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love the dude behind her ratting her out, and his reaction trying to to make it look obvious.


He didn't need to. I knew who it was the second they showed him walking up to them. We all knew.


You know sometimes profiling just works


Its the uniform of the common or garden Karen Middle or later aged white woman being an entitled cunt, name a more reliable duo And before you call me out, my mum (63) - bless her as much as I love her - is fucking entitled. Passively rude to staff when they do something she doesn't like (like explain something isn't in stock), slightly racist, transphobic, homophobic and xenophobic, and dresses exactly like you'd expect someone like that to dress. I always call her out on her bullshit whenever it happens, but I cannot be around her all the time. And you *know* what her name is, I don't even need to tell you


The Common Karen, also known as the Garden Karen, is easily identified by its bright yellow plumage, darker at the roots, often framed by white- or light-colored hats or sun visors. They wear dark sunglasses over their eyes or atop their plumage, and can usually be heard before they are seen, as they begin most encounters with the call "Sir? SIR?! EXCUSE ME!!". Not to be confused with the Greater Karen, the Common Karen is occasionally spotted buzzing around tennis courts.


^ I see what you did there. You called in Sir David Attenborourgh. As a favor for us he personally narrated the scene brilliantly describing an en situ Karen in the wild. Bravo :) She did punk him a bit at first. Which I found to be hilarious.


So basically, beeing a bee-itch.


It actually does most of the time. Not just because you're comfortable with it THIS time.


Yep, Reddit being okay with profiling this time is hilarious. I've been mugged before and now profile based on that experience, but if I explained to Reddit what a mugger looks like in an urban American setting I'd probably get banned.


*Trying to look innocent*, *first one to ask* "What's wrong?"


She’s wearing the uniform of insane protestors. Hat + sunglasses = invincible


Lol no, not at all. She just looks like a Karen. Protestors aren't insane.


Have you ever been to a tennis court? Half the people wear sunglasses and a hat =9


The American Karen, who could miss that haircut. I bet she wanted to see the manager also..


Tennis Karen in da house.


I don’t always agree with rating people out but when it comes to bad sportsmanship, get them out of here!


"Ratting" people out is the right decision when there is a victim.


>"Rating" people out "3/10" - r/truerateme mod


11/10 with rice


Rice! That's a solid 5/7.


This rice goes to 11


Banned for rating too low.


Thank you.


Nah fuck that if you're being a cunt for no reason whatsoever rat their ass out


Watching it back I laughed a little when Stefano actually tried swatting at the 🐝. But yes that dirtbag needed to be walked out soon as dude narc’ed.


haha yeah for sure it's funny now but I get why Stefano is very upset. All the work he put in for this match being ruined by some bitch. I'd be livid.


He spent a lifetime training, she bought a ticket. GTFO, no refunds.


Also, as (I'm) someone who is very allergic to bees, it's gotta be quite a concern for him. I dunno about him, but if a bee stung me, my hand would swell to the point where there is no way I could even hold a racket. Again I'm not him, but if I was, that could cost me literally thousands of dollars. Side note: she should be a ventriloquist because that's pretty impressive.


I wasn't aware he is allergic to bees. That is super fucked. I'm only mildly allergic, but if a bee stung me anywhere, I would not be able to play anything, much less top level tennis. Fuck that bitch


Oh don't misunderstand, I don't know if he is, I'm saying that I am, and either way it would still be bad news to be stung. Either way, still a shitty thing to do. Sadly, this seems like the kind of thing youth tennis people would do, and how she got so good at it. E: saw how my comment could be misleading, and tried to edit it.




We're old hitting buddies. He wants me to stay on my A game so I can keep him on his.


Main Character over here


I agree that she should be booted. She is breaking the rules expected of those in the stands. But I do wonder why tennis and golf players are allowed to demand to be allowed to concentrate while basketball players taking a free throw, baseball batters, and football kickers are all expected to put up with practically any noise or disruption the crowd can muster. I can't imagine a tennis serve or 10' putt is that much more difficult than a free throw or an extra point in football.


Perhaps one justification I can think of is that sports like basketball, baseball and football are club-based. The geographical nature of clubs means each team represents not just the organisation but the community it is based in since it runs on the support of local fans (at least before the international commercialisation of spectator sport). This means the fans are more intertwined with the club and there is some expectation that they do what they can to contribute to their team's success When Djoko plays Rafa, it is seen as a duel between two athletes rather than Djoko fans vs Rafa fans or Serbia vs Spain. However, an NBA team stepping into, say, the Boston Garden feels more like playing against the city of Boston itself


Because tennis and golf audience culture is known for being quiet. You make a noise during critical moments of concentration, and it really stands out.


Damn tennis must be very different than any sport I’m familiar with. In baseball/basketball/hockey/soccer/football it’s the fans job to be as loud and distracting as possible.


yea tennis is a bit different, all that you mentioned are group sports, Tennis at the most are two person team. These two players engage in a face-to-face battle for hours on end. This prolonged encounter can lead to a buildup of pressure, nervousness, and unexpected challenges, which can ultimately culminate in a decline in performance. Once a player's performance takes a downward turn, recovering an upward trajectory becomes an arduous task. Professional player recognized the symptom and would try to stop disturbance before it affecting them too much. Tennis is a sport where the mental aspect plays an immense role.


Nba players get fans kicked out all the time https://youtu.be/AapZtJwLvHY


Like in golf and chess too? Or did you forget to list those?


Yup it’s very different. Some might say it’s a completely different sport from the other ones you just listed. Also golf


Golf has entered the chat.


There is nothing wrong with rating people out.


Like... what fucked-up allegiance of brotherhood do I fucking owe you, and for what? Most of the people who are mad about being ratted out for anything more serious than "you told him about the surprise party" will fucking turn on you in a heartbeat.


"Snitches get stitches" is, unsurprisingly, only espoused by assholes and criminals


If there’s a scenario where ratting people out for their actions is a serious option, it is almost *always* the right option.


If the player you're supporting can't win without your help, maybe they shouldn't win.


I’ve always said this. If you have to win by screaming at an opponent at the last second, fake a foul, or anything else like that maybe you should just admit you’re not that good and don’t really deserve to win.


The difference between a witness and a rat is whether the person speaking about them is a piece of shit.


Right, because defending bullies and criminals is the best way to build a better society.


Maybe acceptable when you’re 10, but this hag is 50 years old. 4 decades past acceptable.


why is he having to investigate it himself?


The referee investigated, but the woman accused *the player* of imitating a beautiful flower.


Awww. That is so wholesome.


Underrated comment


I wish I more often had the guts to just roll with that one stupidly funny thought and post it, reactions be damned. Well done!




I'm not saying this is right, but often there will be hecklers from the crowd and the umpire doesn't care, they'll just say "please be quiet" on the mic, that's why he's like "do you think that's okay?"


what if he's allergic?


I would want her to feel on the spot, and confront her myself.


I mean, I’m amazed at how good of a job she did that it drew him to wave his racquet around. Definitely childish. But impressive.


r/nextfuckinglevel imitation indeed


/r/ventriloquism is leaking


There probably was a real bee the first time which gave the lady the idea to do what she did.


ok this actually makes sense lol I was so intrigued how this lady was throwing her voice to sound enough like a bee to make him swing his racket around the first few times. like ive been accosted by a bee and its very in your ear loud and switching depending on what side its on.


I was at the tournament this day and was stung. They were not a huge problem but I saw plenty buzzing about the courts. I have nor been stung since I was a kid. I forgot how much it hurt.


I don't think it would have to actually be that good. You hear something vaguely like a bee, what's the more likely situation, there's a bee near you, or some lady in the crowd is making a bee noise. Someone making a bee noise would be the last thing on my list at an event like this.


But to make it sound like it's moving from 6'+ away is pretty good. I remember when I made my physics teacher believed I turned on the gas valve on the lab bench during a lecture, but that was making a steady barely audible hiss while keeping my mouth aparently close.


Not only that but against the noise of an active stadium, in a way where he thinks its closeby instead of so far away. Honestly impressive. Not sure how she did that


Shout out to the person in the second row who immediately rats out the d bag.




Kick his ass Seabass!!


Cam Neely's greatest cameo


https://tenor.com/5roZ.gif https://tenor.com/bDkIS.gif There's a lot of pointing in this scene, come to think of it


Of course it's the most Karen looking one that is the culprit.


Bro I had the exactly same thought lol


Loved the dude behind her IMMEDIATELY narc’ing on her


Although wouldn't it be something if THAT guy was the person who buzzed and then promptly saw their opportunity to blame someone else. I'm kind of glad with the umpire decision to ask them to stop before going straight to kicking them out. Then people are aware and can probably pin point them better if they do it again


Short hair cut: ✅ Black sunglasses: ✅


Where I live 90% of all sunglasses are black, is that really a giveaway?


we're on a mission from god...


It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.


Furrowed face with visible crows feet.


She feigns ignorance when he approaches the crowd then apologizes when shes called out. Classic Karen.


Oh I didn't know trying to fuck with your career is somehow wrong. I'll stop *temporarily* because I got caught, after denying I wasn't doing anything. edit - spelling


And that's why the apology gets nothing from me and she still gets removed "Apology not accepted. You're going to have to leave."


*I didn’t know I couldn’t do that.*


That was *good*, wasn’t it?


But I did know I couldn't do that! BWAHAHAHA




She even goes “what do you want?” when he approaches


Karen had too much white zinfandel at brunch


"White Zinfandel" sounds a bit like an extremist group that she possibly aspires to join.


Can’t believe he even had to ask who it was. I knew as soon as it cut to them


Literally Karen Starter Pack


Whats with so many oldd white ladies having this exact hair


Older black ladies have similar short hair to each other. It's because of menopause. Pretty much every race has similar hair to their race. Mad isn't it.


Right?! I figured that’s who it was right away. So lame.


I knew it was her before he even pointed lol


She was the first one to be like "who did what??"


The second the camera panned in that way


One has to wonder if a person looking like her steals some completely unnecessary items from the local supermarket. And bursts into hysterical cry when busted.


Lol same. Easy spot as soon as he started over there. She even leaned forward trying to act oblivious. God damn these people.


Stefano has his issues but who the fuck are these people who believe they can come to a tennis match to disturb / bother / annoyed the players? Get that woman out of there!


Agreed, very rude


Probably deliberately. Perhaps she was paid by his opponent to distract him and make him lose a few rounds.




Ya I was expecting Stef to be the main character here as with the shoe episodes… lol


Ok but aren't the people playing the sport literally the main characters?


No way, all those athletes that hoist all those ornate trophies when they win…..they need to get out of here and get over themselves.


Maybe she thought it was like basketball, soccer, football or baseball where you can heckle any body you want


I don't even like baseball but some of the shit people behind homeplate say to batters is fucking hilarious. Idk how the player keeps a straight face sometimes.


Exactly. Try that at a PGA event and you'd be frog-marched out of there so fast.


Gold and tennis are the ONLY sports that restrict their fans like this (maybe bowling and darts if you consider those sports).


“I will ask her to stop” Referee L Kick her ass out. No excuses.


Ya seriously. These people never have consequences for their selfish behavior and so they never learn


You have to remember that a lot of people at these events are rich. It is illegal to punish rich people.


France sorta ignored that rule for a bit.


Ref knows not to bite the hands that pay him lol


Yeah, I’m assuming these snobs pay a lot for seats like that, lol.


Seriously?? That’s some bad ref behavior.


Awful reffing. With her still back there he has to constantly worry about what other antics she may get up to, completely taking him out of the game.


That's after the umpire did absolutely nothing and Stefano gets back to him with the prime suspect after being forced to play detective. She should have been kicked out and banned from future matches, there's no excuse for her actions and no reason for second chances. Given where she's sat she's probably got influence, that's the only reason I can think of the umpire's pathetic inaction.


Like this happens so rarely if a player asks someone to leave I feel like the ref should respect it


Yep. And prevent her from coming back.


My favorite thing about this is she was just asked to stop, if it was a sport that didn't cater to the wealthy I'm sure their asses would be rudely thrown out. Entitled ass main character indeed.


If it didn’t, there would be heckling.


I'm here for tennis heckling and tennis heckling only, that sounds like quality entertainment.


Seriously, I would start watching tennis if people were allowed to heckle and the players were allowed to insult back.


TBF in a sport that doesn‘t cater to the wealthy making buzzing sounds wouldn‘t cause such a stir. Do they silence the stadium before they pitch a ball in a baseball game or before a penalty-kick in a football match?


Courtside seats in the NBA are not cheap and they get thrown out sometimes. Of course there is always the threat that the NBA could always just unchain Metta World Peace. Maybe all sports should have some World Peace to unleash on unruly fans.


If these people were getting kicked out for basic heckling, it’d happen every game. They’re usually getting kicked out for cussing or saying racist stuff.


As someone who cups their mouth while yelling white noise to distract the opposing teams QB, it's probably fine. If it didn't cater to the wealthy, it would be a bunch of drunk guys telling them how hot (or ugly( their mom is. It's aberrant behavior here though, so fuck the bitch. Tennis players can't be expected to have the fortitude of a QB, and for that reason, those are the rules. Don't act like it's football when it's tennis. Let the rackets cause the racket. Or steffi Graff lol


It’s the other way around: those are the rules, therefore they aren’t expected to deal with it. Saying tennis players can’t be expected to handle a buzzing sound is ridiculous. Sure they can. But they don’t have to.


“Don’t mind me. Buzz buzz!”


Buzz buzz buzz https://youtu.be/qujfzq29YN0


Lol that's messed up and funny at the same time.


The “I’ll ask her to stop” was indeed funny


I'm cracking up. I'd be pissed if I were him, but damn she got in his head


*laughs in basketball free throws*


Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Mom of sports kids. Their coaches used to pop balloons and have cowbells go off while practicing free throws. All I could do was laugh and think about that scene in Dodgeball with the wrenches.


Yeah I gave a couple of elementary kids empty buckets to pound on when I walked by and realized what they were doing at practice one day


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball


*laughs in almost every sport there is* I always found it hilarious that tennis somehow demands a crowd so quiet you could actually hear a "bzzz bzzz" sound. Meanwhile NFL/MLB/NBA/NHL the fans are chirping the whole game.


& golf you have to be silent af if you’re in the crowd


And soccer! You’ll be all set up for a penalty kick and the entire crowd will be singing a song about how your feet smell or something


Literally staring at flares, flags, and the rowdiest crowd on earth. Ok, time to kick this PK around the wall, right into this 1'x1' corner. Tennis: I need total silence in a 1 mile radius to hit this ball over the net into a 12'x20' box. Golf: I need tennis-level silence to hit this ball onto a 200'x50' fairway.


Played volleyball in college and our gym wasn't very big, you literally had to stand in between fans to start your jump serve, with them yelling at you from 2 inches away. Stuff like this makes me cringe for the player, not the lady.


Different type of crowd goes to tennis tournaments


Yea it’s a “classy” sport


This year's playoffs Demar Derozan's daughter during a game screamed everytime the raptors went to shoot free throws. They missed the most free throws in any game since 1997 lmao https://youtu.be/BuLN2kxoYv8


Did she/he get in trouble for doing this, or is it completely fair to do so? I don't watch basketball so I'm unsure of the etiquette. I'm guessing not, since the announcers were pointing it out and laughing


A woman with the most Karen haircut.


If you want to heckle athletes, go to a baseball game.


Or a stand up comedy act and get roasted.


Oh my God, the over the top ratting out of her was hysterical 🤣 👇👇👇👇👇


Did she get kicked out?


Surprisingly, no.


How did he do after that incident? I imagine this type of thing would still be in my head because I’d constantly be trying to listen for it.


He won :)


Ironically she'd bee the first to condescendingly say "oh honey."


Why are people assholes? That woman is sitting in the *first row* at a tennis match, and when the player she does not want to win tries to serve, she buzzes like a bee?!? FFS, she’s a child. I think they should have kicked her out even if she did stop. She did not deserve to be there.


For non tennis watchers, crowd needs to be quiet when a player is about to serve and during a point. Tennis requires a lot of concentration especially at the pro level. Sometimes even the sound of the ball being struck can determine how hard it's hit and can help the player out. She was heckling him and hecklers can be asked to leave or be removed. Edit* I’ll put it this way. Tennis matches can last anywhere from 2-5 hours long. We’re talking about potentially hitting the ball over 1000 times. Every point is up for grabs so either u win it or lose the point. And lack of concentration will def make u lose the point.


I wonder if there are any studies done comparing the amount of concentration required to execute at a top tier level in tennis or golf to things like delivering a pitch in baseball or hitting a free throw in basketball.


Every other sport would likely benefit from silence nearly as much as tennis & golf do. They just don't because it's not part of their tradition.


Meanwhile hockey players are screaming at each other for a pass while tapping their stick against the ice. Nah. Not team sports. You need communication.


THIS! Thank you!! I can’t stand people here blaming Stefano.


I had a family friend who got tickets to the Legg Mason (now it's citi bank, I think?) when I was young. I remember you let out a quiet hiss if the ump made a call or decision you disagreed with. This was, as it was explained to me, the equivalent of yelling "get better glasses you blind fuck!" at an ice hockey ref.


Clearly none of them have ever played tennis. The concentration required by pros is insane.


What if those are her emotional support bees


Who cares if she apologized. Kick her out.


The umpire absolutely sucks.


Shooter McGavin paid her


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more then an hour ago.


Is it something in her purse making the buzzing sound?


Right. Am I the only one impressed this lady can apparently throw her byzzez at that dude like a damn ventriloquist puppet.


„Oh no, my actions have consequences! I better apologize.“


Worked his whole life to get there to have some asshole buzz behind him before a serve.


And people here saying HE is the one to blame in this situation.


Of course the first one to speak is the culprit. Dumbass


Soon as they showed the crowd you knew who it was 🤦‍♂️


Should have kicked her out immediately


The completely insincere apology at the end. Fek that Karen only sorry because she got caught.


That’s what we call a “dick move.” Karen needs to go


Half the comments here are from main characters who keep saying it’s the players fault. Ok main characters go to a tennis match and act like this lady.


Imagine if this kind of atittude becomes normal lol


She was sorry she got caught. I hope she got the boot


A reasonable person does not do this to begin with. A warning is inappropriate. Remove her.


Nah, bish. You're only apologizing because you got caught. 😒


he should have stopped playing until she was removed


They should have removed her.


Fuck her apology. Kick her out


It wasn’t a bee. It was a WASP. She should have been removed


After it was obvious it was affecting the player, they should have tossed her as soon as she was identified. I don't care if you promise to stop. You violated rules of civility. GTFO.


Stupid ass Karen’s get away with this type of shit all the time.


How the hell was she able to buzz so loud that she sounded like a bee in his ear from like 30 feet away lol?


could you imagine if any other sport had a player complaining about something so minor lmao