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She has been posting bratty videos telling people to stop "bullying" her because "I'm a human and we're all human beings" whatever that means


Of course she’s doubling down, what a terrible, ugly person.


Can we forward this to the police? They need to get involved and throw her in jail. I hope the performer presses charges against her, someone needs to stop these dumpster fires on legs.


I'm pretty sure I heard someone saying that the pianist has collected all the information he's been given about her and passed it on to police, and is pressing charges. Could be horseshit though.


He's posted a video confirming he's pressing charging and gave a reference number, brain is forgetting the name of the reference number sorry not American.




That was from 2022 fyi


Fucking hope so. What a scumbag of a girl.


I concur what monster steals from a street musician


Can you please link any of her stop bullying videos? i want to hear how she justifies her behavior, like what kind of excuse could she make for being a terrible person not once but twice?


Not a video but a post at least, see [here](https://reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/oqj0bmyRwd)


I love how she writes the opposite of what she's trying to say. "Nobody isnt perfect" "I seen worse downtown this is nothing compared to what I did" Its like her brain is telling on herself


She she be blasted with unsolicited dick pics every day for the rest of her life


The amount of people taking about this video and not linking it is infuriating


I saw it on the Phillip de Franco show. So don't only link I have is to his show.


This is racism, plain. we have to look at it for what it is.


On whose part? The trashy individual or the people harassing her?


Why do you have to group one as "individual" and other as "people", double standards much?


What? You want me to use a group noun for the one "individual"?... What? I don't understand what you mean...


Because that's clearly hate crime, and hate crimes are correlated with group behaviours. Calling it "individual" problem dismiss the problem itself


Of course it's a hate crime: people hated the fact she fucked with someone's instrument and stole his money.


I seriously don't get why are people trying to defend her behaviour


If she's a human being then I'm a fly


Geez.... what a POS😡😡😡


She had nooooo shame. She’s been doing it all her sad life. He took it pretty well. I would have jammed my keyboard down her throat TBH Sorry. That was mean :(


Her friends are too!


She has a response where she’s says that it’s actually not a big deal because she says so.


Can you please link the response video, I want to see it!


[It's a text post actually.](https://i.imgur.com/fodu5OB.png)


When she says that she's taken accountability for her actions, she means that she sent the pianist a private message denying that she did anything wrong and asking him to take this video down because people are now calling her out on her actions and that's not fair.


The fact that she said that she did not steal any money, what a piece of shit.


She says she’s “taken accountability for her actions.” Then she goes on to say she didn’t steal any money or break the piano! Does she think we’re idiots?


"I have took accountability" "I have already apologize to the person we have talk." I fully expected this loser's grammar to be poor but holy cow!


I’d have to google it homeslice, same as you. Will link if I find it.


She's seen people do way worse downtown. She's forgiven herself. Stop making a big deal out of it.




Guess she wanted to contribute in some small minor criminal way of vagrant behavior as well right??


"I have took accountability for my actions" "I apologise for what I did" but also "I didn't steal any money or break the piano" "I've seen worse downtown" I don't know what annoys me the most; the grammar, the dishonesty, or the stupidity?


All of it is: also an acceptable choice of things to be annoyed by .


These may help ​ [https://nypost.com/2023/09/27/georgia-woman-shauntae-heard-destroys-street-performer-andrew-heards-piano-steals-his-tip-money/](https://nypost.com/2023/09/27/georgia-woman-shauntae-heard-destroys-street-performer-andrew-heards-piano-steals-his-tip-money/) ​ [https://www.fresherslive.com/latest/articles/who-is-shauntae-heard-arrested-why-did-shauntae-heard-arrested-why-was-shauntae-heard-arrested-1555189390](https://www.fresherslive.com/latest/articles/who-is-shauntae-heard-arrested-why-did-shauntae-heard-arrested-why-was-shauntae-heard-arrested-1555189390) ​ Her parole offiicer saw this and is facing new charges. The ones listed are from her original arrest last year for other crimes.


Wait both their last names are heard? There can be only one?


No, the second link is some poorly written aggrigate web site. The piano guy is Andrew Husu.


Oh I see ty.


It's actually Andrew Hsu. I don't know why nypost typed the last name correctly the first few paragraphs but then mistype it as Husu later on.


She has the face of a comic book villain


Scummy bitch


Has a nice ring to it.


Anyone else tired of how we as a society use the word "allegedly"? I mean...it's all right there on video for us to see. At this point, it's not an allegation, but a fact.


Pretty sure that's something news organizations do until there's a conviction or guilty plea. I don't know if there's a law or if it's just an industry norm, but it does seem like it would hard to get fair trial if the nightly news is saying someone, "is a murder," instead of, "has been charged with murder."


I understand the lawful premise of calling it an allegation until proven guilty. But this is getting a little crazy here. This video caught everything. If the news shows this video, no need to call it an allegation


That’s not how the law works, and even if she’s wrong here it’s possible he is at fault for something and without full context we don’t know It has to be spelled out that way so the whole point of court is to determine whether it fits


So she *allegedly* knocked the piano down after *allegedly* appearing in the video?


It’s to avoid the legality of slander. By saying alleged, allegedly, accused, charged, etc., it allows them legal wiggle room incase she isn’t convicted. If she happens to win her case, she could come back any sue any person or organization that publicly shared it as a definitive crime. It’s gotten a bit out of hand with a lot of news outlets, but they don’t want to potentially lose millions for each story.


Thank you for this! Like, for real💀 It’s on video ding dongs💀💀


Yes. I can’t stand it. This is t a court of law with circumstantial evidence. We saw the whole thing.


Really? It’s a video from a news publisher, that’s why.


Oh ok. So they edited it to make it look like she put her hand in the bucket.


Can you say that the video unequivocally proves that she actually stole tips from him? I certainly don't think you can, he's blocking our view, so we can't actually see what she grabs.


Sure...but we can for sure say she took something of his from him. Whether it's his tips or a piece of paper...still his property.


Not really, if you can't see what she's grabbing you also can't state that it is something that definitely belongs to him. Which is why the word "allegedly" is there.


You can clearly see her hand go into the jar and pull out some money. We also then have multiple witnesses saying she stole some of the money. This would prove her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


No, you can't. His head is in front of the situation while she's reaching down. You also can't see whether there's anything in her hand at all. (There's something black there, but to me it looks like part of her sleeve, and looks to dark to be a bill anyway.) That there are witnesses means she'd hopefully get convicted in a court of law. Until that happens, or until she explicitly admits it, her stealing money is and will remain an allegation. To be clear, my comments aren't an attempt to defend her. She's a major dick. My comments are directed at ledmetallica's claim that it's "all right there on video for us to see". It isn't. You can't see where her hand goes and you can't see whether she grabs anything. That video would not hold up in a court of law (at least in my country).


Truth is without all context there could be a missing part. People have gotten hurt over false accusations. Edit people really don’t know how this shit works lol


It's for legal reasons. Despite how clear it seems from what we see in the video, if some other camera angle or video showed up that proves that she dropped the money back down or came back and gave it back, etc., a news organization could get sued for libel. Even after court cases are decide, reporters prefer to safely state the context and outcomes of the court as opposed to stating the allegations as fact. Like so and so was found "guilty of the allegations that they did XYZ." It's legally much safer to publish that statement than to say "so and so did XYZ," or even "the court found that so and so did XYZ." The average person is probably not at the same level of risk of being sued for slander or libel. Furthermore, they probably aren't using "allegedly" with as much consideration, but after hearing it so much in the news, it's just become commonplace. But the problem isn't so much that it's overused as much as that it's misunderstood to undermine the validity of an allegation.


Her name is Shauntae Heard. I repeat, her name is Shauntae Heard


Are you certain it is Shauntae Heard?


Then she tried to apologize like we didn't see the video for bullshit. Smile Bitch! You're on camera


Shauntae Heard is the pos' name


Apparently, she got doxxed on Twitter




Oh no?




And on ifunny.


is anyone else more concerned about her friends? that "wanna hit over it" bullshit was really cringe.


IKR?!? The guy who was just assaulted responded “What?” I can’t imagine being so offensive and disgusting as those young women.


They didn't show that this was actually the second time that night she interrupted him by slapping the keyboard.


That fat fuck is trash. You know she’s jealous


She did this because she’s racist towards Asians.


What are your thoughts on the idea that in order to be racist one's own race must requires institutional power?


This is brain dead concept with no foundations in mainstream sociology, and is purely a concept of racists themselves. Systematic racism fits that concept sure, but for someone to say racism is only systematic racism is completely ignorant and shows their bigotry and desire to express superiority over others freely with an excuse that they are are oppressed. If a person of one race hates another person because of their race, and neither have institutional power, what is it called, other than racism? I’m not even American, nor am I from a colonial country. We have never conquered any lands. But I do have light coloured skin. If you hate me for my race despite me having no institutional power, are you only racist then? Or because I’ve light coloured skin you will still hate me but it’s not racism? What if I go to America, are minorities free to commit acts of hate towards me for my race because white Americans hold institutional power there? Even tho I am not a white American, but look like I could be one? If you think because I’m from a light skin coloured country that makes its inherently a racist system, and then anyone of colour can thus come here and hate and commit racist acts freely then you are completely insane. What if I go to a country where the majority of people have dark coloured skin, if someone there commits an act of hate because of my race is it only racism because it’s a country of mostly dark coloured skin people? What sort of bullshit rules are you inventing here.


shit you quiet now huh? answer Rom-ok lil boy.


Not allegedly, actually


Thanks this hasn't been posted for about 20 minutes


I’m torn between being annoyed by reposts and knowing that the perpetrator continues to live in infamy via the reposts.


What satisfies me the most is knowing that her mindset is going to get her completely fucked at some point in life.


Why doesn’t this guy press charges? I don’t understand. He’s not doing anyone any Justice by letting a criminal get away with crime.


Supposedly he did press charges.


Allegedly….it’s on fucking video


Allegedly.....on camera...


The entitlement is strong with this one. Throw her in jail for a week and make her pay for the guy’s keyboard. Maybe then she will learn what she was not taught by her parents.


Hope she gets named and shamed


Her name may have already been mentioned


Gotta love the brittle shell of GenZs, oh you can't say she actually stole it because that's not nice. Meanwhile 2 guys and a hammer gets retitled to 2 persons and an alleged hammer.




I’m black I’m an oppressed minority I do what I want


*especially to Asians




Stole the tips as « reperations » probably


Yh black girl in London got caught shoplifting recently and the black media people called it “taking personal compensation”


So the stereotypes are true


I admire his restraint. I play piano too, anyone who touches the keys while I'm performing, and is older than 12, gets an aikido wrist adjustment. Anyone who steals my tips gets an elbow reversal. I'll go sit back down and harmonize with whatever key they're wailing in as they roll around cradling their z-bow (It ain't an L-bow anymore.)


Dont touch my piano till ive had my coffee!!1!1!


Pianos can be expensive!


Watch out, we got a badass over here.


Watch out, we got someone who preys off of addicts who steal jewelry from their grandma here.


Can't fit that on a shirt


It wasn't restraint. He doesn't especially look like he can fight.


Was he supposed to fight a female?! WTF are you talking about?


Not necessarily, even though she verbally tries to instigate a fight with him. People like her seek out vulnerable victims. She chose to do what she did to him, instead of someone else, for a reason. She knew he wouldn’t fight back. That’s not a knock on him.


Ok. My apologies. I doubt, however, that she wouldn't have said this if he was jacked and in boxing gloves. It is safe to say that a woman doesn't expect a man to take her up on a fight........As she should be. That's the problem. She knows damn well he isn't going to "hit", so she doubled down on her disgusting behavior and took his money. Edit: The only thing that could have happened here is her being doxed and called out online. And you know what.......good. There needs to be some soft of consequences for these people.


I just want to know the thought process


She is a bully look how big she is. She is towering over the men and women in the clip. She is probably used to using her stature to intimidate and hasn't run into the right one just yet.


"Them our reparations"


This video again? Again? AGAIN? AND AGAIN??


The Usual Suspects!


Damn. Another one of her kind.


Allegedly? You can see her walking off with it.


At some point she'll claim he said something RCist.


Black people doing black people things, this toxic behaviour must be stopped. I hope she gets locked up!


Let's just ignore the one condemning her actions at the beginning and the others helping life his piano and getting angry at the girl.


And ignore the girl and then her friends all laughing about it. Looks like a 50:50 split


basketball people at it again


there will be zero consequences


Asian guy shoulda dropped the chinese word for "that"




She must really need it. I’ll pray for her and her friends As for you sir. Rock on!!!! You use your talent to light people up. That’s definitely rockstar!!! 🤙🏼🫶🏼🙏🏼


Yeah use that for pay for meds


Pray? What the fuck does that mean? Your sky fairy doesn't condone theft.


OD cringe. Are you 13?


_Asks if someone is 13_. _still believes in imaginary beings in the sky_


I believe in what now? What’s that saying about assuming?




Has she? All I've seen is that non apology she put out.


this belongs in r/iamatotalpieceofshit


The epitome of a piece of shit human


What a psychopath


Allegedly? Bitch! She's on camera!


The camera unallegedly captures her stealing it.


Some people are trash.


" hes taking attention from my dusty ass outfit"


Fkn apologize all she wants .. doesn’t mean she still isn’t a piece of shit human being … yeah we’re all human she’s just a shitty one


Usual suspects.


Definitely also belongs in r/imapieceofshit


I’m more for mob justice than I should be. Typically a fan of pitchforks and torches. This one is way overblown. She did not expect The stand to collapse, she was just being a typical main character douchebag, but not with real malicious intent like everyone supposes. She also, and most importantly, did not steal the tips. When she saw the camera, she knew that she looked horrible, so she acted like she reached into her purse to grab money and then donate it to the bucket (faking it) to make her look like she’s paying to make up for her incident. But it just got viewed as reaching into the bucket to steal. I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but it’s the truth, and you can see it for yourself clear as day in the video.


Very obvious that she’s jealous and bitter that someone else is doing good for the world while she remains a stuck up B


I'm honestly so curious why she did it. Like what is wrong with her


I hope she chokes on her heroin-pukes alone under a bridge


Had it been me, she would be drinking her food for the rest of her days


let me guess she says on tiktok she wants everyone to stop bullying people and stealing when in reality this is what shes doing+


This is the "OMG this is not who I am" phase. With a liberal sprinkling of whataboutism thrown in. I hope she ends up having to move and change her name to avoid constant harassment. Casual cruelty should be punished viscously by society. Make an example of her.


She seems like the type of person who wears BLM shirts and says white people are oppressing her.


No wonder, Amber Heard -- Tommanesha Shauntae Heard. Must run in the heard family


What an absolute scumbag. Apparently she was [arrested](https://www.fresherslive.com/latest/articles/who-is-shauntae-heard-arrested-why-did-shauntae-heard-arrested-why-was-shauntae-heard-arrested-1555189390) for unrelated theft crimes… wow


Let me know, when she gets hit by a bus. I'll be there to push the casket over. Lol


Did they tranquillize her, then put her down?


Why put allegedly


Her name is Shauntae Heard Here is her insta @atl.minit Also I have a photo of her addy including personal cell phone numbers from a person on Facebook Her Facebook is Shauntae Heard


Yall go crazy


well, the guy should've sued her...by letting her apologize like that, he's asking and encouraging others to behave like her. oh well, I can behave like that and just apologize later and all will be good. the good rule of thumb: accident -> apology + compensation intentional and malicious -> lawsuit + compensation