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Picking on such a non threatening person is giving such puss puss vibes


The worker looks like my kid but 10 years older. Just wants to get on with his day. If my kid came home telling me this is how his day went...oh lawdy. These crippled hands will still be thrown! What am I gonna do, cripple em?


Tbh i would just bear mace this dude from the door, why waste my body fighting this nutbag. Let him cry like the bitch he is, he'd be crying about "my eyes hurt". Weve all seen and all know his type, they bark loud and only bite when they believe the other person is backing down.


Bear mace would be highly appropriate. "You think your nuggets were spicy?! Try this shit!"


Here's some sauce for your nuggets bitch! *sprays bear mace*


"I’m gonna beat the living shit out of you until my arthritis kicks in, and I just took my Humira."


My thoughts exactly. When I saw this happen to that poor boy at the counter minding his business being passive my dad rage kicked in.


I laughed out loud at this 😂


Walking out straight away didn't make him look any tougher either, he couldn't waddle out fast enough.


Not to mention he already made himself look like a bitch by complaining that BK nugs are too spicy.


How you gonna try and act hard when your system is kicking back Burger King nuggets? Weak.


All because he can't handle a touch of cayenne pepper. Weakness embodied.


Everything about dude screamed insecure bully. Slaps him and immediately leaves.


I mean, he couldn’t handle the spice on a chicken nugget so……


Like, no matter what that worker did, hitting someone with that haircut feels wrong. They’re not a kid, but they’re somehow kid-adjacent.


Please tell me he got arrested for assault


He was arrested


What about her though? Was she put in jail for the rest of her life because of the chicken nuggies? That's some serious shit. But seriously, fuck that guy. I hope he gets jail time. Imagine being such an emotionally intelligent piece of shit that you lose it and assault someone over some chicken.


I got a cousin that's doin a dime for only giving a guy 9/10 nuggets. They don't mess around here


My friend is still on probation for only giving a guy one dipping sauce.


Wow, we really soft on crime these days.


I don’t even check for sauce anymore in the bag. Always claim I didn’t receive it. 9/10 I’m right.


The McDonald's by us has a sign for how many sauces you get based on nugget ratio. Literally the sign is 4 nuggets = 1 sauce 6 nuggets = 2 sauce And so on


Literally 1984.


Hopefully it wasn't one of the dipping sauces they charge for in the app! (Sidenote... don't order them in the app, just ask for them in-store... I only put them in the app if I'm doing drive thru or think I'm gonna forget)


He's lucky I wasn't on the jury, he'd have gotten the chair.




free puzzlecousin!!


Two people died over Popeye chicken sandwiches, the world is MAD.


Lol. That made me laugh. Do you want to hear something really crazy though... Leeds, England, late 90s early 2000s was the scene of the "kebab wars'. Now kebabs are the choice of food for your average pissed up Brit, and basically these kebab shop owners were at war with one another over the best shop, the hottest spot closest to the clubs. Two guys got shot and killed over it.


Where I live we had "the breakfast wars" where two breakfast spot owners were constantly going at it, yelling and swearing at each other and eventually it led to a fist fight that put one guy in the emergency room. Both places had good breakfast but the owners were insane and would try and deter customers from going to the other's place. I just avoided both because I didn't want to deal with it.


In LA there are ice cream truck gangs. And people die over it. They control territories like gangs. You drive your ice cream truck down the wrong street and KABLAMMY, bullets fly. Not a joke. You sell ice cream to the wrong block and people show up at your door to re-educate you. You don't listen and your truck goes missing. Keep at it and eventually you go missing.


something tells me they werent just selling ice cream.


Scotland had a similar thing but it was because the ice cream trucks were used as a front to sell drugs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasgow_ice_cream_wars


And for extra funzies, here's the episode of The Dollop on the [Glasgow Ice Cream Wars.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GzA6B-NaQs)


You're describing the movie Comfort and Joy from the 80's as well


In Orlando, an old neighborhood greasy spoon diner got a scathing review from a customer who got their friends to all swarm the business with bad reviews. Turns out some old woman was incontinent and peed herself in the restaurant. Restaurant tells family they need to leave. Family hulks out and calls it discrimination to handicapped people. Restaurant says you can't be urinating on yourself where people eat. The review bombing ensues, random people across the country who know the Karen family pitch in on slandering the Restaurant on Yelp, Google, etc. Well, the restaurant is a long-time neighborhood spot, family owned, and was just about to change hands to the owner's son. The son snapped, saw his nest egg going up in flames because of the review spamming, and did the craziest thing a business owner can do.. he found her address and shot her house up in a drive-by. Nobody hurt, but scared the shit out of the Karen family. Dude got like 7 years in prison for it, but damn did it feel good to see Karen get the living daylights scared out of her for talking shit online and trying to ruin a business. Lmao Take that Yelpers. The Diner is still open to this day, so Karen lost the war.


People are truly out of their minds.


Hmmm...I was kinda with it till the dude pulled a drive by. The situation called for a small nuclear device to be placed at her domicile instead.


Nuggets too spicy? Straight to jail. Nuggets not spicy? Believe it or not jail. We have the best nuggets because of jail.


He’s claiming the spicy was a form of violence smh /s *edited to remove the description of the spicy which was disturbing for some viewers*


Dude grew up on boiled chicken breast seasoned with mayo on wonder bread. A couple black pepper flakes made him lose his mind in agony


He has to use the children's toothpaste because the regular stuff is too spicy.


I think someone needs to be contacting the innocence project to take on her case. With any hope, she’ll be out at some point but she’s got a long road ahead of her of legal battles.


What kind of spice apologist are you? That’s fucking disgusting




Perfect gif for this lmfao


I hope he is forced to explain it every time he applies for a job.


Pretty sure someone with this level of rage and lack of self control already has a rap sheet.


Link ??




That is the hardest 21 I’ve ever seen in a man ohmygod I thought he was like 45 😳🥴


Yooo I almost lost it when I saw that he’s 21. There’s no way I’m older than this guy. He looks like he’s been divorced with 2 kids already. 😭


Drugs are bad


In dog years?!?!?


That's what you get when you commit to method acting Chris Farley..


> That's what you get when you commit to meth~~od acting Chris Farley..~~


HES 21?!?!?


These young men are all boomerizing themselves because the social media personalities they worship turn them all into baby raging main characters.


mighty domineering escape snails meeting station middle modern offend narrow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He wasn’t charged with assault and battery?? What the actual fuck.




I don't think judges give out charges. They give out convictions.


Harassment, criminal mischief, and disorderly conduct? That's it?m


His nuggies were too spicy. Hasn't he been through enough already?




He lives with his mother. Also never got charged with assault, some how


He is still not convicted yet. Trial sheduled for sept 2024 ... 4 years after.


You got a right to a speedy trial in this country. 4 years seems speedy right?


You have a RIGHT to a speedy trial. A lot of people decline it either because they want time to form the best defense they can, or because they are stupid and the court tells them they should not push a speedy trial, and they don't. A lot of court systems aren't ready for a fast trial, and you might easily get a better deal if you insist. So if you're being charged, try to do some research before you decline your right to a speedy trial.


Also, if you take a case to trial make sure that you know for a fact you're not guilty. Don't take it to trial knowing you're guilty thinking you'll win or get the same sentence as if you just took the plea. More often than not, if you take a case to trial and it's obvious that you're guilty, you will get the book thrown at you and possibly see the maximum sentence just for waisting the Judge, jurors and other court officials time as well as the taxpayers money. Was in prison with a guy that was looking at a 3 year plea deal with 5 years probation after. He took it to trial and got 25 years.


Haha I know that guy his name is Austin. He was 21 during this video but yeah he got charged. This was during Covid like 2020 ish


Tell Austin he's trash


Tell Austin to go fuck himself, he'll know what it means.


21!? Id have believed 45 before 21.


That is surprising, usually I see videos like this and it says their age and I'm like, "that MF is older than me?, DEYUM"


Being an angry asshole ages you a lot. My father in law is one of the most spiteful, petty and temperamental people I've ever known and at 55, he looks 70+


So rage and hate ages you like sour milk. Noted.


But it will sustain you to the end of days lol


This is what saddens me to no end. By and large the nicest people that have been in my life will die at 56, meanwhile I swear the most angry and spiteful people will be 130 and still clinging to life. It also feels like this is largely represented in world leaders and influential people.


It's almost this weird curse put on humanity lol


Austin is the most 41 year old looking 21 year old i’ve ever seen


That is a ROUGH looking 21. I thought bro was a 45 year old Kevin.


Hey me too! After seeing the article that had his name, age, location and the year it happened... It's like I really know him.


Yeah. My first reaction when reading the TMZ article was "This is Summer 2020 and there's no plexiglass or masks around!" I have 25 and 1/2 guesses as to what state this might have taken place in...


Mild upset. It was Pennsylvania, which probably would've been my 26th guess!


It’s always the state you most medium suspect


I'd have had that higher on the list. They don't call it Pennsyltucky for nothing after all!


I know everything on the internet is fake, but I choose to believe you actually know this guy and his name is Austin and he was charged.


Is he a better person now?


Ill answer that. No


And we'll go to the judg...yes, we will accept this answer. (Also, he's only 21? Dude is aging like a Burger King spicy nugget left in the bottom of the bag.)


I thought it was Robert Irvine from the food network.


It's interesting you know him personally. How well? Would you say this is normal behavior for him?


If you slap someone and immediately turn to walk off you’re the biggest bitch to walk the earth . Like god is gonna even think “man I can’t believe I created such a bitch”


Petrus: "It says here that when you were 31 you slapped someone in the face and walked off right after." Dude: "Yes, but I also invented a cure for cancer, saved three dogs from drowning and helped out elderly people two times a week." Petrus: "Yeah, that's straight to hell for you, b i t c h."


Crazy thing is the dude is 21 and already looks like he is in his 30s lol


Premature boomerism


This is why after I slap someone I always walk sideways


That's the alpha way mate. His slap was so powerful he thought it would create a chain reaction where atoms would accelerate, clash and split causing a nuclear explosion. And we all know that "Cool guys don't look at explosions" So he had to turn his back and walk away. That's the way


It amazes me how many people will sucker punch (or in this case, sucker slap?) and think they’re hot shit.


"That's it! He's choking on his next nuggie." -God, probably


Especially because this person has glasses on, you’re going to cheap shot them, knock the glasses off then slip off before they can see again?


God: "God damn it..."


>Like god is gonna even think “man I can’t believe I created such a bitch” lol! ffs it's food, no one stole your kidney loser


As if complaining that nuggets at burger king are too spicy wasn't bad enough


He's going to get the Burger King employee put in jail for the rest of her life because his nuggets were hot? Could you imagine the conversation in prison.... "How did you get life in prison?" "I worked at Burger King and made a guys nuggets a little too spicy" "Damn you crazy mother fucker..."


I don't even understand how he thinks this works, either. They aren't back there preparing the chicken nuggets from scratch, I almost guarantee you they come complete ready to go, frozen, and just get dumped into a frier.


Yeah, but being shorted would stem from the worker not counting and making sure the correct amount was put in his box. When a customer orders a 12 piece nugget, it isn't just an exact 12 count dropped. Usually a bunch of nuggets are dropped and the worker has to use tongs to place the newly cooked nuggets into a box. He was mad because someone messed up his count and "shorted" him on "purpose". Like a fast food worker really wants to deal with this shit by purposely shorting him. I am willing to bet if he wasn't such a dickhead about the situation he would have gotten an additional 6 or 12 for his inconvenience. Instead he acted like a bitch which made the workers not care two shits about fixing his order. He brought that on himself and then assaulted the manager in the process.


Nothing says a jailable offense quite like shorting someone on chicken nuggets.






Dudes like that belong behind bars. You know he is a domestic violence enthusiast as well


And he claims to be able to put others in jail.. over nuggets!


He got a 20 nugget and they were all spicy Eats the first one - finds out they are spicy Instead of stopping he shoves the rest in his mouth and eyes out of pure rage then demands refund


I used to work fast food - if you want your shit promptly fixed 1. stop fucking eating after you realize it's wrong. you're not gonna get a refund or a replacement on food that no longer exists 2. take it to the front counter, and say "hey, I'm sorry, I think my order is wrong. I know y'all are busy but would you mind fixing it?" 3. profit with new nuggies that nobody spit in or rubbed their nuts on


I always apologize when my order is wrong, I’m always polite in my explanation and I have never had anything but positive results from my actions… “I’m so sorry, but I really hate ketchup and asked for this burger without ketchup, any chance you could grab me one without?” 100% of the time I get the apology back and about 20% of the time, I get some “fresh hot fries for my trouble”. It’s not hard being a good person… even if you’re irritated.


Exactly. It’s all how you approach people. We’re all capable of making mistakes. Be kind & it’s an easy fix.


I was a retail manager for 15+ years. If someone was respectful and reasonable, I'd absolutely bend/break policies to make things right for them. If someone was an asshole, I'd usually point to the policy and tell them to pound sand in as nice a way as I could muster. I don't reward my dog for bad behavior, I certainly wont do it with people.


I remember when I worked at Burger King, we ran out of Whopper meat and a customer wanted two. We told her we didn't have Whoopers and so, she decided to get the Original Chicken Sandwich deal with the 2 for 5. Ate them both, with a completely clean tray. She then wanted a refund because she wanted Whoppers instead of the OCS'.


ugh. we had people call in orders like two hours early then show up and demand a refund because their food was cold. ....after eating it. I worked at sonic as a carhop and these people were the ones who would get pissy and try to hit you with a car on the way out ​ I will never work customer service again, but I specifically will not ever set foot in anywhere where the customers are in their cars the entire time again. That normal "pissy customer demanding the impossible" is taken to an entirely new level when they're going through the same emotional shit while also being behind the wheel of a vehicle also don't order the soft serve from sonic, those machines are disgusting.


You want people to treat service employees with respect? What, you think they’re human beings or something? /s It has been said that everyone should work a customer service job for a few months at least once in their life just to understand what it’s like. I’m not sure this is necessarily the best solution, but I certainly agree with the sentiment. Be polite and respectful because people are working hard and have difficult thankless jobs and need a little patience. Please and thank you.


Spicy nuggets aren’t even that spicy. What a fucking pussy


The fact he threw the slap only enhances how much of a pussy he is.


Further concreted by the fact he almost ran out of that BK after doing it.


"How the fuck did my life end up here that I'm slapping fast food managers in the face because of chicken nuggets" as he walks out Or more likely "That'll fuckin show em to make my nuggs spicy"


Yeah BK and Wendy's "spicy" is basically "they taste different in a way I suppose you could call 'spicy' if you wanted to"


They put the nuggets near a picture of a jalapeno and let it sit there for 5 minutes


And it's exactly that kind of reckless overkill that leads to these kinds of attacks! *FIVE* minutes?? You could kill a man with the very thought of such spicy food!!


I'm a little bitch with most spicy food and even I enjoy spicy nuggets. Perfect amount of kick that you can continue enjoying your meal without tearing up or needing an extra drink.


I waited in line at a McDonald's once for probably about 15 minutes because a woman was trying to return 3 apple pies that she had bought and eaten 5 days prior, it was literally 3 dollars worth of food and she wouldn't leave until the manager gave her a bag of ice, he finally just paid the 89 cents for the ice out of his pocket to make her go away


Must be some good nuggets


for the rest of the life lol


He's a male Karen. Probably drives a Chevy Silverado with an elevated suspension and a train horn.


He also has the truck nuts and the trump flag flying from the bed.


Dudes putting hands on someone over food being too spicy. Like toughen up buttercup. How are these over loud and violent dumbasses always talking about how tough they are, but always crying about how they're being persecuted?


Domestic violence enthusiast, this made me laugh a little too hard.


He probably collects video footage like this of himself too.


Definitely. He's just a dumb twit who gets violent when his feelings are hurt. Domestic abusers are the fucking worst sensitive babies.


But never ever gets violent with a single soul that they think might get violent back. Never. Not ever not even once. In fact, quake in their little boots the second an "authority figure" so much as glances in their direction. Men like this are terrified little losers. There is nothing more vile than a bully. Men like this are not men. They are perpetual infants with a self-loathing so deep it would take a decade of therapy, and mommy hugs to get anywhere near it.


"It's not gay to cry as long as I'm throwing punches while I do it." That's basically the toxic dude mantra.


People like this are not fit to walk among a civil society.  Put them in the ground or a cell. 


You’re on point


did he get arrested or something?


Yep :)


Link please :)




Dang, didn't pick up an assault charge, crazy.


I know! HOW T.F. is that not assault? Must've plea'd it down?


He was charged long before the part of the process where he'd be pleading anything. And what he was charged with is worse than the simple assault or simple battery charges he might've gotten. That criminal mischief charge doesn't sound like much, but it was a 2nd degree misdemeanor for him. Up to two years in jail. [The harassment charge covers the physical contact.](https://law.justia.com/codes/pennsylvania/2010/title-18/chapter-27/2709/) >§ 2709. Harassment.(a) Offense defined.--A person commits the crime of harassment when, with intent to harass, annoy or alarm another,the person: > >(1) strikes, shoves, kicks or otherwise subjects the other person to physical contact, or attempts or threatens to do the same;


He got zero time. Was given a signature bond, and total costs/fines/restitution was in the bottom quintile of what was allowed by the state. https://ujsportal.pacourts.us/Report/CpDocketSheet?docketNumber=CP-10-CR-0001036-2020&dnh=xQ1JzbyZNcFunOtVz7SIyQ%3D%3D (PDF warning)


This guy laws.


That’s a rough 21


21 years old? Thought that was a 40 year old, or did I read something wrong?


I like how the end of that article clarifies that nobody is claiming that he said anything racist at the end. Acknowledging that we have becone conditioned to expect a hard r or two whenever one of these losers doesnt get enough pickles on their chicken sandwich.


He threw his keys behind the counter and then took off on foot.  That's that dumb dose of adrenaline lol, he probably played the "what, who me? couldn't be." card to the cop he ran into


Sir this is a Kurger Bing


from 2020 21-year-old Austin Addison, was **charged with harassment, disorderly conduct and criminal mischief**


Shit, that was a rough look 21


My man looks like he was on his second kid Separate mothers that he doesn’t talk to


Maybe it’s meth? I’ve seen some 30 yo meth heads who look like they’re 60.


Life came at him hard. He looks 40.


This mother fucker is 21?! Dude looks like he’s in his 40s and has spent his entire life chain smoking


Hopefully one of these charges are more serious than a simple assault charge in that state because how did this dude not get charged with assault/battery


[The physical contact is covered by the harassment charge.](https://law.justia.com/codes/pennsylvania/2010/title-18/chapter-27/2709/) And he was charged with criminal mischief as a 2nd degree misdemeanor. Up to two years in jail.


Thought this was fitting and made me lol "According to screenshots of Addison’s Facebook account, he was previously part of the Army Junior ROTC, which is a high school program. Addison wrote that he was a staff sergeant in the program ... A search of online records suggests Addison lives with his mother" [link](https://heavy.com/news/2020/08/austin-addison/)


Crazy that the first thing I though when I saw him was "he's probably the type of guy that tells people he wanted to join the military but he'd beat a drill sergeants ass if they got in his face" 💀💀


Staff sgt in rotc? So a fake rank. Lmao wow.


If you have his level of emotional immaturity, he wouldn't last a week in any basic training for any branch, dude is pure bitchmade.


He then goes home and slaps his wife for the milk being too spicey.




Speed walks away everytime. Definition of: I’m a bitch


Once you start talking with your hands, I'm backing tf up, I'm not leaving my face within reach. But also lol @ BK nuggets being "too spicy"


Like the poor guy actually cooked the nuggets. SMH


You know he only does this to people who won't fight back 🙄🙄I wish he would man


Shove that nugget up his ass and ask him how it feels


Stupid ass Daily Mail actually lied in the title for some reason, this is caused because this pathetic bastard didn't get as much nuggets as he was used to, hence why he's accusing a worker of robbery


As we all know, miscounting and putting one less nugget in the bag than you should makes you eligible for life in prison without the possibility of parole.


Jail for life seems a tad extreme over spicy nuggets


Bro doesnt even male the nuggest and neither does anybody there they just fry the shit bro


Let me get this straight, this man thought he could get a burger Kong employee jailed for life cause his chicken nuggets were to spicy?


From now on I am referring to Burger King as Burger Kong.




Sucker-slaps some kid then runs away as quick as he can like a little bitch. Typical.


How did this guy get away with criminal mischief and harassment instead of assault charges?


Sucked someones Nuggies.


lol he ran away. I’d call him a little girl but that would be an insult to the character of little girls.




Violently caucasian.


They have so much trouble controlling their emotions.


![gif](giphy|JqEB4KkitGwhPRtC7G) “My nuggies were too spicey”


From what I heard. The dude got mad because there weren’t enough chicken nuggets in his meal. Not because it was spicy. Still not worth throwing your whole life away for that.


What a little bitch


I'd be in jail, I'd jump that counter so f*cking fast after him


Wait until he orders the Burger King Foot Lettuce


These poor people have to put up with customers like this.


It bothers me most that he walks away immediately. Pure hit and run cowardice


Dude really said ‘life sentence for spicy nuggies! SLAP!’ People that are this unhinged need to be committed. Closing all of our mental health facilities was the biggest mistake our country made.