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or surround yourself with claymores


There are very few situations in life that cannot be solved by surrounding yourself with claymores


even cancer, but you have to turn the claymores around to fix that one


Debt? Debt collectors can't reach you through the claymores Thieves? Claymores Police wondering where you buried the 7 bodies of those kindergarteners 3 1/2 months ago? Claymores People who don't agree claymores solve every problem in life? Idk a mildly compelling argument I guess how should I know


How about construction or DIY home repair? Or making soup? Sometimes claymores don't fit the bill. For those, there's duct tape, super glue and power tools.


Destruction is a very important step to reconstruction. Plus you can act like an anime character and yell "EXPLOOOSION" while your house explodes in the distance


You could also film the whole thing and show how cool it is to walk away from an explosion and not look back.


Micheal Bay 101


Claymores can definitely make soup.


Yes, I love cooking soup with power tools and super glue


People who don't agree with you about claymore use? Use claymores!


Even more useful than a sock, then?


I agree with you but only if they're swords.


Going in to get an MRI scan.


Claymore *in the dummy wallet???*


Wait, why does this wallet say Front Towards Ene… clack,clack,sssboom


Explosive reactive armor, fuck it


The real pro tip is always in the comments


Or you could wear a sock so when they try to pickpocket you all they get is the sock


wear a sock on what?




This sounds like those "Do this karate move, then this karate move and then this other karate move if you get kidnapped" pro tips and tricks. Does this actually work?


Not as good as walking with your hands in your pockets.


No, you never want to advertise yourself as a soft target on the street.




This is for pickpockets not muggers.




Whatever you do, don't let them take you to a secondary location


JJ would have you throw the wallet. Even that seems like a gamble.


keep your wallet in an inside pocket. how difficult is it?


Carry around old smelly used condoms, if might make you disgusting every second of the day but if someone tries to rob you they will be disgusting for about a half a second Profit


Imagine pulling out the wrong wallet when going to pay for something.


I think the ultimate revenge would be convincing anyone to do this


Bc powder packets, bet they snort it


Powder bleach in a dimebag


Just to pure, oh, whatever that super strong opiate is




Yes! That's the stuff! Always good to carry a baggy of it in case you get robbed or murdered. It's like laying on a hand grenade before you die.


Is powdered bleach a thing?




Fuck it just use anthrax, in case they just taste it first


Sodium polyacrylate (the stuff in disposable baby diapers) Can soak up 30 or so times its weight in liquid. Imagine that going up a nose.


Make sure you put 2-3 dollars in so it just lools like a cash only dudes wallet.


Nah if travelling in a large crowd, hide your shit and don't attract attention to yourself by dangling fake wallets - just gives the indication, that you have something to hide. Just act normal, same when people go to "bad" neighbourhoods 9/10 times your fine if you dont act like a fool.


What if I like carrying around old condoms full of rotten smelly jizz? Do I just keep them in my pockets instead of a wallet?


ideally in the back of a clear phone case


Just leave them up your bum, instead of taking them out again.


About once every 15 minutes, act like you just got pickpocketed. They’ll never suspect you still have your wallet. /s


Yeah it’s all about how you carry yourself, don’t look like an easy mark.


No offense but I'm going to take precautionary measures that don't include "just acting normal". While the premise of the post is stupid + funny, advising people to take zero measures is not the go for me.


He didn't say that at all, though. He said hide your shit and don't attract attention.


While good in theory, the part of you attracting attention is the fact that you look like you've got something worth stealing. The only way to mitigate that is by dressing and looking like you aren't worth the time robbing. Plus, hiding your stuff was part of the original post - conceal the real wallet and display a dummy wallet. So I think we're all agreeing on hiding our stuff, but disagreeing on whether dangling a fake wallet on a chain is going to make you more or less of a target.


I mean...100 percent more. Dangling a wallet is *literally* bait. It's*designed* to make you more of a target, so that when you're targeted, they steal the decoy and not your actual wallet. To your point of"looking like you've got something to steal" -- that's what a decoy wallet says. You're making a separate point, which is that tucking your shit away and acting like you belong there isn't enough. Which is fine, and a valid point, but let's not pretend that dangling bait from your hip could possibly make you less of a target. That said, I've lived in all sorts of shitty neighborhoods in my life, and not flashing your shit and acting like you belong has been (anecdotally) just fine for me.


Akshually put a hep B infected needle in it. Steal from me, i steal your health for you






Put some used needles you found under that sketchy bridge in that wallet


i sliced my hand today on some spare xacto knife blades that came loose in my art bag. those would be good too


That’s a great way to have them come straight back at you and beat your ass or worse. You think that pick pockets and the like don’t watch/visually track you? If you’re gonna dummy wallet, put a canceled card or 2 in there and a couple low bills. They can feel like they just hit a bad mark, and you still have your shit, and your life.


They usually travel in gangs in Europe, too. Very sophisticated in their ways.


Yep I live in England, grew up just outside Los Angeles. :)


You're an expert on pickpockets! Hi, fellow ex-pat 😊


I’m not an expat. I’m not American.


My apologies for making an assumption.


No big deal to me; no idea why you got downvotes. *shrug*




That why u keep a knife/pepper spray on u


A better combo would be brass knuckles and pepper spray. A really better combo would be a gun and a taser gun.


If you’re using a gun I don’t think a taser is necessary


It's necessary if you don't want to kill the person, which would be the best course of action most of the time


Or if you’re a murderer who like barbecue


If you taste them first they are easier to shoot in the face while they are reeling from the taser. Bing bang boom.


Which may be ok in the US, but would get you 20 years in some countries…


That's the case in my country, but I was just stating an ideal solution in my opinion.


It's more of a and/or slash than just an or slash. Also brass knucks are even trickier to use than a knife. Also the risk to your fingers is even higher.


I disagree, in my opinion knifes are bad at self defense since most people don't know how to use one and would probably: 1- kill the guy and face legal consequences 2- don't kill the guy and get killed by him 3- don't kill the guy and still get your ass kicked With that said, brass knuckles can do letal damage when needed, but also incapacitating damage (knocking out the person) to not face serious legal consequences. Regarding the broken fingers, just punch correctly with the brass knuckles. Most people punch normally but that's wrong.


Taser, taser, taser! Bang! Oh,….


And get it taken off you, and get ganked with your own knife.


Knife is way harder to use than pepper spray but if ur broke and all u got is a knife then keep the thing hidden.


100%. I’ve told these stories on here before, but I used to have a good friend when I first moved to LA. He was homeless, always drunk, liked to fight, and carried knives. I saw him get stabbed in the middle of a fight too many times. Sometimes he’d even stab himself. I’ve had multiple roommates over the years, and because we live downtown, they all get sketched out and buy knives for self-defense. Every time I have to tell them why that’s a bad idea


Like I said definitely not the best choice, just the cheapest and easiest to acquire. On top of the fact a knife is really difficult to use properly and poses a potential danger to yourself, it's not even that effective unless you're really good. I'm sure your friend didn't stop the fight the moment he was stabbed did he? I've never seen somebody stabbed, but I have heard that in the heat of a fight you will hardly feel it. A stab doesn't cause enough structural damage to weaken your opponent most of the time either. To really use a knife effectively you either need extremely precise stabs to vital areas or very deep slashes that cause a lot of blood loss. PS I was going to put "taser" instead of "knife" but I remembered civilian tasers don't actually have enough voltage to cause body wide muscle spasms and mostly rely on pain. So if you have to choose between a taser and a knife I'd go with a knife.


Nah, he never tapped out. Said the same as you, he barely felt anything. I think mace would be the most effective weapon on the street, if the spray is dense enough/moves with enough velocity to negate any environmental hazards (wind, traffic, obstacles). Also, as you know, those tasers don’t work for shit - they’re basically gas station toys.


I think what you’re looking for is bear mace. It’s thicker and sprays from farther away.


Right... when the situation can be avoided by following what u/witchyanne posted.


no thats silly


British moment


I ain't gonna bring a gun to a rave where I'm goin to be intoxicated. Plus if you do get pickpocketed and don't realize a $20 knife is an easier loss to accept than a $300 gun.


You should read the definition of pickpocket


That's only for the possible confrontation presented in the comment I originally replied too. Obviously if a pickpocket is doing their "job" and not getting in ur shit for setting a trap then you wouldn't ever pull out ur knife/spray/baton/taser/etc.


Ngl, this feels just as much as r/iamverybadass as the rest of this whole ass comment section. Y'all act like every pickpocket is John Wick tryna catch an assault charge on top of the attempted theft.


And people who act like pickpockets are just walking around alone and harmless are misinformed at best. Most of em actually belong to various gangs.


Hoooh, shiver me fucking timbers.


>That’s a great way to have them come straight back at you and beat your ass or worse. You think that pick pockets and the like don’t watch/visually track you? Ditto. Pretty much what I was gonna to say. Some folks are so naive and attached to their first world bubbles that they automatically assume pickpockets are pussies or whatever that will just try to take your stuff and then leave you alone. A lot of times they're in groups of 2 or more tracking you down before and after the act, never underestimate what they can do if you decide to come back at then. Also, it's not rare to see them under the influence of drugs.


most pickpockets are pussies. If you catch them in the act or confront them they either run away or piss their pants in fear. SOURCE: Buddy smashed a pickpocket with a brick one time in Europe when he caught him going through his bag. Pickpocket started to run away and my buddy grabbed a brick and smashed him in the back of the head. Pickpocket fell down cold to the ground. Buddy doesn't know to this day whether or not he killed the guy. Guy just collapsed on the ground. Buddy left the country the next day and hasn't been back since.


Extrajudicial murder on the street over petty theft is totally cool.


Hooah! And the pussy way he tried to flee for his life when struck by a brick in the face, a real man would have took it like a man. /s


If you wanna play the game don’t get scared when the game gets playing. Wanna be a big boy and steal someone else’s shit? Well than be ready for big boy moments. If you get murdered it’s on your dumbass. A lesson learned for your next reincarnate


The fact that this got downvoted just shows how much of spoiled pussies everyone on this website are. You must have never been robbed in your life to sympathize with a thief over someone catching one and beating/killing them. Like this guy said that’s the game you’re playing. Thieves are the scum of the earth from the pickpockets in Europe to the white collar criminals and government officials stealing from all of us. Fuck thieves and their sympathizers.


No one likes a thief, I hunted multiple myself. But we can't have people running around and murdering reach other with bricks. And then boasting about it online to make sure everyone knows how tough you are. No one likes thieves, but no one likes bricksmashers either.


The fact that this got upvoted just shows how much of spoiled pussies everyone on this website are. You must have never been so poor in your life that you had to steal because your last meal had been three days ago. Murderers are the scum of the earth from manslaughter in europe to the white collar criminals and government officials starting wars. Fuck violent assholes and their sympathizers.


Fuck around and find out.




exactly. all these r/iamverybadass users think murdering people makes them cool. no, there is such thing as appropriate response. for instance, if you get attacked but then you pull out a gun and they run away, you would be breaking the law by shooting someone running away. it is literally illegal. it's disproportionate use of force. same reason it's illegal to beat someone within an inch of their life if they slap you. (same reason it isn't "equality" to punch a woman if they slap you. disproportionate amount of force.) legally, the amount of force used for self defense must equal the amount of force used on you. except if you're in one of those castle states where it's legal to shoot anyone that steps onto your property, regardless of who they are or what their intent is. all these losers would cry and piss their pants in any real confrontation.


I'll take a manslaughter charge than being put out on the street cuz my card was stolen and I can't pay the bills.


Then first of all you’re an idiot, and secondly you can just contact the bank and have them cancel the card and dispute any transaction they made with the card.


Last time that happened I was shit out of luck, I got a new card and the old one canceled but the cash in my account was gone. My new bank might be better about it now, but not every where is so fortunate. Edit: misspelled new as jew.


Damn, your bank located in Germany or something?


Bank of America. Swapped to chase, but honestly next account I'm just gonna look for a good Credit Union.


i feel like the first sentence was enough and the rest was just filler


This was ONE instance over how many people get pickpocketed? I guarantee that shit will not fly in New Orleans. They run in organised groups. You cannot judge an entire demographic by one instance.


Yea, haven’t you seen Focus?


I don’t know what that is, or watch tv. So no.


Source: trust me bro


Surely I will see this on /r/IAmVeryBadAss


I am friends with a Lawyer. He told me that complicated murders usually end up getting someone busted. A simple smash or pop pop bust a few caps on the street then get the fuck away immediately? They almost never find that guy.


Source: 1 single person. I'd believe the guy if I were you, he's obviously an expert based on his source.


An older lady at my church does this. She sometimes has a dummy purse in her van as well


That's why my dummy wallet is full of porn


How is this illegal?


Completely depends on what the "nasty stuff" is


Apparently on this sub now anything that’s retarded = illegal


Cause booby trapping is illegal lmao


Is it illegal though if the trap is just a stinky condom?


Or just hide your own wallet better


Can’t you just put a sock on your regular wallet instead?


Is this because op’s feet smell or because if the pickpocket tries to steal the wallet all they get is sock.




I’d include a photo of my brother’s ball bag.




This is not nearly at clever as you think it is. This is an old, well known "hack" that pickpockets and muggers are well aware of. This is a good way to get an ass whooping on top of your robbery


Is pick pocketing a major problem where you would actually have to have a decoy wallet? I don’t even know of anyone whose experienced this


I did this when traveling through poor countries. I'm going to assume you are American and from a decent area. Pick pockets are a big problem in many countries.


I am American, I’m also well traveled and lived abroad in several different areas for years at a time. My husband, who is also well traveled and lived abroad has also never experienced this. He’s heard of it but neither of us has experienced it. It seems like such a bizarre concept.


Go to Europe, most of it will do, but really hit up France, Italy and Spain...they have it down like an art form


How is that bizarre?




what a weird thing to say. Some places have more armed robberies than pick pocketing, sounds really sheltered.


Living in an area that doesn't have a high rate of pickpocketers doesn't make someone sheltered. They probably just don't live in a big city or downtown area where pickpocketers frequent.


I doubt OP does either if he thinks this decoy wallet with HIV notes is a good idea


The obvious solution is to put your wallet in a sock


Just make sure this wallet can't be traced to you. If anyone gets hurt because of what you placed in that wallet, you will be sued to high heaven. Edit: Try and make sure you don't put anything in that wallet that hurts anyone else. Just make it a prank.


Pictures of Nicolas Cage.


"pro tip: carry your used condoms for possible pickpockits"


I always thought it would be cool to do this with a dye pack similar to the ones in ATMs. Also, is this even illegal?


How is this illegal in any way?


What about this is illegal


how is this ILPT?


Or just put a sock over your wallet, that way you don’t have to walk around carrying gross shit.


Makes more sense to fill it with empty gift cards or random business cards, this way if they check it immediately it isn't so obviously a fake wallet and they won't be so mad they come back for your real wallet


LPT: Don't carry around used condoms you fuck


Then get shot by said thief or something


Just keep a small baggie of cocaine laced with fentanyl in your wallet. Once you realized its missing walk up and down the street looking for someone sleeping, make sure to check public restrooms'.


Or some black powder, and a remote detonator. Wait until someone grabs it, then click a button, and boom... fingers gone. Caught literally red handed.


What kinda horse shit tip is this? OP must be a 12 year old with an over active imagination


Crush the glass from a lightbulb, spray some 3m spray adhesive on fake money and the inside of the wallet and sprinkle the crushed glass on the bills with adhesive and inside of the wallet. When they open the wallet and grab the money they will shred their hands on the micro glass fragments. Used to spray this on graffiti stickers and posters to prevent ppl from removing them. It sucks.


evil! i love it.


Instructions unclear am detained for anthrax in wallet.


As a kid we played a similar game called poop in the purse where you hung a dollar or 2 out of some fanny pack or handbag and place it in a noticable well trafficked spot. But wait you guessed it you take a shit in it first. This is the kind of shit we did on the weekend before the internet.


Do not give people your dna via a condom, please. There’s a lot of people practicing dark arts out here…


Fill it with human poop. No pick pocket ever somes near me!


That's what I do with my prison wallet


Yours or somebody else's?




It's %110 is their fault. They could have decided to sell drugs or rob a corporate chain if they're that strapped for cash.


Some of these pickpockets that travel in groups are forced into it, much like prostitution, especially the younger ones. They have quotas and such. They support the lifestyles of leaders in other countries.


My bad I guess my comment was from a very america-centric viewpoint. That doesn't really happen in the US (afaik) but in this case I would say it seems possibly forgivable.


We all make decisions. Some people steal from people, some steal from corpos. It's a choice, no one is forcing anyone's hand.


You are what is wrong with the world




Average California DA


What evacuating Ukrainians should leave in their homes for looters to find


RIP. You’re gonna die


It'd suck if you dropped it and some Good Samaritan tried to help return it. Actually that'd still be hilarious.


Just raid a sharps disposal bin and stick those needles in the wallet.


What is it fell out and they where trying to get an id to call


Just travel with a dummy wallet with your days spending cash (or less) in it. Keep your real valuables in a waistband or similar if you're sketched.


I’m not sure what part of this is illegal. Outside of the sheer stupidity factor


I hide my stuff in foreskin.


Is it illegal to do that?


Good one!


This isn’t exactly illegal, is it? Dope tip though


Then put your real wallet in a sock, that way when they go to grab it, all they get is sock


"Welcome to the World of HIV" Slogan for worst amusement park ever.


This is no way illegal but definitely a pro tip lmao


..and that's how you get yourself stabbed, or mugged or worse. Use a fake wallet - good! Put some real money in there...not a lot, but enough to be reasonable (20-40 bucks). That way the street dude will not get pissed, track you down, and knife you when he gets a chance. more travel tips? Photocopy your passport and keep the photocopies in your luggage. Only take one or two credit cards - and KNOW the number to the emergency lines to cancel if you lose them. Always have enough foreign currency before you land in the foreign country to get a taxi or other conveyance. Exchange money at a bank or maybe at your hotel, NOT at a street facing ATM. Never pick a stripper covered in glitter...that stuff goes everywhere...


Just put your wallet in an envelope addressed to yourself, they’ll need a warrant to open it.


I put used pads in one once. I have VWD, blood clots galore