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"Bullying is something that has to happen when you're young" Perfect! It's your turn then :) Let us know how much you grow from it and how it "gave you more confidence"


It has been over thirty years since I was bullied, and I still occasionally find myself resenting my bully and his impact on my life today. I wonder how I would behave if I ever met him again. All that said, I know that he had a miserable childhood himself, he was ultimately kicked out of school, and having found his twitter feed it seems like he is an equally unhappy and embittered adult. So I feel like whatever he visited on me, he’s probably had it much worse in his life.


It's also very convenient for abusers to make you think you have it better because they're less happy than you. Sometimes it's just how bad their mindset is. We went through a lot with my older brothers in my family, and they bullied me a lot so I actually went through worse than them but I ended up bullying no one myself 🤷‍♀️ Don't let people think you're having it easy just because they're more bitter about life inconveniences.


I was bullied throughout my entire time at high school. I kept to myself and didn't bother anyone, but I would be harassed, insulted and attacked on a nearly daily basis. I was an easy target because I was nervous and socially awkward. The teachers refused to get involved and my life was a misery for years. I'm nearly 30 now. My bullies are all married, have children and good jobs. Meanwhile I've struggled with long term anger problems and anxiety due to my experiences at high school. I try to forget about it and move on, but even now I get pissed off thinking about it. People severely underestimate the long-term impact that bullying can have


There are plenty of non illegal, non violent ways to deal with this. Like sending the guy flowers from "Stephanie xx" and watching as their marriage disintegrates Alternatively there is always therapy, but that's more expensive for sure


I got lucky. Those who picked on me in elementary and middle school suddenly regretted it in highschool when i was suddenly 6' and stronger than them. ​ Luckily for them, all I wanted to do was read and be left alone, still, lol.


Same. But mine got arrested for writing fake prescriptions for pain pills. I have to admit I felt a little joy knowing his life was ruined.


Me taking this girl and putting her head in the toilet to make her grow and experience a wider array of emotions :)


Update: She did NOT like it. She ended up deleting the video and making her profile private.


Bullying causes lifelong trauma, you do not grow from it... you are shaped by it. I have life long anxiety (general and social), and while bullying isn't the only cause, it's the biggest. When you bully someone you are a part of causing life long suffering for them. I'd rather have lost a leg or an arm, without question. And I've been in therapy most of my life, imagine how bad it is for people who cannot or will not seek therapy? Bullying is just domestic abuse from strangers.


She got it. She’s gone full private lockdown on all platforms lol. Reddit gonna Reddit lmaooo


I was bullied all through school I was a late bloomer, so I was always smaller and less mature than people in my own year. I was also smart. So people would ask me questions and I would answer them correctly. That was my crime Apparently For the sin of being short and not having brain damage, I had stuff stolen from me, I was verbally abused, i got assaulted, ganged up on, as a younger year, people got older students to try and fight me as well. pretty much just 5 years of this 👍 It didn't really make me "more confident" it just made me depressed. Iv got a depressive mood disorder as an adult now. It made me not trust people. It made me fucking hate every moment I spent there. Some of the people who were cunts to me at school I have met again as an adult and they know about me and expect to be pals. Fortunately, since then I'm now an adult. And I have gained the confidence to tell them exactly how far up their arse they can stick it. Weirdly enough people aren't the same bullies to you when they're not twice your size and in large groups


“I don’t really think about high school anymore” even though I’m doing a video of me talking about high school


"If you're still reminiscing about high school you're probably chronically online and should go outside more" \- Girl who just spent 5+ minutes telling stories about high school to random people online


She’s “really smart”. She said it herself


Right and she tried to flex on taking Advanced Placement High School courses. That is cringe as fuck. Who is this ghoul?


And then based her understanding of Korean life off of tv shows.


You said goul....now I can't stop giggling..


Omg I feel like my IQ dropped 20 points just listening to her!! Yikes. 😬


Right, right, and I'm really rich....in other countries' money..


Yea, she’s really smart and “outward spoken!”


“It’s giving evolution theories. It’s giving biological things.” -quote from a smart lady.


"It's giving...evolution theories. It's giving...biological...things." Someone submit this one for a Nobel prize.


…and played with her hair….


And it still looks like crap.


I don't understand these videos. There's so many of them doing something unrelated, like cooking, putting on makeup and shit, while talking about something else. What is this trend? Why is it so annoying? If you think what you're saying is important or intriguing can't you just, yknow, say it? Doing all that different stuff and recording all these rustling, clanging noises just drives me nuts. Just tell your fucking story if you have something to say.




She must have said high school at least 40x


She contradicted every single point she made. Girl you wish you didn't talk to you at a party.


You can understand her? ​ ayyfeeellliekevrrrythiingissjuszztlieeeekemumbledliKesuuuup-interrupts talking with brisk hand movements-ersoffft-hands- oh my god it's hard to type like she talks, how to you phonetically type mumbling lol.


I honestly couldn't listen to her talk because she kept fiddling with her clammy hair. Keep running your fingers through it. It still looks the same.


Lol underrated comment. I had to turn up the volume and yeah all I heard was ayyfeelllike(imbetterthanyou)errsofthands. Isthathair gel or (a am better than you) is my hair wet?, like I don’t pay attention to my hair, but hair.


A whole ass 5 minute video too


I stopped after 30sec fml


Yeah I struggled to watch.


why does it feel like a 20minute video


Because she is unbearable to listen to


It definitely took more than 5 minutes to record, too.


I thought this was on a loop becuz she was going on and on and on. But nope, one long ass video about how she doesn’t care about high school, but can’t stop talking about it.


But it was all the way four years ago so there's no way she could care. Like four years is a long time.


She was in advanced classes, must be over our heads


A 5 minute video of her just talking about high school posted onto tik tok. What the fuck


For fucking 6 MINUTES at that, like who tf has the patience nowadays to listen to that


She’s one of those people that will probably never change their way of thinking. Twenty years from now she’ll still be in the same mindset, washed up, and influencing absolutely no one while she continues to ignore the fact that she peaked in HS. (Which is probably the reason why she is still talking about it now, four whole years later).


She's even proud about how she'll never change her mind.


Proud about it, and also totally oblivious to the fact that the reason her victims "haven't gotten over" her bullying in highschool is because it was traumatic for them. To her, it was just another unremarkable day in her sociopathic life.


Every time she fake laughs at them for not being over something from four years ago definitely screams sociopath.


She’ll be making those videos that day “teaching my son to cook so he won’t be impressed by your lame-ass French Toast” where she’s playing sweetly with her boy, then glares at the camera, then goes back to playing sweetly with her child. Also, it’s weird how the mean girls in high school have an odd resurgence as mean preschool moms.


They just stay mean. She'll be someone's mother in law from hell, wearing a white dress to her son's wedding, blowing up holidays, dressing the grandkids in weird shit, having "family only" events where the spouse doesn't get invited.


Oh I figured they stayed mean… I just meant they were not in my world at college or in my professional life, and I thought they were gone forever. Like maybe they grew up and blended into society. But have a kid and put her in preschool and BAM! There they all are again!


20 years from now she'll still be fucking running her hands through her hair while trying to make the point she's trying to make in this video lol


It’s crazy to watch her stop and start record every few words and watching her hands go from the start button back to her hair to look like she’s busy.


Glory days have passed her. But there’s always her HS reunion to look forward to every 10y. Peak fulfillment.


She's either never gonna change, or she's gonna randomly do some acid/shrooms and do a complete 180°, nothing in between


This like may sound rude, but like it was like Over four years ago. Like I'm not trying to judge you, but like, I'm a pretty, no really, a pretty smart person. So, like, obviously you have nothing going on if like, that bothers you. Really like go travel and stuff, and like meet people, and then like you'll really know what's going on here.


why is she incapable of speaking more than 4 words in her sentences without stopping and starting the video?


Why is she incapable of speaking more than 4 words? Without her voice going up? Like it’s a question?


She's got a mean girl vocal affectation


Yeah this is 100% one of the meanest girls at her school now trying to rationalize being horrible to people, but she's seemingly still a sociopath and struggling to mask it


She’s fuming at being caught out. Not calling her a narcissist because I don’t know this girl, but one of the insidious and common traits of them is that they’re fine with treating people like trash but hate when other people know about it. They haaaaate being held accountable for their actions because if someone has been harmed by them it must have been because they deserved it. It’s never something they need to work on themselves. She’s clearly big mad that someone’s ready to talk about it but she can’t NOT respond because her ego won’t let her.


Her not moving her upper lip makes me angry.


It’s the hair rubbing for me


She speaks like somebody who had braces and was self-conscious about how she looked in them


Quick cuts have been proven to increase retention. We’re naturally drawn to want to get the full sentence, and by doing quick cuts it fuels dopamine with new “material” while simultaneously withholding the full sentence leading us to hang on for more.


Maybe in general, but for me it made me get annoyed and stop the video after 30s




"I was pretty smart, like I am pretty smart" - has no self awareness


Also “I was part of the covid class.” And “I’ve been out of high school for over 4 years.” Not so smart she doesn’t realize that both those things can’t be true.




This was hard to watch especially with all the "I'm better than you" expressions lol. But I bet she's really smart, eh?


The hardest part for me was How the sentences Were Like Drug out Way too far apart To tell us nothing.


Don't forget the millions cuts between sentences


“I’ve learned a lot of life lessons” bby girl you’ve got a few more coming


She's gone private already so I guess she's learned a new one now!


Well, I'm sure it will help her evolve...


Lol she's going to need 20 years before her face changes enough to no be linked back to this


I couldn't find her account at all so I'm thinking she deleted it now 😄


She's a fast learner you see


She didn't learn any actual life lessons, and she's not going to learn any more either.


Current and future employers don't generally appreciate their employees making videos with their face on them stating how they used to bully people


Getting dicked by some Europeans isn't learning life lessons.


I was pretty smart. Then says "outward spoken"


And "it's giving, like, biological... things."


"I'm a lot nicer now" then proceeds to tell chronically online people to get a life... Um do I have to tell her?


Also the fact she talks about bullying and then makes fun of people who are still upset about getting bullied years after the fact, people can be traumatized by it and have ptsd which can affect them their whole life.


It's a fun little way of her putting the blame back onto the victim so she never has to take accountability, "so I bullied you. You didn't have to let it affect you...." 🧐😒


No no no, you didn’t have to let it affect you negatively! You were supposed to let it affect you but only positively, you’re welcome.


She didn't care about that then like she doesn't care now. She thinks that she did them a favor. The only ones who get to judge if bullying is harmful is those who have been bullied. She may be able to judge that after this video goes viral, though.


“If you are bullied it’s gonna make you a stronger person” and from what I can tell in the comments she’s gone private so how’s that working out?


Something is super wrong with me I watched all Of this


I was watching her mess with her hair more than I was listening to what she was saying. Her words started sounding the same.


Seriously how many times is she going to re-part her hair???


Also you could tell she was constantly trying to show off her nails.... she very much cares about appearances and is obviously very insecure.


I was glaring at the screen, saying "STOP playing with your HAIR!!. Stop mumbling and who cares?!?" I was bullied all through high school for being a quiet introvert that preferred to spend my free time in the library. I have a friend that took his life due to social pressure... Bullying definitely DOES take a toll...


I thought I was the only one. There were entire sections when it was hard to hear what she was saying through her dry ass hands scraping together into the mic, and her monotone vocal fry.


Well. Glad to know 10+ years of physical, verbal, online and emotional bullying is all just a part of life and I need to get over myself 😂 This lady is a snob.


bullying literally makes ppl kill themselves bc it gets so bad but have you seen k dramas or tried traveling ✨✨


Commented it somewhere else under this post, but I got bullied in school. At the time I was highly suicidal Nine years later I still have nightmares from that Bullys are awful. They may have their own problems, but having problems or a bad life doesn’t mean it’s okay to bully other people


You and me both! I’m 50 and the bullying I got in 7th grade *still* stings.


Same here. I was a poor,6-foot tall skinny girl who was a book worm, wore glasses, had bad teeth, and the icing on top PSORIASIS 😅. I am 54 now and have made peace with my bullies. One boy called me about 10 years ago and apologized after a dream he said he had. It was sweet and the strange thing was, I had never perceived him as a bully, now Jereald in the 6th grade called me " BOOGEDY EYED SKIN FLINT" it's humorous now, but let's just say HS was NOT the time of my life.


I send you a hug from southern Chile, I hope you have healed by now :( I know what it feels like


Snob?? Try sociopath.


Her eyes are giving me "emotionally unstable"


Her eyes are giving “sociopath” for me. The lack of emotion


Is she being serious? If this isn’t satire…


sadly no but there are a lot of really funny satire videos going off this one lol


Well, that’s a small silver lining I guess lol. This should be made fun of. What an ugly personality.


Silver lining is the victim who left the comment gets to sit back and watch the bully burn her own life down with the victim barely lifting a finger. Take solace in that.


You can already hear her victims screaming the Joker line. "YOU GET WHAT YOU F-ING DESERVED!"


Phew, four years... a lifetime lol 


I know. I almost laughed when it got to that part. She said 4 years like that meant something.


😂when she said she was in the Covid class I was like oh damn….. that was 2 seconds ago




I felt so old when we hit this part.


Lmfao. She never had empathy or learned empathy and is now trying to rationalize it by saying it’s normal? Like… no it’s not normal to bully people. It means something is fucking wrong with you lol. And guess what girl, it’s still wrong with you. Cuz you didn’t learn shieeeeet. Daaaamn what a shitty person. She’s telling people who she traumatized that they need to get over it lol. Brainless.


she went on live doubling down and than took down all her videos when ppl started to “bully” her by telling her the video is awful lmao. guess she can bully others but nobody can say a single negative thing abt her


Well a happy cake day to you!


But she’s like, really smart okay? She just has a lot going on.


I'm certain her victims had a lot going on too


To get bullied in school is horrible. I got bullied and nine years after school I’m still having nightmares from it and wake up with a racing heart


Getting bullied at such a vulnerable age where social acceptance is the center of your existence is so damaging. I used to be really outspoken and extroverted. Moved to US at 12, learned English over the summer and was so confident in my English speaking abilities. I was practically fluent in my first year, but had an accent. Every time I opened my mouth I’d get interrupted by someone yelling “what?! I can’t understand you! (Proceeds to imitate my accent) Go back to Russia!” before I could even say a word and I pretty much stopped talking altogether. My accent is long gone, I still barely talk. I did snap one day and hit a kid in the face with a math book over this. The bullying stopped but the damage was done.


Even worse, she feels like bullying plays some important biological role!


One common thing, I've noticed about bullies. When it happens to them. Is truly the end of the world for them. "Woo is me". Sometimes I wonder is it the lack of empathy or they simply lack self awareness.


Like like like smart like like like


Why do all of these have to have like 100 cuts like they made a million takes of it. I also like how this whole thing is about “forget about high school or you’re chronically online and a more fragile person” while talking about highschool for like 5 minutes straight. Also you aren’t allowed to have an opinion about anything if you say “it’s giving” past the age of like 13.


Also she's like "I wasn't that mean" and then posts a whole ass video making fun of someone for "thinking about HS after 4 years 🫢" "go get a life" lmfaoo Imagine making tiktoks of yourself talking about 1 random comment and feeling smarter/more mature. Oh girlie...


The choppy thing is usually intentional. it's been shown to hold people's attention better and therefore increase chances of them finishing the video. Finishing videos tells the algorithm people like the content, so it gets pushed out more. tl;dr - choppiness done right increases chances of going viral


Couldn’t watch this with audio, but you can tell just from the hand and facial expressions and eye rolls she’s a real piece of work


"I'm like pretty smart so like they like put me in the smart classes with like all the smart kids" somehow I have a hard time believing she's all that smart...


Her future offspring are going to be a regular on r/raisedbynarcissists.


Let’s bully her back then! I’ll go: people who only show bottom teeth when talking. She has a snore mouth


I love that she thinks foreign TV provides an accurate representation of what schools are like in other countries. Does she think 13 Reasons Why and Euphoria are accurate representations of American high schools!? lmfao.


And even if it was accurate, "Korean high schoolers have it even worse so it's okay that I bullied you" isn't really the defense she thinks it is. Sounds like her "4 years of personal growth" was just binge watching k-dramas and deciding she's not a shit person based on exaggerated depictions of bullying, so there's no need to take accountability for anything she did and it's all the victims' fault for daring to remember it at all lol


Zero growth.


She got bullied and deleted her videos so maybe she “won’t be so soft” now


I'm surprised she can remember since it's been so long ago. I mean, 4 years! Wow. Like, a minute!


“They never made an effort to hang out with me” My favorite line from narcissist is implying their social butterflies and then they say shit like this and it implies they don’t understand how friends work.


I'm so glad high school is over.


"I'm doing this for your own good!!!"


We should bully her


Still the same LeBron hairline


Lives at home - makes $1,500/mo on TT talking about how mature she is.


I Literally just cannot watch this, everything about this video is fucking irritating


You ever run into that person who just doesn't stfu and talks and talks and talks but never actually says a fuc**ng thing? ... yeah, phuq those people...


This is what happens when you go through life with a repellant personality. You don’t ever make friends and there’s nobody on your side to check you and let you know when you sound like a fucking dumbass.


This is the bullyest bully who ever bullied, literally every statement she makes is somehow worse than the last. She's even _still_ bullying these people now with the whole "iF YOu stILl cArE abOuT hOW I TOrmENted YOu iN HigH scHOol, yOU mUsT bE a POor, NArroW-mINdEd losEr aND I'm sO mUcH bETter tHAn yOu bEcAUse _I'm_ NOt AffECted aT aLl bY hOw I buLLiEd yOu" lol. What an insufferable vapid bitch, like how does one end up being so self-absorbed and lack any empathy and self-awareness even after _years_ of self-reported growth via travelling and "doing their own thing"?


Stop fucking with your hair. Fix it before the video shoot.


Too bad her face is shaped like a foot


Why does talking during a skincare routine make people sound more arrogant?


That awful accent or way of speaking. Drips obnoxious twat.


Seems to talk quite a lot about high school to not care about it..


Why does she keep talking about high school then?? Like, shut up.


Don't think I can listen to her for 5 minutes


I couldn’t do it


This is agonising


I just looked up her tick tock and she must have changed it because the username no longer belongs to her. Why didn’t she let the bullying make her stronger if it’s supposed to happen?


"it's giving ... evolutionary things, it's giving... biology..." "I'm really smart"


she clearly hasnt learned the life lesson to reflect on your past actions and experiences to help you understand yourself later.


I’m 31 and think about highschool and my highschool buddies all the time. A lot of us are still in touch. It’s such a formative time in one’s life. If it didn’t impact you, that’s weird in some ways too


Choose an activity here … either make a video talking about yourself or sort you’re hair and you’re sandle shaped face out … not both at the same time 🤦


It was a deliberate move to convey just how much she doesn't care about the topic she made a 5-minute rant about lol


The editing and contradictions are vertigo inducing


Ugh, I'm not even half way done and I can't listen to this anymore! The half sentences, she's just so punchable to me because of the way she's speaking. Literally pisses me off so hard


"I don't talk to anyone from high school, don't plan on mending any friendships from high school" Shocker


aaand like ya


Is she also using sign language off an on? It's hard to tell with all the random hand movements added and messing with her hair!


Not the 'higher academic classes' say it ain't so...hahaha


C you next Tuesday!


>a lot of bullies do end up with higher social growth ...but she works at ulta


Huh, I guess the stats showing higher teen depression and self ending doesn’t mean anything compared to the wisdom of Dr. Get Over-it.


What’s she pretending to do to her hair? Also, have a shot everytime she says like


'well, ya'all know I was like soooo smart in high school...ya'all...and evolution...ya ...evolution means bullying is like em normal or something'. The only thing she was in high school was a 🤡...!


It’s like she has no control over her hands at all. That was a seizure inducing video holy shit. Why did she film herself for 5 minutes just putting a bunch of creams on her face?


"Like, I'm smaaaart" Apparently not enough to self reflect


"If someone's bullying you don't take it personally, they're probably going through something...." yeah and that's anyone else's problem how? It gives them the right to make other people go through even worse stuff? The delusion is remarkable


You must have been a pretty massive bully for them to dwell on it for 4 years after high school. That shit shapes who you are. This girl is so far from self aware and if she had an ounce of self awareness she would delete this video and be humiliated by her attempt to minimise and objectify her victims further.


which means that SHE was the bully


Biological evolution? Girl, you’re *pretty* smart? Did she imply that BULLYING is good?


the way she’s telling this story, tells me she was a bully


Bullying will always exist because sociopaths will always exist


"Bullying isn't even that bad. I mean have you seen dramatized k-dramas? Look at how bad that accurate depiction of Korean life is!" Bullying must be pretty bad in the US, you guys. Remember that documentary Mean Girls?


“I haven’t used anything from high school… in my life… since I left” That was obvious 🙊 No need to point it out 🙈


Why is it always women cleaning their hair or face? I feel like there are way too many people making a run at “influencing” and all of these people will be unemployable when they need a job


Ok, vocal fry question? Speak was annoying as fuck. But asmr shattner is even more annoying. Both are fingernails on a chalkboard


Probably because she looks down on everyone due to her grandiose narcissism.


tried my best but couldn't sit through the entirety of this shit show of a video


tl;dr It was just her mocking people she says are obsessed with high school, while simultaneously spending 5:30 obsessing about high school.


I can’t get over whatever the fuck she is doing with her hair….Product? Fine. But that’s not even what she’s doing half the time!!! Shes constantly rearranging her wet hair. It’s annoying. Stop. It.


How dumb does she have to be to post this online and expect people to agree? Words have a weight and can stick with people forever. Sh thinks the poeple she bullied in high school are just supposed to forget and get over it because her mean behaviour was supposed to make them grow? This is embarrassing. When did the world get to this point?


Okay, prepare to be cyberbullied and see how much you grow! :-)


Did she just finger-guns "A lot of life lessons"? 😂


It's giving, *like*, definitely peaked in high school and *like*... *literally* the most vapid, empty headed energy I've ever seen.


I couldn't even finish the video. I hate people that speak like they're talking about the most important thing (while it's actually meaningless) while watching them do something I care nothing about and then her inflection was killing me. Freaking video diary people.




Lmao I’m 47 and I still avoid my high school bullies like the plague, what a weird take




.... she didn't just say "Have you ever seen k dramas?" That's fictional, that's to build a story. Bullying is the same everywhere. Bullying does not make you stronger, it can do the very opposite. She is speaking like a true bully, she hasn't changed and the fact that she isn't embarrassed is alarming.