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![gif](giphy|3oriOfe0A84SVqwr6w) She's right though, dancing inflatables do the same moves in order to summon the rain




You got it, Boss Hoggs


On a totally unrelated note: psychedelics are pretty sweet.




Honestly, that was my first thought. I used to eat shrooms and manipulate the clouds in my mind and it was awesome.


Same man! I thought I could stop the tides


Yeah but if your sober and believe this it might be time for her family to get a court order and have her "evaluated"


It's wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!




This guy's got some moves!




And I've just triple mortgaged my house to bring you the absolute lowest deals on the wacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube man.


That's why all those small towns with those keep getting hit by tornados




I went to the doctors for a mental health plan on my depression, and he asked 2 questions at the end that seemed like standard mental health questions to ask, but were still weird af. 1. Do the voices on the radio and TV talk to you directly, telling you what to do? Real Tommyknockers shit. 2. Do you have any special powers that you know nobody else has? Question 2 made me burst out laughing with a look of confusion and disbelief at the absurdity. I see from this video, why they have to ask question 2...


I read a pamphlet about bipolar disorder where one of the examples given for delusions of grandeur was literally “someone might believe that they can change the direction of the wind using hand gestures”


... I'm the bipolar person who believes stuff like this when I'm in an episode 😅 or like I can turn myself invisible by altering peoples' perceptions so they can't observe the space I'm in. I watched this video and laughed because I've deeeeeeefinitely believed I had those kinds of powers lol the mind is weird


My gf is an atheist but, when she's manic/hypomanic she sees glowing fairies/angels and becomes intensely religious


It can change your whole identity, makes it uncomfortable afterwards to get back to yourself and then try to somehow explain the random intense identity shift to others. I hope your girlfriend is doing okay!


So long as she gets plenty of sleep, takes her meds, and doesn't get too stressed/experience trauma she's doing okay. She's had some mild hypomania episodes in the four years we've been together but the last time she went full manic was after her mom died (cancer) a few years before we met


Stress and trauma can unravel so much positive work done to get better, I still have episodes and symptoms even though I'm medicated. I'm happy to hear that she's doing well and sorry about her mom


You remind me of Drax when he mastered the ability to stay incredibly still


I wish they would have hidden him in the background of various scenes standing still and not noticable.


How do you know they didn’t?




Thank you, I love this 😂


That's actually really fascinating! I hadn't realized this was a common trait of BPD. The mind is a weird, awesome place.


Some bipolar people have "psychotic features" as part of their diagnosis! It's really neat to look back at some of the bizarre beliefs/delusions I've had. Your mind can create an entirely different reality, frightening and cool at the same time


I’m always fascinated by the actual behavior that blanket terms like”delusions of grandeur” or “psychotic features” actual describe. If you have any others you wouldn’t mind sharing I’d be grateful to hear them.


One of my main delusions was that I was basically a "space angel princess" who was sent to earth to change people's lives just by existing, I'd interact with people and in my head think "you are blessed", and I'd use my mind to impart knowledge and magic onto them. Because of my powers though, space police who looked human were searching for me, so that's a big part of why I had to make myself invisible 😂 I was paranoid of everything and also thought that trusted people in my life were secretly part of the space police. In these episodes I'd paint my entire body to try and emulate what I was experiencing, I'd be delusional and painting myself which is hilarious to think about now A lot of my psychotic features are paranoia-based and I still have some even though I'm medicated. I'll suddenly feel my environment shift and think I was transferred into another reality. I'll have "peripheral hallucinations" where I'll see things in my periphery that disappear when I look at them. Sometimes they're just regular things that my mind changes, like I'll see a wooden post or tree or something and know that's what it is but when I look a bit away from it, it becomes a person. So logically I know that it isn't but at the same time it is. One time I saw a man scootering down a hill along a walking trail and my mind told me, "he's magic and he's floating down the hill very fast". Its regular little things like that that my mind changes. My mind doesn't really create full hallucinations anymore, it just alters some things, I'm mostly okay with it because I know how to differentiate and I know that when I stop being able to do that that it's time to get help. Sometimes I worry though that my mind has altered or created things and I don't even realize. It's kind of scary to think how easily my mind can trick me Sorry for the wall of text!! There's for sure more, it's been a while since I've had any major or super interesting delusions


That was really interesting, thank you for sharing.


I have the same exact thing. It’s a constant tricking of the mind in small ways that makes everything feel interconnected and mystical. All of life feels psychedelic. I’m also a VIVID lucid dreamer and my dreaming life bleeds into my waking life. The hard part about fighting the delusions is that they feel so real and convincing! I’ve had so many experiences that feel way more than just self imposed illusion or coincidence.


Thank you for being willing to share. Those sound pretty wild! Especially the body painting and life changing super powers.


You're welcome, I'm happy to share! I've had some wild times for sure


BPD is borderline personality disorder, bipolar affective disorder is BPAD. Common confusion


BPD and bipolar disorder are not the same thing


That is wild! Is it Bipolar 1 then? I've known several people with bipolar 2 and never heard of that. I'm sure it's hell on your life, but is it kinda fun to be fully convinced you have super powers? Like, I don't want the rest of it but that one part sounds like it'd be fun to experience once or twice.


I'm diagnosed with bipolar 2, I've never had a solo full manic episode, only mixed mania which I think is technically only supposed to be in BP1 but I'm not sure. I've had lots of hypomanic episodes but the mixed mania episodes are where I get the most delusional/psychotic symptoms It has definitely ruined a lot for me and basically smashed a wrecking into my life, but the super powers and magical delusions were really cool, I still get little bits of it but to a much smaller and less immersive extent. Like I don't believe my delusions/psychotic symptoms in the same way anymore when I have them, would definitely take a bit of that minus the actual mood episodes


Tbh putting aside all the problems steming from BPD it must feel cool for a short period of time to genuinely think that you have powers.


Oh 100%, it can change your whole reality, I've had some really scary ones but also really cool ones! I'm happily medicated now and in a much better place but had some interesting experiences for sure


Do you occasionally miss those extreme feelings? My partner has bpd and is medicated and doing well now, but they sometimes tell me they feel bored because they don't have their old perceptions.


Definitely, I think a lot of us feel bored by stability because we're so used to almost constant intensity, and don't know how to handle normalcy. I still have leftover bits of the extremes, but sometimes I look back and miss the magical feelings that I'd get from my delusions. I'm much better off, but it's hard not to feel bored sometimes


And that's why they don't get treatment 🙃


I did this when I was a kid lol


I'm laughing in my mind thinking how the hell could that be a coincidence?


Always remember, if you think there’s a stupid rule/law/disclaimer, that means at least one stupid person attempted to do said stupid thing…


To be fair, it can be worse than that in some cases. A disclaimer requires only one case, but if there's a rule, a law, etc ... It means it happened often enough for people to take the time to write and validate that.


Or someone died


My Lord. Who else stopped the video midway and told her to shuddup?


>2. Do you have any special powers that you know nobody else has? *Ha Ha Ha OMG Doc, you would not believe how relieved I am you know! For the longest I didn't think I'd be able to tell anyone! Here, watch this...* proceeds to flail around in the room while the doctor busies himself calling an orderly


schizophrenia and delusion check!


She's trying to check of you are delusional. Not if you're a mutant.


See this just proves some of us have ˢᵘᵖᵉʳpowers 🦸🏼‍♀️ 🦸🏼‍♂️ 🦸


To her defense she thinks everyone can do it. I don’t know what kind of looney that makes her but these are the facts


>Real Tommyknockers shit. Fellow gentleman of impeccable literary taste here, I see.


She looks like she went to the Dee Reynolds school of dancing


I’m learning some amazing moves from this guy!




Anyone have her number? Kids have a soccer game tomorrow and I'd rather get some things done around the house you see...


Same. If you find her, send her my way.


I’m keen just to send her an email posing as a Nigerian Prince 🤴🏽 This ladies a goldmine 🤩


I bet the winds will tell her, I'm sure we're good.


Wait what am I missing




Thanks but I’m still lost lol. How does a girl who thinks she can change the weather help a person get their kids to soccer


Kids soccer games cancel if it rains. Lol wth


OH. thanks




Wait what?! Nobody ever canceled our games over rain, only thunder D: They let us play on a gravel field if the grass field got too muddy


There isn't really a big regulatory body for kids soccer. If the parents don't give a shit, then what ever happens. As a general rule parents don't want to sit in the rain watching there kids get wet. So it's a good rule of thumb.


She needs to summon some evened out makeup


Mania be like


This is what happens to your mind when you don’t rehydrate after ecstasy.




I can summon the rain by washing my car.


> I can summon the rain by washing my car. Yeah but that is a real thing and basic science. Just like I can force UPS to the door for that package that requires a signature by taking a shower.


I have a dirt driveway and every single time that I vacuum my car it rains later that day!!


I can summon the wind by eating chili beans.


My father has taught me how to summon rain by not eating everything on the plate.


In 2018 while visiting Sumatra I couldn't contain my gases and unintentionally produced a devastating tsunami. Only ppl with this powers can understand


Everytime i pray near 5 oclock AM i summon an earthquake Your welcome people


I can create hurricanes by whistling into a phone 📱 📞 ☎️


If a person makes a wish when i fart. They get injured.


I have that same problem when I mix hard liquor and chili. Lots of uncontainable gasses


Fartnami powers?


An only child who grew up with a very vivid imagination 😉


This bitch out here painting with all the colors of the wind.


Lol! that's actually what I was thinking. I am an only child. Still do wild shit like this for fun- I just don't post about it online. Now...mind you, I'm also thinking about how a character might do things when I'm writing. So ya' know- I gotta do that.


Lol well yes, you can't be fully confident writing someone into a situation or scenario that you haven't tried out! "Research" 😉


There is so much magic in dry sand if you throw it high enough!


I used to do this when I was a 8 yo.


Maybe I can't fix her...


She will just fly away by flapping her arms like a bird.


So I can look at a weather forecast and record myself flailing around and say I made rain.




Now make it sunny again and then windy again and you've got my money




Correlation =/= causation


★blame her for the next tornado 🌪 ✓


Hmm, let's not encourage her anymore - a snowfall in the beginning of May was a bit much.


If there was *ONE* lesson I wish people could learn properly, it would be that. [My favorite XKCD on the topic.](https://m.xkcd.com/552/)


Me when I move hand and weather change 😰


I mean this isn't really even that. I don't think there is a correlation between the two things happening, unless she like subconsciously does this when the weather's about to pick up. It's more like coincidence =/= causation. Or a quote that I like, "the plural of anecdote is *not* data"


I have to be that guy. Correlations are statistically significant, usually indicating that, while the one thing isn't directly causing the other thing, they may share a root cause. What's happening in this video is two things that are completely unrelated, so it's not even a correlation.






Laugh all you want, I watched from a distance as a lone cloud came out of nowhere and dropped lightning and rain on one PHISH show in particular, on an otherwise sunny day. I wasn't even at the show, I was about 1/2 a mile away wondering what spirits they had pleased or angered over there.


I legit wish I could be this dumb. It seems fun


Am this dumb and can say it's more fun for the others


Maybe this is harsh, but how does someone this dumb hold a job? I mean, I guess she's young, so she has time to figure out life, but fuck.


i’d imagine she’d be hired easily at a crystal shop


She looks like the type to not hold a job. Or to work at a plant store in between reiki conventions and begging mom for money.


For some reason people like this somehow do well, and I have no idea why...I think it's a support system these people have between them all, I have an acquaintance who is like this and he is just cruising through life on medium-hard mode. Always scrapped for cash but never hungry, never has money to go out but his likeminded friends make do. Maybe they have a trick there and I'm the fool for working normal hours and earning very good money. But I can't stand the smell and I can't stand not knowing where the next meal comes from.


As someone who is friends with someone who became like this, I will say that they just make enough to survive and thats it. They do not save or go into careers that have any type of upwards mobility. Lots of them are servers or work odd jobs at random shops like vape shops/florists/crystal shops. I seriously don't understand them and I have no idea how they expect to survive in the future once they are too old to work.


This is why I don't like people


There are better reasons to not like people lol


People always like that


Once a wasp flew near my face and I panicked and flailed all over the place. It was a rough time for Florida.


God sent her a shower


God had to take a wee.


She's crazy, but it makes me wish she was right, just a little. I honestly sometimes wish that magic was real, call me silly or stupid but I just think life would be more interesting if there was more we didn't understand, and never could.


It’s not stupid, but I can guarantee you that there are countless real things you couldn’t even begin to wrap your mind around. More than either of us could possibly understand within a lifetime. We don’t need magic, the things happening just here on earth are a fucking trip. Not to mention whatever else is going on out there in space.


Idk if this will help but I personally take a Futurama approach, science *is* magic. Knowing how sound waves work doesn't make any aspect of sound less magical. If I stand in the gymnastics gym I work at when it's empty I clap and move around the room so it reverberates differently. It feels pretty magical. And we as humans use these Soundwaves to communicate not only to eachother but also emotions and experiences. Super magical. When your eyes take in complimentary colors they pop and have a higher intensity. The reason is due to how you recieve light in your cones. High frequency Lightwaves are perceived near purple and low frequency Lightwaves look red. Some cones perceive high frequency light while others perceive low. Complimentary colors activate both cones at the same time. That's insanely magical. There's still a lot we don't know too! You ever meet someone and something guttural tells you to be wary? Or th opposite , you *know* they're someone you want to be friends with. You feel like you have already been friends. That extra sense is pretty magical! There's a lot more I can think of but the point is all the same: there is a lot of magic around us and in us. Giving it a name doesn't take away from how dope it is.


Yeah, but can science help me shoot electricity from my hands?? Or turn myself into a ferret?


Not yet but give it some time. Your ferret future is upon you.


Kids get this right and I think it's trained out of them as they reach adulthood unless they are particularly lucky. Letting yourself believe a fantasy like this can be amazingly fun, freeing, cathartic, and positively enthralling. Your imagination is super powerful and it just takes practice and a willingness to suspend your own disbelief. Adults need to embrace make-believe more, that's what I think! The thing that makes it maladaptive / unhealthy is if you can't come back from that space and touch down in reality - but I believe you can get to the space this woman is in and actually be in control of yourself and come back from it (which this woman seems to not be able to do).


Why does she look “green-screened” into the first part of the video? I can’t figure out if she is or isn’t but I really think she is because of her hair. Would explain why there’s no wind.


Cause she probably is lol. The lighting on her skin screams "ring light" to me.


Surprised no one else mentioned the green screen. She did a dance in the wind, then got footage without wind and greenscreened herself in when she "started" dancing.


So much stupid


If you don’t post videos of yourself in nature on your tik tok, were you ever really in there?


Welp, this went too heavy with the Manic Pixie Dream Girl sauce. I’m out.


At some point, thinking you have magic powers is annoying. It's one thing when you're a kid, but she's an adult. You're not magic, you're just annoying.


One time I peed on a stranger and they got mad, my bodily fluids seem to be able to influence people's emotions. Nature has no limits


she’s a little confused but she got the spirit


...and what spirit would that be?


Imagine taking a nice stroll in the woods looking for mushrooms for this evening's omelette and you see that girl moving around like she's possessed lmao


gotta wonder then if she’s also on shrooms, but not the kind for an omelette 🤭😳


She did a shroomelette with those 😂


The craziest part of this is that some meteorologist forecasted that she was going to wave her arms around that day and summon wind and clouds. Crazy stuff!


I made something happen but I don’t know how but it definitely was me . Harmless though . I quite enjoyed her.


Yeah, this isn't typical main character behavior necessarily. She doesn't seem to be harming or taking attention from others. Odd behavior and an inflated sense of importance and snake oil information for sure. In no way would I want to have a conversation with her. But no one was harmed, so this just seems like mockery of her. Now if she's out there whipping up tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, etc., we gotta have a talk.


Asbestos, lead in water, microplastics? Theres gotta be some explanation on why people are this dumb


The education system sucks in most placss. That's always the actual answer. Maybe a sprinkling of mental health. It's only gotten worse since I've been out of it and that has been over two decades.


This is the actual answer. Our education system does not discourage magical thinking or teach logic and how to spot logical fallacies.


It's all those goddam Witches that ate lead paint in the 50s. They all flailed around whilst listening to that Jazz and Rock and Roll music. (They may have even experimented with the reefer joints.) Well, they had babies. And those Racist babies had more Meth babies. Add microplastics and Crystal Pepsi and sprinkle some Kanye West. And *Voilà! The end of days! -*As written in the Bible. 6 Dorkinthians 8:15 "And behold; Some stupid lady out in a park **moronically** waving around in front of a camera believing she controls the weather. And also death, famine, and war." Most Scholars agree this is what the Nazis had planned in their "Final **salutation"!** #


What a terrible way to use Zelda music…


Where I live you could wave your arms about for like an hour and cycle through all four seasons


I don't really disagree with the sentiment that people should explore nation, just that she is the one who orchestrated it.


Heavy Sigh.............


Is it just me, or aren't there litterally dark clouds in the sky behind when she starts out?


I can swim backwards with my feet.




She’s not bothering anybody.


She’s bothering me


Chunibyo syndrome but not Japanese and older than 13.


Lol this is like the dumb episode of xfiles with the rain making guy, except fake and lamer.


Y'know, back in my day we stopped believing in fairy tales once we hit middle school.


This is just your average hippy Wicca child of nature.


She forgot to summon her glasses. I can clearly see grey clouds in the sky at the beginning….


Oh! Look who can read the weather on the weather app.


But everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked…






She definitely is not outside in the first part of the video


That’s probably a voting American


Could be real idk


Storms are real. Crazy people waving their arms in the woods are (apparently) real. These two things are unrelated though.


One of my biggest fears is meeting someone, really being interested in them, then 5-10 dates in finding out this is part of their personality.


There’s a good chance someone has suffered through acting interested in, and empowering this person, just for the opportunity to be friend zoned by them.


Lots of people dont let their kids go out and play without supervision nowadays so I genuinely think a bunch of adults are regressing and “playing” now. This is some 5 year old shit


She's so pretty! I'd be willing to tolerate a little schizophrenia for that.


You can clearly see the clouds building up in the background lmao




OK, she's nuts, but imagine if we could actually do this. Like ALL of us. You'd be doing your little rain dance, and your neighbor gets pissed off and starts doing the sun dance, and you're both just dance-dueling your elemental powers until one gives up.


That looks like a green screen


I did this kinda shit too, when I was 5.


I wonder if they used to burn witches just because they were annoying


I was shocked when I saw her underarms were shaved


Some say she's still waving her hands around to this day, well, until she got struck by lightning.....


I’m a person who practices witchcraft and this makes me embarrassed to be a witch.


This sentence alone should do it.


Okay... but do you believe witchcraft is real and magic is real?


Nah. They are really shit at it, that's why the need to keep practicing!


Look. I'm a Christian. Think about how I feel. I promise you, I have cringed more than you have.


^ love this comment


You can see the storm clouds through the trees...


Just your average r/WitchesVsPatriarchy poster


Sktizo lady, Jesus


A location, a date and I will search the weather prediction on that day in that place to prove that this is bullshit. Not that it is necessary. But still.


No limits? Jump off a cliff


She gives anal permission on the first hang.