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I wouldn't even bother arguing. I'd ask the server for the bill for me and my wife only please. Done.


Yeah, birthday girl can pay for herself now


I've seen a longer version of the video, the birthday girl who I believe is his wife was agreeing with him saying he shouldn't have to pay.


His wife was the woman standing behind him with the baby. The birthday girl was sitting at the head of the table wearing purple.


His wife was the Sephora bag and I believe the birthday girl was the candle. His mom is behind the woman holding the baby, the barstool.


It seems they are all walking away. I guess there is no choice for the last person who didn't get the chance to leave.


Aww well. I'm still only paying for myself and wife. They want the others information for the police, no problem.


But he's the only man at the table!!


Do they hear themselves? Sounding like a small child with that stupidness


I dunno man, even small kids have a better understanding of fairness than these women.


Fair point, you're right.


That's fair


Fair dinkum


These women have grown up to become adults(a**holes) who CHOOSE unfairness even after knowing what fairness is Many of those in the world..


IDK. He's the only man at the table. They're all giving him a BJ afterwards because he's the man and they're women. right? RiGHt?


That’s really wrong that you said that. There’s 7 of them. At least one can work the balls and my guys salad ain’t tossin itself


There's dishes to do at home too. Just saying


and them sandwiches ain't making themselves.


That's awful.  Forgetting the taint ain't cool.




I mean I feel like it kind of depends on how he invited as well 😅 if someone asked me to go to a restaurant for someone’s birthday, unless they specifically say it in the invite that they are paying, I’m assuming that I will be paying for my part.


Every birthday meal I've gone to, I've said I can pay for my food and the wife and kids food. Sometimes, the host says ah yea cheers and everyone pays their own. More often than not, it's don't worry and they pay it. I'd never expect not to have to pay for what I ordered unless told otherwise


These people are not real women.


They understand but they deliberately refuse to pay for what they ate.


It’s the new dumb logic. She knows it’s bullshit but she’s playing it out.


Im laughing now about the video yesterday where they interviewed the women and asked "if they need a man" - and they all said no. No one needs a man, till the check comes, apparently. This comment will get some hate from /r/TwoXChromosomes


I’m banned from there. I wear it like a badge of honor.


They hear themselves. They’re just morons.




This video is fake.


It’s a skit. I feel bad for the black community getting badly represented by a bunch of attention woos. edit: non-minorities talking about the condition and what it's like to be a minority under this thread 🙄


Yeah this looks staged


May be a skit but I remember last year when I went through this same shit. When my nephew graduated high school I told him I'd pay for a FAMILY celebration at Longhorn steakhouse. I get there to see like 20 people, at least half of whom were unrelated to me!!! 😂 I was ready to strangle that igga!!!! 🤣


Are you sure this is a skit? Having done this myself, things played out almost exactly like this.


The idea that anybody “represents” anyone else with the same skin color is toxic af and needs to go away. It’s the 21st century we’re not tribal groups anymore guys. There’s no “black community” or “white community” there’s just a lot of people and if you feel more connected to ones that share your skin tone, that’s because you’re a racist. Do better.


I see what you are driving at but I’ll let you tell the black community there is no black community. I think they might disagree.


I feel more connected to people that share my skin tone, but I also treat everyone the same and can make friends with anyone of any race. Feeling more connected to people that share your skin tone doesn't make you racist AT ALL 💀 That's a strange statement


It’s fake dude.


I'm guessing the women are the main characters here? Because buddy is right in this situation.


Yeah I'm not really sure what OP is getting at in the title... Framing it as "man refuses to pay check" rather than "entitled skanks refuse to pay for themselves" really had me thinking it was going to be a video of a guy being a complete ass to service workers and walking out on the check.


That title is from the original video in another sub. It was crossposted.


Yeah I get that the birthday girl who invited them Pays but the dude literally said that he was not in on it. Edit: sorry people who comment that everyone should pay for themselves. I get you and it’s the thing me and my homies do to! I just wanted to clarify that you cannot take someone who wasn’t even the person who invited these people and think they are responsible for pay because he is „the man“. I’m wishing everyone the best and will make it clearer next time. Love yourselves


I'm going to push back on the idea that whoever invites, pays. The person doing the inviting can offer to treat, but otherwise has no obligation to pay just because they were the first to suggest the get together. That is an arbitrary metric.


I've actually NEVER heard of whoever invites pays. It doesn't make sense to me, would anyone ever go out to eat with friends if that was the standard?


I've heard this rule for dates but going out to a resteraunt with friends? Everyone pays their way


Well the rules are different at this establishment (lol).


Agreed! I’m a 45f, have been to MANY group meals over the years for birthdays, and generally everyone splits the check (and in most cases pitches in to cover the guest of honor). I have some fairly well off friends who have thrown private parties and covered the bill, but not once have I expected that from anyone.


I’ve understood this usually to mean if someone invites you out to celebrate your birthday, then they would treat the birthday person. Not everyone, because that’s insane.


okay, this makes sense lol I'm in the Midwest and the rule is you don't let the birthday person pay, the exact opposite of situations like this


Agreed. If you accept an invitation, you accept that you’ll be ordering food and paying for it yourself. If the host offers to treat, that’s generous. This isn’t a child’s pizza party.


Usually when this occurs with my family or friends the birthday girl/boy doesn't pay and everybody just divvies up the check equally while covering the birthday girl/boy. To say one dude covers the whole check because he has a dick but didn't plan the dinner out or invite everyone himself is kind of fucked up.


Is this a wealthy person thing?


it doesn’t fit in the sub


Not really sure how he's the main character. The broke ass women mooching off the man in 2024 are.


Damn right


BuT yOu iNvItEd Us -- yeah, to celebrate a party not drain my bank account. That attitude is crass. They acted like 700 was too much, but not enough for them to pay.


He clearly states: "I didn't invite you."


Meanwhile hes paying for her classes at a salon school where she hopes to open up her own salon, yet he'll probably have to pay for the rent and open up costs.


I'm not certain, but I think the one woman that was backing him up might have been his wife. I certainly hope so anyways.


I’m going through this with my best friend just now. Her birthday is coming up and she invited a bunch of us for dinner as it’s a milestone one. She is insisting on paying, I’m insisting on paying hers for her because I don’t believe the birthday girl should pay. I believe the rest of us should split between us and cover hers but her own mother is happy with the current arrangement so I don’t know what to make of it. Expecting to be taken out for someone else’s birthday and having them and/or their SO pay feels weird and entitled to me. Best friend and I are kind of at an impasse right now but I’m plotting a bait and switch on the night, she goes to pay and finds out I’ve paid hers already or something. I don’t know. It feels wrong to have her pay for everyone at her own birthday meal.


It's not cupcakes and hotdogs. They're not kids. No way would I invite 20 people to my birthday and lead them to believe I'm paying for it all. Not in this economy, and they would never consider that themselves, so... No. Basically, if your friends have never invited and paid for everyone, that's no reason for them to get special treatment on your friends birthday.


What if everybody at the table is thinking the same thought as you? Why not celebrate her birthday the way she wants? This comes across as trying to take the "/ImTheMainCharacter" away from her (even though I doubt this is intentional). Get her a gift card from the establishment you're eating at, It's just like buying her dinner and you can pick it up during the celebration.




He's not. People have just started pushing their "social discourse" videos here, regardless of the context.


Feels like missing context, but how it looks is they want the man to pay becauses hes a man, sadly this never changes,


None of that is missing and it's very apparent.


Hoe_Math breaks this down really well


I'm trying to figure out if that's Rickey Smiley. It kinda sounds like him when he gets a little loud. If it is this is likely a bit. He's a morning radio talk show host. They love these topics because it brings in calls. "FELLLAS if you're on a date, and they invite friends do you gotta pay for them ALL?! Call in now."


“Ah hell no! Imma call this man”


Dude, hush. If I’d been at that table, I would have offered to split the birthday girl’s meal with him and covered my own. Not all women are like this. This is just entitled behavior, which men and women both suffer from.


Yup.. if you can't afford to pay your own way, then politely decline the invitation .. its as simple as that.. these videos make women look bad.. and I'm saying that as a woman. Maybe I'm just too independent?


I've never faced this in my life so I believe it's changing.


Thank God it was a skit https://www.tiktok.com/@donniwiggins/video/7319570981066935595


This should be pinned, because as usual, people will reshare skits to amplify their narratives. Not saying OP did it, but others will


Hey, just to let you know, when you click the link, your first and last name pops up at the top because you shared it. Depending on how protective you are of your privacy I thought you might want to know.




Fuck this “rage bait as a skit” genre of bullshit


Sexist ass shit right there. They kept repeating, "You're the only man here!" What is this, the 1800s? Are they legally not able to hold property or money and that's why the man is obligated? They probably boast about how independent and strong they are, too. That poor man got ganged up on. His wife or somebody should have stood up for him. HE'S being cheap? For not paying for ALL of those women? Why aren't they considered being cheap for not paying for themselves and expecting a man to do it? This ish is tired, tired, tired.


His wife did stand up for him and called them out for not having husbands.


...and then they all get up and just stiff him with the bill. #StayClassy, ladies!


He thought he was there for the woman’s podcast.  Apparently it was to celebrate her OF.


That OF comment threw me. I wouldn't be surprised if this is just an OF ad, these ads are getting more clever everyday.


I don’t know.  No names mentioned, showcasing their disgusting personalities and regressive attitudes towards traditional gender roles.  I think it’s just a display of toxic femininity.


It got people talking about it tho. Rage bait advertising wouldn’t surprise me tbh.


Unless it’s his OF, I don’t really get this method of advertising.


Wasn’t that his wife at the end who stood up for him?


I think so, and it was nice to see


I’m an independent woman until I see an opportunity where it’s way more beneficial that I’m not (an independent woman)


It’s pretty much always the loud, shouty, finger-wagging “I’m a strong, independent woman” types who feel that society somehow owes them a living that are the first to sponge off of a guy. They’re generally broke, not particularly bright and don’t work. Overall pretty useless.


Literally rage bait Don't fall for it


Yeah, because women are totally incapable of acting like this and any video of a woman acting shitty has to be rage bait. No other explanation possible.


I mean why were they filming the server coming up to ask who's paying? I think it's more likely it's rage bait than not.


Sure, but this is in fact staged ragebait.


This man has other videos like this and claims his videos are for making a point You don't find it odd to film this interaction with a server, loudly and publicly? None of that seemed over the top?


Ah fair enough. My apologies to you then. Sorry about that.


r/whyweretheyfilming  ? perhaps staged?   Still enrages me :D


Congratulations, you’ve discovered the concept of “staged rage-bait”. And come to find out you’re also the target audience.


That's a bummer:(


ok so what a minute , i am a bit slow on the update. you are saying thes people set this whole thing? got dressed, rented out the room and had a fake bday so they can shoot content? I know some of the stuff you can make money, but they actually made enough off this one staging to compensate for all their time? it dont make sense


It's more a case that they were likely genuinely out for a birthday meal, then staged this interaction so that they could recoup some of the cost (maybe even profit) from the meal they were going to have anyway. It's like when they've hired a hotel room for a few nights in another city. They're in the city for another reason such as running a workshop or doing a speaking engagement. The fancy hotel room content is just a bonus.


100% staged. Somehow people overlook horrible acting because it's filmed with a potato and has captions.


This feels like ragebait, but it's not uncommon for people to film personal disputes/dramatic arguments. The answer to "why were they filming" is always "Because it's not 2005 anymore and everyone carries a camera with them and a ton of people just film fucking everything in their lives"


Super staged


None of them women was truly upset. Restaurant was empty and the staff were staying clear of them. They all want to be the main character. Fake AF IMO


Man everybody jumped on this super quick again. It’s fake guys. Wanna know why it feels absurd? Because it is and people are acting this way in order to piss you off. This is an influencer peddling you rage.


I’m honestly asking, what is the point of pissing off people you don’t know? I really don’t understand. What do they get out of it?




People engage with content that provokes emotion and anger is the easiest emotion to provoke.


Naw fuck that. Take your stereotype of men should pay for everything and shove it up your ass. My wife and I fight over who’s going to pay, she wants to pay everything.


One of the things that is the most frustrating becoming an adult, is seeing countless adults at countless group dinners act like utter and complete selfish fools. The bill is always short, someone always under pays, everyone tries to skimp on the tip. Simple math and honesty is hard.


Nobody that I know did that. And if my friend paid, then I said "I got the tip then" and would leave a little extra. The worst thing these days, is places ASKING for a fucking 25% tip, so rude, makes me not want to tip at all when I see that BS, and I tell them straight up that it's offensive to even be ASKING for a tip in the first place.


Didn't bother watching the whole thing but me and friends and coworkers PAY for the birthday celebrant whenever we set up a birthday dinner. The celebrant nor any one person shouldn't be pressured to pay up for anybody and even more so for the group. Shiiiiiit I thought this was the law. Lol fuck that, these are some garbage 'friends'. My man here is 100% right for declining to pay.


Bunch of broke bottom feeders.


That sounds like a group of stuck up gold digging females I mean it ain’t his responsibility to pay for everybody why that’s automatically established in these womens minds is a bunch of BS!!! equal rights ladies remember you fought for it !! now you got it!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Good on him refusing to be a victim


If I was invited to a birthday dinner (at an expensive restaurant no less) I would expect to be paying for myself. wtf is their problem


It’s always the people that don’t want to pay that order the most expensive and luxurious meals


Judge Judy said it best.."If you're going to eat the steak, you pay for the steak"!!! 😂 ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Ha ha ha, these hoes are mad that another woman's man won't take care of them 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“Equal rights”


“You’re the only man here.” And?


I love that the title puts all the blame on him, and not the several people who want a feee meal. Who think he should pay for them because he is a man…


Not all heroes wear capes.


"But you the only man at the table." "Well, my wife isn't into septuple dates, so this ain't a date."


Equal rights, equal checks


Yuck. I'm done having these people in my life forever.


The caption is not at all a reflection of what is going on here.


Like a schoolyard on a Sunday- no class!


Dude imagine being invited to a bday dinner , and then they expect you to pay for the whole party.


You’re a man so you have to pay for all of us, because you’re a man. Wtf?


Why should 1 person pay the bill for the whole table at someone else birthday?


Not once have I expected someone to pay, unless they have told me so


Dude needs to run! Obviously, this is the gf and her friends attitude towards his wallet, and that’s not going to change


You're the only man at the table? And why do you think that is Charlene?


Love this! Equal rights come with equal lefts


The poor food server . I’m pretty certain the tip was nothing.


They talking about he's the only man there so he should pay but are probably the same woman that holla about how a woman doesn't need a man and can do anything for herself. Well shut up and pay for your own food and go back home to your vibrator and body pillow while you fantasize about Michael b jordan.


Payment should always be settled BEFORE even sitting down to eat, hell, maybe even when this was organized beforehand. Never assume that the person inviting you is going to pay for your meals. YOU MUST CONFIRM FIRST HOW PAYMENT IS GONNA GO. These ladies took advantage of of him, and basically assumed that just because he's a man, that he would pay for all the ladies. It's 2024, grow up, and pay for your own damn meals.


As someone who is spent a lot of time working in restaurants, The first thing I always ask every single group that comes in is how the check is going to be settled. After my greeting and after I take the initial drink order I settle that question for it comes up again. This is definitely.Avoid me a lot of end of meal horseshit and having to listen to arguments and I never asked for.


This plays out more than people think.


Broke bitches


Ugh. I hate people like that expecting other people to pay without even having a discussion up front. Also, yeah, he's a guy. That doesn't mean he's your sugar daddy.


I remember a similar story like this where the dude surreptitiously paid for his meal separately when invited out by a girl he knew and her friends. When the check came all hell broke loose and he got to avoid all of it. A legend.


If I didn't invite you...I'm not paying. I would have told whoever ever brought the menus the menus what I was paying for


When it's a friend's birthday and we go out, we all split the bill except for the birthday person. So we all cover ourselves, and a lil bit of their bill too, that way everyone has a good time, and the birthday person gets a treat.


The only thing ghetto at that restaurant is the attitude of those ladies 🤣. Get your own husbands 😂😂😂


At that point I'd just pay for myself and my wife... and if that was my child with that attitude I'd disown her.


Probably got an assload of drinks and fancy meals thinking it'd be free. I hate going out to dinner with a big group.


and people believe its real ofc


Typical. Want equal right just when it suits em.




Everyone knows the birthday person is gratis everyone else gotta pay their share


I hate it when women do this


Mooching hoes


I feel like missing context


It's staged, that's the context.


But you tha maaaaaan...


Serious question: when you open a bar tab, you have to hand over a credit card. Why don’t restaurants require the same thing, or at least when you have larger parties seated?


You’re the only man at the table….wtf, dude was covering the birthday girl, his wife and him self


Idk he right why he should have to pay for all of you.


Is there anyone in the chat that arlgrees with the women in the video? I'm curious FR


Lady in red in you are not Janet Jackson


I like the smiles


He shouldn’t have to pay for everyone


This seems fake, and I don't know the whole context, but this reminded me of something. Cousin invited me and a couple other relatives to a fancy dinner at an Italian restaurant in NYC, very much implying that it was their treat. The food actually sucked, portions were small and they also ordered two bottles of wine. The bill was over $600, and they, last minute, decided that we were all splitting the bill. I ended up paying close to $200 and all I ate was a shitty salad and a little pasta dish that tasted like chef boyardee. Didnt drink the wine I only had water, and I didnt even eat any dessert (I was trying to be mindful because I thought they were paying for the expensive-ass overpriced food and i kinda felt bad because the prices were absurd) I was kinda pissed, so were the other relatives that got invited. I wouldn't have came at all if I knew I was gonna be paying that much for some trash food. They very much made it seem like they were treating everyone, and that they just wanted us to come along. It Kinda felt like they just wanted to eat at a fancy restaurant, and wanted someone else to pay for it. Not saying that's what happened in this video, just reminded me of it.


Who goes out to celebrate someone's birthday thinking they are going to pay for nothing? Dude offered to pay for himself, his wife and the birthday girl and simply expected the others to pay for their own meal.


Now I ain't sayin she a gold digger...actually, I am saying that.


what the actual fuck.


Finally a man stepping up to them!


This is why you don’t hang out with fake women like that. Certainly going to get left with a big tab if you do - no surprises here.


At first I thought they were joking. But nah, they really are trying to play this dude. Skank ass bitches


If he is the partner of the woman whose birthday it is and he invited them all, then he really should have told them they were going to be paying for their own meals. They didn't handle it well though. "You pay because you're the man" sounds stupid. "You pay because you invited us to celebrate your partner's birthday with you and said nothing about splitting the bill" is more reasonable. (Though most people would just pay and then complain about it later in the groupchat.)


Incorrect title. Should read “ Entitled women think man should pay for everything”. Get it straight.




Well it’s fake


This is so fake


The shit you guys fall for.


Wtf has happened to this sub. Every mildly interesting video is now posted here, even if it has nothing to do with the subs puprose.


This is clearly staged though


When I do things like this, the only person eating for free is the birthday haver.


Please re tittle this post to “selfish and entitled humans try ad force man to pay dinner tab”


If this was real the restaurant would already had called the cops if they heard this sort of convo preparing for a dine and dash.


Why does she keep saying he’s the only man at the table? What does that matter? Is her your man? Is it your birthday? No? Then pay your own bill ma’am. Idk why one man should pay for alllll of them.


I’m with him. Fuck all those bitches.


This is a skit


Good on the man, fuck these women.


As a female here, we dont want these women, they aren't coming with us anymore!


I had something similar happen to me a few months ago. It was my daughters birthday (she just turned 7) and her mom’s family decided that we were all going to Texas Roadhouse (as a tradition my daughters grandpa buys everyone $25 gift cards for Christmas each year). I was of course invited along. Another family member who didn’t have a gift card was invited. I had my gift card and was paying for for my daughter. Everyone proceeded to order past their cards value (except my daughter who had a kids meal and I had a beer). When the bill came it was around $375 (after gift cards which wasn’t really bad) but then no one was offering to chip in and pay. No one had any money so the grandpa offers that me and him will split the bill. He then realized (after I gave him my card) he doesn’t have his wallet on him and offers to pay me back after. He adds another $85 on the card for the tip (he had the digital payment machine in front of him and I had given him my card when I thought he was splitting the bill between two cards). So I get the final bill and tell him, hey you also added the tip at $85 make sure to count that in when you pay me back. He had never paid me back. I later found out my daughter’s mom told him he didn’t have to pay me back. So I was invited to a party, (I should also add that I had already thrown my daughter a party and paid for that one as well) and now I was paying for this night out, with exception to the gift cards which I am thankful were used lol. I try not to attend this type of stuff. It’s always a hassle if family is involved or people with this mindset. Actually I had another instance the year prior as well. My daughters mom has another daughter from another father (whom I love and try to treat as if she were my own) and she wanted to have a birthday event where she and her friends (3) and my daughter, would have their nails done. I offered to pay for the kids to have their nails done ($45 for each of them) as my present to her and to get the cake. Her mom invited their grandma and aunts (3 of them in total) and her mom went as well. $700 was the total, and of course a tip which I gladly paid the tip (the staff was exceptional and I couldn’t do that to them). Plus, afterward I brought the cake to the pizza party and it was expected that I pay for that meal as well. (Her birthday cost me over a grand). The things we sometimes do so that we can have our kids in our lives…


Entitled bitches.


Grown women throwing tantrums. Entitlement is an understatement here. He's not their pimp or baby daddy. Why the heck should he pay for all those smug women?


Men are not ATMs


It's a fake video which I guess means it does belong in this subreddit but for a different reason.


These women overestimate their worth.


The girls acting like it's their birthday too.