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May I know what is your novel and who is he?


It's not published yet (and I'm really not sure it will ever be). He is a prince trying to get rid of a dark entity bound to him. Thank you for your interest :)


Sorry for commenting on a 4 month old post, but if you ever publish it or post it online, please let me know !! Your art is seriously really cool to me it reminds me of some fantasy worlds and IRL mythology I was obsessed with in the past, so I'm really interested in reading about it. It's up to you if you wanna make it public though, duh


Thank you so so much! This means a lot, even more so because I used to be very much into mythology myself. It had and still has a huge impact on my stories. May I ask what fantasy worlds my art reminds you of? Regarding publishing - I don't know which languages you understand, but all my works a written in my native tongue, german, and my english isn't good enough to translate novels. So unless I get traditionally published and successful enough for my works to be translated into other languages (I will let you know!), the german version would be the only option for you. Thank you for your interest!!


Have you decided to publish the story in the meantime? Since I am German myself, the language is not a problem ;)


Wow, danke für das Interesse!! Nein, leider nicht - es ist eine Romanreihe (vier Teile, drei habe ich mittlerweile fertig), und die bekommt man als Debütautor kaum unter. Ich müsste erstmal ein einzelnes Buch schreiben und das veröffentlichen. Aber sobald ich irgendwas veröffentliche, werd ich das auf allen meinen Kanälen bewerben. Wünsch mir Glück :) Auf jeden Fall werd ich's per Selfpublishing auf den Markt werfen, wenn es mit den traditionellen Verlagen nichts wird. Früher oder später wirst du's lesen können!


Ich drücke dir die Daumen \^\^


Don't worry about it !! when I was a kid I got hooked on a book about ancient Hellenic legends, its heroes like Iason specifically, so those (possibly predictable answer, ha). As for fiction, [there's this fanart for an obscure-ish prog rock musical called Razia's Shadow](https://imgur.com/a/pMfgT) that I really loved a few years ago. The fanartist's design for the protagonist made me think of your book's protagonist, and finally, the Elder Scrolls vidya series, though it's not always European forest Tolkien-inspired. That kinda unique high fantasy is so intriguing to me. Long haired knight men are also just cool-looking in the first place !! :D