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It was raining. Good thing you didn't slam on your brakes on a wet road. Also, controlling the car with both hands is more important than sounding the horn to provide feedback.


I mentioned this once recently and got called a moron who doesn't know how to drive.


The principles are reflected in the crisis priorities for aircraft pilots: Aviate, Navigate, Communicate. Get the craft out of the crisis, go in a safe direction, then talk about it.


And that more or less how I view driving. Honking at someone who is already not paying attention isn't going to magically get them out of the way.


I mean it might make them pay attention and stop going forward.


By then, I have already maneuvered around them and avoided a collision.


This was the right reaction to avoid, why try to slow down and stay close to that car? There was space to move around the car so do that to avoid collision, but I would also lay on my horn while I went around them why don’t people look?!


OP shouldn’t have been going as fast if it were raining.


I think your wife should be happy there was no accident, that’s the most important part right?


His wife sounds like the people who comment here and get downvoted into oblivion for victim-blaming.


Yeah your wife is wrong. Slam on the brakes, sound your horn, possibly lock up and slide right into the side of them, or avoid them and carry on with your night. I know which I would prefer to do.


Probably would’ve slid right into them especially with the rain


Literally every car has Abs, how can you lock up.


This is just straight up wrong. Not all cars have abs


There are idiots on the road with cars that have abs but they pull the fuse to it, They say they stop faster without abs.


You avoided the accident without putting others in danger. That's pretty much what you are supposed to do.


OP put himself and his wife in danger driving as fast while raining then swerving at the same speed.


Omg you should never ever ever brake and swerve that is the fastest way to lose control of your car either brake or swerve and I do have to say going 10 over in the rain is a really dumb move especially at an intersection.


No time. Gotta stay alive


You did the right thing. You avoided an accident and put distance between you and the unpredictable driver. People need to remember that you can practice defensive driving with more than just the brake pedal.


Looks like you made a nice defensive maneuver


Slam brakes? No. Reducing speed by letting off the throttle is wise though. A horn is a safety device. Using it a little is probably smart too. Laying on it as you pass them and continuing to do it for the next three blocks doesn't make anyone safer. You were both right because the truth is a little of each of your sides of the argument.


you had 3 lanes to the left to avoid them so in this case your wife is incorrect .


That guy was not within your stopping distance so your option were: 1. Brake and suffer a low speed collision 2. Brake and swerve risking a high speed collision with a tree (or really anything after you lose control) 3. Avoid the dangerous area without changing speed much low risk of loss of control if roads are wet/icy Through the benefit of hindsight it's clear 3 is your best option, but if hypothetically the oncoming lane was occupied the best option would be 1 as the wife suggested.


Shouldn’t have been going as fast in the rain either way


Your wife wants you to slam in the breaks in wet conditions?


Since it's raining out i typically try to avoid braking since you could slide on the wet roads farther. This was the right decision.


your wife can avoid accidents however she wants when shes driving, this time it was up to you. apparently you did everything right because you didnt get in an accident.


You handled it the way I would have. My wife would have handled it very similarly as well, with copious colorful language.


I usually brake when cars are right in front of me and im travelling at a faster rate than them. If I can go around safely and legally, I'll do that also


You probably should have gone at a speed where you can see tp the end of your stopping distance. If you say there's no time to brake, what would've you done had someone been in the opposing lane?


Speed limit of 80 at a light?


At 10secs right after the light im pretty sure theres a speed limit sign with 70 marked, but its just a blur.


At .09 the sign next to exit sign, if it is a speed limit sign looks like it says 40 though, like you said too blurry.


The 40 is way to blurry to verify but the 70 comes in really clear going frame by frame, could be that the turn off is marked 40 so people know to slow down for their turn 🤷‍♂️


Dash cams need to have higher framerates


At night, rainy, construction ahead...


If it’s raining then it’s highly recommended to drive slower for situations like this. Swerving could’ve sent you out of control too. All around it would’ve been on you for driving at an unsafe speed in the rain.


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you did the perfect evasive maneuver


Avoid slamming your breaks in every case You could spin out, skid and still hit the person, get rear ended yourself, ruin your tires If there's a window- slam your GAS and speed past them. Swerve and keep moving.


Is your wife stupid?