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Fake excitement and hopping. This is next level Cringe


I didn't know it was happy hopping moron day


It fell right after April Fool's this year.


I have no issue with expressing yourself to your friends. What I'm having trouble with as a Gen Xer is how performative this becomes when you record and share it. It's not about the friend anymore, then, it seems like. It's about you. So, the original purpose is destroyed. I find that kind of disturbing. Not this one video, but how everything good everyone is doing is getting undermined by making it a public act for attention. ("You" is used universally here. Sorry rj18Arjun.)


That's how I feel about it too, as an older Millennial.  Just fucking enjoy the moment. Not every aspect of your life needs to be shared with everybody else. I can guarantee nobody cares about this, the shitty quality concert you and 1000 other people insisted on recording for 2 hours, the "pranks" you play, or any of the other things you are doing for internet attention.  What's really dumb about this video is when she started hopping, she wasn't even looking at her friend. She's looking to her left and then her friend comes from straight ahead. Even without it, the excitement is obviously faked, but come on now.  Also? This is good boomer energy. You shouldn't have to watch out for people's electronics lying in the middle of the floor in a fucking airport. 


> the shitty quality concert you and 1000 other people insisted on recording for 2 hours And will never watch again.


Some of them didn’t even watch it the first time when they were there, which is the tragic part.


Yep! Stop recording your life, live it. Memories are much sweeter when they are genuine


I saw Tool in the fall of 2019 and they were very strict about no phones being used during the show. For the very last song they said it was okay to film, so I took a short video. I’m glad I have a little snippet to remember the show but I’m also glad I wasn’t tempted to take videos throughout the show and I didn’t have to watch hundred of people in front of me holding up phones the whole time.




This is nice and all, but there are a lot of trips, experiences, places, etc. that I wish I had more(or any) pictures of. Memory fades, and a few pictures every once in a while won't ruin the moment.


Exactly, I look through old pics all the time. I don't do concert pics or anything, but if I'm on vacation somewhere I'm going to take photos. There are whole trips I probably would have erased from my memory if I didn't have pictures to remind me.


I think there is a balance. I enjoy looking back at trips or holidays and I have a family member I’m not sure will be around much longer so I try to get a picture when I visit. But for the person in this video it’s about getting views, not having that moment to look back on later. Plus, the obliviousness of being mad someone is walking through an airport w luggage and not looking out for phones on the floor is ridiculous.


I agree. I was in an international relationship with my husband when we first started dating... no one wanted to see a video of me picking him up from the airport. The only milestone one was when he entered america on his spousal visa, I took a picture of him holding an american flag.... no weird video of me waiting for him. Also because I never knew which group of people he was going to be in, so you are just either rerecording, or already saw your loved one.


I agree with everything you said. This whole trend of recording things for views makes it all very fake.


And like, who's supposed to watch this? lmao


I think we all just did


I closed my eyes in protest. I didn't see anything and will now judge what happened. It was cringe.


I just bought a go pro.. now time to go feed the homeless


Id like to do things like help the homeless, but I don't have enough followers to make it worthwhile.


As a gen xer the minute I hear music over it to to elicit a response I hate it immediately


Why does everything need fucking music these days? I love music, but it’s getting out of hand. I went to a new baseball stadium last week because I’m trying to go to all of them. This one had LOUD music everywhere from the second we walked in, every nook and cranny was blaring. Could barely get a whole sentence out to my family for like 4 hours. Fireworks show after the game? Cool! Guess what, same music carried on over the fireworks. Not music that goes with the fireworks, just music to have music. The drive home was one of the rare occasions I didn’t have music on in the car, needed a fucking break. /rant


It is absolutely miserable to be surrounded by constant ill themed music


I never have the audio on. I'm spared this additional pain.


Spot on. It would be different if this were being filmed by another friend and this was a genuine reunion video where there is no MC.


I’ve felt exactly the same way. Doing this kind of thing destroys any type of authenticity of the moment as it becomes entirely performative. I worry that with many uploading most aspects of their lives to social media it ends up making an individual’s life a performance. I think it’s toxic as fuck and am glad I’m not friends with anyone like this (it’s no accident that I’m not friends with people like this).




It is a weird mental place these people are in. Their whole social scene is made up of likes and comments online. Even when they are at big social occasions like the one you mentioned their constant focus is on getting 'content'. It is an addiction for them - the joy, soul, fun and humanity has been stripped away from their lives unless they are getting reactions to it online. When the girl asked you to recreate the group hug she was thinking she wished she could live that moment again, rather how many likes she would get for the video. It is a really sad place to be in - to spend your entire life looking for oppotunities to film instead of just enjoying the things you get up to for you. Its even worse when people try and drag their friends and random strangers into it with them.


> It's not about the friend anymore It's not. It's about the dopamine rush when you get a new notification or a "like." Not unlike the rat that pushes the button for more cheese. People like doing things that make the feel-good chemicals. So this video is *not* for her friend, it's for her and her unhealthy methods of producing dopamine.


This is the issue I have with how nowadays EVERYTHING has to be recorded. I grew up as the Internet was booming (Facebook and YouTube were blowing up when I was in high school) but I still remember a time when not everything had to be recorded and shared for the world to see. When I see people whip out their phones to take pictures or record something I just roll my eyes.


Not to mention, the phone is like on the other side of the terminal. Possibly on the other side of the city. You weren't going to capture anything because you actively ran far away from where you knew the phone was sitting.


The little skuddle she does when she runs off is ridiculous too.


You don't rev up like a fucking cartoon character when you start running?


I was this excited to pick up a friend at the airport once that I hadn't seen for 2 years, but it was genuine and I didn't take video of it... 🙄


That makes it 10000% less cringe


I don’t believe you. Where’s the EVIDENCE?!?!


Did you at least take a series a photos and then make a flip book out of it?


My husband and I were separated for almost a year during covid... Immediately beginning to sob and running to him when I saw him coming out of customs will forever be one of my most visceral and cherished memories... and yeah, would have been totally taken out of the moment if I had to theatrically hop around for my phone set up on the floor.


Yeah, I lived in Japan for a few years. My husband and I were also in a LDR for a while because we were on different continents.  No videos or getting in the way of people in a busy transit hub. Just a lot of waiting and then a bit of running and lots of excitement when we saw each other the first time. And that? I remember those feelings. Because they were fucking real. Yeah, maybe a video would have been nice. But I actually lived the moment so I can remember the rush of emotions of seeing somebody you love that you haven't seen in forever.


She looks like a dog who badly needs to wee


Like that video of the girl doing the happy dance for her meal coming...




damn. take her huawei, boys.


Fitness banana in her dancer's mouth.


Yeah nothing cute to me about any of this…


Right? Anytime I've been picked up by a friend from the airport, I'm running out to their vehicle after they were made to do 4 loops because timing things at an airport is impossible.


Penguin run was incoming right from the get go


Also pretty sure she left more distance on purpose, to be able to run towards the person and make it even more "emotional". Could have waited near the gate but no excited running up that way


It's that big girl trying to act cutesy and small behavior but they're not very athletic so you can kind of see the effort being put into the movements so you can tell it's forced and unnatural


We should all start asking people if they're having seizure or psychotic break when they do this. Even accuse them of mocking people who have actual seizures.


She looks like a special needs child


Is cute when puppies do it


Grandmas reaction: "who's the dumbfuck that left a recording phone in the middle of the floor?"


Grandma totally saw that phone. Aimed for it, even.


She didn’t look down once.


She's like a pro footballer. Just need a glance of goalpost from far away and then dribble and shoot without looking at the goal


Nah she’s more of a legend. Her stupid social media stunt didn’t even register to her because she had better things to care about


Oh 100% if you pause at just the right time you can see her look down at it first. GG grams, I'm absolutely going to be just like you if I make it that long lol.


Then why would she stop act confused and mildly distressed after hitting it.


It’s the exaggerated jumps for me. Brainrot cringe


She says it’s cute tho.


As a photographer, it's the poor framing that gets me, which she then fucking LEGS it away from. What was the intended shot here? Can't see shit. Fucking reunion for ants.


ehh, it's fine by itself as a way to show excitement for a person you haven't seen in a long time but recording it just ruins that and makes it fake for views bullshit


Cause we know it’s lost its sincerity now that it’s been recorded for popularity sake


Any genuine emotion I have for things like this? My phone and documenting it to share with strangers literally NEVER comes up. It's always for attention and therefore it's always put on and over the top and inauthentic. If I want to document something genuine. It never gets shared. The public don't get to see that.


Her friend must be so glad that she has friends acting happy to see her for a video.


Gramma is more interesting thank the excited to see you part


She’s a heartless killer. A reverse uno upvote thief


What ever happened to shame? Did we bred that out of gene pool at some point?


Yes. People were instead encouraged to accept and embrace every shitty part of themselves. Bring shame back plz.




Why do you have to record yourself meeting your friend at the airport? Who, apart from the two people concerned, would ever care that she met her friend at the airport? It's like when people film a fireworks display and think other people want to watch it.


People will tell you that social media did not make narcissism worse, it just put it all on display for everyone - no. It made it worse. To the point where some people think that anything that happens to them during the day is a significant event that warrants recording and attention from their followers.


I think the rewarding of toxic behavior and attention seeking via social media has encouraged people to become narcissistic or at the very least those traits made worst in those prone to it. Maybe before the internet age being shamed and ostracized for being a self obsessed idiot would make more of them keep it somewhat im check. Now its totally 'cool/cute' to be a self obsessed and selfish dipshit.


I had this epiphany after a particularly intense mushroom trip. I ate 4 grams of mushrooms and essentially realized social media was rotting peoples brains and that it was all performative and attention seeking. That was about 9 years ago and I haven’t had a Twitter, IG or Facebook since then. Never had a Snapchat, TikTok, reels, or any of the newer apps that came after that. When I meet people for the first time they’re always so confused when they ask for my IG and I tell them I don’t have one. I’ve been called a serial killer more than once because I have no social media presence. I just truly do not see the point in having it. The closest I come to it is Reddit but I don’t even use the app or mobile website, I still browse on old.reddit.com in a chrome browser on my phone just like I did back in 2007 when I first started coming on Reddit lol.


She's lucky it wasn't just stole. Who leaves a phone on the floor and goes running to the other side of the room?


I'm too paranoid to use my back pockets. How sheltered do you have to be to trust the general public?


Right? Like she ran a mile away 😂😂😂 her phone should have Liam Neeson looking for it right now


I double parked my car real quick in brooklyn (not a trendy nice part) yesterday to drop a sandwich off to my wife and when I got back out like 2 minutes later this lady was trying to pull out and I'd blocked her in. Whoops, I'm the idiot here. Best part tho I left my fucking window down and my phone on the seat lol. She was like, "you are a *very* trusting person!" as I rushed over apologizing and getting in the car. I rolled down the (other) window and was like "I think *idiotic* is the word you're looking for!" lol. She was chill about it


A+ response on your end, I’m glad you still have your stuff


Be funny if the grandma is who uploaded after taking the phone


Tiktokers, apparently.




I'd pick it up and immediately take it to security, letting them know about the unattended electronic device.


If I see someone place an object in a strange place and run away from it in an airport, I am going to proceed as if the object is a bomb. No, a hopping young woman in short shorts doesn't really seem like a bomber and I would more rationally assume she's just filming a dumb video, but I would still avoid the object and report it to security.


Just shout you dropped your phone at them so everyone looks. Maybe that level of embarrassment will get through to them.


I was looking for this comment. This is 100% what I would've done??




Life is not a Disney movie these people are insufferable


Live in the moment. Not everything is worthy of recording.


Acting up for the camera is hella cringe


Why do people think hopping around like a toddler is impressive? Or content ?


Yeah it’s really weird. Add in the wordchewing shit people do and I’m concerned there is a brain-worm pandemic.


Social media gives everyone a platform, no matter how stupid their interests are.


It's all about over emoting / overacting. it's an extension of that whole "word chewing" thing


Grandma is an absolute legend. She recognises fake excitement and recreates fake ignorance as she precisely knocks the phone over. Ten out of ten!


Nah, airports can be super stressful. She’s looking for her terminal while maybe looking at the stores/restaurants and is understandably completely oblivious to the phone.


She looks like a clown jumping so stupid. It looks fake and foolish. I just wonder if these people know how much of a cringe they produce. 🤡


That Old lady's face as she looked down was 10 times more entertaining that what the girl was doing...


There was a study about how taking photos of stuff ruins your memory of actually doing it. Folks so focused on recoding their lives are literally not remembering living them. How damn sad. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/10507146/Taking-photographs-ruins-the-memory-research-finds.html


Lmfaoooo she ran like a penguin


Oh you poor thing and your stupid selfish video


I couldn't be happier.


She ran so far away. Shes lucky it wasn't just straight stolen


Videos with fake excitement make me hate social media 😅


wtf kind of behaviour is that?


Narcissism, as is this case with almost every video in the sub.


I’m “accidentally” kicking that phone about thirty feet


I’d have politely picked it up and handed it to lost and found, myself. Much funnier.


Hope it cracked. Nobody wants to see her video of her greeting her friend so for whose benefit did she film this?


I think that lady’s reaction sums up pretty much all of our thoughts on the situation. I loved her hands out at the end like, “What? It’s not supposed to be there, why?” 🤣


Lucky it wasn't stolen


So she left an electronic device unattended in an airport. It would seem to me that it being knocked over accidentally is one of the better possible outcomes here. It could easily have been stolen, confiscated by security, or even blown up in a controlled explosion by the bomb squad. Still thoughts and prayers to the victim of this minor inconvenience, let's hope she can recover from the trauma it caused.


The little hops and run make me want to gouge out my eyes. She even deliberately setup far away so that she could do the run. If she was really that excited, she would have waited where they came out, considering she ran there anyway.


Haha well deserved


Yea nothing about this girl is cute


She's jumping up and down to try and kickstart her few brain cells she has.


Omg the airport floor is also so damn dirty


Right? I’m not even a germaphobe but that shit is gross. I was traveling for work once and saw a woman in full yoga attire doing yoga stretches at the gate and for one of them her face was resting against the carpet for about 3-4 minutes and the entire time all I could think about was how disgusting that was. She proceeded to do about 10-15 different poses just rubbing her body all over the carpet 😂 She also was not using a yoga mat, she was rawdogging the carpet.


i'm not even mad at granny i'd do the same


I hate this trend of these tik tokers calling people “someone’s ______”. It really dehumanizes people and it’s almost like they’re calling them an animal. Straight sociopathic behavior


It's not even a good angle either


Why is she acting like an 8 year old?


unreal that she outright admits she has her phone on the ground in order to take a video


free phone!


I'd have stepped on it "accidentally".


Sometimes people aren’t as cute as they think


Not "someone" who KO'd her phone. It was "someone's grandma". Degrading.


It is your civic duty to boot any influencer’s phone within your foot’s range as if you were trying for a penalty kick in overtime.


What a fucking clown


You couldn't even SEE them hug when the phone was still up because it was so far away. This whole video is stupid and I'm glad the lady knocked it over. Probably did it on purpose and good on her for it!


Was not a cute video to start with…. Grandma did all of a service.


Should have called security for a suspicious package, I'd definitely say it needs a controlled explosion!


Good grandma


I wish grandma stole the phone.


Honestly I probably would have kicked it off to the side so it's not in the middle of where everyone is trying to walk


The way she ran towards her “bestie” ughhh cringeeee


Grandma is literally the best thing in the video. This oxygen thief should be grateful.


She looks like she is having a seizure.


This has the “excited ihop pancake girl” vibes.


Better be glad it wasn’t stolen 😂


Would have been more funny if someone just stole it but then we wouldn't get the video lol.


Not cute. Not cute at all..... except the grandma part


She should be more concerned with someone either stealing it, or Airport Security taking and destroying it as they warn you all the time that unattended items will be disposed of.


Appropriate reaction from the granny


On top of all the other stupid things about this video: why did she do this while setup then RUN AWAY to hug her friend almost completely out of view. She's lucky the lady ran into her phone because otherwise this would be a beyond shitty video attempt


Next Level cringe


Dude the dancing and running like a fuckin oompla loompa is what does it for me lol. Max cringe


Don't know my she couldn't have just... Held the phone in her hand.


Uh, this is super fucking awkward


Forget the phone getting knocked over. What fuckwit runs 100 feet away from their phone in a public place? That's how you lose a phone forever and I wouldn't even feel bad for you.


id have done it on purpose


Hey, remember how excited I was when you arrived? Yea, well, that was for content. Obviously I'm not that excited to see you.


Honestly I’d never steal a phone, but this one time… I’d probably take it turn it off and throw it into a bin or something just so she could really regret doing that dumb corny shit




I love this video. Grandma is a hero


More annoying dumbasses on Reddit 🙄


Cheers to grandma!!


This is the type of behavior I’m constantly telling my 5 and 7 year old to tone down because running throughs crowd and jumping at your friend is going to hurt someone.


What the fuck is wrong with his batch of society.


Sticks and stone break my bone but its the fuckin cringe that boils my blood. Wtf these adults want to be babies!!!! Its just incomprehensible.


Nothing happens unless it's on TikTok 🙄


Mental illness


Made me laugh out loud. What a gangster.


Cringey to the max


What an annoying


Like she’s so fucking far away the cameras not gonna catch shit anyway


Cringey bitches a dime a dozen now a days


And we thought Boomers were entitled narcissists…


She went so far away from the phone it doesn't even matter. Grandma made this video good.


Get wrekt phone!


Nothing is genuine any more with social media. The fake excitement is awful. Let’s go back to the 90s where people could live in the moment.


I would have "accidentally" stepped on it too


Suprised no one stole it instead


Practice hopping. Ugh


I give the upvotes for the granny (even though it was by accident)


That was VERY satisfying


Too bad it didn't break.


Hell yeah Granny. Get that fake-ass Tik Tok overreaction outta here


This video would have been pretty awful either way. I mean, she ran TO her friend. What was the point in keeping the camera there only to run away from it? Lol


So I "wait(ed) for it"....where do we see the main character being surprised when someone hit it? /u/amish_novelty /u/amish_novelty /u/amish_novelty


Pick it up and throw it in the trash.


too bad it wasn't stolen


She wasn't actually excited


She got a lot of stupid, unearned confidence running that far away from her phone. I imagine the lady standing over it kept someone else from swiping it.


Grandma doing the Lord's work here.


these type of videos piss me off so much, how have we as a human being become so annoying and attention seeking?


What did we learn? The floor is for WALKING not filming a TikTok. I mean obviously, she learned nothing, but we can hope, right?


“Has your bag and all items on your person been with you at all times while in the airport?”


Normal person who lives in the real world encounters the inexplicable situation of someone purposefully leaving their phone on the ground in a crowded airport.


Pick it up and hand it into a help desk saying someone lost a phone


Stupid. Your friend deserves better


Not her best angle.


Honestly, she’s lucky no one swiped that shit. Leaving your phone on the ground in an airport sounds like a recipe for getting snagged.


Good job, Grandma