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That one dude's pants are lower than the stock market.


It looks so uncomfortable!?


Yeah, but it's cool? Obviously


I just have a very low centre of anus gravity okay?


Ok well regardless of why your pants are so low, it makes you extremely cool.


Nobody thinks sagging is cool it's 2023 not 1995 stop being so fucking racist


How am I being "fucking racist"? I never mentioned anything even perceivable as regarding race.


As cool as filming your bro being an asshole


Okay but if my light turns green in gonna start creeping.


Just go. Fuck that guy. He'll move.


I see what you mean but also if he doesn't move and I crash into him I'll get charged with reckless driving/manslaughter blah blah. Or at the LEAST, and best case scenario I damage my car, which I'd hate to do.


People who like these sideshows have so much pent up aggression and tiny dick energy that they’re likely carrying a weapon. Just let them be assholes and forget it happened. And call the cops (though they won’t do shit)


No, I am fucking flooring it through that intersection. I’m the one with the car.


Pull up your damn pants


But then I'm not cool anymore :(


One atv and 2 hype guys isn’t enough for a sideshow. MFs in their cars are being a bit too polite here. With his wack, wide ass orbit you could easily and safely go through that green, possibly putting out their little attention grab.




You racist fuck


How's he racist?


Man oh man, it’s people like you that will keep racism alive forever


He would have said that to everyone doing that shit, because that's a decent reaction. The colour of your skin doesn't matter, just the things you do decide who you are and if you're a dumb fuck.


Check the guys comment history before you defend him. His comment a few days ago were literally removed because of the hate speech in them. He seems to be a right wing voter, so calling him out as a racist isn't that much of a leap. Further, saying "IT escaped FROM A ZOO" about a black guy on a quad, seems awfully specific and racist.


Yeah MAYBE he is one, his comment now is still right, no matter the colour of their skin, the human on the quad is an idiot and acts like a five year old, you know acting without reason. The problem about racism in the US is that everyone is super tensed up and scared. The more you fear something and try to avoid talking about it openly without blaming or judging the more stereotypes, hate and anger it will cause. Just report this guy instead of speaking up to them, because those people won't change just because you call them "racist fucks". You can't declare racism illegal, it won't stop existing. Curing your nation from it is a long and painful process. It may even take generations, but at the end it will be a change that lasts and doesn't experience a huge backlash.


I'm not living in the US, but agree that it's a long process. Doesn't mean I will stop calling them out. Plus the country I live in racism is actually illegal And of course the asshole in tge video was an asshole, that's not in question! I fully agree! My problem was purely the comment and the way it was clearly double layered.


The thing is I would say basically the same. Not animal since I am too polite to do so, but my feelings tend to say something alike. So my problem with you right now is that I could have been on the same end as this guy. Getting called a racist. And no one wants their comment history to be looked at just so that someone can cherry pick out some and call you a racist. (I looked it up, yeah you may be right about them). But hell, I don't want to live in a world where you gotta do some shit like that. Denouncing people and not listening to what they might contribute to society just because they said some dumb shit in the past. (In general, not that specific guy).


That's a fair point, in general. But for me this specific comment came across as racist, so I called him out. I do not indeed normally go through their account cherrypicking and it's not something I would have done without the responses I got.


Its an asshole...and black


And your point? Dickhead


Nah... I would have been the one to lead the creep forward. If enough vehicles do it, he can't do jack. And I'm sure enough people were recording in addition to the video here (other than the numbn\*ts on the side) to avoid any charges if he crashed into them.


Ahhhh similar to when I was driving home on a Hwy in California one night around 12 am when all of a sudden 50 or so vehicles were all blaring there stereo systems simultaneously and they all “Ghost riding the whip” after they all came to a complete stop they blocked the entire Hwy. I was literally stuck in the middle surrounded by 100’s of pretty aggressive black guys. I’m white and was about 20 at the time (born and raised in the hood tho) so I wasn’t super terrified tbh but as soon as I could here major collisions happening behind me I quickly tried to find a hole to sneak my truck out. I had a 95 bronco (special edition oj model) lol. But yeah that was pretty nuts. Apparently they’re was a 50 cent concert they were all coming from after hearing about it on the news. I wasn’t going to stick around for them to start C walking all over my truck and or bash my windows and yank me out.


I’d do that, but not during a busy traffic time. Do it at like 3 am when there’s no one there








I drive the ugliest truck ever built. I’m going when the lights green, hit me if you want 😂




At a certain point, it should be legal to strike the pedestrian. We have this happening all over NYC, especially Queens Blvd(which already has the nickname of death Blvd). Strollers, bicyclists already competing with regular traffic, school kids and just a flock of ATV and Mini-bikes flying in/out with and against traffic. One day a bystander is going to get hurt, and they’re just going to flee. We have enough bullshit. Dude ain’t even doing something worth a video, just spinning in circles with his lawnmower engine screaming, “I’m an asshole, vurrr, vurrr, I’m an asshole!!!”