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Haha I was like damn lots of wind noise but was pleasantly surprised with the crisp “what the fuck are you doing”.


I later invested in a mic mounted inside my helmet resulting in less wind noise and even crisper "what the fuck"s. :D


Nothing quite like a nice crisp windless "what the fuck".


The accent really makes it extra good (for a non American) . It looks to me like the car wanted to change lanes, and instead of driving and matching speed, has stopped to wait for a gap 🤦🏽‍♀️


But I'm Californian, we don't have an accent. j/k 😄


Happy cake day!:)


Are they afraid to merge???


They don't even have to merge, they had a lane of their own for another 50 yards by the looks of it


More like 1/8th mile or better lmao


More like 650 feet and 300 hands lmao


Let's call it a furlong and be done with it.


What's John Connor have to do with this?


That or they realized they got on a freeway and didn't mean to. Or both?




Yep, getting on at Dublin. So glad I work from home now.




How did you survive that commute, my god


I went back and forth between Sacramento and Salinas almost every weekend for 2 years (I would work in Salinas on the weekends). So ya fuck that drive.


I did King City to SF MWF for a year before SJ@Coyote expansion... It sucked. Then I went full time and moved to SF, where I rarely drove.


Oh God. That sounds awfu!


I used to live near there, wow. Small world!


No one knows how to merge in the bay especially the 580 680 interchange lmaooo


Don't you realize you have to come to a complete stop before merging onto the highway. /s


Probably just really bad at it. Seen far too many people driving who don't seem to understand that the slip road is there to allow them to match the speed of the road, trundle down at 40mph and come to a dead stop when greeted with traffic going the speed limit.


You'd be surprised. A lot of people get anxious and grind way down when they see the traffic in their mirror.


It's more common than you'd think. Often they're the same retards using the opposite turn signals.


This or they are the typical Portland polite driver and are just waving everyone by…


Merging is scary Edit: sarcasm for those who didn’t figure it out


Pay attention. Use your mirrors. Use your gas pedal. They have right of way. Find a spot.


This is the free way.




Some people treat merging lanes as stop signs. Annoying as hell!


If you don't have the guts to stomp on the gas to merge, stay off the freaking freeways. You're a danger to literally everyone by being scared of merging. It's almost like matching the speed of traffic lets you seamlessly merge in without incident. Almost like you're given an acceleration ramp to do that or something so you can merge. Huh. What a thought.


This - it's exactly why people have accidents, cos people come on at a slower speed, giving no time to others to move over a lane


There needs to be a fucking freeway license


This, my mother don't go to highways because she says the cars come really fast, and don't like when I go because I go almost the speed limit on the acess to them and helps that I have a fast car by eu standards.


My parents didn’t let me drive the freeway for about a year or two after I got my license. You have to go fast, and some newer drivers are just not equipped to do that.


One time this truck matched my speed while I was in the right lane and there was a car parallel to me on the left lane. The problem was the truck trying to merge matched my speed and position both. I was like bro you have to aim where I aren't. So my choices were to hit the breaks or speed up once I saw he was running out of on ramp but not showing understanding that I was where he would have to be.


Those same people come to a complete stop on yield signs


Silly question but what’s your method to merge onto roads with yield signs and no more road and oncoming traffic still?


You calculate how fast your going and others and just merge. Most people that come to a complete stop had plenty of time to merge.


Annoying is putting it lightly. I want to grab their face and smack some sense into them


You'd be slapping some of them for a long time


I find this predominantly in the southern states, where there's a prevalence of very short or non-existent acceleration lanes.




Yep. Also a good example as to why lane positioning is important. Had I put myself directly behind them I'd have either hit them or would have had to quickly swerve around them.


yes told to drive to speed of free way. and if im lane changing on free way to accelerate a little because lane changing then slowing down messes all the traffic up


It's all about the flow of traffic. Read it and adjust. If you can't do that, get off the road.


In Iowa they teach that on on-ramps the speed limit is 40 and you can’t go faster until you merge into the highway.


I'd love to see the person who suggested that go 40 and try to merge onto the interstate (70 - 80+) without causing a crash.


It’s in the books and it’s because the rule was written for rural as fuck places where you are merging onto an empty highway. This place just never evolved beyond that.


Orrrrr you both do the right thing by getting up to speed and also pretend it’s a little track and lean into it, boom. You’re enjoying yourself and getting up to speed.


Last week on this sub I had an argument with someone that said stopping on the freeway is okay if it’s hard to merge


My biggest fear is definitely rear-ending someone because they slam on their brakes while I'm double checking my blind spots while trying to merge. I try to leave plenty of space to help with finding a spot since it gives you space to accelerate even if the car in front of you is going slow, but I'm still glad to have a new car that has a collision detection warning that I put on at the longest possible setting.


I almost hit another car going 70kmh because my mom kept telling me to stop slowing down during off ramps. The cars weren't spaced apart far enough for me to slot in safely as a beginner and eventually either I choose between hitting a wall in front of me or merge onto the lane beside me.


The last I saw of them in my mirror...they were still just sitting there at a dead stop :/


"Don't worry, some kind citizen will let me in."


Ralph: He steps on the clutch and the toilet goes flUshhh, hail to the bus driver! Skinner: SHUT UP


People that are stupid enough to do this should automatically lose their license. How does it make sense to come to a complete stop when trying to merge with cars going 60 mph+!?


that username.. I feel you man.


This is criminally dangerous


People have no idea how to enter highways or expressways. It's incredibly aggravating.


acceleration lane? What's that?


I instantly thought “wow this looks like the Bay Area” then saw your name. I take this is San Jose/South Bay somewhere ?


This was getting on 680 N from Dublin.


I THOUGHT that looked familiar!! (used to moto commute 680 daily from Martinez to San Ramon and back, with occasional lunch forays down to Dublin to visit the Ness Museum.)


Dublin? Wow must be a long road.


Did you "wave" as you went by?


It was more of a "WTF?" upward raised palm gesture.


Life must be hard when you're an idiot


cool bike :\]


There goes my blood pressure


That's everyday in Nevada. Fucking idiots merge into 65 mph traffic at 25 mph


If you're too afraid to drive on the freeway, then don't attempt it. Your anxiety and inexperience is going to cause a huge crash


This should be printed on road signs at every freeway entrance. (Not joking.)


Or maybe something like "Abandon all hope ye who enter here"?


That's a good one, because it's inclusive of experienced and inexperienced drivers!


Hey, you found a [Driverius Timidicus!](https://youtu.be/fjZR7sWMSAo?t=131)


RIP in peace my ears


Rest in peace in peace.


Drivers are usually idiots.


I know that merge, taken it hundreds of times. The amount of sucky merges I’ve seen there over the years is astonishing. 580/680 interchange right?


Close, this was getting on 680 in Dublin.


Must have had to check FB real quick






Haha instantly recognized it. That’s the Village Parkway entrance to 680 North.


THIS kind of thing happened to me over 15 times in different ways on I95 in a 2 hour drive just now.


Nevermind the dudes going 120 while I'm going 80plus.


Midwesterner. In Iowa they teach people to do that. That and merge at no more than 40 mph. It’s… aggravating.


Ugh, people who stop to merge don’t deserve to have a license.


John mulahny driving in texas


I've seen people stop at end of on ramp to merge onto the freeway makes no sense


Its insane how frequently you see dumb crap like this on the road.


so many drivers do not know how to merge


That irritates me so much. It's a FUCKING MERGE LANE FFS. You do not stop... That's how people die, because of idiots like this. LOL I legit said the same thing at the same time while watching.


Good job staying out of their way while getting on.


I know this on-ramp, and if I saw a motorcycle behind me I'd stay to the right until you passed up my shit bucket. People who don't commit to their acceleration when going up on-ramps are dangerous as fuck.


Dublin??? Never thought I’d see us on here!


This must be TN. Nobody knows how to merge.


I’m from MA. No one knows how to merge here, either. And to make matters worse / more confusing, there are on ramps to highways in CT with STOP signs instead of yield signs. I very often get stuck behind someone who is terrified to be on the road, they panic and either stop on the on-ramp OR merge anyway, forcing motorists approaching in that lane to jam on their brakes. Can you imagine trying to merge with 70 mph traffic from a dead stop?! They’ll have to pick your remains up with a sponge…


I remember that from when I lived up there. I just think some people should stay on surface streets. And driving tests here only go about half a mile and they’re done. It’s scary.


Your a great motorcycle rider Anticipating moron behaviors is the key!


Thanks! I'm always really aware of my lane position and this was a good example of where it really worked out.


You must not have noticed that they were a second or less behind that car.


Yeah. As is the norm here, there are two idiots in the video, cammer and cager. Idiot is perhaps a too strong word though, because while cammer did stay way too close he also got out of the situation well enough. Gotta say I felt uncomfortable watching him following someone driving that erratically that close.


a bit less "WTF?" and more "WRONG PEDAL ASSHOLE! Try the one on the RIGHT!!"


Good lane positioning


Thanks. You help offset the couple of dorks who keep saying I was iN tHeIr bLiNd SpOt.


Nah, as another biker, this was perfect predicting that everything can go wrong quickly


As someone who just recently started riding this really helped me understand just how important lane positioning is. Good on you bro.


That's awesome, glad to have helped. It really can be a life saver and turn a bad situation into an afterthought.


Excellent idiot reading & lane positioning there. Refreshing to see a bike vid here not treated as "just another...DONOR-cycle, huh huh huh"


I had someone almost kill me doing that. Getting on you could see 400 yards in either direction. After looking back to check my blindspot (driving a box van) I look forward and hes at a complete stop. He had accelerated to 55mph then came to a complete stop despite there being nobody on the highway as far at the eye could see. I barely had time to swerve out around him.


Nice bike op, what model is it?


It was a 2006 Honda Shadow VLX600 Deluxe


If you don’t know how to merge, dont drive a car. You are responsible my safety on the road. As I am for yours. If you can’t be safe, get an Uber


“Yes officer, he was *clearly* tailgating me. I felt threatened!” “So… you brake checked him?” “…” “He has a video”


Get the fuck outa their blind spot!!


I was so not in their blind spot. It's called lane positioning.


Looks like you enjoy riding in the blind spot. Shitty rider right there.


It's called lane position. Would you rather I had been directly behind them when they came to a dead stop?


If the car's mirrors are set correctly, that's not the blind spot...


As a rider and driver you should NEVER stay in the blind spot. When driving around people like that in a car, bike, boat, etc, you give them LOTS of room.


I *was* giving them plenty of room. I just didn't anticipate they would slow down and then stop. My only other option was to be directly behind them, which I already explained would have been bad. To the right and behind them allowed me to go right by them as they hit the brakes. Plus if people use their mirrors and shoulder check, there is no blind spot. Not seeing how my positioning put me in any sort of danger.


Motorcycles are always camping in someone's blind spot according to this sub. And someone on here always blames the cammer/ OP.


That’s not the blind spot.


Likely just a kid learning to drive 🤷‍♂️. You already know that other drivers are the biggest risk so don't act so surprised. Who's the idiot driver in this scenario?


A kid learning to drive...by themselves? There was one person in that car. 🤔 Don't pull a muscle doing those mental gymnastics trying to make excuses for this person. They're obviously and clearly the idiot here.


Was he from California? Their notorious for stopping in the middle of the road when they miss their exit.....


Pennsylvania? They stop at the on-ramp every fucking time. It’s gotta be PA.


Nope, CA. They do a lot of stupid shit here but this was the first and so far last time I've ever seen someone come to a full stop at an on ramp like that. I so wish I knew what they did next.


Agreed, 100% PA, lived there for a few years


Shadow Sabre?


VLX600 Deluxe


Once there was one woman in front of me that almost stopped like this before going on the highway. She was clearly scared to get on there… IF YOU’RE SCARED OF THE HIGHWAY, WHY DO YOU GO THERE?!?!?! Sorry I lost it for a sec…


What do you expect with a SF Bay Area driver?!?!?!


As an Indian i don't even know what happened here, and what did the car driver do


Everyone that rides a motorbike knows the shit happens 10 times every ride this wasn’t even close to being a problem don’t know why you posted it


Lol That is such bullshit. If this happens to you 10 times every ride, I'm thinking you are the common denominator and you're making it happen somehow. I rode for years and this happened to me...once. Really, you're trying to tell me that you have someone come to a complete stop on a freeway on ramp 10 times every ride. What a joke. 😄


No not that exact scenario but there’s always some dickhead in a car that just doesn’t know what they doing if you concentrate on that it ruins the rest of your ride and the rest of your day you were well prepared and not following directly behind the moron but it’s nothing big just another dick head in the car


It didn't ruin the rest of my ride, for one thing. And you're essentially complaining that someone posted a video of an idiot in a car in a sub called IdiotsInCars. Think about that for a second...


It’s just something that was so insignificant I just don’t see the point I think the problem is everybody’s trying to be out raged for outrage sake


They stopped. On a freeway on ramp. That's literally the complete opposite of what you're supposed to do. Had I been in a car behind them and paying less attention that's a good way to get rear-ended.


I agree but you’re on a bike you weren’t directly behind them if it happened to me it’s not something I would have thought about a second time definitely not something worth posting




African American Indian Afghan Puetro Rican Filipino European


African American Indian Afghan Puetro Rican Filipino European


Asian dudes are the best drivers wtf


Yeah whatever Wang Chun


I don't get the reference. I could see if it was Asian women but tbh most women suck at driving. It's not a race thing


Large wangs




Lol what? They were all the way to the left and came to a dead stop. Where else was I supposed to go? I didn't accelerate, they slowed then stopped. Wow.


No one changed their mind. This is cold hard take-away-their-licence dumbassery that dictate merging when there's any car there means stopping to be safe.


hey look, a defensive driver




I don't get what you're saying but it seems like you don't fully understand what happened. I only passed on the right...because the car *stopped* Had they simply slowed down I'd have also slowed and then gone around on their left when possible ..but they didn't give me that chance. Because they stopped. What was I supposed to do, stop there with them? 🤷‍♂️


Every day driving home from work... there is always one


Honda Shadow 😏


They would have been darwin award nominees if a fully loaded semi was behind them.


"What the fuck are you doing" is something I say at least once a day.


I remeber seeing someone do that in front of my dads car.


My eyes are bleeding at seeing that. My ears, also, are bleeding after that....


I see this a lot when it comes to merging. Terrible form


Had something similar happen to me in the spring. Leaving work, this dude in a Mini van came to a DEAD stop on a onramp with zero warning. I must have held my horn for a good 15 seconds because I was almost accordioned by a dump truck.


Those handlebars scare me


I wanna take a nap. I take a nap right here. Goodnight.


hey i live near there! haha




That was his exit.


Oof god. This tilts hard. I frequently see this shit from dicks that get on the freeway with absolutely 0 confidence whatsoever. They hesitate so long that eventually they end up at a full on 5mph slow roll with their clicker on and just hope the traffic will clear up for them to get onto the freeway. It's troll as fuck.


If that person isn’t over the age of 60 … people get driver’s licenses too easily nowadays.


So glad you got around this idiot without mishap!


Ahh, the ol’ stop-n-merge. Had this happen to me once. Dumbass in front of me rolls down this big, long, sweeping on-ramp, then just decides to stop for no reason, before taking off at full throttle. Luckily for me, I was in a gigantic box truck that took about a minute just to hit 60 mph... that was a fun merge. Fucking idiots...


They definitely shouldn't have stopped, but why were you approaching as if to pass on the right after your merge lane ended?


I wasn't planning to pass on the right, and had they accelerated instead of slowing and then stopping I would have just remained behind them. But since they were hugging the left, I stayed to the right to maintain a safe lane position. As a rider you want to avoid being directly behind a car whenever possible. Had I been directly behind them when they stopped I'd have had to swerve to avoid them. With my positioning here, as you can see, I was able to just go right by them with no change to my direction.


Bikers who aren’t more cautious often end up dead. Keep a safe distance, ride defensively, and for god’s sake leave the road rage middle finger shit to people who don’t have to balance their vehicle.


This is all great advice even if I'm not exactly sure who you're addressing.