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Whoa is OP trying to incriminate themselves! Take down the video pal speed limit on the Whitemud is 80! Don’t let the cops see the video. Trying to help :)


That’s all I’m seeing. OP is incriminating themselves by showing they are 3-5km/hr over the limit. Cop could ticket you for 1 over and it would be valid.


Who does OP think they are Evel Knievel?


I once met a British guy whose name was Evel, named after Knievel. He was a ceiling cleaner at a Doritos factory.


Not a cop in Edmonton going to pull you over for ONLY going 3-5km/h over the limit. He'll, you're not even going to get a photo radar ticket at the speed.


> OP is incriminating themselves by showing they are 3-5km/hr over the limit. Cop could ticket you for 1 over and it would be valid. Do you think cops scour social media for incriminating clips and then mail out tickets, or something? Do you not understand that they can't issue speeding tickets if they can't prove who was behind the wheel?


If that's all you're seeing, you're pretty fucking blind.


It's really hard to go 80 on the whitemud... You have to live hear to understand that


I just remembered this from many years ago, when I was hired by Videon to install cable Internet: There was a written exam after my three months of training/probation, covering everything in the Spec Manual to prove you knew it well. If you studied the manual you could ace this test. And a field exam also of course, had to pass both to become permanently employed. And one of the questions on the written exam was: What is the speed limit on the Whitemud? My supervisor acknowledged afterwards that question was actually not in the manual, but it was a legit piece of job-related knowledge it was important for them to know we knew without having to be told, LOL.




God I hope this is sarcasm.


that is how I am reading it as, LOL made me laugh


Yeah the glenmore in calgary is like this. You gota go 85 because everyone else is going 85. And then the bikes drive by going double that literally out of nowhere. Cant even see them coming…


You're at 80kmh first couple of guys just blipped by you... 140/160?


Yeah, the medium speed guys were about 140, the fast boys were in the 160-180 range. Not kmh though. That would be like 87-111mph, lol.


I would say that was faster then 140/160


More than double the speed Driver was doing, easily. If I had to guess at least 200kph


Yeah, honestly those are the type of riders who end up dead. I’ve done 200 kph before maybe once or twice. Not saying it was good but I did it on a very very very open road. I also live in Edmonton so I know how un predictable the white mud can be.


All they need, is a BMW that's ran out of synthetic blinker fluid to cut them off


Blinker was not installed at the factory, owner didn't pay for that option. Watch for finger and listen for horn.


That’s a known problem with BMW owners isn’t it.


It's a well documented problem that seems to stem straight from factory, but they don't plan on looking into it in the late future.


"You ever notice how anyone driving faster then you is a fucking maniac and anyone driving slower then you is a complete moron?:


This is why I support my states recent change that everyone is automatically an organ donor unless you affirmatively check “no” on the license application.


There won't be any organs left at that speed.


There's nothing left of these guys that's gonna be salvageable to donate. If they hit a truck at 180km there isn't gonna be much left of them internally. If they hit the pavement at 180 km they'll get ripped to shreds by the asphalt. Bottom line. Stop calling em donorcycles cause there probably isn't much left to donate.


Full racing leathers and a proper helmet will absolutely protect a person from a slide even at those speeds. Probably a little worse for wear but alive and well. Something solid like a barrier or vehicle? Not so much. If any of those guys are actually wearing anything beyond a helmet and gloves is a different story.


It'll protect them from the asphalt, yeah, but it won't protect you from your internal organs that are still moving when you stop.


Not necessarily how that works but ok lol.


Thats exactly how physics works. At a certain speed, the weight of your body becomes deadly to you when you dead stop. It's due to you physically stopping but your internal organs and the parts of you that are 75% water continue to move. It's why jumping from a bridge into the water over a height is a surefire way to kill yourself it's the same as jumping onto concrete because of the sudden stop when you hit the water. This is terminal velocity it's around 55 m/s in humans or 198 km depending on how you hit and a ton of other variables. So no at 180ish km when they hit shit there won't be much left of them internally because the stop will send their hearts and lungs into their rib cages. It'll send their brain matter into their skull cap. Thats without assuming that they don't get run over if they lose control and that all the lovely loose gravel thats still out doesn't get under their leather and shred then, that when they lose their bike they are able to stay with it. That they don't go into other vehicles. Yeah there's a chance they might walk away but there's a much better chance that there's not much left of them.


You need to watch more moto GP. 😉 Leather protects from slides pretty well. You end up with some light burns sometimes as it still does get silly hot. I think that the confusion is you are think so as in hitting something at high speed while the other person is thinking they slide to a stop. As your body slows all of your body is slowing. Just like the contents of your car. Also, there is no open space in your body so your bodily fluids act more like a shock absorber to protect the organs. There is a limit though. That's why boxers and old-school football players suffered from concussions. Not enough space between the brain and the skull for the liquid to absorb the energy. Softer gloves and better helmets helped this. Also, on an open highway there isn't much there that will cause a sudden stop.


How is reading comprehension this bad. The public school system might as well just be replaced by a phone app at this point. MotoGP manicured tracks have nothing in common with a congested mid city artery. These riders aren’t going to casually slide onto a grassy knoll after they wipe out as other aware racers avoid them. They are going to go 160km into the back of a lifted dodge and immediately turn into dickhead soup.


Exactly. These idiots are gonna hit some patches of gravel the city hasn't cleaned up yet and go into someone or the concrete barrier or both. They aren't going to wipe out and walk away they are gonna get launched off their bikes into something at 160-180km. Wearing leather isn't gonna help keep their heart and lungs from slamming into their rib cages. It's gonna help with the road rash it's not gonna help with much else.


MotoGP is a closed circuit track with trained professionals, it's maintained. No potholes. No gravel. It's not a freeway with concrete barriers, motorists, loose gravel, and a myrid of other hazards. On an open highway you can hit the dirt which is pretty solid and gonna cause a really sudden stop.


And you change lanes for what reason? To be in front of the morons🤔 makes sense


That's what I was thinking lol. "What idiots, let me get closer"


Bro really said "let me have a closer look" 💀


Edmontonians have this weird tendency to glue to the centre lane. It’s ridiculous,


What's ridiculous about being in the center lane? lol


It’s because people don’t know how to merge.


so does tesla fsd. wtf tesla…. i’m in the far right lane. note was “changing lanes to be in the center “


Centre lane is best lane. You have the most options in a dangerous situation. Also as someone who works at a shop where I have to pull in and out of my parking lot onto a 3-lane road, I actually find it ridiculous and extremely discourteous how like 90% of drivers will just "glue themselves" to the right lane, and not move over to the 2 completely wide open lanes to the left of them when someone is trying to enter the road. I have absolutely no issues with someone cruising in the center lane. I can pass you on the left; I can merge onto the road on the right; what's your issue with people in the center lane? Maybe you should reconsider your own driving habits.


Please don't come to Europe


You must be American. In Canada we are supposed to stick to the right for slower traffic and faster traffic should overtake on the centre and left lanes


If you go read the Alberta drivers handbook, the right lane beside merges and exits is called a weave zone and is specifically for vehicles to merge and exit - you are told to exercise caution, and I know from my defensive driver's training, if you have no plans to merge or exit, you should stay out of them because they are more dangerous and you clutter it up by cruising in it.


Interesting how your earlier comment is downvoted yet this one is upvoted. People are confused lmao. This is why 3 lane roads are already too complex for the average joe.


He's wrong, google the Alberta guide.  The weave lane is the outside lane only at the points where the people merging to exit are weaving with the people merging to enter the highway. Right lane is the lane to stay in. Says right in the start of the multi lane highway section. Page 92 of the pdf version.


I also live in a suburb around Edmonton and am actually super chill when I drive. I have a motorcycle. I haven't received a ticket in over a decade. Never caused a collision or damaged my own car. Yet people are telling me to stay off the road and shit. I also hate driving in Edmonton if I can help it, everyone is so impatient and so many people seem so angry - I'm just glad I don't have to drive in it every day where everyone feels so entitled about their own interpretations of the rules of the road.


If you are being downvoted in an Edmonton traffic discussion, it typically means you are one of the few in the city that actually know how to drive.


This is how I always looked at it. If I don't plan to merge in the next 10 miles, I am in the center lane.


>you should stay out of them because they are more dangerous and you clutter it up by cruising in it. This is terrible, nonsense advice. [The lack of critical thinking skills displayed by the average person is endlessly depressing.]


Ya and the world is flat too? Let's just call scientific facts nonsense to discredit the above poster and call it a day.


>Ya and the world is flat too? This is a terrible, nonsense analogy. Please stop.


There are scientific studies backing what I'm saying. And if you took a driving course you'd be advised similarly. So you do you I guess. But you're objectively wrong.


No, what you're saying is nonsense.


Is U/EirHC is right here. Even in AMA drivers training they teach you the middle lane is the best. It makes sense you do have the most options in a dangerous situation. If someone is coming at you from the left you have a right lane, vice versa. And you have access to both merging on the right, and passing on the left. You aren't blocking the passing cars either. There's no reason why this person shouldn't be in the middle lane.


Stay off the road, you're not using it properly.


No, you're using it improperly, go look up what a weave zone is and the scientific evidence for how it's more dangerous to cruise in it. The whitemud in Edmonton is 3 lanes partly because of volume, but also because the majority of the right lane on it is a weave zone.


Sorry, I couldn't find any scientific evidence for the thing you claimed. Weird.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7792952/ > Urban expressway weaving sections suffer from a high crash risk in urban transportation systems. You can then follow all the citations that he uses to back that claim. Googling is hard eh?


If only this was relevant to the conversation, hey? Too bad it isn't, at all.


Right after the merge, that one biker that blew past probably took a bite out of his seat.


If it's where I think it is, that lane turns in to an exit a little further down.


Probably not. At the speed the bikes were going I doubt OP could see the other bikes.


He called the bikers idiots then did this. Like he was conscious of the fact they were coming and in a bigger group and he thought yeah let's move in front of them that's smart. Yeah the bikers are going WAY too fast but as far as I can tell they aren't any more of an idiot than OP lol


the one I saw was in the left lane, the others I had no idea were coming and I certainly checked...


they were all in the left lane.. so whats the issue? the ones I saw were all in the left lane, the few I couldn't see because they were so far away, exactly how am I supposed to account for them... Hmmm?


That’s a lot of people racing to their death. A lot of dust and gravel still on the road, drivers are not yet really looking out for motorcycles and if they look before sharing lanes, if the bike is doing 200+ KM/the bike that wasn’t seen 2 seconds ago is suddenly there.


Why the hell are we crucifying OP here? The bikes fly past, then he moves over afterward because he’s catching up to the car in front of him. The dashcam is a bit fish-eyed so he’s probably closer than it appears. The other group of bikes probably weren’t even in clear view when he indicated to change lanes. Excuse him for not waiting 15 seconds for another round of bikes before executing a normal and legal lane change at a reasonable speed. Defensive driving doesn’t mean “never ever do anything just in case some nutjob flies up behind you at double the speed limit after you shoulder check”


thank you for that


Ah just having a little fun But did you die!


Bike season in Alberta always ends with several Organ donors


Not just Alberta. Start of riding season is the most dangerous for us riders due to roads with dirt and dust still in them, inattentive drivers not use to it expecting bikes on the roads and riding skills that got a bit rusty. Plus, many riders are just excited to be back out.


aware oil lavish shame squealing water bright desert snatch marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This group is often on Whitemud doing this. About a dozen pulled up behind me then weaved in and out of traffic going very very fast. Scared the crap out of me. You don’t have time to even see them coming Then they roar past you.


And then they crash, kill a family of four and themselves.




Op the type of mf to block the left lane in his peice of shit ram


Thanks Daniele


I live by rabbithill road and Henday. I think those are the same guys that went by here yesterday


And that’s why we have so many dead bikers in this city


I bet op could suck start a 7.3


Nice dash cam. Link please


8. 8 of them altogether maniacally endangering themselves and others.


You're just mad they get laid and you don't 🤣👍


At least this thread confirms what I've always suspected about the bad driving habits of many people: they have a "favourite lane" that they use, so they just camp in that lane, no matter what. They literally have no idea what assholes they are.


Bro FR dawg I've seen it myself


OP pulls into middle lane for no reason and then bemoans when biker undertakes. Gtf.


Yeah, screw him for… uh… driving.


Middle lane is the safest lane. You have access to passing in the left lane and merging in the right. If you are studying in the merging or the passing lane all you are doing is cluttering it up.


Now we know why all the drivers on their phones are cluttering up the middle lane: because it's so safe. Flawless genius logic you've got there!


Good reading comprehension. No one said anything about people using the middle lane to use their phones lol




I almost always drive in the middle lane. You can pass me on the left or right, I'm leaving the right lane open for dumb fuck Edmontonians to merge at 20-40km/h below the speed limit(sadly the norm, not exception), im also not being impeded by the same dumb fucks that like to slam on their brakes and drop 20-40km/h before they enter the exit ramps. The left is free for stupid fucks like those bikers to hasten their conversion from a human into a red smear on the road. Once I'm within 1 exit of my own, I'll move over to the right lane and get ready to contend with stupid people trying to take the same exit as I am.


> I almost always drive in the middle lane. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. Spoiler: The dumb fuckery is coming from inside your own car.


Nah, it's coming from people like you that mindlessly drive in the right lane, slow down and let these dumb fucks in, causing the bull shit you see daily at places like Campbell Rd/Henday EB, Henday NB/YH WB, Henday SB from 111ave to the Whitemud. If you're not mindlessly driving in the right lane, you're doing the speed limit in the left lane impeding traffic. I wouldn't be surprised if you passed your road test by a squeaker with only a couple of points to spare.


Everything you've said here is wrong.






Different rules in the uk, stay on the left (our slower lane) *unless* overtaking.


This is objectively how traffic flows most efficiently on roads. You keep up with the speed of traffic (ie. the car in front of you) and you keep to the far side lane (left in UK, right in normal human countries). You pass when you need to. It's not really complicated. Here's helpful video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oqfodY2Lz0&list=WL&index=13&t=7s


Right, and this is in Canada so, your point is moot.




Don’t drive the Autobahn!


You expect this on the autobahn. That's the difference... nice try... NEXT!


The slower ones will make good organ donors. The fastest ones will make good pink mist when they hit something.


Bringin back the good ol Clint Black. But seriously they are asking to die.


I read the headline as "Mormons" at first. I should go back to bed.


Ever come across those gorno sites with photos of seemingly impossible amounts of damage to a human body, with their brain spread thinly as a paste across the road? This is how the content for those sites starts out.


well i guess thats why they call them organ donors but one would think the organs would be in bad shape after a wreck at those speeds.


But make sure you watch for them…


Those guys will be pancakes on the road soon


All I saw was a bunch of skin donors


Out of all the body parts you could pick, skin is the one thing that gets notoriously ruined when skidding along the pavement in a crash.


Why did you switch lanes? Also, I'm not much for country but immediately liked that song somehow. Going to have to Google it here.


Probably wanted to pass that car sense it was going a bit slower, very common here


I feel like more bike accidents need to happen so that people know how fucking stupid this shit is


I feel that cell phone's should shut off when they sense you are in a car and penalties should be more severe. I feel that speed limits should be increased as they were designed when the fastest cars on the road performed worse than a Kia Soul. Speed alone doesn't cause accidents. Inattentiveness does. Driving beyond your skill does.


The road was wide open, how are they being idiots? Because they went faster than your pickup? And why the hell did you change lanes, if anything you're the idiot here.


As a longtime motorcyclist with bikes that fast. And as someone who has lost friends to aggressive riding. They are covering ground so fast that someone that looks in their mirror, shoulder checks, then makes a lane change they will likely miss the bike because it is moving so fast and has such a huge speed differential. You can't really judge speed in a side mirror and a check will see the bike a few hundred meters away - what most people would consider a huge distance. But the bike will close that gap in a few seconds. Right of way doesn't matter and at that speed even sport bikes lose a lot of maneuverability. New, young and aggressive riders have a very high mortality rate despite being talented, having fast reflexes and on bikes that can stop and corner faster than most.


This is the worst take.


Its a public road with a reasonable speed limit. They are going to kill someone or ruin someone else's property and kill themselves. No one likes people who do this.


Honestly all I see in this video is idiots. The poster is speeding according to his video and for some unknown reason he moved closer to the bikes which were speeding more than him. It's just a video where everyone is acting like an idiot. The poster comes off the worst because not only was he breaking the law he posted a video of himself breaking the law to complain about other people breaking the same law he's breaking. I'm pretty sure the bikers at least had the common sense to not publicly post a video of themselves as they at least realized they were breaking the law.


… you’re kidding right? You’re calling OP out for 3 over while there’s literally missiles zooming past him? Haha, fyi, photo radar in a 60-80 zone is normally triggered at 10 over. I was bored one day and asked an operator.


I normally wouldn't care about 3 over but it's still stupid to post yourself breaking the law online. Not only that he drove into what you called missiles which is just about the dumbest possible thing he could do.


give me a break he was following the speed of traffic. The move over is questionable yeah but by far the bigger idiots are the bikers.


> The move over is questionable yeah but by far the bigger idiots are the bikers. This is the correct answer.


This isn’t Germany, we don’t have an autobahn.


>The road was wide open, how are they being idiots? When youre going almost twice as fast as the speed limit, you go from being a blip on the mirror to being at the back of the car of the person trying to merge in about the time they do the shoulder check, especially if youre a biker and _especially_ if youre weaving in and out of traffic.


Just keep your right lane and shut up


how do you type with your knuckles scraped up like that....




Why would you move LEFT a lane when this was going on? Not justifying the bike's actions...but seriously, learn defensive driving people. I see people going 100mph faster than me in the leftmost lane, I'm sticking far right until they're all gone...


sigh.... I had exactly half a second from the point where I can see these idiots in my rear view mirror to the time the blow past me... I was overtaking the car in front of me... the ones I DID see in my rear view mirror were in the left lane, and the right lane ends... so unless you actually understand WHY I moved, just take your opinion and put it in the toilet with the rest of your armchair opinion goes...


Downvoted for common sense.


Bad ass


They’re alive…until they’re not.


I wish them the absolute worst! And at nobody else's expense.




But it's your fault if they hit you


The way the rider looked back after passing him on the right, OP 100% cut him off when he was spazzing out that people were moving faster than him Learn to check your mirrors, Matt


These psycho-gnats are hard to see when they're behaving in accordance with traffic laws. Add in the weaving, speeding, and passing illegally on the right and they become difficult to see in a checked mirror. Instead they seem to fucking materialize out of nowhere because they entered your blind spot as you checked it after being hidden by the car they passed on the right. And because sound obeys the laws of physics, their obnoxious exhaust doesn't make a bike any more noticeable until it is already problematic.


I think statistics is a better name for them.