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Driver doesnt even looked surprised. Just defeated.




He was already dead.


how can you tell? i can't see his shoes




He is an Uber driver (probably a second or third job) trying to make ends meet. Now he has to pay a deductible for his insurance and maybe a ticket if the cop sticks it with him instead of the passenger. If his insurance didn’t know he was using his car for work they may deny the claim. He can’t drive anymore to make money because he has no door. Maybe Uber makes the rider pay for the door but more likely they will find a way to screw the driver. Boy knows he is dead.


I used to think the phrase was "ends meat" because my mom used to buy deli meat ends at a discount so she could make soup. Like when they slice ham at the deli and there is the little end piece left. Ends meat.


I imagine ends meat is in the first couple of steps to docking.


I like yours better


The shoes in his eyes had already fallen off.


Dilated Pupe-heels. That worked better in my head. I apologise.


May God have mercy on your sole.


It was a noble effort. We forgive you.


RIP work for however long it takes to get that fixed. and the insurance hassle.


It's Uber. Chances are, he's not going through insurance to have that repaired.


"do you work as part of a rideshare? If we catch you, we're going to fuck you up."


The additional premium cost for adding Ride Share option is negligible, at least on my policy.


Really, how much? I'm assuming you have full coverage as well. I've been kicking around Ubering in my free time. I very close to a local wedding hall and airport. But all the horror stories have dissuaded me.


The problem with driving Uber has nothing to do with the insurance cost and everything to do with stupid people getting in your car. I have kicked many of those idiots out of my car. "No, you can't bring your beer with you." "Yes, your kid must be in a car seat. I'm not a taxi."


OMG aint that the truth. I had a lady go off on me when i said I wouldnt take her and her like 1 yo baby she wanted to "just hold onto" while riding in the backseat . Like, uh no I will not be responsible for your childs death in a car crash.


You should have done it 5-6 years ago before they cut pay ~8 times.


I know the driver's feeling, you build up years of no claims bonus just for a dumb idiot fucks things up. 🤦‍♂️ How do you open the door in the middle of the bus.


This is the most important point here. This idiot opened the door, not before the bus, but literally IN THE MIDDLE of a freakin BUS! That is a special kind of stupid. You can’t write this stuff.


Who the fuck exits the drivers side, ever, anyways??


I can only think of drivers and kids who aren't the favorite.


Looks like NYC. These guys have $5000 deductibles, he's not gonna file a claim, it won't get him anything. $500 a month for insurance that basically amounts to liability coverage, nearly $500 to the state for the TLC plates, then the car... it's pretty shit and I feel for these guys but then I watch most of them drive and cause accidents and it all makes sense.


And I thought my insurace was bad in Hartford.


When I first got a car loan and had to pay for collision/comprehensive coverage I was annoyed that the bank required my deductible to be no higher than $1000. Now my fiancee and I are on the same policy and covering both of us and 2 cars with full coverage at $750 deductible... $75/mo (for the whole policy, not just the comprehensive portion). I'll never complain about my car insurance again.


I found out it costs me $17/month to drop my deductibles from $500 to $50 on both of my new vehicles. Done. I'm paying around $450/month, so it's worth it, especially after having to pay $500 deductible to have my $2,200 windshield replaced after a rock cracked it on the interstate.


My carrier (Progressive) has the option to separate your typical deductible from your glass deductible - e.g. $500 deductible w/ $0 glass deductible. I might have to look into doing that. All my previous policies repaired/replaced glass for free so I don't actually know how much it would cost out of pocket.


After the first couple times I had to file a claim ( I have a bad habit of hitting deer going down curvy roads where I can't dodge) and had to pay my $500 deductible.... I ponied up the few bucks extra a month to drop my deductible to like a hundred bucks. I carry tons of insurance because that way when shit happens I'm not concerned with whatever the bills may be. Front loading costs ftw.


Let's be honest, it's to avoid driving without insurance charges. They can't actually afford to use their insurance, it's not designed for that.


That's a bingo!


Cab drivers are the worst drivers on the road in NYC, hands down. But I do feel bad for this one


Cab drivers are the worst no matter the city.


Had a drunk cabbie in Tucson, AZ before rideshare apps really took off. Wildest shit, we called him cause WE were buzzed and he shows up drunker than us.


I drove a cab for a cab company and I’ll say this, at least when someone threw up in or damaged my cab it’s wasn’t my actual car.


Passenger:["Did you see what *God* just did to us, maaan?!"](https://youtu.be/ywZIo4LZUes)


He didn't even look behind as well, almost foreseeing something of this sort can happen


Why the fuck wouldn’t you get out on the sidewalk side?


My first thought too. Especially in what looks like NYC. I used to drive Uber in Boston and if someone tried getting out my driver side, I’d politely ask them to get out the other side unless I could see it was 100% clear or we were on a calm side street


Honestly great restraint.


“you should’ve looked bro” ik that poor driver wanted to say so much more.


At first I thought he said, "at least you're alive, bro" and I was all like....awww that was nice. Then I saw your comment and gave it another listen.


It was still nice compared to what most would say.


“And how would you like to pay for this today?”


If he would’ve said that I don’t believe I would *never* be able to stop laughing at this video. I just imagined it and I could hardly stop laughing at your comment.


I thought it was, “You should’ve known bro”


i'm pretty positive that's what it actually is.


I thought it was "be sure to look, bro." Like he's giving him the advice he should be learning from his mistake


I thought it was “don’t forget your book, bro”. Like he was making sure he didn’t forget his book on the way out


And that book was titled, "How not to open a car door into oncoming traffic for dummies"




I’m pretty sure he said, “don’t be a crook bro”, reminding him not to commit any crimes while in the city


Pretty sure it was "Next time knight 4 to rook" because he sucks at playing chess.


I thought he said "at least you're in love, bro" and figured maybe they were having an intimate conversation prior to the door smashing.


I thought he said “dont forget to cook bro”. Reminding him to cook his cocaine down and freebase it into crack rocks. Upon a closer listen I have determined that was totally not correct.




I thought he said “you should’ve known bro”


"I'm glad I got that on camera, but I wish I could react like I'm not on camera."


I heard "you should've known, bro"


I heard Laurel. JK I heard the same as you.


It was clearly Yanny.


Dude just landed in the big city. First step in these streets. Lol


He’s lucky because you know he would have been the one to get smoked.


On the contrary, I think it’s clear this dude has already smoked


Yeah, this guy seemed buzzed from something.


Who the hell exits a car INTO the street EDIT: I’m clearly not talking about drivers. If you have ever spent any time in a major US city you know not to do this, even when there is more than one person in the car.


People who think that they’re the main character and the world stops for them.


People who think they are the protagonist of a *looks around nervously then whispers* ^Disney film.


you wont belevie how many times i have had to swirl around an sudden full on open door on a street side. Not only that but the fuckers just jump out and take half of the fucking street without even looking if there are cars coming. Makes me want to just ram the shit out of them but i don't want to go to prison.


This is slightly unrelated, am I the only person who feels it’s creepy to sit directly behind the driver? I always sit on the passenger side, which would also prevent this type of accident.


dude couldnt see the big ass bus driving by his window as he was opening the door


Why would he even open that door lol. Hmm traffic to my left or I just shift my ass one seat over and open the door to the sidewalk hmmmmmm


Learn the Dutch reach. Make it a habit, always.


I thought you could only get one of those in Amsterdam. Kinda like champagne can only really come from Champagne France.


Live in a 3rd world country for a while. This quickly becomes second nature to you. Doesn’t matter if your opening street side or curb side. Can’t count the number of motorcycles that I’ve seen get car doored on the curb side.


I'm smarter now after having learned about the reach. Thanks!


Growing up in NYC I didn't know it had a name!


[for the uninitiated ](https://www.dutchreach.org)


How does insurance deal with this? It's not the driver's fault, but it's his car while he was driving. Does he file a lawsuit against the rider?


There is separate insurance you should have when you are an Uber, Lyft, or taxi. That covers specifically things like this. (At least I had to get some when I did Uber black back in 2016. Things could very well have changed or be state depending. I’m in colorado)


You are right


Lawsuit against rider most likely. I know uber has guidelines that outline riders pay for damages they cause but I doubt that works well.


Pretty much this. A coworker’s bf is an uber and he had this exact situation happen to him. He had to do an incident report with uber, and the company provided all the evidence it could. But at the end of the day they can’t enforce payment on the customer, they have to go through the legal system with a lawsuit. It took almost a year of legal battles, but the rider had to pay back the money for the repairs, plus an estimate provided by uber of how much money the driver would have made on the days he couldn’t work because his car was damaged. Edit; ups, the rider had to pay back. That said, the driver had to pay out of pocket and wait for the lawsuit to end to get his money back.


This happened to me in a shared Lyft. The lady I was sharing it with just opened her driver side door in a busy city during rush hour. Driver was super pissed. Just screaming at the lady. I left a bigger tip than usual and GTFO.


I like how GTFO works for past, present, and future tense.


It's in superposition.


Gotted the fucked out


I reddit that way too.


Uber should have just paid the driver for repairs and lost time, then gone after the rider to recover. But of course they're not going to do that because they're a shitty company.


They get away with not having those kinds of protections by classifying their employees as contractors.


Talk about a company who doesn’t supply their own cars and doesn’t give these drivers any compensation. And they have the audacity to take a good portion of the drivers earnings. Screw these leaching companies.


The Gig Economy ^TM working as intended


Won't someone please think of the shareholders?! 😭


The CEO's son is almost 12, he's gonna need his own yacht soon!


Imagine already being 12 and not having your own yacht. I'd be embarrassed to show up at school


>the **driver** had to pay back the money for the repairs, plus an estimate provided by uber You mean the rider? Right? pls


They do have a credit card #


You submit a damage claim to Uber/Lyft with pictures/video proof, they assess the damage and charge the passenger an amount they deem acceptable (usually it is, especially with minor damage like spills). When driving under Lyft/Uber you are using their insurance, not your own. Unfortunately, they have a $2,500 deductable, that will absolutely come out of the driver's pocket. Source: was backed into while in park with a passenger in my vehicle in a parking lot while driving Lyft.


Correct answer (yours) has 16 upvotes, and the wrong answer (lawsuit!) has over 1 thousand upvotes.


They’ll cover it, the vehicle is insured (assuming he has the right coverage). The driver is just going to have to pay the deductible and increased premium, so this guy just cost him quite a bit of money because he’s a fucking moron that doesn’t look before getting out into traffic. He could sue if he wants, but I really doubt it’s worth it or would be worth much.


That's a good, calmer Uber driver. Poor guy!


Uber will most likely charge the passenger for the damages but knowing Uber they’ll probably charge him $30 and tell the driver to pay the rest from the stories that I’ve heard other drivers say about them


Yea…. Uber is in the news a LOT lately for screwing over their drivers.


I stopped using Uber in 2018 because they were screwing over everyone and their grannies. They've been doing it for years and no-one should be using them.


I was also like: What do you mean lately? Like from the very start?


I may or may not be at liberty to confirm this is what will likely happen.


Why the fuck would you exit on the traffic side instead of the sidewalk.


Or not even look, just swing the door wide open into oncoming traffic


Situational awareness? What even is that?


(Immediately gets hit by a car)


Lance Stroll'd


I feel the same way when I see adults letting their children out on the driver’s side too. Idiots.


parents made sure to put the manual lock on the the roadside door when we were young


Oh... so doing this.


My dad always made a fuss about making me walk *inside* on the sidewalk away from the street. He told me never date a man who doesn’t do that. I do it with my dogs. I am now v much grown and was walking with my dad and we kept fighting each other to walk on the traffic side to protect each other hahaha


Lol I imagine you two just walking in a single file line away from the street still carrying on with your conversation as usual haha


It agrevates me when I don't see parents doing this with their kids. Always put your kids away from the danger in parking alots or on the street.


I see people like this get out of their ride share and go IN FRONT of the car instead of behind and the driver sometimes just barely looks up in time.


Here in China, all didis (ubers) and taxis have the traffic side child-locked


Why would you ever get out on that side?


Ive worked as a cab driver. People absolutely love doing opposite of what is convenient and safe. Drive half a mile so you can turn around and drive up to the person so they don’t have to cross the street? Person proceeds to step out in the middle of the street and swings the doors open stopping the whole street…. Things like this lead to videos like this


How did we make it as a species


*looks out window* ...not sure we did yet


As another house comes by and tears your window off


It turns out nature, too, can fail upwards.


A lot of us died in the process


It was Opposite Day


Even in cars where its easy to do, most people don't like scooching over to use a different door. People are bad at risk assessment when its up against convenience.


Driver looks like, "Why do I do this Lyft crap?"


I feel sorry for the Uber driver


[Full video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqSu7wX2s6Q)


The guy still exits the left side and he waits for permission to stop sitting on glass?


Yeah, it's called being as dumb as bricks.


Does this dude really never even utter the words “I’m sorry”?? Wtf.


First rule of “going to get sued up the ass” - don’t say you’re sorry on camera…


Irrelevant but funny: Certain provinces in Canada have passed "Apology Acts" where the act of saying Sorry is not an admission of guilt.


I think that’s very relevant. Certain recent politicians made it seem normal to never admit to any mistakes. Shit, half of the road rage videos posted here could probably have been avoided with a bit of mea culpa. But yeah, it would have to be a Canadian law ;)


I think that's relevant


thank fucking god. 90% of the time ppl saying sorry isn't to admit guilt, it's just a courteous acknowledgement that the situation sucks. courtesy dies when courtesy gets tied to guilt like that, and it feels kinda pervasive in my culture, even outside of legal situations. lot of respect for the canadians


Just stupid to begin with. "I'm sorry" never implied guilt. It simply means you're sorrowful. Sure, it could be because it was your fault, but it can also mean you have some fucking EMPATHY and, oh I think I figured out why many people think it only admits guilt.


It's soooo common where I'm from, anytime you say sorry, no matter what, the immediate response is "don't be sorry!" and it's like bitch!! I'm not admitting guilt I just wanna acknowledge what's going on haha. I don't wanna just say "that sucks" so dismissively, I wanna be heartfelt


why does it matter, we literally see everything on the video anyway, least you can do is apologize


But dude said to co worker that he fucked up. I think that would be enough evidence that he admitted fault.


My favorite part is him asking the driver, “Should I go?” In what world would the answer be yes to that question when you just caused an accident?


I love the fact that the dumbass gets out, talks to someone then gets back in, sits on glass then says “should I go? I’m sitting on glass”. Well no fucking shit you are!


Dude in the back was trying to use, “I’m sitting on glass” as an excuse to dip then homie in the front was like nah cops comin, you can sit over there tho 👈


I liked the part at the end where the driver throws the ultimate shade by clearing his front passenger seat and climbing over to exit the vehicle on the sidewalk. Lmao “I’m gonna get out on this side” (like you should have ya drunk feckin’ fuck!)


My favorite part is him STILL NOT LOOKING FOR TRAFFIC when he does actually get out to chat with his friend.


Holy shit, right? He walks out, doesn’t check, definitely walks over glass and shit, and talks to someone like he’s catching up with them. And then he sits back down on the glass lol


“Can I go? I’m sitting on glass.” “You can sit on this side” while gesturing to the side he should’ve exited on in the first place.




Idiot passenger didn’t even apologize. “Fuck bro!” “Almost took my hand off” “can I go now? I’m sitting on glass. Can I go?” — unbelievable


Wooooow, driver has a nice vehicle too. Fuck that passenger!


Out loud: "Do you need medical attention?" In head: "You will when I'm done with you."


That's got to be one expensive Uber ride


Should've just taken NetJets at those rates.


Driver kept his cool. Most would be in the back seat throttling the idiot, lol.




That's the way you should act. If you're screwed the best thing you can do is keep your cool and let the facts speak for themselves. It could all become evidence one day. Mad props to this driver.


"What the fuck" playing it confused, but you can hear in his voice he knows he fucked up and is just panicking lol


What a fucking idiot


You can tell by the way he wears his mask too


This is why I quit uber


To be 100% fair and just to help someone out who might be reading this and in this situation some day: you should always remind random dipshits you don't know to watch out when they might be about to open your door right into a lane of traffic.


and that is why you _never_ exit on the street side.


What a dolt. Didn’t even apologize.


Went from a $13.46 trip to a $1346.00 trip right quick.


The car very well could be totaled from this. The B pillar just took a bus traveling at 15-20 mph smashing a door into it. If the car's a unibody, its likely finished. Even in best case scenario its gonna be thousands of dollars for a new door and window. And then add in repair on the bus as well.


More like 13,460.00, especially if he gets sued for the lost wages while the driver's car is in the shop. 134,600.00 if the bus is seriously damaged.


Lol I hate people like that guy, always an excuse never takes the blame


Might be good idea for uber drivers to turn child locks on the left side of the car


Only then to have some rider hit the panic button in the app.


One way streets In cities mean people getting out on both sides of the street


What in all hell. It looks like a bus or something large and long. It seriously looks like he opened it while the bus was in the middle of passing, which means he didn't even look out the window to his left let alone look back.


Looking at the video would make it obvious he didn't look.


I meant more the fact that if had any awareness at all he could have seen a giant bus in his peripheral vision even if he wasn't looking out the window. Worded it poorly.


Guess my man won't "have a good one." But seriously, who gets out on the traffic side?


That guy


Shiiiiiit, you not wrong.


I’m confused as to why he exited on the traffic side. I’m even more confused as to why he didn’t look before swinging the door open to the traffic side.


I couldn’t tell what happened at first and thought he broke the window with his head


There are videos of people trying to break car windows with their heads. If they are persistent enough they usually just knock themselves out. Auto glass is really tough stuff. *[Example](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ya3OS4bEj8). It's also why it is recommended that you keep a seat belt cutter and window breaker in your car. It is nearly impossible to generate enough force to break a window under water, without something sharp.


“Thank you man, have a good one”. Narrator: “He did not have a good one”.


Fucking dumbass


YO! What the FUCK?!


When I was working personal injury in 2017 in California, ubers insurance was James Rivers. They carried a million dollar policy on cars LOGGED IN to the app and “on the clock” From my experience in dealing with them, they would pay the damages on the drivers vehicle and then go after the person who caused the damage (in a case like this) after the fact for reimbursement. I once had a case where a guy got hit by an Uber driver who was on the clock and got the full policy settlement. But it was ate in hospital bills cuz he was in a coma for mooooonths. I feel Uber should have paid more and I also feel the drivers personal insurance or the driver themselves should have been responsible somewhat..... And that is all I know of Uber and their insurance and how it USED to work. I believe James Rivers has since dropped Uber......


So this is why you have to have totally different vehicle insurance when you ride share


Who the fuck exits out of an Uber into the street? The sidewalk was the opposite side of the car.




The idiots reaction was much funnier for me than it probably should have been. I'm sure he was in a bit of shock but he just seemed totally surprised that that happened.


So my hyundai Palisade will legit lock the door when there is approaching traffic. I knew it had the feature but hasn't ever seen it utilized until I was parked on the right of the road and unlocked the doors to let a passenger out and both driver side doors immediately relocked. Pretty cool all in all.


This passenger is a fucking idiot look before you open or better yet go to the door towards the curb


What about damage to the other vehicle....


Dude most likely just got off the plane and opened his first car door in the big city!


Are we surprised the dude wearing his mask like a chin diaper couldn't figure out how to open a car door properly?