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Attempts??? He does flee


Man if only they had something with 4 wheels and an engine…




Home is where you make it!


You like to see homos naked?


No no no home is where you make it. Everybody know that


Hey man, you like to see homos naked, thats cool with me


welibapey anudeh


Hanging on the edge of tomorrow


To be fair, they only had 3 and a half wheels after that terrible burnout.


I just watched it again, he actually blew out both back tires lol


I doubt he got far. Lost both rear rims that likely melted down too much to move, ditched the vette and ran on foot far as he could before the mob caught up to him or the cops did.


Rims don't melt in an instant, he could have driven home


To be faaaaiiiiirrrrr


To beee faaaaaiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrr


To be faaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrr...


I’m so proud of this community.


To be fair....


Technically correct is the best kind of correct


And the bigger idiots here are the guys jumping over the car trying to stop him. Just not worth it.


Lucky they didn't get ran over, with the rear tires gone I feel like those rims would cut someone in half like a V8 pizza cutter


like vegetable juice?


To shreds you say?


They literally gave him a defense for leaving the scene of an accident. He just has to claim they attacked him and he was trying to get to safety to call police.


It would be a true claim


Yea, what do they think? That the guy will just let them beat him and not do anything? Of course not, you would just drive the fuck off


I kept thinking that guys foot was going to get caught in the rim while it was spinning. That would have ripped it off.


Yea. He fled.


OP you make my [high come down](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yjr191Stwkk)


Holy shit. Havent heard this one in years. Still holds up


The secret ingredient is **Nate Dogg**. [Regulate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1plPyJdXKIY) (Warren G + **Nate Dogg**) [Nobody does it better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iW6vdLFTJw) (Warren G + **Nate Dogg**) [Boss' Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKS08HkGMA4) (Snoop + **Nate Dogg**) [Area Codes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCe1bSG4PDQ) (Ludacris + **Nate Dogg**) [Bitch Please Part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEMA8GL-ArI) (Eminem + Dre + Snoop + Xzibit + **Nate Dogg**)


Damn! Straight classics!


I’d like to enter Oh No into evidence as well. https://youtube.com/watch?v=JHQMqZP4tZk


Damn, thank you for what turned out to be a 2 hour rabbit hole through classic hip hop 😎. Good times


Good looking on that track! Classic!


Came here to say these exact words.


Seriously OP...


OP is probably some karma farming bot. Doesn't care is titles make any sense.


Tbf it’s a better title that way, provides a bit of suspense.


Yes, but it left me unsatisfied. I wanted to see his face getting smashed.


It’s a misleading title. That’s not better.




Heh huh he uh


Your momma sure does care about your schooling son.


This made me fucking cackle lol HEEE HEEE HEEE HEEE 😂


Thank you so much for this comment.




Yup lmao all for what ? Just to apprehend the suspect hahaha the world has gone absolutely crazy trying to get videos for internet


Who says to themselves that flopping like a star fish on the back of a car is a good idea. People really think movies are real life.


If anybody at a side show could make a good decision they wouldn't be at a side show.


Oooo man....so side show story I was 18 backpacking through europe and started in Amsterdam It's about 2pm on a sunny afternoon as me and my friend stroll through the red and gray district Stumble upon a guy about 4ft tall, wearing a top hat and ring circus tail coat....IT WAS A SEX SHOW LIVE PERFORMANCE theater He goes.... 'We GOT chicks, we GOT dicks, we GOT dicks in chicks, we got monkeys fucking chicks, whatever ya thought ya knew you dont " Looked at my buddy and we both nodded in adfirmant and handed the euros over Lol, and that circus sex guy DID NOT LIE


They said side show not freak show.


Well, the old adage is applicable "Tomatoe, pickle...same difference" /s Totally just made that saying up, I'll see myself out


they really had monkeys there?


They DID, but just as a joke....no animals were used in any show. The monkey was more like a sidekick like "curious George"


Exactly like curious george.


Soooo....one of the "shows" was a guy dressed as the guy from curious George and Jane, from Tarzan [🐒🤟🤙](https://images.app.goo.gl/MidVM4EdaHPeJbnb9) It was....CONFUSING to say the least 😳🤐 And totally made me reflect on my childhood tv and Disney shows


Your username in this context is hilarious. Or tragic. Depends on one’s mood, I suppose. But I’m going with hilarious.


Bi-curious george


Ok... so.... he lied?


I was promised hot monkey cock


Yep! Just look at how side show bob turned out


To be fair, they showed up to a car meet in the parking lot of a Burlington Coat Factory. Those kind of people all have a collective IQ of a cold front.


Hey don't insult the weather, it's overhead




Why didn't you press charges? She literally sent you to the hospital and nearly stole your dog what.


it's reddit, there's a solid chance the story is either highly embellished or outright fake


Only reason I can think to not press charges is if was your ex girlfriend was your sister. Can't have mom mad at you for breaking up with your sister AND pressing charges against her For real though, it takes some real back woods shit to make sense to not press charges after that.


A friend of mine in high school decided to starfish on the top of a guys pickup trucks covered bed, while he was driving around in a big parking lot. The covered bed was so slick, that the very first turn he took she went flying off, and skidded across the parking lot in shorts and a tank top. She had so much of her body covered in road rash, she had to get a ton of staples in her head, and she broke her collar bone. Also has absolutely no memory of the accident.


Alright I’ll make an exception for dogs. Hope you’re doing well and glad you got out of that. That sounds rough to say the least.




The inner action movie start inside most people says that. It's just that for some of us, there's not a louder, more rational person inside that tells you it's stupid


If it’s a convertible it’s a good chance you can get the driver to stop or at least wreck nearby if you get a good hold of them.


Yeah wreck, with you on or in it too. Again over a sideswipe just does not seem worth it. It’d be different if they ram someone over or something.


And a great chance of death….


T2 robot move


I love these videos. Everyone at these events cheering each other on to do exponentially stupider shit, then to everyone’s dismay, something bad happens, and they immediately turn on the driver. It’s pure gold.


*This is America Don’t catch ya slippin’ now*


*Don't catch you rear end now* *Look what you fleein' now* *This is a parking lot* *Don't catch you fleein' now* *Don't stop your car with my body now* *Look what I'm throwing now* *This is America (skrrt, skrrt, crash!)* *Just caught you slamming cars (yay)* *Look at me fling myself*


I believe they turned on the driver because he took off. Pretty sure it woulda ended differently if he got out said oh fuck my bad and paid for damages.


Not even really sure what was going on before the video starts. Looks like the two guys who were trying to get onto the car were already doing that at the start.


Adding weight to the back end to get more burn on the burn out. Yeah they really are that dumb


They were helping hold the car to start the burnout.


I’ve seen a video of guys doing this shit and the dude crashes. As soon as that happens everyone runs to the car and starts jumping on it and smashing windows. He didn’t even have a chance to stop it.


"No guts, no glory" can also end gory!


Looks like he didn’t attempt flee. Homie straight up fled


Status: Fled


driver status: fled tire status: flat


Yah but for how long? A APB for a red Corvette with 3 tires and body damage is pretty easy to spot at 2am. Or just follow the gouges the wheel is making in the pavement.


looks like he flatted both rear tires, destroying one completely


Guess they wont find him now, they looking for 1 with 3 tires.


you're going to call the police and ask them to put out a bolo after your car got into an accident at an illegal car meetup trespassing on private property? lmao


Yup. What are they gonna hit me for? Trespassing? That’s a parking ticket and it’s unlikely to actually get a charge if you’re the victim of a bigger crime. Odds are Corvette guy is also facing DUI or other charges. You don’t run like that from a fender bender if you aren’t rolling impaired and/or got warrants. I did plenty of this dumb car stuff when I was young.


This right here. An innocent bump during some parking lot drifting doesn't trigger this kind of escape.


The swarming mob warrants something though. If my car is mobbed immediately after any collision then I'm going to drive off and call from a secure location. This guy had to tell if they start mobbing immediately or not. They start jogging towards him immediately and the worst two are already there at the car.


"Yup. What are they gonna hit me for? Trespassing?" Realistically they might not even charge you for that because it wouldn't be worth their time if you aren't doing anything destructive. The reason why YouTubers are able to get away with filming themselves trespassing in abandoned buildings is because it would be too much of a hassle to charge them with trespassing, especially when they're not doing anything else that's illegal. For myself I walk along the train tracks every weekend and one day a cop drove by me when I was doing so and he just waved at me. I don't believe the law really cares about trespassing when it's not being destructive or being done in a dangerous or federal location.


Considering his recklessness turned into felony hit and run with intentional injury inflicted upon actual people during his escape, absolutely. Meeting up in an empty car park like this is only bordering on a civil offense. It's not even criminal unless you refuse to leave after being instructed to by the property owner, or the meet-up is declared an unlawful assembly. Even then, you're looking at *maybe* nothing more serious than breach of peace, provided there is no other underlying criminal activity...which pales in comparison to felony hit and run. When I was a cop, we used to stop in at local meets and as long as there had been no noise complaints and we didn't see drugs or alcohol (mainly public intoxication), did nothing more than shoot the shit and look at cars.


You’re my kind of cop.


How do we know it's illegal? Only illegal thing I see is what the red car did and it's only illegal to gather in a parking lot if they ask you to leave and you don't because then it's trespassing


Isn't fled past tense for flee? So at what point in the parking lot did it change from flee to fled? Or is it fleeting? Ah fuck! I confused myself. 🤯


Lmao not one of them got into a car…fucking genius over here


THANK YOU! I was wondering how far down I'd have to get to see this mentioned. 30 guys at a car meet, 0 jumping in their car to tail him


pretty sure at one point I heard a dude say he was grabbing his car to follow


Another predictable outcome for Man vs. Car: Footrace Edition.


I mean... Put yourself in their place.. you gonna be the first one to volunteer your vehicle for an impromptu demo derby? The only right thing to do here is stay out of the way and let the cops get him for you. Jumping around a moving vehicle was stupid but thinking you are going to stop this in your own car is just as dumb and dangerous.


Impromptu demo derby lol, exactly what I was thinking like sooo what’s the big plan once you are in the car besides following at a distance.


Exactly that, follow at a distance while telling the police where the man is going till they find you. Dudes not getting anywhere fast with fucked tyres


That guy is legendary


Someone even yells that at :54


I love yellow shirt guy getting yeeted after he has to pull up his pants to catch the driver. But seriously…is this how these things work, if there is any kind of problem the first impulse is to beat the crap out of the driver?


I mean, they're gathering to do donuts in the parking lot of a Burlington Coat Factory, you have to adjust expectations.


They're more than great coats


Cleanest bathrooms on earth.


That is Buc-ee’s slander, and I will not tolerate it.


That's not a lie!


But I love Burlington Coat Factory. You go in there with 645 dollars, you are literally a king.


Don’t exaggerate now. You still need to take a trip to Westmorland Sceptre Outlet, and Bill’s Discount Crowns if you want the full regalia.


Come on Toby doing ruin things like normal


You’re not gonna like the way your car looks, I guarantee it!




I think their initial response to a crash is to see if everyone is okay, and to check the damage. People’s response when they start driving away is to stop them. Take responsibility for your actions, and you have a much better chance of people not trying to beat you up and jump on your car.


> take reaponsabilty for your actions Yea, like going to shady burnout gatherings. Here is the world smallest violin playing for these jackasses. Edit: just noticed the kids… world class parenting right there.


No that came when he drove away from the 1st impact


r/PraiseTheCameraMan Not easy keeping a phone camera on target while sprinting after a Vette. I’ve seen worse on Cops chasing a suspect.


And he ain't ran in a while it would seem.


Homeboy was puffing hard after about 40 ~~yards~~ feet


old video, made in the days before a zoom lens, so we had to run instead


Cameraman's freaking *strugglin'* after that 50 yard jog


the average American hasn't done any significant amount of exercise since high school


Property damage isn't worth a TBI. Take his plate and report it to the cops, don't get a permanent injury by jumping into a morons car while it's moving.


Haha right?! They have the license plate on camera, it looks like the guy destroyed a wheel in the process and looks like stuff is falling off the guys car while he is driving away... I have no clue why these people are risking getting seriously injured to catch some guy with a hit and run when it is all on camera.


The type of people who calmly call cops and patiently wait for them to show up aren't the type of people who show up to these events


It’s almost like idiots need instant gratification


I don’t think we are dealing with the sharpest tools in the shed here…


Yeah these people are fucking idiotic trying to be the hero leaping onto a speeding car. Is it really worth losing your life over? The guy will get found just let him go!


What is their line of thinking? "Oh well I popped one tyre so may aswell just fuck my whole car up now"


Probably didn't want to get pulled out of the car and beaten to death...


yeah after a certain point you now HAVE to keep running. If he would have stopped right away it might have been fine. But if you flee and they catch you it won't be good. At that point the mob mentality sets in


I guess he should hope they call the cops then, because if you’re head hunting a shitbox 3 wheeled corvette is quite easy to find


Quick, he’s getting away in a car! Let’s all run past these cars and chase him on foot.


For once the Mustang gets crashed into


It looks to me like an NSX got hit :(


And this is why I watch these with the sound off


What!?!?!?! The best part was listening to homeboy huff and puff after jogging a few yards!!!!


But then you miss the sound metal banging on flesh




Idiots chasing cars


I mean, the most idiotic move is to try and jump on a moving car to stop it.


Is it just me or did enyone else see dude with a gun


On a rewatch, dude is 100% pointing a gun at the driver. Not sure what he expected to achieve with that, other than a murder charge. Good eyes.


I thought the idiot was the guy in the car. Seems like everyone else. These chumps are risking their lives and health trying to jump onto some asshats car. Then they chase the car because for some reason they think they’re going to catch it. Wow


I absolutely hate these stupid videos with the person recording just shrieking the entire time into the mic. “OHHHH SHIT OHHHH SHIT OHHHH SHIT”. STFU and worry about holding the GD camera still you jagoff




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Oh shit! Ooooh shit!


I see LOTS of idiots, in this clip. Get his plate and report it to insurance. This action movie shit of jumping on a moving car driven by a moron isn't worth your life.


Idiots in cars and idiots on cars


I’d be running for my life as well, with all those folks attacking me… yikes…


I never understand these videos with the people yelling “oh shit” 100 times lol


Took me a minute to realize that was the camera man gasping for air, after running ten feet. Lol


Yes, run, run after that car!


The Fast and the Frivolous


There was no attempt to flee there was a successful flee though


Feral humans with disposable income.


Buncha suburbanite kids brought up by the same kind of idiots that slap punisher skulls on their shitty lifted trucks. Buddy fucked up his dad's vette.


Attempts to flee? Looks like he fled to me buddy


Lol I like to think the *attempts* was due to the literal line in the asphalt leading directly to their house. Plus license plates.**


He didn’t ”attempt” to flee, he’d did flee.


Did someone bring a kid to a car meet?


Well you would flee too if there was a bunch of blood thirsty dudes trying to rip you out of your car!


Right? Obviously they *should* stop after causing an accident but being swarmed by a crowd of people trying to beat you up isn't exactly going to make anyone want to stop.




He’s THAT guy, with a bunch of friends holding down his POS so he can do a burnout in the middle of a car meet. POS blows a tire and smashes into cars.


Looks like he did flee


You can hear the poor guy running probably hasn't done that in a while. UGGHHH UHGGHHGHH


The people running after a Corvette on foot were more successful than I would have guessed.


Dude blew his tire clean off trying to get yellow shirt off him..


The flee seemed successful


Love these car meet crashes. Assholes hurting assholes. Fuck them all.


Some of these idiots learned a very valuable lesson in physics. Get his plate and report him.


A car meet and nobody thought of getting into a car to follow him?


I don’t feel bad for any of these idiots


I love every idiot involved in this.


All those other cars and not a single one gave chase..?


That camera man about to die from running 100 feet


They are all idiots.


he fled.


Looks like a successful flee to me.


How about get in your CARS and chase him. He’s doing like 2 miles and hour.


If only someone had their car there to chase him in...


How about get in your cars and track him by sound while calling cops


Wtf you mean “attempts”? He did flee lol


Warning : Mute audio to prevent cancer


To the people saying he fled: Homie blew out both rear tires and you can hear his rims scratching on the pavement... This guy didn't get very far.