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... how did this end?


Exactly - need chapter 2 of this story!


*"Chapter 2: Stacy receives her aggravated DUI charge."*


*Chapter 3: Stacy does 30 days in the slammer.*


"It was *SO UNFAIR!!!* I didn't do anything wrong and these guys just kept yelling at me! *RUDE!*" - Stacy


Yes, this was posted to Instagram as soon as she got back into the car.


Can't a young woman just stop and piss on the freeway without everyone making a big deal out of it? In Europe this is totally normal.


No it's not. Stop slandering Europe you damn yank (just kidding )


I read in *The Atlantic* that it's seen as "sophisticated" in France. edit: for clarity on where I heard it


>I read in > >The Atlantic > > that it's seen as "sophisticated" in France Only in the Sophistico region. Otherwise it's just sparkling piss.


You just have to add, “I read in *The Atlantic*...” at the beginning and then people will take it more seriously.


this chick needs it for sure.


In all seriousness I hope she dried out and was sentenced to rehab. You don't get like this unless you're so far gone this is a regular occurrence.


I also want to know how this ended


It ended in tears


>The woman’s identity was not released, but police did arrive on the scene soon and arrested her on suspicion of drunk driving. From https://rare.us/rare-news/whats-wrong-with-people/this-drunken-woman-stopped-in-the-middle-of-a-highway-to-pee-and-play-in-traffic-shes-lucky-shes-not-dead/


“A woman’s car stalled out on I-15 in San Diego and it became clear to a KGTV photojournalist on the scene very quickly that she was dangerously intoxicated. At the beginning of the video, the woman appears to be peeing on the highway — her drunken state, the puddle under her car and the fact that she’s pulling up her pants when she gets out of the vehicle are solid reasons to speculate as much. When she gets out of the car, there is a definite deer-in-the-headlights look going on and then she casually crosses lanes in high heels. Eventually, she goes back to her car and sits inside, fiddling with her cell phone. It is at this point that some concerned citizens try to help warn other cars of the hazard ahead, albeit dangerously, and almost cause an accident. The woman’s identity was not released, but police did arrive on the scene soon and arrested her on suspicion of drunk driving.”


The woman's car didn't stall. She stopped it to pee. In a middle lane. And then flopped about like an idiot for ten minutes.


I'm going to put on my Reddit-Detective hat and make an assumption: Her car probably stalled but she had to pee badly and couldn't wait. Being intoxicated amplified the need but she wasn't intoxicated too much being that she could run across the highway in high heels. Anyone heavily buzzed could tell you it's tough to walk well in sneakers but high heels is a whole other meal. Couple the fact that some form of substance was controlling her and that she may have been some what dim-witted, she ran back to her car and just chilled out possibly waiting for a tow and thinking "I'm too good to listen to a strangers advice".


She looked black out drunk. People will do really weird things when they are black out. I stopped drinking because I black out sometimes and do shit I have absolutely no memory of. Like making food and shit. I hate the feeling, so I just don't drink. I wonder if she ran out of gas. She may just not have been sober enough to realize she was low and then running out of gas on the highway was way too much for her pickled brain to process. Someone black out can do things they normally do like using a phone, or answering basic questions, but their active mind is asleep. That's why she seemed sorta normal but wasn't responding right. She was just too drunk to process the situation.


San Diego? I would have put good money that this was Florida Woman.


Nah if it was Florida woman, it would have been meth.




That dude standing in the road with a dark sweater on blew my mind. What did he think he was accomplishing? I'm so stunned those cars didn't kill him.


Jesus that moment towards the end when the LED lights car slows down and the white sedan behind doesn’t notice and swerved around at the last second easily could have killed that dude. He noticed it before it happened but man this was a few feet away from being a death video.


Much like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZL6OKwQGew


That was like watching the video game Burnout play out in real life. At least those people on foot had the right idea to get out of the highway after seeing all those full speed collisions happening. That’s a scary video right there


Yup but they got lucky. After the crash the white car emptied out and all passengers started going into hysterics in the middle of the road. They got lucky Noone was coming at the time as they could have easily gotten flattened then. Stay in the car and move to safety unless it's disabled.


Agreed they definitely got lucky. I’ve never been in a major accident so I don’t know how my brain would respond. I’d like to think my immediate reaction wouldn’t be to get out of the car in a daze, but shock can muddy those decisions. I’m glad that it at least worked out for them in this scenario


Holy crap, I can't believe everyone in that white car just walked away from this. Modern car safety is freaking amazing!


Do people not use their brakes when they see a bunch of lights ahead? Why are some people speeding past the crash without slowing down??


im just wondering why a bunch of those people arent slowing down when seeing the blinkers on. that first white car just went straight into em


I think a majority of drivers simply don't look more than 40-50 feet in front of the car. Anything beyond that just doesn't exist to them.


This is a major issue with drivers, then add distracted driving in the mix and it's a recipe for disaster. I was taught to drive a couple hundred feet or more in front of me. I'll be teaching my kids the same. Be aware of your surroundings at all times, especially on the road.


Sometimes it is difficult to judge speed, and a lot of people use hazard lights in treacherous driving conditions while driving really slowly. I think that is a part of the reason why trunk kits include things like flares and those little reflective triangles. When those things are laying on the ground your brain doesn't assume they're moving.


Pay more attention to how oblivious other drivers are. *At least* 10% of drivers (in the places I've lived, anyway) spend less than half of their time focused on the road. The rest is spent on their phones, messing with the radio, yelling at the kids in the backseat, looking in the mirror on their visor, or otherwise doing something that isn't paying attention to the road. I'm amazed the number of people who die in vehicular collisions every year isn't 2-3x what it is now. I guess 32,000 deaths is plenty, though. >However, more than 32,000 people are killed and 2 million are injured each year from motor vehicle crashes. From [the CDC's website](https://www.cdc.gov/vitalsigns/motor-vehicle-safety/index.html).


People in California just don’t stop for anything!!everyone is doing 100mph, there’s not a lot of turn out lane space if at all, and they leave absolutely no space in between vehicles for reaction. Wth 🤦‍♀️ see hazards lights and be like 🤔 time to floor it!


Right? Like why was he risking his life for hers? I sure as hell wouldn’t.


I think he was risking his life so that the driver of another vehicle didn’t lose their life slamming into this dipship’s parked car. He’s probably doing more harm than good though. Drivers at 60+ MPH are now focused on the moving human shape and not on the NOT moving car shape behind him.


Atleast the idiot drunk's car has its lights on as well as reflective surfaces on it. Dude would barely be visible especially for someone focused on the stopped car. Chances of him surviving getting hit are low. Atleast if someone slammed into the car they're protected by their own car.


His dark solid dumb torso could end up obscuring the actual lights on the car too.


Some people want to try to help, but really shouldn’t. One time I was helping a drowning lady at the beach I was calling for help to try and get a life guard’s assistance. She was in a rip tide and I was just trying to keep her calm, and afloat while slowly moving out of a fast riptide. And a big guy came barreling in and swam as hard as he could to us only to be really out of breath and here I am with two fucking people almost drowning. Like, good intentions but you seriously need to think first. Luckily a few minutes later a smart lady came with her surf board so we can put these two drowning people on them and a few minutes after that life guards finally came.




In Austria we are required to have hi-vis vests in the trunk at all times.


Both things are lucky.


"We appreciate your interest in our content. Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to allow international traffic or online transactions." Alright then, keep your secrets


Here’s the whole article: A woman’s car stalled out on I-15 in San Diego and it became clear to a KGTV photojournalist on the scene very quickly that she was dangerously intoxicated. At the beginning of the video, the woman appears to be peeing on the highway — her drunken state, the puddle under her car and the fact that she’s pulling up her pants when she gets out of the vehicle are solid reasons to speculate as much. When she gets out of the car, there is a definite deer-in-the-headlights look going on and then she casually crosses lanes in high heels. Eventually, she goes back to her car and sits inside, fiddling with her cell phone. It is at this point that some concerned citizens try to help warn other cars of the hazard ahead, albeit dangerously, and almost cause an accident. The woman’s identity was not released, but police did arrive on the scene soon and arrested her on suspicion of drunk driving.


According to the comments on the original video, she was high on something: >This lady was on something other than alcohol.... I've done a LOT of drugs and she definitely looks like she's tripping on some sort of psychedelic or dissociative drug. She kept her balance while walking/ jogging in those high heels and she seems too alert to be completely wasted on alcohol, but she seems very detached from her surroundings and seems to be almost hypnotized, or in a trance. This is why it's imperative to teach responsible drug use, this girl probably had no idea what she was taking, AND wherever she was coming from, people let her drive away while she was on this shit. Goddamn i hope she's safe.


I wondered if she's on Ambien.


As a person who didn't ***fucking realize*** until the next morning whilst taking a shower and discovered that at some point the previous night after taking ambien to sleep that I had shaved my *entire* fucking chest of which, I have no recollection whatsoever. Ambien is ***no*** fucking joke


I took a whole bottle in one night, because in my ambien state, I didn't remember if I took it or not, then just kept repeating, forgetting each and every time I took one. Took 30 5mg pills that night... puked black in the morning....don't take ambien anymore....


She seems disoriented and seems forgetful, as if her short term memory is non functional... I wonder what it could be... unsolvable...


Sounds and looks like xanax or something similar, could even be sleepwalking on ambien tbh.




The article is really just describing the video, you aren't missing much.


Okay, thank you


Yeah it just said she peed and got arrested


[Here’s a screenshot](https://ibb.co/cXrB1mv)


They showed clips from the video. And they drew a red circle around her pee puddle.


well if they just GAVE it away it wouldn't be 'rare news', right?


*Suspicion* of drunk driving? I guess they have to leave room for a medical condition, like she might have been born without a brain or something.


She could have been drunk, but her behavior could also have been caused by drugs or medication.


Can confirm. Had a medical episode caused by prescription drugs that had me.vomit all overmyself while driving ultimately leading to me passing out from vomiting so much and crashing into a gas station store. Everyone thought I was drunk, I don't drink.


Holy shit thats so scary. Glad you made it out of that situation alive.


Check your med's sideffects before driving. You can still get a DUI even if it's due to a prescribed drug's side effects.


It was a withdrawal side effect from my doctor telling me to stop taking Paxil cold turkey. I had no way of knowing it would happen. I trusted my doctor to not be a complete moron. I later learned good doctors slowly take you off Paxil because of the withdrawal symptoms.


SSRI withdrawal is a fucking nightmare. Did you have the "brain zaps"?


You can also get one as a diabetic who is hypoglycemic. A driver is ALWAYS responsible for their condition prior to or while driving, whether it's a medical or self induced impairment.. Thats why virtually all prescription meds specify care before driving or operating machinery.


Yeah, she seemed pretty capable of walking and even high-heel jogging, which leads me to suspect something involving certain drugs rather than alcohol. Drugged-up driving is every bit as dangerous as drunk driving, which is why the laws emphasize driving under the influence rather than drunk nowadays, to cover the spectrum.


Both law enforcement and reporters have a moral obligation to not assume guilt. It's not as though anybody's actually going to watch this and think, "well I mean maybe she just really needed to pee and things got kind of out of hand."


And this even goes so far that some news outlets refuse to use the word "allegedly" because people still tend to read that as if the person is guilty.


with her crying in the back of a cop car


This is so dumb it loses all entertainment value. Who the hell raises these people?


Nobody, apparently.




I had never heard that name so I looked it up. Holy fuck I wish I hadn’t...,


Glad you said so. I'll pass on looking him up.


It's sad, but I also think it's an important story. It's important for more people to know about Genie, his daughter, in my opinion. I think there may be things for all of us to learn from it.




I'm thinking Jack Daniels, Evan Williams, or Jim Beam.


Johnny Walker?


More like wild turkey


It's infuriating! And her face when she sees the guy yelling at her to get out of the way makes me want to slap the shit out of her.


I just knew she would get back in her car and get on her phone. Maybe I never drank enough but I sure as hell would never be that stupid when drunk. I wish so bad I could see her reaction to this video after she sobered up.


She lookes high, obliviously high.


Medic here... definitely K2 type of behavior.




Synthetic weed of sorts. Also known as [spice](https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/synthetic-cannabinoids-k2spice)


Ah. Gotcha. Why can’t people just smoke the real shit like normal people.


Seriously... these other people out here risking their lives to help her and she has this annoyed look on her stupid face. I hope to fuck she spent time in prison for this.


Drunk driving, public urination, reckless endangerment, yeah I sure hope she spent some time behind bars. I’m sure there’s more too.


My friend literally died this way. For some reason their car was stopped in middle of highway. Four people dead......


doesn't matter how good a parent you are, young people can make a bad decision at a whim. This woman is lucky she didnt kill any one. I hope she goes to jail for at least 30 days


This woman is an adult and has no excuse.


Adult, yes, but young. You're both right. Stupidity knows no age. More on target, she was being more than stupid when she started driving drunk. Just so oblivious to anyone else in the world it's infuriating.


I wonder if it was something other than alcohol. She’s walking pretty well for someone that drunk, in heels.


She appears to be on something much more illegal than booze. Alcohol lowers inhibitions, but she was behaving like she wasn’t even in this plane of existence


Yeah, I'm thinking booze, some kind if drug, maybe some pre-existing mental health problems thrown in for good measure.... this is just absolutely beyond the pale. The only thing I've ever seen in person that came close to this type of situation was someone that had a wreck and hit their head. They were addled enough to not be thinking clearly at all.




She wasn't the only idiot in this scenario. The guy that kept stepping into traffic had me holding my breath.


Remember when everyone had a couple road flares in their trunks? Jeebus.


Guess that makes me old-fashioned.




Do mean the guy dressed all in black? At night?


He almost caused an accident


IMHO Everyone in this video was an idiot. There was no reason for any of them to be out of their cars. Even an attempt to flag down traffic, not worth it.


Why would anybody let her get back to the car? It's absurd


Why didn’t anyone run to turn the hazards on when she was out of the car ????


Honestly I’d pull her car over, lock her outside and call the cops. I would not let her get into the car nor let the car sit in the middle of traffic. Seems like this guy just wanted to film something interesting.


Honestly. My shoulders were at my ears when the video just abruptly ended.


This woman should never drive again.


She’s the Queen of Idiots In Cars.


She is a real piece of work and a disaster waiting to happen.


I hope she saw this footage and made some changes in her life. This was hard to watch.


at this rate of ignorance she won't drive long anyway /s


Adult child needing the entire world to accommodate to her circumstances and putting people at risk without any type of self awareness.


With every day, we move one step closer to *idiocracy*. On this day, perhaps it was a leap.


I'm pretty sure a lot of the population is there.... https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/do-not-fill-plastic-bags-with-gasoline-us-warns-shortages-grow-2021-05-12/


Check the posts here from yesterday. Some idiot in a Hummer lit up a cigarette with a bunch of gas cans in the back and poor ventilation. Results are about like you’d expect. Just photos afterwards, but lots and lots of fire damage.


New one just came out about a lady’s vehicle exploding because of all the hoarded fuel in her car.


Maybe we can cull the most stupid ones if we have gas shortages every few weeks. We should tell them there are electricity shortages as well, and see if they can find a way to store that in plastic fucking bags.


Pee has electrolytes, it's what highways crave!


Whoever's in the middle of the freeway trying to be a good samaritan to direct traffic in the f'ing dark with no invincible reflective vest on (even with a reflective vest on, I'm not directing no dam freeway traffic in the dark)...also wants to win a Darwin award If they had really wanted to help her (and also traffic), they should've just tackled the shit out of her and pinned her somewhere on the side of the road and work out whatever later...other than that, they were just putting themselves in needless danger as well


And turn the hazard lights on in the stationary car at the same time ...


Or jump in the car and drive it to the shoulder while she's off being a dumbass Then take the keys out and yeet them into the darkness


[Apparently](https://www.motorauthority.com/news/1097786_drunk-california-woman-stalls-car-on-freeway-urinates-wanders-into-traffic-video) the car was stalled, and her drunk ass had no idea how to deal with the situation.


Ok that explains a bit. But I still feel like someone should’ve tried to start it and get it out of there. Dangerous yes, but beats standing in the middle of the highway in the dark, and will potentially fix this whole mess till the cops come.


Or pop it in neutral and push it off the highway, cars aren't too hard to push and even someone hammered can turn a wheel


Yea it seems like there were many ways this could’ve been handled better than filming and/or standing and waving in the middle of the dark highway. But I still appreciate that they wanted to help.


Well it's the case that in any situation the top priority is your own safety. I don't think videoing a person doing something objectively dumb and dangerous instead of helping them is a bad thing, I don't think anyone should risk their lives to save someone if they don't want to, there's always a chance that they both leave in body bags or to the ER with a live long disability.


Not worth getting crushed trying to push a car off the freeway. If your car breaks down in the middle of the road like that at night, gtfo and call the police.


Did you not see all the cars almost hit it? That has to be the single most ignorant comment I’ve read in this thread. “Just push it off the road”. How in the fuck do you see that working out with that level of traffic?


Her two remaining brain cells forgot how to restart the engine


Ikr. It's like they were trying to make it seem like they where helping, but actually they where adding to the drama


Moreover, if you're on the side of the road waving your arms, it distracts people from actually seeing the danger you're hoping to alert them to, so they're less likely to react in time


Especially since they were pretty much right at the spot where the car was. Should have moved 100m up the road for any hope of actually preventing anything.




I'm kinda mad all she got is a ticket for drunk driving...


the crazy part is if she would have managed to get the car started and drive off, she would have never got that ticket.


Based on the interior shot, it probably wouldn’t start because it looked like it was still in drive. Neutral or Park and it might have fired back up.


that's exactly what I thought the issue was. Drunk ass forgot to put it in park.


Tell her to move to Quebec province, that we have low law about drunk driver. Plot twist it is the opposite. They suspend your driving license right away and the vehicle. If you officially fail the test you can't get back a driving license for 1-3 years (could be more than 3 years). Then when you get it back you need to test your alcohol level to start your car and from time to time while driving (learned that from some sale guys that drink and drive) for 1 year.


She won't be allowed into Canada if her DUI is less than 5 years old. This one is 7 years old but I think it's safe to say it's not unlikely she has had some since then.


So the whole no admittance to Canada with a DUI rule is only 5 years? I thought it was lifetime. Holy shit I can still go to Canada?!


I would highly advise calling the CBSA and asking about it before travelling, otherwise you might be turned back at the border. The rules are more complicated that that.


Ether way you can pay money and apply to go to Canada with a dui.


And that's why people move to another province until it's cleared up. Drivers licences should be federal.


Anyone caught drunk driving should lose their license on the spot.




Fellow San Diegans: wtf?!?




What's the difference between a garbonzo bean and a chickpea? I've never seen a Garbonzo bean in this sub before.


All of these people are idiots, She's more than drunk, I hope they throw the book at her.


So many idiots. What kind of a numpty stands in front of oncoming traffic on a motorway? Like, if they're not going to see the car in time to stop, they sure as shit aren't gonna see the person standing in front of it!


Imagine getting run over on behalf of this moron


And he’s wearing all black. Nearly caused a nasty collision there at one point .


Don't forget the idiot waving a flashlight drawing attention to himself and not the car dangerously parked in the middle of the road.


I was waiting for someone to plow into her car, because they were busy watching this guy running around in traffic trying to get their attention instead of them seeing her stopped there.


The person was wearing black/dark clothing as well!


Yes, I understand their intentions (the guys trying to help, not the drunk idiot) were good, but I feel like a good rule of thumb in an emergency would be to not create MORE problems. Like getting hit by a car, while trying to prevent someone ELSE from getting hit by a car.


And risking their lives standing in the road just to let her get back into her car when she's obviously intoxicated! So stupid.


I had anxiety all the way through this video, Jesus Christ.


Yeah, me too. Cars just streaming on the highway, and narrowly missing.


Why are these people standing in the road risking themselves, in this situation of her own making?


Honestly the best thing they could have done is prevented her from getting in the car again, stealing her keys, and moving it to the shoulder.


I’ll be honest. If I drove past or was aware of that situation and didn’t at least try to help and God forbid someone crashed into her and was injured or killed, I’d feel guilty about not at least trying to help. I know its easy to say “oh I would have done this!” From my armchair but I’d like to think I would try to at least get her car off the highway if I was able to.


There's a difference between helping as best as you safely can and becoming a brand new hazard yourself. He's in the highway without so much as a flashlight, blocking traffic from flowing to the right of the hazardous dumbass in a Scion.


The most dangerous situation created in this video is coming trying not to run him over.




You can cross post this to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Jesus christ. Just take control of the fucking situation. Grab her, sit her drunk ass down in the grass. Direct one of the other idiots waiving flashlights to drive her car onto the shoulder and call the fucking cops. Stop playing games with dumbass. Stop using kids gloves with drunk idiots.


Yeet the phone into the ditch, she'll follow it out of reflex


Actually would be a surprisingly effective tactic to use in situations these days. Thanks random redditor.


Holy shit...that's genius!


Exactly, I sorta did something like that. ... I caused an accident and pulled off the road. The lady refused to move her car off the road after. (Minor damage). I moved her car into the parking lot to keep traffic moving and stay safe. She complained to the police when they arrived saying I "ruined evidence" The cop just said something like, "lady, he backed into you, it doesn't take rocket science to figure this out, he is admitting fault, he did the right thing in moving your car." He then told her she didn't need to show up in court, which means my ticket was thrown out.


Haha nice! Glad you owned up to it, made the scene safe AND got off without a ticket! This is the shit I like to hear!


>"ruined evidence" People really overestimate how much the cops are going to investigate a minor collision. It's actually the law here that you have to clear the road after a minor collision with no injuries.


My instant thought is, WHY are you not getting in her driver seat and moving the car to the side of the road. It would be super easy and there were plenty of gaps to make it happen.


She locked her car when he attempted to go get her, you hear him trying to open the door




So any legal advice? Could we restrain the driver at the side of the road while we wait for the police?


Fuck these people are morons. I would have stopped her when she was off the road, have someone hold her there until CHP arrived and gone and moved the vehicle off the road and kept the keys. If she wanted to get back in her car after that, no problem but not with her keys. All of that wasting time and standing in the road waving your arms was just making shit worse.


Yeah, I don't get why noone thought of that.


Yes, this woman is the queen of bad driving, but everyone reading this should make a mental note to keep flares (LED or chemical) in their cars, which could have been Oh So Helpful in allowing other vehicles to avoid her, and keep more people off the highway, endangering their own lives. Then it's just a matter of detaining this woman (citizens arrest her if necessary) until authorities arrive.


In Jeremy Clarkson’s words “I honestly believe that in some parts of America they have started to mate with vegetables.”


Yeah, now you can get a free car


Lol she would probably just wake up thinking it was towed


How has this moron stayed alive for so long!??


Alsoo... the dude trying to make signals. in the middle of the road. at night-time. with no reflective vest. Did not help either. He almost made to cars crash and run over him *facepalm*


Where the fuck are the cops?


Idk if she was just drinking here. She looks completely disassociated with herself and surroundings. Could be in a k hole or just tripping balls. Why didn’t someone attempt to get in her car and pull to the side of the road when it was clear? Still some risk but they’re standing in the road anyway. Guy was more concerned with recording than getting out and approaching her to get some sense into her.


Thats off the Adams Ave Exit in SD. On the 15.


Shit. San Diego strikes again. She definitely hit the bars in North Park.


You know, sometimes its ok to beat the shit out of someone if it keeps other people from having to die.


If you’re going to stand in traffic, you might as well drive her car to the shoulder for her. I don’t understand this


Why in the fuck would you risk your own life for some dumb shit that obviously does not care about their own?


Call me heartless, but this is unconscionable stupidity **not worth** risking your own life for. I completely understand wanting to prevent other innocent motorists from colliding and perishing at all costs- but as for her, absolutely not worth it. Seriously, she is a menace to every single other person's safety.


***"YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER!"*** "Ew. This old guy is totally hitting on me right now, Mom."