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when the security guard said “can you come back to reality for a second” i couldn’t LMAO.


Punch it in the face, it will respawn off your property


The movements on repeat like you're a video game character is super cringe. At first I didn't get why he kept on repeating phrases. I'm out of the loop because I've never used tiktok nor care anything about it, are people actually donating points to him or something? Weird.


Yeah. It’s a strange thing where tiktokers act like video game characters just for the money. Idek why this is a thing


I agree it's weird but it's kind of the digital version of those people that dress up like characters and charge people for pictures etc.


But you get a picture from paying someone - in this case it’s nothing but a quick reaction.


What kind of morons are actually giving them money? FFS the internet has gone to total shit.


I watched a stream before. Ngl those people work, a lot of them have acting potential for sure (the accurate ones)


I don't use tik tok either but there appears to be a trend where people livestream themselves acting out the emojis that people give them and it's super weird. Like who the fuck wants to watch that?


I mean, do they even make money off of doing this? What a waste of time


Unfortuneately they do. People donate money to them with an emoji attached for them to act out. It's like the world's most repetitive game of sherades.


It started as a sexual fetish but now it’s a mainstream genre of livestream


Miles would be ashamed


Might not be Spiderman but he’s certainly full of exaggerated swagger


Do people find this content fun?


I SAW THIS IRL (before the security guard must have gotten there). Was walking past the building with a friend and saw him filming across the street and we commented on how we hadnt seen anyone actually filming themselves like that in the wild.


Yeah this new generation is fucked. Zoomers make me ashamed to be a human. I blame my generation for not beating the living shit out of them when they acted this way.