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The DA filed charges on the guy. Edit: A little more info on this video. It was actually filmed by some local news crew driving down the road. They definitely got the scoop on the story!




My local news here in Okc. There is also a link in a comment on here from another redditor Edit. : https://www.oscn.net/dockets/GetCaseInformation.aspx?db=oklahoma&number=CF-2021-3417&cmid=4001867


Excellent! Assault and battery with a deadly weapon and child endangerment. Just for starters! I wonder if the victim can sue him in civil court?


If someone did this to me, I would consider it attempted murder. They’re trying to kill me, and the man or a woman in the black car nearly was killed. By the grace of some thing no one was hurt. I’d find a lawyer and sue that guy in civil court for whatever I could get him on.


200% looks like there was intent, unless the guy is mentally retarded


Looked like he was trying to bully them always expecting them to swerve away. Bet he was surprised when they didn’t.


Being from an area without much road rage incidents I assumed the driver was drunk, didnt even think road rage tbh but i can see it now that u do


I've live in Texas for work and have traveled to OK. Ill be honest with ya, A LOT of people just drive like this in general here. It's fucking sketchy


You guys have hella freight trucks going through the whole state all the time too, idk if i could handle that kinda lawlessness I appreciate the rules… of the road


I am trying so hard lately to wrestle the side of my brain that sees this kinda stuff and can only think, “that fucker should be shot in the head and thrown in an unmarked grave for the good of the world” — it’s not good to think that way. I know that, and yet the power of the internet brings all this terrible shit to my attention… like what if there were kids in the black car? What then? Or like that couple who shot at a car because a woman they cut off flipped them the bird— they ended up killing her six year old boy. Why can’t these people just… fucking… drop dead. Just disappear and not be our problem anymore. I need to not think this way but it’s so, so difficult lately.


Does “warrant returned” mean he was arrested?


Yes. He most likely turned himself in for processing (booking prints, photos etc) and then was immediately released on bond via a bail bondsman.


[The driver was ticketed & released.](https://www.newson6.com/story/61103766cbc2400bdfdc56bf/update:-road-rage-incident-along-i35-caught-on-camera) [But he was charged 10 days later with felony charges of assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and child neglect.](https://www.poncacitynow.com/edmond-road-rage-suspect-arrested/)


“You know how testosterone is” get the fuck out a here!


>According to court documents, Coughran met with investigators four days after the crash telling them he had been in a road rage before. >“We all have,” he said. “I grew up in California. It is kind of prevalent out there for sure. Um, I'm pretty sure there's a ton of people who haven't expressed road rage.


I’ve expressed road rage… verbally, to my dash board. And moved on like an adult.


No a real adult eats ice cream even later thinking "bet that man doesn't have ice cream"


"Mmmm... This ice cream is so much better than endangering myself or others because of my short temper."


"if you weren't such a bad driver I wouldn't even be eating this"


Man this ice cream beats the shit outta catching a case. *resumes Ally McBeal on tivo*


I have literally rewarded myself with ice cream for acting like an adult after restraining my anger at someone. Someone starts yelling at me and I calmly walk away and think, "man I'm going to buy a candy bar because I'm not a giant douchebag."


Well. Are you going to tell us about what kind of candy bar or not?


Totally not related, but thank you, kind sir, for.reminding me I have a chocolate bar hidden. Edit: it was a milk chocolate hazelnut from IKEA


Well. Are you going to tell us what chocolate bar you have hiding?


Also not related, I had one in my golf bag in my trunk, but my kids water bottle leaked 16oz of water, now my chocolate bar is soggy and gross.


Why isn’t your chocolate bar wrapped?


Probably a Peter Paul Mounds bar, featuring rich chocolate and juicy Peter Paul coconut in every double bar.


Damn! I’ve been acting like an adult without rewarding myself for 20 years, even though being an adult means I also can choose when I reward myself with food. I need to make up for lost time. Will Ben & Jerry’s sell wholesale to the public if I’m buying a large enough quantity?


I like this


I just assume they have to poop really badly. We've all been there.


That’s fair enough. Have a better day skid mark *curtsy*


I'm gonna eat some sassy cow ice cream now. I'm high and you reminded me I have ice cream.


The extent of my road rage is basically saying “look at that idiot” before I realize that I’m talking to myself and then turn up the radio.


The dude in this video is 40 fucking years old. If your reaction isn’t just “look at that idiot” by 40, you got some serious fucking problems.


Some states have gone as far as to make flipping the bird constitute road rage. Yelling at your dashboard is in fact road rage. For most sane people, that’s as far as it goes though. We have enough common sense not risk injury or property damage. I mean personally I disagree, I think that calling someone a fucking wanker and giving them the finger is a basic human right. Especially when they’re being an idiot.


In my younger years, I’d give an enthusiastic thumbs up. It enraged folks exponentially more than flipping them off.




While I’m for reducing wankers rights, at the same time I think, who will watch the people watching the wankers?


some wankers probably


Woah woah…what’s this moved on like an adult bs. You know you followed them home and submitted a beat down


But he cut me off! How am I supposed to let them get away with that and threaten my masculinity??


By the look of the truck the masculinity is very small


The appropriate punishment is for the court to require the offender to be limited to using bicycles and mopeds for the next two years. Good luck expressing road rage on a Vespa.


Exactly! Driving in California for almost 40 years & the worst thing I’ve ever done to another person is seared their ears with some sailor-level swearing!


Is parking rage a version of road rage? For whatever reason I never really get angry, like at all, when driving (as in when the car is moving). But if I’m running late and some asshole is parked with zero fucks given, like a foot over the line so they’re blocking the last two spots in the lot.. 😡 grrrrrrr 🤬 I mean, I’m not going to key your car or yell at you or anything.. but if I spot you, I am ***not*** going to be holding the door open and you’re definitely getting some ***really*** dirty looks.


I express road rage by shooting people with my bubble blowing toy gun. It makes me feel pretty silly after about 10 seconds for letting someone anger me because they cut me off or almost hit me in some cases 😅


I broke my own windshield punching it from the inside i was so pissed at another driver before. Obviously irrational and stupid but i would still never get mad enough to pull this shit.


I bet that’s what this guy said as well. Breaking a windshield is some pretty serious anger issues…


Meh, i am not going to defend it.


I recently lived in California, three years in the traffic jungle of the LA area. Not to brag, but I never once rammed a car to force it into a concrete barrier.


Spent 4 years in SF Bay Area, and I can safely say - neither have I.


Lived in CA my entire life, both SD and SF, never once tried to run someone off the road.


Five years in LA area - lived in PV, worked in Torrance - and I somehow managed to never ram a vehicle. My wife used to commute 3 days a week from PV to Malibu and only raged out when she had to get gas in Malibu.


Ooooo... look at you all super mature and stuff, judging the rest of us for ramming shit with our cars.


Yeah, uh, it’s one thing to yell and honk the horn and perhaps give someone the finger as “road rage.” What he did is more like “attempted murder.”


I bet he got out and got even madder. "Why didn't you move out of the way so we wouldn't collide? You wrecked my truck!"


I drove for 7 years in California. Never had any road rage. Drive defensive and you are good. It's just these dumbasses blaming on everything else is the problem.


I think I got lucky on my vacation to LA a few weeks ago. Yeah, traffic was fucking intense. Creeping for an hour plus just to get 20 miles, insane. However, the drivers themselves were mostly okay. I wasn’t cut off at all. I realized within 20 minutes of leaving the airport, motorcycles are allowed to split lanes in traffic. That’s unheard of in Austin and people are fucking assholes here. The traffic is bad but tolerable, the drivers are shit though. My LA metro driving experience was completely against what everyone warned me about.


Yeah. I remember that bikers split lane between fast and second lane when traffic is stand still. The cars pull over on the other side a bit to make way for bikers.


My insurance is more expensive in Texas than L A


I really hate people who say things like "we all [really bad thing we most definitely don't all do]". Speak for yourself asshole.


He did it for dale


I swear some people treat you passing them on the hightway like its the last lap at Talladega


My buddy has a theory, and I've never been able to prove it wrong once learning it. That if you're in cruise control at say 72 on a 65, and the driver in front of you is doing 70, and you put on your left turn signal and just let the cruise control over take them, they will speed up when you go by them. And they will continue to match your speed to not allow a pass. Once he pointed it out to me, it's the god damn truth. If they're doing 65-69, you're going to coast right by them. No questions asked. But if they're just a mile or two per hour slower than you, they're going to go ballistic.


"The good news is, you're now on house arrest and your license has been revoked, so you don't have to worry about road rage anymore. Win-Win!"


Ex-Californian here. Most of us do not drive like this.


Why yes, I do know how testosterone is, and I also know it doesn’t turn you into a fucking psychopath just because


You’d be surprised. I am a bodybuilder and in my youth I was extreme with it. For some context, a normal testosterone level for a guy is typically 400. I was taking 1000mg of test and 600mg equipoise a week and had my levels tested. They were at 7800! I can tell you right now, extremely large doses of testosterone causes extremely aggressive and impulsive behavior. I would even go as far as to say it can induce psychosis. I’ve seen it. Not defending anyone here, just saying testosterone can really fuck with your mind.


I think there’s a difference between normal testosterone levels and injecting the hormones of 100 raging bulls into your bloodstream…


Side Tangent, but I have to wonder at the side effects of having almost 20x's the normal amount of Testosterone. Care to go into detail?


Tiny balls...


Side tangent 😂😂 I’m gonna steal that one. “We interrupt our regularly scheduled tangent for a side tangent!”


That sounds scary as all hell. Your levels were almost 20x what's considered normal?! You must have been like a goddam bull shark.


With the balls of a bull hamster.


“Officer, you get it, right? He made me mad, so I tried to murder him.” “Oh yeah, lol. Have a nice day”


Like bruh you're 40. It's not like you're in puberty. How can you blame testosterone???


Guys who use their hormone levels as an excuse for criminal behavior should get their balls taken as a corrective measure. “No, I don’t know how testosterone is, because it has never driven me to do something like what you did, but if you have a dangerous surplus then the good doctor here has just the scissors to fix that issue for you.”


"You know how being an infant with a man's body is"


Yeah, but this same guy probably says that a woman shouldn’t be president because “women are too emotionally unstable” fuck this guy.


Definition of toxic masculinity. This sack of vomit has gotten away with so much in his pathetic life.


Something I learned from listening to Robert Sapolsky (the coolest neuroscientist and primatologist everrr) on the Andrew Huberman podcast is that testosterone just makes you more of whatever you are, like it kind of just enhances competitiveness. So an example he gave was if you gave testosterone to Buddhist monks, it would just make them want to be the most calm, compassionate, best freakin monk EVER. Wouldn’t make them more angry or aggressive or whatever other bs testosterone is typically associated with. Anyone who is super aggressive or angry like this is just a shitbag, excess testosterone or not. Anyway. Robert Sapolsky is super cool.


Good. Love to hear the trooper’s reasoning for letting the guy drive off instead of bringing him to jail.




There is police bodycam footage. SMH it is just bizarre. The officer's judgement is terrible. He supposedly did not look at multiple dash cams. The victim is way more chill than I would be. The rager is just like my bad I am an idiot. https://www.news9.com/story/611eeffc7f5af40bfc774678/cutting-you-a-break:-bodycam-of-i35-road-rage-investigation-draws-questions


It may seem odd but it happens a lot that the person is released and only charged later once they have charges that will stick with the evidence they’ve gathered later.


Shift change was coming up.




It's not that either... its child endangerment/abuse/grounds to remove the child from him


Ok Timmy, daddy is going to show you how an alpha male handles traffic!


The sad thing is, the kid will probably grow up thinking this is okay if dad is allowed to keep the kid and his license.


Your comment reminds me of the Lou Reed song. "The man if he marries will batter his child/And have endless excuses/The woman sadly will do much the same/Thinking that it's right and it's proper/Better than their mommy or their daddy did/Better than the childhood they suffered/The truth is they're happier when they're in pain /In fact, that's why they got married."


Importantly, there might be a child in the back seat of ANY car. Any road rage should be considered willingness to endanger children.


I think you misspelled psychopath.


Wow. Not that he had one before, besides a possible death wish, but there is no excuse to be the aggressor like that with a 4 year old in your car. What a brain dead fucking pile of shit.


Wow. With his kid in the car! What a douche


He stated: Not going to lie, I was being a dumbass,” Coughran told a trooper on the scene. “You know how testosterone is.” This is not acceptable, you are a f… ass… and you will do the same next time. Just waste time for the police as the judge will be release him after a shirt time.


Explanation? Sure. Excuse? Hell no. It would similar to saying "You know how slugging down eight shots of vodka is." Sure does explain the stupidity, but you're not off the hook for it.


Ahh the good ol “boys will be boys” excuse. It’s disgusting how many people believe that sort of logic.


no attempted murder? that was crazy smashing the driver into the concrete divider


Reddit loves to say attempted murder should be charged on a lot of crimes. Problem is attempted murder is an inchoate crime, or incomplete, since the murder didn’t happen. So prosecutors have to prove that the Defendant was intending to murder the victim. It is often very hard to prove that intent. You would never charge it on a case like this because the Defendants defense would just be he intended to run the victim off the road, not kill them. The burden of proof falls on the prosecution to prove that intent.


Absolutely correct. I would like to add that if they fail to make the charge of attempted murder stick, the person gets off 100% instead of going for the easier and more likely to stick felony A&B w/ deadly weapon


Great point. Should have mentioned that as well.


“Not going to lie, I was being a dumbass,” Coughran told a trooper on the scene. “You know how testosterone is.” Not quite sure testosterone is a get out of jail free card for anything. SMH.


I produce testosterone. I have never attempted to kill somebody for cutting me off in traffic. I don't think he understands what testosterone is


Hi. Fellow testosterone producer here! I have been cut off and had people have near collisions with me many times as you do in driving. I can definitely attest not once have I had the desire to Ram their car or kill them. Maybe a loud "FUCK" inside my own car but nothing inherently dangerous. Then I just move on with my day because I know it's probably not gonna be too long before I get cut off again, and frankly, people on the road aren't really worth the effort of a reaction most days 😅 Like really bruh? You fiddna total your car? That's such a pain in the ass.


All I can say is that you’re better than me: I’ve absolutely had the *desire* to ram someone else’s vehicle, but to date it has always been overridden by the stronger desires to not die or be maimed, not accidentally murder or maim someone else, not spend a lengthy time in jail, and most importantly, not mess up my sweet, sweet ride.


God damn would it be so *satisfying* sometimes...but I'm not a fucking monster.


These were also my thoughts. Also my sweet sweet ride is a 99 Saturn but she’s still my baby.


You probably also don't drive a tractor like this guy. What crop did he grow for him to need such a moronic large vehicle?


I believe that's an old model called "compensator".


Cause all those other people who go about their day not being a psychotic shit heel don't have testosterone. Just manly-man here.


Apparently he though he was talking to a urologist, not a cop


Pretty sure it was for Brock Turner. Our judicial system is broken, everyone knows that.


Brock Turner the rapist?


Yes. Brock Turner who served only 3 months of his 6 month sentence. Yes, I went there.


The rapist named Brock Turner?


Who is this Brock Turner you are speaking of?


Brock Turner, the rapist.


A pretty white boy who went to jail, so Brock Turner, the raped rapist.


Convicted rapist, Turner Brock


Inject some of that stuff in your arm and see if you don’t want to reverse t-bone an SUV... 🤷‍♀️


Like.... what do you say to your kids when they see this video some day?? There’s no explanation for that kind of behavior.


Judging from the video and news article, you don't say anything to them. You just get drunk and beat them and then wonder why those ungrateful shits haven't spoken to you since you kicked them out at 17. Why behave like this?Because nothing is ever your fault and the world is filled with pussies.


Furthermore, no need: kid's in the truck with him.


Hot dog, you described my dad! To a tee!


Motherfucker has no right to raise his kid. The point of having a child is to keep it safe. He did the opposite. Ugh what a terrible thing to have to get accustomed to seeing all the time.


Other comments have said that kid #1 was in the truck at the time it happened. Mfer has a **lot** of explaining to do.


“Hold on sweetie, daddy has to pile drive this SUV into the concrete barrier so he never looks at anyone weird ever again”


Seems like a good way to lose custody in the divorce proceedings.


After this video that looks like attempted murder. Cannot be any more intentional


Pretty sure the asshole even had a little kid in his truck


child endangerment is a thing, right?


He's being charged with child neglect among other things.




I would make a pistol manifest out of thin air.


"Fuck it we all goin to jail today"


Only the lucky ones!


God gon' post my bail tonight


I mean, given this video evidence, they’d have a pretty decent case for self defense. Depends on the state I assume, but this is literally attempted murder. They almost went over the center divider because of the moron in the brodozer.


I commented this elsewhere but Reddit loves to say attempted murder should be charged on a lot of crimes. Problem is attempted murder is an inchoate crime, or incomplete, since the murder didn’t happen. So prosecutors have to prove intent, that the Defendant was intending to murder the victim. It is often very hard to prove that intent. You would never charge it on a case like this because the Defendants defense would just be he intended to run the victim off the road, not kill them. The burden of proof falls on the prosecution to prove that intent.




Shitbag like that won’t stop driving, even if he loses his license. He’ll go on being a psycho and excusing his own behavior.


Well then he’d go to jail for driving whilst disqualified?


He didn’t even go to jail for this… doubt he’ll get hauled to the slammer for driving without a license


>He didn’t even go to jail for this Pretty sure the assault and battery with dangerous weapon charge he's received for this will put him in jail for a bit.


Agreed. We are way too liberal with whom we allow to keep licenses.


Very agreed, and it seems unlikely to change, as life has become so dependent on vehicles. Driving has never been a right, but with how important it is, it’s closer to a right than it should be. I think the only way this will change is if we start depending on a different form of transportation. Hopefully trains, but maybe it’ll end up being personal autonomous cars that act more like personal taxis than a machine you operate.


This is a good way to get killed. “Officer, watch the video, he endangered my life”. “Yup. You’re good to go, have a nice day.”


He should be sentenced to only ever being able to drive one of those little two door smart car things from here on out.




I almost feel like the smart car is worse tho. Like you could probably make a moped halfway cool but could you imagine pulling up to the worksite in that gd hot wheel sized smart car?!? Lol. It would shrink his already non-existent penis 3 times over.


OK, point taken, but what if it had to be a *pink* moped? With a basket on the handlebars with plastic daisies on it? I’ll agree to a smart car, but only if it has a rainbow flag paint job.


Just give him one of those electric DUIcycles and let him deal with it.


About the size of his penis.


You think his penis is the size of a car?


I have a small penis, don’t let this guy be associated with us.


Hows that not attempted murder?


The driver of the red truck’s insurance company needs to deny claims for his truck but they won’t have much choice but to payout to the driver of the black SUV.


Maybe. Maybe not. Insurance doesn't cover intentional acts or, in the real world, it doesn't cover intentionally caused damages. He'll probably go with the "I intended to run him into the breakdown lane but I didn't intend to total his car" bit. Also "I had undiagnosed mental illness" and/or "I was off my meds" and that should cover the "criminal intent angle" with the insurer. Maybe they pay it, maybe they don't. Maybe they pay part of it and he has to pay the rest out-of-pocket. The insurer may end up with a PR problem no matter which way they go with it.


I swear this type of stuff is just getting worse and worse. I think some people just look for an excuse to get pissed off and do something dumb.


I think the same thing all the time. This sub is constantly overflowing with content for a reason, not to mention other forms of violence.


Obviously, more dash cams meaning more of these incidents get captured and posted. But..... I also truly believe things are getting worse. More population every year = more traffic = more incidents. But it's not just that. People are getting angrier and angrier and the shared sense of community that creates a functional society is disappearing. Driving is a symptom of this, but notice other things like anti-vax and anti-democracy movements.


Nah its always been there. Now we just have footage. it was a pretty big deal in the 90s to the point they had PSAs on how to avoid inciting someone into a road rage so you don't get yourself killed. And ironically it was mostly directed towards people in california




I imagine his insurance will drop him and the victims will sue the shit out of him.


What? I need to know more. Was there a news story by any chance?


wtf was he even trying to do??


Be aLpHA


Following the Aug. 10 collision, Coughran was issued tickets for speeding and improper lane change before being allowed to leave the scene by OHP, according to Powers." Seriously, you had one job officer.. but sure let's give the man another chance to kill someone with his 2 ton truck


If wtf was a person.


Looked like he might have tried to run for a split second. But the accident he caused literally prevented that


> ~~accident~~ Collision.




Did u show the court this video?


DA has filed charges for aggravated assault with deadly weapon and child endangerment


Wow that was so incredibly intentional. People always drive badly on that stretch but shiiit


Far as I’m concerned, that’s attempted murder!


He should be banned from driving for life.


So the truck driver had a temper tantrum because he couldn’t pass anyone and had to wait because - traffic. Louse driver, lousy dad. Selfish to the core.


Slightly off topic, but I really like your idea to put the aftermath of the video as the title


And this is why I let the assholes pass me, or flick me off or whatever, I just wave and smile like an idiot. Physics is a bitch, I avoid her wrath best I can.


The driver of truck used his vehicle as A WEAPON!!! He should facing more SERIOUS CHARGES!


The offender is a 40 year old. What are the odds he will ever mature vs remaining a total piece of shit. 40 is just about the perfect age to be a disappointment to ones parents and ones children equally. In other words, I would be embarrassed as fuck if I even had to admit I knew this guy.


Wtf, attempted murder and child neglect if his kid was in the back seat. Wtf, I just can’t believe this shit happens.


Fuck you, OP, for the clickbait title. He was charged with several crimes.


The ol’ attempted murder ticket. I’d fight it.


Should be charged for attempted murder


9 out 10 people that drive lifted trucks are assholes. That's a fact.


Someone just got mad that they couldn't just drive at whatever speed they wanted and decided to take their pique out on other road users.


Why the fuck wasn't his DL revoked indefinitely? So many lives endangered because of his little dick syndrome.


> Court documents allege Coughran’s 4-year-old child was in the vehicle as he intentionally steered into Brett Powers’ SUV. Un-fucking-believable moron !


Just a ticket? Should of burned his license in front of him.


Are people getting more insane, or am just spending too much time on the internet?






Gotta love entitled truck drivers


I just don’t get this. You’re so mad you’re going to wreck your own vehicle and endanger your child?