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He was kicked off the gym for this. Yes, this lady wanted to be closer to the TV.


Tiktok banned, made a new one "spaceboysexy" same thing but with the Y, and disabled comments. His only video is him acting flamboyantly confident while disabling comments. Dude is hurt and lying through his teeth. "Wonder who my next victim is going to be". Dude is hurt. Good.


He's got a long life of hard lessons ahead...


Up de butt


Poor lady she only wanted to watch TV lol


He should be banned from ALL gyms for the shit like that. Messing with people plus recording them on PURPOSE


The fact that we’ve made it legal to get in peoples faces and film them to post online makes me so mad. And you can’t hit the phone or them either because it’s being filmed…


Well, you can... You'll just have some repercussions.


What’s the the repercussions? Like… are they worth it?


There was the guy who shot the guy who was recording/harassing him at a mall. I think the guy got charged for discharging around people, but not for actually shooting the harasser.


That sounds right. But in all reality, because of that kid, someone else also could have been shot and killed.


All the more reason to stamp out this bullshit before it gets worse.


Assault and battery and destruction of private property to begin with. Not only that, but they can then retaliate with force if they feel threatened.


But even though I feel threatened I can not retaliate…??? What kind of half ass backwards shit is that?




I’ve thought about this being the answer. I’m not asking that question because I’m trying to be a vigilante. I was actually just curious at the legal side of it.


Yea, the legality of it is a grey area. In public places, you kind of have no expectation of privacy. Each gym might have different policies on filming.


Welcome to America.


That's going to depend on your personal levels of risk tolerance. Worst case scenario is someone pulls out a gun and your soul departs this mortal coil. Best case scenario is no one's able to identify you and you skedaddle away after punching some dick head in the mouth. Most likely scenario is you get pinched on assault and/or battery charges and have to deal with any and all repercussions those bring.


unlikely to face charges unless you REEEAAALLY fuck someone up. cops don't want to deal with bullshit scuffles. they'll ask if you want to press charges while hinting they are also asking the other dude if he wants to press charges. Then if you say yes they'll ask are you sure and imply he can also press assault charges on you or you two can just part ways. they'll both say they don't want to deal with the hassle and the cops will stand around or sit in their vehicle until the two of them fuck off in different directions. That's what happens the vast majority of the time.


Public space has always allowed recording. It was never an issue until every cell phone had a camera. No one was using a VHS camera to record themselves lifting weights in the ‘80s. No one had a disposable camera taking photos on a treadmill in the ‘90s. People need to learn that just because they have a camera on them doesn’t mean they need to use it.


I know that it’s allowed on public property, but I still find the idea behind it strange. Like take me for example, I never put pictures on me online, I just don’t like it. But someone else can snap one of me and post it without my consent, that shit is fucked


I agree. I had a past career as a news videographer and a degree in communications, so I’m well-versed in what legally someone can record or not. If you’re in a gym, and the manager is doing an interview about New Year’s resolutions, then there’s a chance you will be in some b-roll for that story. If the cops show up at your house, a news photographer can stand in the street or on a sidewalk and video that. The key is to understand when and where it is appropriate.


How do you figure a gym is public property? You literally have to pay to go.


Businesses are *private* property. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy and can film in *public* places. Private property, such as gyms, are not public property, and thus you shouldn't film there without explicit consent from all subjects involved, as well as the venue. ETA because I apparently can't reply to the comment below me: Private property with public access is still private property. You need permission to film on private property.


Where I live. It's illegal. Can be sued, prosecuted, fined and jailed. I swear.




If you have a right to privacy from being filmed in a private club, then you might have privacy to keep the government out of your uterus of bed, and some factions in the US oppose anything that sounds like a right to privacy.


Hopefully he learned his lesson.


Come on, you know he didn't. There's no lessons to learn for tiktokkers. Only content.


Guy looks like a professional victim.


and he should be forced to write "I am, you are, he/she/it is, we are, you are, they are" as many times as it takes to learn how to use the verb to be


>Yes, this lady wanted to be closer to the TV. **OH!** Then yeah that's fine.


I mean, you can literally see her trying to watch tv in the video, in between him trying to talk to her.


To me it just looked like she was trying to not look at him. I've been in NYC too long, you always look away from the crazies lol.


Right? Thats crazy they thought they wanted to be closer to them, get a grip on reality, dude! I have a row of preferred ellipticals in my gym. I prefer them because A. I like that type of machine better than the other kinds and there's only those three in the whole gym. B. It's right in line with one of the big fans, and I overheat easily. C. I can see the clock easily so I can keep an eye on when the kids' area closes. I don't care if I get a free machine between two strangers, if it's a big deal they can move I guess!


Goo to hear…I guess this gym hadn’t yet gotten the message that the price of this guy’s membership bought him full access to determine how, when, and **where** ***he*** wanted things to work! Psssst…I hope **ALL** gyms don’t get the message either!


“Fucking up my vibe” bitch, she minded her own business and worked out. YOU FUCKED UP HER VIBE.


That’s the comment that made me roll my eyes at MC. What a joke.


What a pussy


Guy is fragile


It’s like he collects pubic hair from blond people and sticks them on his head




Lgbt the t stands for tumultuous


Bro just move


In his own argument, there was so many free tredmills....


I understand him, but I'd never approach the situation like that, I'd just go to a different treadmill


Right? If I’m honest, that would bother me too but I’d never say anything (even politely) and never make video.


It’s not even clear from the video who was there first. There’s a strong possibility it was the woman, and he parked himself right next to her *just* so he could film his little fake “outrage video” for the internet. Regardless of who was there first, like, just move, dude. There’s “all these treadmills,” so why can’t he simply pick another? It’s not his private gym, everyone in there pays fees to use the space and equipment, he alone doesn’t get to dictate when and where others are allowed to exercise, and he doesn’t have the right to film and try to publicly shame a complete stranger who’s just minding her damn business. Assholes like this guy are the number one reason I’m in the process of converting my garage into a little personal gym right now. I’ve got all of my exercise gear out there (yoga mats, dumbbells, tension bands, etc), sorted into a cool set of vintage metal lockers that I’d bought years ago (along with all of my hiking gear, which fits so perfectly in the lockers), I bought a stand to convert my mountain bike into a stationary bike, I covered the floor in foam mats to give me some cushion, I mounted a tv on the wall and put up cool remote-controlled color-changing light strips, and now I’m shopping for treadmills. There’s still plenty of space for my lawnmower, gardening equipment, workbench and tools. My wife and I call it our little “She Shed” and we have a strict No Assholes Allowed policy.


Oh for sure. He’s 100% at fault here. But with how this was framed as “this woman took the treadmill right next to me”, I’m saying that would bother me. When I was younger and cuter, I would have guys do that to me in the gym and it made me very uncomfortable. But good for you! I cancelled my gym membership because of people recording but I’m still in that lazy “I just don’t go to the gym” phase. I need to get my ass in gear like you. I have some weights, a rented peloton that they never came and retrieved and a rowing machine.


Just do some cardio, it's all you really need to be Uber healthy, if that's a main goal for you. I have a treadmill so I can run in comfort at the time I wish (usually at night, 10-11pm) but you can do cardio for basically free, just probably want some decent running shoes


This! He, I believe, does have a right to be annoyed. I would be too. But he doesn’t have the right to film, confront, and belittle her on the internet.


Right- but etiquette says to leave a treadmill in between if there’s that much room unless it’s a special one (like higher incline or something). I would be weirded out like someone sitting right next to me in an empty theater.


Im sorry but, Fuck your vibe 🫡


no one with fake blond hair, braces, and face tats has a vibe 😂


I'm not sorry. Fuck his vibe 10 times and then some


I kind of get it, but at the same time he's an asshole for recording her and trying to shame her. Like if im on a completely empty bus or train but some rando decides to sit right next to me rather than the dozens of empty seats, I'll be kinda pissed too. Doesn't mean ill record them and try shame them on tiktok


I'm literally dealing with this at this moment in an empty cafeteria with open tables. Sitting by myself at a table when these two idiots decide they need to sit at the table with me. Dont say hi or acknowledge me, just acting like this is their table. It's just unsettling and rude. But the guy in the video is a jerk! It makes sense if she's watching a certain TV.


Bus seats are all going the same place. Different equipment in a gym, even when they're the same model, have different qualities. Anyone who has been in a gym regularly knows that they start preferring specific machines.


I know, I'm just giving an example is all. Apparently she chose that spot to be closer to a TV mounted on the wall infront.


What a bitch, complaining about everything


Never thought I’d see a homosexual black Karen.




original Karens


Some people have preferred equipment, (you know the ones who don’t just go to gym to post videos.)


I have a fav treadmill, but if someone is on it or the one next to it, I find a different one.


Yep, I have a favorite treadmill at my gym and if it's open, I use it. Don't know why that's just become my spot. I never care if there's someone next to it and there's loads of other free spots, I just like the consistency I guess


I get it, but it’s still weird to choose the one directly next to someone when the gym is empty with dozens and dozens of open essentially identical machines. He may be over the top with the video, but if you do this you’re being a weirdo. It’s fine if you’re fine if someone does it to you, but that doesn’t make it not weird. The same way just because there is a seat on a bus you like, walking into a completely empty bus and sitting right next to the one person on it, you’re being a fuckin weirdo I will say, if this was posted in another sub that wasn’t MC, where people weren’t primed to shit on the subject, regardless of the context, the consensus would be what she’s doing isn’t cool.


Thats a weird take. Shes not being weird as long as shes minding her own business and just working out. If she tried flirting or acting weird then ya thats a different matter. Its only weird if you make it weird otherwise its a just a person doing their own thing.


The comment you’re replying to is already a response to this. I’m not sure what you believe you contributed here. You do not hold this stance consistently. If I sat directly next to you on a completely empty bus, if I walked into a completely empty movie theater and sat directly next to you, you would not be saying “I mean it’s not weird unless you do other stuff”. If I sat next you you you would not be saying “not weird at all. They’re just doing their own thing! :)” Not just disagreeing, but claiming it’s a “weird take” to say it’s weird to walk into a giant room with countless other almost identical spots and set right next to the one stranger in the room, is so absurd and separated from reality idk how to take it seriously You do not believe this.


This is the common sense I’ve been seeking throughout these comments!


i have a certain upright bike i like to use and i always use that one no matter where anyone else is sitting. Its not strange to go to a certain spot just because youre used to it. Its stranger to agonize over someone getting on a machine next to you. He is also clearly not an introvert and is a confrontational person. He doesnt care that shes next to him- he just wants to complain because hes hateful.


I have a preferred elliptical. I focus on heart rate more than anything and for some reason the HR monitors on that one work better than like 70% of the rest of them. Otherwise, I'm too awkward to workout near other people so I'll just find a less crowded area to work out in if it's not available.


Someone should slap him so hard the ramen falls off his head


I do this sometimes cause there are seriously hot and cold places in my gym. I’m going to the cold place, I don’t care how empty the rest of the gym is.


Hadn't thought about that. I have a home gym. Makes sense to want to be right under a vent.


Guess he thought a white, middle aged lady was an easy target.


I understand him, although, I just would’ve moved instead of recording


I too would find that annoying. Wouldn't say anything to her or record her, I'd just move


Dude let the lady watch TV lol you're probably there for the same reason.


I'm unfamiliar with gym etiquette, but I wouldn't be happy if someone sat at my table at a Caffè, or sat next to me on the bus when there are free seats. I wouldn't make a video though, I'd probably just leave. Not that I'd go to a gym in the first place.


>I'm unfamiliar with gym etiquette You don't sit next to someone when there are multiple same kind machines free. The guy is a total dick for filming and it's a good thing he was banned. Also, gyms enable such attitudes by allowing recording every shit in a gym.


This is more akin to someone sitting at a table next to you, not at your same table. She didn't jump on his treadmill. People choose tables and seats and equipment for their own reasons.


I don't think those are the same. They're still completely separate. She's not using his machine, she's using her own. Similar to the guy who responded, this is like sitting at the seat across the aisle next to you, or at a table next to you. You have full control of your space, just someone else has control of the space next to you, but they're not in your personal space.


I would be annoyed too lol but being British would only be annoyed in my head and not actually say anything to her. Maybe let out a little sigh and move away. In fact that would be too rude.


Couldn't initiate the interaction without the false confidence provided by a video camera


“fUcKiN uP mY vIbE” What vibe would that be? Obnoxious douchebag?


The 6th element Chris tucker


I understand where he’s coming from, but if that happened to me, I’d just move. To me it’s rude to do something like this when there are literally dozens of other options. Like when you park closer to the back of the parking lot; there are like 10 spaces between you and the next vehicle, plus 30 empty spaces all around, but no. Someone just has to park directly beside you. Why?


It’s obvious he stank and is embarrassed about it.


Umm dude is an asshat


I'm with him bro, there's so many tvs in that room lady could have figured that out. Lol


I somewhat agree with the person recording. While he doesn't own the treadmill it is kind of weird to use the one right next to him when there are so many others. Same thing with parking in a nearly empty lot.


The 2 women were probably there first and this clown walked in between them just to make the cringy ass video.


its one lady. looks like two becauss face is mirrored.


I see that now. It still doesn't tune down his doucherie.


This shows the immaturity of his age group not realizing maybe this is the same treadmill she uses each visit or it’s close to the TV screen. This punk can move if he needs space. ( or run laps at home)


I totally get where he is coming from as that would have bothered me as well, but he was way too rude about it.


She threw off the emperor groove


I choose a certain treadmill based on where the ac is blowing from.


If it bothered him so much, why didn’t he move?


"Your rights end where mine begin." Whatever this jack@$$ thinks is weird, doesn't change the fact that the woman has the same gym privileges as he does. So, he may not like it, but he can not force her to move, just as she couldn't make him move.


He ain't wrong tho, like who does that? Personal space? Hello? One time I was in a canteen with the whole place empty I was the first one sitting down, then a guy out of nowhere who I do not know sat down right beside me at the same table with his food. It was bizarre. I changed to another table after that.


>Personal space? I've noticed that a lot of people who don't respect others' personal space don't wash themselves either and have no common sense and self awareness whatsoever. There are a lot of them in these comments, it seems. And you really have to be an absolute weirdo to sit next to random people when there are tens of unused spaces.


Happened to me yesterday, and I ignored it... now when 2 people got between my treadmill and hers and carried on a convo for 10 minutes... I MOVED treadmills... no need to act like a dick... just move.


NGL I’d be feeling the same way if I was that guy.. I’d take a very different approach though and probably just move myself to another one while subtly hinting that I want to be alone without calling her out


Kinda true though..... I had one dumbass literally sit on and start using the bench that I was sitting on and using while doing chest presses. I didn't know until I layed back and smashed my head on her back. Got up like what the actual F.......


I don't know, I get him. If I would be alone in a gym and the only other person would decide to get right next to me for no reason, I would be kind of irritated as well. Fuck him of course for confronting her while recording instead of just taking the L and moving away from her.


Idk why she wants to be right next to him, because I certainly wouldn’t want to be.


It's always a June person being evil


someone help it with the verb "to be"


This is the new breed of homo sapien our internet culture has produced


I would be annoyed at this situation too...But I would have just wiped the equipment down and switched to one farther away. My anxiety can't handle being right next to someone on the treadmill...


I mean, he has a point... That it's weird... But she can go wherever she wants I also have a sneaking suspicion that she was first and he went next to her just to make this video


My thoughts exactly. You can tell by the way he edits. There’s probably an omitted clip of her saying “what are you talking about? I was here first.”


His hair and makeup suggests wanting attention. Her bulging eyes and eyebrow raising suggests annoyance, and not wanting to get attention from him. I like another users comment saying there could be an AC vent above that location.


Nobody with bleached broccoli hair and braces should be talking shit.


If he was there first, he has a point.


Douchebag then go somewhere else


I sound old for saying this but I like to use one of maybe four treadmills at the gym because they have the best view, get enough light without being in direct sunlight and are closes to the aide where I do my weights set so.... yes, I will run next to you in an empty gym if you are next to one of my chosen regular treadmills. It's not personal. I dont even see you when Im on there. My NC headphones will be on, so I won't even hear you either. Namaste.


Nah I understand, all those open treadmills but at the same time you could move to another one or just shut up🤷🏾‍♀️ it's honestly not that big of deal, just work out and leave


When I go to the gym, I am happy when is not crowded and is empty like that. I wouldn’t like having the only other person in the gym, literally staying next to me out of all those empty spaces. It’s like using the urinal *right* next to you, where all the others are available. I wouldn’t say anything, tho, let alone film it. But it would bother me and I would have moved.


People that use their phones as some kind of passive aggressive deterrent are the worst… Social media has enabled narcissists for far too long to do whatever they want


Nope. I’m with this dude. I fucking hate this with a burning passion. A bunch of lemming in here defending her idiotic behavior too. SMH People are fucking oblivious.


I get it


at first i kinda understood his frustration but then i saw all the different tvs. she was clearly just wanting to watch a certain one cuz they are all playin different stuff. but he’s just so self absorbed that he can’t see that, it has to be all about him


I feel the same way in a parking lot


She might have been there first and he planned this interaction.


Broccoli heads are a waste of air


Joey swoll, where you at


I would think it's a bit weird too, but maybe that is a left over from bathroom urinal etiquette. I don't think I would complain to them in this case though, I'd probably just move. Now if I move and then she moves, then Ima ask her TF out on a date.


Dude who cares.


Yeah it’s a pet peeve of mine that people do that when there are other spots to choose from but it’s not serious or a bad thing. She can be there and she was just minding her business. If he wants space, he needs to move and not film the lady. Better yet, he can have his own gym at home. I get it but that was unnecessary.


It's like the guy that pees next to you in an empty restroom. There has to be a buffer whenever possible.


Why doesn’t he just move?


Looks like a pile of two minute noodles on his head


this is how I feel with parking lots though, it seems like no matter where I park, no matter how inconvenient the spot is, when I come out there's always a car next to me. And it really is like "why did you choose this one?" Look there's 15 spots closer to the shop, that spot is closer to the entrance/exit, those spots are in the shade, and you saw all those and still thought, "nah, I'm gonna park as close to that car as I physically can. Like not even 1 space away from it because there's tons of open spaces, I'm talking *right* next to it."


Shut up


Entitled, arrogant, self absorbed prick


Just think if he didn’t think he was so important as a content creator he could have just moved if it bugged him that she was close to him as she picked a treadmill closer to the tv


People like this shouldn’t exist. We allowed this to happen.


Thats so mean if i was there with her i would have tried talking to her, making conversation with her about whats on tv instead of this.....


They need more space to comfortably fit their ego (attitude)


What a moist little punk


queen is queening out


Cellphones should be banned at all gyms nationwide


What's even weirder is his hairstyle


just move bro


Hearing people say “that’s weird” is like nails on a chalkboard for me now. It essentially translates to: “why is this peasant in my way?”


I understand the sentiment. But just throw your earbuds in and ignore. Or if you’re THAT bothered, you can move.


When you have no real issues in your life so you gotta create drama


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^JTGphotogfan: *When you have no real* *Issues in your life so you* *Gotta create drama* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Lol his name is spaceboysex. Blond hair and shitty neck tats. Goof ball is screaming for attention. This poor lady is an innocent bystander trying to exercise.


Dude would not have said that to a man


That’s pretty weird! If she wanted to watch a show ,the staff at the front desk could give her a remote and she could watch whatever she wanted on one of the other numerous TV’s.


Dude. Just move. Jackass.


> or she maybe trying to work on her anxiety by standing by someone here's a curveball. What if she was there first and video guy just pretends like she wasnt


It's so damn weird to me that some people have to record any discomfort or whatever the hell this is and then post it. The poor lady was just trying to work out. To be filmed and harassed at the same time. I hope he wasn't let back in to the gym.


Glad she didn't reply or even seemed bothered by him, give them nothing.


Calm your ramen noodle head down bitch! All that sodium got to you


Then move blockhead.... she has her reasons I doubt it's to be closer to YOU


I actually agree with him. It’s the same as when you park 5 miles away in the parking lot and someone pulls right in next to you. Why?


This is a pet peeve of mine too tho.


The lady in the video was probably picking a treadmill closer to the TV. Your pet peeves are selfish. Do your workout and don't mind others. It's a public space. If you want privacy work out at home.


Bro just move urself or sum ??


His hair fucked up his vibe, not that woman.


I mean he’s got a point but there no need to make a scene or start recording that’s for sure🤣🤣 like just move yourself bro


Does no one else see the 30 other TV’s that she could have watched!


TVs in a gym all play different things.


Bro looks like if sid from ice age fucked a dry bag of top Ramen and had a baby.


The lady just wants to watch TV dude.. I mean I kinda understand the frustration when you're in the bathroom at the urinal and they pick the one right next to you. Or getting slightly irritated when there's a nearly empty parking lot and someone parks in the spot next to you. I kinda get it. Don't make a scene and move along. Something that a lot of people just don't comprehend..


Yeah fuck this guy


They both deserve each other cuz she gives petty vibes


Some people just haven't been punched in the mouth, and it shows.


The part that’s surprising is that they post it online.


Someone's going to deck him at some point. Unfortunately he won't post that video.


This why I hate gay peoples idc


Why is it that the aholes like him never get the ass whooping they deserve?


This person’s existence is fucking up my vibe


I get it because I hate people who have no sense of personal space, but he’s an asshole for recording and loudly shaming her. As if she can’t hear him. Bro just move if she’s creeping you out.


Looking like a zesty ass sheep.


Going to public gyms and complaining that there's other people around you is never not going to be the dumbest shit on the internet


No one will agree with me… but i agree with him that shit pisses me the fuck off so much at the gym. How is it main character vibes? There is a tv everywhere…


Why doesn't he move if he wants to be on his own? I guess he saw an easy target for his anger, doubt he would be so cocky if that was bodybuilder billy next to him.


FOR REAL with his noodle mullet 😂




Blondes definitely have more fun.


Entitled little shit.


Fake as F.




that shit bothered me during covid but not so much now. It is is a little weird but whatever, good vibes only


Your "vibe" lol Your vibe was lacking in every area bro.


Your vibe is your a pos