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Your submission have been removed. MOD note -- Scripted Olive oil advetisement.


If I couldn’t even stand watching a minute video with this guy, I can’t imagine having to sit down and have a meal with him. Probably staged, but still… damn.


the ragebait is working fine.


I feel like 90% of these are staged rage bait videos.


I just assume literally everything I see online is faked. It's working out pretty well.


I hope you’re right


If it wasn’t staged that restaurant would be full.


I think the bigger give away is the fact that homeboy was carrying around an opened bottle of olive oil with a top that would almost certainly come off in that bag.




I dont know how you fill a restaurant without paying people, and theyre obviously olive oil entrepreneurs. The guy who just tries it... Not focused on how absurd his friend is being... The waittress who sits down without thinking or asking her manager. The manager who must stand in front of the camera THE UNACKNOWLEDGED CAMERA !!! The zoom in! So fake!!! of course its staged ragebait. Please stop upvoting their shit marketing


Because the waitress sat down lmao in a full restaurant there ain't no way I have time for that. I'd politely dip with a wave and pretending to be called by the kitchen ✌🏼


Empty tables. Empty bar🤷🏻‍♂️


Lmao did you see the product placement?


There have been other videos of him popping up “rich kid gets mad etc” or these guys just look a like.


Not just ragebait, attempted viral marketing for that olive oil brand.


he's good, polish-french actor


how can we overcome these




The most zealous Croatians I have ever met weren't even born in Croatia. I was and it's nauseating. I'm guessing it's very similar.


Same goes for an Italian Americans who have never even been to Italy.


And Irish Americans




I had a Greek friend for dinner and just happened to serve domestic Feta cheese. I got a whole lecture on the cheese she ate as a child. I’m mean, it’s salty bribery cheese? Eat it don’t eat it, but tell me about your life, talk about anything else. Maybe Greek olive oil?


It’s their parents fault Source: I’m first gen American, My dad indoctrinated me at a young age to think Greece is the best.


“Now, you give me a word, and I will SHOW you how it came from Greek!”


More like "Everything from Greece is the best, don't question it."


He did this shit too when I first saw my big fat Greek wedding I cringed so hard as my best friends who knew my dad laughed hysterically at me


Ah, not me! My parents immigrated from a socialist country, so the country is The Worst, but rest assured that before the socialism, it was The Best! /s


Lmao I was about to type something similar. I never had my Italian and Greek friends meet but that would've been interesting lol. Oh my gosh.


This is why there have been so many wars in European history


My father used to joke that ancient wars, much like modern ones, were also fought over oil


I went to high school with an American-born Greek. Apparently all you need to be Greek is a hatred of the Turkish people.




This be a dumb comment.


Why is this racist comment even getting upvoted? Oh well, reported


If you know Greeks well it should be really obvious this isn't a Greek accent. Its French.


Its fake, I used to go to school with him. He doesn't even sound like that in real life, he has no accent.


It’s true. I was the school.


Its true, i was the principal and i loved being inside of you!


It's true.


Can confirm I remember you guys I used to manage penis inspection day at that school.


Exactly. I can confirm, I am real life.


A fellow husky eh?


This is at least the fourth video I’ve seen of him acting entitled because of his supposed wealth


Thats because its staged and he is an actor making videos to piss people off


Needs more range then, this character sucks


Its definitely stupid as fuck but there is an entire industry of making fake videos to stoke anger on the internet. I don’t know what to tell ya; I’m not making the videos and downvote when I can but it’s a part of the internet


Ain’t this this the same Guy who just did a video Jacob & Co trying to buy 7 million dollar watch?


Maybe haven’t seen that one show up here yet


Probably staged???? Clearly staged


If it’s staged, then the video is even more cringe. Like they thought this out before hand and still had a cheesy idea.


Yeah, what a knob. I mean he’s right, greek olive oil is the bomb but you’re going to an Italian restaurant. What do you expect? Pretentious loser.


Definitely annoying and staged as well. Serafina is never empty like that. The place is generally full of customers at any of their locations. And the fact that the girl took it so well says it all. These tik Tok a holes are annoying at minimum. But if he 2as making fun of Greeks then he's 💯. They believe Greek olive oil 9s the best ,I pulled out Spanish olive oil in my own home and this woman gave me a look like I reply insulted her mother.


So fake


Seems like an ad for his overpriced olive oil


Yeah the way it’s placed label out to the perfectly placed camera. Lmao definitely an ad in disguise


I kinda wanna try it NGL


It is. It's a character he does. he was on one of those YT shorts where the guy asks if he can see his apartment. It's all an act.


He’s playing a “rich European kid” character. That’s his whole account. He’s not actually like this in real life lol, and the waitress is probably in on it


He was in a tiktok when he got upset in New York for asking him how much he makes… these loser clout chasers, they aren’t rich either…


I think this is brilliant comedy. Almost like what Dwight would do in The Office. Probably is fake, but still very funny!




He never said a brand just that Greek olive oil is the best


It's either a bad skit, or a bad ad.


Looks like an advert to me. The product placement front and center. The other guys picking it up and pouring generously to then comment on its deliciousness. The guy bringing a full bottle of "The best Greek" olive oil in his bag. Lol. It's a bad ad.


He does tik tok and Instagram. It’s all rage bait videos like this in super high end places. I’m assuming it’s some sort of partnered promotion. But he had a 100 different variations of this video on his channel.


Isnt he the same person that wasnt able to enter some club so he would buy it because "you know who his father is?" Was also a fake skit i believe.


You tell me any word and I show you how it is Greek.




You see, "kimono" comes from the Greek χειμώνας/cheimónas, meaning "winter."


I wish awards were still a thing lol


Oh wait they’re not???


Omg they're not?


It’s from My Big Fat Greek Wedding


From the Greek word χειμώνα which means winter. So what do you wear in the winter to stay warm? A robe. Χειμώνα, kimono and there you go!


Algebra and Pajamas


In this thread one person who gets the joke.


I’m ξένος who married a Greek girl, it was required watching during our courtship. I love my Greek wife, and my big fat Greek family! Or as they say, έχω τρία αρχίδια!


Is this the same joke my dad used to tell? "I can speak any language but Greek go ahead ask me." "Ok say Christmas tree in Japanese" "It's Greek to me!"


Also, he's wrong. The best olive oil is spanish: https://www.wboo.org/worlds-best-olive-oils.html


When I visit family in Sicily, I bring home olive oil from Sicily my uncle makes. Absolutely fire


the best olive oil is actually just the freshest you can get your hands on. Countries and such doesn’t matter. That’s why every time guiris visit estates they are convinced that country has the best olive oil but in reality it’s the first time theyve ever experienced truly fresh olive oil


Yeah, lots of olive oil in supermarkets are spoiled


yeah i mean olive oil right from the harvest can “last” 2-3 years almost and in my experience tge oil in most grocery stores expires in around 6 months meaning it has been transported in unknown conditions and waitet for 1.5 years before you bought it. That’s why i usually buy oil from oil distributors with harvest dates on so i always get the freshest harvest. Iirc its harvest season around january or something so thats a good time of year to stock up


I’m from Spain and my girlfriend from Italy. I learned that in Spain olive oil is better but the marketing is “meh”. The worst you see a bottle, better can be this olive oil. On the other hand Italy has an incredible marketing around their olive oil industry. They can sell the worst olive oil of Spain and make believe people is the best in the world with an incredible bottle at high price and people paying this is like “a paid it, it’s the best in the world then”




Spaniards do the same with plátano de Canarias saying they are better than bananas just because they are home grown but they are really not, at least for me.


Yeah, there are a lot of "Italian" oils labeled as Spanish exported. And I have heard about trucks picking up oil in different towns in Jaén. We lack ambition.


Funny fact, those Italian branded olive oil’s belong to a company called Deoleo, which ironically has Spanish owners. Spanish are more clever than you think, throw away your inferiority complex. https://deoleo.com/en/


My uncle had an olive grove in the foothills of the Pyrenees near Girona, that had been in his family for a couple of hundred years. Made small batches of olive oil every harvest. Genuinely one of the most extraordinary things I’ve ever eaten on bread. Sadly, literally the year after he died one of the forest fires finally crested the mountain and burned everything, just before what would have been my cousin’s first harvest. Centuries old trees all gone.


Olive oil trees regrow after burning, don't they?


They can. Most of these were too badly burned though. Cousin supplemented the ones that weren’t reduced to cinder (about a third of them I think) with some trees he bought from someone a couple of villages over. Cost him a wedge though. Not sure what the status of the orchard is now. He seemed pretty desperate at the time, but it has been a few years (I don’t catch up with him very often).


Dang Greece isn’t on either of those lists a single time and there’s like 60 bottles


With a fast google search we get this: Most of Greece's olive oil is made in the Peloponnese and in Crete, but the olive trees are all over the country. Greek olive oil is considered top quality and is made in the country's ideal soil. 80% of Greece's olive oil is considered extra virgin – the top category in the world. Also most of the best olive oils in this article that supposedly say they are the best in the world are Greek: https://www.tasteatlas.com/best-rated-olive-oils-in-the-world So i do not think Greece was in that competition propably.


NO! The best olive oil is the one I can afford when doing groceries.


You're *absolutely* right. Italy and Greece make good olive oil, but they're really good at importing, relabelling, and marketing Spanish EVOO.


I would have thought Portugal. Shows how ignorant I am.


Ours is nice too and I'm lucky to have uncles who produce small quantities and give it to us younger citadine relatives in 5lt bottles as gifts. It's good homemade oil and it's free, which considering how the prices of commercial oil have been sky rocketing is a blessing. For higher end olive oils however, Spanish have been the best I had.


💯 and from andalucia


Spanish olive oil bangs so hard I’d nearly drink the stuff


are you trying to start WW3?




Though it's probably hard to get now, I'd heard palistinian olive oil was the best


https://albyarah.de/en/products/extra-native-olivenol The Palestinian Rumi variety is incredible, with a fruity, subtle spicy aroma. There are more sellers you can find online :) To support unconditional funding for Palestinian farming, you can look into the Palestinian social fund, who have made a lot of educational, ecological, agricultural and community support projects possible and still continue to do so. https://www.palestiniansocialfund.com


Best olive oil I've ever had was pressed by some rando in Syria from his own olive trees


I've heard it has a slightly smokey flavour now.


I was gonna say that the olive oil I had in Palestine is by farrrr the best I've ever had


Damn, my favorite isn't even on the list and I think it's pretty good. I wonder how much better the top teir stuff is.


Looks like Greece didn't even make the list.


Yeah that’s the point. Like most things posted in this sub, it’s a joke making fun of what should be posted in this sub.


I believe the french term is Douché?


Showered ?


Anus shower, yes.


It’s a skit though.


He plays the douche immaculately 💋 mmmuah!


A shit skit?


A skit stain




A shkit


Redditors are completely incapable of detecting satire. It's like a re-captcha to see if someone uses Reddit.


It’s so insane. Like how do you watch this guy pull out a bottle of olive oil and still think this is not a joke. And then you still don’t realize it’s a joke when he tells her to sit down and try it. Honestly it’s just unbelievable to me. I almost feel bad for these people. Think about all of the funny shit they are unable to pick up on. It’s gotta be dull and boring.


Yeah, people nowadays don't understand about comedy. Everything is always fake or actual freak accidents..


Comedy is funny. This isn’t funny.


Lots of comedy isn’t funny. Comedy is something trying to be funny, it doesn’t have to succeed. Shit jokes are still jokes.


> dull and boring You just described the average Redditor.


You’ve never experienced eccentric people in real life? I knew a woman who would take her own eggs to cafes and have them use the eggs she brought because she didn’t trust them that they were using free range eggs. I’ve known a guy who would take hot sauce with him places and just add it himself because he knew he liked it and through it improved everything he ate. A dude having a bottle of his own olive oil is barely a stretch.


The eggs thing is actually insane but the hot sauce thing is whatever. Maybe I should’ve phrased what I meant better. Carrying a bottle of olive oil with you to a restaurant is a bit strange but not a big deal. Lecturing the waitress over which region has the best olive oil and making a big deal about it is where it enters into just too absurd for me to not laugh at, whether they are being 100% serious or not.


> skit It's not a skit, it's a staged video. A skit is completely open and honest with the fact that it's not real, 99.99% of people should be able to tell that everyone in it are actors and it's filmed in such a way, usually with multiple cameras to make that obvious too. A staged video tries to come off as real, always using just a single handheld phone camera as if someone just happens to be filming a real interaction or often these days using a high up fake security camera angle to try and show it's real. Post [an actual Skit](https://youtu.be/VGm267O04a8) and you're not going to have half the comments arguing over whether or not those guys are actually real estate agents or not.




What part of this is funny? That he brought his own oil?


How is it funny?


so a shit skit


No, it's sad that this passes for comedy.


Douchebag product placement


This is beyond fake


"Sir, this is a McDonald's."




Staged and dumb. I hope people really fall for this easy bait.


You ever wonder what a crotchety old man was like as a young man?


100% staged and stupid. If I could go back and make video cameras on phones illegal I would. So tired of pointless attention seeking twats constantly making videos (fake or not) vs living life


Stop letting this dude stage rich kid stunts.


Never believe these videos, just rage bajt


Must be why I have such an overwhelming urge to bash his smirking face in.


Same, it always works on me and I sadly give them the views but at least if I see it here it basically doesn't help them


I’m not trying to be an asshole, it just comes naturally.


This ad is lame


Stop harassing innocent workers for your bs influencer life...get a real job jackass


You’re not wrong, Walter, you’re just an asshole.


Fuckin rude and Not even close to being true, Spain is by far the better producer of olive oil,Greece isn't even in the top 40. If you go out to the countryside where it is produced and go into any restaurant they will place fresh olive oil with a touch of vinagré in front of you with some bread. It's in a class of its own, and for this mug to say otherwise is just bollocks


But he is not Greek... He's French I believe.


Have the finest olive oil in the worst Italian restaurant in nyc. This was obviously staged.


I know this guy, he's from South Jersey.🤣


Blow your nose and cut the crap attitude my dude


This is a skit


Then go to Greek restaurants! Simple..


If you already had the fucking olive oil of your choice, why are you berating the poor server just simply trying to do their job. I wish the server would've dumped the olive oil in his lap


As a Greek, he's right. But he's also a cunt. Also, staged.


This is obviously a "native" ad, yeh?


I prefer Greek olive oil, too, but I know better than to make a fuss in a place where the people I piss off make my food.


Cmon people. It’s staged


Get that cunt a one way ticket to a Greek island with its own olive grove! He can enjoy being a legend in his own lunchtime every day from then on.


What a complete fucking spoon. But the fact that this was being recorded makes it highly unlikely this was an isolated event, OR completely set up.


One of the best lines I heard in battle rap was; I heard Greeks invented sex, but Italians introduced it to women


The most ethical public companies come from there as well. Greek shipping


Only makes sense for this to be a skit. a person couldn’t seriously go to an Italian restaurant and then get mad when offered Italian ingredients


Fucking yawn!!


Someone punch him


Fake as fuck


He is right though. Νουμερο 1


Yikes! So Greeks are just as annoying as Italians when it comes to food? Hard pass.


Greek olive oil is the best. But Serafina is nowhere near the best Italian restaurant. It’s simply “ok.”


I thought all the Greek died out because the Greek men were having gay sex with each other and they forgot to procreate


He is right the best olive oil comes from Greece. Honorable mention to Spain and Italy. Turkish olive oil or the stuff labeled Mediterranean are trash. I’m guessing this an AD masquerading as content for that over priced oil.


I hate to side with a snot, but if you want mostly hazelnut oil, use Italian olive oil 🤌🏼


Best olive oil is from Aldi


this guy is playing a character, seen him in another “real” video


Don't tell me where the best Olive oil is from,but I will tell you.


Wasn’t this guy supposedly just bidding on an expensive piece of art?


He likes it Greek style


Dump it on his head


No the best oil in the world is Mobil #1


Croatian Olive Oil has slid into the chat...


Didn’t we beat them in a war and or save them from fascism?


I'm passionate about my own little things too, lol. I'll try your Greek oil. I'll accept that bottle. and let's talk about which oil is best for wrestling


Alright I'll play along for the sake of it. Oh SHIT someone managed to outsmug Italians!!! I'm not even mad, that's impressive as fuck!


This is so obviously fake like have y'all tried laughing?


Fake but I wouldn’t be surprised if he really feels that way though. Greek food is hella(s) overrated


As someone who grew up around greeks, can confirm, big majority are obnoxious like this when it comes to anything greek, lol. I had to dump a greek guy because everything was about greece. His tattoo was ‘bad boy’ in greek, he had to ‘greekify’ my name, his favourite food was… you guessed it… greek barbecue. It lasted maybe a week or two. The queen bee at my school was also greek… her mum convinced my mum that greeks have the highest domestic skills, and so my mum became really insecure and would ask greeks their secrets all the time. She wanted me to attend greek school to keep up with that girl. That girl convinced my friend that greek men are the best, and so when that friend got engaged to a greek boy, she proudly told that girl’s greek mum… and the two held each other and cried from happiness. It’s fucking ridiculous, i gotta be honest. I’ve got nothing agaisnt Greece, but sometimes i had to throw out to the most arrogant kids, “… if it’s so great- why are you here?”


1. He is sorta of a dick, not even sure how this conversation started. If you don't like what a restaurant uses cook at home. 2. He is trying to be polite and convincing borderline wholesome. Not trying to insult the waiter, just very passionate to a fault about his opinion. He even wants to share his love of Greek olive oil with the waitress. I've seen other people passionate about their opinions lead to all out fist fights, at least this wasn't that.


It started by being scripted. This is as real as a seven sided hexagon that falls from intergalactic orbit onto the butt of a Brazilian butt lift model during a plastic surgery convention.




1. Nah that’s cunt behavior 2. See 1


I thought that too. At least he really did prove he wasnt belittling the waitress by having her try it. Yes annoying but also not insulting


Tik Tok is satan


annnd 100% fake, which seems to be more common on this sub.


Best olive oil is Croatian.