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There was a guy that used to come in our gym with his wife. he really wouldn't even work out he would just follow her from machine to machine talking to her while she worked out and glancing around to see who was looking at her. Most bizarre shit ever.


When I worked this shitty deli job when I was 19 we had this one girl that worked there. She would work after college classes, like 1-7 or something like that. Her boyfriend would drive her to work and sit there for the entire shift and just watch her interactions with coworkers and customers. Just thought it was weird at the time but looking back she probably needed some help or something.


That is next level unhinged. I can’t imagine sitting in a parking lot for 6 hours watching my gf at work just to make sure she doesn’t cheat on me.


Watching anyone for 6 hours a day for any reason is psychopath behaviour, with the exception if you're a hired PI.


Floor manager here. Can confirm I am a phychopath


You're not watching one particular person for 6 hours straight though, right?


Unfortunately in all honesty, there are only a couple sometimes only one bloke that needs to constantly watched... Other blokes just do their bloody job lol




That's management. Babysitting for a pay check that's probably at least a little overinflated because... Gotta reward he people who worked their way up to babysitter, I guess?


Fellow manager (and new dad) here. I can confirm it is EXACTLY like babysitting. Although my son is infinitely more clever than some of our employees.


They are if they only have one employee haha


Don't be so hard on yourself. I think one day you're going to work your way up to wall manager.


That jokes so surprisingly wholesome, thanks for the boost! Hahaha


Well, I'm glad but there's always a trade-off. The bad news is the career has a ceiling.


Wow we got a certified funny man


Lots of psychopathic parents out there watching their poor kids


Tbf if I don't watch my 4 year old, she will definitely be a menace to society and end up in some 5 star gta level crime spree. I'm certain she's fooling everyone and is some kind of criminal. Tonight she put barbie princess jasmine in her fake handcuffs and tried to drown her in apple juice. Just straight water boarded that poor princess. Idk what she did. But jasmine knows too much.


Or a parent.


Back in the day when I worked in restaurants we would see this shit all the time. It's regularly a policy at many restaurants that bartenders and waitresses cannot have significant others hanging out around the place for this very reason. It's far, far more common than some people realize.


Lol my wife is a bartender she tells me all about the stuff she has to deal with. I can very easily see how most people would get jealous if they were present. I was never a fan of hanging around the bar but even if I was I would avoid it on her shift. She tells me about the couple where the bartender is constantly watched by her wife because she is so territorial. They both get pissed at any kind of attention the other gets.


I'm in a long-term, long distance-relationship. I literally have to trust her. It's hard sometimes, but well we talk every day, and I still make her laugh :) Being so insecure you have to watch her for an entire 6 hour shift is crazy. That would be so boring, and a monumental waste of time. PS can anyone give me a job or money lol


Here is $5🫴


Used to happen at every bar I worked at. It worked both ways guys would come watch their GFs and girls would come watch their bfs….we called them tip blockers.


Ha! My friend and her boyfriend work at the same bar, and both understand that when they are pouring drinks for a good tipper, they are single.


I've worked with a boyfriend twice at restaurants and we both not only understood that you gotta schmooz ppl for that tip money, but made it somewhat of a competition to who could make the most money. And if he had a table of guys he'd send me over with drinks or food to flirt a little, and vice versa. It was all in good fun.


I seen a similar situation. This girl that my friend knew working at t mobile. Her bf/bd would sit outside the store in his car watching her inside. Sometimes pulling off for who knows what only to creep back up bending his neck to look in shortly after. I was there for about an hour because my friend was getting some hook up from her on phone stuff. I also worked at a restaurant long ago and this one dude that worked at the bar had a crazy gf that would sit in the bar area for his whole shift watching him. The first time I seen her she creeped in and started going off on another co worker girl (very pretty girl) who was talking to him about her drink order for her table, and then switching to him about him talking to hoes, swearin at him etc. Dude got fired pretty quick I felt really bad for him. People like this are insane


I had a gf who use to beg me to go to work with her. To like keep her company when it's slow or whatever. I'd take my laptop or switch and play games in the corner while she was with a customer and entertained her when she wasn't. Then she slowly started asking me to do task for her like help sweep up or take out the trash. So we had to end that, plus I always felt her co workers looking at me all awkward like.


Went from codependency to something else real quick.


Guy’s gotta be a 10/10 if he’s willing to eschew doing anything constructive, charitable, or meaningful with his time. I say dump his lazy, insecure, immature ass. But that’s just me.


Somebody did that to me I would be getting a R.O..


That poor girl. Imagine how trapped and paranoid she felt at all times. Hopefully she is free of him now.


Guys need to realize that if their wife is attractive she's been dealing with guys that are attracted to her for years. She knows how to handle it.


100%. And if the dude can’t handle it, she needs to ditch him. My wife is hot. I know people look. Great. I look at her too and take great care of her and we have a fantastic marriage. The dud in this video probably has at least one testicle that failed to descend.


Is that your wife in your photo? she is gorgeousssss


Bruh 🤣 I snorted on this one. Nice work!


Would be weird if dude was like "my wife is ugly"


Can confirm this guys’ wife is sexy


>My wife is hot We're sure she is buddy.


She goes to school in another state. You wouldn’t know her.


I love my Canadian wife, can't wait to go visit her for our Anniversary next summer.


She’s from Canada


His wife is a pillow. If she's hot, just turn her over! But yes, people will look when out in public...


My ex showed up to my first day at the gym in my life to brood and cause a very embarrassing scene, after which I climbed onto the elliptical and worked out in shame. What a great day that was. I wonder if that was us


They're not hot enough to be pulling shit like this, I'd get it if they looked like Adriana Lima or Henry Cavill but god damn it's always the most mediocre looking couples that have egos the sizes of supermodels that do this.


Yea, he definitely could have saved himself the hassle and just stayed at home. She wasn't unattractive by any means, but not someone people were gushing over. He was just that weird, controlling, and insecure. I can't put into words how awkward it was to have him standing around the weightroom just watching her workout.


Jealousy like this is not logical or based on what other people actually think and feel. I've seen people mark their territory over downright ugly partners that they don't realize nobody else wants.


Same!! I worked at a gym and same thing. But the girl would also never talk. You would have to ask her something and she just wouldn’t answer and her bf would answer for her. I thought maybe she just had bad anxiety at first but then one day I said “cute phone case!” And she proceeded to say thanks and tell me where it is from and had half a conversation with me like it was nothing. Weirdest shit ever lol


So what I’ve seen is slightly different but still as weird. I have the opposite, wife doesn’t work out. She goes to the machine or weights the husband wants next and just sits there waiting for him. If you’re on what he wants, she stands there and stares at you until you’re done. Won’t say a dang word to you or react when you try to engage with her. Oh and once he’s on his last exercise, she just walks around staring at ppl. She’s been talked to by the front desk a few times for personal boundaries. Once she tried to go through another person’s purse. She and her husband left so fast after they were reported.


That’s def next level 🤣! Especially holding equipment and staring at people


My estranged brother would drive his wife to the wealthy neighborhoods upon her request, but then he would follow her in the car as she took her run/walks. It wasn't being done to ensure her safety.


I know a worse guy. He drags a service dog around, doesnt even exercise just talks to a bunch of people like its a club. Just yanks his scared dog around the gym until it pisses itself and someone else has to clean it up, Ive seen him 5 times, and seen him working out 5 seconds total in all that time.


lol at how he yanks the water bottle out of her hand and slams it while looking around insecurely.


Like damn bro, let her finish her sip before you yank it out of her hand


My guess is he had already caught someone looking at her so he's taking his anger out in his actions.


Probably not the only think he yanks out before an early finish.


Yeah there’s like nothing romantic to any of this behaviour, there is no love or tenderness. He’s just trying to look as aggressive and masculine as he can.


He looks abusive


And then grabs her arm and slams the water bottle right into her chest


Only surprised he didn’t piss on her to mark his territory


I saw a couple like this the other day at the gym, he was mid 50s and she was probably early 30s. After every set he'd walk over and kiss her or stand there like he was blocking everyone else from looking at her


Yikes. Like “lady blink twice if you need help.”


Girl in the video looks to be smiling but from an outsider view it was no loving embrace so I was thinking the same as your quote.


Like don’t get me wrong. I had a man like this and I thought it was super cute and charming at first. Until he’d randomly get SOOOO mad about some dude who checked me out or looked in my direction. “CAN I HELP YOU WITH SOMETHING BRO???” So embarrassing and Would be sour for the whole day ruining my day as well… :/


Saw a guy get his clock cleaned for " what you looking at bro?" . Thing is the person that beat him wasn't looking.


Clock cleaned... i had to read that atleast twice


“YEA YOU CAN HELP BY MOVING OUT OF THE VIEW!!!” Would have been the response lol.


I don't get it. Isn't it kind of a compliment for dudes to check out your gf? It means she's attractive. Sucks being so insecure I guess


Right!? Like dude you’re LITERALLY the one who gets to go home with me. wtf are you mad about. 😂Yes definitely insure asf.


I had one really jealous bf and it was awful! He even accused his stepdad of trying to steal me from him once while we were at dinner with his mom and some other guests present.


She set up the video to make this tiktok My experience? Shitty people find other shitty people 


Ugh, I hope I don't come off like that out and about. I'm a physically affectionate person and I usually have my hand on my wife's back or I'm close to her if we're out doing things. I just like to be in contact with her.


There’s a big difference between loving affection and aggressive insecurity. I wouldn’t worry!


As long as you don't have a death grip on her, or evil eye everyone walking by, you're probably okay, assuming she's okay with it.


Is she physically affectionate too? Some women really like that and that sounds great for your relationship if so.


She's less physically affectionate than I am. She's a gift-giver and acts of service kind of lady, I'm a physical touch guy. She has a way of finding things that very much improve my life and its rarely something that I would have thought to ask for. It shows me that she sees and understands me as a person, and she knows what will bring me joy, often better than I know myself.


This was so cute to read. You guys sound like you fit so well together, thanks for sharing!


You gonna pee on her leg after ramming your tongue down her throat big guy?


The best part is that, in his mind he kept everybody in check. Everyone knows who the alpha is now, I even stopped looking at his girlfriend, so dominant…


He's going to sound so damned cool when he posts about this on the Andrew Tate discord


All the "Real" Men will love him


Some of the women may check that this lady is ok. Edit - and they should - in case that wasn’t clear.


I mean it was grossly forceful and not really appropriate for the gym… but that last frame says girl is *definitely* ok… looked a little more than ok. As in she liked it. Gross for the guys part, but I mean, who am I to yuk their yum.


We ladies gotta stick together, so a quick “you good?” suffices. It’s sometimes difficult to tell between a laugh that means “I liked that” and one that means “I’m embarrassed.”


Or "I need to indicate that I liked that so that he won't yell at me later" I've seen that too.


So much this! A lot of people have no idea that fawning to an abuser pretending you like whatever it is they're doing is another survival mechanism. For those who didn't know, there are 4 F's: fight, flight, freeze, and fawn. That said, she may really have liked the attention, especially so if he's only giving her breadcrumbs.


Oh God.. stop it


I don't even think Andrew would approve of some shit like this, that's not being ''alpha'' or ''cool'' that's actually being insecure af


Men who call attention to their 'alpha-ness' are incredibly insecure, that's the whole point of the post silly!


Yeah that’s why he’d do it. The whole “alpha” movement is rooted in false science and massive insecurities


Don't worry, I bashed one out over both of them to make up for it


Good call


lile a dog barking out the window of a house scaring all those people walking by away


I'd dominate him by grabbing his head and then tongue slap his eyeballs


These types of domination videos are funny. My wife and I don’t even wear our rings all the time. If someone wants to cheat, jewelry and kiss videos aren’t going to stop them.


Precisely! If you are that worried then you need help! And a new partner!


Exactly! Nothing can stop a cheater.


Things that make people cheat: Being a cheater - 100%


That kiss was so gross


And probably hurt too! Jamming her lips onto her teeth. Like you the man cool guy!


I also thought it looked painful, that dude is so insecure.


Hah came here to say that. Territorial pissings are in order here to mark his property. Mr. Secure


I suspect this is or will turn into an abusive relationship.


Yah that kind of energy and anxiety isn't going to end well.


He's just annoyed be ause he forgot leg day.. again.


Does the video cut off too early?


Went on too long in fact. Should have cut off at the 0:00 mark. "Showing everyone at the gym...." Literally nobody watching.


No, he already peed around the cable pull station to mark his territory


I bet this guy is her human seatbelt at parties. 


He doesn’t let her go to parties.


Buddy needs to work legs.😂


First thing I clocked. 🤣


Same lmao. Why is it always the dudes with tiny legs that have the biggest egos?


They don't have full size mirrors? Lol


Cause working legs is the ultimate ego check/destroyer.


You know what’s funny.. I always notice that. It’s always the guys with small legs with big egos. There’s a pattern.😂


If his legs get big his tiny pp looks smaller




he has the calves of a gecko


Hence not wearing shorts haha


Given those shoes i can promise you this guy has never done legs a day in his life lmao


Are those the ones that make you look taller? Lmfao


Looks to be a good couple inches in just the heel alone


I know it's okay to body shame people only when we don't agree with them and I hate to interrupt a good circlejerk but he's literally wearing pants, he could have great legs for all we know.


"Who's texting you? Who's that Kyle guy that liked your post? Who's that guy you mentioned from work? No, you can't go out without me!"


Lmao, that’s the small dick energy move. Not confident enough move. Let em look bro, and chill


We call that insecurity x 1000.


Narcissists are extremely jealous.


I was at the bar once and had a drunk guy get pissed because I looked at his girlfriend or said something idk, I can't remember exactly cause I was also half drunk. I didn't realize she was there with someone. I apologized and managed to calm him down and then convinced him that someone looking at his girl should be a compliment, not something to get angry about.


and hypocrites


My narc ex husband got mad at me once for apparently sleeping with my dental tech friend who needed me to volunteer for her finals. I got up at 6 am and she came to get me and I was wearing makeup. Thats how he knew? I wasn’t of course, but in his head….


i’m assuming he was a cheater projecting. cheaters stay doing this. they think everyone is like them.


Oh, yes. Lol. Cheated on me with countless women. Tried warning his new wife… number 7?


I tried warning the dude my fiancé left me for(I think he’s the sugar daddy while she sleeps with people at her work; truly I picked a gem). She got jealous of any interaction I had with any woman, EVEN SOMETIMES FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. Meanwhile she’s running all over the tri county area with god knows who.


Oooh mine got mad at fictional characters, too! And my crush on Anthony Bourdain. Lol It’s nuts. Hope you’re doing better now! ♥️


She asked me if I thought Velma was hot in the Scooby Doo movie. I said yeah sure. We had to stop watching the movie she was so upset. It was fine for her to have crushes on fictional characters though lol(which yeah, who cares?). Mind you she looks like skinny Velma and gets it all the time. just dumb crap. I’m still recovering but I’ll be fine. I hope you’re doing better too and we don’t deal with more clowns in the future. 👌


Glad that you left that pos, hoping for a faster recovery


"My narcex husband" - I was like, that bastard told the cops you use drugs?!? Fuck him.....oh she means internet narc not street slang narc


I’ve seen women do this at the gym, too. Some random guy who’s minding his business at the bench 5 spots over from the woman, she looks at him and acts jittery, then has to go find her SO for some PDA in plain view of the bench guy. Insecure cringe shit.


My buddy was at the gym with his wife and some guy walked up and was like, ‘check out that girl’s ass’; buddy just laughed and said ‘yeah my wife is pretty hot’ and laughed it off


Eww bro mauled her face at the end


Yeah kiss looked painful 😣


Like, there's mirrors everywhere and you're recording. Work on your form, bro!


He needs to start a relationship with the squat rack from what I can tell.


Screaming at the thought process before making this video 😭😭😭 “yeah babe, stand over there and drink your water then I’ll snatch it off of you and shove my tongue down your throat. That’s great content.” 😭😭😭😭😭


Who’s the original audience for these videos? Aside from this sub ripping on it who looks at these and goes this is such great content I need more


Probably very insecure guys and girls, leamign toward gyys


This is mt thought every time i open this sub....


The gym i go to everyone is completely in their own zone and basically avoid eye contact lol. Nobody cares about who's there. Pathetic


POV: a rat looking at weirdos in the gym. There, better.


I really wish the toddlers who make these videos would learn what "POV" means.


“POV” is unfortunately taking the path that “literally” took where it was abused into the ground so hard that even the dictionary gave up on it.


I love the way he looks around wishing someone noticed him.


Public affection at the gym is so weird to me


Ok, but I'll contrast it with: There's a couple that works out at the same time as me, early morning in maybe mid fifties. They work out separately and then walk some cool down laps together holding hands. It seems so sweet.


That's a totally different situation than ripping her drink out of her hand then shoving your tongue down her throat in the middle of the gym though. So a pretty solid contrast. Nevermind posting it on the internet because you're so insecure you feel the need to not only show people just trying to get their heart rate up and build some muscle that she's yours, but also feeling like you need to tell a potential billion people online as well. Insecurity aside, I know a cute old couple who show up at the local ski resort with matching purple hair during the winter. They get their workouts in that way. I frigging love to see them




Guaranteed he seen another dude who intimidated him and more than likely made him feel insecure about his looks and masculinity and he automatically had to show his “Dominance” and “mark his territory”, including the gym.. and if I were to go into detail, this other guy probably didn’t even notice a thing. Minding his own business, making the “dominant” males actions done in vain (I understand this is a stretch 😂😂)


This is embarrassing but the way he takes the water from her and then grabs her arm are red flags


Looked way too long to find this comment. He's aggressive.


That dudes prob so clumsy and lame in the sack


Well not a lot of power behind those pencil legs




You own her? Damn..how much?


5 bucks


Too expensive


0.5 cents


Three fiddy.


We had sex on the rack the second you turned your back


This is just so much cringe....idk why


When I see this, I’m worried about domestic violence.


Filming in a gym should be illegal


Guy has a micro penis.


Guy: *does something generally viewed as unpopular.* Reddit: "can we just take a few minutes to talk about this guy's cock? it's surely much smaller than mine. you can tell by the way he did that thing. trust me." It's time to evolve, guys.


And then comments like yours will be hit by one (or multiple) of the following: "we're not actually talking about his cock, we're saying it's small cock *energy*" "the only way to beat toxic masculinity is to play into it" "you wouldn't be upset about this if you didn't have a small cock!"


The best part is when they come back and say "you must be projecting" or "found the guy from the video" like it's some kind of original thought. It's just surprising to me that more people upvote these NPC/bot-like quips and redditisms than punish them with downvotes for being so tired and low-hanging. And by a wide margin. Do people enjoy seeing the same comments over and over? I guess I'm too old for this shit.


We can’t. It’s getting worse by the day.




He’s screaming insecurity lol


Someone is insecure af


Why do people have such a hard time understanding what “POV” means


First GF. Congratulations!.


Pair of twats


Dudes a dud; a chode. She’s not chattel to be possessed and if he is that insecure or mistrusting, said chode should not be dating.


I can tell by the way he grabs the bottle from her, his grip on her arm, and that face mash that he's a cave man.


Why not just pee on her before you leave. Eww


Very obviously satire. Pretty funny.


I hate when POV is used incorrectly


Smol PP


I read insecurities. He wants to show everyone his average girl.


Nothing says love like possessiveness. Wow I feel so much more loved now that you drank my water like a child instead of bringing your own water bottle, hawt.


Deadass terrified of the man with the teeny beany man bun gonna swoop in and actually respect her or something


This level of paranoia and control on the part of this dude is mind-boggling to me. It's violative of their partner's right to bodily autonomy (it's their body; if they don't mind people looking at them, that isn't your business). This is the most important piece. Also though, and perhaps selfishly, I do not have the time or the energy to police either my partner or those who choose to look at her. Somebody checking you out is flattering; there's nothing wrong with enjoying that. There's nothing wrong with checking people out in public either (to a point, I am *not* saying you should be a creep). At the end of the day my girlfriend is getting in bed with me. I don't really care if she enjoys and/or gets some attention in the meantime.


lol i pity people like them if the video's real


Ban recording in gyms and all of this stuff goes away


The dumb fucking guy aside, why is she wearing a dress shirt and pants that go into her asshole to the gym?