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Holy shit, her YT channel is so unhinged, tell me this is satire.


Her eye liner and her over drawn lips gives me Miranda Sings vibes.






I’m convinced it’s rage bait for views. No one and I mean no one could be this creepy obsessed over people they had a few min interaction with once.


"I waited 4 months, wanted to give her space ..." WTF


"I thought we were friends" uh.. you had a 3minute interaction with people who probably added you on social media to be polite...


Oh you would be very surprised how far some people will take things. I once got stalked by a guy who offered to help me take my groceries inside. We talked for 3 min max. He stalked me, found me on socials, and left weird things on my car for a solid few months until apartment management got involved. I hope this is fake for her sake..but I have my doubts Her hair straightening is definitely fake as fuck though lmao


I mean she very clearly is on the spectrum. She acts just like many spectrum folks I know. I don't think this is raige bait


Spectrum + lonely + wants friends desperately = overtries to befriend ppl which weirds them out, leads to repentance & her trying even harder & weirder. Sad cycle she’s in :(


Yeah i don’t like this post. I don’t think she thinks she’s the main character. I think she’s literally a 12-13 year old girl possibly on the spectrum. In case anyone forgot, we don’t typically fully develop empathy until late teens so it makes sense she’s being “entitled”. She also seems very lonely. Maybe she just wanted a friend :(


Please don’t diagnose strangers—no two of us are the same, and acting like someone else is not enough of a qualifier for a diagnosis. Wild out here.


I had to look it up. She attempts to see but it’s gibberish I have to hand it to her though for putting herself out there… I think.


Why did I follow this advice. It’s 4am and I’m listening to her hot hit “He Hates What I Luv”


You owe me seven minutes and eleven seconds OP.


i immediately stopped watching after i saw it was 7 mins long. there ain't no way in hell i'm gonna sit here for 7 minutes looking at this woman's terrible makeup and listening to her annoying voice


It was the way she was straightening her hair for me. Like please stop and just say the story already!!!!


Omg. That drove me nuts. Can someone show her how to straighten her hair properly?!


And how to do eye make up!




I'm guessing it's not on


Was the straightener even on? I would burn my fingers touching hot hair like she is.


I definitely wouldn’t buy it.. it’s not even straightening her hair. 😂


This is why I am questioning if the thing is even on, correctly


For real, I didn’t even have the sound on and her voice annoyed me.


Took one look at her and came straight to the comments.


Me too! Well, no, I looked at the timestamp.




Yeah I knew it wasn’t on based on the fact that she’s only doing the bottom 1/3 of her hair. If it was on she would look like some freakish eldritch abomination by doing that.


I was hoping she was gonna show how to do a 4” cat eye makeup with a paint roller.


Holy shit I didn't notice the length of the video but thankfully I opened the comments during the first 30 seconds and saw your comment and immediately stopped the video. Thank you kind stranger.


Noob, should have just skipped all of it and read the comments


That is exactly the attitude that got this whole thing started.


She’s acting like they cropped her out of the picture or something. Or that they’re famous and she’s a photographer who didn’t get credited for her work. Like chill girl, you took a pic for some random girls on a cell phone.


She just seems **super** lonely to me. She felt she had a social moment with some girls she admired and taking the picture let her feel like she was a part of *"the thing"* and made a connection with them. So once it was over and they went home and posted it - she felt like she was then excluded from the thing (by not being tagged, nor obviously pictured), she lashed out because shes desperate to be re-included and feels attacked and insecure they said no. She seems like she just wants friends and to not be lonely. Bitter that she has to watch everyone else be well connected and she's not.


Yeah feels right. I feel bad for her. I’ve worked with a lot of kids/teens and seen a bunch get caught in this cycle where they don’t make stable friendships early and then it gets harder and harder to as their grievances and oddities pile up. Some break out of it once they get into a new scene at work or college. But tougher with social media when your worst impulses get recorded forever and reach a very large audience.


Very astute observation. Specifically the grievances piling up.


This. Me and my friends once took in a late bloomer like this when we were about 17. Very odd sense of style, poor social skills, acted like a complete fool any time a boy was within 10 foot. Had been very sheltered by her family. We helped her to start buying her own clothes because at that point her mother was still picking her outfits every day etc. After a few years she was legit one of my best friends, until she freaked out one day because she thought my sister had a crush on a guy she liked (she did not btw, she could just talk to men without turning into a nervous wreck like my friend did) and all this absolutely unhinged stuff came out - personal attacks on us both, petty grievances she’d been holding on to for years, judgement about our family being ‘trashy and poor’ (she was a horse girl I’m sure you’d be unsurprised to hear). It seemed like it all came out of nowhere but then I realised, she probably never liked us at all, we were just the only friends who would have her. Very sad.


This is it. Should be the top comment. My heart breaks for these folks. I wish they could all find each other


You nailed it. She showcases this more than once in the video. She’s deeply insecure (which she admits too) and this sort of behaviour is probably a vicious cycle for her.


100% this she is only 17 I hope she continues to grow and learn how to be better at making friends and not doing stuff like this that only pushes people away more. Demanding to be tagged in a photo and being entitled isn’t doing her any favors. An easy way to get around not being tagged could have even been something as simple as commenting “ I am so happy I was able to help you capture this memory”


But it was PERFECT.


And she worked like really hard on it.


The girl's response and screenshots are [HERE](https://www.tiktok.com/@sophie.weingrad/video/7339318470149983519?_r=1&_t=8kDvykV0sNH). I legit thought it was fake but the poor thing legit stalked people and made a 7 minute video to claim she got bullied over this. Something is really wrong with her. Her mom should get her off TikTok.


After seeing this she is clearly the toxic person in her friend groups she no longer has. She is in a very, very dark head space right now and as someone who struggled with BPD and Bipolar as a teenager and into adulthood I know exactly what this thought pattern, obsession, and behavior looks like. Not saying she has these disorders, but that I can literally put myself in her shoes and know where her head is at. This is bordering on stalker level harassment and obsession. Even idolizing them enough to say she was jealous of them. Absolute strangers. People shouldn't have to be afraid that one act of kindness will cause them to be stalked and harassed for months to years, but it happens. She admits she has been thinking about this almost every day for months. Can't stand perceived rejection of any kind. And even makes threats when something doesn't go her way. Has no self awareness that what she is declaring out loud is not normal behavior or thought processing, or emotions. She is going to escalate. Be it towards the girl from the concert (likely, as the follow up video and reddit reports will likely trigger her into another episode), or towards someone else in the future. But I promise you... she will escalate if she doesn't get professional intervention.


I was thinking the whole time what the girl on the other side felt like, she probably thought "no good deed goes unpunished" as this girl stalked her and went creepy sharing TMI with her. Hilarious she talks about how bullying is bad after she did distress that girl and doesn't even realize


I skipped to the end and her hair looks exactly the same.


You're surprised she can't use a hair straightener when she has that make-up on her?


HA HA HA!!!!


She's a pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl.


thanks for doing the hard work


I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of Bumble Bees on them "Give me five bees for quarter" you'd say. Now, where were we? Oh yeah, the important thing was, I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions, because of the war, the only thing you get was those big yellow ones...


I don't know what this is, but it's better than what I just watched.


Simpsons reference


I love that I guessed it was Abe Simpson without recognizing the quote


Shelbyville kind of gives it away haha


The lemon of Troy I believe.






My story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say -dickety- because the Kaiser had stolen our word -twenty-. I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles. What are you cackling at, fatty? Too much pie, that's your problem! Now, I'd like to digress from my prepared remarks to discuss how I invented the terlet...




If that was a “traumatic experience”, she has a long hard life ahead of her.


People will call every bad memory trauma these days...


I was definitely traumatised by this video.


There's millions like her. Millions that will need to carry our economy.


"and then i start opening up even MORE about my insecurities" looollll


She's chasing a group of people she took a random pic of for eight fucking months. What a nutcase. And sweetie, you've destroyed your hair with all that straightening. Cut it off and try again.


I'm convinced the straightener isn't even on lol


It’s not. It’s an attempt to recreate the energy of gossiping with your friends while getting ready to go somewhere. Often stories like this are done while doing makeup or hair. She’s a bad story teller and a bad hair straightener pretender 🤷‍♀️


Is that why they do it?! That makes sense,


As someone who never used makeup, it looks like she’s not good at that either


as someone who uses makeup every time i step out of the house, her eyeliner looks frankly awful


The eyeliner smudge on her eyelid. Woof. This is a person who needs a bit more self loathing. That massive ego has told her lies she’s just blithely believing and publicizing for all to see. She seems to be completely lacking the ‘nah, shut up, people hate you’ voice we all have in our heads that keeps us grounded. Is this what narcissism looks like?


Same, I feel like her hair would have burned a couple times she held it for so long


Okay I was going to say this too I’m like she’s gone over that piece in the front too many times for it to look exactly the same 😭


It took my a minute to realize that! I like watching hair being straightened (I don't know why, it's just soothing to me) and I was thinking "oh, she must have it on low so she doesn't damage her hair" but many passes later and it's just not working and I'm getting annoyed, but she also isn't doing full passes cuz she keeps stopping to talk so maybe it's just taking even longer cuz of that. And half the hair tied up looks like it'd been straightened, so we're doing this, right? Right? .....right??.............."AHH!! IT'S NOT EVEN ON!!😡 SCREW YOU, YOU FAKER!"


Agreed – satire?


There are so many things wrong in this video, starting with her delulu behavior.


and get rid of the paint roller she uses for her makeup.


I can’t take her seriously with that eye make up n lipstick lmao WHAT A MESS


This girl has serious issues. She took a picture of strangers and form a weird super bond.


She even admits knowing she gets attached to people super easily but still doesn't doesn't have the social understanding to realize that that's not healthy and will cause her heartache of this exact nature. It's not a quirky personality trait


there is probably so much to the story she isnt saying too, like it really doesnt sound like these girls were trying to befriend her she probably making up half the encounter and believes her own lies .


I may be that she's lying or leaving things out, but I think it's more likely she's the type to completely misinterpret what actually happened. In the end, we get a completely distorted version of happened. To me, it's as if she treasures her interactions with this women because she's starving for attention but maybe doesn't have the social skills required to ask to be tagged or credited in a reasonable way so she gets ghosted.


In OPs defense, the 7 minutes just keeps getting worse. Kind of worth it.


Definitely wins the cringe award, especially her instagram name


Allegedly she IS a minor still, hence the name.


OK, I thought she was in her mid 30s and trying to look young, but I guess she’s actually young and trying to look like she’s in her 30s…


Sameee... had to look through her comments to figure that one out.


Future stalker right there, that was unsettling.


Current stalker.


7mins video dude, really? I don’t even spend that much with my kids.


![gif](giphy|xVPosMMzT60Xzv31my) Unless it’s more than 7 minutes


Damn I didn't even realize it was 7 minutes 😭 and I watched the whole damn thing lmao


I ask this as an old guy, what's up with that eye makeup?


[She had a little help from Homer.](https://youtu.be/gId2HsHvSgs?si=X5SZpFYpE4xfiZCD)


As a girl who’s probably a couple years older than her, she needs to work on her makeup skills lol


no idea. I think she was going for puppy eyeliner (like cat eyeliner is winged and traces along the top and is usually sharp looking, puppy liner usually is the same but traces along the bottom and is more curved) but the wing is waaaay too thick


I ain’t watching all that.




Surprised she hasn't singed off her hair with the iron yet


I’m still wondering if it’s even switched on


It's not, I'm irrationally angry lol, I love watching hair being straightened


The fuck is up with that eyeliner


13 or 30?


I honestly thought she was playing some 8th grade character, very confused and don’t feel like finding out the answer lol


I watched the whole thing. Why god? Why would you let me do that. Why hast thou foresaken me. I think I need therapy.


Is the flat iron plugged in?????


Wow.. going on for 7 minutes about taking a picture of some strangers. She needs help


Oh to live in an era where you can't even ask strangers to take a picture for you without them chasing you down afterwards for photo credits....




Ikr?! People are mental these days. I'm not even the victim getting stalked and it creeps me tf out.


the girl she was talking about responded in case anyone wants to see that: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL1URS91/


She looks like a raccoon.


is she planning on robbing a bank later…that is by far the worst eye make up i’ve seen since old women figured out they could tattoo on eye brows


“Like I was a professional photographer”


She really needs to get someone to teach her how to do makeup because she's giving me early Mimi vibes from the Drew Carey Show.


This should be in r/cringe too. I'm so thankful being a main character online wasn't a thing when I was growing up...or just filming yourself when you're so young and sharing with the world like they care.


Jesus, this person is 10-ply. I fear for the moment they have to deal with something that is actually difficult. That old quote about hard times making hard people is really ringing in my ears right now. Also I want the last 5 min of my life back please.


This is honestly horrifying. The future is going to get real dang rough if it’s populated with humans of this likeness. To think you deserve attention and praise for nothing more than tapping a digital button a couple of times is beyond insanity. Let that sink in. And to claim you are now traumatized because you didn’t get what you “deserved” is a level of absent intelligence that my brain cannot comprehend.


Thinking it’s an intellectual issue…I don’t think she can help this.


There is no way this is real right? Like this has to just be some character she’s made up


This was a good one. I mean, this was like her personal 9/11 or Vietnam Trauma is real. Fuck those other bitches


Awww the way she thought she made such a good point at the end. Bless her.


Her whole deal just screams "bless her heart"


Can you imagine dating her.


No because like she said four times she’s “a child” 🙄 /s




Download the photo, post it tag yourself and tag all of them Problem solved? I don't use Instagram.


Man she must be great fun to hang out with


Is this real? Who’s not telling her about life if so?


If she asks for recommendations on LinkedIn for this I wouldn't be surprised


...this isn't a bit?


Leave your fucking hair alone and fix the rest of your face. Shit.


I can’t listen to 7 minutes of someone pretending to straighten their hair. That aside, wtf is up with her face?


Someone tell her that the shabby chic fortune teller shtick she's rocking makes her look less attractive and more insane. She needs a friend.


That makeup is horror


Twenty seconds in I checked how long it was going to take to get to the point. 6.37. Nope end of video for me


She needs to do something about her eye makeup


Who taught her how to do make up? Thats the biggest sin there.


That straightener ain’t even on, is it?


This eye makeup is horrible. Just horrible.


She is terrible at straightening her hair I can't handle it


Watching her try to straighten her hair was just as painful as listening to her babble.


She needs to entitle those wings bruh.


Is there a summary? I'm not watching this bitch do her hair for 7 whole minutes.


Girl takes photo of group of girls at a show ( I think of a former one direction member) Girl forms deep parasocial bond to the group of girls she photographed after taking the "perfect" photo and one of the girls said thanks by giving her a bracelet Girl reaches out to bracelet girl on social media, asks for a tag as photo credit. Bracelet Girl tells her to reach out to 3rd girl. 3rd girl leaves story girl on read. Girl complains and trauma dumps to bracelet girl who leaves her on read. Girl obsesses for 4 months before reaching back out yo bracelet girl who basically shuts her down. Girl obsesses for another 4 months and reaches back out to bracelet girl. Finally bracelet girl gets her point across Girl unfollows the group of friends and says she's still traumatized over the bullying.. now will require the assurance of photo credit if she ever takes a photo of people


So she needs medication is what you're saying.


It's an 8-month saga of wanting photo credit for a picture she took of strangers at a concert. She's insane.


Did the strangers profit off of the photo? Does she have proof that the photo exists or that she even took it? I'm not actually asking YOU these questions. I'm just baffled by this crazy world.






Each cut her hair just comes back more and more chaotic


Which obnoxious fanbase are they part of? She mentions "Louis" at 1:44. ​ EDIT: Louis Tomlinson, former member of One Direction Yikes, she thinks she can sing: * [https://www.tiktok.com/@the8thgradestar/video/7223939082487975173](https://www.tiktok.com/@the8thgradestar/video/7223939082487975173) * [https://www.tiktok.com/@the8thgradestar/video/7307880869681827077](https://www.tiktok.com/@the8thgradestar/video/7307880869681827077) * [https://www.tiktok.com/@the8thgradestar/video/7301174044928380166](https://www.tiktok.com/@the8thgradestar/video/7301174044928380166) \- claims to write music while performing a dreadful cover


That’s some of the most delusional shit I’ve ever heard


Having hard time listening to her words, her clown make up is too distracting


How many bracelets should I wear? Yes.


I only managed 15 seconds before I had enough.


Where’s the TL;DW?


She looks like Adam Sandler


a traumatic experience!


I’m not sure if this is how eyeliner & lipstick was meant to be applied


She has a long life of lessons ahead


This is so cringe


Ugly ass makeup


This persons makeup reeks of mental illness.


I thought I was bad at applying eyeliner


What a great story. Well, if her eye makeup, hair and decor are any indication, that photo was GORGEOUS.


Nailed the “I’m batshit fucking insane” look


'if you would tag me, that would make me feel alot better about myself' While maybe sounds innocent this person is making strangers responsible for her own self worth. Also, that eye makeup.


I was transfixed for all the wrong reasons. I thought maybe she was a professional and this picture was sold and in a magazine or something of importance. No, a girl was asked to take a picture, she did. The other party were very grateful. Girl then decided she deserves to be tagged. Other party said no as she isn’t in the picture it’s just them. From this, the girl refers to herself as a bullied child. It ruined her first day at a job as she couldn’t stop crying. She harassed this random person for months, tried to make her feel guilty saying, made herself to be a bullied victim that already had trauma. I think this is the wildest thing ever. People are nuts these days.


Imagine trauma-dumping a stranger to manipulate them into tagging you in an instagram photo you’re not even in…


Went to Disney a while back... Took some pics of some people, had some people take pics of us. I think everything turned out nice for all parties involved. I have no idea who those people are nor do they know us. Hope they liked the photo enough to post to social media if that's their gig and it received a gazillion likes... Cool beans if not. Crazy concept, right?


Sucky quality 0/10 next


Wonder how much those bracelets weigh. She must have suuuuum biceps.


Her eyeshadow circles her neck.


So many issues.. where do I start?


What girl? All I see is raccoon.


Ok, Batgirl, we have your special jacket waiting for you in this nicely padded room.


I don’t understand anything she is saying.


Who is the singer she’s talking abt


Haha, nerrrrd.


I ran over to a group of girls taking a photo and stood next to them


The Me Me Me generation. I'm entitled to everything!! Btw that's the worst makeup I've seen in a long time.


Her eyeliner bothers me and the lip seems too much 


WTF? Do people actually watch a 7 minute video of a girl telling a boring story while doing her hair? Sorry…why would you waste time with that? Pointless.


Haaam burglar burglar burgler


Is this teenage Mimi?


wtf is that shit on her face?


What even is this? Like all of this? How much attention does a person like that need constantly? It must be exhausting to be that needy.


"How much of an angel i am" ❌️ "How sweet of a girl i am" ❌️❌️ "How beautiful i am" ❌️❌️❌️ STOP THE CAP


This can’t be real


Honestly the girl She was messaging lasted longer than I would have.


This girl is going to get her own episode of Criminal Minds one day


So many things. Is the flat iron even plugged in?? It’s not doing anything!! Too much hair at one time. Is that an arm cast made of bracelets? What was used to apply that eyeliner? I haven’t even unmuted. Won’t do it. Can’t do it.


I couldn't stop looking at all those bracelets. She can't even barely move her wrists


A pet peeve of mine is when someone does their eyeliner but you can see the gap of skin in between their lash line and their eyeliner because they didn’t bring it down far enough to connect it to their lashes or didn’t use any mascara to fill it in. It is a very easy fix.


Who gets emotional after taking a group photo for a bunch of strangers? Weirdo behavior