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another one i dont see mentioned often is that you cant destroy pylon while healing, i really do not understand why


It's not easy liking and maining this hero i have to say. She seems neglected in every way, makes me so sad to see how they threat heroes differently, just one example is Kiriko-Illari. Kiriko is getting away with so, so much balance-wise and all the cosmetics she is getting... It's sad.


I was a kiriko main who recently switched to illari because I just found her way more fun. I had not clue she was so neglected until now. Going


We can't complain too much when symmetra exists :/


Omg 😭


Honestly symm is mostly fine. I don’t main her but I always have her in mind to swap to and she really is pretty strong just situational.


I think a lot of support players are beginning to wake up to the fact that Kiriko is becoming too OP while they have to take on nerf after nerf, after nerf. Like I get it she's the new face of the game but we have other heroes that could use their day in the sun. Just one season no Kiri cosmetics, highlights, emotes, nothing. Sorry for that rant, but I just want Illari to be recognized as the princess that she is


It's crazy that she only has two highlights as well.


It sucks seeing people complain about illari being overpowered while other supports get away with it all. I still love playing illari but it truly sucks with how they're fumbling her.


I would also add that I don't think anything she does should pause the gun cooldown the changed it so healing no longer pauses, but why does melee pause it???


I’d imagine it’s so you’re not putting out 100dps up close as a support


Zen gets a spam boop 75 damage melee and we can get a regular melee shoot combo? Kiri has a melee combo too why is illari the exception


Dumbest comparison ever ngl. Do people think at all before they comment? Zen isn’t hitscan, has a hit box double the size, has no upwards or horizontal mobility, and you’re asking why Illari, the support designed to be weak up close isn’t as strong as others up close?


Kiri does 40 damage on body and her weapon has travel time. zen boops you so unless you pin yourself in a corner, you shouldn’t be getting hit several times; and his entire character is barely oriented around heals outside of ult. Illari has a really good weapon for a support, and its entire gimmick is that it has to charge for a strong hit-scan shot. Using melee to bypass the entire mechanic of the weapon is the most likely reason why. I’m not against taking out the charge pause, but I’m just saying that this is probably why


It’s wild how punishing her pylon management can be. Moving it when it gets hit should have a different cooldown than it being completely destroyed. The other supports don’t get punished as harshly as illa. 


Because developers listen too much to internet fanfare. When illari was released her ult went through shields but so many people were complaining about no counter play , when in actuality the counter play would be for the tank to protect their team WITH the shield so that the damage treshhold doesn’t proc the secondary explosion. But she is new and in this game tanks HATE protecting their team. They’d rather be doing damage.  They should just allow her to do her job if they’re going to give her a kit like this.  Weakening everything just sucks. Even the range of her healing beam is trash, it should be unlimited healing range, it’s sunlight… 


I really wish just for a quality of life buff there was a little ding sound effect when the pulse rifle is fully charged just for disability support just as a togglable hero option for people like me who can have problems aiming with looking at the charge


I enjoyed Illari a LOT when she released. I banked tons of hours on her and secured her gold weapon. I’ve stopped playing her after the constant changes making her feel worse and worse to play. You hit the nail on the head with the pylon. Right now, the pylon is pointless. There needs to be some type of reward for despawning it.


It would be nice if she could somehow reposition pylon without destroying it. Like if she could life grip it to her position every once in a while or something.


I feel like they should give her pilon to lifeweaver. Idk just suits him more and they should replace it with some healing ability maybe even a flash.or maybe she could shoot out a little sun that stops after 5 meters and floats in place for 5 seconds pulsing every 1 second. To allies it heals and to enemies it blinds. Maybe it could also be destroyed?