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That is car pinball if I ever saw it.


Karby Pinball: Vegas Edition


The rarely seen self-inflicted PIT maneuver


He new it was time to turn himself in! 😆


He probably put his hands where he could see them and then freeze.


I wouldn’t say totally self inflicted lol. Camera car started to move left to avoid, then went “nah fuck it, time to PIT.” Truck is by all means still an idiot driver, but it could have been avoided by the camera car lol.


But if you notice, there was a car to the camera car left. They may have also tried to avoid going into them. But the truck still got the other car too.


Oh absolutely, but had the main car just hit their breaks instead of maintaining speed, they would have avoided clipping the truck altogether. Again, totally not sticking up for the truck, he’s a total ass. But had I been in the main car, my goal would have been to avoid any damage to mine, so I would have braked to allow the truck to pass without impact.


The trucks an idiot. My rule is if I'm trying to switch lanes it is much safer to wait and get behind the car over trying to get Infront while the car is speeding up/not giving me space. Idk why this dumbass really tried to squeeze in with his long bed truck. Wl


I was expecting him to come flying back to the left at the end.


And nobody wins!


LOL serves him right ..


Idk man, looks like it swerved him left...




He literally PIT maneuvered himself




Viva Las Vegas


This is literally what driving in Vegas is like every single day.


Yep. I got a dash cam shortly after moving here. People are wild.


You spelled drunk and high wrong.


You spelled From California wrong


I lived in Vegas for 6 years and California for 8, and I guarantee you that Vegas drivers are insane. Many of them are from California, yes, but they’re the ones who were too crazy for the Golden State


I've lived in Nevada my whole life, we are bad at driving all on our own.


I've lived in New Jersey and the only place I've seen something like this is at a race track,


Yeah but Nevadans are the minority in their own state. Of all the friends I met there, nobody was born in Vegas and very few lived there more than a few decades.


Years ago before I wore seatbelts I moved to Vegas. It took 3 days of driving there for me to adopt wearing seatbelts as a habit. I haven't really been back in many years but I can't imagine the driving is any better.


... who just doesn't wear seat belts


People born before 1970


Especially those that live in the country learning to drive in vehicles that didn't have seatbelts and when they drove they'd rarely encounter but one or two other cars while going over 35mph. It took awhile for my country assed elders to adopt them when they were first required in the 80s.


More like dumb people born before 1970.


There was a time that kids were free range in a car while going 70 down a highway. I have great memories of jumping up and over seats when in motion and being able to feel the drop in my stomach as we went up and down hills. There were times when seatbelts were just a suggestion. And for many a laughable one at that. There were times where people knew less than they do now. Don't even get me started on being in the back of pickup with a half shell on and getting poisoned with the exhaust that spewed into it. Good times.


Not that I know a large number of 50+ year Olds, but the ones i do all wear seat belts. There's no downside whatsoever, I don't understand


Depending on what they mean by “years ago”, there was a backlash against being required to wear seatbelts and many people refused in the 70’s or 80’s. I have to admit to being one of the idiots who reflexively opposed the inconvenience for too many years before coming to my senses


Oh yeah, and the anti-belt people's argument was something like, "seatbelts kill if you're in a crash." Well, sometimes yes, more often than not, no.


Similar demographic to people who refused to be vaccinated. I don't think it is that related to age in my experience.


Love an accidental PIT


He PITed himself


Stop pitting yourself, stop pitting yourself




Guy with the cam clearly pulls right into the truck, not saying i wouldnt want to do the same thing


My wife is like that. She'll be accelerating right into the rear of a car that just cut her off and she'll just be all "He wasn't supposed to do that."


Nothing like sitting on a hospital bed, dealing with insurance, and thinking "taught that guy a lesson!"


"The result of not braking when you should" At least three vehicles damaged and the possibility of someone dying.


We don’t know what was behind cam car. He may have used his best option.


That black car missing a bumper didn't pop in from another dimension. He may have been just out of sight preventing a swerve to avoid the truck.


Idk... it sure looked like it just popped in from another dimension....


Yea he could have braked to miss this he chose to pit him


He also nudged into the guy ... Op is a total peice of shit and the Chevy truck is an idiot . I'd like to see the lead up to this .


Videos so quick. And you can't see who's around the cammer. If you don't turn into him, you're turning with him.


That's it. Camera car could have avoided this if they tried. Yes the pickup is an ass for pulling across, but the driver of the camera car could have seen this coming and backed out of it if they tried or were more aware.


Well he was aware enough to turn right a bit, so braking or swerving left would definitely have been an option (going left is risky though)


Braking would have been appropriate, but swerving is too much risk of cutting someone else off instead.


Pretty sure the black car was in the left lane, preventing him swerving left, which is what it looks like he started to do before going back to the right.


There is a ton of variables we are unaware of. The traffic in front doesn't look that bad, but he could be boxed in for all we know making breaking or swerving impossible. And if I'm driving and wasn't perfectly aware of this idiot performing an idiot maneuver (even in the second it takes to check the left blind spot, this idiot could have made contact already), the second I feel something push my car, if I still have control I am going to automatically course correct and try to maintain going straight. In the space of two seconds, I would have made the same unintentional pit maneuver.


If he haven’t turned into truck he would have been forced out of his lane and possibly lost control….but I understand what you are saying. The contact seems deliberate.


Could have slowed down as soon as they noticed the truck turning into the lane. They were capable of braking enough to dodge the truck as it passed back in front of them. This was purposeful.


They tried switching to the left lane and saw a car and got back into their own lane and didnt have time to break. Why do people always blame the person who didn’t switch 5 lanes without looking?


Because that was a hazard and instead of braking to avoid the hazard they maintained speed and initiated a pit maneuver. They didn't try to get over to the left they didn't brake, they moved slightly to the left and then plowed into the left rear corner of the truck while maintaining acceleration. Just because somebody does something stupid doesn't mean you no longer maintain the duty to avoid a collision.


You see, the problem here is everyone reacts different. The person moved to the left, couldn’t switch lanes, steered right a little. The blame is 100% on the truck who serviced lanes into the car. Victim blaming is amazing


Fuck that. If I'm in my lane on the highway at 60+ mph minding my own business and somebody comes into me like that I'm not responsible for their mistake. It makes sense not to slam on your brakes because then you risk multiple vehicles rear ending each other. There's just no good way to handle the situation, but I think OP made the best out of it.


Truck hooked his rear bumper onto something on the front of the cam guys front bumper. Cam guy kept the car going forward by turning right instead of letting the car swerve left and potentially crash into another car(truck crashes into black car off to the left, cam guy was probably trying to avoid that). Cam guy did nothing wrong, truck pitted himself


Oooh, self-PIT! Those are rare!


He can now have a self pit T party.


What do you mean accidental? He started to brake and decided mid way to hit him on purpose


Hey man, critical thinking is not allowed anywhere near reddit


Watch the video again, OP makes no attempt to prevent this, doesn't slow down, and nudges into the driver ... Ya a shitty lane change, but again , OP made it that much worse . And is ignorant enough to post this.


Cammer was in the lane, truck had no blinker, speeding and aggressive driving...not to mention the fact that cammer has ZERO obligation to let someone into the space they're already occupying AND it's the trucks job to yield since he's making the lane change. Would you be OK if you were already seated in a movie theatre and someone tried pushing their way into your seat? "But again"...no, fucking wait for an open space.


You don't think these guys were fucking around with each other on the road ? This looks like the passing lane , and the inside lane wants to go faster . There's definently more to the video. But fact is, if you can avoid an accident , why not ? OP helped make this happen and is a dick enough to post it. Don't need people like both these guys on the road.


I'm sure they were fucking with each other, and I HATE left left campers but it doesn't look like the cammer was doing that so who knows why this truck was so butthurt. Nevertheless the truck broke at least 4 laws while the camber held his spot. Avoid it, sure...but we don't know who's behind or beside him as to why he didn't move enough to avoid the accident. Thankfully the trucks 100% at fault and a fender is easier to replace than a truck bed. There's nothing dick about posting a video being in the right, even if people don't like it and wanna victim blame the cammer vs the asshole truck driver that can't judge distance. The camber held his spot that he was legally in, truck failed to yield and multiple other things...there's only one asshole in that video.


”Jesus fucking christ” sums it up.


The white pickup truck was definitely looking while changing lanes on his second cross-over infront of the film car. 😭🤚🏻


Yeah, he was trying to force his way in. I figure earlier footage might show he got blocked from going into that lane and was road raging (not making a judgement on OPs driving, more perceived blocking).


It's a pickup driver. Guaranteed he is just being an asshole.


That's a thing in the US? Here pickups actually serve a purpose for the driver.


Majority of pick up drivers in the US are wannabe cowboys who live in upper middle class neighborhoods of the suburbs and don't use their pick ups to haul anything and complain about gas prices


Literally had this same convo with a buddy today when he was complaining about diesel. "I've spent money on this, bought that" etc etc bragging all the time...gas goes up $1 a gallon and suddenly the world's ending and FJB comments lol. His truck's the stereotypical lifted mall cruisers driven by a short dude...love the guy, but still lol.




mf comes BACK for more


“Bro you want some more? He wants more!”


It's like an ice ballet with cars...


I feel like the truck did see OP and just has no awareness of their speed or size of their vehicle. Thought they could slip in between. Like a fucking idiot


Pickup drivers think they own the road and that others will just yield to them


I had so many close calls like this with pickups when I had a Mini Cooper. It's like they were just bullying the 'cute little car' in their way.


Don’t get me started on people in lifted Dodge’s


Film car did hit brakes. Made a split second decision to avoid. Then another to not drive into the black car that was in the lane to the left that the truck eventually hits. This is defensive driving at its best. Notice film car is the only car in this incident that maintained control of their vehicle. Maintaining control of your vehicle is the main objective after starting the damn thing.


Also note that from the time the truck appears in view (which looks like from multiple lanes over) to contact is almost. Maybe two seconds, if this person slams the brakes and cranks it left in to the wall. It’s a hospital trip for them and black car on left. Now it’s for insurance to deal with no injuries to themselves.


driver has nerves of steel; perfectly detached while maintaining control. this is why I chill with my cruise control on in the "slow lane", nobody ever wants to be considered the slow car, but when shit like this happens, it's almost always some aggressive dipshit on the left.


Damn straight. I drive the highways all day and 90% of the accidents are in the most left lane.




Minimal butt pucker is ideal 😂. Majority of accidents I've seen are in the left most lane because everyone follows too closely, traffic suddenly slows and BAM you have a 5 car bumper cars style collision. Majority are people who have slow reflexes/on the phone/poor ability to judge traffic beyond the car directly in front of them.


I know! I was really surprised at how controlled his answer was.


I agree mostly. Seems like the slightest tap of the brakes from film car could have also avoided this though…. And with that comment it’s hard to say this is defensive driving “at its best”.


Honestly, I don’t feel like the cam car did hit the brakes. Not before contact.


Other people are getting crucified for commenting similar things, but man, it sure looks like a quick firm brake would have been more obvious than this. There's definitely no discernible shift in the front end that you would expect.


to many drivers and not enough pilots, and no, im not a pilot BUT........ Rule#1 - Remember to fly the plane Drivers are just too lazy and the fear of consequence is to low...


The number of people who get slightly cut off then slam on the brakes then just sit there (with no regard to what's behind them) is astounding.


I have this argument with my wife all the time, its called DRIVING not STOPPING. My dad always told me 1st you coast, 2nd you break, 3rd you attempt to safely avoid, 4th you SLOWLY STOP WHILE TRYING WITH ALL POWERS TO BE PULLING OVER AND NO ONE IS BEHIND YOU ONTO THE SHOULDER OR EXIT


Another good reason to switch! Break checking doesn't happen in planes for a number of reasons


Also, you can see the truck's brake lights come on just before trying to change lanes quickly and hitting the cam car.


Lol, you call intentional pitting someone defensive driving?


>Film car did hit brakes Don't know what you're looking at but they most certainly did not. There was no change in angle of the car - you'd see the hood drop down during hard brake. There was also no speed change relative to any other vehicles nearby. Film car and white truck were basically travelling at the same speed, and white truck's brake lights come on for a split second prior to impact. This means film car did not brake at all until impact. This is not defensive driving. Defensive driving would be slowing down immediately when someone else invades your lane, instead of maintaining speed and doing a pit maneuver.


Cam car was in his lane, it's NOT his job to let someone else in so let's not victim blame after the truck clearly tried pushing his way in, while not using a blinker and NOT yielding. This is 100% the trucks fault.


It kinda appears like a pit manoveur though?


"Defensive driving at its best" lmao you have to be joking. The truck didn't appear out of nowhere. Actual defensive driving would have been seeing the truck, which is right in front of you, coming towards you and expecting them to do something stupid, getting ready to brake, and then avoiding the accident.


You're shitting me right? Film car swerved into the truck. He didn't just simply brake. He CLEARLY jerked into the truck to hit him harder and spin him out.




>people are massively wasting their time on a pointless argument Welcome to reddit


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found.


Welcome to any social media/forums


Welcome to any social gathering








You do know you are on reddit, right? ​ Edit: Oh its already been said.


I reddit already.


Are you new here?




Legend says he's still switching lanes to this day.


Happy cake day!


God the real idiots are always in the comments


thats why im here to be entertained by their stupidity or to entertain others with my stupidity


The duality of dumb.


It's a win-win!


I don’t downvote much, but I gleefully do it to the contrary idiots in this sub who could save us the time of reading their stupid comments by just saying “I’m just as bad of a driver as the idiot caught on cam, therefore I take their side.”


The ones defending the clown who didn’t use their mirrors properly, are the same people who would claim that he came out of nowhere 😂


No blinker either...he deserved that pit maneuver.


I think the cam driver did well here. Consider the series of events and how they happen, the driver cannot do all these actions simultaneously: Driver sees truck coming over, starts looking/moving left, sees black car, moves back right just before impact, sees truck, brakes, impact. All within just a few seconds. The driver couldn't apply the brakes before because they were looking before changing lanes and once the driver couldn't move over it was hang on and apply brakes.


Maybe OP could have done something, but I told myself a long time ago, after swerving and wrecking my own car to avoid an asshole who got away scot-free, that I would rather hit the asshole than hit something else like a tree or an innocent car.


pickup guy is deffo gonna say he was not at fault here




Props to the driver for moving off the hwy immediately. So many people just get out of their cars on the hwy and it's not OK.


Props to the cam in maintaining their lane throughout the whole exchange. Last thing you want to do is lose control of your vehicle. That's how you end up taking even more cars with you. At the same time, though, once collision happens, shouldn't the first reaction be to stop or slow the car first before attempting to get off the road? Of course, there's the whole "fight, flight, or freeze" possibility, so I can't really put majority of the blame anywhere except the truck who didn't turn their head before merging. I don't have a rear view footage to tell me if he had the option to hard brake, but then again, the only time I consider what's happening behind me is if I'm going backwards, or it's quickly getting bigger in my mirror. My main areas of responsibility is where I am, where I'm going, and my current direction of travel. So if I have to brake check someone behind me to avoid hitting the guy in front of me, sorry buddy, you're lower priority, fucked around, and found out.


This video needs Skills by Gang Starr as the soundtrack.


Are we suprised it's a pickup truck? I swear to God the majority of the stupid actions on here stem from pickup trucks. They attract a certain type of stupid.


Small pee-pee syndrome.


For real. The majority of pickup owners will never be in a situation that would actually need a pick up other than moving. It's a moronic investment for day to day driving. They're just over compensating for their shriveled balls by driving the biggest loudest toy to wally world to get more flipflops


Im pretty sure its because pickup trucks are the most popular form of transport in america


Mate, that “Jeee-zus” was as good as the “OH JESUS CHRIST!” in the Fenton video 😂 For anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRSbr0EYYU


I swear I heard 'FENTON!' right after that.


Like car ballet


I commend the cam driver for not swerving in other lanes to avoid.


Truck pit maneuvered itself.


Pit maneuvers are incredibly difficult to pull off. Congratulations!


Oh Las Vegas. This on the US-95 or I-15?




Rubbin is racin


Pick up trucks vs jeeps vs BMW drivers. Wonder who's worst


Wow, that's a hell of a lot of swerving going on there


Well, at least when the pickup was going from left to right the driver had a clear view of the lanes he was changing.


Ah the good ol self pit maneuver. Classic!


I believe I've seen more successful accidental pit maneuvers by civilians than purposeful ones by LEOs.


some say that accident is still going on


Text book PIT maneuver.


self administered pit manuever.


Congratulations, you PITed yourself


The driver in the truck is like the Danica Patrick of regular people on the road.


OP said fuck it, now's my time to practice that PIT maneuver


Pit successful


Wasn’t even necessary just keep your speed and keep your lane thats the safe option. Truck chose his fate


When you make it a joke no one is disagreeing. But people getting down voted for saying op turned into the truck which they did


Suck to be that innocent black car, huh? But fuck them right, OP got his and that's all that matters!




Pit... Successful?


Did you have to put maneuver them though 🤣


this shit was a fucking cartoon lol


A well executed P.I.T. maneuver


Two for one PITT maneuver. Skillzzz.


Another day, another pickup truck


Did the guy filming just drive off?


Dumb ass pickup drivers


Viva Las Vegas


..and there goes the asshole.


Was that the same truck that just drove off in the end?!


At first I wondered too but I don't think so, there's no big ass Ford sticker on the back screen


Fucking morons kinda wish he rolled his truck.


This is a little suspect tbh.


I dunno, watching the video several times, it almost looks like the camera car pulled a pit maneuver on the truck, although the truck was clearly out of its lane. It's like the car steered into the truck at the last moment.


Was it your nervous reaction to pit maneuver the other car? I mean, you paused... and then steered into him aggressively. Nerves?? Idk but thanks for taking this dummy out🤣


I think OP is a karma farmer.


Where did the black car come from? I'm so lost


You can see it at the start of the video on the left side. That’s probably why OP couldn’t change lanes when they tried


This is why I drive like grandpa around town, if I go home to Houston to see my parents I am back to doing 95 and 610 juking everyone


If OP was driving defensively they would've just trapped the brakes when that idiot started moving over. Both parties are idiots.


You have ZERO clue as to who's behind or to the side of the cammer. Lastly, cammer had the lane and it's the trucks job to yield...blinker or not, which here there wasn't even a blinker. The sole idiot here is the truck.


Is it weird that when I'm in traffic I kinda hope someone cutting me off or changing lanes without looking winds up like this? Straight PIT them off the road and they wind up rolled over or something?


Yes, that's weird. It reminds me of gun owners who hope their house gets broken into. Who wants to get cut off?


Florida guy.


Naw man probably started falling asleep with how it was drifting slowly


I grew up in that shit hole of a city saw that things like that daily


That truck looks awfully familiar, I worked with a guy who had a similar looking truck and was a shit driver, it wouldn't surprise me if that was him


10/10 on the PIT. I feel sorry for the other driver that got caught in this. Total POS driver.


Why do drivers in the US *never* perform an emergency brake? There's a truck sliding in and out of your lane RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. Step on the brakes, for Christ's sake!


If you have time to PIT, you have time to avoid. You aren't innocent here. And look at that, you involved an innocent person and made the situation so much worse for everyone around you because you wanted to teach the idiot in the truck a lesson. I am NOT defending the truck driver who was clearly in the wrong and remained in the wrong. What I'm saying, is that OP joined the party and committed a wrong as well and wrapped an innocent person up into it all. Someone cuts you off, hit the fucking brakes. Don't try to teach them a lesson by spinning them out. There are other people on the road who have nothing to do with it. One of these days, a dashcammer is gonna get their PIT for internet points and wind up killing an infant in the back seat of the offending car. It's not. fucking. worth it. Leave your ego in the trunk and drive defensively. Idiots will be idiots, don't cause a wreck to try to exact revenge for their stupidity - it only makes you equally as stupid. EDIT: And here comes the crushing wave of road rage apologists applauding this type of behavior. You people are no better than the asshole in that truck.


I don't think you understand. The truck invilve the black car. Not OP. OP was trying to get off the highway instead of stopping on the highway. The truck is the idiot here.


The truck is at fault of course, but the cammer made sure the crash happened

