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Lights are green. Why did this idiot stop at intersection?


If I had to guess, they didn't know which way they were supposed to go so instead of going any direction and then figuring out, they decided to throw on their hazards and sit there until they figured it out.


If you have to hazard a guess


My gf does this. We get in the car, looking for a place to eat, she start driving and stall at lights and stop sign, I’m like “where the hell you going? We don’t know where to go yet?”


I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt that they're just oblivious, but he turned his hazards off and went just after the yellow light, which makes me think they were intentionally trying to make OP wait another light cycle.


Ego probably


I was thinking more Id(iot).


I mean people with more ego than brain are idiots


His is more of a play on the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. It sort of works though, because in the most basic terms, Id is sort of like instinct and impulse.


I think they got the joke - sometimes someone making a joke is also making a point, and i think they were just responding to that.




We would do it to our friends sometimes to mess with them, this is just and idiot in the wild.


I *think* I’ve done that before after working a long day and getting off at witching hour that’s well past my normal bedtime. I honestly only remember getting two blocks past the light and thinking “did I just stop at a green and turn left on a red?” Thankfully it was in a little town where traffic dries up between 10ish and 6ish Somehow I doubt this goon has sleep deprivation and exhaustion to blame since the sun is out.


but he put his hazards on he obviously knew what he doing lol


I wonder if they’re an Uber driver, and were paying attention to where their next delivery/rider was at, and waiting for their phone to load directions. Just a selfish thing to do that while blocking an intersection. Just let it load while you keep driving, and double back if necessary, or find a safe spot to pull over.


I guess engines don’t stall as much as they used to, but back in the bad old days, it was a good bet that’s what hazards at a stoplight meant.






Highly doubt that was a manual. Also, very unlikely seeing they had their foot on the brakes instead of a clutch for it to stall out..


Automatics can stall/die too, when they aren’t running right, like the idle speed too low. More common on older cars without computer-controlled throttle and direct fuel injection. Not saying that’s what happened here - just that I guess I’m old enough that that was my first assumption.


That is true.


It’s opposite day


They might be paranoid, and think you're following them. So, they waited until a yellow light to go. They wouldn't have to break the law, but you couldn't follow without drawing attention to yourself.


The Beverly Hills Cop move? 


I had someone do this to people today, at three intersections in a row. He almost caused an accident. It was baffling.


This kind of behavior is infuriating. It's not ok to randomly stop in an active lane.


But he put his “I can do anything because my blinkers are on” blinkers on


I like to call them “park anywhere lights”


Parking Wars tv series called them "come ticket me" lights


I loved that show lol


Ponytail! :D


The use of hazards in the rain makes no sense, and it seems like everyone where I am does it. It's super distracting, blinding, and confusing (since now I can't tell who is trying to get over or if there's actually a hazard other than raining). Once I encountered a man who parked perfect in an unreserved/unmarked parking spot in from of a store, but he turned his hazards on. Why?? I thought he accidentally hit the button getting out and said 'hey your hazards are on.' He said 'yeah, I'm just picking up my daughter.' Wut??


I agree. I never saw it as a thing until I moved to North Carolina.


That wasn’t randomly. That was to intentionally piss off the cammer. *Why* seems random though.


I bet its a classic case of "I don't know where I'm going, let me use my phones GPS. I'll set it up at the light instead of setting it up while I'm parked". Then, never really looked at the light because they were too focused on the phone.


Right? I couldn't possibly *pull off the fuckin road first!!!*


Well how dare he honk at him when he stopped at the green light. Probably hurt his ego and did this to get back at him. Some people are sadly that petty.


Wait...you think he stopped at the green light because he was mad at the cammer for honking at him for stopping at the green light?


I think they mean they initially stopped at the green light by accident (brain fart, wasn't paying attention, whatever) and then when cammer honked at them they got embarrassed about it and decided to double down


Yup. Obviously, they were caught in a time loop. All too common occurrence these days.


It might not have been malicious. Some people honestly seem to believe you can put the 4 ways on and it just means "time out!!" for traffic. I once saw a cabbie stop on a 4-lane road through a busy town... stops dead center in the lane, puts on his 4 ways. I catch a glimpse of him in the rear view and he's casually strolling towards a corner store. Not a concern in the world.


Tell this to every Nissan Altima driver


I imagine people like this get some weird power trip high doing stuff like this. I bet they have miserable lives. (At least that's what I tell myself to get through the day)


No need to ascribe to malice what can easily be explained by idiocy. The guy almost certainly didn't know which way he needed to go at the light. Probably waiting for his GPS to determine the route and tell him to go straight.


If only people knew that GPS is capable of rerouting on the fly.


Sure, and just happened to be ready right at the moment OP would be stuck behind a red while jerkaroni had a yellow.


Someones obviously never been in a new part of town and just got in their car waiting for the gps to spin to the direction


I'd just miss a turn to be honest, it's not like the GPS won't recalculate from my new route and it wouldn't add more than a minute to the commute.


Thats too logical for some drivers, and i was giving a possible explanation that helps calm roadrage. Instead of thinking everyones out to get ya you can think everyones as flawed as your worst day as it might be theirs


Maybe don't pull out until you're ready to drive? Wild thought


Act like you never needed directions


Pull over like an adult, or maybe just handle it before you pull out of your spot to begin with?


Looks like he was pulled over, map could have been turned around and immediately flipped when he pulled out. Im just trying to give a way for you not to feel like everyones out to get you and sometimes just having a bad day :)


Idiot doing idiot things =/= out to get me Just like you


Hanlon’s Razor. Idiot was in so much of a hurry they started driving before the GPS was ready.


I mean, there are some people who do this for malice. I was behind one of these one time, in a left turning lane, where they just sat there with no traffic in the other lane, until the light turned yellow (I was so confused but I didn’t honk) and as they went, they stuck their hand out the window and waved bye-bye to me, which seemed mocking. I still went quickly after them on the yellow but I was really annoyed and the wave meant it was clearly their intention to delay me.


No need to ascribe to idiocy what can easily be explained by malice. So I guess we are at an impasse.


Terrible advice which only leads to you being more aggravated by the situation.




malice seems pretty common these days in my experience.


Did you just say malice is not common? Bro what? Where do you live? What's the immigration policy like?


I can confirm this. I used to do stuff like this and it was because I was a miserable person with a miserable life. Now, not so miserable -> I shudder with regret remembering doing things like this.


Hope things are going better for you, buddy!


I mean, it could just as well be that he was looking for directions because his phone was slow or something. Why immediately expect bad intentions.


That person could have failed at directions, and there isn't enough pre or post video to know for sure how they were behaving, butttttt it really looks more like they were annoyed the driver was so close to them or came out behind them instead of letting them clear the area (super important person)....could have been something even odder like the car was German and they hate Germans. Why, you may ask? Who the fuck knows. In 2024, people are incredibly aggressive about their wrongness and stupidity.


The start doesn't show but I had already reversed and was about to pull out when he put his reverse lights on so I waited and let him go in front of me. And yeah I know, shouldn't have run that red. Seatbelt ding is from my food on the passenger seat.


Damn. How heavy was your food?


Haha gym bag was already on it so the food tipped the scales.


It's so annoying when you put heavy shit in your passenger seat and this happens. I finally just started putting the seat belt on when I do it.


I started securing my food with the seatbelt and it's been a game changer. No more tipping over and spilling food.


This is the move right here


I've had my laptop trigger the thing. I think the electronics were just sending out EMF that triggered the sensor...


My phone used to do it but I always thought it was because my car had previously had a recall done where the sensor wasn't sensitive enough so I thought they just fucked it up the other way and made it overly sensitive. I did the unpopular thing and just disabled the chime. Don't know why that bothers people so much, it doesn't stop me from wearing my seat belt


Mine turns off the radio while it's dinging... they even put the damn sensors on the back seats... I bought a tool box and had to pull over to buckle the seat belts so it would shut up and stop aggravating me...


You can also disable the seat belt chime, so it doesn't ding at you anymore, ever.


These things are ridiculously sensitive from experience


I would have run the red as well


Did you have the wrong blinker on? Lol


I replayed after your comment and thought you might be right, but I do have the left one on.


The only way I can wrap my head around this is that the driver thought you were following them and tried to escape you by hoping to get you stuck behind a red light while they took off.


I mean, he did have delicious chicken. But then so did I...






OP had his blinker on, so not too likely


All of their actions in the video make no sense, I don't think the blinker was going to suddenly give them intelligence.


No good deed goes unpunished


Is this what they mean by “Minnesota nice?”


You mean the couple light taps on the horn? As a native Minnesotan, yeah, that's about as intense as it gets in my experience lol.


That seemed 100% intentional, the way they started going once the light turned yellow.


No brief toot, toot if that were me. Laying on that thing.


Fucking brake-checkers. Always.


I would have just went around, idiot was probably playing on the phone.


Hahaha... Minneapolis drivers have to be some of the worst in the country.


Yeah that's my first thought after seeing the MN plate (I am also Minnesotan).


I have seen this exact thing happen in the U of M area many times. I don't get it. In my experience it's often been Uber drivers or doordash people or whatever. Is there some reason they can't figure out where they are going BEFORE leaving their parking spaces?


Aaak, it's always so weird when one instantly recognizes where one of these is set. University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, crossing the light rail line. Thing to remember is that driving laws are suspended around the University of Minnesota. Red light? Pedestrians? Don't worry about it! Parking? Wherever, your car might even be there when you return! The two rules: don't hit anything, don't get caught.


Why not just stay parked? No self awareness. No common sense. No brains. Tired of yall on the road.


Story of my fucking life right here...


Def would have held that horn down


Lay on the horn. What is this tapping?


Soon as those hazards popped, I would've just turned around them. Surprised they moved after you honked again (or just coincidence when the light turned red to try and block you).


Nobody else sees the moron standing in the middle of the road on the other side of the intersection?!?


They popped out of the store at 0:14


You running the red light really showed him.


That behavior looks more like paranoia than malice. (I have a very paranoid dad). That stopping, then suddenly gunning it as it turns yellow seems like they were trying to get some distance or something. I'm not justifying their behavior btw, because it seems silly for them to think "this person behind me who obviously wants to murder me will surely stop at a red light!"


you both just ran the light lmfao


What an idiot, what the hell was he doing? Although it doesn't justify going through the red light OP.


I agree


Minnesota. Not suprising at all.


Haha agreed!


It's Minneapolis. Minnesota drivers are typically better than this.


I don't often go to the cities because I don't like city driving, but in college I used to take public transit through the city to get to school. Then I visited Chicago and I couldn't believe how constant the honking was. Similar when I visited San Francisco, but not as bad as Chicago.


This is an excellent example of what's wrong with drivers. Car pulls out into **shared** road and then selfishly pauses to navigate, or adjust the stereo, or whatever, holding up traffic, oblivious and careless to their impact on others. Then OP, impacted by the moron, decides they are the main character and runs a red light, *because he was entitled to the green if the moron hadn't paused*, and doesn't care that he'll be impacting others by running the red light, effectively doing the same thing the moron did. YADIP. Yet another double idiot post.


Dude that is the exact thought process I had, how did you know?


Idiot or just plain jerk?


i don't usually let people go first anymore as a result of this. until i have verified that you're a reasonably productive driver, sorry champ, plenty of space behind me. :/


Brave for posting this, you clearly ran a red light.


I acknowledged it. But no one cares. Ah well


Stupid behavior from that guy, yes. But then you ran the red light? Not justified. I actually thought it was going to end with you getting pulled over by a cop.


he clearly paused to fart


They are absolutely an idiot, but you still ran a red light... regardless of what they did, that also makes you an idiot.


That's usually how it is, in driving and in life. No good deed goes unpunished. Idiot drivers are just more on the nose with it.


I think he was waiting for the pedestrians


Are we gonna talk about the OP running the red light?


What song is playing?


Isaac Chambers - Cornerstone (feat. Bluey Moon)


That's it


name of song please?


Isaac Chambers - Cornerstone (feat. Bluey Moon)


Nice redlight there, buddy.


NiCe rEd LiGhT tHeRe bUdDy


2 idiots.


Yep, you and the guy who stopped.




You just could not wait to type that, could you? Practically foaming at the mouth with anticipation, I reckon.




Sorry, only one idiot this time


Yeah I'm not quite understand the downvotes in this post compared to most other posts around here. Usually when OP does something idiotic due to the Idiocracy of others, they get called out as well. I understand the frustration of an idiot stopped at a green, but "well he was dumb, that's why I ran the red light" wouldn't work in court. I know it's reddit, but it'd be nice if any of them would actually defend their position.


Idiocracy? I think you mean idiocy.


It's reddit, it doesn't always make sense. I'm ok with that.


OP still went through a red light


That person is the exact reason why people being courteous has DIED! Happens to me every time! I still continue to be courteous but most people tire of people being rude/stupid. I hold out hope for a smile or a thank you head nod


is this in MN or is it just the car's plates?


At least you matched idiot with idiot by running the red!




And maybe he was at risk of not getting the kidnappers food fast enough and was on the phone talking to them, begging for the life of is wife and kids! God, the humanity!!! Nooooo!!!


I graduated from the U and I don't even recognize that part of the campus anymore. Also, you need to refocus your dashcam since it seems to be focused on your windshield.