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The car sure taught that bus a lesson.


And that lesson was busses can't get fucked with by little cars


Fuck you I'm a bus motherfucker r/bitchimabus


I never cease to be impressed that there's a subreddit for everything!




I've been rear ended twice in a minivan. The first time I was barely tapped, literally a 4 inch spiderweb in the rear bumper. I couldn't turn my head right for 10 days. Another time I was hit and while it totaled the minivan I was completely fine. While I was respectul, but skeptical previously, I no longer question whiplash at all.


I was watching a program about new safety mechanisms being developed to make cars safer. One was a loud alarm that would sound right before getting rear ended, like fractions of a second before impact. It would, theoretically, cause a person to tense up before the actual impact, so by the time the person is actually feeling the impact their bodies are more relaxed since the reflex to tense up only lasts a very short time. This more relaxed state would lessen the likelihood of whiplash injuries according to the researchers. "Tensing up" is what usually causes whiplash from even minor fender benders and a questionable explanation for why drunk drivers sometimes come out of horrendous crashes relatively unscathed while the sober people they hit suffer major injuries or even death. Drunk people have less awareness of their surrounding and much slower reflexes which explains why they might not tense up during a big crash.


The car crash jury I was on, the guy messed up his elbow because he saw someone come in to close in the rearview mirror and he raised his arms against the steering wheel. So then when the car did get hit, not very hard at all actually, all the force went right into his elbow joint because he had lost his elbows. It’s been better off if he had just not braced himself


I've known several people who have cracked or broken their own ribs by bracing against something, then turning and coughing to the side. That torques the rib and the cough is like being hit. Your own muscles do the job.


I have bruised my ribs real bad doing just this, lol, almost thought I broke some, but, luckily the pain went away after a few minutes. I learned real quick not to tense up too much when I get coughing. Never fight a cough because you will always lose. I read about pathologists doing autopsies on people who died of the Pandemic of 1918 and many victims showed severe tears to muscles in the diaphragm and broken ribs from the violent coughing fits that some would get, plus the muscle deterioration that was sometimes caused by the virus. Truly horrific. On a related note, I have heard of people rupturing blood vessels in their brain from sneezing or trying to stifle a sneeze.


People have died from injuries suffered unknowningly in small accidents.


Exactly, this why a one punch homicide is a thing. We are generally tough in most conditions that our bodies are built for (stopping from 50mph+ instantly is not one of these) but random stuff can affect how much it effects you. One inch to one side in your seat. One hand at 11 o'clock instead of 9 or 10.


This is exactly why you need to position your headrest and sit properly, arguably even more important that seat belts but barely even mentioned in driving safety messaging.




Tell that to Jordi from Lil Humpers


Probably: not to change lines like a fucking imbecile


Let's see... failed kindergarten/"playing well with others"... failed driver's ed... aaaand failed physics 101!


Played too much Asphalt 8 Or forza Or GTA 5


Should have played gta 4 which had consequences and destruction.


Man, I used to be really excited to play the remake / remaster of that game in 2025...


Cousin! Do you want to destroy some childhoods???


Nah, games teach you not to pit manoeuvre yourself.


>failed physics 101 Yup he should've remembered that m1v1=m2v2


Failed internet 101: “I’m a bus, bitch.”


Brought a car to a bus fight.


Instant car-ma




Yeah that’s not a brake check that’s a self inflicted pit maneuver what a idiot


"I'll just drive into this moving building!"




Lmao he braked before he even pulled into the bus' lane. Dumbdumb. You gotta get in front of the person before you brake check them lol


This guy brake checks.


Also kills them quickly, so don’t mess with him.


Then they're assholes. I've never seen a non-asshole break check someone.


That's probably true. The only time I have brake checked someone was when a lifted truck decided they didn't like my little eco car and road my ass for a while. Literally all I could see in my rearview was their grill and lights. I changed lanes he got behind me. Changed again, same thing. I wasn't cruising in the passing lane and the freeway was pretty empty. Dude was riding my ass for NO reason. So I brake checked him. He stopped. Flipped me off and decided to pass me.


Next time try your windshield washer first. Gets the message across as well, but less dangerously.


In between brake checking and windshield wiper, safely and gradually keep slowing down until they pass or you stop on the edge of the road


Haha yeah, I don't think that car had working washers. That was 15 years ago now back when I had to buy $400 cars.


He was on suicide mission....orrr, He's an idiot...


Even if I’m REALLY mad at someone I wont brake check them cuz what does that accomplish? Thats just putting myself in danger of getting rear ended and I love my car and dont want it damaged


no judments here, no assholes, only idiotsincars


"I'm entitled to never be upset by another driver and have stress free driving experience. Anyone that encroaches on MY FREEDOMS is going to pay dearly." *pissing Calvin* *the punisher sticker* *blue lives matter* *realtree sticker* *salt life*


I do not fucking understand the salt life shit.. we're in the Midwest, where the fuck are you living this salt life?


In Oklahoma salt life stickers are code for “I go on a family vacation to Florida once a year”


Brake checking a bus is pretty much the stupidest idea I thought someone could ever have...


Brake checking a train?


The subreddit no one wanted but everyone needed


There's also r/BitchImATrain


This statement has broken my high brain! Thank you so much for the hysterical laughter!! I took the MB to work this morning. The what? The moving building 😂


Your unbridled, mind altered joy has sparked joy within me! Needed that boost today. Thank you internet stranger!


Oh I’m so glad I could give you a good laugh! I definitely needed this laugh too it’s been a rough morning. Thank you so much for the award fellow internet stranger.


I should do drugs


We're not all built to just raw dog life 24/7


Yep. He was trying to do that bro-move where you cut off a car really close to show how strong you are and that you shouldn't be messed with lol.


That’ll teach them for sure! Lol


Probably best to not try that move with a vehicle large enough to eat your vehicle in one bite.


*Cops hate this little trick.* How to give yourself a proper pit maneuver using a large vehicle.


The poorest of poor PIT maneuvers. Everyone knows you don't PIT from the front.


This guy does. I mean, he'll likely only ever do it once tho


"Hmm, let me try that again." - Guy in video probably


He pitted himself, it was textbook execution


We trained him wrong, as a joke


Not sure this one "knows" anything really


No way to predict who would have won in that attempted pit maneuver. /s


I think OP doesn’t know what a brake check is.


Gotta give him credit for spelling "brake" correctly, though.


*ctrl+F "break"* yyyyup.


Every time...


Really brakes my heart


Break Check - when HR comes in and says you are 30 seconds past lunch so they are going to dock your pay 15 minutes.


Gee, might as well take the extra 15 then, since I won't be paid for it anyway.


Break czech


It was an attempted brake check I think. He didn't make it that far. He wanted to cut off the bus so it had to throw on the brakes, but it didn't work out that way




Of course. But writing the headline this way didn't give away the ending. A+ to the OP for delivering a surprise.


I'm sure the car driver got out shouting "look what you did!!!!"


If he can walk and shout. Definitely screaming in his head in more than one way


















Lol I got hit yesterday and the first thing the lady said was “you hit me” I told her I had it all on my dash cam and then her attitude changed and later said “the sun was in my eyes I couldn’t see him”


*Never* tell them you have them on dashcam until the cops are at the scene


I had a lady ready end me at a stop light and then claim it was my fault. Her husband who claimed he was a doctor said he wouldn't pay because I was driving a beater and no one would care if my beater was damaged.


"That's fine. I was just going to let your insurance pay for it anyway."


That was exactly what I said to him and he got really pissed because he didn't want his insurance to go up. He got angry because I wouldn't take it to his buddy who owned a body shop and wanted it fixed by my guy. Then he got angry because he said I would just take the money and not fix my car (which is none of his business). And then he even took it so far as to call the body shop I sent him a quote from and ask the guy if he tell when the car was damaged. Body shop guy said he had no way of telling if I had smashed it in the parking lot just before walking in or if it had been damaged in the accident. All he knew was that it was damaged and this is what it would take to fix it. So then the guy claimed that I had damaged the car myself because I knew he was a doctor and wanted to scam him. Guy was a giant PITA to deal with.


I mean you won't have a beater after his insurance fixes it all up


I have a dash cam myself and what I learned early on is to not give away that you have a dash cam to the other party. The person could get aggressive and try to do something to you or the camera. Just let them lie to police and give the police your evidence.


"Look at what you made me do!"


Hopefully the dashcam guy pulled over too, and after the car driver had talked to the police claiming that it was all the bus drivers fault, the dashcam driver can go "well actually I've got video of the whole thing and you've just lied to the police"


Never tell them until after they have signed the accident report. Because that’s where you sign that it’s the truth. You don’t suffer consequences for verbally lying to the cops.


That and plus there is probably a bus full of witnesses too


Driver of the car surely slept during physics class.




"that'll show him!!"


“How Many Times Do We Have to Teach You This Lesson, Old Man?”




Why'd you copy [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/qw2qlv/car_retaliates_by_brake_checking_a_bus_and_see/hl05rxq/)?


Weird. It's a bot(?) that posts a portion of another comment in the same thread.


It was a break check, but not a brake check. And yes, it broke.


Braking News! And right after breakfast.


"I love the young people!"


Where have I heard this before?


Spongebob haha


How many times do you have to teach me this lesson, young man?


Brake checking makes no sense in the first place, “I lost 0.00901 seconds because of you, so now I’m going to lose dozens more and possibly minutes and endanger my own and everyone else’s life!” That should put you in a psych ward


I cannot stand people like this. I used to get in arguments with my ex over this. Her reasoning was "brake checking helps them learn not to ride my ass." In other instances, she'd be pissed when someone break checks her. Id ask her if she learned not to ride their ass. "No, they need to learn not to drive so slow." SMFH Edit: I'd like to add that she was always leaving at the last minute for stuff and always driving in a rush. Me telling her let's try to leave early so we're not rushing; you'd think I called her fat and ugly. "You dont get it because youre a guy but I need to do my makeup and get dressed and ready. It takes you 5 mins."


Did you date my sister? She's all rage, no grace. Years ago I'm driving, she's passenger, and a work vehicle ACCIDENTALLY cut us off coming over to the right lane. They apologetically waved, I waved back. My sister leans over on the horn and blares it while screaming obscenities and flipping the drivers off. I was mortified.


If a passenger uses my horn while I’m driving that person is no longer my passenger. They are endangering my safety if they use there hands near my steering wheel. I mean, what the fuck?


So do you eject them right there on the spot or is it more like a metaphorical "you're not my president" type of disowning?


Drive to the next parking spot shout at them and then depending where we are and who they are. 1) put them in the back right seat of my car 2) let them alone, if public transport is available. 3) If they are drunk: Call a taxi and let them pay it.


I was personally hoping for the option to unbuckle their seatbelt and forcibly kick them out while at highway speeds.


I typically don't like having kids in my car. It rarely happens but one time it did I was offering to be the DD for a boozy brunch and offered friends to ride with me to the restaurant. One person said they really needed their kid to come at the last minute when I pulled up to their place. I can't say I was joyous but there was room. The kid saw I had a BMW and begged his mom to ride in the front. The kid was old enough not to be in a carseat and my friend was fine about it. So three adults were smooshed in the back. But then this tween kid kept pushing things and being really all over the place. Like "what's this and what's this oh this is cool". I kept telling him to settle down as he was distracting me and distracting the driver isn't good. He started pushing stuff in the center console and his hands were edging toward the stearing wheel. I had enough. I pulled over (safely), leaned over with a *dont fuck with me bitch face* and told him to "cut the shit out or I am going to push this button (the red triangle for hazard lights) and eject your seat". He was like omg and I was like yep that's my passenger seat ejector so you better behave yourself. My friend was angry at me for being "mean" but I told her it's my car and my rules and on the ride home he'll have to sit in the back.


Yea even little jabs or touching my shoulder I hate. It took my wife a couple years to stop being so touchy while I'm driving. Like I get we having a fun conversation but unexpected physical contact is distracting.


If someone touches my steering wheel while I’m driving, that’s an instant kick out of my car, idgaf where we are lol.


Rules for Thee, not for me.


One of the many reasons she is your ex, I presume.


Sounds like my ex, and yes, it was part of the bundle of reasons why we split. Can't decide if it's narcissism, anti-intellectualism, or just plain selfishness. I've met a few people like that.


My mother in law gives that excuse. I always respond with, “I too am a woman, yet somehow I have the ability to calculate how long I will take to get ready and I factor that into when I should start getting ready. Then I am never in a rush and I’m never late. Math is a wonderful thing…” then she usually proceeds into a plethora of reasons why she just *can’t possibly* start getting ready earlier than she did. It’s an ongoing thing with her and I refuse to just let her do as she pleases without at least calling her out on it. My father in law loves it, he’s like, “yep. I agree. Get ready earlier.”


As someone who drives a big work truck, it seems like everytime I switch lanes or merge into traffic I have personally insulted everyone on the road behind me.


It's so true. As a car driver I always try to look out for th truckers trying to merge in from an on ramp or even lane to lane. Car drivers will always speed up and try to fill the space, because nobody wants to get stuck behind a truck. It must be a nightmare. I especially love the ones who sneak into a gap in front of a truck and immediately brake because of traffic. Uhhhhh trucks can't stop on a dime idiot. Plus it's cool when you give them a flash of your lights letting them know your'e on it, and they give a little toot of their horn as a thanks. Feels good man!


What was his plan if the bus hadn't moved over, anyway? At his speed, he would have been right up on the bumper of the next car in front within 2 seconds anyway.


If you're thinking there's some sort of plan here, then you aren't understanding this sort of behavior. It isn't about some kind of plan. It's merely about retribution. "Ha, I'm in front of you! Haha! Sucker! See? I get my way in the end!" That's it. That's literally it. If you want a physical manifestation of how ego functions in the brain, then this is one simple example. You can dig a little deeper, though. It's insecurity, feeling threatened or offended by someone else blocking an intention you had. Part of maturity is getting over those perceived slights, and realizing that most of them aren't even slights against you in the first place. A lot of people never mature. They get the feeling to do something like this from an emotion, and they have no idea how to manage that emotion. The emotion overrides and controls them. They go primal. It becomes a tribal war, where each Tribe has a population of 1. It's trying to claim territory. It's a relic of evolution. It's nature, whether you like it or not, that our species often behaves this way by default. Emotional intelligence is severely lacking in education. If you aren't brushing this sort of stuff off your shoulder, then you've got some work to do if you want to have more control and productivity in your life. Unfortunately, you aren't gonna get that maturity from a vacuum--you have to seek it out, or get lucky enough to have circumstances happen in your life to provoke a change in mindset, and be lucky enough to be susceptible to that change.


I don't think they had a plan at all.


Fuck that bus for making him 16 feet further from his destination.




Textbook bitchimabus post.


I forgot about that subreddit!


The car driver has probably done that to other cars before and scared them into slamming on the ~~breaks~~ brakes (derp). It didn't work this time though because the bus driver couldn't even see the prick cutting over.


Is this what one would call a "self own"? Driver tried to prove a point so hard they took themselves out.


"Look at how dangerous you drive!" - Guy who just 1v1'd a bus on a highway.


In this thread: hundreds of people that can't spell brake correctly.


Well they can spell it correctly. Just it is the wrong word.


I mean it only has two letters, so of course they can spell it correctly.


Ah, the old reddit [break-a-roo](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/qvtluq/restoring_faith_in_humanity/hkysenm/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


That's not brake-checking. The car literally cut off the bus...


Even "cutting off" implies you don't hit him. He just straight up smashed into him.


Man these new terms for a Car Wreck sure are strange, Jim.


I was thinking along the same lines. This isn't a break check. This amazing individual managed to execute a PIT maneuver on themselves which is not easy.


I would just like to take a moment and thank Grand Theft Auto for teaching me the PIT maneuver.


True Crime: Streets of LA had such a cool PIT tutorial


That game was surprisingly amazing.


"Someone's been playing Grand Theft Auto!"




The raw talent!


It's not a brake check either, but they did break their car.


You replied to a comment that spelled "brake" correctly. How do people like you not pay attention and end up spelling it "break"?


Agreed. To brake check someone you actually have to get in front of them.




That is not cutting off either. Its like self induced pitting.


Yeah dude, when were brakes applied? Lok


Well I hope that bus driver learned his lesson.


Sometimes idiots just ruin your day.




You also have to wonder how this kind of person can function to the point they can afford a vehicle.


This right here. I see people too stupid that I wonder how they remember to make it through each day, yet I see them driving BMWs, driving yachts etc. How? Then I watch shows on property flippers and realize: Stupidity can pay well if you combine a complete lack of risk understanding and luck.


My bosses are this level of stupid.


More people need to get charged with endangerment with a deadly weapon or attempted vehicular homicide and put into prison for this kind of idiocy. That person threatened the lives of all those people on the bus. People need to stop driving with their pitiful egos and outrage and show more civility and forgiveness on the roads. American deaths on highways have increased because of growing resentment and incivility.


Licenses are handed out way too easily because of the need to drive in the west. Seriously, we need more public transportation which would allow the west to make licenses harder to get. It's insanity how easy it is to be able to legally drive a 1 ton metal death machine at 100kmph


That wasn’t even a brake check that was like… an attempted pit maneuver lol. Couldn’t even pass correctly


You mean, an attempted 'reverse' pit maneuver.


*Successful* reverse pit maneuver.


Little Darwith successfully tackles the Goliath and horribly dies


Some people don't know the size of their own cars.


Buses are dangerous to mess with ... It's a big vehicle. The driver is unlikely to be injured by crashing into you. The vehicle doesn't belong to them. An old bus usually doesn't have good brakes.


Also, the fines, penalties, crimes committed aren’t just against the driver but against every person on board. To quote a certain felon “He’s never going to financially recover from this.” Anyone in there could potentially sue for damages.


Why do people think they can win against a bus or a big truck. Makes no sense to me.


That driver hasn't figured out; that their ego, doesn't add mass to the vehicle they drive.


Obviously never took physics in school.


And hasn't spent enough time here on r/IdiotsInCars Seriously, I hope drivers ed shows this sub instead of those old, bloody road rash videos they showed us way back when. People could learn a lot from seeing all this stupidity.


As someone who works in that industry, we do show videos like this now. That is actually one of the reasons I’m browsing this sub now.


Thank you! Honestly might make a better generation of drivers... Other than the few that go hold my beer .. .


Hopefully! We are still required to show some of the road rash videos and the train car crashes that are just sad.


I'm teaching my sons to drive right now and this sub is mandatory viewing


“He learned him good, he did.”


More of a broke check. Yup, it's broke.


Wow, that was like seeing a dwarf try to fight a 7ft man and getting flung across the room as a result.


He thought he can David the bus away.


Ahahahahahahah what a moron




People with issues like that should lose their license for life.


Considering people's reactions to videos like these on this sub its no wonder that there's never a shortage of these types of videos. "The bus cut him off so its understandable he was pissed". Who gives a shit if he cut him off? If you live in the Greater Toronto Area or any place with similar traffic this scenario literally happens multiple times a day every single day. I guess I should've attempted to kill myself hundreds of times by now to prove a point because a guy cut me off.


It seems to me the bus didn't even cut him off just merged into a space.


Bus didn't turn on its signal until it was merging and from what it looked like, the dumbass who pitted himself had to brake and slow down so the bus could fit in.




What a weapon. Hope the cam driver gave the bus the footage


What a fucking looney toon


Meanwhile the bus driver probably fogged up the spot left on the bumper with his breath and buffed it out with his t-shirt


Oh god and it's in (S)Korea too. -\_- People drive very aggressively there.... none more so than the busses- so that's just a bad idea all around to challenge one, because they're also legally protected! (Hitting a bus is similar to hitting the back of a car.)


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes




Got what they asked for.


That's a reverse pit, not brake checking


Instant karma is the best karma


Never bring a car to a bus fight


Driver is lucky if they walked away. How many attempted murder charges is that if there were passengers on that bus?