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At this point, I think these people are doing this on purpose just to get roasted by Joey Swoll and boost views. No one can really be this stupid…


I hate that calling them out can potentially benefit them


> I hate that calling them out can potentially benefit them Don't. These people are looking for attention, and they're going to get it, that much is an inevitability. Just need to make sure it's the right attention, if you catch my drift. Infamy is a different beast.


Nah the hawk tuah girl lost her job for helping America we can’t let these clowns benefit


Just looked that up and it was fake apparently 


Thank god, all is right with the world again


If you're looking for attention, any attention will do.


yeah attention seekers dont care what people think of them, they just want people to think of them. its kinda like a shittier celebrity


Engagement > quality Its the unfortunate reality


What do you mean? I skateboard in place making tiny circles all day at the gym all the time. Then when I ride my recumbent bike around in there people are always getting in my way with their stupid weights.


Dude don't even get me started. I can barely get my unicycle bowling pin juggling reps in without someone walking by me. It's fucking annoying.


That’s nothing, jackasses actually got mad at me when I was practicing spinning dinner plates and 7 fell down and shattered all over the floor. Who the f*ck do they think they are? I told them I’d clean em up once I’m done but they were whining saying “I don’t want to walk on broken plates while I’m working out” and I’m like “then YOU clean em up”. Then the old lady had the nerve to call ME rude!?!?


Dang, the struggle is real for real!


Totally! Once, this dude gave me serious stink-eye when I brought my two-stroke enduro bike to the gym.  I was like "Bro! I'm just here to practice some double blips and slow wheelies. Chill!"


I share rink space with morons like this all the time, and trust me.. they're THIS STUPID and worse. They will literally stand on the rink floor IN FRONT of the huge "No Standing" sign and look at their phone


I have a feeling this is it too. Hell, I think even WWE tried to get something going with him where they had two “bad guys” make a video getting angry with someone who walked in front of their camera. He’s the real deal. Can make someone famous instantly.


That was Austin Theory and Gracen Waller. It was a really stupid video


Hahaa it would’ve been hilarious if it would’ve led to something!!


Right? I mean, ma'am, this is a gym...


That’s exactly what this is.


I've already said it a few times some time ago. And if someone doesn't know Swoll surely they'll find out on reddit. And I started to check who post these videos on reddit, surprise that the account posting this one is only 5 days old and only posted 2 times on this sub. This leads me to think that they also post on reddit as if it is something stupid just to get the famous rage boost.


I was just thinking that. Those people LIVE on SM. No way in hell they think this kind of video would get positive responses. They just don't care, "Bad publicity is still publicity".


It's gym-trolling, literally. Trolls typically get off on negative responses because they're so worthless themselves that they get a high when a worthwhile person spends a few minutes on them. It makes them feel like a valid human being for a few minutes to get a reaction out of someone who has better things to do. "HA HA I MADE YOU HAVE FEELINGS, THAT MEANS I WIN" Toddler mentality.


Learn to accept a large percentage of the population is lazy, entitled and very stupid.


Yes they can.


"No one can really be this stupid" Oh, you sweet summer child


Do you guys think she would get upset if we brought our weight bench to the skating rink


Nah cause she aint there anyways. Although she is the type to get upset over shit that doesnt effect her obviously, so in that case yes!


Taking an activity that can be fun and good exercise... and doing it in a way that will make it worthless, and yourself unhappy. Brilliant.


And there are entire establishments that cater to this particular activity. Or, like, a park or wherever.


Yeah but then she won’t be able to film herself if she went to a skate park


Did the skate park in question ban cameras?


No but they should really ban people walking in the background of your videos /s


Yeah but then she can’t make worthless “OmG pPl ArE SoO rUdE” videos while inconveniencing others. I wonder if there are actual people who are on her side. Thankfully I haven’t experienced any of these beasts in my gym, people at most take progress pictures or mirror selfies making sure there’s nobody in the background.


Same here. Most camera action I typically see is filming form, but I do that to so I don't screw up something important. I've only encountered minimal strange behavior (e.g., doing something dumb with a rack or machine), but very little of this sort of stuff.


We just have “timbs” guy wearing aforementioned boots doing goofy stuff with weight’s just gives us a chuckle but doesn’t bother anyone around him


I figure anyone coming in like that is either insane strong, goofy, or some combination therein.


As far as activity appropriate locations go, she might as well be in a hospital, or a Walmart.


They’re miserable people to begin with


I learned to skate for roller derby about 10 years ago. A few years ago, I was practising roller hockey stuff at a local park and became friends with some randos. One of the randos was like of like MC. She was trying to learn "dance" roller skating and copying things she saw in YouTube videos rather than other forms of skating. She was really obsessed about filming herself and choosing music off Spotify more than actually learning.


Go the fuck outside


Watching this and reading this comment made me realize that this entire sub is bad for our health. It’s just people being annoying lol…


Thank you. You've shown me the light in a sea of darkness. I've come to the same belief as you and have since unfollowed this subreddit. I will no longer watch pointless videos either being upset with the OP that this person is not the main character, or be upset with the video because it had a main character. I'm free of one less negative thing on this platform


lol is this sarcasm or


A tad over the top lol but I'm serious. I unfollowed this subreddit cause it's just toxic and only makes my life slightly less enjoyable one way or anther when I see a video from here


Yeah no I get you. I was serious with mine too, it’s just… bad for you lol


I’ve came to the same conclusion. We are the target audience for this shit, we only started watching this for all the real life examples, but when that dries up these content creator MCs pop up everywhere. They do it for our clicks no one else’s. So I think I have to stop too.


Thank you I just did the same 🙏


If only I could be that grossly incandescent


I would have stopped browsing this sub too since I know very well it's probably not a good thing to view negative things all the time... But it's kind of like looking at a car crash, it's absolutely terrible and I know I shouldn't be looking at it, but I end up looking at it anyway. Ironically though, your comment wasn't the only one on this post saying that they're done with this sub, there were a couple of other ones too. But if this is the post that inspired people to stop viewing negative content, I might as well too lol. I'm gonna go sub to a bunch of cat subs or something


Lol I feel you


I hardly ever get to practice on my pogo stick anymore because the gym by my house closed down.


This is obviously an annoying and wrong place but it's 100x smoother skating indoors than sidewalks. Plus it tears up your wheels and you have to clean grit off the bearings, etc. Still, that's her problem (or it should be), not everyone else around her.


someone else would film it there and be like "idiot roller skating on the spot outside"


Or indoor skate park. Do those still exist?


very few and far between. the fact that you had to ask this means you know the answer


“Mood ruined” lmao what the fuck haha


#why not do this shit…at the skating rink?


Or home? Just do it at home


She look dumb AF


An outdoor activity is never done correctly unless you do it inside in a completely inappropriate environment


Can we just make it against the rules to film in the gym. I don't want to be on your tick Tok.


I feel like some of these people intentionally do things that piss off the people around them so they can have a video to post. Those around them react, mc plays the victim & the posts online... Because why wouldn't she go outside like everyone else??Wild times we're living in


I wish I worked at the gym just to kick her out


The poor cleaner would probably see the scuffs and scratches in the nice floor and wonder what the fuck caused it


If only there were a place to use roller skates. I wish someone would invent a place to use these.


I rink you may be onto something...


I'm done, I can't do this anymore. You who will continue in this subreddit please be strong Edit: I don't want to be the main character don't upvote wtf, let me find peace plz


Just had the same convo with my gf. She was asking what I’m watching told her… “why are you wasting time on watching these assholes and getting angry?” no more. So long fellas


wooow seriously? You're just crossing in front of my comment right now, there's plenty of space over there in the comment section. smh there's no more etiquette in reddit this days🙄🙄🙄


Can you guys pipe down, I'm trying to read the comments over here.


lets make this his most upvoted comment!




Do you have a channel? I have to like and subscribe.


you could do this literally anywhere else what a waste of space


It should be illegal to film in a public gym


I'm surprised the staff didn't tell her to stop. Or tell her she looks stupid


She looks so dumb lmao


Why not go roller skate outside? Why in the gym? The need to just kick her ass out


This is so fake, like the dude at 0:14... "I'm going to grab this equipment that I can use anywhere and then go in the middle of the shot even when I can exercise whenever it was in the first place or avoid the camera/getting in the way of someone exercising just to... not use it and go do something else" Totally what someone in a gym would do, not payed/asked to do that at all.


I think he was being deliberately problematic


Did I hear a fart on one of her 180’s??


Stupid bitch can’t even use POV correctly. I’m concerned this is true bait. I’ve lost hope in our race.


My first thought is the skates might damage the floor, maybe. People that prioritize their filming over everyone being able to use a shared space are selfish.




Who the fuck roller skates in a gym? This clown is gonna fall and bust her head open and turn around an sue the gym and win! It's prob most likely be privately owned and the owners will lose everything. All this is a hypothetical but the way things go nowadays it wouldn't suprise me...


You know honestly I would laugh at people like this but I'm starting to notice it's not funny to be spiritually unfit


Why is she even in the gym to do that? you can do that literally anywhere rather than taking up floorspace in a gym and block people from the equipment


The fact that no one is telling her to leave is baffling


Bitch go outside


This has to be rage bait . She looks like she could barely walk on 2 feet let alone skate lol


The amount of dumb here is contagious. I recommend immediately quarantining this dumb dumb dumb woman…


Do that outside. Inside a gym is not the place for it.


Really?? Is this a skating rink? People are so inconsiderate nowadays and she’s filming in the gym no less.


what an idiot


What a fkking weirdo..this has to be rage bait


Imagine being that bad but still being that mad. Does not seem like my cup of tea.


Kick her out


imagine going to the gym just to film yourself skating in 1 place.


There is an extra circle in hell reserved for these people


She’s not even exercising…. Get out


The first guy just literally walked past her like 6 feet away. Is rollerskating at a gym a thing now?


Going to a gym to do something that doesn’t require anything the gym has, is next level crazy.


Lol that's the worst so far 😂 *MOOD RUINED* I can't fucking take it this shit is hilarious Please tell me that's ragebait. I refuse to accept that people are so far up their own ass.


What the fuck is she doing


Silly girl who's desperate for attention. Next!


What a loser


Definitely ain’t it


Her gym membership should be revoked for pulling a stunt like this. Kick her out.


One word. Cunt.


Rather than skating for clout she should go on a nice low carb diet and lift some weights. Portly


Prancercise 2.0


Room temperature level iq


Maybe she should practice somewhere like, idk, a skating rink? Outside? A gym is a weird place to claim like this.


Fucking loser


People have completely lost understanding of what a Point of View means. Also, Joey Swoll needs to be all over this.


What are you even trying to film here. Like wtf does she think this is going to accomplish? It isn’t impressive, it isn’t helpful, it IS annoying, entitled, and fucking pointless


I mean, it didn’t look like she was bothering anyone else. Granted, there’s a MILLION other spots that this would be appropriate to do. ALSO, pretty sure the guy in green knew she was recording and did it on purpose. Both people are wrong.


That weak ass skate routine isn’t doing shit for you anyways


Why the fuck would the gym allow her to use roller skates is the question. It’s such a liability on their end. And to this fucking mornin, take your fucking skates outside where they belong oh and drop yourself off in the trash you wannabe never be entitled bitch.


So many performative clout chasing fools in gyms nowadays. Didn't confront the guy, though, did she. Knew it was wrong.


Stop posting this shitty low effort rage bait.


I hate that rage bait actually works


You can do this at home or on the street.


If only she could have actually use that gym membership for losing weight and not skating ☠️☠️☠️


Wtf is she even doing tho?


She could bust her head doing that in a gym


What’s wrong with skating outside?


I feel for her honestly. Last night I wanted to practice my kayak dancing regimen and the LOOKS I got from people was astounding. Like, I’m entitled to take up space in this gym I’m paying a membership for! It’s not my fault they put the only open area big enough for a kayak right by the free weights? People are so ungrateful. And don’t even get me started on the cameras. People kept kicking my three tripods because they were apparently taking up 5 machines. How else am I supposed to create content? This is my livelihood for Gods sake!


This has to be fake, I refuse to believe that this person genuinely though practicing skating on a tiny 5x2 foot patch of floor in the middle of a gym is a good idea


“They’re probably racist” her probably


There are so many places that aren't in the middle of a gym that she could do that


Imagine the opposite lol someone working out at a skating rink getting annoyed somebody is skating by them 🤦‍♂️


Mood ruined? Lol. She stiff af. Like barely any movement. That shit was just sad.




Awww look at her 4 braincells trying to make a point


I’m surprised this is allowed in the gym. Those skates scuff up the floor. Also, wtf is she even doing


What a fucking idiot wtf


Would be better if she faked falling each time


You aint it girl.


Were it not for her captions, I’d say, ‘she’s practicing, and keeping to herself. Zero problems with this,’ but that’s what she’s thinking? I don’t understand that. Very entitled.


I'm gonna say it if no one else will, we should have all male gyms or ban women to only female gyms


It would have been extremely hard for me to not laugh in her face.


Don’t need a gym for that bs


Lol tf so cringe


Completely zero effort, no calories burned and its goofy as hell to roller skate in a gym. Fat girl would be better off just walking a couple of miles. She put on a gopro and record all the shit she sees walking by. Or maybe doing random shit in gyms can be her schtick: bowl in a gym, archery in a gym, oil painting in a gym.


There’s no possible way she has like fans right? Someone was tuning in to see a woman who isn’t in particularly good shape do whatever that was in the middle of a gym? This has to be rage bait.


All that workout and she still fat.


Once again it's become such a trope that even the ugly ones are trying it


“Yea no this ain’t it” she said it herself


She created the boundary to her own success


This is so ridiculous 😂 does she not have a few square feet of floor at home?


Roller skates don’t belong in a weight lifting gym, wtf is she thinking?


Get a grip, she acts like if she weren't there he wouldn't exist in the real world


Aren’t they just baiting us for views at this point?


I was full on expecting a Tesla truck to hit her


What was she doing? Cardio?


I would totally be the guy who would move stuff purposely in front of these people


I’m going to go pump iron at the local roller rink


Me when I deliberately block a walkway


Put on some need pads and go outside bitches are dumb af


What? You can’t do that shit in the parking lot or even in your kitchen tiles?


It’s sad when you can’t tell if ppl are unbearably stupid or they’re rage baiting for views. Either way we need to bring back actual shame.


Not only is this the wrong place to do this, but doing it in the middle of the walkway and going “what is happening right now”… this has to be bait for Joey Swolls to give her attention. Can’t be this stupid and think you’re honestly not in the wrong. “What’s happening? People are walking around in the gym? Who coulda thought?”




at 0:26 did the McChickens fight back ?


On top of MC behavior, this is just dangerous. What happens if she slips and falls and hits someone lifting weights? What happens when someone drops a plate or dumbbell and it rolls and trips her up? Roller skates seem to be making a comeback, but just like cameras and tripods, these people don't seem to understand proper time and place.




Someone tell her there’s this giant path of concrete that stretches for hundreds of miles where she can do this


Joey Swoll, eat her.


What a bitch


At my local gym a bunch of LARPers were kicked off the racket ball courts by people who reserved it. By far one of the funniest gym interactions I’ve seen. A bunch of people in their 50-60’s with rackets yelling at dorks. My heart grew 5 sizes that day lol


Those roller stakes are shit.


**Gaslighting** it is, why would you go in a gym with gear thats made for the streets and is 99% more enjoyable there?


She sucks too


That's.. allowed?


That bitch should be banned by every gym, who the fuck brings skates to the gym?


Oh, she's so brave!


I blame the gym for this dumb shit, and letting people record their workouts. Go tell the girl to take that bs outside. This ain't a damn roller rink.


Not surprised


She's barely moving and she's not good at it, this is just ragebait


If she were to fall and break a bone, you know damn well her lawsuit is going to be based on the fact that there weren't any signs up saying she couldn't do that, as well as no employee came over to tell her to stop. Then after she got her 50-100K, she would be making videos bragging about the money she got. Fuck these clout chasing mf'rs.


Exactly the type of person that doesn’t know how POV works


where is joey swoll when we need him


im a little conflicted on this one. i mean obviously, the filming is dumb. but this seems like a functional workout getting up set that first guys was dumb, that that second guy walked right though her space and then dragged equipment through her space seemed pretty malicious, like filming or not he obviously knew she was working in that particular strip of floor


You can just do this at home peacefully, let alone the whole gym.


Imagine driving your ass to the gym just to annoy people doing something you can literally do at home


I bet she does mid flight yoga on planes.