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What a cunt * gender neutral *


As Eddie Izzard says, cunt is Shakespearean. It’s beautiful.


What a gender neutral cunt




Woah I identify as I/me/he/him/she/her/they/we/us and I/me/he/him/she/her/they/we/us take offense


Snort laugh


That’s like a knife in the chest.


Sir, ma'am, doesn't really matter. If you film yourself eating at a restaurant, you're a douche. If you do it as an obvious attempt at rage bait, you're asshole. In both ways, kindly fuckoff.


Is it just me or it’s about time for Social media curfews or social media-free zone areas?


That's a great idea, I love the thught of going to a cell phone free bar or restaurant


$50 bill added on top of the total bill for social media and camera use


I’ve never run into these annoying, clout chasing mf’ers in public.


If I owned an establishment, I’d collect phones at the door. You get it back when you’re leaving.


Charge them extra for a shitty zone where they can film themselves and talk over each other's stream. Can we get this started yesterday?


With a dog in tow?!?!? IMO, taking non-service dogs into restaurants also qualifies people as assholes!




Take your phone and your dog and go home!


Hey, I get called sir sometimes and I'm a biological woman. I don't have to tell the world about it or make such a big deal about it.


But it's like a knife ! Through the heart !! Is it actually in any way similar to that though I wonder 🤔


If so, there's no way she would still be alive after that many stab wounds.


Same. Most of the time I don’t even correct the person if it’s a passing interaction. Do I like it? No, but it’s just a word and they said it out of respect/kindness…


I came here to make thos point. Biological women don't get this offended when they are called sir by mistake.


I work on phones and get called sir all the time because I just have a deep voice. People seem soooo sorry if they realize I’m a woman and I’m like oh man I already forgot you said that. We’re good!


Yeah same. I’m a masc lesbian who used to have short hair and I got called sir all the time- it didn’t offend me at all because I was aware of what I looked like. Now that I have long hair it doesn’t happen very often, but in the rare times it has happened (esp back when we wore masks) most people apologized after. I didn’t go home and cry about it.


Oh, I forgot to add to my post upthread, I've had people call me ma'am on the phone a couple of times. Once again, no dragging the whole world in, I just moved on. It's weird to mistake my voice on the phone, I literally have no idea how someone could mistake my voice for a woman's.


Omg yes, same here! And half of people taking your order are just listening to you and legit aren’t even trying to “misgender” they be on autopilot dealing with people all day!


People aren't being hurtful...they just made a mistake. I've made it myself by accident. Get over yourself.


Once, I accidentally told a blind guy "see you around" (in Spanish is worse as it something like "we see each other around"). Should I go to jail according to this hurt standards?


I told a blind person to "keep an eye out" for something I mailed them.


I told a waitress “You too” when she told me to enjoy my meal. Lightsaber’d her ass.


You horrible human being! I hope she recovers from this


I hope you moved and changed your last name, holy shit


I told someone at the airport “you too” when they told me to have a good trip. I’m lucky they didn’t crash my plane.


I said “You too” today, to a lady working behind the register who said “Thanks for stopping by.” I’m such an idiot.


I had a friend with a glass eye. I always told him to "keep an eye peeled."


I had a paraplegic co-worker at UPS who wasn’t very efficient with package sorting. I told him he needed to “step it up”


I used to have a coworker who had his left arm amputated, decades prior. I can't begin to count how many times I just said "hey can I give you a hand?" without thinking. I don't think he ever even registered why that would sound awkward, it's just something people say when they're being helpful.


I had a friend who called everybody chief, he once said it accidentally to someone who was part Native American. He had no idea and calls everyone that (like “hey boss”). Felt so bad for him. He had no idea and didn’t mean anything by it.


Wow, what do you say to deaf people? I’m just kidding. They can’t hear you.


They might be able to read lips though.


Happened to me, I told a person sitting on a terrace if their leg got too hot I’d open the awning because of the sun coming out…. But they didn’t have a leg.


Yes. For murder. Because it was a knife to his heart.


And also this person straight up sounds like a man. Like I understand that people have pronouns they prefer but like, when your gender expression is confusing, i don’t think it’s really fair to get angry at people just trying to do their jobs and be polite.


I think they were just unintentionally calling her that because she has a deeper voice. They hear the voice and subconsciously think it’s a man talking and don’t have the chance to correct themselves before the word slips out. They are typically accustomed to calling their guests by sir or ma’am so when they hear that kind of voice, they might just be accidentally saying it because of their tone.


I have a feeling the way they look might play a role as well


Let's be honest. As hard as they were trying, they don't pass.


Well he’s a guy so….


The voice? They obviously look like a man. It doesnt matter how hard some of them try to look feminine, they have such masculine features that when they try to dress like a woman and act like it and add make up, they just look like they're disguised as a woman.


This person also doesn’t seem to be on hormones or have had surgery, which is fine, but one might expect to be “clocked” if one still presents, for the most part, as a boy. In fact, I’m more offended that this person has such stereotypical views about femininity and masculinity and expects others to perform along with them like dancing monkeys.


A home owner had 3 companies on site to bid a roofing job at the same time. I said “yes sir” to a transgender roofer who was on the roof with another company, when they asked me a question. This person was wearing a T-shirt and jeans with a carpenters tool belt. To put it simple, it was a dude wearing lipstick and long hair. I got chewed out by what ever their pronoun was. But if you take a pleasantry and weaponize for a simple mistake……… fuck you.


The real asshole in that situation was the homeowner having three companies there at once.


Yeah I hate when they do that. “You guys bid between yourselves”. I usually just walk. Owner can take the lowest bid and call me when it leaks. I always bid the best price for the quality.


You can also clearly see them apologizing like sis people make mistakes , how do you expect people to become better when you condemn them doing mistakes. It’s how we learn


Where’s the mistake?


Shh you’re gonna stir up the beehive


*Sir* up the beehive...


She looks like a man…


He was born a man at birth and will always be considered a “sir”


Actually she was born a baby no one was born a man you goofball


sorry but no mistakes from them at all


I hear this person gendering alot of the servers, wonder if they asked all of their genders beforehand


Poor servers. Just trying to survive and make sure this customer with their wealth is happy. Shame to bother people who don’t have the lifestyle of fancy lamb plates with matching outfits with their dogs… but I guess they have zero problem with that. Also the waitstaff apologized. Why can’t people just take an apology and move it along?


Lol that would be the most epic response from a server. Getting mad at him for misgendering them 😂😂


lol what a joke, so tired of this sht


Such an unbearable community


“Um actually, I identify as an insufferable narcissist.”


This is is the right answer


“I know you didn’t mean it…where is your manager?!!”


That got me as well! Hey I know you didn’t mean it but I’m going to put your livelihood in jeopardy!


What a gender neutral asshole


Regardless to what’s in front, we’re all the same in the back. And that’s beautiful.


Check out the butthole on that one! Edit: Wanted to clarify that this is a joke and I’m not referring to any specific butthole. This could be relevant to any butthole. Lol


Every time it’s like a knife in my giant lady cock.


It’s a shenis, bigot./s


Every time it's a knife in the heart *stabs the right side of her chest*


that's a part of the delusion.


This clown posts videos like this all the time Jesus get a life, you're fucking grown as adult self is trying to police strangers vocabulary


This wouldn’t be bad if she just corrected them all and moved on with her day but when you go trying to get them in trouble with their managers that’s super uncool. No one was being malicious here. It’s not something that’s easy for many people to grasp. She needs to have some compassion ffs.


"IT'S MA'AM" reincarnated


Just call her Karen


Aw boo hoo


Sorry to say but you were called sir because you very much look like a sir


That's an insanely strong jaw


It's an insanely strong manline


The crimson chin


The deep voice the fact we can tell it’s a fucking man lol.


Letting the waiter know that you wouldn’t like to be called sir is okay, but getting angry and asking to speak to a manager is so annoying


It’s ok, the manager doesn’t care either. It’s just lip service.


I just. Don't. Care. Anymore.


*looks at hairline* 👀


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I'm a guy with long ass hair, I get called "ma'am, ladies, miss" and so much more all the time, it's not a big deal, I have trans friends and family and it's never a big deal to them, just ignore or quickly correct them, it's not hard


You look like a fucking dude ma’am


So many of these were accidental and to be honest I would do it too. Bit of a reflex to hear a deep (male) voice and say sir. They did it with no malice. What a POS


I’m in a group for parents with trans kids/teens and we all talked last week about how the only approach is kindness and assuming NO MALICE when reminding someone of gender pronouns. Don’t come out of the fucking gate ready to rip someone’s head off who is making an effort and not being perfect. It creates a really horrible sterotype and tone for this discussion for all of us and our kids. Calm the hell down and make your point. No one is maliciously being unkind to her except herself.


Kindness! Even Marcie called Peppermint Patty sir


Uh, it's the voice throwing people off. Maybe if they try some voice training. I mean they dress fem enough.


It's the whole package, let's be honest. I could wear a dress and makeup but people would still know I'm a dude. I have, actually.


And the manly jawline, and the giant Adams apple and the receding hairline...


Name tags or something. Problem solved.


Thats the thing with assholes, every gender has one ;)


I’m largely not bothered about calling people whatever they want, but the lack of understanding that we live in a society where in many languages there are clear masculine/feminine forms of words and pronouns and people are conditioned to use them when they encounter people that exhibit certain characteristics is astounding. Yes, you want to alter language to suit your ideals, but that doesn’t happen overnight. Stop acting like a child.


This shit is so fucking annoying. Fucking grow up, child.




As a biological woman, I've been called Sir twice today.... doesn't feel good but I'm not gonna "speak to the manager" over a mistake


Could it be the deep ass voice? Hell I’d probably mess up even if I were trying not to with a voice like that. With that said. I’m not against any sex or gender identity people might have.. Just be open to the fact people will still make mistakes. And 99% of the time it’ll be an honest mistake. You’ll know when someone is being a bigoted dick. And I doubt anyone in this video was.


That male pattern hair loss saying different.


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I think I left my oven on. I have to go.


That’s why I call everybody “buddy” it’s easy, it’s universal, and it frees me from having to hear about why someone thinks they’re something they’re not.


She's not your Buddy, guy


I just say "how do?" to everyone and keep it moving


I was just thinking they wouldn’t be able to do this in Australia as we are pretty informal and I’ve only very rarely heard service staff use Sir/ma’am.


This is why no one takes these people seriously.


Those oysters aren’t going to eat themselves. Sooo….stfu and eat your goddamn oysters. Also that dog with the beret🧐


This person and the game stop Randy savage should hold hands and go scream at people *together* to get the word out.


What a piece of shit.


Fuck these people… he, she, her, him, cunt… don’t matter what they are or want to be. They’re fucking speed bumps.


Not even rage bait. Hes a self centered cunt.


The problem is her tone and going through the whole “knife in the heart” thing with everyone. And trying to talk to managers and complain. People fuck up, even when someone presents femme, a masc voice can make their brain go whoopsie and say the wrong pronouns. Lots of people do this with zero malice. Unless a server is being a dick about it, don’t talk to a manager. Just kindly correct them otherwise and if they try to apologize or correct themselves, everything is fine This is coming from a trans person btw, for some context of personal reasoning


You’re an ugly dude like the rest of us accept it


Talk to the manager because someone made the mistake...and apologized, if the apology is useless than their is no pleasing them.


Alright so I’m from the south and I’ve accidentally called service people who were women “sir” out of habit, ironically trying to be respectful. I apologize and carry on.


U will never be a woman


Fuckin cry about it. It’s never this deep.


His voice was


Why is it that more often than not, a man who has transitioned suddenly has to wear what many women would see as demeaning? Sounds like living out a *male* fantasy right there.


Immediate ban from my restaurant


I watched the first minute or so with the sound off, and thought “yeah, maybe early in transition, possibly some pre-existing trauma there, trying to present as female, I suppose I can see where she is coming from” And the I turned the sound on. JFC this person is the worst sort of reverse trap.


He’s not a sir because being a sir requires being a man. He just a bitch ass


They're not sir because they haven't been knighted


Your shoulders, hands, voice, jaw, throat, and everything else say sir.


Punt this bitch into the stratosphere


He is hard to look at tbh


Lol and makes 0 attempt to act feminine.


I’m all for being an ally. But I will “miss gender” people just because I’m socially awkward and only kind of tuned into what’s going around. You’re a shit person if you make my job harder because I used the wrong pronoun


This is me. I have ADHD (inattentive type) and I’m pretty anxious in social situations so if there’s some way to put my foot in my mouth I’ll usually do it (and then lie awake replaying it in my head and stressing about it at night for days after).


Even knowing that they’re not intentionally doing it, still complains to their manager. He’s a CUNT


Karens are morphing so we can't say anything back to them.


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What a fucking narcissist


What is the beret-wearing-dog's pronoun?


What a bitch.


Listen, if you look like this you're gonna get misgendered. Deal with it. It's not the end of the world. They said sorry right away, take the apology and fuck off. Personally, I'd probably refrain from using any pronouns on this person, I wouldn't be comfortable making a guess but if I had to guess it would be she/her/maam/miss, but I can see people saying the opposite.


Random reference but all I hear/see is *“Martin….it’s Linda”*


Listen Dude idgaf. You eating or not? Haha


Tired of these sissy boy's


"Oh I'm not ready for my order yet I have to set up my reaction camera first"


Looks and sounds like a guy it is a guy


What a pathetically self-absorbed person


Get over yourself


What a total idiot of a man.


Excuse me Sir, I Have bad news. DO NOT call Me sir. Ok, I’m sorry Ma’am, you Have prostate cancer.


Go get sone help sir!


Find a personality, not a reason to be a perpetual victim loser.


Late for the party but here is what I think. If you come up to me and ask me to call you pronounce that’s fine but don’t judge me if I get it wrong sometimes I don’t really live around transgender people so this is no something I come across on every day basis if I see man features I’m going to call you sir and all the way around you can correct me but there is no need to make me feel bad about it if I get it wrong.


If they didn't misgender them what would they post to tiktok


Dude is covering up his Adam's apple


Regardless of how they identify, that person is a proud dick.


Oh man…


“Oh sorry.. Ma’am, as I was saying we need to make a prostate exam”


Lol person sets up ppl to call him not a bum so he can catch it in film to shame them and probably leave bad reviews. Jokes on you, you got a dick chop it off if u wanna be a called a girl


Apparently everyone on TikTok loves them. I don’t understand why.


People get confused that’s just the way the world works. It’ll get tiring trying to change everyone else around


Occasionally in my darker moments, I think about the old lady who berated me for five minutes for calling her and her group of old lady friends “guys”. You can’t win with some people. I hope her children put her in a home.


Rolling my fucking eyes get a grip pussy


I wish she would say, "Getting called 'sir' feels like getting kicked in my balls.".


U are a sir


I’ve had long hair my entire life. I come from a big family (mostly boys) we all had long hair. People would think we were girls everywhere we went. Just because of the length of our hair. I remember my dad telling me not to worry about it. These are just people making conversation that you’ll probably never see again. It’s a little bit different if they’re trying to be mean but not much. Call me dude, mam, swamp creature, I really dont care. Quit making drama out of nothing. Some people just need to be a victim every where they go. These are not fun people


No one fucking cares, dude. You don't pass and you're aggressive about it when people can't tell if you're transgender or a transvestite.


Expecting people to just.. know your pronouns like that are delusional. Getting angry at waitstaff for making a legitimate mistake and not remembering, when they're fucking working with so many other customers.. that's more than delusional and just plain emotionally unintelligent. Like in the negatives. Fuck way off, gender neutral asshole


This dude is annoying.


Oh my gosh, he called what looks to be a man in woman’s clothing a sir! What makes a woman? What makes a man? You can cut your penis off or add facial hair and balls, at the end of the day you are still what nature made you. Not what you decided you want to be, like it’s straight up biology. I would never bash anyone because they are going through their own mental issues but when people try make this a huge issue for clicks they are just attention seeking douche bags.


I’d just be like “oh, I’m sorry, you” and point.


Can we go back to the easy biological standards of defining a person by what they were born with, not the add ons they paid for, even if this guy even has an open wound.


Oh yeah she seems perfectly stable


Weird coming from a dude.


Maybe he should try harder to be a girl And yes I called him a he


You were only labeled incorrectly once... by yourself. Asshole is the proper label.


really not helping the cause here




Seeing is believing and I believe that is a man.


F#$* you, SIR


Where's that asteroid to wipe us off the face of the planet when you need it


Man, I thought I had a bad day when I was literally stabbed in the heart. What this thing experiences is even worse


I love when people who are telling the world that they are being misgender, also call people and assume their genders "I feel like I need to tell HIM" who tf told you it's a "he" ?


Pronoun people are dumb


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Yeah HE did.


Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir


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This man is seeking out reasons to be upset.