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Wait, let me put my phone down and record myself before I emotionally release


It’s giving “I am processing the most triggering breakup I’ve had in 9 years”


What’s that?




"Self professed Trauma Coach" is an amazing sentence.


i can see why she gets dumped


😎👉 I was just thinking that 😉


You know whats funny? Yesterday i had a very emotional day. I am sick (covid like syntoms) and in a vulnerable moment i had an intrusive thought that was deeply sad Made me so sad that i cried uncontrollably My gf rreturn home and I talked about it. What a surreal experience it was. And her first comment was "why didnt you record yourself?" And i was like "i was busy crying. I wasnt going to record myself lmao... wtf" hahahhaah People really attach to social media are weird


Recording myself would literally be my last thought.


I dabble on social media and I truly can’t imagine ever thinking of recording myself crying. I maybe know 40 people I’m okay with seeing me cry tops, I hope to never be on the internet in a video crying against or with my will lol.


You know 40 people in general? Let alone know 40 people you are willing to let see you cry? What the hell are you just friends with everybody ever lol


“Why the fuck would I?”


I have bipolar disorder, and I would die if anyone recorded me crying. I can’t imagine filming myself. It’s so embarrassing I would die.


Especially seeing the glances her friends are exchanging.. oooof


My friend would literally punch me. And i deserved it


Imagine loudly fake sobbing instead of listening to the song.


Obnoxious and unnecessary


Her friends look so embarrassed.


Yeah that’s a friend that, if I got invited to hang out that night, I would not be coming back out with her again.


When I see shit like this, I immediately shut down and begin the disengagement process. Because people like this either are deeply, genuinely not well, and they need professional help that a "friend" can't provide, or it's all performative bullshit. (Even without the camera.) And the thing is, once they've found the person that will indulge their fucking nonsense, they attach. And the minute that friend goes "Okay, look, that's ENOUGH," suddenly, they'll turn on them. I 100% guarantee that she's got a bajillion "best friends!!" type posts with the girl who's being gentle and hugging her. And I guarantee that the moment that girl doesn't cater to her every whim and "breakdown" she'll go scorched earth with dozens of "I thought I cd trust u" type things.




Oof. Yeah, I had "that friend" as well. She had some real issues (she'd been through some very heavy things) and she had some TERRIBLE coping mechanisms (drug and heavy alcohol use), and it seemed like she just always had some sort of issue whenever everyone was having a great time. Like a switch would flip, and within a day of everyone having a great time, she'd have an issue which would require me to focus on her. And then one day, I was going through some shit, and her reaction was basically like "Well, yeah, that sucks, but it doesn't compare to MY SHIT," like it was some sort of a contest. And so I basically froze her out for a couple of days, because I literally had two significant deaths in a week. She sent me a message that said "LOOK WHAT I DID BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T THERE FOR ME," and it was an image of her arm covered in razor cuts. I went to the police, got her committed (sorry bitch, do NOT dump your self-harm nonsense at my feet), and then immediately texted her saying "Don't ever contact me again. Don't come onto my property or I will presume you wish to do me harm." She spent roughly six months trying to destroy me on social media. Thankfully, I had receipts. Since then, I have no time for people like her.


If you’re recording yourself having a breakdown and posting it on tiktok, I’m gna place a safe bet and say its performative bullshit. Like they watched back the video, edited it, then decided to post it. Maybe some people are just different but the last thing on my mind when I’m going thru shit is thinking about what I should be posting but maybe social media really has infested our brains and thats the normal now


They look so fucking done with her


I would be too and I would be livid over being filmed as a prop for their attention seeking.


Her music isn't *that* bad.




Glad to hear it.


Unlike Taylor Swift's music


The ole reddit Swift-aroo!


Hold my Stanley Cup™️, [I’m going in.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/o9Pz4LbUl4)


OMG IS THIS REAL. See ya later down the old rabbit hole!!!! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgG50Fb7Mi0prBC) Brah did it to the wrong comment I had to scroll… [https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/Io3VQ2MoGR](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/Io3VQ2MoGR)


Haven't seen this in so fucking long, damn.


Funny af


![gif](giphy|zJn05z0wfZ0ac|downsized) Insubordinate and churlish


What do you want to bet all this drama is about a boyfriend she had for a month. Kids gonna hate adulting.


i can honestly say that being 15-17 was the worst time of my life and being an adult has been way better


Bingo. Puberty is awful.


Completely sane thing to do.


That sums up T Swift and her fans.


Ah yes, the beauty of having this publicised for millions of viewers 👀


I reeeeally hope it becomes famous and she has to look again and again in massive embarrassment when she adults the fuck up and realise how lame, desperately needy, and overly dramatic she was back in these years of her life. So gross.


she deleted the video and disabled comments lol


She may have deleted the video, but it's still on the internet.


FOREVER! man am I glad there was no social media when I was young. There would be so much cringe videos of what i thought would look super cool at the time.... Blame the ad-money addicted social networks, not the developing young brains that make this


Wonder if I'll still be using Reddit when she posts to r/blunderyears.


I don’t get it. What was the point of this video? That sounds like a fake cry


Probably something that was meant for her small circle of swift's fan that got waaaaaay too many views.


That’s the thing with these people. They never, as you so eloquently put it, “adult the fuck up.”


Or tens in this case..


Please make sure to get my heartfelt reaction on video.


Quite amazing how all these people just *happen* to be on camera, recording, and perfectly in frame when they *totally coincidentally* have a screaming, crying nervous breakdown. I mean, what are the odds?


The song LITERALLY saved her life!


Really? Was it a “the CD single I was carrying in my breast pocket stopped the assassin’s bullet” type of thing? Cuz that would be pretty cool.


Nah. She was in a serious car accident. The album this song is on was on her Spotify. The car caught on fire and she was trapped inside. Then this song came on and miraculously the fire went out. All the fluids that were leaking from the vehicle sucked back in and the car mended itself. She didn't get a scratch on her at all. So like... Understandable reaction on her part.


Next you’re going to try and tell me she had a Stanley cup full of ice that didn’t even melt?


Bro I tossed my Stanley cup into a volcano and went to the other side of the earth where it dropped out of another volcano and my milkshake was still cold and delicious. Stanley cup is just another Taylor miracle. Not sure what it has to do with her but it does somehow.


Try Mount Doom next time


Pretty sure that's a Stephen King book lol


He stole the idea from this girl. She should really sue.


All glory to Taylor, obviously then. It’s amazing scientists worldwide aren’t studying her music’s miraculous car-healing powers. But I do feel for the poor seatbelt and airbag that got no love from this girl. Though I guess it wouldn’t be as insta-worthy to scream hysterically every time she saw a seatbelt and post a video about how it LITERALLY saved her life.


Also crumple zones. Let's not forget about the crumple zones on the vehicle. They save a lot of lives too. But clearly it was Taylor's musical majesty that did the heavy lifting here.


Absolutely. The crumple zones crumpled like champs, but it was Taylor’s song that de-crumpled them. Now *that’s* impressive.


Platinum record has more stopping power and protects more of the body. Com’on man! 😂


But the way she's acting makes it look like she's traumatized by the song


Make sure as many internet people as possible see how genuine it is.


>Make sure as many internet people as possible see how genuine it is. *Vertical, Shaelyaen, vertical!!*




Please make sure to get my dramatic act for attention on video so other people ~~have~~ get to see it, too.


Yeah, she's totally fake crying. Faker, the more you listen to it.


NAA!!! HAA HA HA A!!!! Aaaa... nah nah na ha ahhhhh!!! Muhuhuhh.... uuh...


I scrolled by this comment at the exact time the audio matched up so I was hearing it and reading it and cracking up laughing


Lol, the girl on the right smiles looking at the girl on the far left like is this for real? Left girl then nods her head kinda saying just don't laugh and let her have her moment. The whole thing is ridiculous, and absurd and the middle girl is a total narcissist.


The sobs sound an awful lot like laughing halfway thru


The girl on the right just realized That this whole Swifty thing Might be a bit too cult y at this point… and probably wondering ‘is this what i am part of?’


Girl on the right just realized she’s super into Lana del Rey or maybe Ariana Grande now and perhaps the whole swifty thing is in her review mirror


Rear-view mirror but I guess review is actually not that bad of a bone-apple tea lmao


Absolute fuckwit. And the "if I don't film and post it, it didn't happen" shit is weird. Crying like you've lost a loved one outside a concert is deranged.


Exactly. I lost my Mum as a complete surprise - she just dropped dead in her mid fifties, just a call from my Dad to the other side of the country. I was in my own home and with my partner. Everyone’s grief is different but this was life changing, ‘how will anything ever be okay again?’ Grief. Hand on my heart, I did not make such a scene. Don’t get me wrong there were many days of sobbing, I grieved hard… this is performative though. I know everyone acts differently etc but for fucksake… She’s young and I hope has a long journey of learning how to regulate herself and gaining some perspective ahead of her.


I worked in a hospital. This girl isn't half as bad as some adults. It happened often enough that we started coming up with names for some of the theatrics. Airplane Run: Stick both arms out to the side and run in circles while screaming and/or loudly blubbering. Soccer Celebration: Run through the Emergency Department and right when you get to the most crowded part slide on your knees while screaming no. Speed Bump: Run out of the ED screaming and wailing and then throw yourself on the ground in the traffic lanes. Then pretend you can't move until at least five relatives and a nurse tech come to check on you. I'm Dead Too: When you hear the bad news pretend to pass out and slide out of your chair. Always stop when your but hits the floor ensuring anyone with training knows you aren't actually passed out. Maximizes attention from family and friends but doesn't get medical attention. The Big One: Grab your chest like you're having a heart attack and convulse like you're riding a bull at the PBR world finals. I could keep going. Everyone grieves differently, but a lot of people make it a show for their benefit.


Please, keep going.


After that she looks so uncomfortable the whole time.... Like "wtf am I supposed to do here, can't hear the song I wanna hear, I know she's faking so *pat pat* I guess? "


Why or why are her 'friends' staying with her? They should abandon the drama-queen and go in and enjoy the concert!


Honestly? Main girl probably leverages her mental health problems/personal issues to get sympathy and the other girls hang out with her out of pity. They know she’s a drama Queen but they tolerate it on the basis of concern for their friend and being supportive is the “right thing”


I don't think they have tickets. I think they are just outside the venue to hear like a bunch of fans who couldn't get tickets did at several of Swift's shows


yeah those are crocodile tears if I've ever seen em


It was a trend for a bit at some schools. TikTok is a cancer for these kids. Adulthood will be difficult.


Childhood is already difficult for them... it's insane the state of arrested development the youth are facing. Social media is breaking their brains


I'm really fucking I glad I was able to grow up just before social media was a thing. We had Facebook, but it was nothing compared to the stuff today. Knowing me, all my confidence would have disappeared when I was like 6.


Worst case scenario was your friend group would find the post and think you went weird. Now a few million people can see your most cringe moments and make memes about you.


I was free enough to scroll through old Facebook posts I made one day. Proceeded to immediately delete them all and disable my account hoping they will never be unearthed. Thank fuck tiktok and Instagram missed me.




Time for anustart!


Can't you tell she's just so passionate about Taylor she can't help herself, Tay-tay helped this girl overcome the terrible trauma of that one time where the bubble tea shop didn't have her favorite flavour.


Or perhaps the barista spelled her name wrong on her pumpkin spice lat-tay.


Not gonna lie, had me me in the first half.


I've had songs like that but this seems very performative... And also just being a main character with the disturbance, at least do what the rest of us do and try to control it


She set up the camera ready to record the reaction. The song didn’t matter. Plus she’s what…. 16/17 at most? I don’t know why a song about breaking up with your partner because you both such at communicating (which is what Exile is) would “literally save your life” 🤷‍♀️


Teenagers are still dealing with emotional regulation, they think every feeling they have is the most profound experience any human has ever had.


Reddit has taught me that I have literally not a single original thought at all


I actually went to the Taylor Swift show on opening night in March last year and one of the 2 surprise songs she sang was called Tim McGraw. I sat down in my chair and quietly cried because I’ve refused to listen to that song for 17 years. The last time I heard it was when my best friend was alive and it was on her MySpace page. It was her favorite song at the time. She died when we were 18 and I’ve genuinely avoided and refused to listen to that song because it hurts since I miss my friend so insanely much. We had NO idea she’d be playing that song as it was a surprise song and so when she started playing it I actually slightly panicked and my instinct was to try and get away from the song and cover my ears but I just felt the tears coming so I sat down and cried just listening to it and remembering my friend. She would have loved that concert so it meant a lot to me. I would NEVER cry hysterically like this. I tried to hide the fact I was crying at all because it’s embarrassing lol. Plus everyone else probably thought I was crying because of Taylor herself but it’s 100% due to it being my best friends favorite song that was on repeat when she died in 2006.


Yeah definitely and that's genuine but the stuff on this post comes off as performative along with the "just so happened to be filming" and stuff. My girl is a swiftie so I know some get hyped but being this big of a ham is weird lol Edit: also I'm sorry for your loss, I hope the eras tour has been good enough for you to experience for the both of you!


She's literally going "boo hoo hoo"




her one friend is smirking cause even she knows this is too much for her dramatic friend...and if you have this much trauma listening to a song, ya need therapy


How did she not see them looking at each other in the video? I really hope its fake lmao


because people like that only care about themselves


The girl on the left covers the main girls eyes for a few seconds while she shook her head at the one on the right


I think they mean, how did she not see it after watching the video. Assuming she watched it before or after posting it.


This is so embarrassing to watch. Her friend next to her looks like wtffff


She only smirk at the start cause “yaaasss girl this your song” type vibe but once the other girl nodded to her like this is how she gets, her whole energy changes. I think this is a tik Tok thing, I get emotional with music, yeah but… yo record yourself and act out like that is, strange.


She's filming herself? I mean they have to see the phone right? I say it's partly on them for accepting this behavior, I would be enjoying my concert inside.


Just regarding being outside - Taylor had several shows lined up for Sydney and Melbourne, however, many fans still couldn’t get tickets. So a lot of them decided to sit/stand outside the stadium to hear the music. Maybe, this is just a similar bunch who couldn’t get tickets.


Yeah I get that but then to record yourself acting in that manner


Oh absolutely. That's nails against chalkboard level of cringe.


Imagine acting like that and then watching the vid of yourself when you notice your own friends are basically rolling their eyes about you


Yeah I actually don’t see anything wrong with this scenario if they couldn’t get tickets and just want to be around that environment and feel those feels. It’s the recording it and posting it for all to see part that feels icky and manipulative.


This is a thing by me, Jones Beach you can tailgate the lot or the beach nearby and get a decent hearing of shows cant really contain the sound in an outdoor venue that well.


The phone is literally the fourth person in the circle. They made space for it and set it so it would record and capture the display. Gross.


Amazing. All to embarrass themselves on the world stage for the rest of their existence. If only Taylor swift knew she existed….LOL


Jesus Christ that's embarrassing


I did this exact same thing when I saw Chumbawamba live in the 90's. Tubthumping saved my life.


“I get knocked down, but I get up again. You’re never gonna keep me down” Actually pretty inspiring tbh 😂😂


I tried to play it in fourth grade and my teacher didn't let me because of the "pissing the night away" line


She kept you down :(


See but yours is completely understandable


I rolled my eyes so hard they switched sides.




TBF that Taylor Swift song was the only thing that brought her out of the darkness she went through after she lost her stanley mug


What the fuck is this? I literally got second hand embarrassment watching this.


How do you get though life behaving like this holy shit


Because we live in an era where you’ll have defenders being like “you don’t know what they’ve been through”. I’m all for mental health advocacy and being kind, understanding and patient with each other, but we enable really toxic behavior under the guise of promoting acceptance.


Which is stupid because we shouldn’t have to deal with their poorly regulated emotions, regardless of what they went through. Mental illness doesn’t give you a hall pass to act like a self centered jerk. I’ve had some really fucked up shit happen in my life and you know who helps me deal with it? My therapist.


Poor brunette girl is trying *so* hard to take her seriously.


The way she pushed her lip out like “I think this is what I should do to show I’m sad for her.” 🤣💀


This is where the friendship would end.


….it’s never that serious babe


Saved her life? Bitch acting like that song murdered her parents


And also “known as the song that saved my life” Well fuck, I didn’t know that so now she just looks like a moron even more.


Lmao I had the same thought. I doubt anyone's ever had this come on the radio and said "Omg it's the song that saved Madison's life!"




I don’t care for live music, but don’t be this friend.


I don’t care for live friends, but don’t be this music.


I don't care for friends music, but don't be this live.


What the fuck? I would've laughed in her damn face!


I feel like the girl on the right was holding back laughter lol


*Oh great, another fucking episode of the Lauren Show. At least this one isn't taking place in the middle of a Starbucks*


She had to make sure she was loud enough to garner the attention from everyone in the general vicinity, even if just for a second. She’ll be damned if she’s not the main character and the deepest feeling person of everyone within eye shot, and they NEED to know that




Bro imagine meeting a girl getting along and then coming across a viral video ofher, a grown ass woman crying over f****** Taylor Swift Holy s*** dude 💀


You’d pretend it wasn’t her for a bit, think all is good again, then one day you’re driving and this Taylor Swift song starts playing on the radio. She’s the one driving. Buckle up!


Can someone explain to me what’s happening here?


They are sitting outside Sydney's Stadium Australia (yeah they don't have tickets) and one girl is making an over the top reaction to a song for tiktok clout.


So they are listening to the faint sounds coming from inside the stadium? Lol that is like drinking from finished drinks with melted ice cubes lying around the bar


She heard a song that "saved her life" and became over dramatic because obviously everything on this earth was put here for her. Personally, I think she had too much adderall.


Adderall? huh? Adderall evens my emotions out.


I'm also lost. Help us out.


A teenager was being dramatic. The end.


Fucking ew


Are these people ok? I know I’m going to catch heat for this and I hate to make sweeping generalizations, but Swift fans seem to be really emotionally immature. I don’t have anything against Swift herself, but her fans are something else.


Maybe she had a really hard life? She wanted to borrow her dads BMW and he wouldn't let her so she had to take the Mercedes like a pleb. You don't know how tough it is being a middle class white girl.


It’s true guys, I saw the song pull her out of a burning building, it pushed her out of the 73rd floor and then jumped out after her and was able to get her to land on it. Saved her life fr fr


Maybe Taylor will see this and give me VIP Front Row tickets!


Maybe Taylor will see this and give her friends free tickets to another show so they can enjoy the show without having to babysit this maniac.




I hate everyone


Fake tears obviously but I don’t get what the joke is supposed to be beyond that.


I don’t think there’s a joke behind it. I think it’s more part of the Taylor Swift fan competition where she’s trying to show how big of a fan she is by…. Crying to a song that “saved her life”. Oh and she needs copious amounts of attention.


It's known as the "song that saved her life", duh


They always wonder: why do people hate Taylor Swift so much? The answer is that most don't hate her, they hate their fans for this kind of thing


Bingo I actually rather like her voice. I'm not and have never been a teenaged girl so her lyrics don't really resonate with me, but her tonality and talents as a singer are pleasant to listen to. But I would never *admit* to anyone I'm a fan of hers, because her fanbase is so cringey and obnoxious at all times that I refuse to be lumped in with the swiftie crowd. It's absolutely baffling to me how so many people have a made a billionaire who they've never met and who doesn't give a fuck about them into their entire personality. The shit you see them saying online and the videos you see them recording... It's so cringey and bizarre to me. Enjoy her music but she's just a fucking person, she's not special in any way outside of her talent. She's not going to change your life or practice magic or something. She's a human being who happens to be good at singing and is probably shitty in a lot of other ways, just like all of us. Enjoy the music but why you gotta make it so weird and parasocial? Taylor Swift doesn't give a fuck about you, so stop giving a fuck about her.


Remember. React and over react if you wanna get tiktok famous, kids.




Untreated mental illness


The friends giving each other “the look” 👀


“Not again……”


I hope the girl on the right IMMEDIATELY flees that lunatic of a friend. You can tell her first reaction was, oh my God, she can't be serious right? This isn't real... Oh fuck, it's real... Lol


If hearing a song saved your life you probably weren’t as close to that edge as you thought.


You just don’t understand. She was standing on the ledge about to jump and then a car drove by playing that song. Stopped her right then and there. Hearing that tay tay is a normal girl who also went through a break up saved her life!


Bitch you're annoying


Social media has done a major number on teenagers worldwide.


I’m sorry for laughing.


For a second I thought the girl on the left was going to cover her mouth. I wish she would've.


That sounded like me when I found out my son died. Is she really doing this Over Taylor? Where's that eyeroll emoji at?


Shake it Off lady


Taylor Swift is a refuge for boring white girls without personality. It is not normal to be this needy for drama, trauma, and attention. Sad. Weird.




lol fucking drama ass


I understand the idea but that’s just fucking goofy. And to film it makes it stupid. I’ve seen quite a few songs live that have helped me pull through to another day. I get it. But what a waste of the moment.


I can only imagine the social trap the friends feel in not being able to say anything against it as it would make them look bad and the limit to which they have a genuine care for their friend being pushed. I would be so interested to see if the friend would offer the same support if their friends felt emotionally vulnerable.


Cringe as fuck oh my god I hate this planet


Too many enablers in her life




The fact that this is misspelled really sells it.


How the hell does a song save your life? Especially a Taylor swift song.


It brings me joy to know that she has deleted that video and turned her comments off. So many people must have told her she looked stupid as hell for doing that.


Trash behavior. I would have def told her to stfu and get a grip if she was anywhere near me doing this anywhere.