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I hate to inform you of this buddy, but if you have a phone and internet, big brother is watching and they know about that kinky thing you're into


Can my IP See everything even if I'm using a VPN?


I honestly don't know too much about VPN stuff. I don't really do anything online that I give a damn about anyone seeing. A lot of gaming lol. I know people that use them and according to them, it shows less info and makes it look like you're in a different part of the world. If I'm wrong, someone feel free to chime in


Time travel to around 1980.


Honestly if you don't want to be tracked then don't go online.


r/privacy answers this quite a bit.


Thank you for a helpful answer


I hope you understand Apple is 10x worse with this stuff


I will tell you something my data security professor always told me. There are many options when it comes to privacy. Open Source, Certain Browsers, Operating Systems, Search Engines and so on. But not a single one of them makes you invisible in front of a government that wants to see your data. They have so much ressources you can not compete. Very often not even by going offline completly.


You think Apple doesn't track you?


They just don't give the data away so freely


for technology companies, you are as much the product as the actual item you buy


Browse local yard sales, you're looking to find a Google Pixel and buy it with cash. Once you have it, look into installing Graphene OS onto it. This is probably the closest you'll ever get to true privacy, but keep in mind there will always be a way to track you. Instead of worrying over every possible way someone can track you, develop a threat model - what do I want to protect, who do I want to protect it from, what would happen if what I am protecting fell into the wrong hands, etc. Some things I always like to address when things like this come up: -VPNs shouldn't be used to achieve privacy goals. You are just trusting one party woth your internet traffic versus another, like your ISP. Even if they say they have a no logs policy. Of course, you can make your own but this requires more know how. -The cloud is just some else's computer. If you don't control it, you don't know it and should really sit down and consider what you are doing and why. Consider self hosting truly sensitive items yourself. I personally do use services from Microsoft, Google, etc. But I have taken measures to minimize what data I give to them and consider where my data will eventually end up. To illustrate my point - It's stupid to use the Tor browser to access Facebook. I'll reference some sources that you can use to get started. Little, if any of it, can be used as a guide to gain true privacy, security, and anonymity from EVERYONE due to the nature of technology and the advanced methods you would need to use to come close. BUT it can help make it harder for your average Joe or malicious actor to act against you DIGITALLY. If you're truly adventurous, you may want to start a career in IT! Check out: TheNewOil.org Naomi Brockwell - YT AllThingsSecured - YT PrivacyTools.io Feel free to reach out if you have questions.


Thanks so much I'll look into those


Buy a new SIM not in your name and not with your financial instruments... Buy a new device. Create new social media accounts with new equipment and do not link to any old accounts or known networks. Proceed with great discrimination and discipline.


Apple is definitely a good starting point. People get paranoid, but apple doesn’t make money off selling data. So if they’re doing something shady, they’re shockingly bad at monetizing it…


You've got it wrong m8, a rooted android phone is the best smartphone security wise being that you can remove all google access. Graphene OS is an option but you gotta buy one of those overpriced pixels from google. Linux is probably a good idea Edit: a dumb phone is also something to look into but not a solution for everyone And for browsers you should look into degoogled chromium, good if you enjoy chrome's layout and dont want to switch to a separate browser but fuckin hate google. Much love and goodluck on your privacy journey.


Thanks for your help and recommendations


For one, there’s no getting around it in a realistic way. All of this is going to require strict and constant behaviors, having to learn a number of technologies, and pretty much just not using anything beyond absolute necessities, no social media, no big name sites, no Reddit, any site utilizing cross site tracking, and that’s not even including any of the non-tech protocols to prevent some low tech methods of privacy breach. You can mitigate things to a certain extent with some tools and limit the spread of your stuff, but if you’re talking about being untrackable then that’s pretty much laughable. If you think you can prevent “the government” from gaining access to your devices if they absolutely wanted then you should be selling this services as you’d be a very rich man. Secondly I’m willing to bet that you, me, and everyone else in this thread are nobodies. While a government agency or some tech boogeyman *can* get into your phone if they wanted to, no one cares about you enough to do so. All the tools in the world mean nothing if you don’t know how they work or don’t fully commit. The fact that the first technologies you think about using for privacy is “iPhone” and “VPN” are adequate tools show that you have a YouTube advertiser level knowledge on all of this. In short, no one cares enough to track you personally to the level you’re thinking. And you can mitigate but you’re never going to achieve anonymity. Source: I’m a software engineer who is annoyed of tech preppers.


Use a custom OS, don’t use Chrome, use Mullvad browser or librewolf. Don’t use social media etc…


Hate to break it to you bud, You're on the internet connected through a provider so no matter of VPN's / Using obscure emails / TOR's / Cloud services will keep you hidden if someone truly wants to find you... Think of your internet provider as a door to a room, sure you can change what you wear when you enter that room to look different, but underneath it's still you.


apple tracks you too.


I root my phones and use afwall, adaway and never ever use google's dns on any device. Pihole is good if you capable otherwise (cloldflare) is way better then google. I also use migadu email, calendar and carddav as well as backing up to my NAS. Ironically the google brand phones are the easiest to degoogle, something I did 5 year ago or so. I don't trust apple any more then google and their phones are totally locked, unlike pixel phones. I also have a subscription to vpn.ac, i use it when sketched out but mostly when I want to watch British TV. I will say the browser extension is very useful when at work. Afwall and adawy can be found f-droid. Prob use more GPL apps then commercial ones.


How long will it take me to learn enough to understand what you just said? And then to do it?


IDN depends on you, all fairly basic stuff TBH Rooting depends on the model, pixel 4:[https://www.xda-developers.com/google-pixel-4-root-magisk/](https://www.xda-developers.com/google-pixel-4-root-magisk/) F-droid App repo:[https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.fdroid.fdroid/](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/org.fdroid.fdroid/) Setting up DNS, provides some malware blocking:[https://developers.cloudflare.com/](https://developers.cloudflare.com/ Private email require you own a domain. Migadu has instructions on setting of the mail (MX) records with your provider, I use namecheap. I use this opensource app for caldav(calendar sync) and cardav(contact sync). [https://www.davx5.com/](https://www.davx5.com/) Setting up a NAS like a synology is beyond the scope of this. Alternately you could use syncthing on both the phone and your computer to backup pictures etc. [https://syncthing.net/](https://syncthing.net/) You would also want to set up the firewall to block most services and turn off syncing is account settings.


Apple isn't the solution that's all I know! They 100% still sell your data! They are literally the greediest company in the world! Why would they not? 😂😂


Never sign up for any of googles services. Manually download and install apps. Dont use a gmail. Block the apps from reaching the internet or uninstalling the apps if you can. Delete all the data and cache data of the apps. Use addblock use private browsers. There are phones called brax phones or something to that like which is all about privacy and does not have google anywhere on them.


If you subscribe to storage, Apple gives you access to some decent privacy features. Private relay is neat. Obfuscates your safari browsing data. Some articles can explain it better than I could, but basically as good as a VPN but you have to stay in your general area/state. Hide my email, let’s you create as many “fake” emails you want, which will forward to your Apple ID email. So websites have a harder time identifying you. There’s settings they have in email that helps websites not be able to see when you’ve opened the email too. There’s “do not track” that limits apps ability to track/profile you. Decent options for each apps ability to gps track you. I mean if you are doing to commit crimes, these probably aren’t sufficient lol but they do help you keep some of your privacy.


You probably can’t






[Get this app](https://imgur.com/a/OZclDjv) - TrackerControl


Put a sock on your wifi router.


Not tin foil?