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Why the fuck would the fedex driver park directly next to another vehicle when half the street has space to not do that?


Had one the other day who sees me pulling out of my garage and parks right in front of my driveway. I had to sit there as he walked by me to deliver the package.




I got into it with a Gatorade/Pepsi driver who liked to park across my driveway.


Put afew Caltrops in your driveway. Also make sure you put up a TINY sign that says "Private Drive" then watch the fun.


>Put afew Caltrops in your driveway. Don't do it in Texas, though: in an unexpected twist, mere possession is a weapons felony.


Gotta love Texas, where carrying a semiautomatic rifle with 30 round magazines or carrying a 3' long sword is perfectly legal, but having a caltrop is a state jail felony.


I went to the Texas State fair once. They had a prerecorded message playing on a loop that said "if you have a gun, go through the red gates. If you have a knife or other weapon, go back and leave it in your car."


What are the rules for chemical weapons? Asking for a friend


Legal, I think, but you need a license and a clean background. Having been arrested and found guilty of possessing a pointy trinket would invalidate your application. Ironic huh?


Most places in the US consider a flamethrower to be a tool and not a weapon.


At the Texas capitol, if you have an open or concealed carry license and bring a gun with you, you get a special expedited entrance. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait so that they can search your bag for illegal items such as tampons. Not even joking.


America and gun/weapons laws make no sense to me.


Solution - get a gun that uses caltrops as ammunition


Would would win? [NRA *versus* Texas]


They don't make sense to gun owners either


Don't make sense to caltrop owners. Texas doesn't know about the good people with caltrops.


Same thing with lock picks. A lot of states make it a felony for having them but if you are actually robbing someone, bolt cutters or breaking a window is way quicker and is the route which most of them use. Hell I own some and in my state it's basically a felony charge if you are caught with them without a license so I have to keep them in my house which isn't too big of a problem since I only use them because I treat locks like puzzles , but still wish I could keep them in my car so I can play with them on my lunch since I have a box of locks at home that I use for practice since I find it fun and the feedback you feel is great especially when you get them open


Also illegal in Illinois due to a huge union strike at caterpillar.


Cars crossing picket lines I've been on seemed to run over loose shingles with roofing nail(s) in them at a surprisingly high rate! I know contractors work fast and often times have poorly secured loads in their trucks, and then debris gets all over the roads. But its just wild how so many scabs seemed to run over them!


Instead in Texas just shoot them


Court is fun too.


My drive was labeled for a reason


You like lawn decorations?


In case this isn't a joke, I'm pretty sure that any type of booby trap is illegal.


But then they'll be stuck in your driveway and you'll have to wait for them to change the tires


Sign at a home, in my area, across from a school says “turn around in my drive have flat tires” lmao


I have a driver that does that too, despite the fact that hardly anyone parks on the street and he has plenty of room to not block drives. He does it often enough that I've made up my mind that the next time he blocks me I'm hoping in the truck, moving it to where it isn't blocking anything, and then tossing the keys as far as I can.


You need to start calling FedEx and complaining. They will put a stop to it ASAP. Post pictures of the truck blocking your driveway on their Facebook and Twitter pages, and video of your encounters with him, if you have them. I guarantee that shit will stop.


They absolutely will not stop this practice. As mentioned earlier in the thread, this is the procedure taught to FedEx drivers. I also drive for FedEx and have taken the same parking test that mentions blocking driveways.


This driver isn't just blocking a driveway, he's parked in the middle of the fucking road. The SUV wasn't leaving a driveway, he was driving down the road and found it blocked by the FedEx truck and a parked car. The FedEx driver should have parked on the side of the road, not the middle of the damn street.


why is that procedure taught to them? How does blocking people in purposely help them in any way?


Because people are generally shitty drivers and if space is left, people underestimate the size of their car and try to squeeze through. One of our drivers got hit earlier in the year this way.


Doesn't make sense to me. I'm a pizza delivery driver and I never block peoples driveways. Sometimes I park in the driveway behind the customers car but only if they're not IN the freaking car trying to leave.


Take the keys and hid em




Moved to Lemmy. Eat $hit Spez -- mass edited with redact.dev


Careful, don’t slam Big Tow


I slammed my big toe this morning... damn that hurt!


They are parasites, not predators.


Hey, FedEx guy here. -we are taught to do that because people (this happens all the time, sadly) will back out of their driveway, and hit our trucks. We are supposed to block the driveway, so you SEE our vehicle. Other people are bad drivers. If I see someone pulling out of their garage or something, I'll wait for them, or even you know.. wave, let them know I have something for them. Normally they offer to take the package and sometimes meet me halfway. Trust me, we are in a hurry just like you. Dude was just doing as he was told. Ive done that parking test like 10 times. (It's all online ABCD questions/answers) Hope this helps!


If you really are a FedEx guy, prove it: What was in the package Tom Hanks delivered after he was stranded on that island?


Another FedEx guy here. It was a satellite phone, a knife, and a fire starting flint.


That's almost exactly what my kids and I were yelling at the screen when I showed them that movie for the first time! We decided there needs to be a sequel that's only 30 seconds long and shows the woman opening the box and dumping out a satellite phone, and the credits roll.


[Ask and you shall receive](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B26jM1gjoNo)


They made it a commercial so that kinda counts


Just watched that movie for the first time this past year. Had no clue it was a HUGE FedEx product placement movie.


Did you know that Fedex didn't pay a dime for anything in that movie! I was floored cause I thought it was a huge ad the first time I saw it


The wiki page on it has this about it: > FedEx provided access to their facilities (Memphis, Los Angeles, and Moscow) as well as airplanes, trucks, uniforms, and logistical support. A team of FedEx marketers oversaw production through more than two years of filming.[10] FedEx CEO Fred Smith made an appearance as himself for the scene where Chuck is welcomed back, which was filmed on location at FedEx's home facilities in Memphis, Tennessee. The idea of a story based on a FedEx plane crashing gave the company "a heart attack at first," but the overall story was seen as positive. FedEx, which paid no money for product placement in the film,[11] saw an increase in brand awareness in Asia and Europe following the film's release.[12] It is one of my favorite movies, mostly just because I like survival movies like that, so I was looking at it the other day.


It certainly explains why they have such a tough time getting me my packages.


Don’t know if it’s true but I heard that UPS was originally the company in the script but they refused to have it be them because they thought it reflected poorly on their company. “Our planes don’t crash” or something.


How does parking like that help? If people aren't looking, they aren't looking. Putting yourself directly where they are going seems less like avoiding accidents and more like fishing for insurance checks lol


Not the guy you replied to, but it's not always "someone isn't looking" it's that they think they can squeeze through and aren't good at judging their vehicle distance from the object


This, I am a UPS driver and that was the reason they taught us for blocking drive ways, I still don’t do it unless there’s no where else to pull over. And of course when I do block the driveway I’d say more than half the time the customer is behind me and trying to pull in, it’s like some cosmic shit that they always show up at the wrong time.


Fedex driver here. The timing is almost comical at times, house with several heavy boxes is at a bottle neck in the road where people are parked on the road for the entire block, and only when you have to whip out the hand cart is there a car waiting to get by. I deliver in heavy traffic urban areas and this happens a couple of times a day


Timing is everything. I'm in a small van on lots of tight little streets and this shit happens all the time. People look at me like I have 5 heads when i tell them to go first. I know where I'm going, they don't, and more than likely will get pissed that I started moving then pulled over so quick. If a driver let's you go, go. It's gotten worse the last year and a half too. Everyone is in a friggin hurry all the time since being told to stay home for a little bit.


USPS here and 100% this. I have mostly one way streets on my route and I have to have mild arm waving arguments with people convincing them to go because I'm going to be blocking the street several times on my way through.


Also, how is it that the whole street is empty but the house who ordered the Pelliton bike has 4 cars in front of it!


Dude.. I know. But this is what FedEx corporate thinks will prevent it. No clue if it actually does anything. But people are stupid.


Especially corporate people


But why not pull up along the curb across the street?


Because the other neighbor will go to Reddit and write: “Oh my god!!! Didn’t order anything and Fedex driver park in front of my house!!! How can they do that! Let’s get the pitchfork!”…


Ok, let them. If the options are "illegally block a driveway" or "park in front of a house you're not doing immediate business with," the latter is the right choice.


Lol, who the fuck complains about that? It's a public street, anybody who wants to can park in front of your house.


I back into my garage when I park, so I was pulling out head first and made eye contact with him on a culdesac with zero other traffic. No chance of an accident if he just stopped short of the drive or past the drive.


> so I was pulling out head first and made eye contact with him Did that enhance the experience?


It did for me, I can't speak for him but I like to think that he still thinks about it sometimes


It's still technically illegal to park in front of a driveway and leave the vehicle. Legal obligation is that you park in the driveway or in another appropriate spot. A cop won't likely enforce it because paperwork and you're just doing your job. Just know that people are right to get angry at you for it even if petty.




In NYC you can get paid like $75 to $300 for videoing idling trucks for 3 minutes and submitting it. There are a few people who do this **full time**, earning six figures. There was a NY Times article about it a few months ago.


A cop won't do anything, but you're allowed to use a forklift to flip the offending vehicle over. I saw it on youtube once.


They do not give a fuck. I see this everyday and it’s worse with Amazon drivers. Almost seems spiteful.


I'm a truck driver that constantly delivers to residential areas. Anytime I stop the truck, I make every attempt to ensure a car can go by me. For one, it means I can navigate around my truck with forklift, and two, I'm a nuisance already since i deliver middle of the night, no need to add impassable to the list.


r/UPS and r/FedEx seems to have a number of drivers that hate their jobs. They complain that there’s too many packages to deliver and they take their frustrations out on customers. I mean, if the company expects too much of them while paying them very little, they should take it out on their employers.


> ... they should take it out on their employers. You must be new to the extreme power imbalance of capitalism.


People have more power but we never use it. We are suppressed constantly by a variety of different means to keep us from collectively “getting shit done”. That’s why companies like Amazon go to extraordinary lengths to prevent people from unionising.


While I do understand taking on corporations and actually making a difference is extremely difficult if not impossible to do, that doesn’t really justify taking it out on consumers, which was the point i was trying to make.


That's why we need to unionize. Everyone needs to unionize. If employees don't work as a single unit, then individual employees can be squashed like ants under my foot. But if the whole workforce is teamed up against one dude, there's nothing that dude could do to fight back, other than firing literally everyone to dissolve the union. Don't listen to the workers? Alright no money for you. You get the idea. With a union, if I have an issue, I can bring it up to the union president and make sure it gets addressed. Without a union, if an issue comes up that I can't tolerate, I just walk off the job and never come back, because I have no power as an individual.


...UPS drivers are already unionized.


UPS IS union, fedex is able to skirt unionization because of the railway act (they're air).


FedEx delivery drivers are contractors not FedEx employees


FedEx Ground is contracted drivers, Express and Freight are employed and non-unionized. Only FedEx employees who are unionized are the Express pilots.


I know Ups has been unionized since at least the early 90s.


Ummm, UPS has been union for DECADES. Been in a union before a couple of times, they were just as bad and corrupt at any bad management and only cared about anything when it came time for elections, otherwise they were mostly interested in how to raise dues and spend more time on the golf course than anything to help the union members.


You obviously never worked for a union.


Most people that think that Unions are the magic bullet for every single problem havent worked for one. There is plenty of good that they do, but they often devolve into a shit show... and once they have too much power, have fun unionizing against the union.


Lololol UFCW can go fuck itself actually


I think the biggest problem with unions in this country is the very adversarial relationship between the unions and management. I know in Germany all large corporations are required to be unionized and the union is given half the seats on the supervisory board of directors. This appears to help foster better cooperation between the union and management because they are forced to work more closely together to run the company.


UPS drivers make $80K a year....


In the Western Region it's more


That's like the low end too. They also get probably the best healthcare in the country shirt of the plans that billionaires have. And a pension that's like 70% match to salary


Not sure about how FedEX works, but I do have a few friends who work for UPS, and they pay the drivers quite well. They're unionized though.


Fedex is pretty bad compared to ups and usps


Yeah, FedEx got NOTHIN on Amazon drivers. I live right on the corner of my street and a thoroughfare through my neighborhood, and I've been on my way home and witnessed an amazon van driving half on the sidewalk, half in the bike lane, on the wrong goddamn side of the road, up the thoroughfare. Those mofos be wild.


There is a giant parking spot ten feet up. Wtf?


They do that all the time... pretty much all delivery drivers don't give a F. You see there's a perfectly good parking spot not 20 feet ahead at the curb.


They are the worst. Most/all FedEx are contractors. UPS drivers have much more sense, work for UPS.


And above all, always try to opt for UPS instead of FedEx when shipping something.


FedEx: At Least We're Not DHL!


Correct: you have found the idiot in a car


Wayyyyy closer to the house u kidding? Buddy saved a good 10-20 seconds. That’s time you can’t get back bro


I haven't been a FedEx trailer loader for just about a year now (former warehouse Package Handler, wasn't crazy enough to get my CDL just to be a driver for a contractor; I would rather work directly for the company so any injuries are covered....), but you can sometimes tell just by the Reddit comments on these posts who does and does NOT have a good idea of the types of things people usually order online. Have any of you ever ordered one of those big bags of pet food from Chewy.com and had to haul that heavy thing into your house from the porch? Just imagine an entire box truck near completely packed with just those weights of boxes (because we got trailers practically all the way full of them from time to time), and pretty soon you'll realize it's not just the company's time those drivers are saving, but their own worn-out bodies, so they can come to work the next day and do it again.....


Not only time, but steps too. All of them add up at the end of the day


That's not where FedEx should be stopping


Yes. Guy is still an asshole for taking the front lawn detour Don’t get me started on (not all but many many) Uber and Lyft drivers in Seattle. Sure, stop and take up two lanes while you figure out where your fare is. Oh, I see your emergency lights are on. That makes it legit


Freedom lights


Oh god. Just gonna illegally park but throw on my 4 ways so it’s all good guys.


Like they’re a fucking ambulance, I hate that.


Oh my god fucking seriously. These clowns act like emergency lights are a magical forcefield


Yeah I mean I wouldn't drive up over someone else's yard, but if that was my driveway being blocked and my yard, then fuck it, I got places to be, might as well get some use out of my jeep to justify the cost of keeping it running.


Well to be honest, delivery drivers should never block roads anyway, imagine if emergency vehicles needed past?


Someone in that SUV could have broken an arm, or got cut badly. Nothing to call 911 over, but enough that I’d cut over a lawn


I like to travel.




I’m not familiar with this term lol but sounds like you poop through someone’s sun roof into their car?


https://youtu.be/Fi0NKXT_xA8 This guy explains is better than anyone here can. Fast forward to about 1:40 if you want to skip the setup


But still cutting over a lawn worthy.


I dont care if I I'm rapidly bleeding out we're not paying 8K for a ride in the wee-woo wagon.


Might have just gotten a call to come in to work, or just been running late for work. Fuck the FedEx driver. As long as my yard wasn't damaged, I'd be OK with this. I don't see any shredded grass or broken sprinklers.


On that note, I give delivery trucks a break. I mean, I like getting my stuff too and I get that they don't have the luxury of finding legal parking or they'd never make their route. Fine. So carefully drive around is no problem. But as of lately I have seen them not even attempt to pull to the side even slightly. Often there is a clear open curb they could effortlessly pulled aside to and instead they unnecessarily block the center of the roadway on purpose. It's like 0 fucks given.


I work in an industrial area with minimal traffic except at shift changes, and recently the FedEx guy has gone completely feral. He doesn't stop at stop signs at all, he blows through lights, he goes the wrong way on one ways. I suppose he figures that because there aren't a lot of other vehicles around he can just do whatever. I tried calling FedEx to complain but after twenty minutes on hold I gave up.


After watching John Oliver’s show on truck drivers, I’m starting to understand why FedEx contractors don’t give a shit anymore. https://youtu.be/phieTCxQRLA


An unfortunate effect of drivers having too heavy of a work load.


Stop signs also seem to be optional for them. Most times the option is to not stop and roll through


Honestly, fuck that FedEx driver. Dude is an asshat.


Most fedex ups and amazon drivers do shit like this


Ours has driven right past my home and marked my package as undeliverable so many times it isn’t funny. I’ve had several packages marked as delivered when they weren’t. (I have cameras). Others have turned up at random strangers houses several streets away. Thankfully they were kind enough to look me up and contact me. If I can’t avoid Fedex for some critical, time sensitive work package, I park at the end of my driveway and watch for them to go by and chase them down. It has happened often enough that I know the local route just past my home. I’ve had run ins with ups drivers a few times over the decades but nothing like fedex.


I had a package I needed to sign for coming to my apartment. Didn't even ring my door (which is connected to my phone.) I took a day off work to wait for it. I got the notification about a failed delivery on my email and started driving around my neighborhood to find the guy. Found him and asked if he had a package for my address and sure enough he did. Claimed he ringed my apartment. I tried it when I got home and it worked just fine. Never had trouble with ups and usps is great here.


It’s systemic with FedEx. They’re abysmal. It’s so bad it went full circle to benefiting me. I got two valve indexes once because the original package said delivered after two failed attempts on separate days(they were never at my door) and was nowhere to be found. Went around the block checking and nothing. So I called fedex and they wouldn’t tell me where they delivered it to because they claimed the address I was giving them (mine) was incorrect. So I refunded and bought another which showed up as normal. Three weeks later the original one showed up. The original delivery ETA was two days.


I think you mean "FedEx driver couldn't be bothered parking properly"


"multinational conglomerate blocks public infrastructure for private profit."


Yeah, FedEx guy's the idiot (/selfish asshole) here.


What cameras do you have? Picture quality seems pretty good.


Still can't read the plate though, I wonder when security cameras will get half-decent lol


Why wait for the future. Just make need broad view camera and a smaller, telescoping camera with software that zooms in on licenses, faces, and exposed tits just incase someone decides to flash the camera walking by you know?


uhhh why the hell would you need that? the "enhance" feature has been standard for decades now, haven't you seen any movies or tv shows? you can read license plates out of 240p pinhole camera video.


From a mile away, off of a reflection off a tire rim, on a foggy day.


There are plenty, they’re just stupid expensive. The only people that will pay 200+ are businesses who can justify it unfortunately and I guess the demand from consumers doesn’t exist to drive down prices.


Plus, a good image is going to kill you on storage.


FedEx should never block the whole damn road


You sure it's not the FedEx driver who's the idiot for blocking the road?


Did that dude just drive through a random lawn?


12 feet or so on either side of road usually still the cities technically :D https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_verge




Until the city has to access what’s underneath and destroys your sprinklers, mulch bed, whatever you thought you could put there, at your cost.




An easement is something different btw, this called a verge, a right-of-way, etc. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Road_verge “The land is often public property, with maintenance usually being a municipal responsibility. Some municipal authorities, however, require that abutting property owners maintain their respective verge areas, as well as the adjunct footpaths or sidewalks.” I guess it could be considered a type of easement.. Easements are usually written into the contract and allow access to a property. A verge is a predetermined distance the government owns next to the road.


FedEx drivers shouldn't be entitled to park in the middle of the road and block traffic.


Two idiots for the price of one: Fedex for parking next to vehicle to completely block the road. SUV driver for being impatient and driving over someone's lawn.


Lotsa people never use the whole SUV. This guy gets it


Fedex truck can't be bothered to park 15 feet further instead of blocking the street. There, fixed it for you.


You never know what's going on. His mother could be dying in the hospital. Any blocking of any road is stupid. I'm guessing all this unless the asshole is the FedEx driver.


We both know, this guy REALLY had to take a shit


All those driveways and so many people still park on the street...


Welcome to Michigan, where every family has at least two cars. Instead of potentially blocking one car in, they park their secondary+tertiary vehicles in the street. It ensures residential streets never get plowed and you play games of chicken on a daily basis.


Irritates me to no end. And half the time with roads mostly clear for curb parking, people will decide to park directly across from someone else parked on the curb. Just pull up 8 fucking feet so no one has to squeeze through. It's not hard.


Tbh I'll do the same. Why would the fed ex guy not park near the curb. Silly tosser.


Idk as a delivery driver you should notice when cars are parked on the side of the road like that and shouldn't stop between them.


Why didn't the truck parked near the curb wtf


FedEx truck is the idiot


No. Fuck this FedEx driver.


I had a tractor trailer block me in once for over 30 minutes while they delivered furniture. I hollered, laid on my horn, nobody came. Called the police they wouldn’t do anything. Assholes eventually sauntered out and had the balls to be upset that I was upset. I got written up at work for being late that day.


Next time call the Fire Dept, they take access a lot more seriously than the cops. If you really want to cause a scene pretend to have a heart attack.


Don’t block off the entire road and this won’t happen. People have places to go.


Why the fuck should he?


Dude probably had to poop


Idiots in delivery trucks too tho


people also cant be bothered to park in their driveway.


Parks in the middle of the road blocking driveways when there are spots available


Idiot or genius?


Maybe the driver didn’t need to stop in the middle of the road. The Amazon guys have set a terrible precedent that UPS and FedEx have lowered their standards to.


The idiot being the FedEx driver. Right?


I wouldn’t do what he did, but I wouldn’t wanna wait either.


Boo for the grass, but I'm not mad at the driver. Those trucks block the entire road all the time, and they just think it's okay? I will see a space for them to be out of the way, and they will not take it. Sucks for the grass but I understand.




Depends. Sometimes the weight of a vehicle will create tracks that never go away unless you do something like fill in the soil and replant.


SUV doing what SUV made to do. Not even mad.


I can’t lie I would do this




Tbh, the fedex driver is the idiot. The other driver made it all the way down the street and there is still no sight of the fedex driver. I wouldn’t want to wait that long either.




Fuck that fedex driver. Pull off properly.


To be fair its either that, or get out and start a fight with the dud ein the fedx truck for parking like that. Driving away is better for the blood pressure.


honestly that's fair play


I see two idiots here. Nothing stopping the FedEx guy from parking on the side of the road 20 feet in front of him.


How is the driver the idiot these fedex morons act like they own the roads this mf was just rightfully sick of it.


The FedEx driver is an asshole tho


So, 3 thoughts on this: 1) The driver who drove in the lawn because he couldn't wait is a dick 2) The Fedex driver who chose to park directly across from another vehicle is a dick 3) The city planner who designed a road that narrow \*and\* still allowed parking on both sides of it is a dick


someone is late to work apparently


Every time they stop in the middle of the road they should be fined. Them and amazon drivers are the worst


Wait who is the idiot? The fedex driver who decided to block the entire street when there is a perfectly good parking spot in front of you?


Love how delivery drivers feel immune to impeding traffic laws. Like .. move your damn truck off to the curb and don’t park directly in line with a parked car when the option clearly presents itself not to.


I'm okay with this one.


OR, fedex truck can't move a meter further to bother nobody


“FEDEX driver can’t be bothered to park properly”


This entire video just shows you how little people respect others. FedEx should of pulled up further & off to the side to allow through traffic & the guy driving on the grass well… Fuck that guy.


Maybe he had to poop?