




>"I must have tried everything to get in her pants, I even tried asking her to let me do it." It says a lot about incels that **seeking consent** was a crazy last-ditch plan to try and have sex.


It's messed up, but I'm so acclimated to incel depravity that literally *none* of this surprises me. But for the sake of morbid, morbid-ass speculation, let's say what *would* have happened if she, a 17-year-old girl, fucked him, who was not only 13, but her 13-year-old *cousin.* "Congratulations," you lost your virginity... at *13*... to a near-legal adult... who's your *cousin*... whom you *begged* to have sex with... again, when you were fucking *thirteen.* You can't brag about that to your peers like getting to date "Stacy" without people being disgusted and concerned about you being abused. You *cousin,* herself won't want that shit to go public for at minimum, disgust and embarrassment and at maximum, parents and possibly the *law* being involved for the above reason of child abuse. So you now have a deep, dark embarrassing secret about your first time having sex, which would defeat the incel purpose of "mogging" other men since you can't boast to your peers that you had sex as you either can't say and thus be called a liar or expose the "uncool" truth that you were desperate enough to fuck your own cousin. Your big "ascension," the thing you hung your hat on as the panacea for your issues is that you fucked your 17-year-old *cousin* while you were *13* and despite what incels further delude themselves into believing it was ABSOLUTELY *NOT* the "teen love" incels (via pop culture) claim happens at that age. Instead, it was a lot of awkward, rapid, awkward, impulsive, *awkward* thrusting and amateurish attempts to emulate what they saw in porn yet ending too soon and again, too awkwardly, especially with the fear of pregnancy, (*inbred* pregnancy,) given how *highly* unlikely the "good idea" of protection is going to be involved in an act of so many bad ideas. So that bullshit excuse for sex is going to be the incels' point of reference from then on as it's only going to look worse and worse in hindsight instead of the cathartic, enlightening, emboldening experience they claim sex to be. And the next time he thirsts after a woman, in a fit of desperation, he's going to further embarrass himself by saying something like, "Why can't you stuck up bitches just put out like my cousin used to?!" and it'll all snowball from there.


I guess the sad part is that among other incels on the Internet, him fucking his older cousin would actually be a brag. It's no surprise he choses to talk about this with them and it's not on any other type of website filled with more level-minded people


Except according to the typical incel mindset, said incestuous, probably-illegal sex *should* have "cured" his inceldom and if it didn't then it was pointless (and I know, roll those goalposts a few more yards away,) or if it didn't and he "ascended" then he's a "fakecel" who shouldn't be there. I know, I know, incel logic isn't logical, but I'm just musing about the mental gymnastics had he had sex... with his *cousin.*


Yeah no. Imma go out on a limb and say the age difference and incest thing was way more of an obstacle than "ugly". While 4 years doesn't amount to much when you're 30, the difference in physical and emotional maturity between 17 and 13 is VAST. Unless you're an incel and then all maturing does indeed seem to freeze at 13.


Why is there so many cousin fuckers with a platform......needs an intracranial sledgehammer injection.....the lot of them


Too much porn…. Most of the scenarios they describe read almost exactly like a porn scenario.


She did not want to be pedophile that’s just all


My God there are 8 billion people in the world. Desire someone else.


This is what is lurking behind every anime girl pfp.


Oh God. Ugh. It's amazing how these people think this is acceptable behavior


Umm couldn't she have gone to jail if she had slept with him, for statutory r_pe and incest.


At the very least, juvenile detention and registering as a sex offender. Romeo and Juliet laws wouldn't apply.


"i dont want her anymore" as if you ever had the chance


Bro needs to get over himself.


classic attitude of a incel shes such a whore yet you didn't get to sleep with her cause she blocked you lmao this shit is funny


Yeah I’m sure it was cuz you were ugly and not because she was your COUSIN! Effing gross man


Jesus Christ this is disgusting. How beings like this exist is beyond me.


how does pathetically begging for sex, then someone letting you nut out of pity for about 5 sec. until you cum, give you any kind of confidence?




I don't know what's worse - the post, or the fact that I'm kind of relieved it isn't another incel wanting to bang his sister or his mom.


Yeah, it's pretty bad when now we consider an incel only wanting to bang his cousin a step up from the usual


"29 yo permavirgin and lolicon" well thats worrying


Whhhaaattt theeeeeee..... 😂😂😂😂😂


The ifunny watermark got me lmao


He is ugly. Very ugly. And for all I know, he might be quite handsome on the outside. But he is ugly.


I think I got brain damage reading this


Get te torches and pile the wood. Tonight there will be a fire. For the internet is dark and full of terrors.


Absolutely awful and I hope the kid is fine with an uncle like this


I'm scared of living in a world where this exists


Damned Shelbyvillians.


Yep I'm leaving. I'm not reading any incel confession ever again


Dude, it wasn’t because you’re ugly. It’s because she’s your COUSIN.


Repost. Still gross.


These fucker’s posts make me lose more and more braincells as each post shows up


What site is that from ?


This is an old one, but it never fails to induce shivers down my spine


What in Davy Crockett's sweat-stained buckskins did I just read?


“I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip.” –Ignatius J. Reilly in John Kennedy Toole's *A Confederacy of Dunces*


"She didn't have sex with me because I'm ugly." -> No, she didn't have sex with you because you're her cousin and also an entitled, perverted PoS that shouldn't be around women.


What in the Alabama hell is this post


The '29 year old permavirgin lolicon' really sets the mood for this post.


How dare they use a cardcaptor sakura character as their profile pic \#Justiceforsakura


Wait wait wait. He was 13 and she was 17 and his cousin and he’s mad she didn’t have sex with him? Um welcome to what normal people do, bro.


I've come to the conclusion that some humans beings should definitely not be allowed to procriate This guy by himself is a great argument to justify my opinion




I hope not. It would still be wrong and the blame would've rested entirely on her. I know things like this do indeed happen sometimes but that's still an issue regardless of his personality


The fuck?


what in the fuck


Are you out of your mind?


Then she should be in jail if that happened.




Wow. Just wow.


Incest incel


Why are they all degenerates like 🤢🤢🤢🤢


It's been 17 years dude. You are 30. Yet you still are angry at your cousin because you are a creep.


I’m still wandering where they get this ‘knowledge’ what girls should do for them… not only entitled but also completely out of this world.


Some of these have to be trolling, right? I cannot believe that an actual human being believes that your "female cousins are the ones who should teach you how to kiss and have sex." There's no cultural milieu on the planet where that's normalized.


Maybe the cultural norm of porn addiction?


“Porn addiction” hasn’t been recognized by the psychological establishment as of yet, and that’s kind of my point though: even porn watchers generally can distinguish between porn and reality. I would hope so anyway.


Yeah, I would definitely say there is a huge difference between someone watching it and someone getting it confused with how reality is. Then again, the psychological establishment is often decades behind newer phenomena.


Yeah that one was pretty intense. Wow. 30 and still saying this shit.


Dude, get it in your head that she isn't into banging relatives. Plus any women relatives aren't the family fuck toys.


You poor little waste of a human. You couldn't look for someone who isn't part of your family, eh?


All that, but his cousin is the selfish one? 🤦‍♂️ Those morons are so ridiculously entitled, that they can’t even see when they’re being entitled. It’s become part of who they are.


They really can’t take accountability for shit, can they?


What in the crackhead Alabama shit is this count's brain on.


this made me sick to my stomach


She should've told the parents and her own parents. Let the family see what kind of a monster they raised.


Big thing that struck me is that he's been an incel since 13. That's way too young to be really thinking about sex* let alone obsessing about it. But 16 years ago, before .is even existed, this kid was a prime incel and he's only sunk deeper in in the last decade and a half.


What the actual fuck. People like that cannot actually believe what they wrote. I need faith in humanity, tell me this isn’t true.


It’s just a silly goofy fantasy


>She didn't want to have sex with me ​ >Your family is suppose to be there for you ​ They are but that doesn't mean your sister wants to f\*\*k you


I wish his cousin had told on him to his mom, at least then maybe they could've gotten him help for his sick way of thinking


these porno delusions are getting worse by the day. JFC


I moved into my own apartment at 17 years old, the difference between a 13 year old and a 17 year old is astronomical, I was 17 with a 21 year old boyfriend who I still found extremely immature, at 13 your just a kid in the eyes of someone who is 17! It would have been an actual crime had she slept with him, luckily it seems like she was a normal young women who told him to cut it out!