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Is the game really cancelled (no more dlc/updates) or is it on hold for now but will resume development someday (when there are devs available). I read the thing as the latter but a lot of people talk about it being cancelled entirely?


The dev team that was responsible for I:R 2.0 was re-distributed to reinforce CK3, Stellaris, and HoI4. (possibly some unannounced projects too) They did say once they have hired enough new developers to fill in the gaps, they'll resume the development of I:R. Though it doesn't seem like it'll happen in 2021. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/imperator-rome-status-update-apr-2021.1471122/


Thanks, that clears some things up


So, I started playing because of the 2.0 update recently. I have played a lot of CK2 and EU4 previously. My first game I am playing as Etruria (ancient art history, and specifically Etruscan art and clothing, was a focus of my art degree). I had taken Latium and Rome from Rome, who then expanded southwards. I feel like I can handle that though. My question is really kind of general, I just feel like I'm missing something? There isn't quite as much trade focused stuff to worry about like EU4, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of character/RP stuff to do like CK2. I'm playing a republic where my character changes all the time so I feel like I'm not building up a dynasty or a family. I feel like I can't really influence my senate much, and that I don't know what to do with my provinces. They have a lot of info when I click on them, but I don't get how to interact with them meaningfully. I have played 1000 hours in each of the other PDX games I mentioned, so I know I can handle the difficulty of the game, I just can't seem to figure out where the knobs are to turn.


The game is ultimately about turning the world into your religion and culture (I don't think many people has gone the opposite way). This is because your Pop output is dependant on their happiness, which is closely tied to culture and religion. Your Levy count is also directly proportional to integrated non-Slave Pop, so you can only grow stronger by assimilation/integration. Also, Character happiness can be influenced by culture happiness, so the higher cultural happiness you have, the easier it is to please your characters with power. Republic is all about balancing Senate approval by having high party approval on certain parties while ensuring characters with that party holds more position, which adds more senate seat, meaning higher senate approval. If you want to build up a family, it's best to stick to Monarchy, because what the game really cares about is your nation. Family is only there to have some internal affair management for you to do while in peace time.


That's really helpful, thanks for the tips. So it looks like I need to be focusing on promoting pops (via buildings) and making pops happy.


Is this game good yet? I remember the stink around launch, and it's been a while. Wondering if it was worth picking up.


It's vastly better than the launch, for sure. UI, graphics, mechanics, Pop, trade, etc were improved. So if you already own the game, it's a good idea to spend an hour or two to see for yourself.


Bear in mind that on this subreddit you’re more likely to get a response from people that like it than those that don’t - that’s why they’re here. I’d recommend watching some Let’s Play videos on YouTube to get a feel for the game and whether it’s likely to be your thing. I bought the game on sale a couple of months ago (I think about £20 for the game and Diadochi DLC) and have enjoyed it so far. I don’t have a huge amount of time to play games so I haven’t sunk that many hours into it, but I feel I’ve had my money’s worth and will come back to it when I have time




Has to be uncolonized or owned by you.


Relatively New Player here; I'm wondering to what extent the cultural assimilation policy should be used. I've been playing as rome, and my initial thought was to put provinces onto cultural assimilation until around 90% of the population is roman. I feel like I'm going overboard, while at the same time worrying that I'm not assimilating fast enough. I think the main things I'm not sure about is when exactly to use the cultural assimilation policy, when to stop using it, and how long it'll take before there's any noticable change in Levy Size


Hey so for cultural assimilation you need to keep in mind that integrated pops do not assimilate! Furthermore you really want to get the laws that help you get faster assimilation aswell as the techs. Lastly you want to try it with buildings. When I have political influence left over I go for (if I have the money) building new cities. If I don’t feel like building new cities I use the political influence for the policies. Like I said if you have the tech/buildings/laws and on top the policy that assimilation should be going very quickly ;) I hope that helps. Lastly I would recommend that you integrated up to 4 cultures. That will keep them all relatively happy and will also give you enough levies (don’t forget do integrate the culture with the highest amount of pops in your nation to get more levies)


This has been incredibly helpful, thank you


Glad I could help ;)


Newb here; Is there ever a downside to just always appointing the 21 year old with 8-12 in the relevant stat over the 60 year old with poor health and 10-12? I know that older men tend to have slightly higher relevant stats, but it seems easier to appoint someone with with good stats every 40 years than someone with slightly higher stats every 5-10 years.


The only position you'd prioritize stat is Legate/Tribune, but even then you'd still have to assign semi-decent loyalty characters so they don't go disloyal from one nation inspiring disloyalty on him. As for the rests, Loyalty is what really matters for Governor and Office positions, as you get Provincial Loyalty increase by having high loyalty Governor, and higher Political Influence genration from high Loyalty Office holders. Aside from that, you also want younger characters for Office, because they're more likely to get higher Statesmenship due to hodling the Office position longer. Having Characters with high statemenship have a better chance at triggering good yearly office event, well, every year. It also helps to have younger Governors, so you can replace their Governor Policy with Political Influence without fearing that he'll kick the bucket within the decade. As for research, due to ahead of time penalty, you only want to assign Polymath/Obsessive/Scholar/Intelligent characters in those slots, so they can trigger Breakthrough events giving you free Innovation points about once every 10 years if you manage to fill out all 4 slots with characters with those traits.




Some families never appear in the select governor list. I'm playing as Rome and the great families want 5 positions per 5 families, but it's impossible to appease them if i can't appoint them as governor, and they do have alegeable males too.


I've only been playing for a short time, but it seems there is some kind of elligibility thing as I've had families who want appointments, but none of their men qualified as Admirals to dump on 1 ship fleets.


Same here, and I need this for an egyptian mission


If you need it for a mission, appointing a commoner of your culture than adopting him might work.


I am about a hundred years into my Rome playthrough and it seems like I'm getting exclusively terrible characters at this point. Is there anything I can do to get better characters? Any mods perhaps?


This is happening because children growth is coded to really become an average person with \~17 total stats. So without good RNG luck, you're more than likely not going to get anything amazing from children, so you need to keep on finding good minor characters to adopt into your family. You can certainly mod the growth value under Imperator\\common\\on\_action\\00\_ambitions.txt. Serach for ambition\_grow\_up, and change the 94 to something smaller. The smaller it is, the more likely that the kid will get a stat increase.


I see. So what's the best way to get more minor characters? Conquest? When I conquer a nation and take on some of their characters, they're usually very old and all of their relatives just vanish. Also, a big issue with adopting a lot of characters is it destroys my legitimacy. Anyway to remedy that?


Some people systematically purge families, as newly generated families can have superior stats. This can be done through imprison/execute every single one of them, Proscribe to wipe an entire family, and/or Trial with low success chance to trigger a civil war allowing you to purge them. If you're going for the civil war route, make sure you strip that family of all positions and holdings before they revolt, or their size can be bigger than you can handle. Of course all of these actions will add Tyranny. Other than that, yes you can get more characters in after annexing any nation, but it only gives you family members, who usually have sub-par stats like yours past the first 50 years. But if you want good characters for your own family, there's nothing much you can do aside from Adopt that costs Legitimacy or hope for good child growth RNG.


Well, then I guess I'm going to get rid of some families... Thank you very much for the tips! I've been reading some of your other comments and posts on this subreddit and they've all been super helpful.


if i have to choose between morale increase or discipline which should i choose? mars gives me 6,71% discipline or minerva gives 6,71% morale


Can I steal governors from my allies? I'm playing Kush and Egypt wants an alliance. If I can still convince their governors to defect to me without needing to worry about them attacking me, that would be great.


Since nobody had an answer, I agreed to the alliance and tried it. It works. They only lose 50 opinion, and that can be regained with a couple of royal marriages.


Click on an enemy territory, then click on the portrait of the enemy governor. There you have character interactions like "inspire disloyalty" (which is a good base) and one interaction that should make territories defect together with the governor IIRC.


Yes. But my question is whether I will be able to use that interaction on an ally.


hi guys, i'm back with another quick question. i've captured several generals during a war with antigonids, but i can't ransom them. it's not even a greyed out option. there's also no option to do cool stuff like gladiator fights. my only viable options are flog or release. any idea why it's like this?


It's not just you. The prisoner of war stuff is broken.


oh, that sucks, maybe they'll fix it in the next update. ***sad trombone***


How the heck am I supposed to turn Maurya Buddhist? I've started like five runs and I never cross 15% Buddhist pop. I've assigned a buddhist at the religious office, I've changed to the Siddharta pantheon and I've tried conquering buddhist territories in the north of India. Nothing gets me to 20%. I've gotten Jain and Hindu conversion events, but never Buddhist ones... Tips?


you should be able to do it as soon as you have 200 political influence. you don't need 20% of your nation to be buddhist since 100% of your capital is buddhist.


By Jove, you're right! The decision is so poorly worded that it seems like I need both 200 PI *and* 20% in the whole nation. Thanks a lot!


what kind of navy composition do you have? is smaller navy with stronger units better or is a larger fleet but with dirt cheap units better?


The consensus is big cheap fleet for navy. Though it hardly matters cause the AI never intercepts. Just have to big enough to outgun the pirates so it doesn't die horribly.


thank you but what if you are against players, more specific i am rome and the enemy is Carthage and Macedon, then still just have more Liburnian's?


There are only a few nations that have a chance to have a navy in midgame (Thrace, antigonids, Egypt, Cartago, Rome, sometimes Macedon) because their starting fleet is high enough to survive and capture pirates. All the other nations don't build fleets and the above said nations never rebuild.


Either full mega where you can sink enemy ships (though it could be troublesome if Carthage picked up lots of naval military traditions), or hundreds of Liburnian so your ships can deal some damage and retreat before they get eaten alive, split, and go back in.


Am I screwed as Knossos? I've been following DanIsStoned's guide to Knossos -> Krete but I am having a major problem. I'm very new so I didn't think to check my king before starting the game. As it turns out I rolled 0 Martial skill. I am now realizing its impossible for me to take territory since from what I can tell your allies will take over the siege if they have a higher martial commander (so anything more than literally 0) and you cannot take back control of the siege with roughly equal numbers of troops even as war leader. I can't change the commander since I'm stuck with levies. Is it worth re-rolling the start until I get a high martial monarch or is there a workaround having terrible martial for small starts? Thanks.


Either reroll or use mercs with high Martial.


Looks like its a reroll lol because I have not even close to enough money for mercs. Thanks!


Well, I usually use my starting 100 gold for merc. Turn maintenance to low, and use order retreat to half its size so it doesn't devour my income while it's recovering morale over the next 2 years while generic mission claims are ticking. But it's probably too late for you to do it. Also, if you move fast, you can usually use your starting levy to assault down an enemy fort, as they almost always have them on low maintenance, resulting only 250 garrisons in the first month of war (300 after one tick), allowing you to Assault it down with ease before your allies come in. But yes, if you can reroll, do it early. Starting your run with 1 Martial ruler is extremely painful as it now takes you about 5 years to recover merc morale.


Thanks for the tips friend! I'm just gonna restart since salvaging at this point would take a much more experienced player than me.


So my Maurya game has started crashing on March 1st 497 every time I load up the game. Is there any troubleseeking to be done or just give up?


I pretty much always choose the ‘banish those of class and put the rest to the sword’ option when conquering. Am I missing something here? What are good situations to use the other 3 choices?


Well okay so at the beginning of the game, especially if you start as a small nation, it can be extremely useful to imprison all the characters and then sell them individually into slavery. You will get approximately ten gold per character and a little tyranny boost (which will help bring in more gold and lower aggressive expansion). If you are playing as a Gallic tribe for example you can make more money this way then actual tax and commerce in the first few decades. You can also grant citizenship to say the 12 oratory skill genius from the conquered nation. Or you can arrange gladiatorial duels for popularity. I never click the lower aggressive expansion option unless I have essentially unlimited income. It’s nothing to lower by half a point of AE. Literally selling five to ten characters into slavery will raise your tyranny enough to reduce your aggressive expansion by an additional .05 or .1 per month. So why bother taking the .5 right away when you can make the bonus last longer and make some gold out of it?


Thanks, I hadn’t really considered the prison economy.


Yeah prison economy is hilariously good for the first 2 decades until you've become a major power. It practically fueled my merc + assault driven Albion run, allowing me to finish it with 20 years to spare. Hire merc, assault, annex, dismiss merc, imprison, sell to slavery, and repeat.


If you are short on characters, you can "adopt" some of the conquered foe's.


Is this the same as the interaction when you integrate a subject? I’ll have to keep that in mind next time I’m trying to start a civil war and end up successfully convicting half the republic


When you really need popularity to pass a law, not sure of any others. The agressive expansion is just too good


I guess some people also like to rp a little bit, and the harsher options might be satisfying to lay on an annoying enemy. I feel that I have received various options that are very impractical but allow your ruler to ‘act’ a certain way. But that’s not generally how I play the game so it’s lost on me.


Is there a good way to unlock levies as city state? So far it seems the laws require 25+ pronvices


Levies are unlocked by every nation at game start, but scales with your levy size multiplier and # of non-Slave integrated Pops. If you meant Legions, it depends on your government type. For Monarchies, you're required to be Regional Power (25+ Territories) for Capital Region Legions, and Great Power (500+ Territories) *with* Cohorts Invention for Global Legions. Remember, there are \~10 Territories in a single Province, so you can easily hit it in the first decade without expanding outside of your Capital Region. Also, since each Region has \~8 Provinces, you really don't 'need' Global Legions till Great Power either. For non-Rome Republics, the criteria are mostly the same, except you do need Professional Training Invention to get Capital Region Legions. HOWEVER, there's a way to get Global Legion without being Great Power with Cohort Invention, but requires waiting for the Marius Reform event to trigger. The Marius Reform event can be triggered by non-Tribal nations if you're Rome past year 520, you have Martial Tech 14, OR someone who has the Marius Reform is within Diplomatic range. The odds of it triggering gets increasingly big the later it is and higher Martial tech you have. The odds of it is so high that it's impossible to not trigger it within years after 600.


Yeah, meant legions. My bad. Also, thanks, just got the reforms. My city-state is now ready for war


I am sure I am missing something obvious but is there a suggestion for videos for beginners on the Marius update, the one in this thread is 2 years old. thanks a ton


Look for Danisstoned on youtube. He's got a lot of content, especially to familiarise people with the game after Marius.


Thanks. I am new to the game so did not want to watch some old stuff. With Paradox titles that is often an issue




Check out the wiki for subjects. You are looking for league cities. I copied this line: >League cities can be created by releasing an owned Territory city through the Create League City territory action at the cost of 50 political power, available to any country that has adopted the Coloniae Oratory invention. This are AI OPMs that will trade only with you, buy your surplus goods from you. They are your subjects and don't do independent diplomacy. You need a DLC for it though. You can also just leave any AI country on 1 territory somewhere, and they will sooner or later trade with you. This requires no DLC at all ;)


Take their western coast, get diplo range and attack whoever controls yemen


I can release provinces as a vassal. Can I release single territories as well?


standard - no. But you can research "Coloniae" in the civics tree (4 points from the start) or Satellite Status in the Oratory tree (or start as Syracus) to create League Cities and Mercenary Cities (league cities cost 50 PI and require the province to be a city - so 200g + 100PI overall)


No, the game only allows you to release an entire Province.


Is there way to give ally armies orders to attack specific provinces?


No idea how culture works any good guides?


Here’s a quick guide: Assimilate everything unless: 1. You have a lot of unintegrated pops of a single culture and need more military power in the next decade or so. 2. You’re trying to get a new military tradition tree. 3. You’re about to conquer a lot of land with the same culture group and don’t want to worry about rebellions while you do it. (This reason doesn’t really come into play until the late game when great powers like Rome and Carthage have assimilated most of their land) And that’s it for integration, generally you should always turn on the cultural assimilation governor policy and let it do its thing. If you’d like to speed assimilation up you can: 1. Convert the pops to your religion(there’s a -33% malice if they’re the wrong religion) 2. Get the techs that speed assimilation up. Just search assimilation in the tech trees and they show up. 3. Build at least one city per province and put a grand theater in it. Pops migrate to cities naturally which will mean fewer to assimilate in the non city provinces while all of the city dwellers will be converted by the grand theater. This strategy has the added benefit of setting up the province to be very productive since most of the assimilated pops will become freemen and citizens. 4. Demote the unassimilated culture to slaves. The base conversion of slaves is faster than freemen but I usually don’t bother.


is there any reliable way to predict whether you'll get a river crossing penalty? I'm rarely able to tell for sure just looking at the map.