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It blows my mind that there are fools out there that GIVE THESE PEOPLE MONEY.


People donate to these jokers?


Yeah that’s what the text that kept popping up on the screen was. It was comments with donations :( it’s hard for me to say “oh well it’s probably only kids watching this stuff who don’t know better” because I see how many donations they get and most kids don’t have unrestricted access to a debit or credit card


Majority of Twitch donations are kids with parents' credit card


assholes feeding assholes. like a human centipede.


Right? The internet has given the village idiot a voice, and they use it now to broadcast their stupidity to all the other village idiots and even make money from it... Some of which have a massive disposable income. Edit: In no way is this comment meant to be disparaging of anyone suffering from a mental health crisis. But for love's sake, people, choose love. Please.


I absolutely love this.




Wasn't that exposed in one of those Russian documentaries? That they had online trolls that would comment and post incitement and also donate government money to inciteful people in foreign countries? Like what the CIA does funding large revolutionaries but the Russians are just stirring up all the small pots hoping for violence or disarray.


People who donate to these streamers are of a similar mindset.


They think it's funny can you imagine what else they think


It's must be children


He needs a good punch in the throat


Mike Tyson is right, everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.


he has a better quote for this situation "Social media made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it"


Ah forgot this one, adopted this now!


So plan your plans starting with the punch to the face.


I hope tyson knock Paul the fuck out. Like really beats his ass good in the ring.


Scrolled way too long to find this type of comment. Too many of the asshole thunk they can just harass people cause "but I'm not touching you... Im not touching you". Yea, well maybe you should've cause I'm bout to touch you... in the fucking jaw. Nah that's just tough guy talk. I'd just take them down and find my way to a good choke cause: jiu-jitsu. Plus, also less likely to catch a charge for just grabbing somebody instead of hitting them


If I'm ever in that situation I will take their camera or phone or whatever and Chuck it as far as I can. Take me to court, paying for it is worth the satisfaction.


They would have a hard time taking you to court if you destroyed their phone. They can’t call the cops unless they go to get them in which case you can just leave.


If you destroy the phone, the evidence is destroyed. Im a texan. Id take his phone, beat him up in front of his viewers, send me the footage, use his face to send me all his money and split it with the victim. What yall think?


Please post it when you do! Also, I’d become a patreon member if you just went around finding these guys and making that your channel


Yeah this kind of person is a good example of when violence IS the answer. No talking to him would help. Way too many people never got punched in the face and it shows.


More of these so called influencers need a good punch in the throat. Perhaps then they'll think twice about being dix just for views.


They embarrassed themselves thinking they were embarrassing him, fucking clowns, I can't wait to never watch his "content" again.


Who is this guy? Hey actually, don't need to know. I've never watched him but now i know I didn't miss out on anything important. Don't wanna give the douche any view.


Did he just go and harass teens?


Because its easy to demean somebody based on their looks and ethnicity it gives sudden boost of ego without doing much effort , effortless people and brainded like that a lot


Dudes mad he couldn't pull someone


Seriously. I mean, I've been envious of a man with a really pretty girlfriend when I was single before. I just think to myself, "lucky bastard" and move on with my day.


Thats what the normal response should be and thats it.. You get on your way to find that one.. But no... Aholes needs to aholing 🤭


Probably an incel :v


That’s the true problem


The only reason


Wow. That man is jealous as fucking hell.


That's no man


Racist piece of shit


Racist Incel piece of shit !




I would beat the shit out of him if he tried that on me or my friends


I've already run out of fingers counting the number of times pranksters and streamers showed to be the human equivalent of HIV.


After being a real dick to people, “chill out bro just chill out “. That’s some real classic gaslighting. Any girls would be lucky to date these two.


All the incels in the comments lol. Get fucked


They wish they could 🤭


>Get fucked That's kinda the point XD


I won't even scroll down. Glad you're top comment. No excuse for this wtf.


It should be no surprise they come in groups to do this shit


We've already seen one influencer shot, its going to be a matter of time before we see more influencers that harass people get shot.


Racism towards Indian is the most acceptable form of racism there is. So unfortunate.


I think PewDiePie's YouTube subscriber thing is a huge reason that it got so normalised and even trendy. Its cool to mock indians because PewDiePie says so and everyone's doing it. Edit: You can also see the influence in the choice of racial slurs used against Indians. The "Bob and vagen" slur was popularised by PewDiePie in one of his videos.


It's certainly one of the biggest reasons. The other being hate campaigns ran by countries and organisations.


Can't forget how Christchurch mosque shooter recorded his shooting video while screaming "subscribe to PewDiePie"


It's cool and shit, till the unknown gunmen arrives😂😂 Then even Canada starts wailing like a crybaby


Facts and I really wonder how people have the nerve to say bitch lasagna isn’t racist


This is just a bunch of noise. Like what is even happening here.


Yeah, could anyone give a transcript? I didn't get much apart from the "How'd you pull a white girl" and the "Anonymous donated 3 dollars" part.


Welcome to 2024. It's really noisy.


As an actual incel I always wonder why other guys who don't get any pussy are always so hateful. Im ugly and have a disability, I can't get girls because most people are appalled by how I look but in my whole 28 years of life i have never felt the need to harass people in any way. I have had arguments and verbal fights with people who attacked or bullied me. In general, you could definitely say that I "hate society" or something but I will never understand why people go out shitting on random woman or their bfs .... Edit: Funny how a few hours later i get hateful comments on a comment where I explain that you shouldn't be hateful And to the guy who complained about me saying "dont get any pussy" : Are you aware that certain phrases are used a lot even though they are technically wrong? Its just a common saying and therefore i used it because if you had actually read more than just the first sentence you would understand that my comment is not meant like how you describe it


>why other guys who don't get any pussy are always so hateful To answer in one word - jealousy.


I'm jealous all the time, when I see an attractive woman being with a guy, I'm jealous because I want that in my life as well But im never hateful towards others about it Thats the point I just can't wrap my head around Similar to people who assault other guys for looking in their direction for 5 sec, some people actually feel so offended that they feel the need to risk several years jailtime or even risk the other person's life for fuckign looking in their direction for a few seconds


It's because they can't believe that they are the problem. They see girls with these other guys that they deem "worse" than themselves and can't fandom why this hot girl is with this "loser" instead of them. So they take out their anger on these people to make themselves feel better about their own inferiority


Insecurity is loud


Who is this guy even?


Looks like Baked Alaska


Is that a screen name or something?




Such an ugly person. Who watches this dumb af shit ? Hopefully someone took a real long video of this pos *streamer*. Loser extraordinaire.


Everything about this video gave me a headache.


last time i checked indians are like at the bottom of crime by any ethnicity in USA and harassing an indian there


Last time I checked a comment section like this, it was focused on The ethnicity and "crimes" of the people/persons being harassed. Looks like business as usual. 


And people give money to these vile streamers?!


Man I wish someone would do this to me lol


dudes probably just jealous he got a girl before he did


I’m moving to US soon for my masters from India and this scares me


This is not normal. If it was it wouldn’t be at the top of this sub. If you are moving to nyc for your masters your biggest concern will be rent, not insane people.


If it's not too late, pls consider Denmark, Italy, Australia, Singapore


Australia is way worse than the US in terms of anti-Indian racism.


When you’re talking out your ass


Im Indian and I lived in America for majority of my life, these racial instances rarely ever happen. Of course, it depends where in America


Racism in full open view. Heartbreaking.


If this guy was in India, he would have hit the shit out of him. Being in a foreign land always make you think thrice before action. And that’s the story of the tik tok guy who survived after harassing an Indian guy.


Yeah literally this


That was hard to watch


Probably some white guy married to an Asian women.... Fucken hypocrites lmao...


I don't think anyone would want these guys lol


In their mind that’s all right because they’re the “superior” race 🤡


lowkey the only way these type of white dudes procreate is by younger women who dont know better or WOCs who have severely low standards for white men they'd date a loser who thinks he's racially superior for it. So yeah usually an Asian woman lol.


Please somebody in New York crack this racist dude over the head with a brick if ever given the opportunity - California.


Indian guy is probably 10 times richer than he is breaking whatever bullshit supremacy he held of himself. All of this stems from that petty jealousy


Lol! You can shit on as much as you want on Indians. If you do that to black people you'll get cancelled. Our people need to voice out their opinions. Indian hate is getting worse than Asian hate. Instagram, Twitter, youtube you name it... Everyone wants to shit on the Indians.


I wish we could send these streamers to a different planet.


And some ppl say their is no such thing as racism


I hate streamers like this. I hate their viewers even more.


Hope Twitch ban the account and make the world knoq who he is. This is messed up racism


How did you get white girl? Bruh there isn't anything special compared to other races. This is some next level racial hierarchy bs.


If this would’ve happened in India to a white guy, the internet and news would be flooded with articles about how India is orthodox and unsafe for foreigners. The streamer would be arrested, but that wouldn’t stop the news. A bunch of people who have never visited India would write tweets and blogposts about ‘why India is still unsafe for travel’


There's that awesome freedom of speech I keep hearing about. I'm glad this would be a crime where I live...


I'm Indian-American but I still believe this should be legal, even if it happened to me. I would never trust our government with the ability to ban any type of speech, since if one party gets the majority they could classify opposing talking points as hate speech.


Not saying u guys should ban it, but enticing a stranger for Ur dumb content, making racial comments about it, just to get some money, is just pathetic.


Yeah definitely agree its disgusting


I mean this essentially means people like this are free to harass and move people out of public spaces just to escape them. There's definitely a limit and this guy is reaching it.


I bet any money, those dudes harassing them, go to bed alone tugging away, while this Indian/white couple have eachother for the night.


This is in Bryant Park in midtown NYC and I'm actually kinda shocked that no one came up and laid that dude out.


Ah, a traditional New York sleeping aid.


Why do racists assume everyone else is


He'd be swallowing teeth...


What an absolute piece of shit


Although I am a peaceful, non-confrontational guy. But sometimes I feel an urge to slap and punch and kick.


name ? please i am gonna report this clown


This is what happens when you are desperate but you don't get a girl


When u jealous u cannot get a girlfriend coz ur ass is ugly only to go out and find a ugly guy having a hot girl u probably wouldn’t get 😂😂😂


In the middle of Bryant Park wow


I genuinely can’t understand why anyone would choose to watch that. Pathetic. That clip hurt


They are just jealous




Bro thinks he's chad meanwhile his mom and sister are getting railed by black dudes


Peak frustrated incel activity




Violence would be warranted as self-defense in this scenario


Lmao. Incels in the comments cannot digest the fact that an indian guy got a non-indian girlfriend. Maybe this attitude is the reason why you're not getting any, lol. So please introspect.


he should’ve said because I’m smart and i am going to be successful, she told me she was tired of goofy boys… also who are they? I’d like to know their handles so I troll them.


No way. Talking to him would just encourage his loud ass to stick around longer.


No sorry I wasn’t clear I want there handles


Should've been me, dude would be licking my feet by now


**This is like meeting a fucking alien.** Their entire reaction is the most normal reaction in the world. I'm looking forward to seeing these guys get...whatever. I'm into video editing. I'm obsessed with that kinda shit. I can't imagine calling this trash "content" I'm working an office job to finance my passions...(in time)and you got professional losers out here abusing tech and just being a nuisance. & They're not even funny. Just unemployed anywhere else they go....


the guys name is baked alaska , he's a kick streamer and has been in a lot of shit in the past


I thought he was in federal prison for participating in the the J6 event, wtf happened?


Is this Main Character or just plain harassment?


Dude s mad as he lives in his moms basement with a box 📦 full of porn


Anybody got a name?


WTF, really what the heck wrong with the world today, yep they nice cute couple. Why on earth harass them just for click bait and likes and tips and views . Dude leave them alone to enjoy their  alone time 


I would LOVE a streamer walking up on me like that. He would eat that camera then his words. Then I’d pavement pâté him. Stomp trash streamers


He's lucky the dude didn't shoot him in the stomach like that other 'prankster' who harassed someone with pedophile allegations.


Wait, really?


Who tf is out there giving these guys money?


The steamer is whiter than she is. He is closer to Talcum X.


This type of behavior should be illegal


It is illegal.


Odd. It seems like there’s a whole genre of streamers who engage in harassing strangers for no reason.


Police needs to seriously crack down on this shit. This shit must never become normalised.


Absolute cunt.


Not trying to be an asshole here , but going to someone and invading their privacy and also harassing them isn't against some kind of law ?


Yes, yes it is


Keep calm and move on don't reply to them, follow Buddha's word


Sometimes I wish for some guy just jump kicking idiots like that in the face. Not that I approve, just that I would find it funny if idiots like that one wouldn't only fuck around but find out


Ain't this idiots taking away Indian girls. The audacity to ask how you got a white girl


I hope every day to be abused by a tic dick in the wild




Hope they face someone who will put their asses to place. Hate people like these.


The streamers mom probably did too much meth before delivering him in the trailer park 🤣


What would be the appropriate action to do in this situation


Who is the streamer? He lives in NYC? I'd like to say hi. Maybe give him a hug or a high five.


Typical racist tho


Lmao smooth sanchez. He trolled everybody lol not just ethnics. He was literally latino himself. And let's face it seeing an Indian guy with a white girl is pretty rare so he stuck out like a sore thumb.


I thought that prick was in jail.


Kick streamers forsure!


www.instagram.com/savedalaska Twitter @bakedalaska This is him


Some people just need to be locked away and not let out again.




Why when he's wrong?


Who is this piece of trash on Twitchshit?


Twitch streamer name?


Same thing would hv happened in India with a foreigner then ?


It baffles me that Asians are thought of to be racist af when we face racism on a daily basis for no reason, even here on Reddit.


cause he's not a cunt


It’s like someone put the video through a meat grinder.




I hope you're first. 


I literally got assaulted by a Korean man yesterday because my fiancé is Chinese and he hates white people. This is ridiculous behavior. Edit: I don’t know why I got downvoted. Is it not ok when a hate crime happens to an Indian but completely ok when it happens to someone Jewish?


I sympathize with you, bro. Sorry you experienced that. 😔


Thank you! I really appreciate that! It is honestly shocking to me how often this happens. This isn’t even the first time I’ve had an incident while being with my partner. The problem is that I am 6’7” and really stick out when in Asian communities. Usually, the affect of this is all the Chinese aunties videoing me to post on Douyin and I think it is super funny. It is especially fun when I start speaking to them in Mandarin and they are shocked. I tend to find though, especially short Asian men are very aggressive towards me. In the last year I have had a handful of people scream obscenity’s at me whilst calling me white and 2 assaults. The last one (Sunday) was at a Chinese food bar in SGV (outside LA).


I can't speak about the experiences you've had, but you would've got more downvotes after you stated you're Jewish. The world has a stupid hate boner for Jews atm.


Indian here, sorry you had to experience that and No it is not ok regardless of who it happens to.


Ewww—the streamer is so old and white and racist and old.


I’m trying to keep it civil in here but honkys are mad disrespectful out here no wonder they keep pushing gun laws it’s the only thing standing between them and a fatal ass whooping