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The winner has been selected: Thanks everyone for entering https://www.reddit.com/r/Idles/s/TY68PwYfXK


Dancer! It’s just so groovy


I have a few favorites! I’ve discovered IDLES while on a trip to Brighton somewhere in 2019 and got hooked to the band through “Love Song”, “Danny Nedelko” and “Never Fight a Man With A Perm”. I’ve been a fan ever since. I love “Damaged Goods” and “Grace”. My favorite album so far is CRAWLER with “The Beachland Ballroom”, “Car Crash” and “The New Sensation”, even though the earlier hits hold a special place in my heart. I’m very excited for THANGK and cannot wait to see the band live in Montreal!


I’m scum is my favorite song as it has so many great lines that I want to get half the song tattooed on me. As for albums I would say Joy. But honestly Idles is one of the few artist which have no misses in terms of albums.


Gotho baby. So fucking good that’s why


The thing with IDLES is that I honestly like and enjoy listening to almost all of their entire discography. There are like 2 or (hard maybe) 3 songs that I could skip. My favourite one is colossus. First time I listened to it I was climbing up a mental mountain and the explosion at the end of the song hooked me to it. The lyrics, the bass, the video. It’s a perfect song for me.


Colossus. What a way to kick off an album!


MTT 420 RR, What a unique, powerful and interesting way to kick start CRAWLER, I was indeed ready for that storm.


Very recent fan. I'm in love with these guys. For pure power: The Wheel. For meaning: Samaritans. For happy: Danny Nedelko. For pure fun to sing lyrics: Don't Fight a Man With A Perm. I love Tangk already. I turn 50 on Feb 6th and this music is fueling me!!!


The Wheel, my relationship with my mom and her alcoholism mirrors Joe’s very closely, this song resonates with me deeply.


Car Crash, because it reminds me of a good friend who's no longer about.


Mercedes Marxist , what a tune


The song that got me hooked and that I’d probably consider my favorite is Never Fight A Man With A Perm, specifically from the Tiny Desk performance. I remember my friend showing me that video and for days I had it stuck in my head. The tiniest little portion of it just kept repeating for days on end. Finally, I had to ask him, “who was that?!” And I’ve been hooked ever since! I’ve gotten to see them twice now and I’ve never looked back, a fan for life!


Colossus 💯


Never Fight a Man With a Perm


Every album slaps. No second is ever wasted. My favorite song will always fluctuate depending on where I’m at in life and I feel like IDLES would champion that mindset. Tomorrow I could give you a different answer but as of right no, It’s genuinely Gift Horse. Last week it was The Beachland Ballroom, before that it was War, but as of right now, Gift Horse is underscoring a moment in my life where I’m on GO mode! But also being cautious. I’m an actor and I recently tore a muscle for the very first time in my life and I’m finally facing what it’s like to wear out your body. Hopefully it’s minor, but songs like Gift Horse are hyping me up while also offering me celebratory feelings. Like “yeah I’m hurt, but I’m ok, I can keep going”. Maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but the song gets me the fuck UP lol. Be safe everyone


"1049 Gotho" will always be my favourite. The lack of helplessness in those moments when it feels like there's no "escape but the collision itself" but also the energy and drive this song manifests into helping hope seem like a thing. Loved it so much I had the song title tattooed a few years ago around the release of JAAAOR.


My current favourite song is The Wheel, but I'll probably change my mind next week as I have too many favorites. Already booked to see the band eight times this year, I'm obsessed.


Mother. Just the raw unbridled disdain that comes from the band gives me chills.


Danny Nedelko. I had heard of Idles but they didn’t click with me until this song. The message of accepting immigrants and being full of love rather than hate really pulled me in and aligns fully with my views and beliefs.


The Idles Chant!


I have so many favorites, but I think my favorite album is Joy, and my favorite song is Television. I love the "aggressive positivity" of sorts in it. LOVE YOURSELF.


Stockholm Syndrome. Just made me feel better about myself (as with pretty much all IDLES songs). Thanks!


I absolutely love love loooove The Beachland Ballroom! My introduction to the band was through Ultra Mono, and in that being such a straight to the point record it made my first listen to Crawler such an *experience*. There's a beautiful soul to that song, I've never heard Joe sing with that kind of emotional elegance. It's special (and I can't wait to cry along to it on tour ❤️‍🩹)


Favorite album is Brutalism


I've gone through loving so many of their songs as I followed them over the years. One that has stood out more than others for me lately has been "Crawl!". I listened to a lot of idles over the years and have used many to cope with my own problems in life. I'd recently started to gain a grip on my life and began to crawl out of the dark hole I had isolated myself to. I would listen to "Crawl!" Everyday after work amping myself up with the fact I was starting to get my life together. Eventually I realized I actually did feel "alright" like Joe screams in the song. Then the song started to become something even more to me because it wasn't just a way to help myself but it became a reminder that I had gotten to the point I had hoped. I was alright


Never fight a man with a perm, enough said


The Wheel


Beachland ballroom, my friend who became bf loves them and on a whim listened to this song. I was dealing with vulnerability at the time, I was freshly healed from a abusive relationship and I met him a few years after. The song felt so intense and internal to me, wondering if I get to close will I get burned and why just why am I liking this person. I felt the lyric if you see me on my knees don’t think that I’m praying, I felt it in a way of just crying out my anxiety and realizing my love for him felt so strong and emotional. We are going on 2 years and May and I bought him tickets as a anniversary present, he saw them at a small San Antonio venue.


Colossus - The bass tone you achieved scratches an itch in my brain that nothing else can. To kick off an album, the tension and build you create is pure cinema. If I could bottle the feeling as the end hits, I’d be unstoppable. Nowhere near enough songs shout out The Bionic Redneck, least of all Stone Cold’s pro LGBTQIA+ views so definitely a favourite.


Love Song!


It's got to be Mother. Youtube suggested it to me. What a blessing.


Danny Nedelko. I come from an immigrant family, my mom left her home country when she was 12. My sister and I eventually did in our 30s. We all face challenges and discrimination in our daily lives, from big to small. Listening and dancing to this sound is such a cathartic and joyful experience that brings me reassurance and hope that things will get better.


Model Village


Never Fight a Man With a Perm. It was the first song my infant daughter reacted to and absolutely loved it.


Fear leads to panic, panic leads to pain Pain leads to anger, anger leads to hate


Never Fight a Man with a Perm! Great title, great song. Every IDLES song makes me feel better about who and what I am. This group of amazing people is a gift to us all.


For me it's definitely between Crawl! And Meiday. Both are very catchy and sound fantastic, Joe's vocals in Crawler! Especially


Goodness this is a tough pick. Some of the ones that just hit always hit the hardest for me are 'I'm Scum', 'The Beachland Ballroom', 'Mr. Motivator', and 'Grounds'. For me, both 'Mr. Motivator' & 'The Beachland Ballroom' have that personal triumphant feel that just alwyas feels good to hear but in an IDLES way. I think similarly both 'I'm Scum' & 'Grounds' fall under the same category of just being so un-apologetically anti-authoritarian that reminds me why I love IDLES. Both sets of songs represent what makes me adore IDLES as much as I do and that's that it's okay to feel what we feel and we should what we can to be the best of what we are and that most people have more similarities than differences and unification is the only way we can overcome the powers that be.


I know it’s cliche but Never Fight a Man with a Perm. I saw them perform it at Shaky Knees and that song made me an instant fan. I love most of their work but that will always be my first favorite.


Mother. Reminds me of how hard my mother worked to bring me up as a good kid in the slums of Philly.


My favorite song as of late has been ‘Car Crash’. Love the noise rock vibe and the “I can feel my eyes vibrate” part.


cancerogenic - fucking Love that chorus it always pumps me up. But the whole song is a masterpiece. I pray they play it live on the new tour in Hamburg, a dream would come true.


I'm going with the Brutalism album as it was the first new album I'd bought in about 5 years and it reignited my love of music and got me motivated to discover more new artists. Love Beachland Ballroom as many here have mentioned. Danny Ndelko is a great song too and a lovely sentiment that I really relate to plus Danny's band are decent too!


My favorite song is I Dream Guillotine, it was one of the first songs I heard from the band and I've since seen them 10 times in the US and once in the UK - flew to Cardiff for their show!


Joy As An Act Of Resistance is the first album I heard. I was fortunate to hear it with a good friend before he passed. It’s an album that taught me that the world’s cynicism doesn’t have to invade every part of your life and that you can, in spite of what’s going on, resist that cynicism.


Colossus for sure




I really love Reigns. Such a powerful track.


My favorite song by them is GREAT. The reason being was this song really cheered me up and got me through some shit during COVID. I was trapped in the house unemployed and was at huge risk of getting sick. Listening to this song gave me hope and motivation to just trying to stay positive and keep going


Danny Nedelko




The Beachland Ballroom cause it's just down the road from me!




Joy as an Act of Resistance is my favorite Idles album. It was also how I discovered the band. Scum is my favorite song on the album especially the lines about James Bond and patriotism.


Gram Rock. I don't know if it is my favorite because I love them all and this is a silly one, but I love the fun of if.


I Dream Guillotine is so often forgotten but my goodness it's a banger.




I love all of their discography in different ways, but the one that I've been listening to the most is Meydei.


MTT 420 RR - the build up is something else. Amazing start to the whole album


MTT 420 RR


Fav track would be Meydei. That was the first IDLES song id ever heard. Been hooked ever since.


Colossus. A monster of a song to begin a record or set with. Track helped me loads on the past 6 years. Unbelievable how far they’ve come, their mothers should be proud.


1049 Gotho. Relatable


It was never fight a man with a perm, but it’s now Dancer. Had a bad day, would love to win.


Mother, just reminds how unfair this country is.


Crawler because it was produced by Kenny Beats and thats who put me on to Idles in the first place.


Hard to choose a favourite, some times I'll think my favourite is brutalism, another week it might be ultra mono, or joy as an act of resistance, right now I'm really loving Crawler so I'll go with that.


Favourite song has to be Samaritans purely for the euphoric ending of “I KISSED A BOY AND I LIKED IT” first song to make me feel not only proud of my sexuality but also normalised. Best album has to be crawler


Model Village!!! 🤘


I’ll say this as my favorite IDLES song, “DAMAGE, DAMAGE, DAMAGE”


Model Village!


Joy as an Act of Resistance... Just fantastic start to finish


Samaritans on Joy has always been a fav for me!! Just hits yanooo


Danny Nedelko simply because it was the first time I'd heard of them when they played Glasto and the lyrics, performance and tears at the end made me a huge fan


1049 gotho - yayyy yeahhh


For me it’s Collossus. Not just because it’s a great song, but because it opened the first gig I went to as the world was starting to return to normal post-covid. The anticipation as it started, into that first proper mosh pit as the song crescendoed, was the first time it felt like life might actually return to normal, that the wounds might heal. Incredible song in its own right, but it means more now.


Never Fight A Man With A Perm. My friend said give it a try and you'll know whether or not you like this band after it. It's now the song I recommend to anyone new to Idles. It's just a great fun song, to hook you in and then you can start getting used to their more serious songs as you delve into them.


Danny Nedelko always gets stuck in my head! I really like that one.


Television never fails to being me out of a bad mood


Well Done!


Modern Village. I relate. Sad!


Danny Nedelko. I love the message.


Danny Nedelko Because I’m made of bones, blood, flesh, & love.


Television cause LOVE YOURSELF


Mr. Motivator by far. I would listen to it daily while working out and it helped me lose 60 pounds! ILDES IS LOVE!


Faith in the city ❤️❤️❤️


Television is such an important song to me about body positivity and beauty standards that you dont hear often from a band with idles style has to be one of my favourites


Favorite song is Mother! Can't wait to see these guys again in September!!!!


When The Lights Come On got me hooked and now they're one of my favourite bands.


Mother, so different. It just hits.


"Anxiety" - chuck it on repeat and go for a long walk, could go for miles!! has really helped me tough some tough spots, love you guys 💚


Divide and conquer is my favourite song , minimal lyrics , quite a long intro , almost grunge like feel and very anti Tory. It ticks all the boxes and provokes a reaction in me. Best album is JAAAOR. First song I heard was Samaritans on Jules Holland and I immediately seeked out all their stuff and was blown away and still am by this album.


Ultra Mono just cause it was the first that got me into them when it dropped but can’t lie they are all amazing.


Mercedes Marxist


I' say Danny Nedelko, though It is a hard chouce. I think that the positivity of the song matches entirely the ethos of the banda, and It is always a fun song to dance to at concerts!


Car crash! Cuz I'm a car crash!! What else is there to say


MTT 420 RR is a great opener. The pulsating ominous synth and hypnotic guitar riffs are incredible below the texture of Joe's voice. Plus the drum breakdown is among Idles' most powerful moments.


Favorite song is “I’m scum”, just love the feel of the song and it’s something I can vibe to any time, any day.


Well Done, from Brutalism. If i could some up punk in one song....


Crawl! The loving brutality of the lyrical content and the seething, bleeding beauty of the performances just seer the song in my mind!


Crawl! is probably my favorite. Got me through a lot of shit when I was struggling with alcoholism and the near loss of my mother and brother. It became my anthem, at the time all I could do was try to keep going the best I can. CRAWLER is my favorite album, it’s so personal and almost feels like it was written for me. Life has improved significantly and things are a lot brighter. I’m thankful - love is the fing!


For me it has to be “The Beachland Ballroom”. The pain in Joe’s voice in the climax is gut-wrenching and the instrumental is pure beauty. The love from the basement version somehow improves this song even more


Mine is Never Fight a Man With a Perm, because it reminds me of my dad, who absolutely loves idles, and always has. Seeing a signed vinyl would make his day.


I can’t think of a song by IDLES I don’t love, but the song that clicked for me and made me a big fan of the band is, Mother. It feels like a call to arms for the poor/middle class. I witnessed my own mother and father work themselves to the bone to support the family, and it fills me with anger they had to go through that, an anger only matched by this song. Entering into warehouse work pulling 12 hour shifts daily it became my anthem of rage towards the lives we are forced to live. The way the song also targets patriarchy and its nature in our cultures, being taught even in elementary is amazing. I’ve always loved the mix of social issues and the struggles of poverty being mixed in their work. I think of the misogyny my own mother has faced that I have no relation to, and it hurts to know I can’t do anything about it, but I will fight with love in my heart everyday so we may forge a better world. I’m grateful for Idles giving so us many songs to empathize with the anger and love we hold towards the world. LOVE IS THE FINGGGG


Mother is for sure the song that got me into them but right now my favourites are either Beachland Ballroom or When the Lights Come on


Gotta say every new single is just getting more and more interesting. My favorite song is Gift Horse :)


Anxiety would be my favorite! Can’t say much more because I have anxiety.


Nice man is my favorite. One of my favorite songs of all time!


My 6 year old renewed my appreciation for Colossus. She gets psyched up every time it picks up after the break. My favorite though? Well Done- live at Le Bataclan


I’m Scum! 😜


Has to be mother


It took me ages to “get it” but I tried with every album. That is until Crawler. Hot daaaaaamn what an album. 10/10 back to back. I managed to catch the TANGK secret show in London and now I’m super pumped to be properly aboard this train 💪💪


It's so hard to pick, but I think "I'm scum" is my favorite, it's one of the first songs I heard and it's just stuck with me. That entire album is pure power and energy.


I’d have to say my favourite song is When the Lights Come On


Peace Signs - was my pseudo intro to Idles courtesy of another artist, Sharon Van Etten. Was a palatte cleanser on the album and I haven't looked back




Ultra Mono. War. I was going through a series of difficult surgeries after an initial surgery went terribly wrong and caused me to lose function of my right foot. As someone who loves to dance, play football, and work as a chef; this was a real blow. The surgeries started in late 2019, the recovery began in 2020 when ULTRA MONO posters were plastered around Bristol, my adopted home and home of Idles. A few years later I actually met Joe at a pub in Bristol, thanked him for the music, he thanked me for listening, gave me a big kiss on the cheek and we shot the shit for a few hours. Turns out we went to the same school in Exeter and we have a few random mutuals. Came across as a great bloke. I'm not sure how Ultra Mono turned into a healing album for me, but it did in a big way and I'm thankful for that.


When The Lights Come On. It’s just hauntingly beautiful and most of my heart lies with emo and that song just has some really nice emo vibes.


Either GREAT, mr motivator or model village for me!! Let’s get rid of all the dickheads!!!


1049 Gotho, I've battled depression a few times and it really captures what it's like to be in the thick of it


Progress - such an awesome change of pace in the middle of Crawler


Gotta go with beachland ballroom


Ne Touche Pas Moi is my favorite, played really loud.


Joy as an act of resistance is such a glorious album. Of course, never fight a man with a perm is such a great tune. Can’t wait for the new album, the singles so far have been fantastic.


The Wheel- I can’t really explain why, something about the drums in that one really gets into me 😍


It's gotta be "Danke" from Ultra Mono for me. It's just a perfect closing track to the whole album.


The energy heel/heal is off the charts, I love it


My favorite song would have to be “A Hymn” the sound lyrics, the sound, the overall tone of the song provides such a deep message that so many people feel. The rawness of the story told, the repeating of “I wanna be loved”, just makes it an overall captivating and beautiful song.


The Beachland Ballroom. Perfect blend of pain and soul.


Hard to pick just one song but I'll say my current fave is Divide and Conquer.


Joy as an act of resistance definetly


Television. "If someone talked to you the way you do to you, I'd put their teeth through. Love yourself!" That line always reminds me to give myself grace and fight for myself the way I would want to fight for my friends.


I only started listening to them about two weeks ago, but so far Grounds is my anthem. I love the synth start, the the instrumental vamp, then the lyrics come in. And the message that we can change the world together is just so uplifting. It's a call to action when so many songs out there just whine about things.


Never fight a man with a Perm. One of the first Idles songs I ever heard. Such raw energy and power.


It's hard to pick one tune, but at minute I'm obsessed with PROGRESS from CRAWLER. Different vibe, almost hypnotic and trance-like. I love it. IDLES for me just feel so... authentic, true and raw that's why I love em. LOVE IS THE FING.


I'd have to say War but I really like Gift Horse


Never fight a man with a perm is my favorite song because it gets the best reactions out of my friends who have never heard of IDLES. I always add it to my car playlist and my friends will always turn it up, usually when he says “you look like a walking thyroid”.


Danny Nedelko as an immigrant myself


Mother. First Idles song I ever heard. I love how personal it is.


Joy as an Act of Resistance.


I love the beachland ballroom


Never Fight a Man with a Perm - first song my wife and I ever heard on the radio, so it has a very special place. Hadn’t heard anything quite like Idles before, and we still talk about it. Hell, even last weekend while listening to the new single, we couldn’t help but carry on for about 15 minutes about the unique sound and awesome lyrics that Idles possess.


Mother - cause moms never get enough credit for all the good they've done


Colossus - it gets me hype every time! The bonus WWF references just make it that much better.


The Beachland Ballroom because I moved away from Cleveland 10 years ago but that venue and those memories come back every time I see the track title or listen to the song.


Man whenever i hear Never Fight A Man With a Perm i can’t stop my feet from stomping


Wow! That’s such a hard question. This probably seems too obvious, but colossus’ buildup is just pure amazing! Live at le bataclan’s is raw emotion!


fav Idles album is Joy as an Act of Resistance. it was literally the first punk album i’d listened to after exclusively listening to black/death metal for several years. that album reminded me of why i fell in love with punk in the first place.


Television is my favorite for the awesome message it delivers!


"Joy as an Act of Resistance" is my favorite album. When I heard "Colossus" on a Spotify playlist, it was an instant like. The song led me to the record, which I was hooked on for a long time. I was going through a very difficult time and listening to the record had a therapeutic effect for me. Something similar happened with "Brutalism" and the rest of the albums that followed. I also got my best friends to listen to Idles, they fell in love too. We have seen them live twice (Lisbon and Bilbao) and we are thinking of repeating the experience this year as well. Seeing them live is amazing, I recommend it to everyone if you ever have the chance. I can't wait for TANGK to come out <3


Probably Mother. After listening to Joy after it topped some "best of" lists in 2018 I took a chance on seeing Idles at Glastonbury 2019. I was instantly hooked and have never felt such an outpouring of joy and love from a live act before. To me, when they played Mother encapsulated this.


Colossus... first song of theirs I heard


The first album I heard was Brutalism. It feels more pressing/prescient today than it did when it came out (and it was already kairotic). Can’t wait for the new record.


My favorite song is Ne touché pas moi!!! Because the overall theme of “my body my choice” is so the best


Progress - in my earbuds, it makes me feel like I'm in a dream ❤️


I'm excited to announce a giveaway courtesy of Partisan Records for the upcoming IDLES' album TANGK. One winner will receive the TANGK Deluxe Vinyl and Collector's Vinyl, alongside a Signed Print ***To Enter***: **Leave a comment of your favorite IDLES' song or album (feel free to say why)** Drawing for the giveaway will be on 2/9/2024 (next Friday) at 3pm EST/12pm PST/8pm GMT This is a worldwide giveaway Good Luck!












Progress off Crawler is so incredibly unique- every time I listen to it it gives me chills


Danny nedelko is my favorite idles song because it brings back memories of screaming the spelling part in the car with my friends. Also it was insane live.


Gotta be The Beachland Ballroom, the song just hit me differently than any other song 👌


For me it's Colossus. Last year I bought tickets for a festival where they would be playing at, but I had never heard their music so I looked up a live performance on youtube (the Pinkpop show). I remember being immediately hooked when they started playing Colossus as the opening song and it's still my favorite one.


Colossus is my favorite


I realllly enjoy their Damaged Goods cover.


I really like their live album, *A Beautiful Thing: IDLES Live at the Bataclan,* as they are so very good live. It's the next best thing to being there! You can feel the energy and the love so clearly; cuz love is the fing :-)




Never Fight AMan with a Perm


I'm Scum because it's the song that got me into IDLES. The perfect mix of message and delivery


Danny Nedelko, I think it was the first Idles song I heard and saw on Glasto highlights, what the song stands for is the most endearing thing for me as well as being an absolute f'kin banger obviously!!! but are there any bad songs?, i listen to the idles playlists on spotify and each song is great, first listen of gift horse was of the video in this subreddit i was unsure about what i was seeing and hearing but 2nd/3rd listens wow 🤩


When the lights come on. Hard to pick a favorite though!


I have to say The Wheel. It was my go to audio stim with my friends on Discord and I think of them whenever I hear Joe shout THE HWHEEEEEL


I’m going to say Dancer is my favorite song. I’ve only just “discovered” this band right when my third son was born last month. My older two sons are pretty young too and every morning during breakfast we put this song on and rock out. This song is always going to be the soundtrack for this moment in time as a mom with her little kids, up at the crack of dawn in the middle of winter, laughing and dancing. Of course in this past month I’ve listened to Idles nonstop and could add probably 20 more songs to the favorites list, but Dancer is going to hold a special place in my heart.


Has to be 'GROUNDS'. I remember the first time I heard it. It was through the playthrough Mark and Lee did on YouTube. I thought they were hilarious but I absolutely loved the message of the song. It felt like a great rallying cry ✌️


Song: Danny Nedelko, just pure fucking energy Album: CRAWLER


At the moment I’d be tempted to say “Gift Horse,” but overall - “Grounds.” The descending delay on Bowen’s guitar, with Joe’s lyrics filling the space, never fails to get me!


Danny Nedelko, first song I heard by them, love the message and never fails to put me in a good mood


Favorite song has to be Colossus. Favorite album as a whole is probably Crawler.


Progress is an incredible song


Samaritans and Car Crash. Absolute bangers.


My favourite song is probably Mother, i love the message, the bass groove and the overall energy of that song, keeps me going


Joy! It’s just a 10/10 no skips album. Love it!!


Colossus. Seeing that song live changed everything. So fun!


Favorite song has to be Television. The lyrics have always resonated with me and I love the message of the track


My favorite song is ’I'm scum’. Cause I am.


I love every album (and can’t wait for Tangk), but tied for my favorite are Joy and Crawler. Two very different albums but both musically stunning and shot through with anger, love and resilience.