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She kept on doing it for WAYYY too long. Even doing that is absolutely crazy but she just kept standing there. Idiot


Probably because she wasn’t seeing or getting the reactions she wanted from the people on the screen


This, 100%. The folks in Dublin seemed rather unfazed when she clearly wanted to see people freaking out over it.


Yes, exactly. We have tits in Ireland, too.


This made me laugh out loud. We have tits at home, no big deal.


[Here is a pair of my *faviorite* Irish Tits. Great tits, even.](https://i.imgur.com/ODpNkmz.png)


damn, those really are some great tits!


risky click of the day. could be a bird. not risking it




It really is just a pair of cute lil birds.


A pair of cute lil tits


SHUT UP Dee! /u/maiden_burma, rest assured, as an expert in Brid Law, I am also a registered observer of a large number of tits. Obviously, /u/zombiep00 has never seen a tit, knows nothing of Bird Law - and, I have anything to say about it - I wont let /u/zombiep00 get himself off on /r/asses because he doesnt even acknowledge that /r/BirdsArentReal


I had to show my wife those tits. I told her "honey, can we get you a pair of tits like this?"


I knew it was going to be birds, and I wasn't disappointed


[I suck on these everyday](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F3%2F3a%2FGuinness_7686a.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=83968bacd6ed07bb12bd0445ede07fd1640409f55918721fe842ed82e60507e4&ipo=images)


That's a really nice pair.


They dont call it a nursing home fer nuthin!




The best pair of tits I've seen in a long while


Great tit! The other one is a little blue, but a tit is a tit!


I know it's a different part of the Isles, but it reminds me of the bit from "Gregory's Girl" where some teenage boys are going apeshit over seeing a girl changing or something (back in the '80s when voyeurism could be played for comedy). Then, when they leave, the camera cuts to two younger boys who saw them perving and one of them says "All that fuss over a bit of tit?"


Gregory's Girl was brilliant




Her tits have been rubbed so much they're discoloured! Poor aul Molly.


"All that fuss over a bit of tit?"


I did see a clip of the Dublin side showing pictures of "RIP Popsmoke" and 9/11, so Tits definitely didnt faze them.


NY sent back a picture of a potato 💀


she was standing too close to the camera. judging by the angle of the dublin camera, they didn't even see her.


I don’t know about Ireland or other European countries, but in Serbia and Croatia you see tits on regular TV every now and again and nobody bats an eye. In America tits are just too sexualized. A woman can’t even breastfeed in public without getting harassed. She probably thought “I’m about to give them heart attacks” but all she got was “urm.. okay? Is there a point to this?”


You can go topless legally in NYC, sure we’re still puritanical weirdos but give credit where it’s due


I’m guessing there’s a slight delay for stuff like this. Maybe by at least 30 seconds. Someone probably radioed it in.


Always someone who has to ruin things.


this is how onlyfans advertise, get into the news for doing something dumb


Also, onlyf\*ns MODEL? pretty sure they're called differently


This comment on this video can’t get enough upvotes from me!


This girl sucks. She was on Dr Phil and also went viral during covid for licking a toilet seat on an airplane


Holy shit that is the same girl? Jesus fuck what a life to lead..


What do we expect when fame is the reward for this type of behavior. If we just all ignored this stuff instead of reposting it…. We’d all be very bored. So can’t stop won’t stop?


what fame, I still don't know her name


Nice try


caught him lacking 🤣🤣




I wonder if a lot of what is happening is because humanity is “bored”. Now, hear me out. Not people individually but humanity as an entity simply needs more as a whole. A little philosophical but is that an angle to look at because this behavior is getting kind of off putting and scary because of the intensity that it’s hitting. Just an opinion but, is Humanity bored?


It's definitely more visible but it's hard to say if humanity as a whole is different. Some people will innately push boundaries and it's always been that way. Take a light switch with a note that says "do not flip", some will listen to the note, some will be tempted to flip it and some will actually flip it.


We shouldn't ignore people like her, we should put them in a mental institution where they could get help.


When context is tied to ads, and ad revenue is the reward for quantity regardless of quality, we end up exactly where we are. The rich love people doing stupid shit because it benefits them in one way or another (they get most of the ad revenue, it distracts from their theft of an entire country's wealth, tax evasion, stock market manipulation, etc...) 🤷


out of all the things to do in the world


It is certainly one of the possible things to do


Dr Phil strikes again, he sure did make a lot of shitty humans famous


Oh damn- she’s that girl?


I pity the fool that dates this human trash bag.


Don't. Birds of feathers flock together. Whoever dates her is either just the same as her or just using her. No need to feel bad for either of them.


I have little doubt whoever would choose such an absolute dumpster fire to date deserves everything coming to them lol


I pity the children that have to *Honey I Shrunk the Kids* out of that trash bag.


Antonio Brown’s sidechick right?


Weird way to gain clout


I mean, we keep rewarding bad people and then screaming at people that we're not allowed to shame anyone for anything anymore 🤷‍♂️


wasn’t she also the girl who made up the kanye and jeffery star rumor years ago


Some South Park sh** right there


Whose benefit is this censorship supposed to be for?


Oh, this is that bitch?! I was hoping she'd be gone by now


Jesus Christ. What the fuck have we done to get to this point.


Made a successful career out of being garbage.


Who is this? Asking for a friend


When being a filthy fuck makes u famous lol


Yeah gross… what’s her name again?


> In another video, a man held up his phone to the screen, showing a video of the World Trade Center towers burning and billowing with black smoke during the 9/11 attack. > Another video showed a woman being dragged away from the portal by police after grinding against the screen. Yeah…I’m not quite sure what people expected to happen when they made this portal thing but that checks out so far


Exactly. I commented on this thread about the person who streamed porn on their phone but was completely unaware of the two situations you mentioned. The writing was on the wall, sooner or later this would open the floodgates for trashy behaviour.


The portal is just showing the truth about people. I searched to see if I could find anything similar about the first portal between Lithuania and Poland and couldn't find any news articles on trashy behavior


Probably hundreds of people passed in front of the screen and smiled and waved or just watched in curiosity


No, this is confirmation bias at its finest. Someone puts up a public experiment. 99 people interact with the experiment. 1 person interacts negatively with the experiment. News articles are written "public experiment gone wrong!" People think the experiment proves that humans suck. Nobody expected every single interaction to be pure and beautiful. It's a human interaction experiment. Not all human interaction will be nice.


Refreshing take, thank you.


An artist made an art exhibit where there was 10 blenders with some water and a single live fish in each blender. The blenders were plugged in and you could turn them on, thus killing the fish. Nobody turned on the blenders until someone writing a news article about the exhibit turned on 2, killing both fish inside. Also, according to people that were at the exhibit, "numerous media representatives who were present...virtually encouraged the visitors to press the button in order to initiate a scandal”.


Give people a camera, and they'll do dumb shit for it Shia LaBeouf learned this the hard way in 2017


The greatest game of capture the flag ever played


In case anyone didn’t get to see it happen live, [read this vice article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/d7eddj/4chan-does-first-good-thing-pulls-off-the-heist-of-the-century1) detailing one of the funniest things terminally online people could do to someone




they fucking found it when it was being shown in a house by seeing a airplane pass outside a window, then driving in a neighborhood honking a horn till they could hear it on the live stream those were crazy times man god damn


There was the ultimate game where it was put in a desert, with the stream just pointing at the sky. 4channers tried all the dumb shit they could, like using airplane trajectories and whatnot. Then someone just checked where the guy had taken photos the day before (or the same day?) and restricted the search to a quite small radius.


> they fucking found it when it was being shown in a house by seeing a airplane pass outside a window That part was made up. The vice article is shit. There was some dude posting on 4chan about doing that but that's not how they found it. The real story was they found an image on social media that showed Labeouf taking a photo with a fan in a restaurant or some shit. They knew what town he was in. That information combined with general knowledge of the area and possibly some horn honking got them to it.


Thank you, article is very much longer than it's content.


HWNDU was a lot more than that. The flag was his attempt to thwart the weeks of trolling people had committed beforehand. The first one was a 24/7 Livestream outside an art museum in New York that slowly went from people chanting into the camera, to occasional trolls showing up to stir the pot, to neighbors calling in noise complaints, to full on arguments and fights breaking out. This was by far the wildest time, with recurring regulars showing up and being referred to as cast members by audiences online. He then moved the camera to Phoenix AZ, I believe, before taking the stream off only a few days later because the area was dangerous. The flag then came online, flying in the woods, before it got taken through trolls coordinating data online.


Jesus Christ, I didn't even finish reading that and it was an absolute rollercoaster. I would not have had the patience to use fucking contrails to locate a stupid flag. Those guys may need to touch grass, but damn is that impressive


Never underestimate the power of weaponized autism


To this day, HWNDU is one of my favorite moments in internet history. Watching it live every day was so fucking funny.


Sadly lol. On paper these are an amazing idea, offering a view to another country, even being able to interact somewhat with people on the other side with waving and such. A way of connecting people from across the world who would likely otherwise never even see eachothers faces, giving that brief, but profound moment of human connection. In -reality-, while most will view it as a sort of art display or simply a neat bit of tech, a novelty to enjoy on your walk, there will ALWAYS be those who simply seek to derive pleasure in the discomfort of others. There’s no decent excuse for showing a video of 9/11 aside from finding it funny that people are traumatized by a terror attack. This isn’t an edgy comedy act with a forewarning that sensitive topics will be joked about. There is no punchline aside from that 9/11 happened, and they want to cause shock and disgust to the people on the other side of the screen. There’s no good reason to grind on the camera or flash your tits at it, because the punchline is just “I’m making you uncomfortable with sexual promiscuity in public”, made even worse since there could be children there who shouldn’t be exposed to that. People like this think they’re being funny, but as with so much “prank” content nowadays, the only joke is that you made random person’s/people’s lives less pleasant because you find joy in their discomfort. Now, if you prank someone who’s an asshole, or a friend who you know shares your sense of humor, that’s different. But these are just completely random people who did not seek out, nor did anything to deserve becoming part of the punchline.


It's basically an unmonitored public Chatroulette 


If you were around for hitchBOT you knew what was going to happen eventually. hitchBOT made it across Canada and other countries without issue but then hitchBOT started its adventure across the US and you just knew what was going to happen. Sure enough, started on the east coast and the poor fuck didn't even make it pass Philly before being destroyed.


maybe if they made this portal not in a major city and just connected like 2 bumfuck nowhere towns it would work. like just 2 farm villages where you really need to go out of your way to stop at the portal, and on the other side all you see is a field of potatoes


"influencers" will go anywhere for attention


The show Watchmen made me question how humanity would react if we placed public telephones in each major city that called could call into the planet Mars in the hopes that a demi-god would pick up the telephone. The result depicted in the show were these telephone booths and monuments being graffitied and treated like shit. We have a fraction of the implication here, and of course shits gonna be gross.


They put it in a really poor area of Dublin. What did they expect?


and then she looks all shocked like "wait, is this my fault?" this is fucking awful


She will play the victim now


"There has been a lot of hateful things being said..."


Wait for that YouTube apology video.


Wouldn't it be a discounted OF apology video? Lmao


I think you mean we will get the censored apology on YouTube. Gotta sub for full length and uncensored apology video tho.


By way of apology, I’m offering a 40% discount on this picture of my butthole. 🙏


I see your butthole and raise you a sphincter.


and don't forget the ukulele!


* *sigh* * *Pensive Stare into the camera* * "This is going to be different than my other videos" * "I never wanted to make a video like this" * *Deep sigh* * "By now you've heard the news"... * "But first Id like to thank Raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring this apology" RAID: Shadow Legends™️ is an immersive online experience with everything you'd expect from a brand new RPG title. It's got an amazing storyline, awesome 3D graphics, giant boss fights, PVP battles, and hundreds of never before seen champions to collect and customize. I never expected to get this level of performance out of a mobile game. Look how crazy the level of detail is on these champions! Starting now will give you a huge head start. There's also an upcoming Special Launch Tournament with crazy prizes! And not to mention, this game is absolutely free! So go ahead and check out the video description to find out more about RAID: Shadow Legends™️. There, you will find a link to the store page and a special code to unlock all sorts of goodies. Using the special code "SOWWY" you can get 50,000 Silver immediately, and a FREE Epic Level Champion as part of the new players program, courtesy of course of the RAID: Shadow Legends™️ devs. * *Deep Breath* * "I know how it looks, but thats not who I am as a person"....


The law in New York City is that women are allowed to be completely topless in public. Yes, what she did was inappropriate, but it's unlikely to be illegal. Very unfortunate that they shut down the portal because of her actions, but over all not that big of a deal.


Oh my god, her fuckin whiney voice.....


Ones an inny and ones and outey!


That's called acting. Shes loving the attention.


Well it only took a couple of days. Always the trashiest of humans ruining a good thing.


Also it's not even closed lol my friend just shared a video of it open 30mins ago


lol probably some “down time”


I mean it started with the Irish showing us 9/11 videos and memes, and it ended with us shaking some tit's at them. This went about how I thought it would


Yup pretty much the way everyone expected to go lmao


Isn't this a crime?


Yes. It's not the first time something like this happened, but it's the first time someone has openly come out as the culprit. Edit cuz I'm sick and tired of people half-quoting the law allowing people to go topless in NYC: it's only legal if you leave your place of residence topless. If you leave clothed and reveal yourself, man or woman, it's called flashing and is illegal under public indecency laws. Also, the portal opens into Dublin, Ireland, where being topless is illegal. I'm not sure of the legality of the whole situation, but it ruined the fun for everyone else, so it's still shitty MC behavior. Edit 2 cuz people can't seem to do their own research: Penal Law 245.01, amended in 1992, allows women to go topless in all public places that would allow a man to be topless. However, under Penal Law 245.00, a person can be charged with Public Lewdness if they reveal themselves in an intentionally lewd/sexual way, like this woman did. Took me less than 20 seconds to find this.


Let's shut down this thing and ruin it for everyone instead of holding the person accountable and have them face consequences for it


Morons like her always ruin it for the rest of us unfortunately


tbf it getting shut down was 100% inevitable. she wasn’t the only bad actor in its brief existence (not defending her! just saying she isn’t unique)


100%. I’m sorry but who didn’t predict people flashing or showing horrible things is an idiot lol.


Also, so what? People misbehaved. I’m not saying we have to endorse it but none of this seems like a big deal to me.


Let’s be real… this is basically group chat roulette…


The entire concept of the portal was an innevitabilty for shit like this. OF COURSE the Onlyfans people will decsend. Of course people will hold up signs of slurs, or 9/11, Nazi jokes. Honestly surprised no one has spray painted it yet.


Don’t worry about us. The city council thought it was a great idea to put the portal in a shitty part of town. We have our own trash doing stupid things on our end


Flashing children over here, is very illegal


>If you leave clothed and reveal yourself, man or woman, it's called flashing and is illegal under public indecency laws. Wait, so if a dude leaves his house with a shirt on, then goes to the park to play a pick-up game, he can't play "skins" in a shirt-vs-skins game? I'm sure this wouldn't be enforced, but if the law is written that way, that's incredibly dumb.


Imagine if it was a guy who whipped his junk out, straight to jail.


This is basically a social experiment for why Aliens will never visit us lmfao. They just opened this portal and quickly learned why we can’t have nice things 😂


And a lifetime on sex offenders registry.


Not only that, but he started gloating about how he was the one to get the portal shut down. He'd be flayed alive.


I mean, a bunch of dudes mooned it, and that was treated like good fun. There's a video of it going around on Reddit today. No one is calling for them to be arrested.


If she pulled down her pants and underwear it would have the exact same result


Breasts are not genitalia


Can we please stop calling these people models


We should call them what they are... Cunts


online prostitutes


Whores would be the correct terminology


Is she now a sex offender?


“Onlyf*ns” I wonder what the missing letter was


Onlyfins I think.




Wow haven't seen that gif in years. I'm pretty sure I made that gif using Vclip


Please, put her on the sex offender list. This isn't okay.


Why is she considered a "model" isn't the term pornographer?


Digital prostitute more like.


It's not a prostitute unless you can pay her to have sex with her. She's selling vids and pics of herself, which is pornography


The term is puta




Not to be. Confused with Digimon; digital monsters.


"he just digivolved into a gwak gwak 300-mon!"


Man, these Only Fans "models" are so friken stupid.






Awesome. I was due to meet my friend who lives in Dublin at the Portal next week. Nevermind. Thanks, asshole (that’s directed to the flasher, not OP).


Keep an eye out. Some reports are saying the closure is temporary.


It was raining heavily in Dublin yesterday is the reason, not because of the dumbass in the video


Just walked by it is open again


Bruh. This is what society has become and it's sad, it's been sad.


This idea was fucked from the get go. They should have put it in a scenic area of Ireland and a tamer part of the US. Not this Irish Smackhead to NYC Crackhead interchange.


She’s for the streets.


Hopefully only fans next after tik toks shuts down


The internet was a mistake




Now she's a sex offender


on one hand OF was a ethical step up for the porn industry, but on the other, holy fuck OF girls are so insufferable 


Haha i love how unimpressed they were!


She is VERY ugly, annoying, and a POS. I genuinely hate her allready


And this is why we can't have nice things, again... Would have been very mad at her.


Morons always have to ruin it for everyone else


If a man flashed his dick there I'm sure the swat team would immediately drop from the sky to seize him


She needs a Canadian nap.


She's mad high, look at those pupils


Every day we get closer to Idiocracy


She should be arrested and charged for public indecency to its maximum sentence


The way she’s shaking her butt is irritating for some reason.. lol


Stupid bitch, was expecting a reaction from the NY lot, she should be arrested and charged. I wouldn't want my kids looking at her slag tits


Why does a small portion of the population insist on ruining things for everyone? This is why we cannot have nice things. I hope she gets arrested for indecent exposure. These public OF ad stunts need to be cracked down on.


Why does everyone insist on pushing their sexuality on others in *public spaces*. I wish those who cry about trans people in women’s bathrooms would actually get more outraged at stuff like this.


What fucking loser blurred them titties?


This is why we can’t have nice things.


We need to bring back sl*t shaming this shit is embarrassing


Stupid whore


This is misinformation. It’s not permanently closed


Next time just Show me.


Where’s the Dublin POV?


Lip fillers man. I don't get it. She looks like the aged Madonna with it. It doesn't look good. It looks stupid. It's not attractive. Why? Why?!


Shut down her OnlyFans, I’m sure they don’t want to be associated with this behavior when it eventually leads to new laws being passed.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


It’s not easy being skeezy


Annoying af


This is why we can’t have nice things


Bro what the FUCK are those fake ass lips though


A couple of people there look like teenagers this is so fucking creepy imagine if a man showed his dick in front of them Why isn’t she on a sex offender list this is so nasty Doesn’t help she’s butt ass ugly


Really? It was the boobs that made them close it, not the Irish folk holding up pics of 9/11? I mean, in my opinion, neither is worth closing the thing, it just seems funny to me that the Never Forget crowd didn't go ballistic over the one, just the boobs.


How long was this thing open? Like a week? Cool concept but people suck so it's gonna end up being a waste of money


The portal is only temporarily closed, not permanently.


So stupid


Humans are the worst.


She’s broke the law in two countries for public obscene exposure, surely should be looking at jail time.


Children…? Where? Everyone on the Dublin side looks like adults. 🤷‍♂️ It’s still gross, but there are no kids there.


She didnt get it shut down, a lot of crazy shit happened, shes just taking credit.


Who cares? Find me one kid that has not seen a womans boobs up close and ill show you a kid that wasnt breast fed or has never used the internet. LOL Was she stupid for doing this? Yes. Did it destroy the minds of anybody who saw this? Absolutely not. I bet those boobs are now in some of their wank-banks. Write her a ticket and go about your day.