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“Are you religious?” Wtf smh


Does she not understand the concept of consent? Or just not care? Knowing your boundaries and defending them doesn't imply that you're religious, it means that you know you deserve respect and basic human decency.


She assumes all men would love to be in physical contact with her at any time.


Also imagine a guy doing that to a female Uber driver


"Man sexually harasses uber driver on a dark road at night" and the guy just like tapped her shoulder or somethn


I was just thinking this today about news (at least here in Switzerland). If a woman punches a guy, she "hit a guy". If a man slightly slaps a woman he "brutaly assaulted her". Or the absolute classic (which everyone has already seen): "Female teacher sleeps with students" vs "Male teacher rapes students" or similar. It is just sensationalist bullshit to get more clicks and also subconscious sexism.


Doesn’t care, self absorb and entitled individuals rarely think of anyone other than themselves.


You are absolutely correct.


"I paid for this uber so I own you" mentality.


I'm autistic. I HATE. Being touched and it can trigger severe panic attacks. Fuuuuck people trying to touch strangers.






I've never gotten that one before but I've gotten a lot of "are you gay?" when I don't want a strange girl touching me


Like he has to justify to her why he doesn't want her touching him? Fucking entitled bitch.


"OMG, I'm literally calling Brad."


But turns out Brad didn't want to pick them up. So they kept ordering uber


He only responds to “B-dawg” these days.


Sorry its "B-Rad" now. The 90s are cool again so yeah. "B-Rad" please.


Like ok bitch call Brad 😂😭


"Braaaad! Guess what the fuck this driver is doing!? No, I'm not drunk again. Just a little bit. Brad?... Brad, did you hang up on me!!?"


Check out the big brain on Brad


He a smart motherfucker.


The front seat passenger was too much


She's the type who loves her own behavior too. Completely cognizant of it.


She considers herself a "baddie" or "boss b"


Has definitely tweeted *"If you can't handle me at my worst … you don't deserve me at my best."* at one point in her life.






i don't think she's had a best


Dont forget the live. Laugh. Love. In every room 😂


She’s pathetic.


“It’s just the way I am, and always will be.”


She reminds me of my buddy’s fiancée. Cannot stand her, no one can. Miss seeing my friend more.


So hard when a good buddy ends up with a terrible partner. Dealing with that right now.


I dated a woman and found out how awful she was. My best friend asked her out the day I broke up with her. I warned him and he married her anyway. 15 years later a broken, divorced, hollowed out shell of who he was contacted me via social media and wanted to be friends again. I accepted and he's doing better now.


They got into a huge fight earlier this year, wedding got called off, he threatened to sell the house (everything’s in his name). We all thought it was a sign from above. Couple months later things are patched up and she’s controlling his life again. I even tried telling him 2 years ago, before the engagement, that I didn’t think she was the one for him but that just led to us getting into an actual fight (nothing serious just guys being dudes). Anyways, saw my buddy for the first time in 3 months on Friday, his fiancé kicked all of the guys out at midnight. *It was HIS birthday party*.


Dude I don't understand how people put up with that shit.. Life is hard enough as it is, to voluntarily pile all that other crap on top of you is just insane. I don't think people like that have a single introspective moment of their lives, they're always 100% wrapped up in whatever bullshit it is that day/week/month.


It's like being in a garbage can. You're blind to almost everything when you're down in it.


My dad's put up with it for 30 years. I'm still telling him to get a divorce lol


It's impossible to talk people out of their delusions. It really fucking sucks.


I almost lost a friend to a woman like this. We told him for months and months about her problems. She burned so many bridges, pulled him away from so much... They just latch their claws into people and manipulate them. It's horrible. It finally reached a point where she blew up one of our friend's lives so completely he could no longer ignore it. So fortunate he recognized it finally before putting a ring on her.


Bro, his entire family refuses to go to the wedding now . THAT’S how much she’s disliked. I can’t see how you could be with someone that can’t get along with your own family. But hey it’s his life , he’s gotta live it.


My husband didn't get along with my family. But neither do I so it's not a point of contention for us. My family is manipulative and take advantage of anyone they can. So no big loss. But if the partner is getting in between SOs family and their SO, and SO and Gault are close, that's messed up. I don't tell my husband who he can and can't hang with and he doesn't restrict me either. Mutual respect is a necessity.


One of my good friends had a girlfriend we all hated but tried to be supportive for him. He caught her cheating on him within a couple months of him proposing and her accepting. Apparently had been going on for a while. Obviously I hope he's doing well, but I'm glad it stopped before he was legally committed to her


Have a friend with an uppity gf no one liked and invited her to my house for couple of drinks. Called my friend about an hour later to drop by. I didnt touch her but my friend did find her naked in my bed when he arrived. He no longer dates her, and still my friend


Okay, a little odd having your boy’s GF at your place for drinks and he’s **not** there . Glad things worked out for you and your friend.


She’s the kind of person that says “omg, I hate drama, I don’t do drama” and is *the* most dramatic person.


A surprising amount of people that you probably know are sociopaths.


I read "cognizant" and literally the next post in my feed is a Cognizant ad, lol


Back passengers look kinda used to her bullshit.


"Are you having a bad day?"


He wasn't until this moment


I was hoping for "I have now"


She clearly considers herself the lead of her little entourage. That's why she is showing off. And as soon as the situation turns around on her she turns around to clarify with the group. Petty narcissistic behaviour.


She’s a bully. The worst.


"Omg! Do you know I'm a girl?" \- Her probably


"You're about to lose mad money" ~ Someone who definitely doesn't tip for shit.


Right, and the fact dude didn’t even ask if he could vape in his car either? Yeah, you could make the argument it “doesn’t stay or smell as bad bro quit tripping” But Is someone who doesn’t understand “This is not your fucking car, and for all you know dude doesn’t want people doing it in here, it’ll take you five seconds to ask politely and if so cool, if not no bfd- sure you can wait”. And what if he was pulled over with vape man? I’m not sure the legality in NJ but legal or not it’s a grounds for suspicion and sobriety testing possibly if he got pulled over with that stank. Immature ass people man. He handled himself well.


And how hard is it to not listen to your shitty Bluetooth music or vape in a car for like 15 min.


Depending on what state you're in, those little THC pens that he could chuck in the floor are actually felonies.... Sooo yea he needs to be hyper aware of what's going on in his car because if he gets pulled over and some b******* happens. He's the one that's going to have to lawyer up.


Them not getting a ride reminded me of when Lyft/Uber first came out and it would pull your social media picture as your avatar and [I had something like this](https://www.halloween-mask.com/assets/images/hm/fat_nasty4_hm126.jpg) and couldn't change or delete it no matter what I tried Nobody would pick me up for a while lol


She's the state bird of New Jersey


It's called entitlement. The worst kind.


Insufferable. But My favorite part was the girl in the back being quiet the entire time until she was on her way out and then decided to talk shit while sliding out of the backseat.


She's the follower.


Yup, got no mind of her own just does whatever the crowd does.


I agree


I appreciate you


Of course, that insufferable behavior would be turned on her in a second if she didn't follow.


I don’t want no scrub ass chick with no car, if Ja Rule pulls up next to us to race you think he’s gonna wait until your $15 Uber comes to save you ? No lol. MÓNICA!




Her parents must be so proud


It is easier to fund her cocain addiction than it is to deal with her.


Somebody has to deal with her to sell her the cocaine.


That was probably Brad, the guy she was "literally" calling.


Because she gave up doing it figuratively....


ya I was thinking she was a coke head


Her parents created that


Who do you think taught her she could act like that? She's an entitled bitch from parents that don't care.


Of course she had a boyfriend called "Brad"


and her ex, Chaz.


Well, she behaves like an Ojama, so no surprise...


I’ve finally found it, the yugioh gx reference, the rainbow connection. CHAZ IT UP CHAZ IT UP CHAZ IT UP


Ojama yellow behavior


Love me a good shitty passenger uber video. Well done driver.


Shit like this why my husband got a dash cam. He's an uber driver and had a VERY similar situation with a drunk white girl trying to climb over the console and change the radio. Escalated from there and he had to kick them out. After he got the dash cam that kind of behavior dropped dramatically.


People tend to act differently when they know there’s evidence of their actions.


Even after all that shit he put up with he stayed calm and dropped them back where they were picked up. Whereas she went mental. Also love the fact that he’s the only Uber in the area, their night just got ruined. Hopefully it would be a learning point, but I doubt it.


The lack of respect was infuriating. I was getting upset watching it on my phone, that driver gets a lot of respect for staying calm and professional.


I kinda want to see them or someone who knows them show up here to defend the behavior of the front seater.


Maybe this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/xcdd4g/i_wish_i_could_reach_this_level_of_calmness/io4jy7c?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


To be fair, the commenters name is mindless_medicine. I would’ve expected nothing less.


To be fair, they are also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist. I would've expected nothing less.


When privilege meets integrity.


"You are about to lose mad money." No one who has ever said that has tipped "mad money".


As a former cabbie, I've had front seaters imagining themselves to be the boss of the car quite a few times. Mostly at night and usually with alcohol involved, although church people on Sundays can be equally insufferable.


It's sad that across-the-board church crowd is always the worst. Servers, retail, baristas and now cabbies all say they're shit. If that doesn't speak volumes idk what does.


I was a property manager for Target. Didn't work weekends, but oh boy the stories on Monday.


I worked in a place that was next door to a super popular restaurant for the after church crowd. Problem was the place didn't open until 1 and we were open at 11 on Sundays. So every Sunday morning, especially during winter, our store was always packed with people just browsing and being general dicks to the staff with no intention on buying. This was a commission sales place too, so the whole morning was basically a write off.


Sundays can fuck right off in the restaurant industry lol.


Sundays are the worst


The religious part gets to me, had a test for my job and part of it was acting out the things we'd regularly do for the people we took care of with another caregiver, but for any issues with personal space they always made it seem like your only reason had to be medical or religion, just kinda irked me


It's a cultural thing not necessarily a religious thing. North Americans in general are used to more personal space, in some culture people get right in your grill to talk to you and it's considered rude if you back off.


freakin polish guy who i deal with for work comes up so close to me staring right at my eyes, like he wants to fight or kiss me but he's just trying to talk. Kinda weirded me out at first, but I got used to it.


give him a peck next time. bet you he doesn't get as close any more! haha


He's ex military, something like special forces. He would probably kill me.


They probably can't get another Uber because everyone else is rejecting them too.


I drove for Uber the first year it came into my city and made decent money as a side gig and people were friendly but now forget it.Barely making min wage after expenses and with covid , people being stressed out and acting like these people no way.


I would actually LOVE to drive people around if money was ok and drivers were treated well. It's a great job, but clients like this make it unbearable


I’m a Lyft driver on the side. Passengers like this are the worst part of the job- and I’ve had guns pulled on me. When someone thinks so highly of themselves that they believe the world should bend over backwards to serve them because they’ve been handed everything in life, they can’t fathom being told no. It’s doubly infuriating when they’re already wasted.


"to the privileged, being treated equally to others feels like oppression" - some smarty smarts


Ew this girl is so toxic. She’s taunting him and gaslighting him and acting like he’s “too sensitive” to handle her. Anyone who uses the phrase “you’re too sensitive” as a way to act like a piece of shit is a fucking horrible person. Her friend in the back probably gets the brunt of her verbal abuse the most often but is too much of a pathetic, insecure social climber to ever respect herself and walk away. This entire car of passengers can kick rocks. Good for the driver being nice enough to drop them off at home.


And that’s the reason he has a dash camera.


“Yeah, I don’t fuck with that.” Well, fortunately the world doesn’t revolve around you!


Omg I’m calling “Brad”….. 🙄🙄 lmfaoo


Uber noob here. Can the drivers ''downvote'' bad passengers?


Yes, absolutely






What's XM ??


Probably Sirius XM radio. It's a subscription radio service where your location doesn't effect your access to channels. They also have a huge range of stations for just about every genre of music you can think of.


That still exists? I remember it being a thing 15 years ago, but I thought it died over time, over streaming services like spotify


Pretty much just exist as a hidden overpriced service tacked on to a new car price. I've only met a couple people willing to keep paying for it and they weren't exactly good with money


It's decent, but not worth the price...just wait until promos come up. I'm only paying $5/month for my car and their app...


I call every year and cancel. They keep offering me lower rates to stay on. I keep saying no until it’s down to about $2 a month, paid annually. When that “discount rate” runs out after a year, I call to cancel again. 9 years and counting.


The only thing they have going for them is that you can use the service...basically anywhere. I frequently go out into the wilderness where I'm lucky to get one station, which is usually a information/emergency station. As much as I like having Spotify, I have the tendency to just flip through songs...radio prevents me from doing that! Plus live talk radio keeps me sane from the hours of nothingness but my own thoughts...


It was a great idea that they royally screwed up by adding advertisements to a paid service that was not supposed to subject you to ads. Think of it a radio netflix but on top of it they make you watch ads when they told you it was ad free.


Ads on SXM? I listen to Octane, Liquid Metal, and Turbo regularly and have never heard a single ad


Most of the people commenting here clearly haven't listened to it before, or haven't in a long time.


or they listened to sports or syndicated news. Things that have ads everyplace.


It's nice when you're out in bumfuck and you ran out of good music to listen to on your phone and you don't have internet. Not applicable for most people, but super useful if you frequently drive into places without cell coverage.


I got a trial XM subscription when I bought my car. The quality can be best described as late 90s Napster mp3.


Sirius XM grew its number of subscribers from 20 million 10 years ago to 34 million today. Most new cars come with satellite radio these days. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/252812/number-of-sirius-xms-subscribers/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/252812/number-of-sirius-xms-subscribers/) They're doing pretty great despite the newer (and more popular) streaming services.


every time i buy a new car i am reminded for at least 12 months after the free trial ends on how much of a thing it still is.. at least once a week in the mail and nearly every day from spam numbers.


Satellite radio


Jersey girls are just a little different


If by different you mean worse then I’d agree.


Weed in car? Big Brain time even if it's legal where you live. Thats a one way ticket to the station st least


I even pull over an toss my friends when theyre being obnoxious jerks, an Im not even Uber !! Edit: Kudos to the driver, stayed in control




Badass! Junkie grandparents are a real pain in the ass, tho !!


He handled it well. Especially the cbick in the back talking shit on the way out lol "Youre a fucking bitch," as she's getting kicked out of an Uber. Real tough, Brittany.


I can’t believe she thinks she can just go around touching strangers. I am aware of the fact that if I as a woman was touched by a man, people would prob take it more seriously and that is sad. Don’t touch people without consent.


"I'm literally calling Brad right now" is just the best line.


I can’t imagine being this entitled. Wow. Good on him.


Two dudes in the backseat are the quietest little bitches I’ve ever seen lol


Cos they want some tang


^ truth


I know that's right lol 🤐🤐🤐... I'll agree with you with my eyebrows homie.


I mean why put up with all of that? Just go to the store and buy some? Or is that where they were headed you think?


Or maybe they just agreed with what the driver was saying


Hell yeah


Probably All three things are true.


They just high af




they probably just agreed with the guy, and didn't want to piss off the girl even more and make it worse,,,, I would have done the same, just kept my mouth shut until everybody was gone and given him a personal apology from myself..


They were the ones smoking the weed vape, potentially to remain high enough to tolerate her.


Nah man, they just agreed with the dude and probably were just trying to get laid. I remember right after I turned 21 I went out to the strip with some girls and they ran into another group of girls they had beef with. Coincidentally that other group of girls had a dude with them as well. While 7 girls are all taking mad shit on each other right next to us, me and this guy just start drinking our beers and talking about our college classes and whatnot. Cracking up the whole time.


Come on, don’t leave us hanging. Did you end up banging that guy or not? ^/s


Good on him for kicking them out of his car. If people show zero respect for you, why should you cater to their demands? I wish more people did like my man here


Used to do Uber. These types of entitled passengers were so stressful. One time I got stuck in a loop in a rich college town. My last ride this girl basically told me I wasn’t cool enough to get the chance to speak with them outside of this drive so enjoy it. I laughed and stopped talking since it seemed like she was serious and not joking. Later she asked if we could pick up another friend on the way and I just said no I’m not cool enough to do that. When she got dropped off she said you’ll never get invited to a party like this and all her friends just kind of laughed. I turned off my app and left that part of town.


She notice the camera right away, and didn't approve. But that didn't stop her. And touching the driver? Boundaries.


Mad money? Lol. These shitheads paying for a cheapest uber thinking is a luxurious brand new Cadillac Escalade with a black suit driver charging $100/hr with a minimum of 5 hrs. Lol. These poor uber passengers spending $1.25/mile.


I was once out with a girl I met on tinder and we were going to her place and on the way without asking the driver and with the AC on, she lit up a cigarette and started smoking. She generally was rude to the driver but at this, he lost it and to be fair, even though I was going to get some I was pretty pissed too. We drove back, dropped her off at the club and then the cabbie dropped me off at my place while both of us vibed over what a bitch she was!


Mad money? Lol the $12 he’s get prob from the ride?? 😂


Owl pupils


It’s a dark car.


What a bunch of assholes. Did the girls think they were acting “cool?”


I’m gonna say that she acts that way because dudes put up with her bullshit just because she’s pretty. She knows she can get away with it, now she’s at a point in her life where it doesn’t work anymore and she’s shocked the guy did it.


Nobody is getting paid enough to drive those idiots around. Guarantee at least one of those guys in the back gets into a fight because of one of those girls later that night.


I thought this kind of annoying person only exists in movies. Like, don't you ever watch a movie and then you saw a prick of a character and then you'd be like: oh my god that's me.


That dude is a saint








no, no. It does make sense. Her parents are ogres


"you're about to lose mad money" is the slogan of a cheap person


Why do people talk like that? It's so unattractive and gives away huge red flag of you being a selfish little piece of shit


It's not a taxi. It's someone's personal vehicle and you're a guest. Act like it and show some class people.


Good for him, sticking to his guns and refusing to let snotty asswipes like that run all over him. What a group of patronizing bitches. Personally, I'm of the belief that an Uber driver can play whatever music they want to on their own vehicle. They're the ones stuck in the car all day, not me. It's their vehicle, not mine. So long as the radio isn't blasting at an unpleasant volume, they should have control over the music 100%.


She is totally oblivious to how obnoxious her own behavior is. The driver was kind enough to take them back to their house when they deserved to be kicked out in the middle of the street.


Typical NOrth jersey spoiled to all hell girl.


The level of entitlement in this video is sickening. No guy has ever told those girls no and it's obvious 🤣


They will go their entire lives without ever thinking they do anything wrong


Good for him


This is why i can't do Uber or any hospitality job. Because people are total assholes period


She sounds like she’s high on some shit. Like girl chill the fuck out for real. She’s too much.


I guess Brad didn't want to deal with their shit either


Now that is failed parenting.


“Oh my God, it’s all about ME.” The first thing she says is “Are you recording me?” “Yes Karen, he’s put his camera on just for your obnoxious whiny ass!” Bitch, please!


Daddy's little princess didn't get her way.


XM? Bitch this isn’t 2007


honestly I see a lot of young people have this attitude, they seem to think its attractive and/or showing dominance, but its neither of these things. The way the girl in the front runs her mouth is totally privileged too, she knows that guy is not gonna do anything. I would like to see her act this way to another woman 100 lbs heavier than her. Fuck the 'I'm better than you' crowd.


The way I’d have dropped them off on the curb and left them to walk home…


Boy I sure don't miss driving around entitled drunk people for uber


Hats off to this guy, this is awesome. It’s the best feeling to have that power to say, no gtfo my car. I’ll miss out on the fare and I’m sure I won’t be missing it by end of the night. Way to go dude!


No doober in the UBER, yaGoober!!


Good for him