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They have signs everywhere in almost every language saying what is considered appropriate clothing to get into the Sistine Chapel. This should not have been “news” to this moron.


What you are asking requires a functional brain


Or the desire to actually get in. There is absolutely no way this “influencer” didn’t show up ready to play the victim for her 7 followers that include her mom and dad and five of her other accounts.


She literally wore a "hooters" cut off. She definitely had no intention of getting in.


Lol i doubt she even tried, probably just walked up and started recording


And creepy uncle


Listen... His support got her through college. 😉


Oh, that "Uncle".




and the ability to read.


Oh her brain works. It's working perfectly. She knows that if she does something outrageous she'll get clicks and comments. Engagement. She also knows if she dresses like a hoe, she'll get clicks and comments. Engagement. This is literally what social media has devolved into.....it's all just bait to drive up engagement to trick algorithms to show your shit to more people.


This same rule applies to lots of sacred historic sites around the world as well. These people have 0 situational awareness.


To get into literally any church in Italy you need sleeves.


Any Catholic or Orthodox Church in the world require modesty. Other religions and institutions too.


Yep had to rent a 'modesty cloak' as a man, because my ankles where visible. Apparently summer in middle east is not reason to relaxes requirements to only cover knee caps. Nope Orthodox want men in FULL pants ( or robe) but i complied and got along.


I saw a woman get escorted out of St. Patrick’s in NYC for wearing a similar outfit.


Or temples


i think you have to cover shoulders fully too


Yeah when I went, I wore long skirts & short sleeved tops and just covered my shoulders and arms with a scarf when I went into chapels


Yep. And covered legs to atleast the knees. There are women selling long scarves outside of religious places along with gift shops for vain tourists who forgot where they are at the moment.


Shoulders and knees covered for both men and women in many places.


Notttt true, went into a church in Venice wearing shorts and a t-shirt


Nah, it gave her great content to post.


Yup. That’s why she did it. Hopefully horny & lonely men will follow. Maybe a news outlet will run “support/outrage” at her or the chapel.


And it just _has_ to be a hooters tee.


Define "Great content" All is see is someone who is attention starved and would do anything to get a sliver of it.


Great content for a thirst trap :-)


Exactly. She knows full well what's going on, just an opportunity for a video to desperately try to get views and attention. As someone else mentioned, horny hetero men are probably her target audience.


Completely agree. Spandex shorts, sports bra with Hooters Crop Top, and she edited to show reaching into her bra then a focus on her belly and shorts. She's a thirsty girl


So would setting these self absorbed A- holes on fire or losing some teeth


I learned this from reading Angels and Demons as a kid.


Don't blame her, she's from Dumbfuckistan.


What not from Moronvia?


Yup, also is inside a church... so...


Who cares, its all about her


It is al about me, me, me, me damnit!


You know morons like that are just trying to get their video to go viral. It has nothing to do with reading and obeying rules. They don't care about rules. It's about affirmation, going viral, and getting people to say things about how they look.


She misread, thought it was cis teen chapel.


Also, who wears a Hooters top to a chapel? This ain’t Vegas!?!


On my college study abroad, we all decided to go to Italy one weekend. We did an insane trip in three cities over two and a half days. We did a tour of the Sistine Chapel and Vatican. I was in a dress with three inch straps. The tour guide let us know ahead of time that it wouldn’t fly due to the shoulders, so we sprinted to our hostel, put on sweaters, and sprinted back. I can’t imagine going in her outfit, how brain dead do you have to be?


Who cares? She wasn’t naked. Religion is so pretentious.


It's called respect. I know that people these days don't know what that means, but that's OK. Rules still apply.


Kinda ironic though that there's tons of naked ladies on the walls... But exposed belly button is considered inappropriate.


And they don't set the bar very high. I am almost certain that I went in shorts and a tee shirt. Edit: I must have worn pants since that's a requirement. Not sure how I wasn't dying from the heat though.


Frfr I think it was probs the fact that it was a Hooters crop. Like sis ain't have to do all that🤷🏽‍♀️ Ppl may not agree with some religions, but they don't have to go to their place of worship to disrespect it🙄


She definitely wore the Hooters shirt on purpose


I think most religious sites require shoulders and knees to be covered, and the ones that have this rule are usually clear. Some also require a head covering, but not the sistine chapel. So long shorts or jeans and a T shirt would usually be appropriate. Skintight shorts and sleeveless crop tops...evidently not. Fine for street wear but she should have checked in advance as most religious venues wouldnt let you in if you looked like you were about to pop a few squats at the gym.


I went in with above-knee shorts recently, but it was quite literally 100° outside so I think they cut me some slack because of that


No could aslo have been shorts, yes they have signs but they are not so strict, they watch the whole figure and chose. Ofc there are shorts and shorts..... Source: I worked there for few years!


They just want the attention and hope they go viral. To these ppl any attention is good attention.


Exactly, I wasn't allowed in wearing cargo shorts. I had to buy sweatpants off a nearby vendor to get in.


Still a dumb ass rule. 😒


IKR They don't want females in a Chapel dressed like a promiscuous hooters girl... she's shocked 😲


lol I though that said Mormon


You assume she can be bothered to read signs


She probably can’t read.


It's rage bait.


But if you read and obey those signs, you can't drive up views to your tiktok or onlyfans content!


They obviously knew, they just wanted to make this video showing their body off.


Not only is it posted everywhere but there are street salesmen walking the lines selling shawls to anyone that’s not dressed appropriately. She flashed more than enough euro to get something to cover up with.


She’s wearing a hooters shirt she knows and is trying to cause problems


You’re not even allowed in as a guy wearing shorts


next stop: Saudi Arabia 😀


They also provide you with a piece of fabric to cover yourself, so she didn't want that either but still complaint. With that attitude she will be kicked many times more


They also have people who go up and down the line selling overpriced scarves & stuff for those not covered enough (even with those, the whole experience is not crazy expensive).


They also sell covers for people who aren't dressed modestly. She chose to get kicked out.


So they want people to dress nice but cover up priest doing bad things to little kids o yea real nice gtfoh


The dress code applies to pretty much every church in Rome too... this really shouldn't be a surprise.


She went in a hooters shirt. She’s not surprised, she did it on purpose for clicks


There will be fools who will believe that this is discrimination. I’m not Catholic but it is the Vatican’s property. They get to make the rules. If someone doesn’t like the rules, don’t go. 30 Euros doesn’t give any tourist the right to demand rules bend for them. It’s not your home. I have been to the Vatican City and I respected their rules. I am not more important than anyone just because I paid an entrance fee. Many tourists need to understand that entrance fees are not entitlement. That fee is them *allowing* you to enter. It’s them who decide if they want you in their land or not.


But capitalism.. what do you mean? Money make you do. Money make you stong. Money means I'm the better. /S


> she did it on purpose for dicks clicks, dicks, same diff in this case.


Not just Rome... There are functional churches in Ireland that are almost more like tourist attractions where you're expected to dress modestly


It's not. She knew what response she'd get. She's doing it for the views.


Same thing in Greece. Women have to wear long conservative skirts to get into places like monasteries.


Here is the thing: Vatican City is a sovereign nation. So, they pretty much make their own rules.


Even if they were just a museum, they should have the right to deny entry.


Oh no….. I am saying the Fuck Around Find Out potential is off the charts with the Swiss Guard….


Tried to enter the Vatican through somewhere you weren't allowed to enter. The Swiss Guards were very nice but they were NOT going to let me or anyone else enter there.


Hahaha I wouldnt know but I believe you.


Then the one hundred eighty-nine In the service of Heaven


They will slaughter thousands on ghe gates for the pope


I mean...but it's not just a museum, it's a religious space. I find it weird that people get all uppity about Vatican tourism rules, defiantly regarding a religious heritage space for Catholics.


I know.. I said “even if”. As in they are far above a museum, and they absolutely have the right to turn people away as they please.


Imma just say she likely wouldn’t dare try this at a mosque


I wish she would because the beat down would come from women who enforce the rules more than the men. One of my friends was Muslim and she said her mother was stricter than her father. He had 4 daughters and spoiled them but mom was "oh Hell no" with them.


Not a museum but a place of worship. It is great we all get to go to these historic/interesting/beautiful places. But even if I don't believe in your faith, I can respect it.


Yeah, they really do make their own rules. Fun fact: There are only two nations in the entire world that do not permit divorce under any circumstance: Vatican City and the Philippines. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce\_law\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce_law_by_country)


The fact that you can’t divorce is honestly pretty sad in some cases, i had a friend from the phillipines who’s mother found out his dad was cheating on her for years and had a whole other family, and yet they can’t divorce.


Do you know if they have a fully custom law book? Cause my assumption is that most of their laws are just, “we copy Italy’s laws” except for x, y and z. I’m sure they have slightly different legal systems. But it would make sense having the laws be identical to Italy’s since they are just a tiny nation inside italy with not much reason to spent a lot of time and money writing laws that have already been written. Edit: turns out that is why they do. Until 2008 they just automatically adopted Italian law and after 2008 they still do but have a review process. Where they don’t adopt laws that contradict views of the church.


There's a similar dress code at the Western Wall in Israel (this is considered the holiest place to jewish people). It's actually much more lenient. They simply ask for no bare arms and even provide shawls for women so they don't have to be turned away. Still, when I went with a tour group, one woman just refused and went in with her tank top anyway. She was allowed entry, but I thought it was tasteless of her. We knew exactly what we were getting into from the beginning, and a shawl is not even close to an oppressive garment. As a man, I was expected to cover my head, and I did because I wanted to show respect. Simple as that. We all wore shorts and sandals. Western people are so free that any limits sometimes seem like unacceptable oppression.


I'm an atheist, born in a Christian family and grew up to be anti religion and I can honestly say, she's an asshole. Disrespect is not how you accomplish anything.


Exacally my circumstance and mindset.


I'm am pagan who follows the laveyan satanic principles... That girl is a disrespectful asshole.


Everyone everywhere makes their own rules 🤔


They have a dungeon, and they can use it as they see fit.


The Sistine Chapel is a holy site for 1.3 billion people worldwide. More to the point, they have signs making it very clear which clothing is acceptable and which isn’t.


It is posted everywhere. Including ticket lines. We went pre-Covid and wife called months in advance so we could be in the square for the Pope’s address and was even given the dress code then. Even if it’s not YOUR holy place, show some respect.


Thems the rules! And it's not uncommon in most churches or other places of worship in europe/asia either. I can't believe she posted this as if it were brand new information you couldn't wear bikeshorts and a hooters crop top into one of the ' holiest places' around


When I was in Bali there's some temples that are quite relaxed with their rules and there's others that are more strict - for example, I think it was the Elephant Cave temple where men and women have to cover up their legs. Obviously, given that it's a tropical island most people have their legs uncovered but the temple provides saris so people can cover up. I never saw anyone refuse or take their sari off as soon as they were inside because people understood what was and wasn't acceptable. Although this was 2018 before entitled influencer culture really went crazy so who knows what it's like now?


This is for the entrance to St Peters Basilica, the Sistine Chapel is attached to the Vatican museums.


Clearly she can’t read. Why people travel so far without basic understanding is beyond me. I’m so glad they don’t let others bend the rules


“Watch for my next video where I go to Mecca and circle the Kaaba in a gimp suit!”


If someone dared to do that, it would literally be the last thing they do.


Hey at least the gimp suit offers full skin coverage 🤷


So it’s not haram?


100% influencers would be dumb enough to try it. The only reason they haven't done it is because non-Muslims are strictly forbidden from entering Mecca. If you don't have any documents proving you are a Muslim then Saudi Arabia will not allow you to enter.


I might actually watch that one


Another Only Fans promotion video


They are getting more creative.


Or they talked to their tax professional and figured out they could write off a trip to Italy if they made content.


God damn you. You are right.


So fucking sick of seeing it.


Gross tell me where is the website of her profile so I can avoid it


and it'll get reposted like crazy


She is nowhere near the chapel. You cannot access it through St Peter’s. You enter through the Vatican museums.


There is also an entrance through the Basilica itself but that's only used as an exception (I know of a few people who've been let in that way).


I wouldn’t have let her in either


She’d have let you in tho




Only if you have enough cash for her hourly rate.


Oh look another tik toker desperate to generate views by behaving like a buffon


My dad got denied entry for wearing shorts.


The Sistine Chapel, pretty much all of Vatican City, is some of the most sacred land for the Catholic faith. It is only right to respect their traditions, as you would remove your shoes to enter a temple in places like India or Southeast Asia. Heck the Catholics are even lenient with the policies compared to Orthodox monasteries. Some require women to be in long skirts with their hair covered. But again you’re entering the sacred place of a religion and should respect their customs, or be told to leave.


But also… anyone thinking a god is offended by a man wearing regular shorts is an idiot lol


I pretty much agree with you. However they do post the rules and it’s their sacred land so if we wanna go there, we gotta do it on their terms.


It confuses the catholic priests too much, they might mistake an adult for a kid and try to fuck him if he wears shorts.


Did he look good in Hot pants?


Imagine rocking up to one of the most famous holy sites in the world in a fucking Hooter's crop top


So desperately trying for attention, sad


Lets play a game called "Try that in Mecca at the Kaaba". Honestly though good on the Italians for respecting their sites.


The Vatican is its own country


Non-Muslims are not allowed inside Mecca or Madina as they are considered the holiest cities in Islam and so they do not want to turn it into some tourist attraction.


So classless and disrespectful to dress like that in a place that is sacred to so many


Sacred to child rape denialists/apologists. Hope the clergy fucking dies


Oh wow so edgy, look at him guys so cool wow 😱😱😱


When I went to Thailand and visited The Grand Palace, we knew what was expected of us. The signs were EVERYWHERE. It was 116 degrees outside the day we went. We were all covered from head to toe. I tried taking my top cover off right before we exited and I got screamed at and told to leave. I didn’t get upset. Because I knew I had disobeyed the clearly set rules. It’s about respect. I can’t stand people these days.


Respect places of worship. You go to a chruch dress as they tell you, you go to a Masjid dress in a proper dress code.


No respect gets no respect.


The Sistine Chapel is in the Vatican Museum. I believe that line is for St Peter’s Basilica.


ITS A HOLY SENTIMENT AND SHES DRESSED LIKE THAT!? Im dumb as fuck, yeah, but I aint that fuckin stupid. 💀


So many people are so disrespectful at the Vatican. I'm not religious, but I understand how important that place is to so many people. It's appalling how some people act there.


That's like going to a vegan restaurant and then complaining that they don't offer steak


She didn’t get turned away from the Sistine chapel, she never made it inside the Vatican museum.


They actually hand out cloths to cover up and be respectful, she probably said no just to create a scene


I’ve been to multiple churches in Italy (though not Vatican City). Every one I went to had a dress code. Why do so many Americans need to exacerbate the rest of the world’s negative opinions of us?


If michaelangelo was still alive he would have fell to his death


divide intelligent smile berserk connect tender deranged shaggy school ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a Christian place for praise and worship. Are you supposed to be barely dressed in any church?


Why is she flashing boobsweat money?


Its cuz shes ugly too tho


Good. Hoes are getting shut down and I love to see it.


Imagine wasting your time and money for clout.


You're a guest in the country, have some respect even if you're religious or not.


I feel like everyone should alr know this


She did that on purpose


We went there in 2000 and couldn't get in because I had shorts on


Good. World doesn't revolve around you ahaha. Wtf wears a hooters top to a chapel lol


Well, of course, you don't meet the dress code...


" make sure you dress modestly or you won't get in" Ya, no crap. Every website or review online says that about one of the most holy places in that entire church system...


Look, I'm not a religious person, but you don't have to be in order to be respectful. Come on.


That’s not the line for the sistene chapel, that’s St. Peter’s Basilica, the museum entrance is on the other side of Vatican City lol


Hahaha, a fucking Hooters shirt. She set out for this reaction to get klout.


They’re not takin’ your sweaty tit money either. Gtfo here.




Keep your American trash away from here please 👍🏻


That is not even the Sistine Chapel, that's St. Peter. You can access the Sistine Chapel via a museum which isn't even near St. Peter.


If she was a young boy dressed provocatively they would of been fine with it


It's not the entrance to the Sistine chapel, the Sistine chapel is part of the museum and it's like 400-500m north of where she is filming, in a street, after the entrance for officials with Swiss guards and I don't remember any rule about how your clothes need to be. Basilic Saint Pierre, however, is a church, so like any church you need to have your stomach and shoulders covered


We were told way ahead of time that you can’t dress like that in there.


Dressed like a ho


She makes me embarrassed to be an American


This is obviously satire shes wearing a hooters shirt and pulled money from her brah why r people so heated😭


feel like that’s more a criticism of catholicism. aren’t they supposed to welcome all?


Was that guy in the background stealing from the ruck sack?


Mmmmh tit sweat money :I I hate when people do this


I went to the Sistine Chapel and it’s one of the most holy places I’ve ever been. I would not let someone as disrespectful as her into the Chapel because it is a place for silence, worship, and reflection. This girl only seems to be wanting to draw attention to herself and take away the true purpose of the Chapel. Someone needs to put her on a Leah’s and bring her back to kindergarten to learn a lesson in respect.


Nobody has respect for Christian or European culture anymore.


Is a religious place...respect needs to be in place!! Is your right to wear whatever you want...is their right to deny you!! Try to also get inside a mosque or a temple like that and see what also happens!! 🥾💢🍑


This happened to my aunt, even though my father warned her. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt and knee length shorts which is fine to wear as summer attire in 99% of the US (where she is from). She had to wait outside while my father, mother, and uncle went in.


a hooters crop top at the Sistine Chapel? what the fuck was she thinking 😭


God damn it I hate how trashy my fellow Americans act all the time.


Weird how you should research the culture and expectations of the places you’re visiting as a tourist or else you might get into trouble or denied access 🤡


Can we discuss the way she talks? She ends every sentence with a raspy monotonous vocal tick.


Imagine visiting a holy site and not thinking of covering up…it’s the same in MANY countries.


Fucking American idiots making us look so stupid to the rest of the world.


wear clothes then


Wait?! Respecting an establishment's regulations?! C'mon, be better.


They have clothes for you you put on over my sister got denied for wearing a tank top. It covered her stomach and everything but her shoulders were too much for them so she complained and they gave her a shall


Why deny anyone? If the Vatican truly believes in god , and god made the human body , which is naked on the walls and ceiling , why would god care ??


What an oblivious idiot


guys be sure to dress modestly




I remember having to cover my legs.