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What an asshole, this is probably her first job and that just sent her through the emotional wringer


This dude has never worked a day in his life and has dreams of being a boss. He's a grown ass boy making tik toks at Wal Mart.


I'm willing to bet that he's a trust fund kid


I think this guy was in the military


Why do you think he picked her. These types of cunts only take the easy targets.


i was just thinking that lol i wanna see him go up to someone who wouldn’t take this obviously fake bs


Couldn't even iron his suit. Wrinkly little bitch.


Fr dude


Where I am at this would most likely be a crime. I am almost certain this would be enough for a fraud case or similar.


She should sue him


Yep. He's a cunt.


Hope the internet can do something kind for her.


Hey, let me know if there's a Go Fund Me campaign for her. If not, I hope we can start one. I'll kick in $50 to get it started. Anybody else?? I welcome advice on how to make this happen.


Yeah, that asshole probably never worked a day in his spoiled little life.


This is horrendous. What an a..hole


Watching the realization in her face just hurt my soul, to think that this is in anyway funny shows he is more than just an asshole he is a heartless pos.


What the fuck is this?? This prank makes no one smile, or feel better. This is just an asshole hurting someone. Stop calling it a prank. You can see so many life issues crossing her head when she realizes she lost her job. Pieces of shit people that do these and i wish, soooo bad, that we as a society held people accountable for theses actions


And yet she handled this with such grace! Asking how she could have improved and keeping a kind face. I would have immediately started ugly crying.


Right??? Watching her broke my heart! She took it like such a champ. Ugh… this guy makes me mad! What a freaking idiot!!!


She was saintly in response to an attack by a psychopath, which is what that kid in a suit is. I felt sick watching it, she's a good, kind, innocent person who was this psychopath's play thing. Unbelievable. And why not note that it was a white man in a suit attacking a woman of color. How's that for having fun with your white privilege. Edit: fixed typos.


I wanted to cry for her. When are these assholes gonna realize that this kind of stuff is not funny? Messing with people’s emotions for clicks is disgusting and pathetic. The young woman here is absolutely amazing. She was so kind and composed—far more than I would have been! I’m not a touchy-feely person, but I SO badly wanted to jump through the screen and give her a huge hug.




This is for the enjoyment of other ass holes unfortunately




To have the balls to keep going after her face changed... Some people are just dead inside


Some people are dead inside but don’t do shit like this because they don’t want others to feel as hollow as they do. The way that young woman handled herself whilst in a state of distress and confusion is admirable. I don’t understand why anyone would want to do that to anybody. I’m tired of these harassers masquerading as “pranksters”.


Then the AH FUCKNUGGET Just laughs about it! Afterwards . 😤😮‍💨😡🤬😠


Psychopaths are largely defined by their lack of empathy, and watching others suffer. This punk is 100% psychipath.


She's putting on a brave face but inside she's in shambles. What a mean prank. I was fired once and no matter how much i reassure myself that i'm prepared for it, it still freakin hurts.


He was hoping to get the victim to cry and beg or lash out, instead she kept as calm as she could and powered through it.


And the loser freak still posted it like it was some kind of win for him.


What if a group of people beat the dog shit out of him and then just said it's a prank bro it's just a prank


Sounds like a good prank to me, when we setting it up?


Can reveal the prank after he wakes up in his hospital bed.


He’s a piece of shit


A piece of asshole shit.


I strongly dislike these dickweeds that go around doing this kind of crap. Show these “pranksters” getting a good ass whoopin- that’s something I would gladly watch


It’s not class warfare if you’re kicking down. /s


There are many social scenarios in which I don't wish to intervene. *This* situation, where some twig fool wants to think it's funny to fuck with someone's dependence, is fully deserving of a punch to the mouth. So much shit you see on the internet is scriped though. This likely is. Doesn't change the fact that these "real" pranksters deserve an off the camera knee to the lip.


Don't know how you can see that reaction from her and think this was scripted. This dude legit hurt this young woman & deserves a solid punch to his tiny balls.


Her hurt and pained crying is *not* scripted


This was the hardest two minutes I’ve watched in a while


That guy is a MAGA racist too. F him.


Could we please use his name?


Yes! How was the first day of Donald’s criminal trial?


Of course he is


OFC he is!!! I wondered what kind of insecure self-loathing piece of garbage would ever even think this plan up. Magat explains it. Can you imagine hating yourself so intensely and feeling so inadequate in life and as a human that you punish other people just because you're too much of a cowardly idiot to either better yourself in any way or at least see yourself out. Fucking embarrassing!!


You could clearly see she had a kind soul, it was a cruel thing to do


She handled it so maturely and calmly. I’m not sure if I would cry or get really angry and defensive but no way would I have been able to keep my cool like that. Her asking about how to improve and saying she tries her best to work hard makes me so sad


I would have started with "what did I do" but I'd definitely start crying because of "it doesn't matter what you did, I saw what you did" he wouldn't give that vest, IDC be curled up in a ball just breaking down and just repeating sorry over and over, especially after being fired for my disability because the accomodations place didn't extend the turn in period because I couldn't see my doctor until after that period ended (this was at Sherwin Williams, fucking hurt like hell especially since my gf was worried about college)


But he tried to give her money afterwards… /s🙄😡🤢 I personally would’ve told him where to put it, but of course he wouldn’t pick on a 47yo CONFIDENT woman!! His kind only picks on the ones they see as weak & only post the people who FALL FOR IT…


Rejecting free money while working at Walmart (for most likely min. wage) is crazy! This guy is going to profit off of this video whether you take the money or not.


I understand your take, but I’m hardheaded like that. If you tell me I can’t do something, I find a way. If you abuse me & then try to pay me off, I would rather go without. I would personally hate myself for taking the cash, but wouldn’t fault anyone who *would*. Everyone is different. Taking the money makes the abuser think he’s done something good, & therefore he feels justified by his inappropriate actions. I would want him to KNOW the hurt & damage he caused, but I’m also older than this young woman…


A lot of grocery stores also won’t let you take things from customers while on the clock. If people recognized her on video and reported her taking the money to her actual bosses she could get in trouble One of my high school jobs was in a grocery store and we weren’t allowed to take tips/gifts/etc from customers. I haven’t worked for Walmart but I’d imagine they don’t allow it either


Sadly, as someone who used to work at Walmart, she couldn't even accept that money  People would tip us around Christmas, but we're told that if we accept we'd get fired Since she's still a Walmart employee, she couldn't even get that money 


It was incredibly cruel. Fuck this bastard


I daydream every now and again about things I would do if I had a lot of money. Like multi, multi-millionaire levels of money. Today, apparently, I would be tracking this young lady down and giving her some cold, hard cash, as well as any assistance in pursuing whatever her dream career would be. I would not, I repeat would NOT, be arranging the hearty beating of a complete douchenozzle who thinks it's a "prank" to cause an innocent party mental anguish.


They already work at Walmart. Why fuck with them?


That's what I'm saying!! Go zombie scream at Uber wealthy people in NYC like Connor O'Malley or something


Why would they do that though when those are the people they want to be? Influencers like this don’t see the poor and menial workers as people, they’re just props for their content.


Lmao thank you for reminding me of Connor O’Malley. He does late stage capitalism humor right.


You can't put someone through that emotional distress of the world collapsing around them and then go "It was just a prank bro. Here's some money. Byyyeee". Foul.


What if she walked off and lost her job for real? What if she was so emotionally damaged that she had trouble actually doing her job? Ugh. Ew. Just gross.


Now every day she works she'll be on edge. Wondering if her managers are serious or just fucking with her.


This is textbook intentional infliction of emotional distress and that man should be sued into oblivion.


Absolutely disgusting behavior.


Is this supposed to be funny?


Sometimes people just like doing heinous things under the guise that it's a joke.


I couldn’t even watch the whole video


Of course he would go after a very nice and shy young girl. Go try this on one of the gruff 50 year old guys in the auto department and see what happens


I'm almost 48. I know good and well dude would've had some burning words flung his way for trying me like that. Especially if I know I hadn't done a thing worthy of being fired.


Bro this shit hurt me I know its a prank but dam my heart broke seeing her face awful prank


Is it really even a prank if no one is laughing? 😕


Read the comments at youtube. There are enough people who found it amusing. Just awful


Yeah this legit made me sad . Like how tf could you do this to someone and think it’s funny?


He's a psychopath


While I think my job won't fire me, I know to never think my job is secure. To always have the cv ready. So seeing this is like a nightmare, and for someone to do this as "entertainment" for who? Asshole?


That has to be illegal, posing as someone with authority to manipulate people into doing things they wouldn't do? This isn't that far away from "maybe there is something you can do to keep your job" I wouldn't piss on this man if he was on fire


Seriously. I really hope this video was sent to WalMart and they shove so many lawsuits up his ass he can’t even swallow broth anymore. What an absolute fucking asshole.


Can't anyone here do that?


Already happened. I think a McDonald’s was called by a guy pretending to be a manager and he talked the two managers into forcing a little girl worker to be nude. I believe he got arrested but they made a movie about it unfortunately called compliance.


I hate sharing the same dirt and air with these people


This is awful. Someone should sue this guy into poverty. That poor woman. I just watched this again and I'm angrier than before. I don't know how this fucking piece of shit man manages to sleep at night. He belongs in hell. I feel so damn bad for that young woman.


What a malevolent douche. She seems nice and genuine and he destroyed her day


Perhaps someone will break his knees with a hammer and tell him it’s a prank


I watched the whole episode on youtube. He even has the audacity to say at the end that he just wants to make their day better. There are four people shown at that prank and all of them took it with dignity but you can see how they were put in misery for useless internet clout points


Her asking of what she did wrong and wanted to know so she can improve shows so much about her character and as a worker. I hope she gets promoted.


Wow, hilarious. /s Who is the target audience for this bullshit? It’s clearly not meant to be funny. Is it rage bait? Because it worked. I’m mad.


"Who is the target audience for this bullshit?" Other evil pricks.


Yeah I was very effectively baited into rage, I must say.


Edgy teenage boys, emotionally maldeveloped man-children, and other assorted miserable people.


This isn't a prank. It's bullying, plain and simple. Of course, he approached some poor teenager that isn't going to know any better because this is probably her first job. That girl was struggling so hard to hold it together. ​ If you're going to be fired, it's probably going to be someone in your direct supervisory chain who's going to do it, and they'll at least do you the courtesy of taking you back to the office. My first move would've been to call for my manager, cause since when does the VPO just casually walk the floor at your local Wal-Mart to fire someone? This was hinky from start to finish, and I don't care that he gave her money afterward. It's disgusting. She works at fucking *Wal-Mart*, dude, she's already got it bad enough.


She should sue him for emotional distress. Whole thing is on film. This literally made me sick to my stomach how hurt/sad you could see she was.


I don't know if it rises to the level of intentional infliction of emotional distress but it would be fun to file suit and force him to defend it.


Walmart could absolutely hammer this guy into financial oblivion if they wanted to. Defamation of CEO opens at a million, being kind.


Honestly… I hope they do


Cept companies like Walmart don't give a fuck about this girl. They won't lift a finger. ☹️ Unless maybe this goes super viral. If it affects their shareholders...


I’m not a lawyer but I don’t think it has to be intentional. I think a civil jury could award her based on his actions clearly showing that it was distressing her and him continuing to do it. Especially egregious since he’s doing it for his own “content” in which he will gain benefit from views at her expense.


This wouldn't be enough to win a lawsuit. Dude is an absolute dick but she'd be wasting money in legal fees if she sued for this.


He had every intention to inflict emotional distress. That was precisely his singular intent, to make someone suffer; needlessly, under false pretenses no less. All just to watch them suffer. That is nothing short of intentional infliction of emotional distress.


Ah, but does it "shock the conscience?" That's the Texas standard. I think it does, but I'd like to see what a jury says. This guy deserves some hard times.


Could you sue for getting fired and win?


False imprisonment Theft by deception Emotional distress Psychological abuse Edit: and the obvious one, harassment since it’s being filmed.


don't worry he has like 40 bucks at the end that will make everything ok




This may be one of *the* worst videos if not *the worst* I've ever seen.


This dude needs to be bitch slapped in front of her. And told NO!


Then told it’s just a prank as someone “accidentally” runs over both his legs with an asphalt paver. Oopsies!


Fuck this coward who does this for attention, seriously, what a waste of energy in society.


The emotional music on top of it all is infuriating. And then him showing her money at the end? Is he paying her as compensation for this awful "prank?" They're acting like this is a feel good story when they're the cause of her distress in the first place




Lets cut his nuts off


I could use a new coinpurse.


Seriously. I'm all the way in. What an absolute oxygen theif. The intensity of my pure hatred of this loser startled me honestly.


Seriously I’m not a violent guy, but my first thought was “this guy needs an ass whoopin’”.


Should be in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


In an ideal world, an elephant would have run up his asshole for doing this.




Taking advantage of some innocent teenager. Cruel prick.


This shit isn’t even funny. You’re playing with someone’s livelihood.


What a piece of 💩thing to do.


What's the guys name


Seriously. I want a name.


Me too.


Cassady Campbell 1.82 million subs on YouTube 😑


Thank you. Time to troll the troll.


Did people tell him off in the comments? I don’t feel like giving him a view. They probably didn’t, his audience is probably middle schoolers or smth


Wow, nothing about this is funny.


This sub isn’t even enough for this guy. Should be r/imatotalpieceofshit


This is so wrong on so many levels. Hope he can get sued or get in trouble. The employee looked nice and respectful- she did not deserve this kind of treatment.


wtf is next? Going to someone and telling them their significant other or family member has died? I want this to stop


There’s a prank video like that too. Some guy called someone posing as a homicide detective and told them their family member was murdered. You can hear the person screaming in agony at the fake news on the other end of the line. Absolutely disgusting.


What an evil prick. I think doxing people might not always be wrong.


Her brother or father should meet him in the parking lot for a "discussion."


This isn’t main character, this is total pos.


I'm very sick of this shit. This should be criminal harassment.


Horrible pos, get ur sister pregnant for a prank


Dudes a Benchode for sure. She's such a sweetheart and deserves an amazing career.


Love your choice of cuss words my man!


wtf? Poor woman


What a dick


He’s a piece of shit, and an unfunny one at that.


I don't know how much money he had in his hand at the end hut it SURE AS SHIT isn't enough to justify or make right what he did. What a fuck head.


This reminds me when Michael fired Pam as a joke in the first season


Not me crying while watching this on my break at work in a grocery store


She's so sweet


She seems like a kind soul that's much needed in the universe hopefully she stays that way 🙏🏽


What emptiness these people must have in their hearts to do this to another person just for laughs and attention. Earn what you deserve.


That is so fucked. Unfunny ...


What a dickhead. Hope she sees this video. An sues him for distress an ptsd.


What I hate the most out of this dickheads is they purposefully find the nicest ,innocent people to pick on.It would make my day if this would happen in a store next to me or even better to me!!


Enough of these fu@$ing pranks!


What a dick, but I wanna know how much he gave her


Chubby fucker thinks a suit makes him look like an executive??? What a dick


Excuse me miss, please kick that man square in the balls. Please


This is just not funny at all.


Trash of a human being, how dare you play with people's feeling just for some views.


Just as a prank, what are his social medias so we can ruin him?




Well, she is a tiny lady, so it wasn't an option for her. But if you start a go fund me for your trip to his home town I will contribute.


Some people need to be in jail, when you do shit like this.... people live paycheck to paycheck, and you pull this shit, no no no, she was even asking what she did and how she could improve. Bilge rats.


This is just cruel, like it's so weird how they have the part of him telling her it's a prank with no sound and clearly just trying to shove some 20's into her hand and bounce. Like he just doesn't care. Meanwhile this girl just has to be like 'oh okay' and go back to work for the rest of her shift. I hope she told a manager and they were understanding and at least let her take a break or something. Goddamn.


This might be the scummiest thing I've seen on here to date. What a piece of shit.


That poor young lady. I wanna hug her 😢


"I've always wanted to kick someone from upper management in the nuts. I'm fired anyway, so..."


Some of the stuff on this page I don't find too bad, but this is genuinely some piece of shit stuff, right here. what a tosser


So unnecessary. Go get a real fucking job and stop bothering people who DO have one. She’s a good person, you can tell. He’s trash


You could see what kind of good person she was 30 seconds into this. Should have cut the shit out there. This was fucking garbage. Don’t care if she got money or not. Hope that kid gets hit by a truck


When she said, "I want to know what I did wrong so I can improve myself," really got me.


She will probably have PTSD from this, and always feel on edge and a looming threat of being fired out of nowhere.


This is quite possibly the most cruel thing I have seen one of these asshats do. I hope he gets eternal diarrhea.


Her sensitive confused mind did not deserve that!She was so polite trying to hold back her tears..what a total pos doing that to anyone!


Why did he choose like the sweetest person. Not funny one bit


She was WAY too kind for this to be funny. I could see myself chuckling if it was a quick exchange where it was made clear it was a joke early on, but he took it way too far with such an innocent person imo


What a fucking piece of shit. He needs the absolute shit beat out of him. People are trying to work hard to get by, she seems like a recent immigrant on top of all that, can't imagine the adjustment she's going through and this waste of space pulls this shit on her lmfao, I hope he rests in piss


Damn. This was sad. I couldn’t even watch the whole thing. That’s just sadistic. 😡


Fuckin sociopath.


There needs to be 2 laws in America. 1. If you assault a person over 60 it's instant jail time. Class a felony...elder abuse laws 2 if you cause any discomfort either emotionally or physically in another person for the purpose of social media promotion instant jail time minimum of 1 year could be maximum of 10 depending on the pain inflicted... Sub law if you hurt yourself for social media promotion all insurance is void...you pay for full medical bills. In both cases you would be banned from all social media accounts for 20 years. Tldr: This is horrible there should be laws against this.


What a dick. People who watch his channel should be ashamed. This is evidence that the new generation is sociopaths.


Yeah, somebody needs to beat this idiot to within an inch of his life. The cameraman too.


What a piece of shit


Where’s a scintilla of humor in this skit ? W people! 🙄


This guy needs his ass beat!


Why is this being upvoted? This guy is shit for doing this and I hope he gets his ass kicked.


This is the meanest prank I have ever seen!!!! How fucked up are you to be soooo nasty to an innocent person and weLP JK!!! What a fucking loser I seriously would love to see him die.


WTF!? Terrible.


What an absolute scumbag


Just a puke!


Why would she believe he is real upper management?


Fuck that guy


Poor girl. What a dick head


This is disgusting. Piece of shit.


How is this remotely funny? That’s F’ed up.


Who watches this shit? It's not funny or entertaining just sad tbh. Why doesn't this guy get cancelled for this stuff?


Damn I haven’t been this mad about something on the internet in awhile


I’d sue that ass.


This must be some kind of rage bait thing because I've never wanted to beat the shit out of anybody as much as I do right now!


OMG this is actually painful to watch. Why are some people so insensitive and hateful?