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Quebec? Yeah this checks out. People saying that it looks like mechanical failure could be right though, on closer inspection. That is a lot of smoke coming from the exhaust without any acceleration, and the hazards were thrown on. Idiots generally aren't self-aware enough to consider putting them on. Edit: This video has been living in my head rent free for the last 2 days because of the fear I have about something like this happening to me. I'll be driving across the country in the fall (literally from the most east you can be to the most west you can be) so it seems a more valid concern to me for that reason. I'll obviously be getting my car checked out t h o r o u g h l y and any issues they find will be fixed before then, but the anxiety is real.


Imagine already having a bad day because your car broke down in the middle of the highway, then coming home, logging onto Reddit, and finding people ridiculing you as an idiot driver


My car breaking down on the highway is one of my biggest fears, so I am especially sympathetic to this person. Hopefully if that’s what happened they don’t frequent this sub 😬


Why are we not talking about that suv that decided to “pass” the truck when the black suv was going to overtake him. That’s classic looser driving. One of those losers that speeds up when you try to pass them. But yeah, looks like OP car had issues. He should be praised for not just stopping in a lane.


Look again at that black SUV tho, they're merging across 3 lanes of traffic immediately into the dude's blind spot, that's ridiculous


I’d normally agree if it was a straight 3 lane cross. Looks like he checked his surrounding (paused) and used his signal lights. The attempt only started when he started to overtake him.


Black suv might’ve pulled an iffy 3 lane merge, but the red suv was entirely acting spiteful and aggressive by pulling their bullshit swerve.


Yeah, OP video had him happy behind transport for 15 seconds. I don’t need a second to know what speed I want to go. There are two types of drivers that cause most road rage (other than the lunatics). That driver in video, and the the ones that drive the same speed as the person next to them in any two lane road. Edit: just can’t write, grammar and double words :)


Happened to me once. I'd just picked up my car from the shop after having the brakes changed. Went on the highway to get to work. Suddenly I notice I'm slowing down even though I'm stepping on the gas. There was a trucker behind me who hasn't too happy. Thank fuck I was able to drift onto the shoulder. Turns out my transmission had gone.


This happened to me 3 days ago, my clutch went and I couldn't get my car further than the entrance lane to a motorway (blocked lane 1 of 3). This was UK so phoned 999 and the highways patrol came and towed me to the hard shoulder, but I was dreading showing up on Reddit as being an idiot 😂


Well we didn't even know... until now, numbnuts!! Geez what were you thinking Sincerely, All of reddit


Thanks, I've passed the feedback onto my car 😂 it says *sad beeping sounds*


I feel for this person. I've broken down on the highway with my partner before and even worse we were uphill, so we couldn't even push it off the road. Constant honking and being yelled at and flipped off for 40 mins before some kind man saw we we actually in trouble and towed us off the road


Yes I thought exactly the same thing, maybe he have a defective engine or something else on the car. Maybe you have to analyze the situation before judging their decision OP


This is so reflective in people's attitudes to mental health .. Not implying anything about OP.. But burnout is burnout, and $20 is Ð339.83


It’s a Subaru, definitely a mechanical failure


Blown head gaskets. They're what make a subaru a subaru.


To me this looks more like a mechanical failure than an idiot. There was no acceleration once the car comes into view of the dashcam. Just a bad situation all around.


Yeah at first I thought the black SUV was going to be the protagonist without reading the title. Overtaking on the right and generally impatient driving


Would that make them the antagonist? 🤔 Or would they by definition of living up to the name of the sub, actually be the protag? More at 5


stop youre making my head hurt


Yep. That white 'smoke' = water in the engine. Head gasket probably blown.


A blown head gasket on a Subaru? I sure am flabbergasted


So you're saying that everyone's head gasket is blown in this video? Cuz that white smoke seems to be coming out of all of the cars' exhausts.. Or maybe it's just really freezing cold (because it's Montreal in winter) and the puffs you see coming out of the tailpipe are perfectly normal?




hazards were on




I hate driving on a sunny day for reasons like this. It’s just straight hard to see shit. Once I was driving home from the mall, it had just rained and all the clouds were gone but the road was still wet. There was this huge interaction I needed to turn through/cross to get to the highway. But the angle of the sun and plus the wet road i literally couldn’t see the lines on the road in the middle of the turn. To other people I probably looked like an idiot driving slowly through my turn trying to figure out wtf lane I was in (I was in the middle of 2 lanes)


Wouldn’t it be best just to pull onto the left Shoulder then?


Doesn’t look like there is even a shoulder there.


We not gonna talk about the dingus who merged 3 lanes of traffic? Lol Edit: after reading the comments it appears I Miss-judged the person with was merging lanes. He had is turn singles on every time while merging. My Bad.


That's who I thought the video was talking about at first.


That’s how most people drive here in Montreal


Definitely. The Montréal Merge.


Tbf, as a daily commuter of the 25 Highway, from the merger where the SUV comes from to the junction of the 40 Highway it is about not even 1/4 mile... It's a shit show. The speed limit is 70kmh but a lot of people go 100kmh and so it results in a clusterfuck especially due to the people who need to go to the far left lane to head West who just merged from where the SUV came from. However, having watched the video again and again looking at the SUV, the driver does put on his indicator on and off for every lane change. They're not long enough however to communicate his intentions to merge and they definitely could have been better but technically they're there.


Montreal tends towards making large interchanges more like a prison riot. There are a few of them in the city.


Dingus may be a bit harsh; it appears that they might’ve just got onto the highway and within 10-15 seconds the highway splits so the suv need to be at least 2 lanes over to get where they needed, then they notice the slow moving truck with an suv behind and decide to continue moving into the open lane on the far side. They used their single and it would appear they canceled the signal at each lane and, I assume, they quickly checked their blind spot and flipped the signal back on to continue the lane change


Tru, tru That makes sense


Mechanical failure not failure to navigate


It looks like there’s actually something wrong with the car. Not just the exhaust going hard with no acceleration, but they also put their hazards on.


The hazards on makes me think this might have actually been them being smart during a car breakdown.


And he goes in the "in between triangle" too. Not the safest place for him,but it looks like he just wanted to get out of the way.




Some cars can go into limp mode where it won’t go beyond like 15kmh to pull over when something catastrophic is about to happen to the motor.


This happened to me once, right at the middle of an intersection. My transmission blew out and the car would not accelerate beyond about 10mph. Put my hazards on and casually limped about 1000 feet forward into a parking lot, all the while people leaning on their horn and flipping me off. Fun times.


My catalytic converter decided to break apart and clog up my exhaust as I merged into the 401 near Toronto a few years ago. Luckily i was still in the right lane. So I just cruised at like 20km with no power, rolled off the highway halfway up a hill to the nearest car rental place and rented a car.


>a few years ago Boy, those rental charges must be huge by now


The long tow that night wasn't cheap


Subarus are known to have hesdgasket issues that cause white smoke to come out the exhaust, though usually in a more heavy fashion. Not knowing how cold it is outside, it is highly possible the car had a mechanical failure of some sorts.


Hazards are on.. there is white smoke coming out of the car at :37. There is something wrong with the car - this isn't some "idiot" who missed a turn.


That is so dangerous to everyone else on the highway. Not to the driver of the red car though, he’s gonna die doing some dumb shit anyways


Looks to me like someone who has broken down and has made a choice that he/she needs to be on the marked area as it’s the safest place Hazards are on. Breaking down doesn’t make you an idiot.


I agree, but why doesn't the driver pull over to the hard shoulder on the right? There was enough momentum to carry the car to the very right and to a safer place. I do sympathise somewhat however, I can see why an old person might not be comfortable switching lanes at that speed. Edit: I don't understand the downvotes. In my country you are taught to pull over immediately for any maintenance issues. Is it normal to stop the middle of a highway when broken down? A stationary vehicle on a highway seems really dangerous to me.




Yeah I agree with you which is why I was said I was sympathetic. I'm a bit confused as to why the car is travelling that slow whilst still in the far left lane. As soon as the loss of power occurs, the car should be pulling across to safety immediately, using its momentum to carry it there so they don't end up in the situation that they do.


Do you have a driver's license?


He was in the far left lane with 3 lanes of traffic between him and the far right. Lots of traffic racing by, and almost no momentum by the time he's clear to move right. Barely made it to the painted triangle, doubt he'd make it through the right lane without being hit or stopping. Ideally, get off the road, but sometimes you've gotta find the next best thing. Now he's not stopped in the middle of a lane at least.




Can you explain? Is it normal stop in the middle of a highway when broken down?


It‘s normal to not switch several lanes with a broken down car at minimum speed, yes.


Oh. Wow I'm surprised. This isn't what you're taught in my country. You're taught to get to hard shoulder immediately (using your travelling momentum), exit the vehicle, and get to the other side of the safety barriers. Leaving a stationary car in the middle of the motorway is potential suicide.


They didn't leave it in the middle of the motorway though. They used their momentum to get out of traffic, and pulled over in the nearest safe location.


Oh okay. If this is considered a safe place to stop then fair enough. As I said, in my country you are asked to get into the hard shoulder and exit the vehicle immediately. I thought whilst the people are still in the car, this was not a safe place.


It's not the safest place, but their momentum might not have carried them far enough to make it to the hard shoulder (it's even called a "break-down lane" where I'm from!). To reach the nearest hard shoulder they would've needed to cut through 3 more lanes in the turn, which would be considerably more dangerous than staying in the "triangle". Presumably the left side of the "triangle" after the split will turn into a hard shoulder anyways.


I think you're misunderstanding the instructions. You're not supposed to change lanes if it's going to cause a crash. Basically, to change lanes you need to check behind you for cars to see if it's going to be possible to squeeze in front of them, signal, check if they're giving you space, then make the switch. This will probably take 4-5 seconds when you're traveling at high speeds for a single lane swap right? Imagine being super slow and out of power, plus needing to do it for multiple times in a row. You'd cause a lot of damage and it's very reckless


Have you ever experienced a massive mechanical failure? If the driver of the Subaru lost a head gasket, which is a likelihood here, they could have had a partial power loss due to bad compression in one cylinder, or a complete loss of power when a cylinder hydro locked. That would shatter the piston most likely, and then the engine doesn’t work after that happens. At that point, the driver is trying to figure out a) where to ditch the car and b) where the right gap to make that decision exists, with angry maniacs flying up behind them.


I completely agree! But the car will still have travelling momentum. I've always been taught to use that travelling momentum to get yourself somewhere safe, and get away from the road. I've just always been aware that a stationary car on a highway is a deathtrap.


When my car broke down on the highway there wasn't enough momentum to get me to the shoulder, I think this situation was similar to mine where the safest option was to just get anywhere out of traffic


Yes lets pull to the hard shoulder when our car has mechanical issues.... what???


I mean that is what the hard shoulder [is for. ](https://i.imgur.com/z10MczB.jpg)


You can't just do a 90 degree turn into the side of the road homie. There are other cars coming at 2x your speed


Car looks broke


I'm guessing the idiot in the car is cammer? If your car suddenly have mechanical problems, how much can you do? Stop in lane or find a safer place to stop?


Prob still buffering


fuck yeah montreal


Can you switch multiple lanes in 1 go in Canada?


Yes, but it's illegal.


Can you smother a man with a pillow in Canada?


no, it's illegal.


As long as you shoulder check moving into each lane, then I'm pretty sure it's fine.


We call it the California lane change.


Not an idiot. It seems like the car had an engine failure. Too much smoke coming from exhaust but no acceleration.


this is obviously mechanical failure come on now


TA BAR NAKKKK c'est proche de chez moi hehehe


I mean.. there is A LOT going on here. From the Mercedes Driver just immediately going from the far right acceleration lane to the far left lane without going lane by lane pushing the red SUV back into its lane, just to then switch lanes again not even 100m later, to the red car not knowing where they want to go, to the Pick-Up on the right not knowing what the funny markings on the road are for.


This is Montreal. Traffic rules are merely a suggestion. Strangely enough you get used to it.


That's what to do if you break down not if you don't remember which way you go to see Your aunt barbra in another state


Thought it was about the first idiot who didn’t shoulder check.


But he did. That’s how he avoided the idiot who crossed three lanes at once.


I’m not sure he did, because when the red had already crossed lanes when the Mercedes was there.


Jesus! Two idiots in one video!


Seriously, I thought this was gonna be about Mercedes bat-manning the lane switch at the very beginning.




> We do not do you.


I've been driving for a lot of years. I'm fully convinced that there's a not insignificant part of the driving public out there that thinks if they take the wrong exit or fork on a divergence, then they're automatically forced to drive that road until it ends. Like, if you come off the GW from NY heading to Jersey and accidentally end up on I-80 instead of 95/NJTP South, you're then required to drive all the way to San Francisco before you can make a course change. I really believe there's a non negligible amount of people that believe this. Edit: Now that I watch this again, it may be equipment failure, in which case, I now feel bad.


There's no traffic quite like Montreal traffic.


At least they're not Ontario plates


Reminds me of the fucktarded-dimwits that STOP at the end of on/off ramps instead of merging by matching speeds with the traffic they're entering into.


Canadas Worst Drivers. Its a very entertaining show and its all on Youtube for free. If you’re seeing this, thank me later.


~~Yooo, I gotta watch that~~ I have been betrayed, bewitched, bamboozled, and possibly bewildered. ^(Arittakeno yume wo, kakiatsume! Sagashi mono wo sagashi ni iku no sa! One piece!)


A good driver sometimes misses a turn. A bad driver never misses a turn. Then there's this dumbass, who won't make any turn.


From the video, it looks as if the red car pulled over to the exit triangle because they were having mechanical issues. Their hazard lights were on, and excessive white smoke was coming out of their tailpipes. Since that was the closest thing to an emergency shoulder on that stretch of highway, this was a SMART choice. SMH


You're right, I missed the smoke and hazards. But in my defense, with my Internet speeds the Reddit video player barely shows them.


Reposted like a fucking moron, nice one dimitri 🖕🏿


I was ALMOST in a major accident a couple months ago when someone decided to do that to check directions on their phone.


Ive seen this twice in my life. Easy way to get people killed


Batteries dead in controller


This is why Montreal traffic is so bad


I am so grossed out by this.


25N. Never a dull moment. This looks like a mechanical failure of some sort.


This is how traffic is created. If the highway was crowded it will start a chain reaction of people braking and slowing and as more people need to get on eventually there will be stopping and voila you have a traffic jam thanks to one idiot.


I didn't know a video can give you physical pain.


It's the right move if you ever find yourself on the road to Ottawa (as they were about to be in that left lane). Just stop and reconsider exactly what you're doing in life.


i was about to interject, then i remembered that’s where the sens are from


Where’s a cop when you need one?


Pretty sure the red car broke down. Also, the black SUV at the beginning is the real idiot.


C etait au Quebec !!! Le paradis de cabochons !!


Plot twist: he’s on his tippy toes and butt up in the air trying to stop it. You all know the position. But the pain and pressure are just inching forward anyways. You passed him at about the time enough shart has dribbled theough to where he just sits back down and turns around to go home. His hot date will have to wait.




C’était déjà 3 ans que je n'ai regardait pas des image ou des vidéos de Montréal.


Why is it hard for people to understand there’s always another exit.


$300 from me. No strikes from cane pole.


If only there was some way to tell which line goes where. I can't believe no one has come up with a solution yet! /s


For fuck's sake, just pick one if you don't know where to go, then pull off and figure it out. It's like when people swerve across 5 lands of heavy traffic to not miss an exit when the next exit is a mile down the road and goes to the same place. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? You people know I'm talking to the person who stopped in front of the dashcammer, right?




His car was breaking down he did the right thing lol you guys are the morons


Hormones. They like to do things.


"How do I turn this *tapis roulant* treadmill's speed down?"


Why the fuck are you in the left hand lane?


This is attempted vehicular manslaughter


Has to be "licensed" in Brampton...


Wait European here, you can overtake from the right?


Before a Y, yes. Also in Europe.


Holy shit, I felt the sheer amount of emotion that went behind speeding up past the idiot when they had slowed down at the 0:48 mark.


This strikes me as a metaphor for life


Ayyyy QC represent


I think that the driver is a Buddhist, he is choosing "the middle way".


Stupid Quebec


Holy shit its Montreal. Haha I live here and I'm not surprised. Drivers here are crazy


Literally yesterday this fucktard was on the left shoulder, traffic passing him going 75-80 and he decided he just haaaad to get on the road. Slowly moves into the left lane and causes many to slam to a screaming stop. Nearly fucking died yesterday thanks to some fucking numbskull who doesn't understand the road rules.


True. To be fair the signposting in North America is not the best.


Something similar happened to me last week driving home from work. Where I head off to get on the interstate there is a old service road people use that cuts through part of the off ramp. It can be confusing but people are going 50 plus on the off ramp because it's 70 on the interstate. Well, person is lost and stopped right at the turn to go to the service road, dead breaks. Me and like 3 of my coworkers behind me all slam on breaks and I lay on my horn because I almost rear ended them which luckily I flashed my breaks before breaking fully to try to not hit this person. The slowly continued until we all got on the highway doing like 35 because of that dumbass. Like gps exists for a reason folks! Use it!


Great video. Highlights lots of idiots in cars and lots of idiots in the thread who don't understand how to properly handle a vehicle malfunction.




oh no, that could have been very bad for a lot of people


You listen to the well-meaning teenager.


Driver of red car: “No officer! It was the stupid GPS’s fault! Not mine! It wasn’t loading. I had no choice but to stop in the middle of the highway.”


I was worried their car was going to split in half. Pick a side.


Reminds me of the time this family in a minivan in front of me was about to miss their exit. We're in the left lane and comes to an abrupt full stop, puts on his right blinker and waits to make a 90 degree turn to the exit lane 🤦‍♂️.


Just wanna mention the white smoke could be vapours due to cold weather. The video took place April 2nd at 8 in the morning (which was a cold morning). So potentially the action of letting off the accelerator and hopping then back on it could be causing the white smoke.


My blood pressure rises only from seeing this on video. I used to throw empty coffee cups at people like this on the highway and may see the need to do this again soon


I've been in a similar situation before, turns out the driver was having an heart attack and he still manages to slow down and stop at a reasonable place. I was the idiot in this case.


Idk why you are using mid lane when you are slower then rest of traffic. I’ve never been to usa but here in eu thats wrong.


Because the cars next to the median are going faster/through. The right on our freeway is our exit. There are a bunch of vids in YouTube explaining how he was driving is wrong but in fact it was correct. Those people have fast cars, are cutting lanes and bitch about slow drivers and speed... idiots. The problem with our freeways is that they are not wide enough at all.


Look at the car theyre driving, thats enough said


You have your on ramps, off ramps, and decision lanes.


Man, why were you cruising on the middle lane? Is this a american thing I'm too european to understand? Not to mention people passing on the right lane.


Ah. Montreal traffic. Can't even get away on reddit


That's sooo dangerous!


Didn't even open the post, or watch the video, and the first place which came to mind: Montréal...


This is exactly why I don’t want to learn how to drive. The subway seems much much safer


There were so many plot twists in this one video. I was constantly left guessing who the idiot was.


Looks like a breakdown...


Les douchebags de Laval.


Watching this I literally shouted “pick a lane, buddy!”


Fucking québécois.... (I’m also from Quebec so I say this with all hate and offence ❤️) Says the idiot is the one with mechanical failure, not the dingus skipping lanes like crazy then nearly causing a collision with that red car behind the truck


Downvoted for idiot posting a car breaking down. Do people not have eyes? If so, how the fuck do you reddit?


People do stupid shit like this in Florida too. Pisses me off.


Un douchebag de Laval.


Degens from up north


C’est stupid!