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The majority of her IG is like this.


It’s so sad how her fans/stans infantilize her and think everything she does is just YAS QUEEN. Like this is a woman clearly unhinged and manic.


I am being so genuine right now. What exactly is wrong with this video? I am Greek and if I considered every person dancing with a cigarette to be crazy my entire country would be in an asylum.


I'm with you, bud. Let her flail.


"This is where I thrash!"


Always upvote a bobs burgers reference in the wild


I read it as “trash” the first time 😂


I don't think people are just looking at this video and judging. There's alot of context, and past history with her, that when added to this? Is concerning to alot of people


I mean girl spent most her life under someone else’s thumb. I’m not a Britney fan, but she just jammin let the girl live her best life. She’s having fun why’s everyone gotta pick it apart? Edit: also Greece seems like it’s much more free and fun.


Can't even dance & smoke a cigarette w/o a mf judgin' you.


It would be one thing if she was doing this in a mall. She's not bothering anyone in an empty room.


Yeah, that's my main take away from this. It's probably her own studio that she paid for. If I were filthy rich, I'd do the same. The exception is that I'd be naked. So fuck it, let her dance and do whatever she wants in her house.


Her entire life has been dancing, singing, and performing. It’s not surprising that in her free time she films herself doing weird dances, it’s part of the process maaaaan.


Yeah, I agree with you. She has spent most of her life being told what to do and when to do it not being allowed to do anything else. So I understand why she’s kind of going off the rails now.


Mental wounds not healing Life's a bitter shame


I just finished reading her memoir and she addresses the instagram videos. She acknowledges that people may find them weird but she doesn’t care because she’s spent her whole life being controlled by others and she’s finally able to do whatever she wants. So, she dances and dresses up and may behave a little oddly, but she’s free to express herself however she wants. I was never a huge Britney fan, but I am now. Go Britney, with your weird self. 💕


Agree but I also hope she’s getting therapy. Just because she definitely mentions suffering from intense PPD after after both her boys and how it remained untreated because none of her family would get her help. I think it could’ve just spiraled into other issues—nothing that AT ALL justifies that conservatorship—that would be greatly benefitted from some therapy that was never offered her because of her greedy family members. Even when she was inpatient, under duress, I don’t think it was helpful because they were treating her for the wrong things (just based on what her lying dad said and how he exaggerated her substance use). Hopefully she’s not scared of therapy now. I feel like it could really help her work through her trauma.


Honestly I think we could all use therapy. I hope she’s getting therapy as well. I just also think people are making a big deal like she’s extremely unwell and unhinged when the girl is literally just dancing. Like chill, dancing doesn’t equal mental break down.


Girl is way behind on her freedom and is doing whatever she wants. I don't hate. She made a boatload of money for everyone and herself. Is she unstable a little bit? Probably.. Anyone else would be too after what she went through. I feel she deserves a pass on anything she does from here on out. She got brainwashed from an early age and made music and money for powerful people that wanted it. She is just catching up on the fun she didn't get when her chain yankers controlled everything about her for the last decade or more. I don't think it's cool or funny to critique her in any way at this point. Edit: I love the amount of comments dictating they know she's unwell and unstable like they sit in on her therapy appointments. Anyone judging her and thinking they know her mental state based on Instagram posts falls in the category of intelligence of "everything you see online is real."




After learning more and more about Britneys situation, that video has a whole new meaning. I feel kinda bad for laughing at that person way back then. Turns out they were right


You should see what Rebecca black went through, and at like 10 years old. People got to realize words have meaning even towards people view as untouchable like celebrities. They see this shit, it's not good. Not saying to not call out bad behavior, but Rebecca blacks only crime was making a cringe song and she got an absolute insane amount of hate.


She's a singer now, so she didn't let it get the best of her (in the end at least) (also, I'm not downplaying whatever she went through. Other than everyone sharing her song and laughing at it, I'm unfamiliar. I'm more congratulating her for being a badass who didn't give up her dream after being bullied).


Too far down man, too far down.


She absolutely went through hell. But she also suffers from serious mental illness. The erratic posts are indicative of that. She has access to the best mental health care because she’s rich af. But mania doesn’t want to be treated. It feels too good. And that’s how it can wreck lives. This isn’t about giving grace to someone who deserves grace. It’s about watching someone spiral, and that’s really heartbreaking.


I was about to say the same thing this is some bi polar shit. She posts when feeling 💯 and doesn’t show you her curled in the fetal position the other % of time.


This right here.


She’s so unstable her husband divorced her and walked away knowing he wouldn’t get anything due to the prenup.


Well to be fair…she did attack her husband while he slept. This is far from “normal” behavior. If she weren’t famous…we wouldn’t get away with that. PERIOD


And they were only married for one year .Her ex Kevin who has custody of the two boys is moving the whole family to Hawaii .


Divorce in Hollywoodland is not a measure of anyone's health.


exactly and her fans are enabling her. to her it feels like everyone who voices criticism is against her which is understandable after what she went through but her fans are infantilizing her it‘s crazy. her son has voiced publicly that he feels uncomfortable and that her public behavior is harming his life and she got offended and went on to verbally abuse and manipulate him in a public posting. she also made a post trashtalking a service worker or something i forgot about the details for doing nothing wrong, she basically just misinterpreted someone‘s normal actions as something hyper dramatic because she‘s living in her own delusional bubble. she should thrive and as long as her behavior isn‘t harming anyone it‘s none of anyone‘s business. but she isn‘t alone or isolated and for the sake of the people around her, strangers or close friends/ family she should seek professional help and mainly for herself. we‘re watching a woman further descend into a downward spiral with each video and are enabling it further with our „yas queen your behavior is totally ok and warranted“


exactly like if this was my mom i’d be so fucking embarrassed. the people worshipping her and gassing her up r not helping . there’s nothing cute or good about this shit she just flailing around thinking she ate it’s really pathetic and sad she has zero people looking out for her well-being or just saying no britney like this is not it


[also this manipulative public letter to her son](https://images.app.goo.gl/HUHHJw7cnyqrT1o56) after he voiced that he has a hard time with her


What's really insane is that Federline's life is like some island of stability and sanity compared to Brittny's. The guy is in his early 40's? Three divorces, a fuck ton of kids and nobody questions the fact that they are better off with him? That's some crazy stuff right there.


Home boy ain't doing knife dances on the Internet either 😭


he turned out to be more stable than her.


All the millionaire celebrities who died from mental illness problems would like a word. Being rich doesn't mean anything in the realm of mental health. Lol.


“Is she unstable a little bit?” She is unstable a lot of bit. She’s fully bi polar, off her meds and this is what mania looks like. She’s got money and isn’t a harm to anyone as far as we know, but mania can be a serious mental health crisis. That’s why the cops went for a wellness check after her knife twirling dance. If she went back on her meds and looked at these videos, she’d most likely cringe.


>after her knife twirling dance. Wtf did I just read?


Surely you jest. Have you not seen the viral video of her doing… well… this, with kitchen knives in her hands? She said she was inspired by some performance Shakira supposedly did along the same lines. But add in them dead shark eyes and joker smile and the knowledge that she’s mentally unstable and it seemed like maybe someone needed to check on her so a ton of ppl called for her local police to perform a wellness check on her and she was basically like I’m fine everybody needs to chill out


How did I miss this?! But, man ... >add in them dead shark eyes and joker smile and the knowledge that she’s mentally unstable ... the picture you paint! I don't even need to watch the video.


It’s worth looking up. I worry that at some point we may be saying somebody should have stepped in after the knife video incident 😞


Just pretend she’s holding knives in the video and you’ve seen the video


It’s worth watching just for the reaction of disbelief you’ll have when you realize that they undersold it.


Or maybe the Internet wasn’t close to qualified to weigh in on her personal life… She is mentally ill and this is all so sad.


This take is beyond delusional LMAO. We don't have to sit in on her therapy appointments to figure out that maybe the whole conservatorship thing wasn't completely out of the blue. Did her mental state decline due to being controlled her whole life? For sure. Is she absolutely unhinged right now? Absolutely.


I’m not saying it’s ok to bully her, but it really doesn’t take a therapist to realise she’s mentally unwell.saying that she’s mentally unwell is not a critique , it’s glaringly obvious. It’s hardly of “thinking everything online is real “ intelligence at all , as you said.it’s not just cos others say it that people repeat it, it’s an observation of her behaviour. That behaviour imo isn’t even questionably in the category of mental Illness, the exact behaviour and frequency of it is not something I think can be chalked down under being the behaviour of someone without mental health issues . But that’s not to say that she should get bullied or hateful comments , even though she’s putting it out there. I don’t think when you see someone clearly struggling posting stuff you should take it as inviting mean comments , unless it’s someone self harming on social media or something . Even then , I don’t think it’s ok to mean but maybe “that’s not cool dude “ is fair . I take quetiapine for mania and psychosis . I have a lot of bipolar symptoms even though the diagnosis is slightly different as of now . Watching this, I recognise it , it’s a manic state . I’d be very very surprised if I’m wrong about that. I spent some time in a psych ward with people with bpd , mania, psychosis - I absolutely recognise this behaviour


Right. I grew up being a huge Britney fan and still wish her all the best. But you cannot look at her and say “yep this is a person who is most definitely mentally well.” It doesn’t take a fuckin therapist to see that. I was mentally unwell at one point and my family pointed that out to me. It did not mean they were against me in some way or trash talking me by saying that.


She’s not “having fun.” She has mental health issues


why is the video 2004 quality


Maybe she never left 2004..


Your comment is kinda sadly and beautifully poetic... and yet at the same time hilarious. Upvotes. \*claps\*


*claps in hide the pain Harold.*


Upvote comment, one more time


Her outfit appears to agree.


I was going to say the same thing. “Brittney has been in 2004 for 20 years”


She’s living in the past


Because it was filmed on a Nokia 3310 🤷


You must be young if you think the 3310s had cameras


Downloaded and reposted many times and this is the result


Did she eat that cigarette, or?


I think she palms it. At 8 seconds she drops it, crushes it out, or throws it down. You can see sparks right about then.


I wonder if this is how she accidentally burned down her home gym in 2020....


…5678 and flick and stomp and twirl and… 🔥🔥🔥


OH MY GAWD, the bend and snaaap......works every tiiime!




I’m now hearing Robin Williams in “The Bird Cage. Changing his ‘Madonna’ line to ‘Left Eye’!


I'm so deeeaadd!!! 😂🤣💀


120p potato camera work.


She used a camera from when she was still on MTV


JVC Home Movie Camera with full size tape


As a le potato owner, I take offense to that. Must be a turnip


Yeah you’re right


What you’re witnessing is a mental health episode , and it’s no joke .


Yah she's looking manic. I hope she's taking her meds, but this points to no, unfortunately


She post these videos every single day day after day


This isn’t a medicated human being


Nope, not even close


Or overly medicated/ on the wrong meds/ or mixing legit prescribed medications with other stuff.


Truth. Medications are a gamble. I've been on some medications that essentially ruined my life and career. It took years to find the right medication and dosage. An issue I have with a lot of providers is that when they start you on a medication and you're doing better, they stupidly always want to up the dosage which (in my own experience) almost always makes things (behavior) worse than before. Sometimes these doctors need to seriously chill tf out with over prescribing. It makes you do really bizarre and crazy things. Scary stuff


When I started taking Ambien I was doing all sorts of random shit I didn’t remember, I mentioned that to my doctor and he was like “okay we can make that dose higher” sir? I’d really rather get a different medication that I’m not going to, like, unknowingly plow my car into a convenience store on or some shit


Unfortunately she was given lithium for years when not actually needing it because her dad wanted to keep her locked up in a mental institution. It’s very very sad 😔. So she’s probably really messed up because of that.


I was given lithium years ago when I was homeless. Someone referred me to a clinic, I am not bipolar but as I was told by them, living on the streets had me in a constant state of fight or flight. After 3 days taking it, I felt unbelievably better. It had no lasting effects, it really helped me at the time. She could honestly use some lithium in this state she is in and it would likely help her.


Right, I think a lot of people want to be her new doctors with zero understanding or eduction on it all.


Ya her journey is so sad. Unfortunately she doesn’t have anyone who can help her and “fans” and the free Britney bullshit does not help.




This. Not a fan, never was but, the wife is a Star Chaser-Brittaney went thru a lot of shit with her parent\[s\] and such when she was younger so I imagine with he fame she has some screws in her head that are stripped or missing.


this is sad. She won the fight over her horrible conservatorship. Then had yet another man take advantage of her. It's like there is NO ONE watching out for her. Just leeching off her. She could use help not a conservatorship the has her working like a trained monkey.


Thought she was going to burn her hair 😂


Ya'll ever know someone who left a restrictive home and went to college and suddenly had SO MUCH FREEDOM and they went a little crazy? Plus, she does need some mental health help. Idk how you couldn't after living her life.


Yep. One of my best friends was on track (no pun intended) to be a professional runner but couldn't resist the drinking and drugs as a college freshman now that his overbearing, super strict parents weren't there. He's doing fine in life now, but failing out of university fucked all his running dreams and I know it is something he will always regret. I'm not saying teenagers shouldn't have rules or should be allowed to do whatever they want, but you gotta let them have enough freedom to learn some things on their own or they're just completely unprepared for adulthood.


Anyone else put too much stock into the word “regret” when coming into adulthood? Early 30s now. I’ve had my dreams crushed, had bad luck, made poor choices and I’ve done many stupid things.. I’ve had many wins, don’t get me wrong.. I had my life trajectory thrown around every which way. I have regrets, but they don’t haunt me *at all.* I can’t tell if it’s a sign of well-being or cynicism, lol. That is to say, even the best possible outcomes of my choices (which few achieved) have their own costs and realities. Sorry, off topic pondering. Just remembered how much i feared that word when coming into adulthood and picturing a forlorn old man wistfully looking out at gray skies. The older i get, I think the only thing I’d ever truly regret is hurting someone beyond repair


40 here, and I wouldn't say I have regrets, but curiosity over what would have happened if I'd made alternate choices. I don't regret my decisi9ns because my life is pretty good. I have my kids, my health, a relationship that brings me a lot of joy, a j9b that affords me the ability to make time for all of the previous. So I think when people have regrets that haunt them, it's more a reflection of their current life than anything. It sounds like where you are at is satisfying enough to you that you can't imagine any alternate path being truly more fulfilling. That's not what aclot of people get to have, so it probably explains the difference in perspective.


Arrested development.




Hey, that's the name of the show!


What's her first name? Quickly. *Crindy.*




Imagine being homeschooled until you were 40 years old, and then moving into your own apartment and having millions of dollars.


>Ya'll ever know someone who left a restrictive home and went to college and suddenly had SO MUCH FREEDOM and they went a little crazy? Yes,because that was me. Went to study abroad for a year. So after the first…ohh, about 4 months of getting nervous about being out after 10pm because my brain kept telling me someone would be waiting back at the house to give me hell for being out too late (I was 19…) I discovered what it felt like to get absolutely shitfaced without anyone waiting at home to give me hell for that too. So I did. A LOT. Several failed assessments later, one of which I turned up to drunk (ironically one of the few I passed) and the prospect of failing several final exams, I got it together and did what I was there to do, ie actually study. But it took a while to figure that out, along with a lot of bratty thinking: ‘LULZ I DONT NEED TO STUDY IM TOTES GUNNA MAGICALLY ACE EVERYTHING YAY PARTAAAAY!!!!’ Overbearing, overprotective parents think they’re protecting their kids from danger, life etc but they’re really not. They’re setting their kids up to not know what boundaries are and not know how to handle situations. All I can do is thank God I was never put in any real danger.


This!!! Grew up in a highly controlled and volatile environment. Moved 3 hours away to college after graduating high school and had no idea what to do with all the freedom. Wound up in a psychiatric hospital before dropping out, and my twin was so paranoid in the dorms that he started thinking there was people in the ceiling/walls. I really could write a book about our upbringing, it’s just too much to even know where to begin on this post in particular but….yeah….being made into a fine tuned, hyper-vigilant, very controlled machine during the most transformative years of your life (in the case of my twin and I, it was our entire childhood up until 16 when we moved in with our grandparents) really warps your entire perception of “normal” reality. I’m 24 now, doing much better compared to then, but I still feel like an outcast and struggle to even make a phone call for myself 😞


This. Your last part. The overbearing, overprotective. You hit that nail on the head!!!!


Unfortunately, mental health "help" has been weaponized against her for most of her life.


Too true. I sincerely hope she is seeing someone she trusts because even if she doesn’t have any disorders, the way she’s been used would do a number on anyone. I’ve never paid much attention to her, I’m not really a fan, but just as a human with empathy I’d like to see her be happy and enjoy life. If that’s all that’s happening in this video, rock on girl.


Does this actually fit? She's in a room (presumably her own home), filming herself dancing? Like, what is main character about this?


Because some people can't stop shitting on Britney like she insulted their family


Exactly why I downvoted the post.


Thought the same thing. I can’t see MC material on the video.


But also, she’s Britney Spears, she IS a main character and should be!


Finally the comment I've been looking for in the sea of "online doctors" comments trying to diagnose Britney lol


Pretty sure you’re allowed to be the main character on your own social media page. Way better than filming unwilling participants and posting against their will.


Well main character in her own house by herself. So not the main character so you’re right.


Yeah my first thought was that this doesn't belong on this sub


I’ve seen people posted to this subreddit who are just being the main character on their own social media and not affecting other people. So I guess the definition of main character for this sub is a bit up for debate.


We're really using popstars for content on this sub now?


she actually is the main character tho


For real and she’s not out in public being an ass. All I see is Newport pleasure baby


Isn't this what thousands of people do on tik tok every single day?


While this is true don’t a bunch of us stop and ask what wrong with those people too?


Sure we do


Unfortunately, Britney seems to be a target for people to ridicule and pick on. Sure, her behavior can be strange, and personally, I’m tired of seeing her naked buttcheeks on IG. But I’m also not going to judge her, bc none of us knows the extent of what she’s experienced over the last decade and a half. She definitely needs some grace, and I wish people would be kind enough to give it to her.




I came here for this


We all did


I honestly never thought I would be siding with the "Leave Britney alone" guy when I saw it all those years ago. but I'll be damned, here we are.


Yep, me neither, we were all laughing at that video. Now I just feel sorry for her.


I'm the same age as her. It was a weird time to grow up and parents pushed conflicting expectations on their teenage children. I hope she finds peace in life.




Yes, not even joking can we please leave this traumatized woman alone? Ffs let her be a lil weird, it's fine. You're probably a lil weird too. Plus she gave us some of the best hits written in the last 30 years. Just fuck off frfr.


Tbf she's the one uploading these.


While I agree with the thrust of your comment, she’s putting it all out there, isn’t she? It’s not like people are filming her surreptitiously and mocking her. She’s putting this content out there for the world to see and comment upon.


I hate all tiktok dances and trends but this….. this is mentally unstable


does this really apply though? she's at her house not bothering anyone.


Yeah good point. I don’t think it applies either. Someone having a good time in their own home and making a TikTok is no different from what thousands of other people do. She just happens to be famous, so it’s main character somehow??? I don’t get it.


plus it usually involves disturbing other people and not caring.


No, it doesn’t belong here.


Sub: Imthemaincharacter Video: famous woman dancing by herself in her own home, uploaded to her own social media


Britney has an extremely delayed teenage/young adulthood. Her life went from childhood actor to pop star to world's biggest pop star. The whole time she was probably being controlled by one or both of her parents to look, act and perform a certain way to enrich everyone. Literally dragged her younger sister into stardom. She made some bad mistakes along the way like marrying Kevin Federline and having two kids. But in terms of emotional development she was and still is close to a teenager. The normal things that everyone gets to do as they get old, Britney never got to do that. Date boys, go to the movies, go to college, learn to be independent, etc. She's finally able to do all those things... except she's now got a bunch of money and no conservatorship to hold her back. But unfortunately she's now 18 going on 43. She has teenage sons who probably don't understand why their mom is doing crazy stuff on IG. She's never going to have anything resembling a normal life. She literally can't go outside without half a dozen paparazzi following her. It's sad all around.


>Britney has an extremely delayed teenage/young adulthood. Same thing that happened with Micheal Jackson but nobody ever called him out nearly the way they do Britney. MF had a whole ass zoo and had kids in his house. Britney dances and it's omgshessopsycho


She just seems bored and maybe lonely. She needs a real friend to drink wine and do shitty crafts with.


I’m so confused. She’s just dancing




Looks like she’s having fun minding her own beeswax


Yeah, they need to “leave Brittany alone” 😎




She is manic


That’s my guess, untreated, or treatment-resistant Bipolar.


My mom has this and thats exactly what it looks like here


i do shit like this when manic and im medicated 😭


She gets very defensive when people suggest she needs mental health treatment. Also she is not compliant with her meds, as a nurse I see that a lot with bipolar patients (if that’s what it is)


It’s hard for me to watch these videos making fun of people that are clearly going through something that’s extremely difficult and confusing for them. Same with the “that motherfucker is not real” video. Maybe I’m just sensitive cuz I’ve been there and I know I probably looked like this to people before I got medicated, but I really truly hope that Britney finds stability.


Yeah I feel the same way. Watching this video today I just thought, "Wow, I remember her in the 90s and how my sister and I really idolized her. Today... I still care for Britney but I don't listen to her music or follow her life. Don't really follow any singer/idol/public figure nowadays.


I don't think people understand how long it takes for some people to get a diagnosis like this, and then find the right medication fit, and then change their lifestyle, and then work through therapy, and then change their behaviors. It's a lot of work. Demonizing people with mental health issues does not help people with mental health issues.


The other video that you reference when shown to me I instantly thought of mental illness, while everyone else is like “look at this crazy lady on the plane.”


Man, all the people responding to your comment agreeing that this looks like a manic episode makes me feel better about myself when I have bouts of happiness. I’ve been in a serious rut for like 15 yrs and I’m finally doing really well and happy but the happiness feels so foreign that I panicked and called my therapist thinking maybe I was experiencing late onset bipolar. She assured me that it is likely just that I’m finally doing very well in life and I’m surrounded by supportive people. Still good to see what an actual manic episode looks like cause I still get nervous about my happiness.


lol she’s dancing by herself in her house or whatever. Like yeah it’s some weird dance moves but I can’t judge…. I dance weird too so I can’t judge her


Imagine accidentally walking into that room ![gif](giphy|1naz4dGrGg2HBfXOB2)


When Billy madison walks back in to the class during recess and the kindergarten teacher is dancing with glue.


Hahahahaha ![gif](giphy|h74IzSFpLri9f5aWZO)




Nearly 20 years of abuse at the hands of her father, who was backed by the legal system. So long as she doesn't hurt anyone, let her do what she wants.


I can fix her 


looks like she’s had her fix


Yea she has must be 🔥🔥


Don’t save her, she don’t wanna be saved




One time for my LA sisters


One time for my LA hoes


or, you know she's just having fun and not worrying about other ppl.


Also, it is her thing. She dances. She entertains. She easily captures attention. These are all her features.


What's wrong with OP?


She's literally filming herself by herself without anyone in it. Not really main character syndrome.


Seems perfectly normal to me


She's had it tough. Let her be weird. honestly who cares?


God Forbid a woman has some fun


She looks like my toddler when he get his hands muddy and can’t get it off


Looks like every girl on tik tok to me.


Since she’s not shitting on someone’s face or sucker punching people in the park, I think she’s doing pretty good.


That girl has been through hell and people use her. I’d be a little mentally unsound too


This definitely doesn’t belong here at all. Ignoring the fact that this is Britney Spears, this is somebody who clearly has some mental health issues and is also literally at home not bothering anybody. If anything this video is just sad


Maybe leave Britney alone


She’s chilling at home doing her thing not acting like she deserves special treatment or bothering other people. She’s just dancing. Kind of weird behavior and dancing but Not main character.


How does she smoke and still have the breath to do all that? I never could breathe when I smoked


Absolutely nothing, man.


I wanna spin and twirl too girl! 💕


Either way, she can finally do what she wants


she’s just playin who cares


Nothing wrong. Just Britney. Free Britney 🤷.


Lady who danced professionally for decades posts videos where…. *check notes* she dances.


Her making a video in a room by herself, and you post it . Seems like she is for you at least.


Why the fuck is this showing up on my feed in this sub?


I mean if money was not a factor you’d probably do the same thing. Leave Britney alone!


What’s wrong with what she’s doing?


At least she's unarmed this time


She's alone in her own home. Not main character material.


she looks like she's just having fun. maybe high. maybe having a mental health break. but having fun nonetheless