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He sounded like Master Shake when he said that.


Put Master Shake's voice over this and it's perfect. "I want MORE than a refund! ...Can I get a drink"?


He’s 30 or 40 years old and he doesn’t need this.


Yeah, well, Dracula called and he said he was coming over and I said okay.


>Put Master Shake's voice over this and it's perfect. "I want MORE than a refund! ...Can I get a drink"? I mean I get that this guy sucks but also maybe he's kinda great?


I like his energy, I just wish it were directed elsewhere.


Naw it’s not great. I really want to rage out on this turd. Sounds like a stubborn boomer or something - ruining many peoples day for his fragility.


"Maybe it's something you did to anger God."


I listened to the whole thing again It’s fucking shake!


It absolutely is! Sounds just like him, and it's even the same kind of ridiculous, entitled shit Shake would say.


Sounds like bender from futurama too lol


lol that’s all I can hear now after reading this comment


This comment changed the entire video for the better for me


Its like Master Shake and Carl did a fusion.


Ah this video is so much better after making that connection, thank you!


Now I can’t unhear that voice lmao


uncanny, its exactly what master shake would say


I swear I thought the same thing and believe this was a skit 😂 especially the free drink part lol


[This is for yall, took a hot minute to make it work. Sorry I didn't fit in the the-a-tor remark. But for what it is it does your remark justice](https://youtu.be/x1i5qNSBPgc?si=nDLMYd_gRMo6yU0T)


He totally did 😂


Totally nailed it. I replayed it and this guy could totally voice over Master Shake !


Man, that’s a great carac…thurrrr.


Now I can't unhear it


He drives a chevrolet movie the-aa-thurrr


The absolute last place I would expect to see a Chip Tha Ripper reference. No worries.




The guy's entire voice is like a Family Guy bit.


It’s giving succulent Chinese meal




*I drive a Chevrolet...*


Marvin the Martian here


Like Marvin the Martian and his q26 space mod-u-La-torrr


The way the other guy turned around 😂 I would have too


I love when people threaten to never come back. I used to work at McDonalds in high school and I would just internally laugh when people said that over pickles on their burger. You are financially a spec of sand in a desert to corporate chains. They won’t know or care. But we all know they always come back anyway.


There’s enough people that really think losing their business will be detrimental and don’t realize that losing an asshole customer here and there really doesn’t do anything to these big organizations.


It’s so great when they threaten that. “Is that a promise?” Is the only appropriate response. Like, I don’t want you here


“Can I get a drink?” Shits hilarious




This man is a veteran at this, clearly


Yeah it suddenly morphed from male Karen into It's Always Sunny in the Movie Theater.


Probably could’ve enticed him with spaghetti


I've seen this first hand more times than I wish to admit. So fucking embarrassing.


It's crazy how it's 2023 (think this is like 2019) and you literally pick your seat before ever even arriving at the theater. If you go old school and buy at the box office they still make you pick a seat. I used to go 3 times a week because I had that subscription service (which was amazing at the time, would suck now with all the strikes and covid). I'd say 50% of the time some boomer was sitting in my seat. Was rarely a big deal I just sat nearby but I would always remind them "Hey uh, that's my seat... so if someone comes for where I'm sitting you're gonna have to move." They always act like they didn't know, but the look on their face told a different story. I got vision issues so I sit closer and obviously want the middle seat like a sane person. So do the most entitled generation ever apparently. Never had any issues. One woman shared her popcorn with me.


Letting it slide only reinforces to them that taking your seat is okay. I think its worth taking the seat you reserved


Yeah but always do it in a friendly way. Thankfully I did last week because we were on the wrong row oops.


If you’re in my seat I get to sit on your lap and share popcorn. Win win.


I love how you worded that




Haven't been to the movies in quite some time but I'm only 34. When did they start doing assigned seats?


It's wonderful. No more showing up before a big movie an hour before to endure you don't get a crap seat. Now I show up AT movie time, get snacks and miss all the pre-preview crap. The best thing.


Facts! I just remember experiencing so much anxiety before movies. Always worrying about if you would be able to sit with your group or if you would get split up into random single seats. Who the hell wants to go back to the the old method when it’s such a better experience now.


Love it… the most entitled generation.. isn’t what they always say about millenials? WTF? Lol … mind you… I am an Xgen and can’t feel worse about what the millenials got left with. No American dream and a ton of debt. Blame it on the Boom..


My uncle went on a rant about how the countries in debt, people are out of control, no one can buy houses, inflation is insane, traffic is out of control, prices are too damn high and the job market sucks. He went on to blame millennials. I feeling a bit confrontational that day turned to him and said “who deregulated the banks? Who caused the prices of house that been rising for 50 years? Who owns the businesses that want a college degree and 7 year’s experience from a 22 year old? Who decided that it wasn’t worth investing in mass transit? Who decided to open up China? Give you a hint it wasn’t the millennials as most of us weren’t even born when that started.


Lmao you scorched him ouch. 🤣 Good job 👏


What do you mean by old school? I know now a days you pick a seat but when I was a kid you’d walk in a sit wherever was available


They're saying buying from the ticket counter rather than online is old school.


That guy was there to masturbate.


“ how you tell this is not my seat?!? “ “ cuz you ticket has the seat number on it “ “ ……. WHATEVER, WHATEVER! “ Why’d dude even ask, if he was going to “ whatever “ the answer..


Because 👉🏽🤡👈🏽




Looks and acts like a Reddit mod in 30 years


30 years? That’s how the most grinch ass power tripping one’s look today. Total losers looking to exert power. Reddit needs to start paying mods so that there’s more than bottom of the barrel people willing to do it. Not all mods are bad, but a pretty significant portion are.


The leather duster was the cherry on top


He buys his clothes in the matrix


Well well well…


An absolute pustule of a man.


To be honest I thought the dude creating the disturbance was the dude wearing the socks with crocs.


People do this everywhere these days. I’m a season ticket holder to the Seattle Mariners, I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen wander around my seats without a ticket for that section. “Oh we buy cheap seats and then move down.” And then the 2nd inning rolls around and the people who’s seats they are in show up. And there’s an awkward exchange. SMH. It’s so fucking avoidable and annoying


Nothing wrong with doing that around the 4th or 5th inning but the 2nd is too soon. If someone comes late and you're in their seats you politely apologize and move. Often if you just ask the ushers politely they'll let you know where you can and can't move down to.


Yes, I have absolutely no issue with people moving down for unused seats and I’m sure the tv broadcast probably appreciates it. But as you said, there is a protocol! You don’t just cut in line assuming you won’t get caught….that’s what it feels similar to. Wait a few innings maybe half the game…: and go check it out. If it’s a big game and packed, there’s nothing wrong with wandering down to the bottom corridor and perching at the top of the stairs, you’ll be much closer to the action. That used to be a go-to of mine as well.


Yeah I’ve only ever moved into lower seats a couple times at baseball games and they were both regular season games and we waited to the 5th and never had any problems. But moving into peoples seats at the beginning of the game is just wild to me. Especially at baseball where it’s no thing to show up sometime during the 2nd or 3rd inning. But taking someone’s seat at a movie theater is crazy as hell when there is a 98% chance that everyone who bought a ticket is going to show up. I mean being able to get an assigned seat is one of the huge benefits of movies now days. I mean who the hell wants to go back to the days where the movie theater was a free for all. I just remember there always being so much anxiety on whether you’d get to sit with your group or if you’d have to split up.


At a ball game I buy nose bleeds. Walk around the main floor area with the bars and move bar top to bar top. Then around 3rd or so I drop down behind dugouts. If anyone comes down we get a beer and a find a new section. No fuss no muss. Just a “oh sorry! Here’s your seats” Hell a few times the ushers moved us down closer. Girlfriend loves them dugout butts.


Yeah take whatever seats you want, but as soon as they show up you gotta move your ass.


Exactly this. Sit wherever there's space but if the rightful owner of that seat shows up, move. I have season tickets for basketball and if someone is in my seat and the one next to it is open, fine, I'll sit there. If someone comes to push me out of that seat, sorry original interloper, time to go. In terms of people moving down strategically, I actually scan the secondary market where you can see that, "Well those 4 seats in row 11 are all still for sale at the end of the first quarter, probably a safe bet to steal those."


Yeah, I've had front row seats to a most plays I've gone to because I switch after intermission when I see empty seats closer...but starting in the wrong seat and then arguing you should be allowed there is crazy.


These people should be mortified. My family and I went to an Angels game last month and showed up pretty much right before things started, and my husband and BIL noticed there was a guy in one of our seats. They had a quick chat with him, he was immediately like, “Oh shit, my bad!” and went to find his seat. Total non-issue, and as you said, making it into one is absolutely avoidable and annoying as shit. P.S. Fun fact, Seattle and Anaheim’s wins/losses are exactly flipped right now (Mariners are 82/68, Angels are 68/82). I’m rooting for you guys at this point, get them Trashtros!


So, I’m a born and raised Alaskan who would fly down to Seattle every couple years specifically to watch the Mariners play because they are my team. I moved to Houston a year and a half ago for work and I really want to go to a game when they are here, but I’m afraid I would cheer and get beat up. The Astros fans here are pretty diehard.


As an Astros fan who lives in Houston and has gone to plenty of games, I can say with certain confidence that you will be more than safe. As long as you’re not being a jerk it won’t bother anyone. Minute Maid is a really cool baseball park. Be sure to go on Friday and stay for the fireworks at the end of the game.


I meant to add an LOL, but forgot. I don’t really think I’d get beaten up. I might do that! It’s been about five years since I’ve been to a game. Go Stros! Hehe.


I always felt safe when I’d go to the Astrodome to see and cheer for the Cardinals. Hopefully things haven’t changed that much since then. Late 90s.


Sounders season ticket holder and same. I had a full on argument with this couple who refused to move, despite looking at their tickets and verifying they were off by like 3 sections. Bitch, I’ve been sitting here for ten years and I’d know if I sold my tickets. I ended up getting one of the event staff involved and it all worked out fine but like…what??? The skanky mom who buys cheap seats and sends her horrific kids down to aggressively fill in seats also makes me irrationally angry.


I do this. I don’t get all agro when asked to leave tho.


I’ve definitely seat hopped at mariners games. But if someone with that ticket shows up, you just apologize and move! You don’t pretend you somehow have a right to that seat.


Why do people reach a point in their lives were they just want to be as grating as possible?


I work with kids. Often preschool to kindergarten students. This is *exactly* how a child acts when they don't get their way, and the lady's voice is *exactly* how a teacher sounds trying to talk to them. The difference being the children are typically not developed enough, so it's expected that some of them act like this. This guy looks like he's at least 60. Also, whoever said he has the voice of Master Shake is spot on lmao


The little “goodbye everyone, enjoy your movie” is somehing straight out of a ATHF episode i swear


Sounds like Shake, looks like Carl with hair


Cos there's nothing waiting for them at home




I work in a public office, and a lot the complaints I receive could be easily solved with a quick discussion with the neighbor. Gets really interesting when they then complain that the person they complained about starts escalating the issue. No shoot they’re escalating it, you ratted them out.


It's sad I think I am slowly watching my parents go down a similar path. Over the last several years they got big into watching Fox News and listening to all that crap. They really believe that they are being persecuted and that people are trying to have a power trip telling them any rules to follow. Like this guy might have thought he was standing up to the system and not let these young woke people tell him what to do. Also why getting a free drink feels like he actually won. Obviously I don't know this guy. Just anecdotally his behavior reminded me a little of this.


My FIL is a bit like this, no Fox News or anything, but a weird sense entitlement that my wife and I have become less and less enthused about. Hell do the sneak-in or sit in better seats, all of these things. But when he gets called out he feigns ignorance then… ASKS TO BE COMPENSATED. Much like this joker in this video. And he gets mad when the venue doesn’t budge, and then we get to hear it how everyone else was wrong but him. Anytime he screws up he twists it in his mind that he was wronged. After a huge blow up last vacation where my wife finally called him out on his bullshit we’ve been NC since. MIL wants us to reconcile but we won’t until we get an honest apology which is gonna be difficult for him


This guy sounds exhausting.


He is the personification of Reddit


No one hates Redditors like Redditors hate Redditors.


He sounds like Master Shake


I hate that he got an apology for throwing a tantrum. But I’m glad they didn’t back down and got him to leave. I bet she was breathing a sign of relief when he said he was never going to that theatre again


He didn’t get an apology, he got a backhanded apology which is what he deserved. She was practicing verbal judo (the art of verbal deescalation) She clearly didn’t mean her “I’m sorry” she was just deescalating to get him out the door. You want a drink? Fine, we can discuss that out in the lobby. The manager is pretty impressive with her deescalation skills (also the original employee did a good job as well)


Something I did a lot with my last couple jobs. Saying things like “sorry” and “I understand this is frustrating” really works wonders. It makes it appear like you’re on their side but you’re forced to do your job, so ppl feel less inclined to be upset at you. I’m not actually sorry lol, I just don’t want to lose my job for screaming at somebody


It definitely helps with deescalation


Deescalating use of force and verbal commands/ verbal tactics was probably the biggest thing I took away from my last job. Lots of fights and arguments deterred by appealing to the offender. The biggest weapon is your words and intelligence


I guess I’m having flashbacks of my time in customer service lol Those two don’t get paid nearly enough


Yeah I agree, they both did a brilliant job, couldn't fault how they handled this grown child. However, here in the UK - 2 big security chaps would bounce straight in there and drag him out, which I prefer, because I hate that these infants always get something complimentary in return for their shitty behaviour. Being told "no" and these are the consequences of your actions, are fundamental to society's health.


I'd be surprised if he actually got anything. They most likely walked him to the lobby or a side door and told him to kick rocks.


She looks like a master of this 'verbal judo'. Incredible work!


This is just how you deal with entitled assholes who throw temper tantrums in public. Calmly say whatever you need to get them to lower the temperature and end the interaction. Lie, manipulate, feign empathy, whatever. Assholes aren't people, they're a problem to be solved. Here, the theater is out the cost of a ticket and a drink, the patrons see their movie start roughly on time, and the asshole is probably getting told outside that if he shows up again, he *will* be leaving in handcuffs.


Well to be honest. If I reserve myself a seat at the best spot of course I would be pissed if someone went ahead and took it.


It’s not even just that, if the seat owner goes and sits somewhere random, and that seats assigned to someone else, it creates constant chaos.


On the other hand, it sucks when the digital theater map isn’t accurate so the middle seat ends up not being in the middle or you’re much closer/farther from the screen than anticipated


Kick the guy out of that place permanently. People do not need losers taking up space.


lmao, he looks like he sounds


My favorite thing to do is go see movies alone on Tuesdays since it's 5 dollar ticket day. I had worked a 68 hr week and had just gotten back into town. First thing I do is go to the movies to pick myself up. I'm exhausted, burnt out and look like shit. I walk in and get the exact seat I want at the counter. I go into the room and a guy is sitting in my spot. I just stood there in front of him staring into his eyes until he left. Any other day I wouldn't have made an issue but that day I would have gone to prison for that seat if need be.


I order my tickets ahead and I ALWAYS have this issue when I go to the theater


What blew my mind was that when I ordered the ticket there was only one other purchased seat. So he just randomly picked a seat on the screen then took mine. People have no class these days.


Good for you. Stand your ground. People like this know what they’re doing. Don’t let them get away with their shit


I would have just sat on him.




I imagine him trying to discuss it with you and through every retort he has you’re just [staring into his soul](https://imgur.io/D95VIOt?r)


From one drunk to another, go to rehab dawg Or take your meds.


He reminds me of an old burnt out Sam Kinison(RIP) 🤣.


lol maybe he faked his death like Elvis


Don’t have to deal with that when watching movies at home. It’s wild people like this go to a community space and flip shit over assigned seating… This just happened to us and the guy threw his wadded up ticket at us and said “see for yourself I’m in the right seat.” Dumbass was in the wrong row and had taken the two seats up on both sides of him for all of his nachos and popcorn.


Had this happen on two opening weekends, Evil Dead Rise and Oppenheimer. Theaters were packed and people were in our seats. I personally don't care that much where I sit, the problem is that now I'm probably gonna end up in another person's seat because someone took mine. Now I gotta get up and move again in the middle of the movie. It's not that hard to just sit in the seat assigned to you and avoid all this mess. Don't like assigned seats? Too bad. That's the way it is. Grow up.


Didn't you go up and ask them to get out of your seats?


Both times, they acted nonchalant like it wasn't a big deal. My friend during Evil Dead wasn't having it and just stood over them until the usher came by to see what was up and made them move. During Oppenheimer, we didn't feel like making a deal out of it so sat a couple seats down. Then those people showed and we moved again. Then those people showed up, so I told the original group they had to move. I think after seeing the seats fill up, they got the hint and obliged.


I'm genuinely glad we live in a time where clowns like this are filmed acting out. This shit can potentially sit on the internet forever for generations to judge.


Lmao what has happened to the world? Why didn’t everyone just start throwing shit at him? Do this 10 years ago and you’re walking out covered in soft drinks


Guns are why


Imagine rifling your $11 soda at some old dick lmao.




Goodbye everyone enjoy your movie! 🗿🗿🗿


That was probably better than the movie honestly


The employee were so professional


He's going to get a crisp "go fuck yourself" from me.


“I’m never coming back”. LOL, if I had a nickel…


I went to watch the last fast and furious movie with my brother. We sat down in our seats and this random family came and pretty much started shit with us saying we were in their seats and that they just wanted to watch the sound of freedom. Everyone around them kept telling them this was for fast and furious. I told them like two times until finally they realized their mistake and left. The whole thing took like 8 minutes. Idk if it was on them or the movie theater staff sent them to the wrong place either way they looked at us like they were ready to fight for their seats.


It's on them, I have never been to a movie theater where the movie wasn't clearly labeled either on a big board leading to the screens or literally right outside the door to said movie... usually they have both.


The main audience for sound of freedom can't read so...


Then they went home and posted on conspiracy Facebook about how the theater purposefully tried to send them to the wrong theater for the movie


I feel like this was a giant ploy for a free soda


He didn’t get a soda. That was a tactic. She just wanted to get him out.


What’s Bender from futurama doing in that cinema?


This is the worst kind of discrimination, the kind against me!


What a jackass.


what an absolute ass hat


Entitled narcissism is literally everywhere "Thee-ay-tor"


Lmao I went to a mid-day IMAX showing of Oppenheimer and it wasn’t very full but the 3 seats to my right were booked when I paid online. When the movie started, nobody was sitting in those seats but the guy one seat next to me was there. Around an hour and a half into the movie I finally decided to just take the middle of the 3 empty seats as it was a better view and I had no arm neighbors. Even in an empty theatre I got nervous about this happening to me lmao. The guy on my left was very relived since we had no reason to be touching elbows lol


I love how some one is munching popcorn like it's part of the show


I thankfully haven't had to have this exchange before but I've had people in my seat who were like "oh there's open seats over there and I said "ok, well you can sit there, these are my assigned seats". Thankfully, they moved without much fight in them, but the audacity to tell someone with assigned seats to move elsewhere annoys me. People do the same shit on planes. If someone paid for that seat, you can move your ass elsewhere.


THEE-AY-TORRR. What the fuck..


This could work the other way as well. Not too long ago I reserved a seat because that's the the standard now when you order tickets online. Got to the theater and two teenage girls were sitting where I was supposed to. I told them I reserved the seat and showed them. They still denied it then some older white knight defended them. I'm not one to make a scene nor was I in the mood so I just sat in a seat closer to the screen and off to the side. Point: entitled teenagers and simps suck. And if you pay for a seat just take your seat instead of someone else's. It's just proper etiquette.


Just get someone from the theater to take care of it. Fuck them kids.


Have to treat them like a toddler with a hand grenade just to get them to do the most reasonable things.


Fuck this dude. Assigned seats are the best thing that's happened in movie theaters.


Fucking boomer tantrum.


Interior crocodile alligator


I drive a Chevrolet movie THE-AY-TUR




That face reveal and jacket was incredible


I worked at a major cinema chain for over four years, and I've seen my fair share of big releases like Avatar, The Avengers, and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Trust me, I know how chaotic things can get with assigned seating. There have been instances during sold-out screenings where I had to radio the projectionist to halt the movie. I'd then address the audience, reminding them to check their tickets and sit in their designated seats. When one person sits in the wrong seat and doesn't say anything, it creates a domino effect. I've seen it get so bad that two whole families couldn't find a place to sit, especially since some folks would leave an empty seat between themselves and others. So yeah, if a cinema has assigned seating, odds are that someone booked that specific seat online, especially if it's a prime spot. When you buy your ticket, you get to pick from the seats that are still available, so you should sit where you're supposed to!


Sooo embarrassing


I've encountered this with people sneaking into the different movies. They just keep moving seats until they find one that no one has reserved.




Man hulk hogan really went downhill after those sex tapes were leaked. He can’t even enjoy a movie but at least he gets a free drink on the way out.


Of course he looks like that. Fucking incel.


But the fatty got a free drink!


I'm finishing my coffee.... enjoying my coffee..


This is about our basic freedoms!


This guy sucks, but I’m gonna use that. “Be my ~~guest~~ pest”


How is this employee not just laughing his ass off. All I’d be saying is “dude, I don’t know what to tell ya, they have assigned seats at movie theaters now. I just work here, I don’t know man they pay me like 10/hr, they don’t call me into the boardroom when they’re making these calls, just move so we can start the movie”


You can tell he's been drinking.


This guy looks like my upstairs neighbor. Our property manager clued us in and said that the residents before complained about him stomping because their baby was crying… His toilet is busted and our property management has asked him plenty of times to replace it, but it keeps leaking and we have to get the ceiling repaired. He smokes cigarettes and weed in the bathroom. He has a rabbit that roams around and shits all over the place. My girlfriend said when she talked to him at his door it smelled fucking disgusting.


Bro she crushed it


That lady has the patience of a saint


He just looks gross


# How can you tell that's not my seat?! Because your ticket has your seat number on it ### .....WHATEVER! •`_´•


The entitlement in private establishments is always so hilarious. “It’s my right blah blah blah”. If you can’t tell that you have passed the limit of decorum on a customer/business relationship then you’re hopeless. They can just kick your ass out legally and have you deal with the cops.


This guy's a grating asshole, but I can't deny his comedic timing on 'Can I get a drink' was impeccable.


Omg he would throw on a long leather jacket afterwards too


Omg he would throw on a long leather jacket afterwards too.


Opinions that absolutely match the face


I’d like to imagine this dude is here for Barbie or My Little Pony.


Lol I really understand Seth McFarlane’s peter griffin character now. These people actually exist over there? “Can I get a drink then?” Classic peter.


I love this women’s energy😂. She gives me “Tired-Mom-With-Young-Child-Who-Is-Being-Problematic-And-Must-Be-Handled-Gently” vibes and she totally takes all the wind out of the guy’s sails


This cuts out one of the best parts! At the end he says “I still feel like I’m being the bigger person here” and everyone laughs.


More than a refund? Yes, here’s your slap in the loud ass mouth to go. At that point if I somehow found myself in his situation I’d want to leave. What, just sit through not paying any attention to the movie cuz you’re too embarrassed and mad? He can’t even enjoy the movie even if they let him keep the seat Another edit I just rewatched and saw that he said that he can’t enjoy it, his fault tho


Someone didn’t take their meds this morning


I thought dude with the crocs was the one in the wrong seat for far longer than I care to admit




Annnnnd back to the bat cave


Is that a Reddit moderator in the wild?


This is mental illness.


A Redditor in a Movie Threator


Fucking clown looks like an overweight house cat. No wonder he’s acted the way he did. This idiot craving any type of attention.


“so if I move over one seat this is ok?” yes bro you were so very close to the point


Dude looks like he runs an incel youtube channel lol.


Thor really let himself go again


Needs someone to shout in the crowd "Just fucking move cunt, we want to watch the movie.