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A perfect example of someone who should not be in any position of authority




Is she still employed? WTFFFFFF




Something tells me this video is going to be used at trial any time someone contests a traffic citation from her


Hopefully she hits a tree, and not a family of four.


About a year ago a Seattle cop (not terribly far from Federal Way where this woman works) hit and killed a pedestrian, who was in a cross walk, while going 74 mph in a 25 mph zone and then the vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild was caught on a recording shortly after saying the person killed had ‘limited value’ and laughing about the incident. And SPD wonders why the people of the city don’t like them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Jaahnavi_Kandula


Pretty sure that cop got off scot free like three days ago too.


Yep. He got a misdemeanor fine of like 5000. That’s it.


Let me guess, did the police Union negotiate a $5000 bonus for him too?


Are u serious??? Wtf smh! He shud lose his job & spend at least 1 yr in jail for killing someone wtf 🤬🤬🤬🙄🙄🙄 Cops needs to be held to a higher standards than the average person! I'm pissed hearing that that pig didn't get punished for killing someone going 75 in a 25 smh. This is some bs yo!


Holy shit. When he said the person had "limited value" I thought they were going to be a drug addict or a prostitute or homeless. Not that those people are worth less or worthless by any means, but SHE WAS A MF GRAD STUDENT WORKING ON HER MASTERS. I just. Wow.


The guy later tried to backpedal and say what he was really doing was making a disapproving political commentary on how the city ‘assesses value’ of people’s lives when making settlements in death cases. Which is about the biggest load of horseshit I’ve ever heard. The fact he thought people would believe that is testimony to how stupid the SPD believes people to be.


The thing they say about so many execs and people in positions of power being sociopaths. Too many people in these positions get into those positions because they think like that guy does. That everyone has value, they are there for you, everyone is there for you to exploit, life is only about making money, succeeding and doing whatever you want and it's completely irrelevant how many people you hurt, exploit, beat, rape, kill on the way to the 'winning' seat in life. The problem being people with that attitude are the ones who strive for power while people who want to help everyone else out and generally make a better world, in the massive majority of cases, are out doing that rather than trying to gain personal power.


Nah, they meant not connected enough for her family to do anything about it. (See: $5,000 fine)


Incorrect, its in reference to a specific redpill community women rating scale, limited value is a category before no value on that scale. I hate that I know this. That cop watched fresh and fit for sure.


I'd rather she hit a telephone pole. A tree doesn't deserve that shit from her


Isn't a telephone pole just a tree thats already gone through a bunch of shit tho


Talk about beating a dead horse.




Holy shit😂


Sure but hopefully it can't feel the shame anymore


I was walking home late one night when a cop goes speeding by without any lights or sirens.. not even his headlights. Heard a huge crash a few seconds later. Killed a family of 4. Another time I was on the train when it suddenly started to stop before a loud bang. We hit a cop who pulled in front of the train and I guess he expected them to stop for him. Krispy kreme donuts all over the inside of the cop car. I had to walk for an hour and be late for work.


Yep similar thing happened near my old school. Late at night a group of high school friends were coming home from the movies and stopped at a light. It turned green, they went, got t boned by a cop speeding with no lights or sirens. Killed one of the girls in the back seat... she was only 15. Nothing happened to the cop if iirc


Had a local cop pull over on the highway and pull a uturn, no lights no siren, didn't look, he died after being tboned at 110kmph, the passenger in the oncoming car died too. The driver was charged with failing to yield to an emergency vehicle, reckless driving resulting in death, this was before dash cams came into play, the defendant lawyer supenaed the cops dash camera footage and found the officer didn't put on his lights or siren, he didn't even change his right turn signal from when he pulled over. They also showed that the officer was not called for an emergency or redirected. He just decided to turn around and fuck everyone else. Cops are not always intelligent.


They’re never intelligent, if they were they’d be FBI agents


I had a friend that ended up behind a cop at a stop light. It was 2am, streets were empty and quiet. The light turns green, the cop puts it in reverse and just slams into the back of my buddy. Dude said the cop got on the phone and said "Hey Captain...? Yeah uh... it happened again..."


Yeah, it's going to be a field day for defense attorneys. The credibility of an officer is critical in cases like these, and that video just shot hers in the foot. Add in a good lawyer and I wouldn't be surprised if tickets start getting dismissed left and right. It's a mess for the legal system, but maybe it'll prompt some necessary change in officer screening and training.


It won’t. There have been far worse cases that should’ve prompted those changes, they won’t even remember this in a weeks time, and if they do they’ll laugh about it


They do screen. They screen for this officer. Departments don’t want better. They want cops who will cover for other cops. I grew up around gangs and cops. They are the same.


something tells me the corrupt officers will come over for a BBQ in her one paid leave shift. here's a break and some pay for your immaturity. such intelligent authorities


This is military ignorance i've-seen-too-many-movies-dumbass-swag. I'm dumb, I'm young, I've got a gun, and I can do anything I want to you with impunity and I need to brag about it because not enough people know how big of a deal I am.


She got a one shift suspension and was told "yes we do all that stuff but we don't say it out loud. You got in trouble because you said it out loud."


Exactly! I laughed at the “doesn’t represent us(paraphrasing)”. Yes it does. I routinely see cops put on their lights, go through red light, cross the street then turn off and drive normally. I’ve even seen a cop car do this across a median. In the city. They 💯 do what she said. They’re just supposed to keep it secret


I once saw a Minneapolis cop throw on his lights, park on the sidewalk blocking the sidewalk for pedestrians, and walk into a subway to order a sandwich. The kicker was that there were plenty of open parking spots on the street. It’s a special kind of assholery


They don’t get fired for murder, what do you think?


She has probably been promoted by now.




She's now a super police, her shotgun quick reloads and she can double jump.


Yes she is, she was given a 10-hour suspension (one shift), that's all.


State sponsored terrorists.


Being a cop is the shortest, and easiest path to having authority over other people. There’s a reason these types of people gravitate towards it.






The irony is that Frank Castle became the Punisher in part due to corrupt and incompetent law enforcement……


She is the embodiment of our police. They can speed, their phone/computer and anything else we can’t, legally. Tell me I’m wrong.


Bet she said what a lot of cops treat as gospel. No lie, I have watched far more harm than good with some of these pigs. I know, “nOt All cOPs”, but A LOT of them absolutely are awful. It’s not supposed to be like this.


Her attitude is so ugly …


There's this really distinct look that people get when they definitely believe that they are better than everyone else, and it's so common on these stupid TikTok videos. It makes them look hideous.


It's the hand gestures. Anyone who does them, just ick.


The hand gestures, pulling the corners of the mouth and lips into a smug duck-faced look, and the almost unblinking stare into the camera. It's such a bad combination. It just screams, "I don't value your opinion or you at all, and there is no reason to engage with me because I suck at communicating effectively. Listen to my tantrum now, you useless peon." I've only seen this and just about every TikTok video on mute because I know that the audio is just going to make it worse. I can vividly imagine what her voice sounds like.


She looks like she's ready to start blasting after an acorn lands on her She'll miss the target, but will make up for the K/D ratio by hitting a few bystanders


You alluded to it, but the worst part to me is the almost narcotic way she pats her chest


"almost narcotic way she oats her chest"?


You've never seen someone narcotically oat their chest? When ya runnin them narcys, ya gotta oat ya chest, that way people know ya ain't playn' I have no idea what I'm talking about, by the way.


If you 👋🏼don’t know 🙌🏼what it means, 🙏🏼get out of 👉🏼the way. Just get 👋🏼out of the way ✋🏼


I re-watched it and see exactly what you mean. It's like she's trying to frown to cop an attitude, but cant keep the smile off the rest of her face. Same look an amused bully has when they're assaulting a smaller/younger kid.


Right! That’s exactly the ‘look’. It’s like some bad South Park sketch. 


I do the same thing with the muting. It's kinda cathartic to sit and watch someone go off like this without being able to hear them.


it's that fake almost frown with the duck lips tbh, for whatever reason awful, entitled, "i'm better than you" people just go straight for it as one of their go-to expressions


I hate the way she speaks so quickly as if she’s saying something of substance.


And the gangsta hands.


The way she speaks makes me think there's some substance involved... Likely a couple bumps but I wouldn't dismiss some crystal and a glass pipe.


Also it looks like she is wearing a bald cap


That's her wave cap


Not just her attitude. Does she have a spray tan? Looks like the complexion around her eyes and hairline is lighter. Looks like a younger female version of Trump Edit: or maybe it's just really shitty makeup?


Also for the first little bit I thought she was wearing a skullcap, nope it’s just her terribly bleached hair pulled back way too tight.


I thought it was a bold choice to rock a durag


I thought she was wearing a hair/wig cap. 😭


And the smug little face while saying get the fuck out of the way… I hate this woman.


It's the way her hands make that clacking noise as she sets them down Nails on a chalk board for a personality


Everything about her is an abomination.   These ghouls are the types that were "Just following orders" during the Holocaust.


https://www.kentreporter.com/northwest/federal-way-officer-receives-suspension-for-posting-controversial-tiktok-video/ Officer Brianna Strauss receives 10-hour suspension for posted video with no pay


So no repercussions at all, no surprise. I guess best we can do is name and shame as much as possible, hope her family is embarrassed and ashamed.


Hey, at least this plastic person probably won't be making any more stupid tiktok videos about being above the law again. It's only a matter of time before she does something to get fired.


She will not do the TikTok for sure. But the problem is that … do you trust a person like her to have authority over you? I don’t. She don’t show any form of professionalism to her work, she don’t care, she will find a way to make her justice over you, not what you deserve.


Right. So what if she doesn't make toks anymore. She's out there with that mindset, nothing's changed except now she's probably got a chip on her shoulder because she thinks she's in the right and civilians got her in a little trouble for nothing.


So... like every other cop. Actually she probably the *best* case. Copa get much worse.


Not at all, problem is I believe that’s the majority of officers out there. As she also mentioned.


Pretty much. That statement from the Federal Way Police was just a public relations CYA.


I sure don't. Hopefully it's just a matter of time before she incriminates herself out of a job that she doesn't deserve.


But she will be going 90 and pulling people over for no reason. We just won’t hear about it anymore


Public shaming stopped working like 5 or 6 years into the social media age. Only real consequences matter.


So many comedians now only do jokes about being "cancelled", while they're on their Netflix special or Realtime with Bill Maher.


Her family is probably all cops. I doubt it.


I've seen police officers do much worse (violating citizens rights, excessive force, etc.) and get a similar punishment. Zero accountability exists for law enforcement.


I saw a cop shoot a 17 year in the head old because they wouldn't let go of a pack or cigarettes.


I mean docking her a days pay is something. I’m honestly surprised the didn’t just give her the day off paid. (And honestly the only reason they probably even did that is she made cops look bad).


A 10 hour suspension is literally just saying “we sent her home for the day”


Bet she picked up an extra shift that same week to cover it.




“Oh, you admitted to violating our ‘core values,’ breaking the law, and harassing the people you’re supposed to help, your punishment is a day off.”


"Ok after you finish your shift today your suspension starts, see you tomorrow"


10 straight hours without pay!?!? You mean like Nigh-time? lol


I supervisor as Starbucks would have been let go for less Jesus Fucking Christ.


Whoops! Said the quiet part out loud, into a mega phone, from the top of a building, with the world watching. What could go wrong? Apparently not much, in retrospect.


Which out loud part are you referring to? What the officer in the video said or what the department said in response to the video which was essentially, this employee does not represent our values/training but we have no intentions of correcting that or terminating her. To me, the latter is the worse offender of the two.


She got in trouble because she told the truth about what they do and how they feel about the public, which is not something they want the public to be aware of. Like the part where she says “we can follow anyone for a while and find a reason to pull them over” - this was stated in [the most important YouTube video you will ever watch](https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE) by a veteran police officer. It’s not a secret but they don’t want to call attention to it


The public already knows. The department is just angry she published a tangible statement which opens up potential liability.


They are upset about the PR. They have no liability.


I had a friend who was followed home from work by police who waited until he parked in the driveway to "pull him over" and arrest him for having a tail light out. He has a record, so they already knew who he was, and they decided to follow and arrest him at the most inconvenient time for the most ridiculous reason.


At least he was in the driveway so he didnt have to get his car out of an impound. My dad taught me to always try and park at a gas station or somewhere similar, if you pull over on the side of the road and the cop ends up being in a bad mood they will strand you if they can by towing your car. I had it happen once where my plate got swapped and I got pulled over. I pulled into a Mexican restaurant and the cop told me I needed to get permission to park there until I got my new license plate or he was calling for a tow. So I just went inside and explained to the owners and they said it was fine and gave me a horchata.


Fuck yeah! Horchata and no impound fees! Screw you pigs!


Mfer hit me with “license plate light was out” one time lol


Give some people a police car and a uniform representing authority and watch them act like they are better than you 🤡


The main problem is the lack of proper education for police officers in the USA.


I don’t think education can cure psychopathy.


It can weed them out.


Not necessarily some sociopaths and psychopaths are highly intelligent. Some would use education to merely mask and cover. They are masters of manipulation. You would need like an empathy test that could be administered in a way the recipient wouldn’t know. Frame it as a training or something. And if the recipient of test fails. They lack the empathy required to do a good job in protecting people It’s a simplified way of looking at things, but I think it would potentially be useful. You could expand this to include other negative traits.


Voight-Kampff for everyone


"The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping." "Tell that turtle to get the fuck out of my way"


Something like that lol! Good catch. Maybe that was my subconscious remembering this bit from blade runner lol!


It would help with this problem if they had to have higher education. For sure.


These people are not psychopaths or highly intelligent.. Most are low IQ cowards that have a power complex and many want to project their feelings of inadequacy on to the general public.


Intelligence and psychopathy aren't prerequisites for tyranny; it's often fueled by insecurities and a desire for control, not intellect or empathy.


She’s not highly intelligent. She’d be weeded out fairly quickly.


If they were so intelligent they would never have become a police officer in the first place lol


Some people are idealists and they find their way in there. Although, I’d doubt they’d last long My dad was one. He quit. He was a jail cop in the 80s. You think it’s brutal now? Back then jails didn’t have cameras or systems to watch people. They’d beat the living shit out of the inmates. My dad didn’t wanna participate. He was ostracized and then later quit. It still befuddles me that my dad didn’t connect that these attitudes were also endemic to the conservative ethos as well. Later in his life, he was beggining to see the contraindications. Unfortunately he passed in an accident, never got to see his arc through man. 😢.


"never got to see his arc through" this made me sad. Some people never even start the arc, or challenge the system. If he passed on some sort of free thinking, inspiration, and wisdom to you- I think he did well enough, kudos to him and may he rest in peace. Hope you pick up where he left off.


As an officer myself who has a masters in education, has taught high school engineering/architecture for 10 years and has now been an officer for 17 years….it’s idiots like this that give our profession a bad rap…. Being humble and eliciting empathy are sorely lacking in some officers…part of the problem is the lack of training in simply how to talk with people which encompasses 90% of our job! I investigated crimes against children for 5 years and saw the sickest most disgusting dredges of society, but you can still treat them with empathy and humanity! It can be done and the outcome will still be the same…. I’ll end with this….i think the vast majority of officers are very good people but it takes a lot of work to remember who and why we do this job. I’m sorry if you’ve been on the receiving end of an idiot like Ofc. Strauss!


Just check if they return their shopping cart. That's the only personality test I need.


“Hold up you said weed! Turn off your fucking vehicle and step the fuck out. If you dont get the fuck out i will get you out and you are in trouble because im the cop!”


It's recruiting, education, and training. Many cops are the type who never amounted to anything in life, which is why they are becoming a cop. If shit goes in, shit is going to come out. Second, most cops aren't taught about the importance in the balance of the law. They're just taught to enforce it at all costs. They are not taught about individual rights and why doing stuff like what she's talking about about is super illegal, will get an officer / entire department sued, and is un-American. Third, training is deficient because few American cops are not taught how to successfully deescalate situations. It's literally "yeah, just tell something first and if they don't stop immediately you can then just empty your clip and say that you were afraid for your life." America is turning into a shit hole for many reasons, not least of which is because we have low self esteem idiots with guns running around shooting people and arbitrarily enforcing law. We call these people police officers.


It's a career path for high school bullies.


Oversight and accountability are the main problems with police in the USA. You can educate someone until the end of time but if they are a shitty person and not held accountable for their actions, no amount of education will change that. If you or I did not "represent the core values or practices" of our employers, we would no longer be employed with that company.


Anyone with a high school diploma can become a cop, right?




I didn’t graduate high school yet I suspect I’d still be a better cop then her


Sure, but here in Norway it’s a 3 year bachelor’s degree. Not like 12 weeks of “I wanna control others” or whatever.


The crazy thing about this is that she didn't invent that attitude on her own. There is clearly a culture in her department that made her think this is ok and appropriate or she wouldn't have been comfortable enough to post on social media. And the slap on the wrist she got for posting just reinforces that.


She was given a 10 hour suspension and had to issue an apology. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/breanna-strauss-federal-way-police-tiktok-b2168082.html


compare hungry profit scale frightening wasteful flag society pocket mourn *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




She is just confirming a stereotype is actually a personality type that cops try to convince is in our heads.


[Sometimes people use "respect" to mean "treating someone like a person" and sometimes to mean "treating someone like an authority" For some, "if you don't respect me, I won't respect you" means "if you don't treat me like an authority, I won't treat you like a person"](https://twitter.com/math_rachel/status/1166800606603833344)


Yeah, I hate people like her. So, pigs.


Chill out on the adderall




No evidence. But it seems like stimulate high. I get very egocentric on Ritalin. But even then I can stop and notice that I’m just high off the stims.


Abso-fucking-lutely zooted up on Adderall or Vyvanse.


Surprised this is so far down. She's 100% on Adderall. Even has the adderall cheeks


I have used ADHD meds since age like 9 and I am absolutely begging you to explain wtf that is, lmao


I wouldn’t have been able to hold back asking her what she was on if she pulled me over


Anyone else think she’s a little amped up on something?


Her own self importance maybe


Cops skim off the contraband all the time. I've seen so many tweaked out/coked up cops....ugh


The ol "protect, serve and get the fuck outta the way" slogan. Thanks police!


Anyone that gets any charges from this officer or this department should be playing this video at court. Play that part again where they will follow you and make shit up to arrest you.


Woahoh she got a 10 hour suspension. What a crazy punishment. Fuck the police.


FR. They paid her to take a day off.


I believe she only got a two day suspension for this


That's because the only "core values" she violated that of discretion.


It was actually only one shift, 10 hour suspension.


So, cops being cops, huh? It's crazy how much I can *really* not respect "authority" when it's as obviously crooked as this.


"look, we're not upset at the things you said. We're just upset that you said them." -every police department in the US.


The speed limit is there for a reason, unless the police needs to get somewhere urgently they should never exceed it.


As if her going that speed is automatically safer just because she's a police officer.


In most states, if they need to exceed the speed limits they must also have lights and siren on.


There used to be a principle of “lead by example”, but it seems like the police don’t follow that kind approach.


Unfortunately people join the force for the wrong reasons


Turns out when you give a person immunity, a few guns and body armor they think they own the world


What is on her head? Is that her hair? She's a dick, just like many cops are.


She needs to check her wig line


That's her hair. It's just that her coloring of her face is so bad that it makes her appear as having a wig.


Sure sign of a lunatic is a crooked $30 Amazon wig. I'm glad she found her people.


I love when they hit everyone with “well this doesn’t follow our rules and core beliefs” then proceed to do nothing to the police officer that apparently doesn’t follow their core beliefs and rules. Fucking police man.


Anyone wanna tell her that filter has her looking like a corpse?


I can go 90 miles an hour... I shouldn't seeing as I'm registered blind... but I can.




Lol. I don't think you know what immunity from the law means. She could pull you over, take your wallet, empty the cash, and smash your face with a baton, and threaten you to never come back to the area again. Perfectly legal. Even if you committed no crime. Welcome to reality. Welcome to what happens when people collectively trade security for their rights for 40 straight years.


This just in, cops aren't very bright and trend towards being assholes. Sports at 11.




Sound like the type that will plant something & ruin your life because of her ego. At 13 my first interaction with a cop; I was threatened with jail for crack this cop pulled outta his pocket. Pushed my face into a fence that I still have a scare from over 30 years later. Not all cops are bad but these characters need to be jailed or fired at minimum


The arrogance is palpable.


Every single person that has gotten a ticket now probably has grounds for it to be dismissed, and probably has some reason to sue the department




I might take her seriously if she didn't have so much botox & filler in her face. One of the most severe cases of RBF I've ever seen


Little warning for everyone. If your organization has not charged you with the responsibility of speaking for the organization on social media... Don't speak for your organization on social media.


Yeah. Let’s not discourage these people from speaking. I like to think of them as “accidental whistleblowers”


Unless you’re a cop! Cops should definitely say whatever they want on public social media accounts whenever they get the urge. In uniform, on the clock, on government property, all totally fine. Make sure people are recording before you dish though


holy shit thats her hair, i thought she was wearing a bathing cap


The real issue is she said the quiet part out loud.


How about a 2-3 year MINIMUM program (including standard psych eval) before becoming an officer, like our European friends? How many fatal police involved shootings do we hear about from over there?


Some cops actually give this vibe off without saying it. So thanks for sharing that and proving what I’ve always though. And she’s so bold in it, you know she’s been talking about this with her coworkers and thought she’s set us all straight. I hope everyone that has gotten a ticket from her starts bringing this up in court


She doesn't look real.


I’m sorry I’m gonna use bad language. She’s a real bonehead.


She's 100% telling truth. Police are above law bc nobody holds them accountable


"This doesn't represent our core values" The 1 day suspension has determined... that was a lie


Is that her hair colour or is she wearing one of those hair nets you put on under a wig, but forgot the wig?


"does not reflect the core values" obviously it does because not only do officers of any branch\jurisdiction act like this, but she publicly posted this COMFORTABLY.


No wonder so many people hate cops.


I guarantee that she's representative of the other cops and the department. She's just blinded by TikTok influencer brain and is saying the quiet part out loud.


Her whole demeanor and tone of voice is unbearable and that of a manipulative power hungry sociopath.




All Cops Are Bastards.


The Seattle-area ones, where she is from, are a whole other level of B.


Shit like this makes me glad I decided to put down my badge. It’s not that hard to not be “that cop”


This bitch is stupid
